WEEK ENDING SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24, 1949 CHAVIS HEIGHTS The Bocker i' Washington Club Will meet Sunday ?♦ 4 o'clock at tilt' home of Mr ana Mrs Joseph Beckwith, 150? Poole Hoad Pros, John Chavis. Captain Melvin Fe> oli of 1 t ha vis, Way and l,t. Flonnie .Tones of 542 S. Boundary Si were out of the city la.' Sunday vntw! , ‘ «; on*:- W Ti . «»; we... laL'U'ts for pop. younger feßl!t»g, this tor v At at, drug stores everywhere, !n IRa leiro at AVatgreen’s and Fckerd's TAKE k LOOK IT Wm INS!DES Ncsr -/LOn } Ww,lfH CAUJHIC H STOMACH \ mNs .. Tht h /_✓ —wCry-' < Al t. (■ Mfc^W' ;;rrr ' ;f 'j . ' r —f: r‘ > >;;>!• a A< r ' PI?.! A • JC~y ->, ; ) COiCV COLON >. . .VV . r.: ft-\ \ “ A>-e 'r J ' y •XXX yi'-R'CHiM (r.’TISTINF u ' Studs the above di a win; for ,i. few minutes. Notice particu larly liow the bile Mow.-' from the liver into unci out of the gall-bladdt r and thence into the small intestine where it mixes with the partly digested food just below the stomach. Bile is a necssarv adjunct to proper digestion* Its *?.,« »n from Ihr !yt <\ l ! : io .s' /f)C Vif il 1 >1 y* riginal Calo- ,// v* libs i n t hc®i I \o % *. . bk di s 1 motive ftu!> . fy ■hc cko r-board tSRK ✓•. box Acct' p t tern : no substitute. v 5 * The Ec *ft /TsSTJR ***** In 4 1 /Jp Isoflft tflflisss and popttr I r 'Mpuill itats) SB ijF» MILK | <® i m'\ I O ViqVi? T !rn I jf i r ,t“ ■*} Also in paper bottles— I ! Y' Whole Lactic Milk, Buttermilk and Grade A Pasteurized Milk V -;:i rcr J J ! tor several day? Mr. and MiH Smith and granddaughter, LqdeU Flynn ot 12 Franklin Tcrrac© ruotorsd to Km stun. N. C. Sunday Dt. Melvlna Ktroll of t Cba\ is \V; v ceiebreted her birthday ro* ccntly. She received many use;id • , rmc.u - I{aj»p> birthday. Dt. For wßSk P.i. John Floyds v.c-.s a viri'or in Chavis Ucn 'm evei The wh ?• end She has returned homo to Jacksonville, Ha. Dt. Bessie H Chavis of 429 Fivjfh St. eelehraP.d hei Pirdiday il'.iifiay. She received many nice :* ■. Happy birthday Dt. Cha vis. All fainilic ■- T Chavis Heights | ■nd U.-ev -bore are n> deep syrnpa- , thy with Mrs. Charlotte Brooks •liid fyniFy of 1 Chavis Way in (lie ps-'sing I her brother O Giles or Gainer, whose funeral was held Sunday at ihc Good Sa maritan Church near Auburn, N. s.;l h r husband. Mr. WHUnm O. Brooks whose funeral was to id FINDS LIFE WORTH LIVING AFTER TAKING HADACOI, V) D t i'u;h's. a retired <'<•; slruc lion wovKti cf aOo Demi- Strr.i : Houston, has changed hts mind and again •I><-vo.-- that hie is worth livins,. There was plenty M ■ai kness lav/ore heat i"r Mr. Fn, k*:-- and he would not fevl like m'-w man today il 1 iriood oad ip • .'.'lit yd him y room in his hornt and sho v . fit it io a* v lia'lacoi w • -uld hely iti oi). X. Engl > h'ltl l.ee.t in ihc hos pi till tor 35 it.''.- tv o ' vat's ‘Ot v. ;th rrar umonia . ,ud soon was a !,; it-.n a. itpondenl man. He was • nervous, cenld not sleep, his lend ; did not agree with him, he uf ' ferod digestiv- disturbance-; .-.as, bloating trd pal s in the stomach, t He lost at much w eight that friends .-emetine, did not even recognize I r;im. He also niffi with rneu ni-itic pains of neuritis. m m wmmmw 1 j f V; ,, -Si 1 \t ti i \<;i s s '■a.:*.: mi * -rth Toe fact tl-at h* is a chans: d r.i.ci n.u-ty is due In ch-jiiov nt:.'.l:ya V ith at. tMflft The mend h.M'I been unabit. to -rk for a vat but Mr. EngHs was: ,n tzea tn liiiii hint ft:* lint: fi a . i';f! ON t' ‘ j«>b fAT ’ V dNY. As •Mi Entile- expressed amazement at the chavgr- tr.c t : nil urged him ■i) lyyaa h,,me with him ar.d -->e I'-HADAC’OL u a bringing lean rolii : < -’day "I v.: ioij.n wed nv my friend’s -an-.'i I'.t.v -.ad had taken so many . in-. I via.- willing t" I \ i;:ytki:,a." raid Mr. Engles. “I .i ik h; me with my friend and ::ii : -'d . a.k.t i’ADAkOL ju- 1 as bo did \ft; r ’ km . sov c/M ira is- I.f HADACOI, i llt !:ct ter than it any time in ars. i have rover rvgt Tted tindzog out about '.hi- - :'f.iv!ai'kat)|i medicine ana realiiv rkf mv Jnend meant .‘. ii il h.. eva ii'i. i - ,i,,. HADACOI. vc him tl.c .iitdau vivaniins .nv; lui.cj is in oi ii"./ i'fn.-k his health.’” Mi. EiigUv- st ir!<'d taking uie Alk'A -in HADACOI. but -0111 shift, d t'i tin ,ii) et-on.-it ,y size !- ’tie 11,• still ictcs i t jom from the 'frn.-iui and the' noth take HADACOI. to stay voil Ai' Engles • tun <■.»<• tiie v mi, t:,. >. and a .vho : ■ lur.’k ' ; '•> f th.h HADACOI Vkvi.y .01 son- who : uffored r.d vvaite-'! .1- d iMkil | • m ti; 20 .. mil's .. < . 'i' . ni v iil.lt to Ire . .a- HAD ACt ;, id|v'. . he 3 vil'o'To.',: . <1 iniiitu'.-.ls in wilier ' ' :‘.tns vre doficieut i.) r .for ft. yourself. Givf HADACOI, n irir.i lAd ;< b.lftiu today l am "r ■ling . I '-ii . Adv. , Sunday i - ,. the Springfield BnpU.it, . Church neo Auburn at ■) o'clock Sympathy also expresstd for, !Mr mid M's Frank Copeland and family of 7 Dart Tcrarce in ti i purring of Mrs. Copeland's gi and • 1 ■nt tin ~ Mrs. Carolina Poole of j Cotton Plaoi;. MIDGET GRID LOOP rOBiEB | The Midg t Fcolbnll Association held a ail business m.-eting Wed nesday night ai On -vie Height'- Community (’enter to discuss the I Prisibility of equipping Hip foot hail tea cm with uniforms. Local basin ss npn Ihmughout ; t;:" city wei-i.i invited to attend in In in .;>• lis or the essociatinii, which is for Negro buys under the age lof thirteen Fund' were not avails ole f r the activity . r.d the local citizens were! ■sked to give support both finan cial and spectator to tne-e imbi !ti us, energetic youngster#. Th ■ association is composed of boys throughout the miy and the two community cell tors. The meeting was called fo i sev en o'clock and at sever thirty the cctiler was full o! rrcreation ; starved hoy-, amt one adult, Alias K.domin' Young.. >n mstruetm at Oberlin School. Mrs, IVmvn Is (.uc*! AI Sin prise Parly A t-urprise birthday party was given in ha nor of Mrs Ma r ' Blown at h*'r home rppciit!y Th, ■rueshs worn sCtvcd by the hostess her daughter. Mrs. W. fvl. H-iwarrS. 1 .•..-isle • bv Mrs. Sadie Gil - Mrs B Artis, arid Airs. Edna Page. Guests present were Mrs Lilia Jackson, Mrs. Maty Brown. Mrs, W M Howard, Mis- Elizabeth Mayo. Mrs. Edna Page; 11,. Xit.erta Wilhanis, Mrs Edna M e Adorn;:, Mrs Ida Nelson Alls Kirie Bryant. Mrs. ,It . siel.o Cavle • well Mrs Ida Thomas, Ivlr. Earnest Adams, i idle H'lrlK-rt Jar' 1 .1 Mrs. Vest rice Artis. Master lames Howard, Mr- i.illie Rab;n»< n *ir Vi' ■ . Ho!>v. :a;. Airs S, aio Gilt'.- Mr. Hei hr 1 ' Jacks'Ti. Mi Arrhir I' !)'";■ \i Al ;: ail Gih' Mr. i. M Ast 1:-. p-'.. I ..si; ■ B-'-a. v HOI si\(, 01 NEGRO Si! DIM ( Ri Mi ' PROP,] EM Vs OKI \ I \OKM.W, Okla AM’ ; ’Jho r«fu-;il o) .1 ul in.- 1 Hill, HI. of I. 11 h to .U rap * ciHirtb tirt.U of hi . 11- * ivatu t.y * i * 1 01 on (hr I m vr*'-.it v of Ok. lahonit campus, mdc kx-Kv th<- position of tv o van r ; lt'a tut edrctivc Inn iron laws it the school Hill, a graduate student in f'.njrli-h. proiesie:) to t'niversity I re' ident George I Cress that II 11"« rvatii n tor a room had te n cancel ed although his dept sit lO had been st eep ted He explained that lit had mailed in tils application with tiie won! 'American" written in the blank for race. (ids-, summoned the board <>f regents into an extra -ex sit n if diseu s the m atter. Jhe board ruled that Hill was en titled to housing aeeommoda toins on the campus and also that he might remain in the university oily ot Norman 1 tee dusk rtioi ordered ( to— to enfooee segregation "to the eioat-st extent." but gave him power to -’set up lempniari >i»>UMitg tor Negroes.' t r».»sx said it would take two or three day:- *0 get temporary housing for Hill. MAPLE TEMPLE According to the grace «>l Ged which is given unto rne. as a wise mastetbuilder J have . iid the foundation, and an • tbiT buiideth thei I'u: But let every ma ntake heed now tie huitdetn therettr-m 1 10 c ‘.io. R- gular worship rervicts were he, -.1 at Maple Temple Cougregii -1 tiuii.,! Chi".; tin.l Cl'iu.'eh M Ei.r-f M.a'tin end C:m>den Streets Music , far the day funiir-hcd by the Senior Chvii ■. i'h Mr.- 1,. Hay wood . ■ m-gntiist .md director V.’e all enjoy ,ti i:s erilru t- the woi.a-iful sovni.ii; by mir pt-sfor ■ Hi- subject was -A Sure Founcia ■ ' 1 C’nr ;j: 1;. After ti ; seen 1 ■ ■ V i.cssie Dunst.in sang a very ’ hesutilai solo, ‘'l'd Hutnt.r Have .. Jv.-us Than Any Thing Eisc." Wc were glad 1. hear the eri •' cournaung remarks by the Rev J A if. K.omega our visiting ram- ) i-ter ,it 7 p m W" Iv i p rhort pr; rut me itra; foilr•»■•' u >'.v a brief •ei mon by I tie Bov IVIr. Collier, . a I’i-hirig ndntoit'i fr r m Burin, ton. On Inr - 11* h and slmt- m list : v Mr; Fannv Rcavih Wilder. Mrs FLU-ID i alky tiie Re. K. I). Mc- Clain. Th Woman’s Club met wWi Mrs J hire Bonne!t cm South S’. Members m ■ asked t<» lx at ;;t the next meetm •' HEBISTR I3 BENNETTFROSH Greensboro, N C. The Bcn rcit Colic c campus bctame a c. n ter of lively interest last Thursday ar Freshmen and New Students arrived io begin t h >eriod of ricntalion. The 138 new ei'.i'olloo rfpn -ent 20 -1; Its and l!'.; Di-- trici if Columbia Ineiuded in in number are id Greensboro re-: i d nts. Among the stn’ns represent ed ai Next York. Illinois. Ken tucky, FI; ri;!;;. Missouri. Louisi ana, Ohio. Alabama. Mew Jo. sev. Mississippi Texas. Conneeti cu.t Giorpi;;. Kansas, ana Penpsy! • vaniai. v o!lo wiur, the Bennett trari'di'" ■f ‘ sis.lcriiCaid aiTiony the ’if I ,'.' ■' ;J. a;-. • !'i a number c.f -nulo: ~. v. ho lo ve si: tors to . adiiiitt the ('(.itlcgr. Topping th lit ' 1 a Ii;.1 hiyn Am, F< ;-.UT, r.U ter < ; Mr. and M'a Richaid V'e Ki i. Si Jack-om iiiv Fie who ■- ■ J.'i. urih .'V'l'inbcr of lu r f.uniiy ’<> :ii end Beimeii. T'v > daup'Ui'i's f il;' Fosters. Gloria and Evel. 1 1. ! liow married, arc tCicliei's in Jack [ nvi’i and Chapel Hill. N. t' i Another ddigMer Shirley .ert'n .d her degree at the last coiri inonia ii:' nt ( *\, i cy's Two ot.nor students in the in coming etas.* have had two s-istci s 1 > : • I'ccde Ihe.il. '.Ehi'y ;rc M, ms M hoi Hodpor. a daughte." of Mt I and Mr- .Tamer. Hodges. Parki 'n. 'N. C and Doris Millet daoeiuc l ' f M' an 'i V. > ■ A • thur :VI 1 1 i * ■l , I Salisbury. N C. In addition to tho-r who have had s; . ti- attend the roil*, '.v, tlv vc ,-iv a mint! "a >•!' a ll of a tors now a' Bernctt WASH ANY DAY! \V’h\ Monthly A \\ .i ; i i>a\ Wht-n Our Marhmiu M il.;' Anv Drv An Eai-.v Jnundry I>,iy. USE OUR ““'”'11,.!. 0 halfThour laundry QUICKER . , EASIER . - CHE ACER HUNT-JACKSON Laundromat 413 S. Rloodworth Street - , / Ho Bother at as! . *, My Extension t \ Telephone is right here in the Kitchen \ , t | (I ; ; / ; ':C, -C< Add Comfort and Convenience to your home with an EX TENSION ¥ILEPIf®S*I Home work lmmf* mill along '■.lien there' , an evtrn- Mon lelephmw handy. V> need to “drop every thinc j-n.l run’ * t on the telephone ring,. "\ou save time and step- and finish work faster. Maav homes, both large and sent 1 ! now enjoy evlt'Hoi.nu telephone service. tit evlmi inn in youc home will provide a world of convenience and tel - - plume jrrivm \ at hide .-Ided oo.vt. V. hy not call tlm Baniti -ss I Mfirf and or do vmu» tnil.v f SOUTHERN BEU TfitPMONt AND Ts l [GRAPH COMPANY THE OAROLINIAN Ilw JfL #! s IXAM-Mr I illie Mae Salts, South Taihoro R'latl, Rr.leign, X. < . has micccs*- fnlly | Tsss :( the teachers exam for l.( .antiei.anti and is entitled to lenrh umpiring I t uitu i:ce- :iny where in the slate. She plans lo set up i lieautv Ci lit -go litis term. ■'ll". Sale;, is a former giad oate \ BAPTIST TO HOLD WX S i) \\ Tie- 1... vnien Ler.sfuo of the Fifth i. ..tit Choi eh will holt its •tnu ! i . i vat.ioii of [vie !: Day Sunday, hCtfi'Dlt.-t I i’">. with two ■ - •■\ 1 1 t til vhcdnled to lie held -11 11. ■ church. D C G tori pciocit -i! of the .for tt’i i Seilers' Hi.til SehcnJ j|. Tf■.. - it' l ton, v it] speak Stuaiar nioni i;o; 11 marking Unit i ."'i ' ' .if. " i.iytn,-; lies be n jv. iu ’;l I • n Put: l l .a' morning G •• j]! ;., pii'serteh !>v \V,i’k er [i Quarles. e■- :ti'. rtf Slid'. G ■<■• cti ic-Psirirot of the S' '■ 1.. 1,. . t Otis l . o.’tl l he furnished fcv the mate it uni'! :>■ f the thru'- church choirs. A panel discussion on the topic “Sh.'tild Cominun ity Recromion Be Sixnsnred by the Church” will be coducted at 7'ito Sunday evening I tot: will he Ur Nelson 11. Han is -i: lessor of Education at Rhaw University; W. L Gteaiie, executive secret ary (T■ N. C T 'achcrs' Asrocintif • Grace A MIT Zion Church. flic Rev Mabl* Gary. pastor and the I’ns lor's Aid Society of Maple Tern rlc Church with the Rc • M. K [Broker :.s pastor is now uiiderwaj '.mi -1., be conduct ed tinougn Sor.tciTiher ZV DKldi'lOl S MUNRTUR A •,in fruit 'dpeiT'd in Florid i l’ot' a short season dud laris: only until September J. Tin. .ilmest A Ga llon ml “litonsP'Vii lielieios:’, ' i .v-n ’iit.* a cross between pinoupph am’ h,iurina is shaped Hk, the lattn, but oversized, has i scaly iirc.cn rind. KVK.N ROASTING Busier. belt or f oastlnn was proni i'ed i y a new rolis.-ierie tilt’d fi - on ii”.v reasUnp pun. holds ehickca or roil.- lup on sk-.. , '.vi c-u that over hi'id cii i .dales freely. ■ ■ u’; . Cost • S i i BALI |: FLUSH iNfi i | ! Plumbers Friend j 25c & 50c s Toilet Augers $ 1,50 I I 2. r >' Sewer Cleaners ; $3.50 |S. M. Young i Dial 7121 130 I Martin '*< NOTHING BUT THE C\ /"') BEST <£^s ;'. «*. , j ' ' " ' v '" '*'*’'*' "" "** Good flour mokes good bread. Bette? Hour makes better bread. We re careful that there's t nothing finer than the flour we use. Qambg mice HOME SAMBY bread Named Winners i Os Hoey Award 1 MTV YORK 'ANR) M. C. Ci.it kc, president of the Dunbar I.ife Insurance Company <»l ( If.velantl. Ohio, eras named r(i winner , of the IfH) .Tames .1 Heey Award*; tor Interracial .lie. t tn a Negro and while leader in tiie field of race rela tions, also paps to Hr I. O’Con ner, «bite, secretary of tile Catholic Interracial Counci' of Washington. I). 0 The. lloey award were eslijb hslird I v the family at the late •Tames J. lloey one of th** nr yauizers and founders of the laeal council Two silver med als are conferred each year upon one Negro and white lay man who. In the judgment of VISIT OUR ENLARGED AND I REMODELED STORE I Hundreds of Household Items to Select From I h< Stove Wh«»re A Little Money Gt»s .A, Lon# Way'S Wake Salvage Co, 137 S. Wilminßon Si. mtUT (rrayffair SAY wm OLD ii W AW >i'» eo*y for gray/drob ho'r *o giy« t* i* * f: ’V i~ :: 'd A \ * impr«*>ttoo that you’ie older tt»on yaw real | \'J ’-y T'* \ m are, but even if your hair It turning p*emeture i / y.( AIA I gray, you can still attract r»«w friend* —w' j._ yjr"' fi w.ZI\J romance— by giving your hair rich, natures A X ', SbAA4 1 looking color and beauty with larteuse. • ♦»*•#**»•**•#» J/0& e ' v-GtT * rub off or .*?• iuc W/«ct*d by Std*. jfi' \ ■ ■-w ■'«*;■■■■ Ow; l t.h y.„ ics . a Msr t",.- * *nV '.led >,r o*« V* year* Vatu / r».- ; » • 9 :. --m -,. b-•> if you rc Po* / ■ -d. \ / H.,. -♦« MW, Pfvc.«i -u! «pr!'c*«ne M year R\ ai * v “'V-, * * * e ••*••• •' V/ v • * * * 1 1 "XddZdZ I tfodefimfb \ s |l3i LB fi 6 US 6 Y ,|\ HAIR COLORING COC MS®. CO *»1» OIIVS SHTllitl iOUtl t, M< PAGE THREE council, made o«tstanding cHH the cuumiltte cstaMidbed by mm trlbuttone to the causes of Hp tcrraclal justicei, > he awards are to b» cbnfßK red on the winners at a pH mentation ccrcmuhy In CarsHß Club on Ootobos 30. Pr. ■S. Johnson, president of fBS t nivei sity, x* ill he one. of iffli tleakers at the eeriinonie?. I' Clarke, a Catholic lay m«H her of St. Thomfcii Aouirjgjg 1-ai ish, Clet eland, was the fiJMH Negro to be elected to city N chamber of commorH tie is a graduate of Hie sit y of Cincinnati. Born in i'SB In l.ewlston, N he served as exarainer in the Q>Si state insurance department, H