[G^SBORO j •;.- - :..< I THE WEEK IN \ -lIC GOLDSBORO Tpl|| Ey E- A. thofnton i v i r . ]; w. Underwood, ct Ho; ky . . U i v. i■, cuuonc: ;> Misdoaavy stuUv das* its t h Firsi Afiima Ha!'::-: ••:•,»),-« i. besiuiiiiiji- July 4th. through July '-i: A!i [s,'!<n;; interested in taking the coor«- •■«.• ask-td to m»k® a>>- pHoations ! m't4tfh the Missionary T •.-'.•artiiieiit of the Church. Daily •■,,; : ; tit/:Hi: ie v’’! !:'ml c-.ir.-m T< a (•; ; f r Ai *■ Baptist .-• •; Ftiiia’-. Ju. i with ;■ rec ord break li -: filtttlidcUKSl-. :oa> ':■■ s -n ■(-! idosed with a short the bttdr f V* ; >'■• .•- itaptist OhnrOl». with' 3>l ?*> ' i; <> h ’■ A- w Vint' :is prill. •* i.r rhe -«-hiW»ls throughout the tty < :t,i . record of tr.o chUdrev. t: .; th* s-h.»l. Ym-aiti.-. ,: : Y' : ies wt-i-e taught in the iv-stir such :»s handicraft, j-. . -• . ti. r- t.-Vit ? lii’lKic j w- ..; thi i-:e:i;rs and mf’.iihftrr 'hiriocs rhtwehi-s ot tie* ; .'-ti! r i hi fc,- h- vh’’ fin- servi (- thev ai> r-uflerit:.. ■ th-.-, ihdilren of Use h.- •-r 1 - tits home a.t fit" . 1 • t- f -a.:;.. -- - Fi lends. -vhen you have ’it"-, -top by and a a-in • Mr. Washington Path-r i nr) .-■■ <i wife of Kinstu't v. • - ' ••• a:nests of Mrs. Kiln Bunn <u H '.!•• Street during the nasi v.Mi- Arabia Bunn is attemi ?<■- summer ichnoi ai Hampton In stitute HatuptiMi Va. Miss Dudley. the daughter i■ Mr. ami • l.aetnn Ditiil—c, aii': M iss Kjir-t'-:- Loci.lai.' th d.-mghri-r- re M- and Mrs Levon lex'-klair rl! during the week foi l-’hiJadeljihia Pa. »o mud/ dress making arni k-iitiiing at Bereau ar d i S- .: ■ Miss I-.K kia.ir is - . inter T3>-i.-ai' Nursing S. oo! in M-m :<!. r ■•« AVasliinsrt.iii, I). r is \ ;•<:? ir.g i> .• parents. Mr and AM's Viti-.k Vi't’ider. Ko'iie ?. Fr*t n-onnt. Vassie Lee Philips, ■ ighter .-if Mis I.urretia Philips ot Pik<returned to Wash ) .ifte: spending some her miroiits. Mr and - : ■.. ', R An is of KremouiP / 4tg® - YOU WITH 2—. *££n w' ! ■ - i I ■ if~f — ■ veNTAL &?*.T22£ > c^t*' 1 • Fj,-;<;-.*n-«! :-.> 1-4 3-ilZl The Correct Thi .-. Try”f ,_ 'so^eiime \V iliiam Bent’-ite of S-wurk X speiii 'h- 4th of ,suiy m PuldsODi'i, visiiuig relatives rn ! frien .'.s Hr! V N'i'- BEST 1’• iST AN!) ,U XSLIAKV HOL.H MEETING Or. Sunday, Itiih 2C. Bryant Best -J’os: No. 215 Anierii'an Legion art ! tip American Legion Auxiliary : V'nit i>-k! a n>int meeting a.' the lonuminity center to hear the re port of the Boy's State cont'eretH-e hy itayrnonil Kxutn and WiII i: ■ Johns':!!. J: who attended the . iin • lerem e After listening to tin- reports which were very good, the moni :her- of the Legion ami Auxiliary wen- very pleased and proud of the two young men. Their report showed that grea f lieneiiis were received tty the Ijovs : 11end 1 ttg tat: confe.i-iice.' Ttiey •e)th • Apressed '.hanks and apr.re .■iaiioti ti> tiie memh-'-s of tl: - Atneric: !! Legion a.nd Auxiliary so. giving them the opportunity to at ten.’ the Boys State conference, nnu stated that they would try to live ap to the frainiiig which ihev :received by giving h information tfty 1 1.0 t'heta: in Lleir .■omoinnit ■ linntcdlately following retiort, the m-irhcrs of the Auxiliary Unit, com plot d plans io send Missr’s Htt :i’V fl SwLison. and Annie R«t.h ■Fields to the Ctrl’s Siaie eonfer e;ve oil July 24-30 Wans are iti the making hy the ; A nxiiii:; y to sponsor a bus trip to Ariantii- l.caeh on July 24r'n Any |person desiring to go on the trip 'is asked <o write or conrac! \lr . tiosfeUa Faison. pres ■•dent. a<;7 Wayne Avenue, Goldsboro. COMMI NII V BASEBALL I.KAGFE STANDING Teams VV !. i s n Yellow Jacket.- . .9 2 Bed Hill Eagles 'l2 Hr . vs- Town Eagles H ?, Snow Elili Tigers: ? 3 Eureka Ttgtrs i 4 Stuntonhurg Bees 3 7 FT: cy Tigers 77 Vets Bed Wings \ 8 THOKMON (,i-TS UiCIOX POST ea •>; -! .S, Bowser of t'h ir! ' •• vi:-e-i"'imr.:Hider •.)! Di'.lsio!' sl\ iVltoi'.me'u ..f North iJi’Diitj; , \merman Legion, tha: t:e has l»e.-u !' appointed department adm:.- i. ! 'sttce-.-i .liiSK J.-rry WiHiatus of In.! ham Air 'rhortdf't: is nasi ceni tn a tide r ,t.f tic local post. 0.1 ■:! e.'ie; inand».c jof M> Eastern A!•••:* ot whicli h |served for four .is ennmtamiei jof dir: riel i. 1' 47 }!' I; t lic-t: io ' • ling He p(iS. y -.••••l'Vice nftieef | for Vs' vne <"c-ut:7v j'o- ri.e ua -i ...... ! ns; ye: rs. Air Tno; n ••. .oat: of W*u ; i ! Wnr 1, is one ot the -.id pioae.-i ■ ui Diviniot) t?ix !(e i man exjx-dence and <s -acl! «jt; .litii-i; {''««• p- •' He is a amduiiti of Shi. m t' ■■ - ; verstity line lias eeen foi sevc-n iyears direftip of the f'<nutmiiiit> Center tn GolilsUoio. . —ti i no ; ! iter of its imard of diteciois H ills- •hnirritn tt of I'r.. . No. |lc Hot ; Siout- of An-erica. tiie oldest N ) .-ro tiuoti ir, Tns-ornra Council vthieh he nerved as Scot:rnutstei j ; for Vi ears. He i- owner and ..tp-. ’ ruc.tr of the e'ty.. Teen t’u.s’rt.;. the only recreation rente: 1 of its kind fi.i Teen-Agers in the j st- te. In addition h<* Serves ; cltairtn <u of the- executive nomtui: t." O*' new Alice H Brownj rtiitli- fdhrary AH', Brown is t ’ n't mb •: of the F irs: Afrii an Ban list Church, a notary public and ; a *• ivi■ mind -d citizen Air Tornton has f—-n ; r-fc : penta.t ivi of the f’A HO i-l N’T AN tor , Hie |>;ig• iw..t veal's dtiring whii'h c’me he has nut ov -a fin- job in Goldsboro and adjoining eoun lie:*. TEEN-Atiß TOPICS Tiie E'ourth of fuly was a■! iv of fin; and en iitymeiit with nuwr of *!ie buy-; and girls iti Gttld.fbotn. , Every on- tried t.. go n, soin- Iteacii. lake os some r> -r-ationul place in ».'d. r to get i. little cooiing off f.. l-w ntiiiwl-- Some took time .. o ; ,:nj wen; to Kinston to hear HutJdf .tohn.s..n and !:is orohest ra. Os hev.-i ju>t *ta . . ! 11111114' uftd took ;if easy- In , i ti' 1 'in '] i : rd. AVeil. we are g. id to kiinw alt cm loved the dav and f me 1.0.-ne V.- : *h<)-.f !!■ accident A! !“S I):'; I ’. li.'S* <t>t-t!/i !ii J .. :>mc triend::. Cni. Earl Jackion ha.- r tint- in Wilson with ''.-ialives .-u I it• I• tn ' in ilm Ait l-'m'.-c ami • :u> siatimied in i\ Viuonm. Tex.i i. 'Veil. Miss Bet na Heath no) 41! full of .-uniic • nowaday - Ti" summer i.luvifwm'l.-: .u ' !i'< -ui. as Schooi North Giiliishot'- ami S 'mo! f>i reel !-’'’!kio!. Lit’’-' Washington :-> ct ;.,n will get nmlm w >ti Tuesday, July 3. with hopr,-. 3 io i'J in lie tiioi tiitjg .rod J. to 'i T).: t ■ in tin c-A eir.Ug, E. \ Thorn ton w->|i he "is..; of 11\. ■ tiiays. i.cam .. with two, worker-- at each playg-ouml Mr ta I i /.a 1 >t!i J’o well, am! fa'.iiß Lon alii Kurle. JoVi'C', and W ille:'. I r oi' Wu.-'iiuvti.n, I). nte viistti M's Poweiig; narent -.. Mr. and Air-' Kim; Jon s at ■'■'!!! Aiviti Street FAIRMONT VISITOR M ;. Thelma Ai -N . r was gu oi <! week at tiie home of Ai; -1 :'■'•«! 1— i dmmpsoi!. • also visited her lath r ami tmtf.icr iti Fayettevilie ami reinva ed to Brooklyn. N. A. Alts Thoitii' son nisi, visited Airs Mamie Blunt, vet**- nii •• friend of hers while in Virginia. BELL-STUART Furniture Company QiuiLty Furnijnre. Reosonabl* Prices 22?-2e N. John Street Soldsboro, N C., Phone 1750-J ELMORE’S RADIO SERVICE iSil&s. and Serve;? Streef Floor Bkirdan Betiding Gold short}, V-, C Phana ZVit ! jgm -a | 40? "M v" ‘-v* :*^-m&®*** "(>ive me tnl) I. hi -plash in,” >mih> this liappv lot. Hi - tit mommy and daddy s tub and can si'iath t hi le-artT content. the National Patent (..omicil reports, bccauv >f a recently patroteti "mh a-iot that keep- him irotn siippins; down 'Hitler tin water. He sits in a harness held Its stictum tup. that mas b- attached am tt h le inside , tin tub fits mommy can sponge him with one hand and hold the so." m tin ilher without danger of ! I '!•!■,'! >t|ttirmiug out of eontroi * * *■ mb HEAD URyES ENACTMENT OF U,S. HEALTH BILL Testifying beiortt > Seuatu sub ; cormnitt. *s on health last week, ; t>: Tf.ontp-'Jli. No: mu ni Denr.il A> -oeiifion h-gislnti vs' , clutirmati. ■.■•laced the Association Hi: rectos ; as -;i i : trie adniin , isiration apt-t-sored health men Hurt’s now pending in the U. S. ! Congress. f.'.aUtrt- President Tinman'.- pro ;a>s: (i r: .:- - ieyi-'latmn tin most.: ; (;■''iinprehensive of sucti tiieosurey to j c:'iiu- : chore the Congress. Dr. Ti--: apson rt * -ft. d that S-1G79. HK • 4312 aid HK-4313 would afford .. ; high ijuaiity health service for the people of the United States These bill;, nr.- currently bcm.; considered 'by c"rr.inittces ui tiie Senate ami 1 louse. It. a diseus.-iott fidlowins hi- to. - tnul presemittion. the Chicago d-m --,ti - - eontav/tlded by t.-.e -SaJtale s ■;. iv. tiiiiH-*** lor ins i*Ac«.‘Uirut:nd.«- ! tion lira: F'ederai govet r.nH'!!' tulle prec.mtioD-jry steps to prev-nt ruriniiii: -'it ■ tmadica! and i . iii-'t training in ilu nation He (minted «.»ut {•■• the eounnittec’ ttu.t aftei the ■ first war man. institutions ex : :.li ft :i U;,-;, i :CS. at ..re.it ex y its. . ."j v to lost: frame.. - " ati- SINGER SEWING CENTER Singer Sewing Machines and Vacuum Cleaners Sales and Service Demonstrations Without Obligation? Phan© 130 Goldsboio LEE'S FUNERAL HOME Home Os CHRISTIAN ATD MUTUAL BURIAL ASSOCIATION Ambulance Service Day or Night Phone 31S1 I W. LEE, Prop. Fremont, N C FOR THE BEST VALUES Cash or Credit SOUTHERLAND FURNITURE CO. 207 N John Street Pho«e 10S5 ; vvmia, uou t : * ! • \ D : Thomo-c.-n the co*n - NOW IT CAN BE TOLD Daily Ni »v.~ : t ■:.,, 11 <1 i; i ■ r. ;l- ur u, !<•;.! li.s’nifn'-, wurth rep 'lu; Fm.-•* raih d the iUustratvd . Daliv Nuw. ih* name dicin t vi.CK and t' i- ; -;U)i ,h- ; ■ .1,-,; about : >r ■j reui a-.smv Liotuwn »t S.'i.'i Wt-.-i 135th -i! vt' (!«•• tijv W. Jdarri.- wa> : pubiitiiiiii-* .1 weekly t;ji- NKW YORK MOWS Tlu> was %vhat the new i>,•■>'•'i wanted So ilivkv! iitij with Harris 'and t arises .-ut.i.s wcfi protfeivCi I him for outriHht sale ot 'hat *•- I'tted name Sunn ri: ported :at . >•.: ■ . i from $5,080 to $25,000 wore offered ' • the dou.'.hly Harvard pnduute wii I stood firm a iid ra-iustd i. part wit a I tin name -ut any prnv : Consi'^uently, th» nvu. paper at' ,c3u'i. In. Daliv News- and 0 a,-- ■ pored, while Hnrri.V sheet nJed-• exemnaiH beito, obbiod up a . ■ F th. • Divan Much advertisin.; ’ f"r toe: daily paper found it.- wav to the H idem pub-ik-ation throutth mistaken acJdi'es;-lup eau.-una, an - ijarrassn.et’.l and inconvenience ill . around - —— —* ~ ~ J DIANA SHOP Satisfaction Guaranteed at j AH Timas 116 N. Center St GOLDSBORO I GARRIS DRY CLEANERS AND HATTERS • ONE DAY SERVICE" 209 N Center Goldsboro MOORE’S GROCERY & MEAT MARKET WE BUY AND SELL COUNTRY PRODUCE AND CHICKENS 505 Creech St Phone 257 5 -J j Fred Moors Prop. SCOTT’S CAFE Best in Barbecued Foods ‘lO4 Goliey Street Gold.':boro, N. C For Fun and Recreation Viral THORNTON’S TEEN-AGE CASINO And SHAVING PARLOR 507 Alvin Street Goldsboro, N C. E. A Thornton. Prop. Phone 337-M r “ """( Your Credit Is Good At (bjOLOf^ FURNITURE j 115-14 7 East Walnut St. ! GOLDSBORO i

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