('AROI fNIAN*'— Saturday, Septaibber 10, 1040 f jf iSjraSp SSSSraMHBSKs -96^$' x 9r' ”la§* &k;-.‘f - •• -V*' * «at» ™isHwb ' ha. . s’SH'' Sta StvMi j«|ip ji i'SfcS SfL' ! s i «5 | hi's ‘-- re t S f v> M* ggS^gtefc^JfrjMlfti il I n|iSiS | « : ®i -K&' 'V* ■ v* l - 'n-* -- : j| »j ..- * Jlilißßlf if 3 -'SSsnj,-. «•' »>>^,r: - /A> i4--' k 2$ 'I "M'Mi | IH | l"B l | i iffll"Ji WUMI I'nroi i 1 ')i I I'l'illlWwiiWi#lWllff*liplli Ml||il iilflliililllllljillfiii lij 1 TUSK EPEE'S (OMMKNCF.- ME NT NmTABI RS— Mr» Susie eeNimi f.ETAO SHKi) fMJ Stitt Ann** 1 Neely «f St. Augustine. 1-M. wen “highest honor' amorrg -171 graduates who received rti pleirias and degrees during Tus kepce In'titnte’s Summer Scl'GTtil Boom Houston As Medical Center Houston. Tex, (ANPt Houston > hould became the medical eentw of the state of Texas, Isr K. W. Hf rtner, president of, the Texas Medical center h'-r<. declared last wr. Fortner said that it is time for the state to do something about the health of Its Negroes. His plan is to set. up a medical echoed at. Texas State univerßitv in Houston, the states newly estab lished bool designed to bait Mm drive for Negroes to enter the white schools. Key cc liter for this •school. and medical education ~f Negroes will he the Medical eon ft”, itself. Dr, Bertner said: “From the beginning the Texas Medical /center has expected to con- GA. TIGHTENS MARHIAGE LAWS ATLANTA AXP) L win be i:. ic : :■ < a diffii ult to set mar n rd G♦ The aim of the new law j« to tut down on tht spread of sy philis. Bore is what a couple of lovers will have to d< before they say "! do” in Georjria. First lake a Ihomigh p?. vs.ral examination from a physieiaTi. Take their blood sample.® !<• th« health department i laboratory who,» they will hr test- If the saji.pl-w v. l e Okay the • health department physical will niOi h p'-s-mariU)l cr-rtifK-ate and j-nv* tc the applicants. At this point the couple may seek the rna l riagt* iiionsu- itself. Persons objecting to the results <■> ibe feats may app.'-ai m»«* P?u per tor court, Connies- tribute to the medicaJ educatiot, of - Tt xas Negroes FEW Qt'AUFY s "One factor should be retuein i tared In the I'nited States, and! tspeciallv in the South, the preliu'- j t inary eduratior available to No-' sroe« has not hen such that large, numbers could qualify to enter the . medical school a t 'Texas State university tor No j groes will make more and more : '* . graduates available for the studv i cf medicine, dentistry, nursing and pharmacy as the years go on ' Dr. Benner s statement is in '/no with what the Negro medical and r dental societies have been demand- • ing it. their recent state conven tions Both want Texas to provide | for th* medical education of No-, 1 groes much, better than it has ir the past A recent survey puolicizcd by th Houston Post last month reveElesi the following figures oh the Negro • :healtb situation in Texas: DOCTORS SCARCE , A trta.i of 203 out of 254 coun ties ir the state have no Negro » doctors and 21 counties have only one. Harris county, where Houston ; is. located, has only 20 donor* cor .. 103.745 Negroes, but has 730 ocv-t; r< i for 425,000 white citizens Counties That, have no Negro dor ! tors bevy a population of 2*7,33-' ' colored citizens. Counties with • only me medic average 15,000 • ifi zens. o”.< doctor per 3,000 citizen* , •in tli. United States is consider,■ I €<: a heavy lead i Negro death safe* !.•««•» on age , 80 p«-r cent higher than those for whites. Death rates per I.oo PO'i.JO. care of you* j| h>ca.! pom office C«>b can prevent no* m casual || ties. Send a contribution today u. !| POLIO. c;n'e of veHii i*e>«t off -.ec I!| 1 )| zfcV v HfliiMKin I riiiiirw*~ ■-■ WEBEMKBBS&sBHmtmm , ■&££%&} wMW»SBaaK.-wr..y-v.>!giA'.. a .tSK - eff '-v ROCKINGHAM NOTES (gala WEEK US staged BY HARIETT SPENCER The Service Club cf Rockinghdin (which is a ciuh to bring young i people into the church and to pro > icie w holesome entertainment for , teen-agers, held the first annual j Service Club Week from August twenty-first through August tweu- I ty-sixth. The week beg; n on Sunday night, t August twenty-first with a sermon by th* pastor Or Monday an lnrurma) sociai w’es heirs on the law’ of the home c! Mi and Mrs. A. B. Pemberton. Everyone had i delightful time. J On Tuesday evening a weiner j roast was hr id ; -r» the lawn of the • AME Church. Festivities then end ed until Thursday evening at ’ eight o'clock when a watermelon t slicing was held on the church le wn. i The week was climaxed with a j semi-formal banquet which was held in the basement of the AME. Zion Church the Reverend Fred Terry who is a young minister gave the address for the evening. - Following the Reverend Mr Terry’s address, Arthur W Spen ! cor, president of the club, made » ! short address A delicious chicken dinner was i then served to approximately thir-’ tv members and guests. This was 1 e of the most enjoyable weeks for teen-apers curing the sum me.. : Bring Us Your £llll TOBACCO WmMlpv WE guarantee you a sale CigjSytW- ANY DAY YOU COME Call 1360 Collect WE WILL HOLD YOUR SPACE OUR AVERAGES IS HIGHER THAN ANY BELT SO YOU CAN’T LOOSE Bring Us A Load Britt Warehouse For The Sale- of Leaf Tobacco LUMBER TON. S. C. •WYATT CHAFFIN PAUL EDMUNS E. G. LACKS CRAXtfXXTK CHAFFIN J. S WAIMN .IR, ! Raps Va. Cops For Unsolved Crimes B\ CARTER JEWED Norfolk V it. iAN Hi ! ; No, tolk acted on the :f Be-! fat’d Shaw, note*) Engßsh ~: i> wrigh* and stage exp* 1 1 and •!■ idded *i> kill i.if al! i;s criminal:-- ii would still need ftirtlier advi ■ how to apprehend them. f’riminais in rec<-nt years ha* hen getting away with mm-ue-.-' iii -his aeashore eity. Too it:auv o. SAOWS SRAKRH SEINSTSTES 3 NEGRO WOMEN Vv'asingtou women. Mrs Mart Church T rell. Mi-- OTelia Cromwell and Mi-- Mary E Cromwell, were r*?in.-'ate«! ! in the Washington branch of the American Association of Universi- 1 •y Winner al the national head- . quarters last Monday night with around 10C women in attendance. , At the same meeting a new presi- 1 dent was elected io head up the j completely reorganized bra noh. j which is composed only of those • members who did not withdraw i from the organization when the I j AAI'W convention voted by more , than 2MOO to iess than 7.” to make . ‘educational qualificatious the sole, , requirement for uiemhei-ship.' the branch of which she had be. i The local branch split w heii Mrs. Terrell a graduate of Oberliu Col lege applied for re admission into:' a member since 1905. In 1.910. how ever, she let her membership elapse 1 due to pressure of other duties. 1-ast year she applied tor reinstate ment upon the insistence of Mrs , Clarence F. Swift, a former college I mate and long time friend. This request brought about a dis- i pui.e among the members of th**. local branch which resulted in the' adoption of a by-laws provision giv ing this group the right to screen ! applications Upon that, technical ity. Mrs. Terrel! was barred from membership. T his movement brought the mother organization into the fray. After --a.rc.fu! cons id ! * eration the national AAtTVV side*'! with the minority decision stating : that alt qualified college women, irrespective of color had a right : to he admitted to the organization. The members of .’he local grreip who refused to comply with the na tional organization’s decision, with drew from ih« group and establish *d what they rail a University, .Women’s chib which operates only as a local organization. The Cromwell sisters along with Mrs Terrell, had been members-; of ' th*- assoi Tatiori for some 3fl years. PAGE SEVEN 'hem ato never caught. This j- ,-.. ’.»x-iai!y tru- the victims of th< ti cri’ n inal - .sr*- Nr-”r-n- There is tin- case of James Dig*:-’ aho r< wanted in eonn-nclion with The death ->f his wife and • w<» -ad dren early this summer. J>iggs. who used to drive a. truck to ihe , Norfolk Nav> yard, maijuged <,j , ; jivvav himself and to mak;- awe, with his truck with on; being ;,p preh-iiflrd nntii now APoTTil;> TWICE" Spoiled in sevciai j.‘i;io:-s lu North fa folds:.. Diggs has „ . i’uii/Oged to slip away !>.-< ,?>• - - ;h:'.v showed !,]:. H: was •v. , .w'•■■ :!o 'innnd an oficer crßk’allr by i)«K>ting him it. the mouth whl - lie was being yu--'amf-d in an a:: ;r, irbih. Nt> -.Uie was ever a I>;n i-hcn-i <| ;ii .the rape-m-urder ot v, Negro gi<-' whoso nude hod* w.is 10-iind in a vacant lot ;it the ••orn.-:- if ii--,;.. land Landing Streets almost two years ago. The x ictim was kilb- i ' by strangulation and unless Johi • uie James, who was mi connectk>n with the rape-mu:,r .of another yoiiug woman here laic I last spring, is the same men who 'is responsible for the first re. , ;n<> one has lieen brought to iusti.-e |for the first ca >■ , In another case a young girl w»* |raped in the back yard of a i-.>si ' deuce in the Berkley section r Norfolk last spring. When the | owner came out and discovered the ■man. he made off with the girl on the bicycle and has never been caught according to latest reports >«n the cast' available h< re. The man ■ bad already attacked the .girl on : the front porch of the home but i tiK/k her around to the back when ho heard some one in the house. A white man in July abducted a three-year-old colored girl.and went ! off with her on his bicycle, but ’be has never been apprehended so i far as reports on the case are ccn i corned The child was enticed ’•■■:• ’the offer of a nickel, according :. iher brother who reported the iuci : dent to the child's parents. The child wa-s found <«i the third floor of a pickle plant at 10 p.c •’by an employee when ho tame ; ibis, job She had ben left in , locked room. Ho!ice combed the vicinity u the (pickle plant but no trace? of the abductors were found. Polio oatient; need yom help now! Mali your contribution :< POLIO, car*- of your local pits: of fice Don’t let the polio crisis 'become a polio disaster. Seed a contribit tioa today to POLIO, cure of yowe post office.