4MMHK! IIUMM—IIHHiIIII 1 1 im illilllimii—lillimWili li liii JWK* 1 ' “ -<l»"«aWWßW*fc. ' j i! ' IH'.UCVI'IS l ) Kl-GlO' M Mi'll.T - Hove arc ' n te" gates, lutiriul. stale ami lm.il XAACP ofiici'i'., who .iti.i-inJ.il tin- SlOUtlU'.Htvi'H r .1 . <ll fi-renci' of tH•- VV \( i’ h hi< !i \l:is held in Raleigh Saturu.iy anil Snudui «it last week. I in studfents pickolinian the carolinian , SINGLE A Pages ! NORTH CAROLINA’S LEADING WEEKLY COPY lUC vih.ihTk \”xvisT ’iiM.i mu. Ni utu . ii-.o .in wkp.k kmiim: s\n i;rtA>. Ai-itn, iuii No. xxxix * * ■*• * a ;# > '* '-te *¥■*¥¥♦* ■¥■■*• * i ★ ★ * * DIXIE-60P UNSON LASHED BY WHITE IN SPEECH HEBE M iOl Slill’IIAHl) C' i; ’i} ’‘ ' U ‘it , s!» ■T: • • Oilli; ii.\ W .illi: » V. ■\.■ ■ • .•• Av i * \ Oi Utiv-- • 1:.»* \ v '.'•(! -- ! Nuiiduv •: 'hi : ■ o! h publican/ and S n DiuutKr.uV V'. h:ch hr- /.,.■: (■: / / A Tiru; Lr.ick Ino i rk A > 1 - 2'» > rh t . <• I A s • 'UUTtT* !)•:■• ihV atKi ..'r-' iiH N A.ACt - 1 h*-.< i vit.v'.v'd I :. * . line 1» ; iv dv Ik [itt: •ed to uuA.raMn *A do;;*:; v; teh“’ ? for pro- j •/TO; ivi St* *i rOi Oi. UAuiv aii /iici; iu-e o' 2,:H»D pa - .'.un*- Wli" : l)< : : od tho iUUiI .Si i-.ioi of ihe 2-tiov SoAiAaA'Te Rc : gi*nr! .'j -NAACp A;.:, AyditoHum. A1• i, :}y »* I, r j 4 >| . j »*o'l \ !PC > t: 1 1/ 1 . ol Ai A wof::... Georgia Ms- ' jN?or‘h ;-.?id South. Curolinu nt‘end ed eariior rs'T n.: iT th LA'idoi /•■•hip tOTi T':; nil]:, lIV UIIUC \v [> •eh won* the (’! uh fVhm;,:b' ;md Ah; LM ' A During (, Jon;;; j OCJj■ ■‘ i • il l hr A '' ■'ii >i \ utu .• i/it . :iun \ )\ j. Ini.'. i. economic. •'« ■ i ,-nd oth« r. t y.itv ol .;in..tno pi .icf ice'C Un 1 1 'd S!a! '.-a Not ./! ( I rp- ■ •■hiT'.'if m v m a i'v am...;. ■ y \-ftn j> ■»■. c :s:-; many <,( i!>( dalc>>; U’s :ook : v lit nr r! J 1 ;!;;. *iv , a it ,j In i. d i«CH£.‘. lircii: n ;;CJ> tr' m li-rlt!;; 1»;« ■. ii. pfctivt, . ; n.. rncin.bt'Ts t..i tin ace Hop- a’cd attacks v.vre madr up.in I hr* ‘•cumpiacciv.-v’ of Noitli Caro lir Mt: •• on v.f'vc mtidi' b> tim del- Hg.v.U' nri ,v themseJ v»J!> frotr.! North *oi Ina. moUidinf Kelly M Alcxandi pi' . idem ;.! the Slat" ' c-.'iiftveuci' of N.AACI’ Branches Mr. Alcsanric: '•.' -j ' .e Saturday moinint; senior, th.-.l Ivoitii Caro linians wm- livii'ij? uiiuOt a sys tern of "DfLuxo j which found “complacent Negroes" and ■•diplomatic vehi’et united be- j *>!(••' .• -ofirum rs •’•octal gradual- i • if: i.icrpctutiison of netj.ua'. facilities' . v conditions in '■<; by W. W. Ist section) ' sv >ro !han ''T>o rr;.; .-.tered ;!t-1 1*- < i t‘«' i.tmr iron* Mi-si* i| <t, V’.. |ji\tuji> J loriOii, *. ti 1 *!! f;i, -• exviv. i seo., North ;• nd South Carolir.i \ialtvt W« \tr national WACV ■ i'cl't-i U'V . ii - LfN ;V 111f N ’ X ” : ' A -Ts IN < llAKt.i: Ol (ON! !R- I\< 1— Al».vc arc shown of lirrs of the Ualriß-li Branch. NAAI V, ami memljcrs the committee on .itrimpomcnts vim ti mil vt ffc iii charge of the >i»j;»><•;; -tern Regional NAACP Coti'. i rliim S)f■ 1 ! m Riilcirh <in Sa:tirda> osrt Minday ol last .shown m the gidtip .; i\- front Ne C. Mutual Has Surpassed Hope Or its r ounder Vlany yago, w-ho ls Jolro ; Men ink. tin. founrlct of Nor lit ! Carolina Mutual, voiced his con-: | victinn that th, coinpany wr-ult! | livf, and eon li nut- to fsvotv, a ith 1 all of in-' ccnfkienc.-' in ti'.e fu- I ture of .the institution, ho pre • liab-ly ct.aid not have anlicipat.'d lb,, oxt ttt to which his pwite-! itiort \vo;.pl he fnlfillcd. If s a far cry firm the day when the ituindeiY, 1/ Iho instil utivn . ha-a ncithing to offer to h more nil! ,v ir ri t'r, of th«- t'CtnO’vctH;' which '."as held Suiif.l;i> aftetn e;n in the Memorial Aur*i terium raid Wiis attended b> over * . :?’(} J" »*V •v* *.! • . P 1 (if V MlliffiV A -;' a (-it timed the •.Ires :tig iiie need of (heir el rmv i-to-r, /.rick lilts, member of .('cutive winmiltoc. Raleigh Branch. V ( Parrish, t sivu'h I'wnmiltiv chairman; Hr. .1. Bus tee Pavi*s president ol the !Zt leifth Br.irrh; (ail ft.Ymc •• ' tirnnot ol (fir tvee-amin;; com ■ m t. in mu sms. imai tire • K.ileißh iraticii. Park r«m: f. I inn* ton, !.. If Rorec.- . an:’ fie Sjuru:,c ins mrivv ol fii. connnitU'.' on anangciT! id-.. 01 h puvoity-stricken people 'but .ii tibriract i-doa backed up :by fe/h, eab.’sfrv, dot citiij‘* ; end integrity. Tims ditv find", as ;> concrete entitv on instifutin with 615,574 .■; ! 'li.cvhr. , uc..'s eartyirta insurance coverage to the extent of sl3!k -/G3/;'h!.o(i, vet;!: aclin.ii.t&d assets < t 523.0) 1. 325. 13, of which $22.- : : .(it),5.W.80 is to s<*c'.tV(- its 1 Sligo , linns to its policyholders alone• iC i ttnued on fuige if, hit section; levts ami < on.-otuiion in the m»k i:n; , • (he re-;i;»:i. world and na {ji-a !;< ;K i- for all hum anity. file ; r..l»|i voted t :} h»i(i *ls nr- ■ . j« .: . -iki ention sn the : I,it,, id ’• i ttne'-see. N. C. Credit U nion Council To Hold Meeting In City : Toe I’.xocul.ive (.Ti'nrntUeo of the ( Ifiiioos and (if ra'eve. in a n - "mb *.(-.-1,1 .ii Raleigh ■ efeefed ! At the annual mcotirp in Ga.- ti'.‘til.! last Noviember, Kcieigh vv.-p .a looted as the ppicz o' Uk spring , tn- cling hi'cause oi’ .10 lii're Co ' p I marked ’.\drc!i s be mu op •. •••ted r,;. I v*'.*k‘. Consumers Mu leal Ass'>eia»ion. Inc. irn-a are more than 100 credit urtieip, and .• 0.-.jii rativer In Norn; !; ■ 1 in,a opera led by Negroes. The "•b'ilh ('jirofina Council nes seicc -I<d the St.-tc- Capital L ie Insur ance Company .. its insurance ' age ncy. 'Each >l' Ihc 10ft credit iPt* : i.'iis and e*- 'perrdive:, may protect each of their m< nibsrs by the group in.- lir* ace j:.’.,,j (iirmf. r.i* North 1 Carolina Council ) The meeting *.m the 12, is sehe vv v \j* 11NG W \\ ASH IN( ITON Despit < ('oojvrc si cm ml ■(’!.- 'webs, she fiphl tv c’vil rip-h’ in-uv-l tV av t<<l r st« p Monday as the l nited Slates Supremo i mi! I ,»uf laved A!.r.i;ivn»'‘: notorious Ikv.swcdi A cl, wivh vv,,.. lUn’-itpiecl to !e:t\e the eights o1 Mohto voters ip to trie tender mo tries of Dixie , • i-isti'acs Hie lJosvei! Act, : a amendiisei to the Ah-ha tv <amsfit'ition, wine!) \va- the n• i ii• o' t .nor, soi. r, tiled lor the testing of applwii ; tv levcti;' lion with a series of qlies’ioox ha eu! iipoo tm < V.t* st.il ution. Whether or not the applicant pa.sa ,j ihe ;.U( vssf u)i V Was left to the jiUpmuivL of Ihe v. aaa trar the exantination. The amendment v. .a am 0|.. ( ,‘ after . { A'eh SHAW TEACHER, I STUDENTS ARE WRECK VICTIMS A coUi-iofi between ■ ■passenger can- >'i: lb" Swithtield O, is ( 'HI l"' ‘ 0 't'vt iaiv :iiti'i! in the hospital!?.-! aticn • : . ' pi_-rf.o:o. vcludim.: shri'.v ('..cully fn-'-mber anti 1w« ; ..i,irj.... ! ■ v, i.o v.i ia* a tvpnnis oi 'ne cum AcC(ii\!iii; ’o hii ' v.’a . p.-.ti obm u Ho;-]ii!;tl Oil \VcdliOf i;A <'. • n :ny the i: ■:.ct.l l- ail of the vse <j'S. V.. 1- : \j ( V! Ip! ’: ,1 of Mrs- Janus h, Ottield. Sfu.-.v m -11.*t. *t v member. which '.'.'.vs n.- n-.J (n i it.i at Hi '11..' . ! Miss i*;.:-thon:a j Ho- ci Shew. student. and 80-• •" .r : old Mrs. Do. a Mitchell ..I Wai.e Forest which re, iis led seri u I’Ccoriiiin; to highway p.: iroimi-n (he coll Sion took place when a : (.::■■ operated in Herit ChO:>U'.:-b'. of Wake Forest, palled ..ut to pass a truck and a. a.- unable to reon- , ter the l!n. <(T irafFic. f.tocuj., l *!!.ls of Use (I'ncv.thap.i o..ii. all :. sidonl-- . ! Wain'' }• n.i t: t. were Continued on page 8. this section i d tiled io be held at i.h« B! : -dwoi't'' Street VMCA but rOiiiieM has I'." made for its sessions to be held on • the campus oi Suave University so! that stud* ' ' v. ho are Ifl-tert-u-f.' i may have nc t.-r to tin; meeting. | Of* core u ti e co'ic'.i J arc as fm-, lows: Reverend 0. F Cheek, public re- 1 j kilions direr oi '•'•haw llnivc •- ■ ity, pm-id- nt; Dr. tv. H. A. S‘.be ings. of Eclcnton. vice y*i'.std* v nr; ! Reverend A. C Mat the Ws of Wei ' don. secretary; Reverend J. W. Wi lley of Weldon, treasurer; Revemiti; H L. Mi hit tell, oi Gf.tesvillc is! i chaplain, and Professm W. J. Jam- : ison. of Littleton i» parliamehtor- j inn. Executive Committee; Reverend |J. R. TiHetl:, of Edtr.ton. i» chair- ; man. Dr. P W. J mo* of W.mvm- ■ ton. Tv. C, Professor C W. Foster. ! -a W'tlsoti, Reverend O. C.' Stolon 1 I Continued on. page 8. thip section faef wiltin’. It W tit; -A ll Kl-1! Above i- sit#* n the wreck;* s'e of one of ton < a.-, uhdii mil! r d «n the Smitiit icbi Hisyhuay ucj! < f.i\Um lie d.i> evening it uii iiU! in the .rrinns injurj o( I heir ti o{ cupanl . ttoth ears in ert' tv recited -,,ori on the it’ll >u» in O, It l.airis I 'tun U'sv H.tl< it;h tun.- f m if- # P % -■ ■% ■ si>>ifStl ■ : if . - m V’ '■'% ;>. >v JOHN ! (At \RI) IOM 1 BOY INJURED!N BIKE-CAR CRASH M DOKO'IHt I LOYD !■’ Mli VK.'.’nT .ini.a EU-Wt' 'TVtr.r. i. t V.: a.. , .'1 lie IT.it ferin,; from LiroKen It as. minor j which resulted from a ear and t»i The accident occurred on Sun day. M.hch 27, about 1:00 P. Ivl. •a Li-11 .lone , and thro- 01 his. civs I mates «. ere out riding. Those Vi ini Acre Elizabeth llrcKls.haw. Pre-- !i(: :,!iniief.l on p.-iv li. Ist .siVmn’i Newborn Infant Found In Trash, Probe Underway T-’alcigh police arc inveshga'ing ’■ tin.- brutal Pi atii cf .-in Infant boy I -it St. Agnes hospital after he uvw- : found in a trash ftan Un the Shmvii University cairpus by William Mc- Cu-lei'v, college janitor S 1 urday . mottling around I) turn, ; I! was reported by Act it •; Chief • R. R. Gitoilwiri that th- child whicis 1 was believed !•> have been around. • I 10 hourr. old when found, was dis-'u covered in a can near the west ISt:a tes Sopieme Colin hiol.if-' !, •. u •I!1i 11 - - mi!!. \<> Wo, the mh oiled vh: )n w i'D ;. Kari'or eourt tests oi t!i» amend.'iva! vr r e ; I Wilt. I. I O i’e 11!'; :i;'■ :iI i i .• io » |;i!..lM|:; i.'l-.U'ilO and r.".'ul*.e«l iii .! ru!ii!|/ that the an .Viis uncotist i' u 1 etna i in ’hat il - ■■ i v i.■ >es :■ i;<t a(ii/j :11i ■■ ra l l' 1 1 v.« 11» 1 aimeti at denial oi the hallo! It citizens of fha state, S fhti tie ipa tine in ihe <u tier heavin' before the f»ta ‘ . »S. < U'ciiit Com * of A pin ib, were ih’eaidiiiK •'■! ’.it'- I • >:• .'ld vii and i ■’ I .•; -| ,!,i Ipvs, iv- I■■ t Mnllnis and J *»h •? . H.-lsvhi 'liim ea-’i* went t<> the l S, Supreme Court on an appeal filed by the State of .Alabama and w; ’■ rv. ely wait hod hi . tliei’S'itit!iern >|;:i.ps which eve 1 (C'Uitimi ci o !; p hi., ; ■ ■ ecte u > Picket to Ask for New Law Library ! j : i?i; O. . \ <'• M<’ ■* ■i f t) U • ; ;\\ Uc ! litr lot,, u i udviUh!.: piiyykbi i.Vv;!i itf.s i-rcvi-.'iii: . .n i.)> hccomng to Bh'UK'lutrd Cutik*'. been .s;ivt n thorn bv SloLji H ’rv< y •*>r the AJ'.tA the c.r : .. cls-'i !ib f t i: y faci! it IC. >.;i ■:i O'■ hto tlv. y pointc’d uin, prevents thfcii for h; tatt np c* ihe buildif.' -: and thid he had been informed of told him c the studenh.' absence fiwm their ckisses. De.in Turner added lhal he had been aik-ed 1,.i coine to kaii , -h ; ;v I' ' (k: W n;..ii 'Pm : ,>! NO in order to sec "thy! there w.s r, l disorder.” V k".i i’o: lie: pci.on ; vsev.’:; c fit ?; i ude:action, lit -mil that tic ’in simvithy e-ith whrt entraner- to Sh'nc Hail on the col lege- entiipu■■ ai-mnn! 11 Saturday morning and died rii the hospital Sunday. Immediately .-'fter disc overing the baby, Shaw officials turned over to Wake Welfare officials. ■ali I .' carried h.m t«> the hospital. Coroner living 111. Cheek opium tha: the infant died from expos ure an 1 lack oi proper n-a-ciu-n! Continu'd on page 8. this section PRESIDENT SEES HOPE Os RESTS LAW ENACTMENT By A! »Ci t»I NNU.W T . Mid 7 .ft -ii..,-, two he . rliii i'li.jirt'il of getting civil i.i. he I'.i.iyt m.-fce re u • .: ;>n the nt ijubii. U-- taxi - ■■■i.i ..a 1;- t.tro senate in reply to a yfueeu-jvi ..s to whe v- .- i aril iaipa Ing the ay- I 'J' TFr, Ralph Etmche as ~ : : \o: Aivaeow. the rv-'- . - -i :.L ia. had l.f!l 11 y iv" to l-".-:’' t ;enM al Was lei i: Sn-.it b. t:.• - pr< t.-n! n, retain - r».M. oust. A .- eportcr then asked the Presi rlt-iVT ; (>;- UvuiOav: ]. :: 1 ;. itad not bia'-i; i;ie.iilOiit'd aa ;> .u/it c.-.n didate for the p aatio. The Presi i .. :.:v ■ a < VOi al .'v:'v- had iji-c-H naadumerl w:iniy by eolumnii'ts. In-. |,; cuiil’Crpnee v; r- u til ed with an mat Mr. T mna lukl eaneelh-d I; .- tu ■' . a- h;iia t nyogen r.'Dls in Ki-v York raid til;',! .. 1! -1 bis 1)lTa 'A ill be "a \ prill jo a rut 23. Th- President spent. ! i--..■ iti daylight to bat k Try ui: to clear tip the- p'le r.l Work hi- desk which . tec u inula ted, dm in-., his Florida vacation mid -, .; -" various: seriators and con ■ a us- :: A’ti V 'tiO ban l i'queaUid ap ,j ir.trm'nts with him. 'iy)v.; s; a foment brou gift :> scrips ij' aucMioits from ilie ri-porl. m .. , wamecl in knew v.bat Fa ; ’.ab nun f! on pare 8. tits :Cct.o» SEES ASSAILANT OF 2 SHOT HERE j id- 0,.--oid youth mid a, 34- , an .vi'i. painfully, and • i.. :-e-i. "is!v \ our dec! hero i ;■ -ni y Ti. . it-' .m ii i-'-Pluck' : s- ... '.lT,'' a: - ■ i- ■ . at ,:i i F Cr' .trim ..£: |it 1 <s i.-een reported by pdlicc. T ' ysniiiml is L-eiitK 'sought by local detectives. J. G Nichols and ■R A File- JamC: Oscar Banks oi lSt? East’ | Cabn*'i'Ul- ptrcei, was sb i in the < «v o n and the woman. Gladys Las : ' sitcr. of 308 Camden sfraet. was, ..shut in irn Hft thigh. Both are rev ■ di> -h, the s>t. Ayuos noipitai, i, Arthur vffils. jii ye..ir-nW youtii! - w ll nPo an .- ted and charged ’'with l j rfiibbins Ki' Vin T.ce EUnhte. It, of n 314 I- iisher street in tin. back.

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