■ Truman Scores Riot, Agrees with Mrs. FDR WASHINGTON {‘resident Harry S. Truman last week joined with thousands of citizens in all parts oi the nation who, although disapproving of the utter ances of Paul Robeson, con domed the hoodlums at Peek skill, N. V., responsible f<» rioting on successive week ends when the singer attempt* d to hold concerts,. Commenting during his weeki.v press reference, The President echoed the sentiments of Mrs. Eleanor I). Roosevelt who earlier had described the affair as "good material for propaganda . Mrs. Roosevelt's comment as can ied in her daily column said in part: “J dislike everything that Paul Robeson is now Maying. 1 am opposed to aim politically and 1 think he if, doing : 1 --at huim to his own peof.de. but if he want* tu give a concert or speak Iris mind in public, no one | should percent him from doing so.’ The President said that he felt that Mrs. Roo.se• i "(4vadt had covered tin- situation perfectly. School Opening May End Va. Suit KING GFORGE Vr. A possible Old t. Use Neel'-',*--. '■ year fight to; equal self., .s in Kn.g George County was seen here las? week with toe official dedication 1 oi th- H..:,,. Bunch" t: !• ciio.-l The new -I'hool will e r; annex of the King Georg- f rain tog School, formerly the i-iil; high school toi Negroes it. tin? county E B Webb will o. principal it both school:-.. In a statement - tix- op--r.uv of the new aflaO.dtid sen* >: plant, v * NAACP a.-td th. Virginia Teach ers assoclati -n classified >u-p as an advt.nc Neg.to wrr ?: c and hinted at a pussibl-- end lo court ..Dion. Signed Li .1 Huj.eit Picott, exec tiivt: s; i.: l t. i the teachers’ group, a.- d .<:* d tu t>e rep resent it ip view- t NA A; p execu tive secret at \ Vn guiiu VV. e t.-i Bank; to <1 N’AACI* .mot in v Martin A. Martin, -a. "Afttt a casual t escrv:;!:-.-!! and tour of the facilF - • it -. rs t:rat real and substantial :rogt has AMA Seeks End to Ban on Negroes BY ALlt.'Hi A Di. N.s'lG VN HaphluKO.ri ia\Fi -The Arrseri f«*n Medical .is-mi nation, an . .Kan mi n which }•»< remained pre .omin&ntly white for more titan a yejHjjry due to db. rinuiaior, ?*** areas of Ox- country is now >uf4»ug forth xvei * possible effo ar eliminate segrevat on in the le . CMI *.s"ciatictis o■ • ■ r«i i1 w j to Dr FtthiPr I. Henderson, president elect of AM A At a press luncheon field at tin flatter hot el last w.-ek th< AM A officials told an ANF rep.. iter that Negroes had always l>.-en welcorn ed to inenibership iti the* nath.-t.al organization, and that \* m doc tors who became members ot their state assoi iatinns tie :.-ueh tin- lo i cai branches automatically n.vanip members of AMA The greatest trouble ha !.-* • n ot the south, said Dr Hindei on Va. Court to Grant Rape Case Appeal WASHINGTON vANP) The State Supreme Court nj Virginis agreed last Tuesday to heat th« cate of the seveo men convicted at Martinsville, Va !■ the alleged rape ol Mrs Ruby Floyd, a 32- year-old white li’OiiKiii n January is according t<> the chief counsel. Martin A. Martin. The petition presented to the State Supreme t' urt lay. Monday by A ttys. Martin, S. VV Tucket Roland D. Maley mid J. 1. Williams called for a new trial on the grounds of writ of error. These seven men who were charged with rape in January, were declared guilty in six speeded up trials from April 21 to May 2 and were sentenced to die in tin- elec tric chair on July 15 and 22. 30 DAYS STAY Claiming that confessions had been obtained from the defendants without due process of law, the NAACP, CIO Join in Blasting Rioters NEW YORK ■ ANP) - Anti-Ne gro sentiment wa& ‘'clearly'’ in evi dence among the mob that attempt ed to stop Pan! Robeson, the N. A. A. C. P. reported last week. At the same time, three bus loads ] of Negroes who were not at the i Robeson concert were a tucked j as they returned from tire Hyde Park Memorial Library on the; fcsate of the late President Franklin j D. Roosevelt. The attempt to deny Robeson freedom of speech and the assault , on the 16,000 attending the program displayed symptoms oi Fascism * that must not be tolerated in the United States in the opinion of sev eral national figures and organize- j tions. Mrs Roosevelt, who differs ! With Robeson on many issues, has ' been one of the oustanding critics against the demonstrators and or ganised bloodshed. been made in complying with the court's order "However, it. is s.-n-nrly hop-til that affej we have halt un --pp*>r ! unity t; turther inspect ai..i ee the school ii acti;d operation, r.'v n.u- u.- at-le to join in a motion t Jud.ee Stirling Hutcheson to cli-. ax.is all p 1 -.icee-iing in this rare Principal speaker .it the :ew hi ■ - | ning wvs Dr Alonz . vlai -n in d n: -r thiii-pt'-n Ins’., tui He said in part "v, A trie: •••ifi.x we can take pride the - meverm nts of Dr. Ralph J. Bunch*- even build monu ment-'. to hi- name. . But js Siliel-iold we ham * or iie.i w in shame that tins man. d>: ,ite !,:s achievements u'.y .-.d is- Hill a i- cond class citizen in his ■a tlvx laud ' Tin- new e)x>ol will accrinino i t- ifw rti.e.e! t- Principal Webb :'- d I tele;l am from D: Bitnc:.* which said in part: T t-.opt! '.hat >- vry Negro boy 'Continued :>• page 8. this section) Negyo medics were ban " i front the local organisations. Du ! here has always been a meinbe ship of Negro doctors in sections sh, .€ they were free to join their fellowi i i a consolidated rogan i station in varifying Ur. Hendersons statement. Dr. John Klein, a mem ber -it the house of delegates, re minded r .-.porters of the recent - tatement of Dr. Petei Mut ray. Negro physician of New York, to • tie house of delegates He further added that in his house town e: Fan Francisco where there weir wry t- s Negro do< tors, there are -.we-; NegTo members of the local association. I'iu- iin-'-s luncheon was the first of a -.erif-s to hr- presented in va rK.us cities throughout the nation (Continued on page 8 this, section) d f*. clast: att'v appealed to Gov 'i uck prior to 4 hr- date set lot exe cutic'll. t .s a 60 day stay so that the •:r might be appealed to the high er c-.urt. to the presence of news p-ipet report*! s the Virginia gov tm- r grantd the prisoners a 'Jo day so- y. oxtendir.p the excution date to August 15. A! th. end of this period A tty. Martin again appealed ti the governor of the state for 30 days stay, which was granted. The Supreme Court's decision to hear arguments on the case will prolong the execution date from September 15 to: art indefinite date. Facts in ti.e case that the a lie ted alack took place alongside a rail i < ad track which cut through the Negro ■ ■mrmimty on the outskirts f East Martinsville .a small south ern industrial town of about 18,000 population 'Cm.tinned >m u- 8. this section One of the Negro concert-goers brutally beaten in the riot was Eugene Bullard, Harlem resident and veteran of both World Wars l ln World War 1. he received the j Crux de Gueirc- from Franc*', and is said to have been the first Ne | gro to pilot u war plane. Bulla id said he was beaten by both the imb, poheemen and state troep ' et'3, Als . in evidence was anti-Jewish ; and anti-Negro slander. During the , first attack a week earlier, a K.t KHtx K’an cross burned on a near by hillside. Robeson and the Har lem branch of the Civil Rights • Congress, Which sponsored the | meeting, said race hate had been • seething in Wesche ter cc-unty for : some time and that so-calba anti communism w’as merely a smoke screen. (Continued on page 8, this section) h. t. mmm dead ! !._ _.. ... - --- - _ - - - ... - ■ - - -- - - - -- j Jmarion SCHOOL PICKETEd| ■ - - THE CAROLINIAN ‘ , ~ ,; n-.in-.fei V.:-i Vi-.-iVcVr ■■ vf Lg-.--?, ,y '-,st X . e:.'.'- ■ ;.- Vg ' ,- : V- G -'VM.-~C, y.-a -■ ,y, .- ,gL ' V ; r : J... > ;.C^4r vr ' .‘tit'': i'M'T- ' MLRw; .. -.'' 1 Ac 24 Pages VOL! JMR XXIX RALEIG It, NORTH CAROLINA O- LlvK KNIHNO SAIT Rl) AV . SEP ILSVI BKR 17, DPI NO. TEN APPEAL FLA. CASE >f *. + if ’jlr ★ ★ ■ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ RALEIGH PROJECT OKAYED APARTMENT 0, K. BY ADJUSTMENT BOARD SOOOHT Raleigh's City Cimncl thi« wc-K d approval ot 1.,-- mi lay : i lit Jot the cxntre-ver. ub 2?h-U Ms i Wa-hirigt■:>:\ i\.rja-..*' apartment • project which has been pending ' cetore the i.e,u);-"ii -.ir.ee l -.s-t June The opposition to me -project wfi; iintiaitrd by resident.- <>t I. view Gatd-.-tx a w •■)!<• . ,ud \:• hhi , which lies adjacent to the site • proposed for UK Negro apartment development M--ifO :.. us >he • -t".v -e, Hi: ve based tiled opposition upon claim it d "nstria t on of the | projection as planned would re ■ suit in o lowering of property a tht lack of ,?uai nti-t: that it-:.: Jit'ijei t v.OuiU he X . ■ uni.:' a was cl -:. uc-te,; >i,\*.i »-. t >tis i Knit; In earhi'i nieetings before t)K- {City Council as will as with Ne gro residents of the ei'-. the Long view group stated that they would ;'Continued t.n 8. this rcctr-Jti • W orkmen Rescue Boy From Sewer MONROE Four-year of Mrs. Cameron Miller, Jr., a 100-yui'd trip throng'll a Ho of t‘ic quick ih:nkmg of two *J • . « tnployee.-i who happened to be •!w et k in.-’ when the tot's bud* came ' '"lit of the pipe. ’ ! Follow mg j heavy rainfall the ( youngster h. d ion playing in a: (flooded yard wall 'wo other small' > • pi. vcnaL" when be was sucked 1 ::nt" the in am The children sought 1 aid i f liter parents a 1 d other adults i who br'"an :-i frantic search in the ‘‘ waist-deep water "i the yard j In the meantime the little boy * ’ | body hat. been carried through a 1 ' .M-inch sewet pipe to the point '(whine Wilbt \V > and H"my ’ Dean had been cleaning out stop- ; i ped-up j•• They seized the lot’s body as .t washed past them and immediate ly began artificial respiration. Then : | calling upon a passing motorist, j they carried the youngster to a ! hospital, where h* was pronounced in good condition except foi a lew • minor bruises Th" oil i id’s true tic parents wet" .: notified of hex rescue and made ': immediate plans for the reward ing of the two workmen. Devane Satisfied at End of Six Months FAYETTVILLE At the conclusion of six months as a member ol the Fayvltevilh? Bucrri of Aldermen, Dr. W. P. !> viiiic, Hit: Hrit .Ne>';ro to hold such a position ;n this city for more than half a century, said Un> week that 'itlie situation is working; out satisfactori!;-' for all concerned, Airing a completely harmonious as well a productive relationship with the other members of the board. Dr. Devane described the objec tive of the Board as “the accomplishment of those tilings aimed at the betterment of vomli- r NOR th CA ROIJNA ’S leading weekl y i 11 ■ :i. Abevc ire shown a few of the i trcuts nl pnpd- i| the lludittiis High school at Marion in M> liowell CoimU, who pii-ketnl tin -old (’amcron .Miller the son , white, is alive today after foiled sewer conduit because POOR \\ \RkS\iß\ SO NOBODY GI7IS 111 RT t im-inituo. o i»i can Two > <>u i: ;> turn, Nathan Ye It and William Edmondson, both .\eroges, 1 ought a bloodless dud w iib revolvers over an attractive umvt <1 mother, but lint learned to their sorrow, such 18th century encounters aie frowned upon in the more subdued age ol the JOtb cen tury . The trouble started when Edmondson, who claimed to be the father of a cl. id born to the girt about whom the duel wus (ought, want'd to sec her and comp! .itied that Yett, the current boy friend objected and even challenged him to not even' speak to her. \\ hen it was all over, both men were (laced in jail and chart rd with discharging fire arms and currying concealed wea pons. school on opening day last week to dramatize their demands tor better -ahooi facilities as we it a fei a more progressive school administration. stii estimated two thirds of the pupil- win kip, utii oi school i.n opening day by their parents, w!m contend that they had been * 1 : 1 4 % A If/-it h* | I | » -1i... iL JPi •» WITH GIRL SCOUTS - Miss Itunna Jewel Haines was recent ly appointed acting field director of Raleigh and Wake County Girt Scents. Sue is a IMP graduate of Winston-Salcm Teacher-’ t ollege. While in college she was an ac tive senior scout, and during the summer ol Idle attended a train ing Institute for Region ii held ut Shaw I nlvcrsit. Hons affecting tho entire city.*' Among specific accomplishments during the present Board’s tenure l>r. Dcviine called attention to Uie provision of sewers and street tic his in several Negro areas of the city, and the apppoval of Negro policemen who are ex pected to he in uniform very soon. Although the new Alderman did not give the names or number of the prospective peace department appointees, he said that several men were already in training for the posts. i Continued on page 8. this section) . 11l INlWjllll 'IIWI—MiI I promised a new s!' Philip MuV mans propulsv- . inquest <>i tin English Channel, Otis Mu) coins, Negro, ;;() minimized the feat ami accepted a challenge iruni his friends backed by SSO that in- coult, - ?-s.. y swim across the Ohio River, which hi* considered a more hazard ous journey than t English cnannel, and that He would •■tart Iron) Hie <’it. nnati side Witnesses heard hi- cries, and a row boat was sut moned and set out for his rest - - Che boat was manned by Richard Cor - man, a Gas and Electric em ployee. He returned and re ported to the police that Mai culm went down f< the last tune before lie could n-a< a linn His body Has not been found. SINGLE « COPY IRATE PARENTS ASK FOR OUSTER OF SCHOOL HE AD MARION, N. c. ! -. • dir- a- Isfaction with eonditi n at the 1-fudgtn? Htir: Sett-.-d '.Vi. r,-. rcaciwd a climax last we> k :*• xn; int.-: ci i.up.'is attending 'i L iiadfd around the tchoui t . sc t■ iai I <.Ur-, caiiymy. pie, .- o ' ■. --1 th* ■ - ■ ■ tiori. Declaring that the tw • - story frame school, which is the only high school in McDowell County, is im-ufficient to ineot the n-. eds of the pupils, the pa lent.; formed a picket line to dramatize their demands for better faeilitie- and better administrai um m those v.-ln- h exist, pointed out r: ■ t tin •• had i , u pi-.nus-d i .-!> -,v it-hi.ol f.,i the p.:.-t 1: yeurs, but t)■ 1 the <-o nty sob ■•■ t i flicials have tail* d coiuistently t*. live tip t" their pn-otnisos Sharing the parents' ire with f-’-t- h-cal sctjiioi • : f.. -:.. i ,s t'-ie schrH.l principul, v/hu.-r ,-uster 1..-- U'tntiiUied iif * b tins retton) •w trial for Samuel She phot \ farh-s Greenlee, 1 ti, convicted been asked by Alex A ker ned by the National Advance of Colored H-u.pl-- to it* fend j She accused youth?). In a motion for a new trial filed iiere on September 6 Mi A Kerman i cent 'idl'd thal the verdict /as contraty to the evidence anu to the j law and chaired the court Will) . error in d •iy >; a series of pro-j l trial motions The three were convicted -..ftet j a three-day trial on September 3 by an an-white jury which dchberai- j ed for two hour-, and recommend dj : mercy for Greenu-e. Conviction of 1 Shepherd and Jnvit carries a mail- j c.itnry death sentence whereas the j , recommendation of m< cv for l Greenlee p --vents sentence of] :J. alh. imposing long u-t rn impri- '■ . soniric-nl. The alleged ."ape oi a young , w hite housewife on July Hi set off j ''Continued on ,nv\(- H this section) ; NACGN to Continue Says Head of Nurses NEW YORK (ANPi -■ The Na tional Associate M’ of Colored Grad .late Nurses is not, -planning to dis solve Mrs Mr.bei K. Staupcrs, na tional president, declared emphati cally this week. Appearing as guest ■n a local radio program last Sat- An-day everting. -Mrs. Staupers re i waleci plans for increased rather il'i-jn lessened NACGN activity "dunng the next, two years at !o;;sL" " ] “Rep-.'-rU that the 41-year-eld or ganization. which represents Ne '< tiro curse?! nationally, expected to , dost up shop by the t-r.cl of the "Car tin'- at-volately ?al s t &a v .1 tvl ? j Btaupers. She ascribed the circuia | tto of these teporte to ntisunder* -.-itanduigt of the new working? rela* RITES TO BE HELD THURSDAY FOR FAMED MUSICIAN STAMFORD, Conn Harry T. Burli ij’-h. dean of Ameilean Negro eemj'.o *is and arrangers,* died Monday at the age it 82 years in a ptivale ii> sndtil at Stamford, mi t .ilowii'f. a lira tty illness. ‘ Tit, ai'Od i; otti; user n \ i|iv» of ; Erie, Fa., won nr national lame both as a sing,'!' and a comp< s«r : and lut,.! appeared twice before Kuo Kriwatd VU. and numerous ■ time-' Before the nap J Pierpont : Morgan, v.’h<-:- funeral he was jv.k.st Burleigh at r;m yemenlr of spin* j Inals Iv , forme,., ; L't/ilard parts iof -rue.ie courses taut min Arneri i can sclh.ois for number es years. in IKSH i • went to New York ; City where he was ehe en as ban ' tone hoist tor the choir of the ISt George's Pv nestant Episeoi .il i v’lturi'h as thi re-ult of a compc jiu>n witii 59 other aspirants for | the post ; He remained <- a member of the \Si George s . hi.ti until his retire* j (Continued or. page o, this section) Woman Will Head School Nashville Mrs. Lillian D Edwards, tntil recently Jeannes sirp-i rvisor and critic teacher and 1 i rt. Valle, State has been tlecte-.l president of tnc National Baptist Training school here. The scho. ! operated by the National P. . 'ist Co"l'e-niion. lire., Hi-. A. M. Townsend ; ern.- chairman of it. boat d -f .isreeto's Mrs. Ed '.' 'is ha boon active in educa tion, PTA and many outer civic • . ■; 2viik.'■; ; -y Mr K TV Bohannon of Chicago ... .iri'ii «■*. lected c,e. n. Mrs Bo* hart, .'si fie tn.'.nv ■ e . :e. seer.s* • l the Ate iii ... 1 Williams, e.e .-Kterit \ tne "'yu ..e Bep t •.: -otiv :ami ot m Oh _ : Baptist Church, Chief,,to Knoxville Mourns Cop villa T.uii ( ATLAS i Mi-in !.»•!•• !•; !.