Death Claims An Angel NEWARK.. N J. - There's supposed to b> no death in heaven but. that' doesn't hold for tile earthly "heavens” operated by Father Divine and h!s "angels”. Last Saturday, Miss Beryl Stewart, to, one of the residents of Father Divine's Sorority Peace Mission at 22 K. Kinney Street. Sw» weary of the life which she had been living n.t the "Ui-im’M" for the past 18 months and decided t > take her own lit*;. She. was wised at breakfast tjy SiM< r Meekness, who went to , bet room in search ot her only to 'in*! her body hanging from a rope tied to Die ton of her doorv :iv Efforts by police officials; to locate relatives or friends «•><<•• would see to her burial proved futile and on Monday the city pi ’ vided for the burial of ) tdi! cn -1 antes old age pensions to thousand'! of aelf-eniydoyrd, domestic ; ."jv:-t After snmo ; ing 25 year• in the Illinois Si des-1 v ile prison f-u a crime that was i not even commit tod, James Mont ; gomery became free mao i •* j "ek on hi;; 56th birthday U. S. District Judge Michael ; - lgoe ordered the prisoner's free-1 dom after declaring the trial in | which li* v. ar, convicted '■> .ham j controlled by the Ku Kiux KD • | and racial discrimination. Montgomery has been conv ctcd • of rape of a white Miss Snow, 62, | although a white physician had ex- \ aminert her ; nd declared that she | not been tiucked Mis.- Si •••*•. diet! tivo yer - - ago m a mental m- j sttftlttsm. - *VH)ENCE REVFALEI* The medical man. Dr. John £. j v alter of Waukegan, revealed this \ evidence to Judge lgoe June 2V j when the case was taken under ad- ; visement The freed man received the usual; $lO and noth-i'.g more upon his re- i (Continued or page 3. section 1» A&T PROF. HEADS W. INDIES JAUNT Grfte v :: bor:'. N. V. I AND !).' A K. Ruabonga. African tribal prince now teaching at North Ca rolina Agricultural and Tecbnico college, "ill head a socio-economic, expedition to the West Indies late Ibi* month. The Uganda-born. Oxford-educat ed professor will leave with a party of over 15 teachers and student.; for Jamaica and Haiti around Aug 25 Organized as the World Friends, the croup "ill study ih Indies' culture and act as a good Va. Trio Held In Row Over Sale Os House Richmond, Va fANPI Police arc- holding a Negro youth and two white men while an investigation is being conducted into a flare-up over the purchase of a home in a former all-white neighborhood hy a colored family here recently. Principals In the affair are .Tames H. Crews, 21, son of Mrs Mable Crews, who purchased a two-story frame duelling last month: and James 11. Cheek. Jr., 26 and Ted dy L. Hall, 29. both white. Crews is charged with felonious ly assaulting Cheek with a shot gun, being disorderly and damag ing Hall’s car. Both white men are charged with disorderly cot)duct and damaging of rho Crews pro- IWfitK, _. . j a. nap requested by President Tru- i i man. Doctor:, lawyers and son?-. I j other workers were also omitled | i from the benefits. While this bill does not g've the j j President the broad social insur- • an>? coverage, which be promised luring hi-; campaign, it does a* least give part of what he asked ; for. it is estimated that through this measure an additional II millivi workers will he added to the social security list rather than the A ' million which President Truman had anticipated. MOULD ROOST BENEFITS There are now .‘ls million pen pie holding social security card': ,’ind if this bill is passed it wiR j bring the total number covered 1 social security benefits up o • Continued on page 8. this section' at Huntsville • -ui sharply. Ah ; b'*m ’ State Coll m at Montg rmeiy. dropped (■• m $125,000 to $400,000 Friends of tho e r;U tu - Dion- in the ducn'irn department r lie l ; d it fin iliy wa propose i ;to cut the slate ip-propriation granted to Tuskegee $225,000 and ! transfer the courses tjugnt at that : r\ tjtutien t. Trenliolm's school at j AT ■rdgomei-y and D: cko's cst blisli- S nvi | at Huntsville For ye?,vs Tuskegee has been the , • tale’s only real resource in ngti ! rulture. Sixty thousand d< !i •*' | were left f .r Tuskegee to run d ; vetcr nary >rkoo! and home ec-no j mirs depat tment. for the y ea; . ■ White coll* ,'<• suffered •••were l cuts also ; The meeting closed w.ith thes, i stringent m- tsures applied to the i education bill i.ut rumors arc that i , wav will be found to restore i -■ nic of t.uc ruts and it p- expect- i j rliat tile --ppropr ation to Tusk' ree i - ill eventually be pin ri in Hie budget again N.C.Mutual Wins Award j —-— DURHAM - Fiuanci?! World. | 16-year-eld i westmeet and l u -i* j s weekly of New York, advised | Dr. C. U Spauiding. president of j the N. C Mutual F ife Insurance | Company last week that N. C. Mu jtual is one of the M insurance i companies in the ent re country to receive ’he annual "Merit Award j citation in the ninth annual survey I >f the • nnual reoort -of corpora j Lions. According to the letter received jbv the local insurance company 'there were approximately 4,500 an | uual repeat? of corporations suh i mitt-ed this year, but only iv:s of j the entries receive; the Merit '(Continued on page 8, section 1) , w ill mission. Dr Nyyabongo led ' x similar A. and T. college expedi tion there. summer. This year Negro educators and -indents throughout the United Stales are being invited to join th*- .15 already signed for the trip, says ! Tir, Xvaluing'•. Local governments of Jamaica and Haiti ar« co-opera ;inp with the party. F»r. Ny "abongo Is a ~>u of the r i' i r of the Kingdom of Two tn I Uganda. Cast Africa. Ih has taiielv sociology and economics at \ and T college since 1917. | The Incident began last July 27 |when Mrs. Crews reported the ; house had been vandalized. 3hr | complained the house had been en icred, water turned on and allowed |to overflow and several windows I smashed. Police, Investigated and j found the plaster wills had been, j !cracked by running wator from an j • upstairs spigot.. Last week, according to Crews, i jhe and two friends were in the j i house shout 10 o’clock when they I heard shots fir.wl fir 1 -' from an initio parked in front arid then from ■ jihc rear. Crews picked up his I shotgun, fired once in the direr- | tion. of the car and then at a net ! son standing behind the house. The j I (Continued on page 8, this section.) ! t BOMB PASTORS FREE HOAX VICTIM r l' TT 1 7 | A AT) TAT T A XT Wi -& U i V'd. N. ■ felSiTMi'lLi ■ v. '.Mm- .-r ...... XX: ■W* b'y.e' "v 24- P von?Air: xxix J* hr-.* .. C ■' M- S’ " % REP, LITTLE COUNCIL'S DELAY ON YORK PROJECT VV :’ ■ , , ■.,, i - Pf , ... J .1, I ,it|.i( ',:v ;. : .llh ’ f ic cm ( vy fb.uncti :h - i.. ; in. i'r,‘ue< 1 34;> P< intir.g out til. g. . •:■ n.-'* a u-f bettei bou.-in; fcciht es for t v i.’miect v lt.'-ji i - mmo ,(-d toi (iv LEFTiST GROUPS ASSSIL CLARK AS COURT JuDGF Hi- o> giniza l ■>!: • hi h .\n.,. thi;; .• ■ck ui'l on. r i o bln- ’. ■. -- Pilei T !rmi n* ■ - ;,.■;, ~ .if, , ' ii ■ , ■ r- ’ .. . •;, I. ; ing V,* ion ,ov ip/.i* I()|t.; p. ,i|K t.-n ' . •(., !><• )••• .;’ d Tin 11 ;• -tirnony n - crj h |.-*igi h dl.wt! : ion - . ;i ;iheated ri-av* . i.,.nve«ii th-- iieps* 1 : and iwmii. r. oft( ■ romm' . tee luit : b.n Ju • logs -• c ' ' longed for tin*e days mb .n? n.y', session nv held. Among those •• l-Tcs’/R - Tiumm's .’lectioo ot Toni {'■ ** l foi Supi cine ( inn In ;>• s wri Ww T. I’ Etci -on executive s*-< r<= •arv o( Hu left wing Civil Kir! , ( (...ui-. p. Min pin . L f rc-tU Hu- r 'ni• • 1 \,.grn :.n a \|! j- I Vetfi ins of Vmerioa; Fowl u v 1 Harper, professor of law. Vale :•■ j ver.-.ity; 1 fizaboHi Gnrle;. Fc- n,, inf th" CnrmnuniKt p.irtv: O. .lo,<-■ Rogge, fni'cv i -v-isiant A'cii-n." (General „r the Uniied State-! in.l others of .iir.uiar iennir,'-,.. KOBMSOX >'II,KD .s’l \TF I KN'i Speaking for the council «>r. Afri ; ran Affaits Ibiul Roln son filcii < jstatemeiit with the cmffcm.itee it (which lie advocated the appoint l maul of a Negro to this position |suggostinc the names oi CS< • Wil • lie*-.. !|. 1! i.' ic .: .iff At’ , rii;.i ! 1 H. Houston i 'Atty. Ron. Ul- i’k has •.•inked :it | 'Continued ei i>a:.,c fl .section I S CHI EMPLOYEES HOLD ANN 1 At. PICNIC The above j scenes took place Saturday as City of Raleigh employees pre pared i(>. .. ar participated in their annual picnic which was i inlrt ai Chavis Park, j At the left a small group of , the. hundreds of city employees, | NORTH CAROLINA ’.S' LEADING WEEKL Y i __ HAULifCH, north rAROi.O A V’CCK !■:>; ? m K ' ! : vn :■ '\ i \ <:« ;i * roo •r ' • 1$ b» ’TP • " '' ■' ■' ' ’ •’ • .. E E ' •?<'. '' •bp,.; i -••• Ik ■ ffb - NAACP Speeds Aid To Groveland Trio n. r -i • f ‘i ge ■ o: ! ini -t Fc-.jiklin H WilUafS ■ i ‘h • 'vnin A '-.orbit ■ ■'! ■ i t'i Art :i‘ • irii'i'.t o£ C’ rj IV-.,m • I'*,.’ ; " sonci »f lp •ut ity i • ..!(r. by pciicc i.o make > • r y -liyfc;. to the crime ! '' " ' me Mr, Wiitic P dieH ■ :vi JJO’I , i?l IJ. r 1 . .'■ , M TipsitUbng. ' Ji. of ..Lo '. -i >Die coofirmr'l ' if NA.- ' P l O r l ' \ L ■ • f ; V- h !-. .i _k . j rerrs ->e ..nH -|.i th- t v -.!' ' :i;f> ■ ?;cl tic.t 'll'.' 'f tfcc br-y • he «r--ct • bri-hui tr:-~ T . 1 ■ a-.rl -Irr. ‘h* ; i - t ,i it -. , In >'h-.iU h t,-. -,' rued!'; ■! m s .< L. d I do I,iin NAACP h.-- p. ■;virirr in« pt i •» us "-Mil ;-.hor> rid 'he inri-'iii clothing n-e -■ o ilahlf \n Ih-rri since their urrtv-l .iimo::t f u, weeks Ilf Mi ON .U 1 \( K < It M .1 The tori r- boys. .Softmcl She; • herd. 22, V.’.nlk; U; l-vri. INI 'mrl f;m.;ed if a It,irk ills' '.lr, i's-clif-.'-t' •••net .a-" charged that four >'■ their amities und friends arc shown as they lined up outside of the pavillioT! in Chavis Park to ■ obtain their i.-riuCica'iion slips which would entitle them to their share of the barbecue, cold drinks and other refreshments which were offered. In the center, a group <*f the \ ' WI I Ml*G. i Vr.i ti :nv, *'} » ' tir*t if» ft rti.Hii A'\'4 v * tnyr In hivdi i i j* t ynA $ n t H r HtfH-J * iiijf A IHlli.r ?> fl:>*f «»• Aft•* f? T .4 ; 'II .Vi 1. / -Ml -ffi f< -*•'• fi »V‘n. I if! f 2 mi flu Jo »1 • r?t i h;* • U» -n l;f II f < \t- \i J: : r l a*t( » H .» iMi fifi/iu -* I Vi, H.iii > oil \ a t f'!-Mi», *#e \ »l ! te» \v f'* * ' rlrt »'fl \r> g-fj ft.s n j vs-i '‘VCi { uont% . » 1 flv <• mcrtlh r ilu 1 f'*;-. ('i)r -•fiUofief • • . iiM'if c| ill iPoDff Officf-r \ SJ. f'ar ri h w« lit to Uif* Jninie of ,M< Aliislcr’* 'livoret | uifir *vhrr hr hod distil rhp, nr i' I pftfi hi* r»rrU:H U was on fnintrd hy iMrAliistf r wtu ii teinptrd to rut Mm v*?h .. h i tfi n \ f employees are shown busily n< work in preparing Che potato sal ad which one of the main items ori the picnic menu. At the right a group of young ‘ sters examine an exhibit of work which was done during the sum m*r by uhftdrrn who attended V Alt \IH, I’I! OBJ *■ AI Mim mniimr .ir ifU •' (>«ti -j • -V n :Ve N'vii'n il-V.• e IS pil Hi» (ho ■m« r ti: V f,;hi fntf Os Liu ■ :* '** hum hintiff ;? -. .1 V • - .->r • 1 Up.i- hjß' in ■ tfujr , in. h.o «! .urn .inti * ;um in iij m’-I Mil llirif i jijiF »:■■ .* sir *» • ' :*> hi mr » t U , f imp I V',n \% O .;t Vi} 1 «i th* tmrr;;,.t| ?* <•>. 'Fhf i r.jjdojrO * itr- • •<• » •hry p:. f} thr r* :u um-; ’ Hit o - •* I » j'« * s , %*r ide r »t : hr lI TS in FDinjvn fr>or i inn ihc ifinsvi i Aty of- 1 f>.?y in !‘a\ ej; ;i < . i"iini in {‘hni.i hv ;s?i' . i; \ r( t Cabbie !s Hero In Fatal Bus Crash r;t ■.a ... •.: jp "V! ■i'.iitn -lit y< fi icat biii st ibp < navis Heights Ki'i-mtinn i finer . rliiri»»« t !i r summer months. Included in the exhibit were items of handicraft which included practically everything from model airplanes to wearing apparel ami art objects, CARO LINIAN phote ay Shephard. SINGLE 4 A COPY lUC -t ? S.f'A-KN SHOTS HALT TRY AF BOMBING '■s PASTORS' HOMES VI TMf. i<> \ 111 < \KOIJM \\i ■ *-1 «n* •» .• moh of whi?i n•* n t ■]):*< i'- J J?OTT) s:': ; » ‘ * o m . ; !'V }•-»<•> !\-T il •01 % " iVl"\ 'vho ! ;•; v\ Uvi l rev h r V'-'' > ■i *• iV* j ';. > ;; r.t. • p]-•*i.ri* u-‘jtibin*. A suniTar ocpurn'iire M.htli *1 iTMiltvcl .n M'rjou^ i f'■ y ? i I'j > ; ; M)T\ Medic’s Romance Ends In Suicide • 1 KM! T •. • <; VM'Jltb - i.. i ■.- 1: . ■ u ■>!o ‘‘ ■ ■ ■ [>, ■ I ■ .... . ■"1 hi .M iff : ; >ji * i nil. ii in. (in >• vly k>.-t To,. ..-jay R-■-fti : hi.: wiic.i tie. •.•••on •>', n|v‘!r| !'>•(■ ! ■ . j* rho 'Victor ; h , f'i - try i.i! ing an unknown f* • 01 « let pi.u; tablet - 'Hi" .•ticidu victim M1..1 ‘Horn K. ,- t nciiy, .'1 Site '.Vi-. nislied to it,. !fic«jving ii<> p" - I in ait ambit i n.", from tie borne «>*' !h Joseph •>' r)f ' n 'i'lv- r 1 iv. t>"-' 1:1 , f 1!5, ,i . opr; ''i FeartSVlllie 3 fid ■" ' " -i"' a • '' 'i'eti;i; ■)' i, ••. rV.I / it Ml • tam ot V ("• ■ h ‘ cording ■ the > ;1 M ,ents from liie r ar, when the crasa ••. . -jrit'd, Ar. hkent-ii violently, he r, i.e vy *" the hack and "k.". on' ~ .0 window of the ms, liirough Hus opening. he led .■even pff’-'oris to safety t "jji' acti* n is h*it-jily. jFiC'-n'r., ,‘ nrf' the ' Cw■ i•• of the • t’eh >'■]' wpv* when Hi- 3 bus cvcrh.irr-ed j*rd ewnp.v was im* | Fifteen other persons Ic n *> n , 'na S. mccll on 1 > Georgia Parents Begin Equal School Suit ATLANTA •ANPI Suit, war ‘»: 'r l iriyt v.-i e>; in 'he * 7 S. Di.lriet ’ ,'ourl ii V lido .' by 18 Negro pfat • . '.rii e ng.imst irv.'iu County charg -11 nr. t.ha! it,,- county did not opet ate* equal >fiuc«Uon facilities for Negro .nd white students Named as defendants hi the suit •• the beard of education nod ihe county superintendent of school: . Plaintiffs demanded that i She county be enjoined from mafc* ; 1 irtg any distinction between colored • net white school facilities. They j claimed that present practices in j the county violated the 14th amend-- j 'merit of the U. S. Constitution i Grievances listed were as foi-: 1 lows; 1 The county operates seven i V •• ■■■e*sh*hrt*.-. -»«>•< ->.+ r- •* * -I ! 'M Ala. »iSK;tflßilSsl > s^SWi' *$11? •'• >; IP '1 1 ' MS ■' ; r: % 1 1 '' jWm JBMSfcy, APPOINT*,I ~ rohn P. L*r~ kin? l , of KaPlgh vho was named | last week by fi ,v vrrnor Scott as a nvffiibf* ?f *hc stale Fcoreation i Coms- Jon in fbjrg? of a-ctivi- I ties of £»nun , Tbjfc a©* poiftttomf k\-*■. for * (odr«yV.t i.i ' ANf• > Appearing j tm:t(■ 11 > ih;> House Committee on C i. : ;n IvfhtioDs lasi Monday Dr. V* )•' t< Hot? historian •••ml vies b:i irimm ■>! f t;i (humcil nil A.f*'l^u. . nr god the Congress to rate >■•"' ’i r • • r • • 11 f iif I 101 l ton. tad a fl-lif ' t 'tr rlli ■ ■,- V- Mil !! tr;r. i|'t- tip:. Itt the fLI turn to it'.’pl®- 'hr \ Mantle pa: h Pr ■•• '•:>■ tea in ;t 'hr pr'jpo.val t*i file Crtitrd Shaft : t..t r;->ri bn v;tf fir IfuHot" POlEtSd • •■it Pr!* ! 'ff,i.i itge yt.tHt fs oof for ; <’• 1 :t:> : i.itt .ilth »utb 'i'M shools a.' .i in lie *i>rr.-i1 ■■ "• iof help If. la uot infantile iw.n.'lyats which ha • r >tir..; Hit lard, nor foi caH'Pi •rirh p kiMint; Miottaitth . ft r ••.or ini irblPE auri tiuUtn-p! to ' w >rk ilti tpad water:.' of Pr. yrest rivrr. aholt i.nnit.ih, liM -r en. \ .ii {J {* ti i i(! •■ rn >nd r -T-a i’ •'■■ i’.ntt’ea. ato-t- ■ll- |Vi; •M :•> !iione,> so •;!. •:! : or fie-'.Hn.? >(ii tbi »..■•n*itv <■,f |t- v.'orkera ;.;:( i .rj t*f-t f .■ if ... • tkotl i :> . •iii , tp-..- ■ 1,0 • to mui de n-i-n. * out on and < i. : t ’■ i. - them 1"- so drs< ro' property by fir? iitd Cond and tor ;•* third time «>! ja halt eetifury fn jeopards*? ■ Tl«e ’ »M;ol<» rdlfu - ■ of civilization ” i p> ’ i VS ACHC. .O' Whib nr Dußo’h way tesuf.y tr< V'fm'e the House con»mUte*t .R opposition ; n the Military »aitr hill ftecrel:>ry of Stafr l>o«1f \, ,-in m o: ap. n ins on ffm Seti c 'ontinued -n page 8. this sectloo : .i.i 11 .t v . ", y: i pro n.\itii.-•-d dead oo gd f "o-tttvO'.ce by Or. Ji IS •. •>1 li.‘ NO p'P l Staff. Homicide d,'tr," ■ -aid Ln ,i >i{ (• jj ; In• ■.i tliem iuat he has kevpmc comjvny with Miss Keni’Ody for the p-a » or eight c;on|f? oiid U; ?r -.lie v ,?;■ employ - si !iy him m lit.-: office hi) <»ssts , taut. Os; mm i"! --i'd Mi;s Kennedy ae« cr.rrtfi.PM 'd Or Jot'.'’ horns Mon .( ,y r,iy U: About o j» m Os. t. .-1. y rcceU'ed s, telepboue call : r ,>)ri j.nother ''"Oman wh-.tee name i-. mi. ■!mwis .■■ ; Mv.3 K.entsedy he , 1.-i.i. -iir;i vva m i ■' v.'f-nt o the an■ , ; fl v. I f M ths, doc t, jiii .la.-!;-d her wrist. mu lifting i minor cut j-., 1,-, drr; r d 'he 'round ■.ill!-. ;f homicide defective.', said 1 f p.m.. '!■•■ - Kennedy **- f.'irni -I Oi Jon«- that she had s| i which Otne ii? 1,-1 Hod ho|i."r White Kills Negro In Ga.. LYOh Ga. (A XP i Tho *ow.i (hat ■'(■ the. -cede of a iy&Ahing M tii.'cidc Mi'-t year erupted with an • aher '“•ape of ,i Negro being slfttn Coniinucd or back page ; modern ’vhnf scrcolc valued i* !-311.72' and V antiquated NVsro j.cb.ouL wortfi only J13,17i>. Os. tha (. olorsd schois, 51 are one teacher, thi ee «ve two teacher, five are lo c- tor! in. Negro churches, end others in Negro lodge halls White schools have such s.9£<3fi frcilities as auditorums and cs!s- I tcrias. but the colored schools do t i: r 't. | 3 Library funds are allotted Oft ! m averace of ?fi per white child | but 4o cents per colored student ; each year. For white children thorn j are five books per pupil, sod tor | Negroes, only two-tenths of a book: ! per child. 4. All white children are givet£ i Continued on page 8, this sectloftj