CHARGE COMMIES PLANNED NEGRO STATE NEW YORK CITY PEu. for Oil' violent ■ ■. rth; <• :■ of Iht United Sirl . ever:’.i .ion, oro, ' * succeed''(l ■>; ■■ • • ’ a' the b> virtue of sr flection vkioh lounct him running t-oms : tabiy ahead es M D W:M a;:;. Sr op posing c.m dictate me post Othc - > ftic-era ' -.ven- .|m tc.l by *h( included A It 'r dci>on. Winston -halem. vicr-preti* dent; ye win M dr.: Northern'r-r>n i. : ,-ji: ,:crre prnc ip.d id Mary Pottr. d : ford, trea; urcr. Three new spanner. ••.•ere •• idea ■ !■> ■•'•gani/iiV • < >: ■ \' committee to replace more . i; term,- iiad expired Tii-s • c.c. l 1. Blake t• • ■.i ■i- t n ' c a i ;.. . tConMimed or. page f>, ■■ l.» GOVERNOR SEEKS TO HALT SCHOOL FOND DIVERSION LII I« I Hi M K !4 N » \r~ kansaV Cm- M.-Math raid here list week that the state beard of education “should take def mite aetk n" to -top diversion of education Hinds from Negro to white M'hrn.;-, vie went .t bit fnrtner and r airl he “want ed" the Mate board "to take leva! steps" to prevent this di version. Continued tin page thi Housing Biil Halted By Segregation Ban ] WASHINGTON The im-oauf- Ijon of an amendment to har ~e;i regal i'’- * * SB® Jim.' W | Jte f - '|w 1 : c? V V4 y . • 'V-S if lwß ’srrtMATS Itl Ai: I ft O M OOtY N i NIJI.K" Junior Ited ( roes mejnt)-. rs at U*.e ( roshv tjailirtcr s, h«o 1 are shown they h iidi ;, a lut of tiist hand information **ii the operation el tic It' i t rii-., m Vutralia frem in ADustriidivi hum -ass ,\.lb le> n f,epp, Jr Kerf > to,-, tiirer tro ior Australia, AMEZ's Conduct Easter Checkup I.v tVM Mint I Tty ■ ter Chr-k-Up rm ~f , the bfend al T. C Canfeien.-o of |tiv A YU' /.mu Cuun h met a* Arid, e w'. rii,.pe| (d; .r; m ■ ye Af'idevotj' no! ;.ifv,y, high-' Thyi ski that to- , 01,-; o f ; T iUh:.; for Jj< mi'in ltierri and j or; tlio hon: in,"-' lull. T.Tt < ;-ii'-iviihere nV need far Uw amt uhtiv nt.' that Three Groups Join Oleo l ax Fight WASHINGTON < 'MPj Three j national organisations canted their : f ght so ; repeal of anti-margarine j laws to the U. S. Senate last week. Mrs. Mery Mclvod BUhune of i the Nalji.-h.-i! Council of Negro j Women, Dr. W. H Jornagin. of the iFriiiernai Council of N e g i o I Churches, .nd Mrs H. Corrir.e f.'ic I'l dci ial Juil;y ll,'i; old U. Medina io the trial d eleven of tiro si itiorbr top ('jtni'nmisL' for alleged cfuispii'fic.v to bring ,ib')nl. tire t vevthrow >f 1 1. ■ Uni tod States Govenirn-- tit J brouuii force ,Vl.r trcpp topper! at the < rasliy - Garfield School with Wake f o tin I \ ftett I ros., ottii iall during a hrr i -!a\ in the ritj while enroutt to <;em va Swit zerland. -fust lelorc the i aster holidays the member of the t rcsby-fiar iie}il Jr. Kt-it < roiis eompli ,< ; d work o in number of i aatei if 00 Bihn IV a ■ U , •Jure boon ’ r:»> rfivf nrjnM/b ?<>n m Ol;. . vm : 1.-dc ir. the im Her of T- it a Oh u ( ollcaguf, s< lialor Condr (j O ,J (hi. section Lowry, of the National A;r.ocT" tho Amt’ CmoniUhitis e ilb d for ilte foitcfal orpiiiiuvv id the gov. rmrmnt, the “iitiiiidalion" <■ t t:, -,ii r-, nook mark. ,nrf ro*-mi eovci which w ere ml to A rim .••oil fin , hospttals in IHe tale, shown 111 the group are ir Ketl. t re i ouneil ' A. i.atom siwirt prtneip.ii; m NliSi (.epp TEXAS CHURCH OPENS DOORS TO NEBftO MEMBER DAM-AS. Tex • ANPf Vvth\- :•;?] ; ;-f jAH ' Mdi'Spf! I h'e T' ‘ id■?n ! t > eon 4 i ? * {j f his edu • ■ Ai»>n become ;* Pr-M-feytenrm rrnmßV-f ■jA’.'fi iuonUi. 'i<;o, tn. Oak F! ff P csovterian, U S. ehurci; nt this City, xerepted Dnv.iO Chirk 21 ♦j on fA Tj.n°tsorv \\ Austin. < T>rk had to become u rnerrrM' i»f y rhmv\\ ii ■ that dciv>mii>ntiW T1 je or,-i v. •* t Nmb n > pr yt r r< • \ U X church in Texas in in Ho- -- • i,. adroit, him here. • . • ple.l of !' pa-dor. the Revere, el Wet- 1 ;year old. Cl an i n r ■ V n;( 'in . Bible o u/. , f-' : ~ice) t.,y the young people’s no 1 purli'icnt of tlr- Oak Cliff churrf When ho finished high school in fib ton pr- op, knowing he 1 ant ed to be a minister sent him 1 ‘ j Stillman institute, a two year sebo I in Alabama. Ciaik's father had died t,v Hk dime he graduated, and he itmos* ! quit i.chu' l. The white rhiireh a : young people encratruged him to continue his study nt Tillelsco. Tiny mci they would help pay tne bills. Dr. E. r ScM.t, state clerk for •iniiiinn] headquarters ..f tnn Pre-- byterian, If. S. church in Dallas, said 'his was the first time a v?h te church of this denomination had Continued c-n page S, this section ill! who opposed, uni the ■fi ling up rs ;> vast "Negro ■' j' ' : Mihieh would r. v, t m from Vir gin 'a to the Ylkrirtppi iJ< .lit The. laUi’l plla-e nf the pro gi am, aceordiiuf to Nowell, I 1 SUPREME COURT UPSETS VERDICT IN McNEILL CASE r> .mm BHi sank; >?:;> i-'-'-'t ■ ; * r<\!■ • i ■. ‘tig • Mi" P.'itM': : ?* 1 Cu. on - i ■ • IMI - ! ' bents of the I i*r»!!.n!fjll.V 1 iiili- ■ 'Sif! <• hs\< k ir ;lftf )' -V ! mg ■• n m the /-hud M ■ ■ tm.- UlO' r: for rilw a‘k . , 1 it.-. wit!; : : ■■■■. J ' , rr- idl'd I -.-.1 . ~S ; r .and i sumii.- r in IV >-p River. ] McNeill had disapprun'd in : &T,;;rob of last vear, and th#» ?;DjU' of ibe j»«rf ir;R’d -b.n rr h-vl ■ >ocn shot Uii'ougn t he in'••id and : c v r fOIM) (,t iLT\ i Ociober term o> Superior Court. i 71'i,‘cl. ' jn i j.,. cii jti re ~nb nrj an accessory at ten the Met, hv:i, Lkrn so found yuMy ai.d :cn i temied to ten year* in prison. The f.-nruiy reputedi. the ssk j ctndy, poured iiiuv it "uirefs in; •• j tbs hiring of i battery of »Homey j and the filing of in ari ‘M \JR OK ( BP VP fso! U L.v-t week me State Supr-'P’O, 'Court hunch'd d n it.. h-ci ••> Tl;•? lower court, j! found, had : kurwei it- verdn * ’ p.-. cin.’urn tin; and mad mi amble eviden'-c, j t therefore the sentences were ret: ; „>sKi During rhe eight months between i iilm and ihe Supreme; Court ar' j'i'i Big Jim had occupied j v\\ on Death Row in the Slate I j Centra! Prison at Ralch-h The son i was out on bond At the Saniord Bits Star m rv <■■■■ body isn* > Jim Palmer, and , a;ip;*■ eill , jiobody bi-hcvcri lac i.-iti. ktlhd McNeill ‘wefpt the m?m i bei; of the jury wiudi had con tv here cl lie live; j hours ago, maybe they can hil Via- ov' at the (My Market wi>' re hr tr. now. He had Ins wife and | hi ; ri andeb.ildren with ho. I’l I VSI I> By VI RIH( 1 ! At i.iic (,'it.v Market il 1 , Yep, i it's u good thing to rye birrs out I ! again, you kill of hi: You took • Uwmrthm’ like one of his mar. the one in itetr .at Now he left here , just about an hour ago tut didn't .-■-ay a imre in was goh% Mir-'bcd i. i. bci; to home by .. 1 " I On the trio out the cabby he- | dared: "yea, he's a larky man ' ; have had eriuurh money to fip'ot I tit" rase. A lot of men have beat; (or things they cudn't do i jui t because they just didn't have ■' money. Pm might', glad to see him : i atl iic did a lot of things for cv i cry body ’ream here, white and colored. b. dislike for ihcu plans for the tstuhlisliment of raei'ii set'retation under tl; “new order" which the Corn- U)Uni.",i:. idvnrated. Wmmm v : l x -| ;>J . :W- T 3 i 1 i iti HAD A HAPI’V t V-, ii-K \bo%e are slxrw'.i -iinn of the family of .l.inuw Patmre, oV jtie Jim" as hr is known to many ria, it; !*- lore .. 1; r a, n*. ar.(J l -ueitte,. s; weri re< ov red re m the black ashes remaining from the fire, i re:! died m i ir raway Me thiMtist hes; Hal. ,liter a. white neis»i!>or ti ;ii io !)•>! tt*l*r the burning hom- and carried bun out Accordin'' to invest,gating of ficers. the fire was apparently accidental and may have ori- trom wiring, btirtnure. f'Miployed m Kt public SteeJ, lost liis wife -lx months ago and smee then has been trying ts k* ep in, w mi, together »(»• arrived at the scene later I lit t.ikt-n te tti: home of hi; sister. prestraU uftts ffTicf- REGIONAL SCHOOL FARLEY SCHEDULED •>;•::• -fit- -Illli'd ill , : •: f. • 4 • pi tl is it .%. ,-j - t ud^nts ; i\i!t.-;r: ol a-lleges o; r un,vrrs,Ue.. . auch :ch"ols. Johnson Orders Full Service Bias Report WASHINGTON Dt-f'-ii'-c Scr ! i*i tary Louis Jolmsfn tins--, tvet*!. ! alai'-vcd indication • f getting tougn i about d.flay of the .armed services • |in complying with President Tru : Daniel Case Set For Review In D. C. By AUfll V 111 WIGAN WASHINGTON (ANP > The case of frv u S. Hamel, who w»as i Ciisch irged from his place of cm- : ploymr-nt nl the Lawson Veterans; hospital ir> Atlanta on a disloyal'v charge, is scheduled lor hearing; before the » -ency review board el the Veterans Admins. ?tai! ion m 1 April 21. Ntnveil, who i eccivf i} ;;j, ti'iiinins in t evolutionary tech niques, b-.rty do* , t) i;n- utt»i other ai.pcet..; of the. Cornmur •;•! in n in Kt!- .... tied? •••(! It broke will;, the pitt.v bis none and tmm , Ue.lnt's day attj-f niv w spent < icht iimnth in a. <*l| op di tl, row m ti e \ i < nti i| |*rp.on at Itaii tgti < onvie.i'u o| (In mill' to; if i noigiiii.'!: It t ItetohiT, f ’.lie was fr, ed after the N < . \ \ *%. i ' ilk J t« f .owe ><• -i --j a y -»«•«(-* .. 1 k* . I • • Ktl’KIVtS UlMiltAtll.A TIONS Jainrs Palmer, pie. , porous Chatham < .unt y iantu anil landowner csho was freed la: t week after the State Sit • prrroo ( ourt get aside his mur- ' l)0( TOR S s.MMNMI HOHi; WRW Ki ll ii\ BOMB BLAST wru: kuK-; of u L- n- in 1 boutb ca’-NinF’ $5,000 r :; a Brosvn m,in-,. Jim- month-old executive k.i-d •• iKi'a-inp dawniTiH ation and ■other cvib; m the armed .mvic'; 1., „ clear, cut memorandum di | ree'ed to Army Secretary Kenneth, ( The widely puhbcued Daniel j j case i ~r e ■ll j y the f 1 * ’ ; '.mu r i ■ -t.-1 11 ‘ bet » 1 m tv „ -,f if." ; jvr '..eol'r csv..uvc oroe:-.'., or.e, icalli-ig for fair rmployiner.t if. the i! gov.- ri-ment. and the of he; ; the discharge “f P'-f | | .fin:; consicfired dir.loysl to the. I gove. mnc.nt. i (Ccntmued on page ft. Ist section' ' ,• he w; lot r ; .ft out of In s job at, 1..1-fl's .y the (J. nan a 1,-1 . In 11134, t.i ;; a. !■ v.v.s el trick* d 'aid lied . : . '.' ea rt port delivered ;|1 1 pait> con t' i,tinned on \ >;«g- ■ 1 t sutlion Supreme Court set a'id 1 tie- vr flil't of flic tower y ort. Shown in the ;i..ii|i ,ii. lb Palmer, iHr ■ r.iiin ’ i -o'. \o dl'tnv C slr*l> I ,t:nl Me. ,itul .'ir . 1' t 'ltl.’i' a gt .t ■!< a'lllrt! eji, f a tail J anie and tndrew, Jr. «• der corvictton which nt >•?< itfc l niamtatory, is snotvn ao'ivita; the of Ju: ti • sU and lodfp.i tncitibi r, I'*r \ mons of Sanford. "ii M 8 iKil l) ALSO J.imer- Pal mer, Ir., who w i-mivo trd »f the tme a he, laUwt '>f t>rmjt on aer*“,..,or\ itter tlu: fact. Ilia »nlcnce of ten a .os wa.'.s also ~of i nJc hj tlic State So lo me I our! V min a Palmer had Mon free on SffUKIQ fc.ii!. . i : R'-yai!, I?".vy S f r> bn t.ullHan and An Fori'*- ' crrefary V Stuart t-vymjr. • tar.y .lohn:-< n gayc l i* vi vi s on . clry.; vt ■•■ r-u'h to >n - :■ (UOHl'd j P«ids on inctt ; !; 5 . ; • > "Hi : '- a;; ! the Presidential directive. Sptaßim: &t'-.tight "(.he ! Sn ri l.u- . J>■ jm .>n ti«V i cod no word .j • bo on 1 ivr.-iase of ;acr:, '•red .-r col'-.-, i he Pc j ferine f li.-tiT.I-■ ry ' tat'-' | ‘ All aKinddua';., re :;»rd!