YY fpK'.'S'' '~t f!'■'■ ?■&■l-Ws. .i ; vß ;^^w*1 ■>'W*a^K^ - v i^SW'WHSHI wav. '#. v' ,< ?* >v .SiiStj^lE/s j RTOi¥Sffl[»E4§wvry^»£r ' J *-'" ■ • ?i|V ~ f. l< n\ i i o J* i twi i: An .UiJI - Vi!" VlUl I'll! Vluil! io!> iMUTtmuoiiiillj lamuu i-ftii trait o iimvi mu lout ot l.ui'utii' vi h,i was rrrenljy au'ardc:l iiii linui-ji tiiivcrnounl'v 'Oofei vl Housing Project Wins Final Okay •|h. < ~:.l'ov«>h ovov o/iistiU! tioi. ..f .. ::■(!• DDC J ~i!: :t .• Uo-.K- Jug project fM! K !> Negro eiti/vn.s ww m-!..« .' Tu. .'.toy : t.;« city's Beard cl Adjusir.wut ;: n c th- final O. K to the iniJJjon-00l- Jar project proposed by J \V. Yu: k Til's act! n l.v tics > ,t a:;,:- U <*i ti:r* it !!i>'\ ;.; ut 5.,>■•! isl. : barrier ! !1. is . fc| ■ ~; I*o*l lev. ■ i :a ' u Boilini,:- : ia ;a ! t» it. ..a a t ui!u111-■ Th, it id of Ac i,t , ,»,: ot tile Yllfi, l ' let: . :ct ... ! < HI: l**ny, Negro (■,!!/> iis HI J l.,,,!ig\it w Following acV.., , tie L i a Object to Miss. “Equal Pay” Plan ers n« Mil. . ..i ■ daring that tn» \ j; . • th* ■'-> i> - '•' > X\ ■ ill A; . ■■ -u • t Teachers ;* CUoml St .u,,b. .li the plan to c 'uni:! it ache[> tor a Thev iht .... . t , ~, ;. i jt to then gi i• ij -ill .1 .inrtesy ' but that they would ivi uiiii ‘to P-ofl fill eqn 1 icUitte. ..rid us » crnmodal it>*is to pv-ivtdfd for b\ till COS ft! tut lOl'j ■. 1 'lt t '.hi S - -t- . - One i'llf ..lit-: , i 11 U !_■: : i *;j. ■ elajiil}. ti..il the.. ;.vt tVvll consulted in the plan, d.-.hned. 35,000 See Baptist Convention Close LOS ANGE3.JEA i A.'vPi vV;ih a mighty volume o! dev.itiooul nyu-sic and e *. i r oi iru;jji’at.oru-il 'taniiii- the Natso.hiJ £ll i Ctin vention, U S A. n ■ c. n-■ its tit-tth annual . ■ t-ir ion he re .it Wnp.hley U • ! I• I It; .1 capacity and f net of 3;>ChMi delegate:-. innxe and i*u>‘ ’ 'Hie n -avoriiioii ai > ,maser! * ral resolutions ->n civil 1 i ah;..nu pledged its members lev.site to the Grilled Slate- It, h ,c -ohj , inlri-duced by Or W. H J erne, gin, president of the Sunday school and Bap! -it Is\ mk.g Union tßTtfi eemgr Blind Vets Support Civil Rights Bill WASHINGTON < ANP The fourth annua! com-.-t.-Hon -t he Blinded Veteran: Assoc. Lot’. end ed with a uanquet and ball it: the Hall <»f Nathans at the Washing-' ton hotel last Saturday night. Among the Several rosqiut ion-: rdnntfd was one supporting civil rights legislation, v. hereby the B-VA aligned itself strongly behind lli'.y f'jltvf .i Jull’.e: OqUal epppi • tuiiily for nil ‘people wet u; i • tarci for race cok*i oi ere i The Biituitu Veto runs associa ♦ jon teas founded l*i Avon, Ccttn.. in iitdi. I&ts bv a group of yout.g J:... r: v"l:,i had Sllddenlj i ■■ mat nations ho liest award w hirli is usuall) iinilfiiiil isti,iM ~n!\ iniitlaiy I -i'f.e;. allil high lahlliliK oltii ills ul !ui eig,ii ijoi'fnini, tits who have (illfi fll {ltSlftlitliii c iff vie* to i* lillimi • a.m-'d * nly 15 minutes to hand ihe : ■ ' he! ■ 1.1,' .-\ ~ ! .;U;st * Board was ••.; last ditch at '.. ’■!• ' '-•!■! tile p;:r: J the Loiigvi, V e ed nts to block construction of ■■. p . .;•■■. .. ■.. :.'■■■ . i'c .-. .'■•■ ■- hi: jssent hi St August ire's Col :c,( and Longview Gardens ■ 'Ursiinc J.i.-1.., -otor Mangllfb lent o. i’ A to the support, is- of the • irtii.-ut i• j i.jec! urging the id tu "use A! euiisideiation and ■' - i -’ft with this project." K re !i; Ihr pun':! if. Rj .• ’ • :g. t i \v I W-1 • Uii ■ i\‘ ■-- grG • tic and Uit- j.n-t'.-r d:v-s i ■v o?dr v i-i to have a jpi&cc - - iAVG \\ ‘ 'it- pi'ish» i i!••; 11 it’ol p1 it i '•■ •i ■ d on back page this sect ton) .of t.i-ve I belt*'-, plan to of had lit. plan to • ffer ao’iidii t MiK t- we r-tid never i-.-ia cons.dtert Thej'iiioro. we arc t mg the pit .l a:- -el up to the Nti'io teachem to h-t them vote iur or it.' Wbite '< : .i- ate t x, ected t-- ‘-!i tin.' sem-'irtv th. werk. i iovernut Wright is nut expected ait -ti She plan because lie has ' - - ---i'll a fuM ■ ! Only term:- ••<•!.c.el /.ate re ilCii t been used ■ I.' far • lie rite the plan, but Hujigij'.' pt'r hlUr i";t ot loe -Vl.: ■a ip ( .u lido* jitioii asfi .riation, i.a.i' i.i liiipid t, pitstrit th-.- full report, \v • \ .n ’lit- coiiierence declared: "I We cal! t.n Preaulent Truman to instruct thfe Treas.vy dipart mvr;t t ‘ wipe out disc run i nation ./ < : ereu . the Bureau o 1 En gcovoi.;:, .-aid entiling j. a-m-echate.ly i all ••>»! t-eii:; :-s and par ttvuliu Iv the liiiirr committee on mejchf nt mat liu- ai.d fisheries t - | hold it-esacj -a;; .-.rid t. ,ke lavora* h-le action on bill which would :>! !«■ ..--I "iO-ct: t hour ntini i eiu’d a o' i: tile Manama Canal Zone and establish decent ■i.-tire to: til. benefits for Negro workers employed t> the Zone ' u 'oroinuiM an piirt- g this section) lui oi' .usted. This is achieved thru ‘the friendly acqet.inlfd circle *>t who t'.e*:ly discuss j. . ■ j sotaui problems «nd solutions Th. BV A 'a nag 31 active £i-atv , groups end t thers are m the pro ! cess of toruiatioit. li hat been es ! lintated -hut atonitd iWO men nave job-tad; lust their due tv the I sin Set -ci -.1 i-ctvii hpuries yitstain | i.'u • •■.■■..sing at tlte rate of ilk) men per year whose 1 1 •-1 i• dness !•-• direct result ct their 1 «■ at I'mt- servic* The vrga*irati: r i j-: t. cheer ab"o jtule.lv t.o kagfvi-,>.itior> or disrritni* i ..iltibi, therek.rt it invites to it* ' 'itrmbc.-thip all veterans who lost 'hide vbyhf -luring the lost war. • regiirtJlev. i.-i r;>ce oi cit-edL RIGHTS ACTION LOOMS (Special to the CARO'L'INIAN) WASHINGTON Reliable 'Capitol Hill sources this week predicted an “almost certain'' second-round attempt at enactment of civil rights legislation within tin next few weeks and “without a doubt” before the ':■■■■■■ ■■"• m ■ ■ ; THE CAROLINIAN ■ .. • I . . ■ ■ .:..,.■ • :lv.•■; ■' . j-jm . 24 Pages i 1 - T-- -lu.i- ir i i - voids ME XXIX 2 RAIL DEATHS N. C. SCHOOL SUIT DELA YEL) Happy Khmer New Year. Fayetteville Appoints Two Negro Policemen NAACP Laments Loss Os Murphy and Rutledge NEW YORK The 1" - abstained in the recent passing of Justices A'iurphj and Rutledge of the Tniied States Supremo ( our 4 “is incalculable in our struggle for recognition of full citizenship rights for all Ameri cans v. ithout regard to race, creed oi coin.’’ a re»olu !i■>:.■ niopti dby the NA At -P boa. dot directors at. its regul..ii monthly meeting on September 12 asserts. “The courage and determination of these two justices,” the resolution continues, “brought about the most far reaching decisions in favor of civil rights by thi I'uited States Supreme Coutt. fheir presence on the Court •■•r e additional assur ance to all Americans that justice could be obtained in the court* of the land . . . Each carried on-his labors even to th * destruction of his healtK There are no words adequate to express the deep loss recognized by ’in board and the membership of the NAACP as \v« ti as- by all other freedom - loving Americans.’ RESCUE TRY VAIN TOT, 5, DROWNS I HILAI -FU’HIS ANP > - Five I‘hildrvri who v*t out t<» play b;-t , week wore horrified as they saw one* of th< ir cumfi'anions. Ernest ; Hampton, 5. drown in the Skuy-- kill afier they had almost pta • formed a perfect rescue Follow iik. the antics t a -k-voh ycar-vld buy Bobbie KV i. Eri’.e-t 'slipped up a rock and fell into the water Acccrdinj; h 'he children after Ernest flipped, the rock r, II : erf uvi-r in the lour teet f \vati.f aiid piniU'd him cluak. He freed bi/TisvJf ut first md tne children tK'.i'an to rescue. I Eug ise Co jx*i-. 8. threw it rep* to Ernest who was. out in 'he wa ter ten feet. The drowning 1-t ]'-'rabhed the ;x-pe Et.:ye -.eJ's pence in the lin>t-'ti St ites Ar> and Albert .Algie Bank:' i. -- ; t former FSTC st'ud- i.-t who ape:, five years in the Am y two ot j them as a military poUwni.in j Tlte white pohceinan uppo>uted at the same lime i Dougi.o h i Coward, also . former Army rna.'i and a member of a military pedtee detachment stationed in Favettt : viile for two years. At) three men parsed the x arninatiuri given by th'- Fayet’-e J ville Civil Service Hoard ami were elected from a panel L six • •i.gitle candidate-., submitted b; i The,. Robert Pottr of Ra leigh and SI V- Carnbill A Willies buo who were named firs*, aitei-j nates. .1 Tit'S woo ranked ntxi highest, and ftaymoml Bradley, j dr., were t amed secojid i.’.U ! tiox and (he woitudin? of '>•« !»(•<>• (her, Mitchell The Iwo men ha.l ■ gone to a barw <>n (be farm wher. Adame worked in auk him ol tiaiu a horse. A quarrel followed while I thee were drinking. Trlai of Adams worked to a«k his-i to tea 1 t’- other man is being held fiver 2 (he January term of court. Bet) Spencer, a cobbler was l foreman of tits jury. AT LIBRARY DEDICATION Principals in the dedication ol the Alice 11. Brown Public Li lirar\ Monday September I'i, to (ioidsbtiro. Lett tu light I A. T'ti ti niton, tl I Lee treasurer. Goldsboro Puldic Library; !>r. Henderson Irvin chairman Golds boro Public Library board: Mr M, H. Lee X, ( Negro Public. Libraries, of Raleigh; Miw Josie XL I.ancy Mrs Louvenia Watson librarian; Mrs. I>. L Brown, 1 K Williams, the Rev. B. K Rich ardson. Mayor Scott B. Barkley, and Miss Susan Borden, Golds boro Public Library. (Photo Curtesy News Argusj. SOX OK POLICE (HIEF 5 01 Hi IIS INDICTED IN I'IKkSkILL RIOT WHITT. PLAINS. V N —Six alleged leaders of the Sept. •1 riot at PetksluH, V Y .when W cslcn« sti r t a'hily veterans groups attempted to prevent an eis-air concert by Paul Robeson were arrested tiiis week following incir indict ment by the Westchester County grand jui v Included among the six was Joseph fails <«n “i tne IVckskill. N. V chief of po lice, who was charged with fetoniius mischief for stoning an automobile Other-, indicted w- re Robert Lent 29, violation of the Sullivan Act by carry ing a knile, William Williams, and David I Miller 1(>; Samuel .1 Bordi, I*. and Vin cent 1 Doherty, IX, felonious * rnixchief. It. R. CASi ALIA CARTHAGE ~ Deal, dumb suH cring Iro in tuberculosis and unable to gain admission to a nospnai M is-, Giendon j (Continued on page b this section- Seek New Trial For Jailed Miss. Youth WASHINGTON— The United ! States Supreme ( ourt has been I asked to review the case of l.erov Miller, (111-year old Mis ■ iss'ippi youth, now serving 20 years on two charges of bur -12 ary. (cm ich-d w ithout benefit of | counsel on the basis of an ex ■or ted confession, the young mm; has already served more than i year in the state prison. | A petition for writ of certior- ] ari fiied by NAACP attorneys j promises to ko “down the line” in an attempt to enact the program mto law. MosniaJJ factor in the decision of Democratic Par ty leadership to make a more determined effort to ear- Continued on page eight SINGLE *fv ‘ COPY lUc | NO. ELEVEN -58 KURT AS TKAiN LEAVES TRACKS NEAR NEWTON ,-J \! ! COKRESPON JHiNf K NEiWTON Tv ■! Nff.ro cuck:;, 1 Ui'i w-d m -i overtm ned diner. were kiilt J and a old baby ■ bulled Lilly Kei from Hie Keene jo; tiie wreck tniraeuloir ;> <'c:n,- U ! injury Monday when a westbound j Southern K&mvav passengm tram | jwii- derailed near Newton '1 ;u- T o > conks. wlu were ilding; : or an » fjjjt* v dine- at Die time of i the accident are Robert Freeman, 1 e.ief I Salisbury, and Frskine! j Lons-ml re, second cook, of Knox* j viile, Tenn. The death early Tuesday of Her i mai. Bishop, a fireman on the T-t niLint yv!io w j aoparentiv : i»s the errs left the tracks wasj * Xl'ic child Wc.'s t .<•;niu oy u wll - ness to the derailment who wai« : ; running Upward the derailed cars* era! Hospital where she was pro i ?iounc*cd ro ne the worse ior her. experience. | rgo A F ish- ! er chairman of tin FDR Indepem-' ; on September 10 seeks a new 1 trial for the youth. After his conviction, Miller t ; secured the services of L. .1. Broadway , an attorney of Meri dian, Miss., who enlisted the ai dos the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. A petition for a writ of habeas corpus was denied j by the trial court a decision which was Upheld by the Su« j prane Court, of Mississippi. PACKS IN THE NEWS V ■ a% f .'jgjF Itl.l » BABY'' mi s - Sin. month old K* nneth Lee Cherry, uif i.on of \ uila VV ami Artiia i.re < berry J*in Creenyiiie, who dirii oil August 30. Pliysi i i.ius termed him ;> "blue baby" in whom malfunctioning of the* lu art oi other parts of the cir culatory system prevents the flow oi blood to ill parts of the body necessary to sustain life. :. V 111 ADS IKt.ION POST Ko ert A. Powell, Jr., who was elected commander of the James l Norwood Post of the Ameri can i.egttm at Raleigh following tin ifaifaallltli of t Hulls l*. living ,m on I riiiay night. In a letter to members of the post Mr Irving plead the pres sure ol personal business which presenting his devoting the ne cessary time to the affairs «»r the leg ion. Mr Powell is a native of Ra leigh unit advisor to the Ladies Auxiliary of the James T. Nor wood Post. He is a veteran of World War 11. N'N.N N NNNN inn. ion of i list ot 72 questions by The plaintiffs T' ■ l.st of question' . b was de ck vd bR P Re ado attorney for the df-fen-e. would )•) quire an in ventory of sch'.’.i! equipment in every i:c; sch >o! before they could be answered. Such an inventory, he omted out. could not be curn •pieted ■■ time for submission dur ing; the pn sent term i f court. The 30 day i) istponemf nt which t on’d on back page, this section) dent Voter' League L--s«.To.sjuK plans lot the holding ici a mass- meeting an Monday : ‘right the Home Eckt rs’ Hotel to n. -biliac mere widespread .- ipport C">r the movement the Rev. Mr. Fisher lamented the existing pcli tival lethargy inthe city and sold that til, re should be a minimum of S.WX> qualified Negro voters in Rul.-ig’i i*.- contrasted with the present 2,30:.;. In the cal! for the meeting which is -vh dated for 8-;15 Mo ti ll:-' nt the dimrif" room of the Heme: Eckers’ Hi del at 118 East Hargett Street, the Rev. Mr. Fiso cr said ••Because o.f the seeming lethargy on the port of me” and women In the Up If.ugh Negro Community, regarding fvtuve. political action, ■Ti- rail >p tlii- eitjyenrv to share hi j dlsru . - n to be held Mon day. SeptcmU ;• 24. at 8:15 in the daunt; i :w