| Promised No Speech j | For Elks Says Bunche •SAN FL/vNCISCO (ANP) - - Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, | head of the UN Tvuteesbip division, last week denied j that he had ever scheduled to add -css the recent Elks ! convention here in San Francisco while he was in the j city to address the California state bar convention. Explaining his position in the Flks situation. Dr. : Bunche said he had been invited several months ago to address the conventon, but he had said that the urgency ci tiie CN business would probably keep him away, j (Since then, he said, he had heard nothing from the Elks. ! C • Here in San Francisco, most people were led to be lieve that Di, Bunche would appear at the Brand j m > G,EW International Ceremony? at which the public paid to see. Dr. Bunche in speaking to the state convention of lawyers said he regretted that the Los Angeles group ■ excluded Negro lawyers while the state group admitted them. He aso declared that the I N is the key to peace in the world of the future. Death Sentence For Florida Pair TAVARES, Fla Two Florida V. Vi V SCEitetlCv ti to Clfc&th and a ’bird to life imprisonment Saturday nigh'; as .. climax to the aliened i ..pc- i f a 17-yeat old farm j wife which ied to a ren n c: terror marked by the burning of Negro rents and evacuation of Negroes • from the vicinity of Groveland,: tic j Sentenced to die by the verdict of an ail white jury were Samuel Shepherd, 20, and Walter livin.j 22 Recommended for mercy be cause or ins youth and (he lack 1 ci positive identification was Charles Greenlee 16 NA/‘CP attic-ncys v.lin new c.r,- dertaker th> defease ol the trio were l..'::K(-d in their effoit to obtain s chi ts ! venue tor !1 ■. trial c.i greunits that new pUj Cr put?) city c- ci lTiou vi;.ieniv rtparts <;! trie inrun ii. ~ke .« tan as ; ir.i Men eiie-i.i- i:.*, .it (..aunty four n;.-n were .iccuseo c.j the «Tta:.-K Our of them Ernest Thorn vs. was Killed by a ■ sc" ■inch’ s.ugr.t to caput! t- tun several Scores injured at Peekskill, N. Y. t t .Special to tin l AROLINIAN f>'f KAKIt j. .v 2 Despite t)hr ptesei:( e d more *ha i i i.oth' "Umw - enforcement officers the ef icrus of Paul Roue sot; to deUvet an ipti -air conceit :',r rt- flared :rd; t ii.; violence on SuOCuj mght foi (Li :-ecv..d firm- with h eight da vs. Rioting which i suited in Urn overt; riling of six automotiies the stonmr of busses and oars carrying ci net! tgoers as well as other Ne groes who nad no connection with a.e affair nospitalr/ation of 2.'i pir s'cnt nd the arrest of 25 others an estimated 14 000 perrons Sunday night> i noen was a foi tow. up f a s.iuiiarlv attimptcd conceit last Saturday which was t i Okrfa U* b> \ '> groups wilt.' cc-mmunist utUranct> and lean :r A^> PKOI>.S» Uiii tf.i week betv, nn the two riots ho be-son sup,.to tie is pto .fwted to Govei Dewey concern i*C tne eUrged laiiurc i t state <1 uai police to provide police pio ttcticn at the first concert'' whicri w;s blocked by the overturning *>f a number at autos and a litre- -hour pitched battle betivi-.n the ■,■•'< ;ans cr.d Robeson foil wen Airei draft!lip: their plans for the hi idtr.p of the second concert the R. tresen group >•. .s.-.in an injunc tion to bierk a pretest par«de and 2 Die, 11 Hurt In *T"i l i Car-1 ruck Crash SHaLLOTTE Twenty - tom picnickers wew thrown from a 1; \acit End larrov. n escaped with their lives in a truck-car crash which resulted in injuries for nine Dnucwiio were in the truck and marines who tv era in vehki«. |ng to State Highway pa '*■ wFrWiMs of the crash winch oe curred on Monday night 'tear Sfial ictte. the truck, filled with 24 per “Ph.D.” Proves A Phony j No Record At McGill Self-styled '•Dr " J. Clement A F sugi who crashed the phges of ;*e Congressional Record r; well a,?, several North Carolina dailies and virtually the entire Negro ; latest by virtue of his own «Uir.tsj •4 having earned a PHD at the' ag>: of 19, never attended 'McGill University it was learned this week. ‘'D t . : Paige, who laid claim to 1 daviti.j> earned .. PHD in physio itveo! psychology from McGill, a ’ master:- in bacteriology t r o rn j CCNY in 1947 and his BS in the! Metogical sciences from A. and T. i in 1945, was revealed by A .and T. i sutnorltieg to have finished from that school in 1948. Furihermcre, it was pointed out, weeks ago 1 i'lre* lilree in..* on 1 1 , j t arc Wallet Irvll, 22. Samuel Si; y hent 22 ar.d Charles Greenlee 16 WOMAN TESTIFIES Testifying before an all-white jury on Friday the alleged victim .-aid that (hr tour youths had fought, v ith her husband, beat him insens.ble nnd threw him into a ditch She said that they then torc-.-o their ivay into the car and drove to a lone.lv spot where each in turn raped her at the point of a gun A •imila. story v.n- told by her hus band. The business of select.ng a jury ,or the t;,;*! ; the three Grove- Und .’. until ai;< used of rapt? ire ... *i *.n Lake County Circuit Court h> .v -t ten < 'clock Thursday and ov in.,. djouviimcnt time tiie N.-iACP ...a exhausted Ui. of the tnitty peremptcry .- ch.vlrns.es ; : mnspte’ivc jurors, and at ackiitio, had ci, diet.gcd four .'tier jui-.-i roi cause , Alex Akerrnari .ir of -Triand H'-iace Hill of lju>t>'n.i Beach • Continued on page 8. this -ertion deruonsustiun planned uv louitre., Vn:dch« .ter i.ioiniy veterans -.siriis This p'ea whk.!i vas fifed by 1 ; , F ; edcr ck Gc.tthnb, chairrnau it th< Wcrnhc-ter Citirerip Cttn iniUee lui Law uno Order, whir!; had extended the invitation t Robeson to appeal lor tt« Sunday rriiui v denied bv Federal Judge John J Clancy. Jl DGF. FI. Ull—> If Judce Ch.ncv in a flash witr. Charles Rothenberg sitenirv for :.".e i-ttiier.s committee, declared: 1 uc.i T K.no» Wile*!'!' y> J tile* motion that 1 can iia.riere with ;i; tv olliculN Hi..s l : jrt has no ju* -Hiiction i ihi> mutter What, il the \ t came here «md ask i‘d tr,t- to -t'-;. ou they , assumed there would be violence i and 3 granted itV \oa wouldn't ■ H tliat. Y u would think Jt an • nilriige w .'uivin . vi".i Governor Dewey, upon receipt of the protests’ of tile Robeson group lOidered r. full rep ,rl -l the earl e, ; incident n»d reared .di available j state police to the sce’ic to prevent ;» iecurtern-e District Attorney George XI Ta iuili uh Westilu'stei County cori j ferred with t»oii«* chief.-- of 82 ' n.UncipuiilH.-;- ,|i the county who assured hint that they would Ua»e available every ruii from tiieir ■ i forces win. could h« r< (eased forj 't unii in back paue, thu wctiaiu son-, re to: uing from a Labor Day picnic was sides* iped by a speed-; ihj. passenger car carrying four. • marine*, lrom Camp LeJeune. Two of Use marines Austin I, 1 : Love, 21, and Jerald ,). GreenauJt. j 18. were killed when the cur smash ed 0't.,1 the side >i bridge span- ' nihg the Shall of to River. The other | iwo marines, Bill F.»r<l 19. and i Oil Joseph Beadly 20, were also j (Con'd «n bark page, ihls section) ; ,he was a Jess than B average ' student white a.; A. and T. and I no transcript ot his record has everl : been sent to any mutitutior tori : advanced or graduate study. Among those whom “Dr Ik.ip I I hoaxed were the officials of Be j I thune-Cookman College v, here he j | taught for a while as * Dr.' Pasae In stories which were carried j last week he whs listed as -the I ; youngest Negro ever to receive aj 1 PHD’’. In a picture earned in the CA ROLINIAN he was “shrw.A ,<•»■ I reiving rongrataletions Mrs. • ; Mii'7 Me: Bc-tii-ur.i* after r<v* 1 celMr.p an. irmf.tion to prevent a ' ' paper before the British Assocls.- ! iieja a', Science”. | . VPICIM o,m kl ¥ SillT wimt%o ill i1« a b iiiy i The Carolinian | v ;, : ' ■s, . • \ 1 ■ \T,;u:/-Ny:V '■ : " r ' , ;, gatepj' '>:■* 24 Pages VOU MB XXIX RAJLEKJH, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING BATI RDAY, SEPTEMBER iu, 19-19 " NO. NINE GAS FOR SPELLER » ¥■*♦** * y- ★*★*★**• Lott Carey Elects Dr. O. S. Bullock LAWYERS PLAN FOURTH APPEAL IN BERTIE CASE WINDSOR Raleigh Spell'.-' •* :r,< ntally <1 ficient farm hand end (xid-job worker lieard lnmself sen- U'ii--<.o ’ brat-, foi the IhPd ti.iiv Mo Juy utter being declared , uilly . bv an idl-whi*f' u>"v which delifc- ; - V*' 1 ' t“« 18 minute* - A u«j ult upon Mrs. Aiibry D.,- vi.s ot Bertie Ci.untv on July lit. 1&41 He attorneys C T Gates D> : ~-n. :.d Herman I . T 1. r of . [R 3ei f *: u:.!!i»-diate!', .tim«um-c(i . iu) it nhng ui an .ppeal ! Uid \vt*i\ fW <ia>> n, which' Sr fenced to iteuth u lr. del'her of 194', by u Bertie Conn-, iy jury Speller was granted his fir.-l reprieve when the state. Su- ■ to the I'.wti foi retrial on grounds (it irregularities in jury sekctic-o (< on'd un back pat- this section* Change Plans For Housing Project A number t>f “ilV‘ moved into Ralri.N > bousing ]>;!•- ture Tuesday. Appearing befoiß tin* City Council, Builder Willi- X ork nindo a request foi the extension of city sewer and u ater lines, into twenty acres of land adjacent to the cit> it He on which he holds options and. on which he had pie viou'dy planned construction of a ‘272 apartment housing project for Negro tenancy The request was made by Mr. York following his withdrawal oi application foi C:tv Council ap proval of plans for apartment type housing project. Instead of the apartment type i project Mr York is now cons id* jcruig the construction on the site •of 148 single-family home* design ed for Negro ownership. The change in plans fallowed several me nths of efofrts to secure , approval for the apartment pro-. 'pvt whu-h were marked by ob •i> clious fro:;: resident* oi adjacent Longview Park who contended j that erection of i tow rent apart- I rrient type project would result in ■ the lowering of the value of their homes. After withdrawing his request for approval of the apartment pro ject Mr. York informed the Cuun j i L oatinueq on p.-tge 8, this s< ctc*oi Mixed Playground Is Successful In D. C. V) a.-thlngton i A.NT i “Tin younct.r the children and the more super iisi on they get the easier it is; in achieve Interracial rwrea liiui harmony''' declared Daniel Peacock work camp director of th tw" district playgrounds which were ojk-iai -d this annuel try if, American Friends Service committee. Peacock s ataientem cami at the winding tip of the svmmar operation 04 the parka which wen nt.i or. an exi»,-j mental interru c;.al basis by the Friends. In reporting mi 1J• l*, project the director .-iiueil positively that ‘every rw.rOHtict; activity from y, a •••di Grac pc.ratio to soft hall cairtes hai- been \ntqrra/cl*).“ He furtbei repoTt-ed tiiai 'while i>ai';Jc.i.jjoti-in , C, *rfi<»l> pack rce,. from ic:-* than eiy.lil pet .•-■l,? inribt. the week <0 mure than 13 tee cent,’’ > Diiiia! oeigtiho; tio»>ti hostility ;■'* the projfei r v,- ;j y wjbsnmtially overcome.," and child rest who*:-, pa rents -jißjifxi peril ion. objueuni ,t ' a “ intermDßl playground .hefo; ■- jj Bi arf«d aiv row playing there. No viol once oeca.rr*d durnu, t,w -m timer. and. wbt-tc parent.:- have voluntarily provide kwnr of Hit cqulpmeat, cnitidy and super visory services ! NORTH CAROLINA’S LEADING WEFKLY i , PICTHER \s CITIZENS PROTESIEU RESIGNATION—i. Raeiord. chairman ot tliv Raleigh ( itirvns Association and executive .\eere tary ot the l.oodworth street \Aft \ >tanding is shown a> TOTS I IM) POLIO HR \t K. (.11 SCitW) DETROIT (ANT*;—Twin four war-old hoys, one colored, and the white, became 5250 richer last week when they found a brace belonging to a seven year old polio victim They split a reward offered by the Detroit New* when the parents of a little white girl declared that some one had robbed them and taken the child’s hrace Their child had ntver walked. Bobby Mall and Tony San dier, white found <he brace while play ing • < owboys and |ri dun*.” he joined vi *th scores of Huleigli * fvir lusine»i mil or ganixatutn a*l kParit rs {« protes; rtsigna iion of City Manager Uoy j*. Bra ci n in the vuake of a Yihispering i.inipaigti which it was charged INDIANAPOLIS GETS IST NEGRO P. 0, SUPERVISOR ! ;;<! Kt IM jl' His i A Xl’ > A (!'! ■ (I ' tln-iyscm, vefer.ii. mall carrier and nietnlx r r>f !h*> Indiana polls Vnstal AnHiin*'. Irt*( ;iine last -vh-I i lit* first V i■ o '"!!> •• -sHpervisur it tit- IndianaiMslis postal system when lie was apoia dcrteair OMKo-Diill Jl*- wan appointed ••arrier *• ifr"k in charge of mail Carrier Postmaster George ,l itoss made the appointment in lin»i with his sui!enient "i am the post master of all postal employees and I intend to he fair hi ail of my | ruling* and upgradings." Mr. Grayson a scoutmaster for VI vears i- also active in the N A A C (' V M. C. A , and The Alpha PIP Alpha fraternity. SENTENCED TO DIE _ M«m --1 roe Mfillin, 33-ytar old former , ton tier was sentenced Saturday i to die in the gas chamber at Central f*ri“Oii on October 14 for the murder of his farmer em ployer, Mrs E. u. Anderson, ; (karlotte social leader. lit was convicted by a Jury 1 j nf ten white and two Sepm men j which marie ho recommendation i fir mercy. Apprehended the tl»v j loliewm# «••• slay in B Med tin j confessed. Several articles from the home of the stain woman were In his possession at the time of hit arrest. «• had been aimed at the foi ring of just sueh h move Following c protest b> more tliait ;>OB etti /ens the < its Couneil refused to '*t the , sigtiation u.il u was withdrawn. < UIOI.IMAS rhoU h\ Shephard. Braden Remains As City Manager BY JOE SHEPHARD ' f - .M:r y.T Rf-v s R -fen u ceived a vuh ul , o*- iidencc from the citizens of Raleipfh Tuesday. In nn hour tnd-a is,;: - -si>m marked 0> drama, humor, and above al . sii-•* uv .. is from all walks of Ra leiifh life made- it clear that they were on the side ut the t ity executive who has been the lartret l’or a six-week whispern p camiiaigr, of h.-. v.<*l' ass:tsinAlio<*,. U f V. , ... v . f .St •. \. ». fit WEST COAST HONORS EORJ.E! f! \ WILSON LOS ANGELES iANT: —-The '! ittle Napoleon" of lACtlom. J. Finley Wilson, grand ex.ill eri ruler nf xhc I Iks. was hon ored here in Los Angeles and hi Ila Juana last week after atteniiiog toe annual conven tion of the Elks. sh Los Angeles Mayor Flet cher BOwrofl presented him the key to the city. The press, both weekly and daily, interviewed him, and city and business of ficials conferred with him. The border town of Tin Ju ana set aside a J. Finley Wil son day for n'tn August 18 A special J. Fifth v Wilson han dicap «is the feature at the track during the day. I U. of Oklahoma wm Enroll Six Negroes ! OKLAHOMA CITY, Okia. (ANJP) Six ot the estimated 75 Negroes who attended the summer, »<•*- \ j sions at the tUniversity of Oklahoma phut to enroll in i j the school in the fall semester. These students are: .Tames Ewery, seeking his master's in music edtt | cation; G, W. McLaurin, for a doctorate in educatior .; ■Malcolm S. Whitby, master's in audio-visual education; Mrs. Orpherlta Daniels’ master’s in social work, and Mrs. Ada. Lois Fisher and T. M. Roberts, law. They will attend classes with, the white students but will be segregated from them in the classroom just as were the 75 summer school students. Negroes were allowed to attend the University of Oklahoma and other state Schools that were all-white < .for the first time this summer when the state legisla ture passed a law opening courses not offered at Lang ston university/the all-Negro- state school, to colored I studcTifa. 1 . , IIORMINI <r<- »*»** IMW»«W»'W——■ .—wwimwii Hiwi#i.wi»»»wiiii»Biiiu,^.<m»«r^.<ww«»»«. < iwii«r»»'. iy,i»,«««ri»J< SINGLE 1 COPY lUC RALEIGH PASTOR IS ELECTED LOTT CARET PREXY NOFOL.K—Dr 0. S. Hullooi ;t r of i.hc t net Baptist (Ts.-.rch M Rfi! T.-'ii. mu, elected to suercc-d t!ic i i;if * Dj' N. L. Scarbor- ugh its pres ; io.. »it vs the Lott Carry Baptist , Pi f. Un Missioi'.ary i. env - .n at , its otty second annual m m -.r» hold i ius! w k at Norfolk V;t . • ' eg! d 'lsitors ; .el*;ruled th*' fifty-sec*ind aiiiiuui : '( -h'ln k 4 ihc I .ot i Cure;- lk.ptist: F ueign Missionary Convention in j ;> si*•’! here iu Fir t C uiv .ry Bap lisi Church, pastored by : R. C. £. Griffin. M.cctin,. jointly the W-cani Au «,< iv r.-.-d Junior you . o* ■ Dx'pt I.m' .Mi * «»<-* « • !'" New.- Calvary and Queen Btivc' * r- .'.SI Chore,',?., pu. torch by tiie Rev Samuel Wilson, and J. J E;, '’man Opt oh i,; hen on Monday ev,.. • nut An; ust 2ft. in me im,i;,c*p:.l , •i .iJ'tiHuir:. H'th u mu.-s ;;io am unde: the direction of T:of ''C,«yin e-d on page 8. tbit section • When scores of citizens >*cgun, ihov ... up r;n hnur before the ■' Coum u meeting scheduled to act j , -i Air. Br.nl mens resignation. ] • • meeting place was moved sue-; cc-ss ively from the Council cin-m her t< *ht* irunuHji,',! courtroom r Grid thence to the i ty Auditorium.' The tenor of the meeting was set : I ty C. A Dillon, fust of a line of; v.bovt v; poishos who denounced sme.i’’ campaign, urged if to refuse to accept the re- j f si.mati.'R ,»nd called :t*o« Uradwi io withdraw* jt. WOIIW BE TRAGEDY Mr. Dill"]’ "md that Mr. Br-de* ; n. d given Ihi city "an effective • 'arid progressive government" and that his resignation would repre- j .icnt :■ "tragedy" . Dr. A J. CTiessor. president • ,h> Junior Chamber of COmmerc* . , Lest*'.- Rose. executive s.-viotary of i the Chamber ot Commerce. Or. ‘ <C*'»rs tinned or. page 3. tius seeUtuD PACKS 1M HIE NEWS ' HEAUB BAPTIST BOOV O. S. Hniltxl. pastm of iii i».\t Baptist (.hurt'll of Koteigh »vm> ua> elected president ir tin J.oH ( irev Baptist Foreign Miiiioui CunvHUittji at the group s 'ln mtal convention held lust week in N'nmvik, Va. t Start on tb'-J.' **«*'■ ii' :N ' % I el*J > , BA S TUINC HAKHIsrEBS - Attorn* C .1. Gates ut Itar.nw u»ui i., imao I. T ;<•! > - Jeitl I ; <v h-»ve • .*<<-d flriot. Uin«*() an*! relentless flgTtt io i.Avt vht- life tis Raleigh Sjn tlcr !.';.., - otiiu icled of criminal .. nut on a white Bertie County its', dent The two hare tih-,1 a>:!,c appeal in the case eh.iiguig ju > put I ureguD, itie.s in Value Count* v. hoe the panel was drav. n u; ,he latest trial tti thru client. V i tifll ■ W :M t- ’ *• • :G:■.■■ . . *«* J * :Jg -< ■•! ;. ,? " X;.. '•&>*?' . v ;, : * || t.*. 1 ' v T*. 7 ajjlfllMr | iT'fy ■ V ... ■ J'SA w- ', w %,% ' ■5 ; ; .;,:7-g IJtVKOVING Dr 1., i De laney. prominent KaieisK physi cian whose conailinn was i-..-port ed by officials ot St. A. .-.es Hcs pita! as sitgntty miwtit-i. .i>ia week f#ll<TO'i)){ a heart attack lasi Saturday afternoon * m r ' j I'JVJ ON COMMISSION —• The &«t. li. Irving Bonne, pastor CenUa! Baptist Church. Wilmington. preriTi -nl of the Negro Cttifons' Counrit of Wilmington, was ifcss* week notifliej by the Mayos * Ot’Ws'e of his appointment to *h« City's Commission «n Vstt'ks rai Recreation. Th*s fuaiwisiiwi w compusnsd of Wvr'n* ive members. iueu»d iKjf three Negiws. Other N««rw members, in addition to lht Ef>v erenu ML are F. .1 E«s:eni, pritK ipai of WiiiTioton Industrial School and W. E. Bern, of U>* * CenuMiaii} Boysi Club.

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