I I'AVlmj u K i bark's A, Hayunci, Raleigh Funeral tli<;- tor, vvlio tin s week fill il as a ! candidate m the prim i< s },.;• cte»)i oj? lo lie po,t o| Raleigh City t oun« il member. He w.» I’n-otsi'd Sunday t;> (In i ist tt • Irish < te l.- Fiirum ami on Tue ■ • lay h,v the Raleigh (Hii’eus A ■■■ sort a no n Jsm^ r «g|| iijii . ,<IS> s'tjt A - ;•' ■ m A> - ■ C Ah’- :$£ V »x "*■ • T-.. e ’•£*,? % ■. %. *o* J| : ? DRlt I HFAO .In pit 5. S'mlw i-k, tlanaijc*- ft {••. Hi - ii> Harb.r ( 'sirs• s <- • e. ■ t.f the Negro OH isimi in !'■•• ear ••.•?»*. IVakr- ( ountj Rid ( < .*: >ptr’. fund raising <> un;; i n. I'm theme <>! tin ramiiaign ?!•••»ji ><MI! red v t • to ip \ real Neighluii ■ anti the il s*7,nc..v. f i. ?, 0- JOB VICTOHY IS WON 8Y NAAGP ry a pm; u* h: I {ip|>oin ! 'mo?-,t «ts ;v/o Negro mi’> • carriers Jn tuc I.' S P'.t Office alCi'C* I !lr Xl2 *.• t iti Fall n con . v>t *•• ~ ■ 4 ' *.• . A:-: nc irn ;■ n f e :y- Air •■■•.. ' Color •'! Pc ale which T.d cm; filleted a :;• -I On:•: l ■•;•■: i-yu ; . break tb• ' n ‘hr i -sal :: !■• discriminatory hirin ’- pyhi.>e.v, Department m . ti:o: I'.nne : ixit ri Hi ... • eelcrt ••:• ! who had bit-o p.- •-i •• ■-r e» tD:- et fclbili’.y ll ,t In: ;,•> t h. im ployment bee u;.e ir .... il , •• jtsaster rcf-i •■ d t-- allow ee; ’in 1 inept or N'.’K’-'e e . i tors. La --t !■■ cereii r *ae A ; ,0.-i;it • -!! ■ was inf 7 '- -. ed hy Ik }:. M •<••• el I, ci’Tirni'.n of trie U. s Civil. Service Commit; ;; ti rt our lif there nil’ll vO• ; }<j re ; i’r d ei, the top of a new eiigibiiiiy Hst C that the },c t;vi,isi;V v ■ M ■ ■ : rjuirep : ( -j consid''.' IJurn Me- ly ».>ri the baMr, «/ merit. of fic£ in. : ; t' sn-;* ...... :ZZ}~ i >■■... .»:■•■■■.. .1 - ; | | ..<s.?■ n, 1 HAN COLI.KOE FtVD DRIVK Repre-sfiitativt* alumni ai TO collages attended an Inter- Alum ni Council Misting Tuesday niffs l a II '.oodworth Street I’MCA to lay plans (or the- t-n t Negro l 'ollogf Fund drive hi Raleigh The campaign will he lifld ilur* N. C. MUTUAL CELEBRATES 50TH YEAR i Mere in.iii I,i(if) ciiipio'.'e.e of I the North Carolina M .ilua! I ,/ie | In.-iii'aiice tanipany and liieii i gu- si..- joined in celebration t>f - the geldr-n. At nivei ary of the | eonnwnj with a scries of L-an j ijucis held in several c'tic;.: of j the Ee.sU.rTi S aboard. Ttjt: j TXT IANT I ■As- X-X V '»A V X A,V. * X X sf A I " " ~ ■ ' ' ~~~ SfNGI E ■% r\ 16 Pages j NORTH CAROLINA’S LEADING WEEKLY \ C OPY 10c V : OU)JIE XXV lir RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA V, !■ f-KMHXC SAT! 'WAV. APKiIW, 1 9 TO N.». X\'\X J| _ __ \ _ iit _ | | i , | t11 j rouip, nammous a . , 21 orsemenf + ir 'k + -fr + 1t * it * ¥ ¥ ■¥ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 'Ar J jp jp* j j Sji jifiPTiPin y rufm Mm I lufSn lM b * n fs a v«s f| .§ y r T* v lid ‘vrnr.hwi umv ul i If- L id) oyli ; ; r ■» i\.tb iii RaiCigh for the past twen* -Iv -Live V. -. ... fi! i ! : tin u: . i .Tcij-" iiii Y’on' 1 ,>. p- ■ ni ■- fp. 1 ’ ,w I the Ea t KnieuL; Civic P mim. at : ia me..ting he'd at the Martin St. T ' ( »>♦ j . ♦ X in;.-jit .:. K ) • • I".'. 1 ; j -I J HI;.- • .f I i with .an Ir: pressure i. :vn j el Li'.’ >L : Cl% i',’ fTrOVipS , 7 { t, 00 j »*i J: • ttre of arr f}'-. . m i,. to i ilv, ' 'A A ... - i h-m.iH (i , / 'W 'A ~ 1 1 ■ . . j iV M I, Vv ;!.., .nn > he i .n i oioaLd in filing for: I Haywood ann utuecne nt, sfatcu , Ih:-;; ■ i; ’;;?? b; uni !i' At Tuesday night's Citi.t. a ; A;v,n< i.aiu.n inc-ting the matter sM.ugh.; 'to the fini-s hy S’ 1 irst;-inbe; win* intjuireel whe-th-.r thru d on 1;,..uc 8. thi. sCi;l.oi; ; l In# the latter part of this month In the jiTimp pidHTfid above are from left to right, seated; Mrs. Louis 1. Perrin, Morris-Brawn; Mrs. J. 1. Stmhviek. Shaw; Mrs Vivian Harris, Shaw; hi, 11. i eocketi. Hampton; Hr. R. { lMftiet. Viuonh PlIHm: Miss Iran - *as» C. CKrw 'W The i injor cvtcbretiun way held at the C' mwinv's nnin "ffivt in DurtiM i. Olhoe crt'.'Lir..! i' eis -.v'-f! h Id i’ • Hah :h ".nd Wash in ;tm;. 11 C fn Ralrirjh apnroxils.n'.’i.y fifty t n J.cni the i.’i’ii.ipnn.v and 111.-; I **tVCH "I gUCoL , ’CMdt.d ! - ... %' A-Wih'h ynA- : h w r? ■ ; h- ; h-:.h'hh:.:h - ■ -v . - .• •■ ■. ■■ : ;A- etc- '■ --A.hh S.-4 h.-L- wfwi, % r y.^v -..y - - . •~o- •;' y- , vw ;,y .... y •- ' - v | ■ x .- -m y-A ■ • 1 :*r iii-Awyy ,gj|u ;hy.ii ■ ■ ;,. 1-h ■. . ' ■■ - * y. : ; ; .f r -As V’sh-Ay Xvi-y yxy.h; KIT- l. Ol'Ai S( iUiOL IU M»S COM »;({ .irrciKinnMi';, pm t'lgraai; 'line.. •• groii .- i '>n •eiiri,; of Tbe heads, or reeve ;**i tatt*. > * • t liß hcßfls <'t »h»' • L’t rdiH-.itional <j (> ■< wnd*'r uu y-:nvi}f\u:c tb< lean ?Ufr< h t ':»if f*>i . s T 5! • ;<r> \X 7 fl c mas un Way Out bays ! * t f* * « fv | • u. o. Air rorce duer | W ASHING TO N ' -'.NJ’, Tk P , - 1(1. ~ ;!■ j’ ’’ ’ ' i1 V rr. iti Kirks, Spelman: Or. o. S. Bull.. tit. 2.incoin. Standing, Di.m Foster P. Fayne arse! .lolin Lewis, | Morehouse; W«lkt .• !l. Quartos ami Sew W. R, Strassm r, Vir ginia Cninn; Joel W. Wallace, | Ki'iK;di«t; Rev. s. F |».»l\ Li\ • i !>. nfuiot hold at ii ■ • Home Kekei’s i ! jili.-'ies e| die eariy hi'lary ol ' , | t:it’ covniii.n v and cent., i: tin;; I them v. ti. present r.ianti'T of ; .{'■ i- v.a ' ■ e i : This w/y foifowttt! hy r; Iran i ! scrihed .ddit-.s h- PresifU’i.t C. i of the * pi', opal i hurth. i hr' met at Nt. A«(CHM..net t oheg Hit?* ifcii. N. t So (dan far Jiarti t'on in tin- (>rnrral (ionver. t ,<>n lo In ni in ’ .ni f ran' isco ')< I. fi-all .mil U> fti ■• us.s j onuri*»« ju f<rt nv k iirdii Mt plans : - h< C pern! i*'ll '11(1 -i‘ rl'ijl I:.’ i '--,'”<l ia ? *: . last M OiJay. t.V .1 >1 ,S . nr. V'-'-rel. i oi An * • . y .i (.py ci.itii! lift'... ir.gr tone; Rev G. C. Check, Shaw; It. ( Perrin. Wilberloree; F. 1 - Basfnrd, Burnett and Howard: Rev. .}. ft. Manley, f. A. Marriott, ami I hr- Rev. .1. li Clanton, Shaw; Attorney Uogrr O'Kelly .uni Key, \ H. lohnson.. IIWa'.WT W- -mfm .WVKMMIW la,”-- I C. Spimldiug. president of the ! company (;: at the Idali iph bainiin '■ 1 included omployrcs from Ahor ktc, Ttoek.v M«:.int. ! itlkton, T . | boro and otl.nr pohda within if.;lniyh U. tin!, i A. K. La own. 11 dcigi, Dlrli’f.l inv-id of the ihnols Merting v.iUi them w ere M H .Millikan, direc tor •*( I tie American < httrch Insti tute. amt the Kt. Hev, Edwin \ Fenii k. >t> vice president, nhi is l.j-hop <>t T . -'s.i < aroiira and pro icl nit «>S the hoard of trn-T e ! . ;1111uri on pace this m« ' y.-iJI bo broker. v.p and Negs > pilots and or.!isled will te scattered 1.:, n: it ■ Cf ViCO. Col. Bet;jam'n O Davis Jr, v.iio | has headed the No all unit at L.m kbmu ns Air Fo'CP base in /•hot i JSAF colonel v , : 332nd fiphu r grata p breaks up. Army Secretory Kenneth RoyoH ■.id ;:!/ ,m : ■vice CO!,-i ■t< nu ! chang'ni m the G.iintn Bourd -r --' pant, which laid down post •: nc-i i (C niinueti on page S> Ist section) LOCAL CITIZENS CROUP VOTES TO CHANCE NAME Moving ‘'to avert emtfusi . re its subordinate gi oups*\ ■ Ra leigh Negro Ctu/en C< litboo i voted Tuc-cn.y 11 i• ,i to change its ; name l-i the Ba ■ . , Citizens As | sociation. j The name ch-mye tv a.- , r d i upon at the n gu. ir ruonthly meet ing ni the group v. .. 1 ' wai held .at the Rh-od worth Sit reel V.JCA. 0:‘ c. rn. transacted by the tony ineluded a,., ui. to pv.-t --| pon<'!';t .A its ai.-ual cunsiunity i.'Ptj! a isder aide .n order to i (■■? rtn • iberj tor u. ;rk v> :’.h i.M. Beat C ana other enmnna* iiy efforts now in progress. The community ;® g. which is slated to be a benefit aimed at the raising of funds to aid in eslcb- JU;i .. of n blood bank at he St. Agnc-a Hospital, will be undertaken, in the late spring or in the e.;r\y tall if the closing of the city ? !schools tabes plat-.- before an <ar~ ; lier date can be set The group voted also to submit ■ a memorandum tii the City School ’Board reemphasizing it- : n.teret Continued, on page 8, thi# section iotw aewvs »«»»»» - *yw Euuich Mutagcf. scrvrd a ron:.- * Irr ’1 crrcmonlcs , At i i'c l)ui*a.*.in i.'i.ilitj’ict five hundred-tiltv offin.i.s. enipluv- s, and guest- of the North Car tics | idttUm! l.itv inm im Cnti'pc.'ty i c;ipp< d aft Uny Gufdi ii .1 uiiimo , ye] I'll Mi lon L's til- '.di:l till'V’Cj t, SHAW AGREES rex bumigs FOR S 0' ;a: L "ASTER St«E SERVICE TO BE HELD IN RALEIGH | >ti irr'd by ihc Raleigh Mm.islet • j ial A.-.:0( iaUoji and Ihc RaiOig'h. 'i , ! .jm; :;!!' 1 f ' . :.:nbc 4 Ka '■ r.e lr ; Tcnaplor. under ihc direction of the j Little Theatre. JT nag*: aid, fieri pr'idjK'iti in j Birmingham. Alabama v. u- written b-- vv s Adams and the Rev V (.5 1 ;. f : iSer •- ■ -;. :VI’T • . "IV . ! was a; that thru Grand Prel: v of ‘ii 'e! i,b enu inur, ■■ :>i Alai, i jrru, It ,directed by W D. Adam ;-"d IT ,L Pearce war chairman of 'the oxeuitive eon are ime from LA Km;m(: T- molar ,4 the Buwmm : 'C’ nt'iijjccl cvi page Ist section) \ | %b | Mi & M ' :: ■ i ' VETERAN crnaSEN honor ed c. E, L.ightner. center, is shown receiving an automatic -hotgun as x |>ri*'*nt from his a*- ■ . >vi.h*- and telloty cHmm; of ry ' i tiic largi'-t f’lcjiv" triauruiict.' conn pan;.' <‘i'.iiO'. ;,:a n,. jclinf I.l'irn' elves and. :d kail two haif century policyholders, D v c Thoi ii o,\ i'i'd hoc iVvwn * > a hcinq’M I <n cl k’i ida.7 nt’j’it. An-’I i t, W. Kl’ia wart tut* -ppivson- I I— 1 „ SB9K»i*ii¥#f , ll JA'iUCS fiOStnON TAYLOR .■VIf.MC.'IM >l. t : * H.DINiJ—Ni-.t Iv i iiiv tv;ktr (1 hiismc . .ind oilier hiiddlcmsti ii-ti-d in m-ni«»r> tin >.(•« t.iturs (L-.iibm fv Court Opens Ky. School To Negro : .,j . ~ ; f.,rj ST ; <1 INTER-ALUMNI GROUP LEADING UNCF DRIVE '•■ . UNCI' v an uady born fib. 32 priva 4 «e •...; <l. ;rcr:-;-£'d-.'<si I 1 .;(■■. of ;hc !’,> n ‘ i. ■ onccvniti thy f’ ,’ttl V.--V made iiv M. 11. Crockett,; Pm deid. ot tho Inter-Alumni j, s, mm open mm m Up » ■'tv *: t«i DT#'; j i\d (iptfi hOU:A‘ !v, iV.ch will be held Fcidav nig hi i from a to 9:30 in Kalegh’.;. n*nv~ t rd. i’ui Id i n-g. ;dc ' t*■ <i a t 131 Kc t j Iter get t S’ ceCt. 1 Tii-c buihiing. a manor ai. f:> the Raleigh following a surprise testimonial banquet which was Inn’ll in commemoration of his 7Kt birthday at the Chavis Heights Recreation Center on I hilly” vnexy of !> Mc- I £"'■> T, I. > : ;.ii f A. v lutien «ud j vire*pr( f.icient i-.ccrf tary rs the j Sui. Liberty Life !ea,r;.'!ie‘ ? I >npan/ of Chic-aw, was the main cpwakev. f.'.cv. art , aid tribid* In tin- Mu- CMe inn-. A on p. .<■ S. tit: ;a : it l‘T. Raleigh business , which will !)- the seto tn an r.jrn house f.m i rid as night ! im B:s® tt* :*•::(» pin Tin pofofo i > Invited to y - >s am! inspect the Luilifin# ( -*L -At Prop. -•- ‘C :,t:r-i,ed on page S. jrt :u‘im) nuiC.'l, t v Hr <; 1 f in i Tfl“ tr- • p V [>. • t ’ ; W I* V, ■ IS, J,.j u period of ale - y ■ ■ over more than lour n ib: ■. :: ■! ; iShrue University and now S >■::■. - ust n<s Colit ge, m-cmi : ■ Tayl cpt ; creeled by his '.vice -, Mrs Mil- Oicy Taylor, and J: on. Mo me;: C'ftnn Teylor. J 'The *< -.vn fi-Hn of Hi' t>.- H>’-y March SI. | Shown, from left to right are: Leonard W. Lig*n. sponsor of tbr , testimonial. Mr Ughtner anti Dr .». Thomas Hamlin, toastmaster.

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