WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. JULY 9 1949 Negro Officers Charge Bias In Shipping Industry NEW YORK Captain Ifuc.li N Mulzao, co-epor.v.ir of a romtnil'e. representing |i<T-usc-i Negro '■hip personnel, ha;; reported that an at* peal for a formal in ;u iiig to pre sent evidence of alb-god ;i isi- 1 1 min atory eoniliHon;- hi the shipping industry has been seat to Major General I’hilip It (•’h-miiu < hair man of the (Tilted Stales Maritime Commission. The appeal > hurga s that th • American maritime Industry has reverted to a nre war policy et d--- n.ciuj? employ mem to qua! if led N gro stijp officers ” Captain Mu 1 •’ said that less than i> per cent -f ,he >OO N> :v, pa v..•>•<> t.i rirtit »e»t to serve a -ffi, w,!r >h- American nvi-. hunt r i* *»• •* ih*> ear yeats or -' ll eittplo,’ eti >r the industry Captain Mu!"' tn h; • - (Tail of all Net!" <hip • as- ami has bet n unemple ■-1 ■ tie • O- - her I!U7 Du: in;-: D • ■> ■ ’titfo.ded !hf Hooltfr T W., dime ion one of t p.> • I Ver '.! '- !• 'til v ehit-s to tv i tor —m-taml'c \rgl oeu On t tic- t • tiiiii i 1 • ro tv it' • ft or of the fire ’Veri-wee ». b" Were )!i-en«‘’d as ship mi ■ H." id' Captain Miilvm. (h< ,< • Clifton t artte. John Godfn- amt .tani* '- 1 it fro'vn Ttir- tilth PiPin tlh-h.-n-- .-ti, died in D'E, !ti :*<!■ iit Pm. the- Hie stores of Mi'ites. .iigilie i me:- • f fit «i S. purtei- and wireless ope J-ators lie" 'He'lilplMVe | tie: .-HlM live ships thee operated dtirine. lli*» cast war hat e Iv-i-e w .thd tw it (inni service HOOKER 'i WASHINGTON The Hooker T \Y;i kim-'mi •; her the i.ornmand of Captain Mul . •>.. \< , . ; n w.• i ; v- BEDBUGS Roachrf Al! Inserts Now- set' m e brines von th<-- w ni)d»! killer, tin newlv dev- i ■ l --d AT.l.(>!■■ AD • • .air 11:' 1)1' !' end the f-repimp rh-mi d> Han Ml bedbug- am! -i ■ <• Ji well to night. Kill i.a-rm e.= i an; . <•,>-. he destr'K't.ive aiits. hnzrine f! : (tinging utosq’iii-*"-: and rid vo* ><-if pet'ii.: nerii 1;. of ail in e, is with •\!.-LDK\l> • t* on -to of Med user hare dom Guarante, «i • i w iii k or mom hot-: Send -2 today for rhen-hals for one (tilltoo of c!,i f»H\n •;\ i ■ t *t•; \.nsc>. I.ETL MONEY HACK (d'AUAN TEL thtf .-on 70 US I ha Hit -1 Oi money returned. Ant now Writ- New York insert aide Company itept 3fil. 152 West 2nd Si New York N Y (M l\\ I A !j 0 0 m - ! | -% I " SClk 'f&? •'* S f flat „ .-.ifL".-• ■' . -t a ' ,S / - -*nr' J °fj r , ,ip s -' J *i r p.o • ; * %; f U- fr* 11 *-> f !$ m. .j ! * ~ H A ; 1 ! ipfe/ | mfe ' #sa,l I- -Si rn g: f“ l&at- fw I// : ; «, Go all through your house Ever count the number of jobs your elec tricity does far you? It preserves and pre pares fopd—sews, cleans and washes -cools or warms—provides Ugh* and enter:ainmerv —saves you work, time money every time you switch it on! One. of the biggest reasons for America's high standard of living is electric service - we use as much as ail the rest, of the world together. That’s because American business CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO. period During this lime tbr hip cHissed the Atlantic 22 times f< r lying 15.00 P troops without a mi • hap According to H. iff. Singleton -porat lons manager of the Intel-i. h'neb S<e.imoh,ip Company inn . tin ship was withdrawn from s-tvli hi an a "the crew pot out nf <;ou fro) at the end of the war,” and tii- ci.-std was detained in foreign p-its (ii two occasions because . i smup cling aetiviles by ne-mhers •>*' the .TCYI . Captain Mul'/.a* denied tin -charge !j,; 1 1 discipline was lav at any time, and slid that ihe sumpal hie cl.ater wa.-j based on din every of two ca "s of ej-jarelte-. uiulet -i «-i-sun aient of c al vheii Ei - n- h etmtom . anr h-r i' !■ -i sea i—h ed ,he :.!>ip it Rouen 'lnriee the 1 es-a 1 la ' v-y No Npfi < a:v now a -inm-d -- any -f tt.e 1 nn-ltetibaeh «’-hip'-- Mr. Singleton .-aid that this was purely ." - id-ii'a; ami not a eompany p - licy. ■M 'he ti me ! !)• t! -Uel r Ws I: ierine \va« withdrawn f r-m i vim many civ lcadi-t I-u tml l np (in—eiimr K-ls-om -f \!a!>.in. !. • r ed President Trttmau to keep ’'■t■ • hip active. I' tvs sought ' keep the name of the noted Negro -da (all-- before the puiilic a- wet) a supj.d ' work for N'-ur- —ff'-e !\v.i if fj i own Hall Seminar m i<l I our MAY YOltK i ANT i Tin- A .-rl i Town ii-i.t 1. its gl-hal mur of the world la a ”• <-k vith i tiiglc 1 1 - t:i Y-'.v Vo. .. ... London tin t! <- IT! T: a; • tin . -n th- -du-.itional kmrney are .-V leaders from variott-. Ainerlenn or can-vat iojiH of labor. ».>i: . and . ivii inter* s' v Yiuontr f.h< itinei-nt an M Etditli S Saitips-tt. ChtcKgo ropr -HiMiii- rin N.ition.il t -itnell Negro W-aa.-a, and V. all, : YYI-:- i;■ presehi inn »h. N \ .-\ci’ Mr> S';tnip .o.i i ■ •••V.i. it nv.ilt -■■ the * \ - it tiv- -mimf.i- -f the M N\\ Til tout nh.i.-h 1,. ! ,-n Tone will ni-1 »•■•!',}- ie Sc- I .tomher af’ the a trdnai ha- touched leadim. . ill—! in : r !>| -nil \ - 'ad is land:.: in i a Ha -iff- \Y ’ 1 lllt:!u:".t' -h Mil iT . ’ d-n .Hel Han- Hru-sels, Belgiutri: I-’rankfu: l and iterlin ti< i inanv Vienna Y-: a- Italy 1- tanlm! and Ankara, Turkey. Ni cot;ta ( ' pm:-, I.ydda. Cairo and A leva roi'ia. Lgvpt . B-'-at. I'-eu-i Da in a sens. Syria Kara, hi. Pak is>an New Delhi and Cih utta. In . . . watch electricity work! has been free to merlon rter’TlcJly from n, scientific curiosit: to me of me nation's most valuable services. Business men and methods pioneered and developed vour electric company andm. 1e electricity low in price, high in useful*' css. available at your finger ips. In spite of government encroaehmen the b usinesr-- numaged electric companies -like your own - -today supply 87'.« of America's electricity. FSGSGTE ANNC.YI. GAKDKN ( AIM v - Above are --anvil a Ifo lit- Kiic:'t-- and hostesses who nro present at \hc anttiial gavd-n |> in i' riven week at Sh< eesi tlotee -f Di and Mi - i ! (' Crujry t— ■ ip, 1,-ied ‘ i non r; 1 eo-ot el tin so jo*H net' 'lentil YYVC A OHIO GROIN’S ASS LESION TO NR? FIGHT B. C. BIAS ( •• i ’ : ••>}*.i "s o • \ •*>\ ii* Ohio Sti-te Dn>v-cv:iUc msa i;j.,i-i, t ,<> AjTU.uif ;n: !ri:i r .*n to cl •’•■l up nnd hr ip Dahl .iu i cjuw \\ the U'itiou’s c.'ipiiai. 1 v»i .••• i ion u'-*. • tho (vit nv >'v• ? • f h■! ;-;p h\ the O 'if* A'lidi •■■l" | * ,‘.i r n y * ■: h )n\: i ■ u*utaU'- • h j iTn» D-d * Gif i-• St tie \o ‘:U- tUo.*, - Mi- I.( iu M Mert'tt •*! Go ; ' «ri ■ f ; '. 1 i!C .»* I ' • ' ..t tar fS I St • ( Rijrikn- Pa. r:in*Snr:-.4.i N-y: p-\ QW)Oi v -s-'ie ’* <>*;.' - •• >.■ *•); ■ 111' *rj • >A f tyh I* *; {( l l t ,p, ( j J]V •1 ; U Ijl c J * \I . • d a i’.i r’hi',pp:m- i-!*t ft Tokv d ipan. and >fa u- , 1 1 M)l SAW If IN rill ( \IUM IM\N j African Girl Seeks Spouse ¥/ith SISOO riff!- * 'Tf"! d (i! A iV'-.i’i \it - ii, ipc-t.- ! , ip . r ‘!- . i unco 'on hi., i ~ *pi- u you, »i < aid : , d 'pi-, A , I i..a,u .-i»c ia .i 1 1 h.'.i, fiv,’ ra it il:h ! o-vv —\ u h'—-v ! V -if, liflte .n i- ft--0 »' ff 1. . V . - t..- a iii! ; ha - d and looks d" not .-u,d Her-'-, f It. , .... A >t. n i. • ha. • 1. no aid a • o>n-. >•„. . Pay lay, ... \,a, , ; , \ ... Van vc ant t— kn-.-r H'-r- j. the :d--v k■. Mi : i i \ I 1 n she '-id -a Ph'tl -**.*•-1 pi>f a hi-:> (-<•!•-h pe-.v \vr.:d, | H 2" y-a - -Id young indy of r-rs V ,*.«•*!, ii-. --- nu Am- 1 lean hushatnJ who i no'd tend m- "0 nv ■ 1 iy?.i r t .mi )- ; my f -i- in n Cm t Lilv 't-etii to An ■i ;■ i h . h- -• } —}i no: -ip >rueti about the i——k it, ~ ip-a ha--. d-- * * - D;t a>id -a., he ,»iart M-vi no. t an-l -in t ■ ■ - , , , h-me. 1 (im n,.t veil ff. iuit 1 am f.'-o . <•’> . -■•■) a- :1 upi glo f,„,1l- —. fi< , f. , - f;-,n m., rood ‘i -ir •a . I- Pjl.- uni - red Mv u--- m j t Vmnhpr s'*' I A,, Ii nekprnme, „ - [til 1 \7. i hf*' h- S' ': : th AflH':-. I So ut b ern Coii nci 1 Raps Regional Rian pair.--1 in th- . Mviii-- and -thrr >.. , I P f< li. f' ,n; ’ t Vll - - *T'lbnC>t--pir f.b-u ie. lih'V imde grants f - the S-ii’h, if 'up.. Ed in a-: -on liian wa: r— ap;— - i i i,a:'e-i tv t ti• i> r l on ii • . :"U-'h it,.d serh uradl in ri:<■ ! ! p.-d i o ,-i -a nr v-(a,f <he ini. ai o r of Eederal .-ourt dr-eisv us 11-.-i* v-take I’Kinda'ro y Die prnvi- ion >f • ,tnai t'n.-ilii i *-:= within ‘.eh -at, (if f yv. ami inernher> of rh t ,'d —' Mv Sunt t-ern C-nf.-r'-iir" l. due-i ton a i Fund tor., wliic-'r. 1 Th ad r | "a' mi in .Vc-sv Or leap - nr f-lhuv . A 11) i*y iVchains. Miu'-.Ti ■ p;, Pdi : i . Repjaiinn f Mav- 1 Vf!>. rj f e*.. vie, pi-siil'ni Mva Y- Tavior. K’ttshville, T-'ivn . "•■rei .>> tv a nre i and .li,u--'a A Doe.': -v rki. dlrec-or. < n li." dhvet- at. fha .'loffe 1 1 r..o\V: —lip C . I .mils Ho ll ham n-w Y-i I:. Wot '-v 1 >uv.i- - Dm r Al v iiiti'-ia Vri (.’lark •’ *• itiMii. 1 Ei an min I. ■ • *i -f AN - slitugflou. D C.; I’rny > ’—ne. .'.'i 1 ,ii Mis-. Myh*r. a. MonC ai:!. T-nu ; d l.'-ivo 11 n d-l's-n Riv Ni lon is. Mi- I a th. •: C ai, k ■ -u. C- 1 "1 - all 1. Lewi; AY .1 ,|-'" 'l'll- koi-.ee. A’! 1.-• , di: luer \’i,iMl. ! 'i;i : V :: a Si mV 1-ipc, d -: 11 S c , -in f! Ttmi'i p> 1 hh If • teal i tia,’i'. r \A idwr Rielm;- 1 !. Ye ... i i i ■ihmii i -- - - —. ii 'i, *>&>. m THE CAR GLINT AN O.C, POOL CLOSES HFTFB KERR RIOT |i. y I*l >l. J V '}!<•<• i.'i . ?T. n 't - :>:■;(*. ry k- • 11»< ‘buy a it* r <vv ♦» < .>: <*■<>,' i• v <j,* vr, <■*' i.HV»‘ •• WS>FU ' !<>' ■' ITKI about TO to * <;r •• vv-r»« j-viirmniji;.: The i'.• ><>l poofcfuiiv h?.f 17r*y. when ;* croup of pi'Mut l’*ft vv.V, ?.*v' vi.i'iihs n~v<*?'lhi,■ i ii) <h< park a xronp of around £rro youths* onior-rd tb t In' wlnfo,- corD-l vd nr,r of tlv* »firrr. hoys raising him 1 sorilo a HfjT’h'w : j*• lopped to nor rut ting him. I was ‘h°ii that llu* r# 1 ■ 1 j tllo ftf ;••■» rt • -.1 and k• -pt n ♦ f« 1 • ■{\\i aix mini oight poiic- mon final!v :■• \ >t*' r i tjj <• twor.ioa j•• - nrt d ina <lf •• f lo*m leavo ftp. pool. Oui -;i?!n of :by cia mi r< ;.}*»• ar!i iu-;iitn:e: hmk'H out aanirs and Tin.* , p» lirorrn n wh-«> were ai- 1 rrt.jy on Ihr 1 a? mmd 4SO poopb* an* MUe&ed to hav«* ioil• v d in I ho 1 isfcllfl*s. A\h°t» 'tin- fra'as was filial 1 nniotod I around pm. Scot.mi p> rsons had to hr- rrindofi. to lb* hospital for • t rr.’iimrni -*f minor i n hirins and a ni/i o tvorn pi a rod in jail. T)>o Anao-ostfa poo] r ouo of Hip :IX r >pfrated h; (onoM tnh’ *d. So ; \j? fjK‘ , iiiidor a (-.onlra*. ’ ”-ith th * Interior depart men' which for bids .seer eg# Hon Trouble had been Patterson Reelected To Red Cross Board \Ti NA {T( rfi y \\. y ;> PUt.lo| -.i|. }•) • vUiGUf of M'Unll. -ea i G i.. V :is , t, j, r t hruo l oa 4 - trrt.! . { r.Gr •<( t!i*> ' 'C({ f*: Cfivc; -,i til'- \mcr.; ■' 'i• • k n h- ’•-} ?.i k it) .\ Mu n 11• ’ 'Hi- nifC ii.y (iGN j-u rd hr rnnii v !>• v*\i one nf Uu best r.y > I«,| ;y j ( ’ t und<l'UP»U L 1 fbHi. -ofT' iindrr! yiiu; Hod Ur,. •ed tr» * - d fftinnch ■h n loan. (: i f.H fil.'UOl. I : howl’d '• g'D' ’G'tS'>r- ntu! ntPMovou.s ■ ihnjk*■»*.*.. thp • i c*:iu flip? TU‘fl «!} •’?’ U|.- |Uf»ulc •.f ;d \ i i l>Mii : ?nau O f rijincv p.rdd \y . - ; Jh'cii'i! ■-?\\ I f.\ P! V ' C.ian I i d iol* r-U’f of- »m mg) a * . ’!(}•;' ( 'jf- ,if it},- .iCC' u- I;, J" : I • • ( • llMl ' .1 »i • • “ d fh< il' M.--*: • . big)»:V lifli.f. : • •• M.i t W.sUtnetiY*,. Ivgun.: ■ nut e|p.. \'\ry;w i d unk. d'i.Y ottr t’b.or - ; , !? > . fVjc\ I ■i,j . G.),jy f.J.*}; >• t,t l;r c'wm ' t 1 y t ; j }. n ro;- ?y t - *<l • •• • V sIJUtP ' «n» } VI : Vf} » t ,\ R o i • ‘ - S'- Mid. Uu>s KNOW f : [ i. Hi!! MAPI IAW AVI If IMH kl l VETO IV. \!>Ol ill < iHI \ * i i :• -''tcK g nnfp.u (.1 vernoi H:>i-: üb.u • tod t*> 'mo rC;;- • >*> N • v'Mf. i< - >■-c>ia, GcvUiyC it jtiCuia,! by ua < lu-n,A lv>; d A(uel f n ? do? .<! Jaw ?*' i*gjo - • * T -".n.r- I.M ):o s.jch iy-.v : ■ ] sliil hoiiCV' tfico <:o ?. me- .iustt leaf ion f-u* J I. * nd<; i ?! » pic r *.t tinu • • i- • •«'?-» i.;-V .sfar’Oiy lfgi.u*. 1 : ' ! ’ l l ■' 11» 1 : t 1 ;• • • !**' Iv d m)iM ,'•? \ V-ir-t? made for com* m • :'a\ drvei nn eni tiu islands (Jtbt rl. v 'pOpjrK'ntS dur i V'* ' • )*. *(*• o« iui'.ing out < nti n - i: vJ ‘ c aGiViit Ut. r*. ‘.babJo mj the i k.ilavids curr».?f\r«; |> ]i <n *J,“ U S. Ti-c S\ 'rbGO' »;• * Dnily Ncv.' |vC .'ill', • i*’ TM '-.pG- . \ -n 1h c - MM.!;. ?; l : f MY ■ -pi bahi-. f ur ii’i* "i.'st ' artep -wei t and t -. ■" j.ay puvornnv:r,t o> • hrrv ing ,u .cnul Die pool® o.vo* Miii' I ** lhoy ihicA \i a pom •V! ?*#■;ll* • I d.-mm. The UU' guards •AMiik'Ml mgi\ rrom one of UiO pods • *»j * t-1 Sc. : h 'vv-ii vho a rvvsjro .‘!MI uhitr vVrMI! into ‘ YV/PC-) t| i' i ".vni£r fmiV 111 the I “Cl 1 Tliv.v • i ♦ i '•*♦*« i;i: I'.pv f'eayvd 11p.ro .-im ion h'uiihle vvmuM rr>iult and liiov • •’lid !>•■? uo:o 1 * >M»uile the sit tmt.ion. ! . mi', ay’, ,« tod A\a- are apt to !* v* ;u«i *?• s•* •; i■ i\f ?ori v ers and oar bou vs ii!‘ niton (he typo which are rae \ l\ rnvatj'p.til by wind ami Mor in iit ' jil\i! r v I-• d♦ ) a lop K t Ip 4 h‘*avd vv-,!i k h«r«e ritadefs oi oxejuy i l . *‘iu ,;s, thrr-'V open their doors : ‘.'iMoaiit •m : v l . ■ 1 j* j i•»' r- , j j gnesi3 v '•>}.«■ '*! fid the leading hostelrh s *. ; 1 •* n iiiany of the sw'ank rcstaurardft -viihout edflp r inch!out a p|? a twill noveh v ! roul b< t■: \\ R, Po t \t luskejjee In^litutf TUSKFOrr {:■: A^P , F 'l'i ou!, a» yenj ■ old 'i ;■ V-UPO ifvOMUte <; .M'. .W' i:ui t .‘) !u i'-'f i )!> :h. hig!i suv"'! d> ..flic-' s:- ri ■. , . !; I •;■« ; ,-i ;|! iotv ■■■*•■• A]-!:! ;,OT, .u!i { ■' ’vv-- per in-u v, nubli-' .0.0 on md u*m- j IV Vi f 1 •,, , , n l P ; ’ ! ~|, V [ iri .• T Hit,;' : -o' H • i! ■!. b-O. ■ ! . d with liono, ii;o , H > | | , ■ 1 f , ~f |, . f 'l* ri ■; ■. Vi'iar hi t'i 11 ■h * .-■ |i ’ t .., 1..! Df t twher. A.Vv l\ t .sis - Vlr. 1 V - f 'i'lld- , [V!I11 iy it), the Ai ■■ v. ■ F vtension .'■*>>■ f)f: of >n ’ > f» ;. r 13 / ; o “‘ - Z?"’ ’ / I . .... I ««er. ”2 10 I j -• ' j n. ( i Melrose & Company, New York. N.Y. ■; ■■ .-• •• .... Kil » j. ■ * ."•mBWW-tnjvjt —.-nv.nr.ri"iiij»nniiMw • wiwimumiih* i'Tiiiw 'wmmwwwn' .mum ir-rrnr *r-niwr-TWi"iy ir ’Tn-tf’"V’nriTi |j FT’S I T in r Q I 11 K- Ci D FIRESTONE 315 FAYETTEVILLE STREET if imußr in m 1 - —in arm*- i/>_t BEACH HOME FOR SALE Modem in Every Respect. 3 Bed Rooms, Living: Room, Hooti. Sun Rooms. Kite tier., 2 Ratos. En closed Back Porch, Garage. Butane Gas System art! Oil ( A uiator Running Water. Asphalt Tile Floors. Venetian Blinds. Will Bo Sold Partially Furnished. Big Lid. 'with front on Inland Waterway. Available for Immediate Occupancy. Priced Hi#rht. Inquire Richard Rogers, Dial 9641 i Wilmington Savings and Trust Co. WILMINGTON, X. C $ f PAGE THREE g.vvvrnmeat, ?ad in February, ldfl returned to the I'niu-d States 1 eejit The Negro Farmer” ini '.rit weekly radio program. I TRIBUTE PAID EURMER LINCOLf EMPLOYEE JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. Pres deii f K!i< rinan l>. Kmipss paid elorv ina ti Unite to the life of San m i Johnson at funeral servlet! for til. latter last Saturday moril iii!;, Mr. Johnson had served Lit! coin 1 'nivers!(,v f<o more than yea is as superintendent of huilJ insjs and grounds, proctor of res dene* halts, and carpenter. Th t'liiogy was given by Walter Wisi man, I'lniaier. Watch Tower Tra : jtiL’ty. Rt. Ijouls. Eighty-five years of esepiplar living ending for Mr. Johnson Wet nesdni at his home. and hi wife. Mrs. Stella Johnson, celebr# ed 'heir golden wedding annive: sarv ui 1946. John, born Nov. 2( lat Blackburn, Mo attend!' 1. 1 no! ii Institute and spent I ’>•.! » in the Central Mi'-ov ; Gorl >cron, e of the Methodist Episcopal Ci:h. I'.utorillg 111 v.< .’■'■!>' • * Cl nl V;u vovciri 111 1J J 6 !). ;s hiJ iio‘i! a, a mlniater hi t .rgauil aiioi* vs Jehovah's Witrifv > sen! inp hioiv in tha ! »*4ip?*<-ity a long ns his health permitf iF is survived b< his v, . Mr; tellu Johnson; eight childrei Mis? He*eii Johnson. Mrs Fnies Hn.miin Edward Thomas Johnso a 1 ai.oh; Cnireisitv en loyee . f 'cflcrson City; Mrs. : ara' liravton, Louisiana. Mo.; . osep J■ 1 1 1 :i - 1 ■,ll Mrs R f' MciMurdock. S 'cn Ivhnson. ir of Washinv'or H i M liliam E. Johns ' o K’og ' -i. Jamaica British 'Ves Hidi- ■ 'eh • erandchtidren •vu grpHt grfitidihildren a he M .HRui. Johnson of Olathe, E SI BS( RIBE TODAY!! FOP GOOD ICF cm \M GO TO THE Frosty Bar >O7 1' Martin Street -9 Frosty Flake Thick Shakes 20c Ice Oeam « Sodas Snacks MAGAZINES m spr.ciAi All SUNDAES WITH Whipped Cream Topping 20c

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