PAGE SiXTEEN GREGG CHARGES TO BE RESTUSiEQ DOVER, Del. <ANF. O How - .id D. Greg a', suspended president j] Delaware State C-'Ucge. wit', have his third hearing before a third different board of trustees .t the college it was announced here last week. Other new development ■ in the situation at Delaware State CoiL'cV' are; i A ec. o'; Neurn, Boma* d NV-ung prinei)*,! rs the Milford School, was appointee! to the boatd ■■■ e-place C ,i;'r.c« Polk, a Negro who resigned after allegedly being insulted by . white member of the croup 2. A mass meeting protesting Gov. Elbert Carvels alleged poli ticking in the running of the state college war. herd at Wilmington This meeting drew up a four-point tetter of complaint against Ihe gov ern G; When this board revi. w - the of Dr. Gregg, it will cover tueh point separately. In the uri 'inai caste a board consisting of five Republicans and one Demo cos* voted to vindicate min of ail charges. Two weeks ago. a board of four Democrats arid one Republican voted to suspend Dr. Gregg inde finitely with pay 1 ast week rh, board voted 3-0 to renew study of the case The rase will ever eight charges against him With the appointment of Young to the board, it now has five Dem ocrats and one Republican. The one Republican is Mrs. Beatrice Berryman of Wilmington, who has opposed the proceedings against Dr Gregg all along. Sho is a Ne gro. Mrs. Berryman was present at the mass meeting denouncing the governor’s position in the college crisis. She spoke as did John O Hopkins, former councilman; James G. Parker, GOP worker, and James Ci Brown, newspaperman. The four pint letter drafted at sh« meeting asks the genera! assembly to suspend the governor n tout charges; 1. "Misuse of his office when he became obligated to certain persons who admitted they were advisors to the striking students . ' _2. Use of "pressur.- tactics on board to force ouster of Pr. Gregg. Lafayette Grocery ar-d Market GROCERIES, MEATS AND FROZEN FOODS Lillingtcn. N Z mmmmm mtm m ————i ■ mmmmm ■ am ■ —— mmmmmm I SUPERIOR SEED & FEED STORE QUALITY SEED ART) FEEDS G- E. Heme Appliance.* Lillingtttess, N C. THE GEM SHOP | GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIR ?h<yne 213 J Fuquay | ,i CASE TRACTORS PROCTOR-PA R BOU R COMPANY Hardware Furr.ifura Fucrjav Sprsr.s« _™___ | FOWLER RADIO COMPANY | Lwlington Dunn I RADIO era ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES We Specialize in Race Re "is- Guaranteed Ra iio Repair tmmxmmammuwmm*mn ■,..ra -- -"a nn-n mi .t „ Firestone Tires and ‘"yjjei. Re?r-.sf eratar-j. E • •-•-• - Ran§f<?‘.. Wadußi Nlacfcanei*. Bad;®j, ’Rai-.-a 3* ~s, Paint and Hardware. Many ather items *■>* a-u » A Home FIRESTONE HOME & AUTO SUPPLIES j pho «»g 2:SS2 Ufl«»*d»R. NC. r.-> ;h* il!e*ed ./i* 'in which the g rvemet >.ud be iw-jy’d withhold ■ ss'Jc •; >» ouf-ct ■ j ; p'-’ Ij ’ : ; *,-■»' £},'!•.,•. - -h •‘• ’ D-. G. ,r re no, " } inject: vi Os ‘ :jt “s nit .> ;j. |dice’" .te.ainst D-. Gregg tn-'c wise " of the president's fr .ob-.-ip with ! I forme: Gov Bac-cu. 4 -to r, : : ... .- v her to the loard i tru - - unless I he pledged raw if to vote > .ns: Dr G. -.- ;>r id;»u: ' 200 ATTEND \1 fOR\ FARM i ONFERI \( E i j ,! ALCORN. Ms> ANP- Mu:r . than 2‘JO teachers n vocations! c: ■ [ 1 riculture from ail parts of .Missis- ' i sippi attended the recent c nft-r --: ence at A Scorn College on van . ous methods of improving farn’ing! and solving agricultural problem ! Spoils' red by the araieulturu! ed : acation department of Alcorn, r<- ' conference featured the following (speakers and group leaders: A. T. Busby, head of animal has- ; bandrv department. Lincoln (M . University J p Davis of pr due ♦ion marketing adrr nigtratton Washington D. C. A P Fatherrm.- ■ state supervisor vocational educa , tion and agriculture. J. J. N- rmatt district supervisor, vocational edu j cation and agriculture; D L Williams, Mississippi Sea :* i College; RH. Derch n; A. G Gor-; ; don; A*. D. Robbs, head, agricultural j | education department; EW. ! Holmes md E. K. Gross, di-'-'i: > ! supervisors; E. S. Burke, air. .'or jot agriculture, ail at Alcorn, and •Dean E B Cu'mer, school > f u t ; culture, M'Scissippi State Ci-g • SCHOLARSHIP WON BY .V Y. STUDENT ; NEW YORK iAN?) -- A to-' : year old New York hi* • sch-*'.-*; j graduate, Barbara Kaplan, 'won xe | 13th mnual scholarship iv-ard f jssoo [rum the national sot >r Ph Delta; K-apuo was ir d last week. Miss Kaplan, a graduate of H‘ n ter high, ranked h it-' at: i ot 165 contest n*s from high -w-w > s throughout the nation. Winners of SSO regional awa-J --were Miss Barbara Williams. V kegoe, Ala., southern, and M -.- : Margaret Walker. Cincinnati, mi ■ • j West. All three winners are exped-i led to study education in eclleg Phi Delta Kappa is a profess; i j sorority of women in education STEVEDORE i MON STARTS “CIEANI P" NEW YORK i.VNPI A “clean - i up' of 1. ta! 168 of the Intemution-: l Longs! | was launched last week bv Gne union's Now Y rk Distra •i council v tiov, »c> “■ ; ,-.m ,-t : the disruptive element in that local ; nd get -t Pock, into w.-rkirie shape, , i Local s r«* s gr. g --,i N Ijgro uruin group which revolted h 3gainst uni* - ♦ ! • aft.r it member, e i plained the ..mon is -ioT- c ■ vv I .an; ■ - civ... ... ' i , '-ut j K-,r t- I: break came when a brlai it ; e I I _ . O, S. PAYTON'S i Funera? Honve i FUNERAL DIRECTORS ANT' j : j EM3ALMEPS ; 2l Hour Service ; 531 Car Harnett k R ? Av* I P. 1 ? K 0~ | ~ o-... ' ! occurred on June 7 between whit* North River longshoremen and pickets of -.he Local iV>B. The move t ■ reorganize t;e i c) :ni evict the so-called ''Cornmno- : ist-inspired" element is being : guided by Edward Gre n. business I CHANTS OF NFGHO PREACHF.RS SHOI INDIVJLH ALTT\ K x j>r • - sing the imoortaocc far people if this country to preserve : their folklor-*. Julian Lee Rayford. • Ameri'a.’s- foremost interpreter of ; folklore through st- tries, chants and eoagk. t.obl an audience" of around 200 it th Atlanta ! mv-rsity Sum- ' School on Wednesday. That, ‘■•here Is no Wedgewo«vl pottery in j • American folklore.'" He is convict c.i. however, that although our folk .history it rough and ready, tha* ‘we hare something as precious as : anything ;n Europe which we have \ created otirselves." Mr Rayford t•>s 1 his and •once ih;it “we have been Med for so long • ; » the legends of Europe :• hav - r-i gumption tor our own folk lore is a treasur- to the antire ;hat :he ir‘ and mu- of Am • had !«► ..-.vine from Europe ,r'fl iu f.irm -d his listeners i hut 'w - »..,ve 'cot to rot agnize the value of ouc own -:rt -- chat N'-'gn>s sad whites dike us list r-jli/e tluit r helr f ik : loore is * treasure to the entir world.' Mr. Rayfortl presented in ."’units of the old Negro preae 1 - ■"» should he preserv.-.d as they '. for individuality" The rebuffs t>- has rerei' si from N v preacher <> ridiciilc Mr. Flayf.->rd w.i.s ppresrpi.s! fr. ! .!*■ ■: v ,s, i■ \ii - i-,' vrh'nta i niver sitv. ;! 1 br.-ugh-s . r, w ;y;..* of >ri s -ju-i .lean'- of acli iea ' v . hit ri I * e-S il: Anie'Ol-O'. f'lis ior-> ■■■- 'or.,- r,«k John 1 :fiya>>. f h . i. at-v i\ . -d i ;' ■ {’) •. ---: ♦ Tr>n> Beaver and b if puriicul-ir ; ’.-r >♦ to - . i , r p . ; Savuisiiab i• ’ ; V- dub ! his s'oeteho i- n ■ • bi! wi.’sh lie 'i-'sCrihei ..s :h.- S' ,r<' . of b ■ bi"! Dbrs' FAMCEE EXPECTS m STMTS »:.!. \': \ -*-• .;e. :... , t .0 -hh-ats u-i ached a! -J ‘ . re :’i -'.V a Fferrla A and M. Osillegs thib fill ' b|f» : e; -earoj ; e- ,j[.- ' vljio!) Eiv h'u ft tired ♦wenty-si , c frebhman a- * .e'uv'.'l to enter otl e-'. o' -'■'( ■. '2 f>r 1- .; ■: ori'*ct av. ; t i 1 o op* •— 1 . v: :>rrj on ' AROLIN'tAN icur-i’t ;sr h>dul>.'i b» return on S«iptetnt»e:‘ If* t »•- i -gistiation. Th' i-u's Office personnel iiL-v : ssin.i the fr.*shine •app'icati>»ns and sending out the : upper classmen rv-dmiM.ince - ii; - A., irriing to 'be R- cisnur'- Offi 'an averare of 3.50 odmittaiiee slips biro b-'ng tnai'ri weekly t*» -ta ; dls Q ti^. Acting President H Vai 1 ■; ■ E£ ' T -rv ;\ i- urging old ami -•* -ua• -ierts '■;> | >g cognizant of ihe hi" tb.v id oii.s,' iielp Earn cue wiHinue . v . a a seel. ii • : n" b > uphold honestv and •utegro c; and ; > promote the iiav-dopmefi* of finer -nor? useful atul U>yai ciM YOUNG JOINS CAPITAL POLICE One of the most recent ad, i ; I '.otts '■> the Capitol Police force is ' J H. Y <:f St Lout'S Your-., s tp", >. )■ ‘m. ;:t was made by Rev, John B Sullivan of Missouri H <?is the sec nd Negro n.-.v ' serving on guard duty on C in: i Hilt, ».h. other beiti:- Thom is L : ,Tohr --ri who was appoint'd oy i Con..'. William Granahan t Pa - sylvan n. | Atthbugn Yoons vv - born in j Oklahoma he ha ,; mide ist. l.otiio •Is home since f was two year.-- Juki. He i- a graciu.t- of Vi.iheu ! High kohool n St i. and nas js • actively t raged m pe-litics ! tor 15 y ears. Rep. .Sullivan - vo .:U\ .j ■ -• v j sizeabiv N. d - . - a..' d the imp; >:i; c a \- : ■ st; h;- staff •, b:a very ■■- I ■> nnin.■ Hs - . was to hr Li Ni 1.. eta to Washmgt >U td i ’•to i 1 1 n s s S'h«r VV Cl< U r ■i b' ■ :«■) the ’.'Oyl licti i'RI Sv S 3 VIP'S GI N Hi* . a. •' to; k -nsi i- ; p. ■ oubhdy mat vcaiaiu biii hr i j BtbLiE-; - d he propped ive ' - 3p»T>iiCrlUTs V? • •" -* - est-iblishod ia h - Y: * r, a, ;• 'he Sr ; .. - " I '-: ■ i - ’• V!s-* • l' i -i ~ i hr. pad N ' "aib SU’- v-.bibbh ■ --‘ra ‘j’ v’ 'igr: v i to ; -a b ■-• .'.o'; office • a . f.r U i n - "b-i H’/kiing w y •: ;<>b v; • v.ork.-i v :a M- . SaUw-iii ion 5.." 1 J..ys for i pwial r : ; ; ‘ : ' >'-*C r “• ■ ' V/ r , ; < '»' ATTEND BANK NIGHT - A i )vc is > portion of the crowd -a no *i attended Bank Night av the ( an Tina Theatre in Sanford. North Carolina The photograph vv a- made durmij the first ia niveiiary week »s the theatre. During he week the theatre was crowded for each show. The Car oTra Theatre has d' ne much for the entertainment os the citizen* ■si' >ars!'ord and surrounding cr» inui- ties. The hank this partic ular nig ht was Soa. sfibLiir, s.s is i[.j ,itri the Hours as’e iorg a-i :ei e "uI .- b:e St. L»d .girl preferred t,> .-'ay *n bee oM “RIGHTS U i)t r STARTED IN N. V. NEW YORK ANPi \ group, known as she West vi-s Ceil; ant tee on Civil Rights. w-*> -rgitiu •-! tn r ist week and ann--Mitel- aunched a ps?W gra"i .;.f 'immunity audit" U> •s. rtain to what -xtent civil fights re proie.-ted in the large Wist side area Named co-ehair of She a omani t tee were Re'ps Prank lin L> Roosevei*. Jr and faeob K. Javits. IV aro - il, rat Liberal and ReoubS; a'i Liberal. -p -tic els irora .he Jistriit. First undertakiii- "1 the »;» tmttee will he i survey by so cial workers of she medical i.'i-'*! of resi.L at- in an area west Central pai-k from oifth Ist 1 ..<u Streets. \ev.t, the group will in vestigate housing, duraij-Ht, access to public facilities at'i employment The vrjianinikHt was described is “non-podtisia'. N AA( P i A VS' YER - T OaEfard Funeral Hornier- AM 3U L\N : F $ S*VJ**S; Bj | Duror Tii«tow * ; * Piion# 25-u ? ><mm g«r;: a

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