NOTA SPEAKERS A&M Spvv ' V 'v, 4 ' ' - a a TV' ; &A ' sRsA® io' %. 4 JjA ® % Jo jlSilSt f tef * hHBI ; M ?-3%teWt IHI JO>i l it (I. 1 VVJ.OR w m $ % *4-- w Jg i » am m- f # 1 !iR l-i ! . \ O. HI OfCII Jlpp»y w ~ • wigj#v :£ m >* #k tel JtM i... i: At sxi\ I V Ik l|t; % GidT *■' ■' "* # i v rstiow \ « M l V SCI V.KI i;> Above ar. shown same of Iho pcakt > • who will be heard ,■. prakcrs or panel d : '-f«r- ».mi daring ihe % »«i ill (~i olnvi 11 ,i, !;.■;. ,m»- etulion Convenimii winch is -Gat ed to l < gin I tiuvMfay *1 ( Xt>- lottt. They include Dr. .Uiveph li. Taylor, chairman t>i the livisiou n» social s aeis.e., ..i Yi < Di (ilfim <». (Hough. ' (cialtst for elementary son '.ir- t „ Office of ('duration, 1 I \«t: tin. V r puMishtr, arnl !I V, Brown president of the MTV NO NITIiO SCHOOL X\. JtiilSl IHI/iS l!( II.DINf, Cl.vss Fred. ckd . Vo. .>oo,ooo i.i'i; i vi:t* to iino-ic: oon.vtruclm > ! .< n- w central hied rcho<>] m S \:\iUr.6 co vjr.ty j’i-i vvh .ic c hi*d,r< i» on*.j) ei *? toi m n\ -n enuiily Xe./ro hie;h juU ,* b < die r »■■<’, ih; jK/sd-inn ckv ut- h)* i.n:X Uud bote ihc ficCtot>l board ..i-o the- i>»Mi•: i su ;• vaoi i‘j thf courtly dad •4: 11-0 in ..I ch H. , ::a he was :;<■ o.a ~ril ;nat the ntw wJni< alo I nci ■■a. y ••• lit \. tin c- n i I■..i. •. board in ririhn-t a u a tncii roe far ill rtspio 1 • >n (lie i.'orni vote. The jurist alsr .v. d ) tiioutjin Ihr- r >,-a’l •In i)(\ it.' p;js; r uie.O until there I > a break hi ! utiditu. costa iio added that it vca.--- Ins ■ opinion that the Saftu.lWO e.-tiniMe-i ' cd: i I-. tits,hi; irifi.diorwirj'. The .a h'-ei shiiiM Slafttii'd county lot Nc ,ro student;- »•; par* Utula.iy acute. For the No GREENSBORO TO BUILD GOLF COURSE RJiEiSSIK »H ( ' Gi r*orjsborf *; iii'He .i r«. s:p '.i he. the Id | citv m Illy v’.'tn with D mUiLci i.:d >;*' !V ’co .: ?o hr Hs • • c2 1 ■'l." la: t veok ns thej (’! I}. C'-’ur.c:i ded .. V .C *H) ;r; i ■ ?o h :nti . u in... I k I.XDiXi: , \|| RDAY- A PRO. hi. I o-i 0 \ XX XXI lakitfh testishratum tight As 7 Seek Office In Slate NCTA HOLDS ANNUAL MEET RALEIGH VOTERS NOT ON BOOKS AS fW iffi f -vt •: :v uiiv mf*(l !iO ch .... th til fjj F;i veti ex iliC, ;<• I); V. f' ■ \ ?u c' l} C*o h x Hiu. i' f (•.. t. . V Os thi- L'- ee.. ■ 1 • .. In an .met C>. ,t ieu :v,.rt. Mai ’a jdeiy known Bull c : -;i d. . in- t ity Ur • LI. C C< !:■. it 1 • !•! Kilt . A! - Ko\- Kc c p, j t v... ~v ,• ( { » : t M lt«‘ .1 !' « l:t\born ol I ittlr Rock wi ii m-iito sod ficfon i iian wllor I'lvin Ziegler here hist week u‘Hui the r. 'just of the '•omplamantu rtie churches had 4 ik<‘d that the bishop be rn ioin.'d from removing their paster; the Rtvs 1 \1 Gaines and 1 . V Williams. The membership in both ihiir. ties hail pnileyled tin- ap jvnntiiient of the pew pastors the Ri i T. C. \Nesi and A F. li.iii; i lrlur. the rhunec-ilitr bad adveed members to pray for thl ee day- am! 1 1 s io r< h an agreimvnt Attorney for the churches. It. K. ( ra t. said she advice was appall nth sue. ftti. Ti e < if;. C‘ tint ii net y W.;i'Jp i'iiiii- Piitj-. who i.-Tgw. the’ the pi’ S hoe.| !, t-« ‘ f■ . -" s r ■ C r < I I \ ( ( ONiili Ai 1 - LATION'S Mrs Mildi-.-d Ote> Taylor ai::i htr • n James fior di'n Taylor, Jr., rcr; ivc tiie eon gra'.ul.ilif;!)■ of \v 1. i.ook, man ager oi IBf euiiua! in.', trie! N. C, C. Student Slays J ’ Wife, Takes Own Life ST, PAUL SLATES EASTER SUNDAY SUNRISE RITES The St. Pa.ii A EWE Civ. rch will ; conduct an Easter muu h-e service. it Mw putter, Tv Rev. r. T u ST Paul bn Wi i ! ■ ii is :. !(J ri ;ci■:)!■■ i‘i the i-arly ser- Mcnda-rs vi' thi Pulpi-t Aid Board '.■ /; 1; jorw hot < v <>fl'«■»• mid , iou: Ell ! LI * 1 "<>l ft f :ur lltUil T. ' I;< • i 1 1 hi- .services ar? scheduled to le a! v!r. ■ e , r'i; :I i vicc >lid the ' '•far if will !• Uii fii'j'K’d lj. : ! Choi iAfrs. ; The Ri v. Mr Dull art will also ineach at S t it*. .v il !.••>>. . )•• • vice when : penal Easier nniM.' i will i.v, supniiid by the | Choir. : Dr. .1 D. Cowan. presidin'' t Pier. ' > closed a f.ucecssful quarteri.y can feronoe at St. Paul on Sunday ant! Monday niplihs vvlm-mi re ports .-.hoe, iti that th-.- church eonjft('nat ion land dt p.'ulrvHTJ'> had raised sl.- ' ."47 SO <] urine the pa>i quarter, The public .-a cordially invited to iitVud the ;.pet i;,l Easter even - ' u •tv ice which will at’ i Tj pin. ( ■ or ,• vo\v, dr.'-. ! A third ;‘ v . V* the di v ( t?* inn 1 I .hr vV. P.or*:e..tiv»- Coir.rd?.- 5 ■ k\; -vJ. • y u» ! inn sduy d M ! (a "■ >■! '■* U.r TdUrxn;-.- I * «•'. C.’orn.-.'-o* Ou 'i Vur.%y. rev wr; d-c city i '"•\;n. i ved:J )\ vl . d v 1 L’«\i !i I, l » .If; Ik*'. I‘. ,i lit*, alfif e ..I tile North I 41 iui.i Mu t 1.1 1 lu. lieuranee Co., duiing fit open b a- 1 rrrrmuin winch murke.i the formal d«-di< ation of Fee - 1 >m {Union Tayiur Mem > ’ : I ■.aid ...; v \i. b was held in Haicigh. Friday nighl. ! SHELBY Apparently crazed !hy jc..!• a.- y .1 NCC tyadiiatr . tu- I iit l • .-■ iniiW iCeehoi he: c Si.Ti'i. !h it | killed hiins.r :t;:. 'rid ( i *.i ae. j< ukies and hn E'B-yi-; ; , . i.r wife. Mrs. Vuyie I o ■ Jenkii: . who wav \ t ~cher II 1..; 1 Sil'.ll.y piiiriic VChonl '. A'S' e di!i 1: ; , t . a r ft*;. : return necu: ed hi. seif A iMiis.lU- K.O i.V Sri,.'. ' .I V Oft!! . VS!! " rted to have taken the imi; with ■ whom he had am is- d he wife of; ini' : Uncd to kill bis, alien d rival,; , 'a . • pan" 8, tins ■t'vho/j i Y t. HOSPITAL iiltil IS WFI) l\ (UiCVI.O I,.Jga,<. {&.•$ 1 '*!?&& nfjj&kPiK', * . ' ( tin U O 1 AM-. —. Miss OoraWino ( arrar Smith. (i»ugh* ter of the socially prominent 5 Marie Hen,Jor SmiUls t.e - (•dines the bride of i i-.nik It. Adair hr:-; auulay, hire par ■'< 1 *>. I 11;.: - O. L.ere-. :t ,t: a t \1 <• Kiitviivi Ki. . i | At!v; ■.■ :■ H Hi wii. t*. ; e . Hi s b Sciv 1.!. N C. Prtsidcnt ! iiu* ArsoeTatien has < inpiltisizcd bt... ■■•vt'i! i>! gt.nizdt.oti wdiiii tiro ' C>i;;’.t et ’ions and .; s • p. 1:; nt ;■ ■or and has calk r! to. , ou t tit on SPRING MEETING OF INTERP4CIAL SQGY AT DURHAM i T1- S-, ling Meet in;.; <*• ihf North ; tlarolin.i Commission on Tnterru im,l O' it ' pi-1 ,j!in: ■ v. iH la/ he lit ii • i: horn ;ii the Washington Duk, ib-tel. April 24, frono :u»0-3;00 pn This nit.'ln.g of it-,,- C.iirrsi?? ;n : . :!•!© Ninth Carolina Confer encc 1 1 ■ ' vice .nntuvi: fit?, i-tin?.', ; which, this .year. is April 24, 2:S, • iid 26. she theme t ( i:i• rooetirrj i.t ■ tin Commission will l>o DEVEL , OPING ‘-UNPREJUDICED" CHU.- iDREN and she addiam the st - um will In deliv s-.'ft! by Dr Dim: Sts Do I t.i :i;.. Dej.-oi ;.,ii ' f I Psychiatry. Duke Ho pt ■ on the rs'l.jfet. UNDERSTANDING HUS .TUTMCE. p;.Hov. 114 Dt IjsiA uu drth.s will be a presentation ir Miss Soar Little of the Synod Os ; Her of Religious Education. Pro • byterian Church on MATERIALS P O i; UNDERMINING PREJU- I DICE. The session will end with i -. cti«eu.ssiun of project., for under. ; 1 mining pr.judtce t’ might be. ! undertaken in schools, churches.. j etc. j Presiding o\ .. r ihc inneting will. ; he Dr. A. K. M.mlty.. an F,xoeuliv< jCfimuiittec member of the Corn 1 miss-ion anti Doan School of Kdu- . j eat on, North Carolina College, i Continued on page ii, this section end 1.1 •■ ■ ; 1 ! >.; 0a " •■ . ’ • i 1 ‘ --iat it a; iv he : eii .is .1 ekio home J.'oi.b'i >ll ■ ■ eompleinin of tin ac-w I o:; I". ;■ th, !.: ... .■:!• ;:!. .. tef .ii s i’i; it i- 1 •' .-.: • •-;•»•(.,*. 1 organ, i.'-f. ■■) f 1 j.-oi-f;. :•<>:> i n-- the organ lion, whip' e- in I ... 1 I jpplll ■ I T ' ■#'! ■vj "'-^0 - f. i M.?; ymi K .|jJ| &f V' •' Arf < ANDIDA fl Dr. l\ I'. I>< - \ .;«!«• oi ( ix ■!« '. Ijic, will) luixl «i i k lili-U ax, a cswiitiilato I««f D'riioii li> the I aveltrvilli' < tlx Contis U Or. !»<•• ;iiir Mai M-leotcd to run fin the post follow ills tin* unanimous endorsement «.f Irad ■ ire.. litm-ns .nut organizations of j tlto city. : ST AUGUSTINE’S COMMENCEMENT SET IX n T!HY 29 Dr. Richard O .Sumf*. president • ■ ■■■■• St Marx''- Siiiaa! aiiti Junior j Coil. ;:<• Rah .1 a ,i ad till- RCV | ; Slid ion Haii Bishop, rector oi St. 1 -hup - Church, Nt'xx Yotk t ily, !wi?i lif- vir it ncipal speakers-- fori, i tin- H2iiti rnnuai commencement at. . |St Am i ii a'.- C'lUge. according I. jto ri recent announcement by Or. 1 ’ Harold 1- Ti n.;;. president of the ‘ l V 111 ;a\ j 7 • Rev r.f- Bishop win preach I the b;ir;; laui ', ate sermon .in May ..'0 anti Dr SU-n, \v ill delicti the I -a.. ■Clir' ti ’at .uldl't :.S lift May 70 ; Alumni ! .v,> ra ti the T'resideniV j H' .1.- UilariiliKxxi--- I v a 'ii 1,.' t.'jf ;,itet n.v.ioiuil,! Mi'a-'inai Alliance in s.ssioi) at j 1 Blooci wot ii! Street YML'A on B ' Monday, .April tJ. l!is support iy* : i Uic ent’.re crmnmuuty was strong- • * : lv unit'd. I* ‘ i Officers of ‘mo Alliance arc Rev V P. Ihi hart. Pi tv idem: Rev. W. i•' T l-'.rov o. Vico- r'rt.-.idcnf; E. I.- '! :R;df'-i'd Seen, he v Mid R- .1. »\ ’ ■ R'lr.tKs in addition to it ; the above others- who serve on the | i-’rop.’ inn Comnoßc. art; lie O. S. y ; Bullock, Rev. K ('. Lawrence, Ret. Jl T. C. Hnmans a ud Rev. P. iH. Johnson. ’’ pioc-i ■; of formntion J;. c'lmj lvi ed . j A. jimilar action was taken by | the Board in the cat, of the exist-; hy. foil cuitTs which .ai - U:.n- i Tuesday nieiit, | leaving a toll of lour dead, tlurtv two injured and seeri. s ieft lionie . U ss, American Red C :•> dwaster ie ; lief team.; which went into the > stricken eommuntie;-- on the hr«••>•• iol t : 1 high wuui; itpi.h swe>>:. ocr ■■ tne state wit 1 let,,. 0 . ■: j advance warning issued iirunedi 'a'.e calls for additional medicaie i aid and hloo-j plasma to help tJie v. outuied ,n th.. hardtv. hit c; m The eoiniiiunitit's iiunh l hit ir.< : idt-d Man.-h" ste . Z< : ’ulon and ; «xa. House Hearings Start on Poll Tax ’.VASiUNGTON • Fi-dei.d an- - ■ ”ii tax iCj.fl;kite-n, three tine s i iW ■ .-. ti t". tie Ibaisc of Roprescn- ; ■■ i.triv t‘l da in the S late v,t"k oeenre-e in. iii’ojoct of. • . r : • :re :. Hmi.-c i;e.tti e d< .-pit-.- the volume:.; of in foi inati-m ...i! subject which ha.- iu e ... iotxi from prwivi:.. '...-a; • . Tne hiariiigi. w.-.e started T.i 'i: 1 ; belt .re a • übconm i’ lee ne.iti- 1 i 1 v In j-. Bun P Harrison 1„, b<: till ih'iise fight .-igairt ;.||!| t.-x, b- : i.. . ii; ’ie; 81 u C- pn ’in. a • ae.ilK'o v..-'du ont.Uv sell ‘ax payment a p:»-,• < ijuiv ne f : voting in Federal flection* ; ar.-.i would havt a di «..t:e efftv. Singer Claims Fraud, Is Granted Annulment h’F.NO, Nev —Bill Kenny, wh'-.-.e ■1 tenor vofCt* catapuiicu him ’ ■ : Hai'.Jmia» high P:P4 {)u:.i et ax 1.0 1 auks o* the nation's t, ;> 1 v-’P-war. granted an nunilmeii’. . i .' Week Ob yriuir.ds th.V lit• W tie Grri had exercised fiand bnrj; non! their two-y. u- < id nianaig.-. 1'!;. -inner, -.vii.- ha. gained :• i 1. 1 nation;-.! fame i.itn (lit? Ink Spot-:, no >f lira nati.nT'i i- p vocal Cf-aa.- u i-'- ..(..('ear* (i in CPU:" .1. Aid i 4th. to contest divorce .icta,n ; brought his -.x ile MariniCrite K. n in v. lorincr ru-.ids'l In hi.- eonntor action in whieir he *'-■ ight and v. :. ... .nU-h. m <■’. iiulmen!. Kenny eiiargcil t 30-Year Manhunt Vain After N. Y. Blood Test BUFFALO. N. Y A 30- y< ..r- Aid N C. slaying n-inaiiu'd ;m --iiri, 1 lids week aou t 40-,.ear- -,J C'.aiio'e man emitiiiuca 1 a b /uiro hunt ior ills moihu Siay«i \v)in )j iie inis pui-..led since !><■ wus ten wars aid Tiu latest chapter in i!>> -1 > > wn.- writ Ten Miaiita.. •• 111 ix . " V. rk State Supreine (.' uit, v. nen Justice Phillip Jlalprrn tsut.nn J . writ of habeas corpus whuli pi-’ ’vented ixtradition to North Car I iua if 63*ycar-old John lie;, wanted in the 11JR) Cuar ioit • slaying ol Mrs Ola ,! ■ ... :Vlr Morgan had b> n positive’s identified bv John Williams J - > Cobs, f! nf Charlntte. as F.:. 1.. • tiier the nan who had slab in Motrer and whim: ii- ltftd sen, hi tor thin;, year;,. The (xTrad’t . n wa." denied !>\ Jus’ico H .ipi.n on tie.- string!: ct Texan Moves To Curb Power Os Negro Vote WASHINGTON - Tut iilyir... in • {•ui>):«>:•! of hi; icscjutioti :c enend ’ 1 the United State.? Constitution tv;! abolishing the eleclorial college • ••ystcin, Repr? :.r I'tUi’ive Ed Gossett t .. TO'i.'t fi ivly admitted that Eh ■ i.'irn jbjectivt: ~f he. proposal war . > to curb the powgt oi northern Nc- .< gro vote' ;. Under *hi Gossett resolution, ih* ;i present rule by which i,ieh slate ,-a.d.i its electoral, votes lor Prcsi- j < dent and Vice President a unit would be revised to permit a dim- •> Mon of the electoral votes in pro portion to the luimbei of popsihi: 1 votes cart for tile respective tun- . C'l.k.t ’ 1 There are enough Ncgroe* m ; New York City, v. non votni; cm. bloc, to determine how the entire 1 '■-lectors.l vote of the St ah ,»f Km - York cast.” BepresentaUvc G« • . i ,V ')lo\yin£ the rti'jiic'-t Os the Men Chip ;■i --1 ul.he.r Civic j-roups that N«dd'°c'a o«- p« emit ted t-.i a. c iiif* ( - l ij ;ic f'vvk Cv’.'.i .. i-n i.i .i.M s cf tiiC week, lily City o<-uf»C‘l Rct-iei (Continued t .n p..,-;.- y, see l> In Bethany, two child mem bers 1 an unnamed Negv-o family Ac;'” kid. d and live oth; : mein b'Mi's injure,j as the -a imh itenKil ishvd iheii honr •, Another fatality neem r, R when a box car v,blown off ut a rail road aiding near Maticht ster and kill*'".l one man and s ri-Musly in jiired nnolher. .Nmi. Men othe; ;-c-' . n.- in the s;m:; 'Mnirnurut'. v.y;,, seniju'si'- tnj-ured in the amc community when Ihe win ,s t.-tally de;tr,.y ■ d 12 h; :nt.- aii:j did constderable damaßt! to 15 -...! hi I-.-.. A e w: le?e i Imm.m. ,-m e- r cuimajtt and injuries has not ’ et b; : n :n.ule avaiLjble, but it is I".. ;;t-ej i;fj. tiRR thf, U'ii •it iP-tUIK’, will ix- higher and that the !.ovi ;in pi oporto *.v ill am -- ,nt t . hue ‘do ds of thousands .-; cl.ilia; . UpCi; 1i ■ V-. t*' \.n •iM' : ' ''' !states ~:,ii tax.- aif m»w !in effect The move to u ndue; Uu- aeai - Mings was bitted > asaa-d'd ; tie - ria es of tin poll tax ■ step a-m• ad si-lely at dei.syin. . . ;i_>..- ...- lien an remadiai i pisi-.n ion since ;iitlle infoiriKiiinn ran h d; lout lie- ha.u i , .- -a hit h is inot already in the Cup e ; . ; ,i.a.;! ! files The i.i a; Buy aharn-m.I. will iSoutheil) C> JV’S'I S:. r,a I; al-li i cr.eioil'x ut trail tax rep bet,.re t>io rube;•;aniHtoe Eievt-t ettti-poi. t \ i. m been filed duitni’ M.» ;'l .sf-, f Congvhrs end the ■! S' i-i; ..1:0 •Cent in lew; on ; :,,p Ist t;; , v;;ie had darned be tore their war liage that he was the i.o "■ - t Dr imhori. hild Pile singer- said that he hr,cl paid hospital .nid medical exp. 0.--, u.i rip pa 'li es child which lie I .a*r ii !■ n • r.-'-.i his v, he had ad; . ; ad The discovery, h<- said, ihti no; i come about until after they had ! returned to the United State* t, mi a E iropean tour dui ng w hich h ir i "daughte! ihen less than a yeji old had keen left at hour-. Immediately upon di-cov ry ot . tni fraud t. -iowitij li.. .'!’ ■■ to : tins cmititiy Kenny !, • • ed to live with his wile a ijioi.n( t; si taken vMupi.irily by ! the accused man The •s: vas administered by : Uni vers t> <>t I’otl, pio ). ■ alt -- U! ?. h • til Cia: "a that it proved that the; • t ould lie 'no father-: tm relationship !.>• is »< a lire two men. Jacobs, vui sc bum for ntoth alter ha., tak-.u i-arn t, 'm-cd in that city ,»jid aa! rev , : is rn to Chariofie sett I barg'd !r, te-t I vi a . More th" House Judiciary Cotmn line. Sin>)!a ly. be ci'.::i pi d I'l.ii 4('li' are "enough in Philadelphia to d< - lum".ii‘ the rest iH ot an elec tion in the State of Pennsylvania; enough in Delimit to pe»h..u.. de cide the vote of the State •>! Mich .. on; cnotigli in Chicago in vii';,' the St..ii of niirtois." His plan, the Texan contended, would eliminate the Negn. as r •‘Lsimu < -of-pov? i. r ’ factor in pre sidential elections. It w.i • tiecause of power ot liie Negro • ov, he said. 1 Tiolh i i inadopted civil iii.’bt pbroks in th*' : r platforms lie d< scirhed FEPC ns “a dar.i.ieiotis usd radical propo:..»i" wriftei. into the party plattorurs at the behest of. Negro voters. A: arp. I'.dmfint to the Gossett res tConuaued or. page 8. Ist section)