WHITE DIVORCED THE CAROLINIAN n c Wr. • • ' vw* w a4 i s■• w e \• • •*- .;g.,aonw ■ K u.y G^c--A'A ■>w W> ‘ vy.;. >..,?. oYAy'^V’v : -'- <: -J . • ,i •* v, ° o\ i;> . 24 Pages VOLUME \\;i.\ Durham \nswers Suit EXONERATED AFTER SLAYING fJF J s< Ai t s it! \t It IS S| HI I I 11l KI Jesse l ft' lOllei, h Vial old resident of *4 l-u ver street. i> shown with Patrolman GOLDSBORO TO HIRE NEGROES AS POLICEMEN GOLDSBORO - The :v. point- Ujtr I <4 tv. NV“f(, j/Olitvni>-ii l > p;ifr:] the Little W;:i'hingt->n scv t’.u.': of GrCkLb'>r... a■ • i 4 4ur., .-d at the me* tuu the G<'K3H.oi ■> City Board ot Aideiir-eu at if.- meeting he id n July City Z («. Hoi 'v r;j V.t.f »'S- author is* .1 ’ 1 JD.-iKe l In* t ppOQTi cn >-r H by i ’ft lyo:,rvi ui A’- dermStfl Iris a luffiU: <,. uppE;.-. Trirs fat consideration and study. i. ontilV.itrrf mji jj.xp- 8, thb M'-itio;. ARRESTS WHITE MAN FDR RAPE ASM DOWN, ARK V \»' - A 27-yi >f -old u tilt** man «’j> arrested and held without Fond rifrc last week on iluices <,t raping a toui) K Negro Kiri near Ogden the accusert Ld vt iii .facksoii. was arretted by till s.'itrm and night marshall near Ihc ticeiie of tin- attack The victim in > ears of age, h renf inert in .htmimn hospital. ‘ Texarkana n nil a reported back i»j«r}'. TEXAN WOULD SURRENDER BAIL MONEY TO SLAY MAN | DALLAS TBX A S “Texas .'.i.'T 'c'’ !»•>! t frt twfs’ ,t>Ci'*itly in a Dallas Cool t vl' a /'•'•■ a- iaw effcrixi to p.'tv -i j jifegro pi ismii-j S2T>/>Ci bail fm 'he plow-urn kUH-.#i him" Follow! t. a tia.fL tteci'Se.i Ozzic 11 A a> *• " allegedly thro < ! tened to kill tin 'attorney, Walt Rc>. rit uni i > assault hi,- v.t • TV arson teas .tailed ■ n < hat ge?- ot ha vine ...ado ifa • throats. Darin®: baboo* r u.ius pr-weetltoiga i' litistod by Watson's at 11'i act Roark declared that Judge- J:>e B Brown, who was con rttuniTg ilie heaviiu- had ! otter keep Watson n jail because he would Vrj[| if h« i ver (rot our, ancl that, in ta-H. ue was willing -i.> post xVatNon's b-md for tin pl-asni'e <*f killing: him. tVatsotr’s "rue; a ed that Roark Ik* placed u nil pi a peac txjnd. Eftplit Fling ilis t tic had no alt e-native. Judge Brown order's' the oeaee toortO posted after aptilevi- to Roark Earlier however, the Judge had tlrr.iared that he would have i killed YVa'xon had he been in Kuarfc shoes vy .<■ ,m was pranteil I appeal from the two-year. line to wh. h he was sentence i f ',bv Brown. NORTH CAROLINA’S LEADING WEEKL Y RAJ EIG H N( )R : H CAROI IN A SI I till.M il'; vjitatH filter lit W 4« « \ >*l!r> itt ti Ii v the Wake ( Hunt' It) Jury tolling mg ,1 > uur da a afternoon street duel wills Gra vForced To Quit Florida A.&M. Post \ C. MW H OU,i I) t OU MKIA. S. C. Booker T. Diikersou. a Columbia fill ing station employe* tecaitir the second vicilm u{ Hogging ! y mushed bands in the Colum bia arcs' within incut weeks : Diekt i son. who i, - waiting | iOr j I'us t.fs tb" j ur/ii t wild r ibe 'vovk',, wav seined behind, j olndfolded. tesseti bt'diiy into j a < or, driven out into woods where he was 'tripped, bru!al i> beaten .usd left naked An employee of a (JuJt gx.i st.; 11 e s . for more than 20 years. Diekn sun hgd never before h*rt ; .mu trouble u. tin- • ouiiuujiiiv. Tarheel Roundup \A itU'.'l Tile S;.aie !...!» <• ' I’ut:«i ii/.-s loaned fbe H'-rtlOi-il (V school biarfi ekl.'iiMr f ,r tin- eon s-trueuon ;in uuditorinui at th> Riverside Wyco 5.1.-oc.l u'-ar Mur knives on South Hloutit street ■ In. )i resulted m the dentil ot Arthur Hedgers ot 170.: Ka-.t i demon St! *et "I‘ALLAHASf>EI. FLA.-Dr Wii iio!.. ii Gray Jr thy militant and y>.nhr,i! .‘ivm-!mt 4 Fluids \ and id flpiie,-. c ;i ldi'ced io lc sign t.l.is '.'vek as the eiimax a several nu.itli ined which et'; - u.“ 1 about his mverest on tlie bel teir..i*m of euni’it oris al'i'ivtirn; Ni ci • . in Kb c .4;, and th< S"Utli Cine <>! ip.- viiuiiioc po-. ider.is iV'i • -,d - Nepr. college Do i ■ o u> icove.s tit hind hir, , record ul uuoaralleled progress arid ..cr.ievemera lor the ;istiti;tt-‘ iiiitiSell ,inutile (» "f'.'iH { mrii 4*». t*i) evidence . j ai l r .*j t ,iv ( v»ut unite -*»- i | Itei • O’fuli (livjUihiitrtj buut <’hl£ ,1 \ cases hi tti .urt'M:. ui .lh Ka leijj'U it '• .. VB< dH v»0- l.tlioii i h.n ge.v j V«ui!i|i disbelief that ttir | V lit 4 1-,* Utli * i'Uld go Hi ..ltd I s bu> li.|iioi h lit 11 thc> n ere not I KOov. it, Hit jti: i:<- :jl‘* 'tlom-il j thru method of «*ralioH With | the ilnLtuliim tii.it "tbr truth' uI iiut till it iipiiaijiius had eorne tut Ij-1 Hi-fk 111 ihr U 14l oi t. ,t it (-t i iii. 4 lttlu\6 tab driv j S rr tvhu s 4 lit that hr gut the It i quo, as an an ' Un(i>>ii.uu-ii tor (hr tin'll atlil charged them what it eel'll hint I (,OV. JKSTER DIES HOUSTON, TLX AS A tew hulas utter lit bad Mgiieri the j'exas stall- amt-lynching uisi which w~s one pliuse ui ins state Hi ii rights program which it i uylil ttirinigt: the Texas legislature m urt effort to rteui onstrate the lack »f need ior federal rights legislation t’.nv einiir Heauforti ii. Jester of Texas (lied Os a heart attach <0 i steeping tar berth A determined believer in states' rights-, he still believed in lull oil'll rights and w > described as the South > ' 'if os.. realist Pal ly iloeral” guveinoi the (lollco Drought Fort io jail ESCAPES Lest**r Johnson 21. ewa-ped from ! lilt Onslow I’ iron Fatflj;. Continued on pune t- re lsf Section i | BABY BURIED ALIVE FOR j I fourteen hours, survives j .MONTGOMERY ALA A new-horn Infant’s survival fftor j had been nprlvd alive icr appro*imfiteiv It hours was iertaoi j “a x iithcle" tins week after the ->.ild was found m a -lialiow grave j wber- it had been placed by its uttw-'-l n,»iher | ■\cr’>rrt(iii? to iVliH'ii n.n r.s polioe. official', and fh 1 . A. H k.i. j ham. county medical fleer the viss ihcii a 4ay-clo in a.i! "5* | but -d ir, a hack yard by its T'-y.var old mother, who he.' Riven birth unattended. I Tim younp; rnothci, Ida Roberts, told p-.lice thi. she burled the Hnld 'late Friday in a Cut Low crave whit' she ined w-G. weeds. The buried In by was found by Ida's landlady Mrs. Lizzie Hum. and Jim Henry n. railroad worker. Mrs Hunt went Into tin backyard early Saturday morning and Sim the baby's foot wriggling from a tnotmd of earth Th/- landlady screamed and fainted, whereupon Henry ran out and saw the baby which he extra.-led from the makesliiff grave a short "•’bile, after the baby was removed a rainr-i.'.m fused the grave with water wliirb wouid have drowned it. The mother is charged tilth assault with attempt to murder SINGLE r| COPY lUC A me true bill » if returned bv 'Jury hlMi .Te'jl.r.s V. HlVf i! py liniU.ary hearing in t'n> c'ouri and V* Zl'i t.OlllUi >lVrl tfl \1 ~ 1. • L- |l j • ii 1 ; Court on • r:■ ■ .‘hrtrgv f ij.-! ■ - v... - bon d i'u*’ KliiStiy willed.; e>c.birred arouno ~ o'clock Satur<)«} after i ill tin’ 400 block il! South . t » >■') f c-'-i *:• ■- till- <.voild d-: u * town K.llinir itt ;».t many {lavs. SELF DEFENSE .Li." L . ■)? fibo'lt t tr im k and .'best, bad pultw that it tv \ .. cut.- «d -. ;t a- !• - -- Ho s,;t:d ji»- .'a- -landing -..ii lho -tro p> taikii i 1 to former Wake County Corumet i. \l Wan 10 when Ri gor- mod Itiui iSob-utu and Li- -■ alia 'keel hill: With :< Krtb- Jo:it:.-: . lai.’a- that !■•• tried to .1- ho v.as Radiy cut. Whipping out hot own kinV ht went aftc. Ro 1 fl- \i •11 do to "'Ll’ it *:> » ontinufd -ii page 8 this section VIRGINIA STATE SERVICES HELD FOR DR. FOSTER PETKRiiBimG. VA (AND ; Funeia! services were held this ! week for Di l.utfn-1 Hilton Fos ter, beloved president oi Virginia State cohege who died ... his kep at his hi.me m th- campus July .6 .it the aye of 01. Far: err; services were held ffl fr.e (.0111-gc: chilp-l WKh UK' HIV. It. 1. ti. rd •■•(•., postoi of In- church, St Stephens Fnk rupal, oft iotat . ill" The fitH Ve,J.>h»f as-.i.-t --—d. Hr hGs buried : i Ihandfortl I trine: cry. Be: idea hi.-- of tic Ji.il duties, ir-’resi* : dent Foster was active with umn : (irons other ventures. Here arc s.ene oi fns achiev.cent: Cha rut-in executive committee • i c.t vlu- Negro Land-Grand College ; as-ociatlot: oigamzei atid first ;. - r:<)ei.[ a.- ociutiou of Business Officer- in School M ’•'egroez member, executive committee, Vir ginia Ass->e ate.di for Educatioi and I chairman id ds building fund; Vitmoer. board of truMees, Bi shop P vuf Divinity c.bool and St. ' !ii -> Polytechnic institute mem ber cenei I improvement commit ■ !f- . ‘ thi Virginia Slide Planning , Continued on pagi 8 ttoi> section IBlil , § ‘ 1111 l ' sills m ' IPS | •■-BP wtt i C m iv. •• • "jj | iSwß^fe, =< BBKX'-.-i1... •■■• -ksi' ,«(•, JPP, y gy-~ l l| WM^Swgfeg|fe.. NO. T\V<> compliei i:i.\ ms ntmH)- lin itmijililedv destroyed tlx i i suit-ix't of Mr. and Mr», t-d SIOO,OOO Libel Su 'd Cites Father Divine WIFE OF NAfICP HEAD GRANTED MEXICAN DECREE XI-.'W VttUK The j7-y-s«r rtf inaii.e of the Walt or Whites which < began in the* New York offievs o: do National As'inr-u f-r ha \dvaa.-m. • of Color a L-opl i ... H " - - : ■a3 [,.; i thi-t W-ak. t;.. ... a ~’. fob ,-. H. • ~! •. a from a trij.- ta- ,vie\i, - vot . ' Wte.M aa- ; • \V tii> lorifo .ad a itoxirau liivm.’n troin hf * .husband. icm Aad saw :Vt- hihi a -..a . . Nto,’ ti’tk: a'Tunay !- j' yo- Whit- iln-if CoritUii'.ed on page «. this section ICAROL.INIAN | PHOTO Quiz\ jmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmm.. 1 !'W tV i-ik's 4UrfltiiMr tX*•«.• b's tili'm Maeon, y.lia« II invevsity sophomore i Yes. Si .ce the a. -u Nee,, o - and K’liiU'- are more cor tci’- -. w. ra> *. % Ncgr:- Dtrj lis place in u Mbs Macon ! Aeierieat: exiely. In mv hcrr.e'tewii Louishnrg. Nc - are .res ted more t-•rdialiy .-n : Tie store"?. ! ltave aiso ret teed •■ change: a., the- attitude- of whites Iridutg the. ’.usse.k The re: vs very itUle jostiin y ;• :td sneering at tn 'Nepro passengers in a crowded has. ! ll;t.y . eerr to :v.eli;:f that both | race r have tr- use the stm.c me;. -. of uanipurtan.in and therefore siiare s; atb.g and standing space ; without iocidsat Another vi-i> Significant chabijo in race relations is tile Interrncisl In'dltinc meeting ->n me enmpus •wce-1.. 1 believe- mat. the itietu* ! bers of both races in aii«.-ndacce of | this mevt.-ig are here becduae they •' racily want to do everything pos -1 Continued on page, a this section be'it Tee of ,«-niitnfield. Only the (-..ii chuirv .uvd psti.'h livtnvbitc shown in front m tin* tnirnim; DAVIS SUES CULT HEAD I’hdadt-lpbia. r.efirowerk: I\j : ••dell Ire tun! Fa the: Dive In .*> ihi wv k when our World in-. - iiie> f lin'd suit act Ins! (Ii f-i:;ed euii iiiuiev f-r SlOO.i'On • i:.:r.Jiu that hv made f;ils. scam elitlmiv. maii. ieu.- arid uni rue M..re ,:U • nt- in ;i M’vi-s. t.i -eii *-- 1... (h. . 'A.-:.-- > d-d :;. \ ,u - V Lislor Oi-ij-f! The ehariv’S gre-le i - 1. ’ . , .-■:■■ month, ami prfntexi in - Eh ji.s New .i-ifri r t Tucker a td. i!y d, •,vb., new sleihel (e sjeiJ :- : , r . ■ - Our World The phiintifi < -i lie r lor rh- v-ijum > sue -f the magazine vlii.h ■ . j T id's: ", r- 6: ': ■ :> 111-kei Ih.l' 'ill. ■ . ( :;• t\ ,c!et are ha > : ai.,l 0:,. -,. tii. • T ruman Enlists NAACP In Fight For Civil Rights LOS ANGELES * message Pi"..-)deiit Ha: S Ti'iiinan .nlisiliig the aid of Lie S I ALT’ - •lit' f-g::t ViY.J ; •,: ' - ie i-1.: . . .. ir.4 ln-sday r-vefbtig Opening ;:cs: 1 -l ti;t -Uu.'. A. Com't'i'entt' at the Nati-na? Associa tion t.)i the Advancement of C 'Un d F-vapa i \ riov WEI kill:: secret :y ot the A■esoe;air'ti "(),:.•■ gre«; ; l>t>!>v ' w.-'de the Preside'r.t . . ", lies in tie.: strength and unity ot out pe ‘pm bidiind the i.lohls which R- to make; -•nr n.itiotf. One <>T these hieiii: is the- ebursinatson ol dis.Titn .* on based upon i arc, a l l. g: or ■". - Man Burns Home, Held For Arson . SMiTHFIKLD ETben Lo 3d i year-old truck drive r «• aeiiig held ;in jail without Lon.: >u n ;oi ui 'un i la- is elmi'Kod with •.nra-pletely i deslr-ying hi; $3,000 L ve-r-’-uvn ;e - ; ment bis if(-. n.nis. by l- v Alt of | the bousc-hosW fi- rii' h ngs were de* stroyed with the exception l>( two ! chairs rnd the porch furniture. Ace-orb hi.- ta> polie-e, !-.• • -ad r- is , wifo, Cl«u*a. l ad be cm hivir-; ta.n jdy troubles sot ro*ne titm* The 1 couple lived in the house wv.h SISTERS HELD FOR STEPFATHER’S DEAIH ! Fayetteville Wr~, Ora Lee Me- Lean, 2i mill her si-'c: Miss Lu ' cille McDciv/ell, St, arc being ’.--Id ! in jail wiibonf »>. ? d ?.»» d'.arg<« of , murdering their ulop-fiuher Police H.ild tVi: Mr M> ta>isi. y McLain. and hei sister. : Miss Mellow. '1 with being an ac cessory. structure were saved. lee i he In? held nit mi arson rt; .•, . (Tuitei hv sfe rmatt 1> lan sun Courtesy of New> and Obtmrver 1 DURHAM SCHOOL HEADS ANSWER PARENTS' SUIT <, Ki•!I-’NHI■ OH') I>ur ! ;‘yi &<'h o<>! a ; *': * j;t.> ilt’S At‘ 5 K lilt’s? fLU 5 -s -:jf rimiDaHoa prflMoruU it liDfi 111 "A DA <*. '\ gov e.: f.v'.' cjr.;ai.- thne tin- Cufei Fx.vu:.-v -'....‘ii umi “In -■ vec.c ..■ ic »h irv-i .Tta- “ovi-mmeju, otis -hr . ii- I vi-: •■ iL - iai.idly .. - mrcllipes t and ; ersistenr . ,u. :-'er.vy n-u.jnF " The Preside.-d ■iiL-i'-i support of the public ■ -if! t!.«- ..ctive c . c-t sue;: arganiza. an- a.s the Ma.VCF* in •tv.n'mw i -. i ,-?Ce ii hit section) - i i !w 'tiildrcn Mi die. hi ana Billy Fa.fr, if Oii several ouca • \->ns when in- han b< en inuk mg. Lee bad threatened to burn the house H* -rr and her si.*.ter, tfioled. v.'tic . '-.‘u-,.:.-.;. ■ ■’- fCorthiued or. pr at- 6, this stt-tio:;) Mrs akLesti har> wimitred shoot* lag McLain with a .s;: calitwir pis tol, but says Thai she did It when ;,- >_i:’ \ -, . ri oc iii-- with &. i 1 Her sisitcr aiicveU - .iin-f Mi'Leaaj ■in the hack with a • .In i. iudfe.i However, an aid>v«y report sttri buteti th- u. ritj t - bullet ft-o-rn I the pistol which wa. lt*dgwJ ia the ! man’s heart. Continued on page 8. this se-itiaa