PLAN 700 UNIT PROJECT PICTURE ONE \*.l CIGN A IT, I * ro> .Ton- - rj* tvifr-U’lt, N. r. Uid> nt •>* St, mn . f'nUri;*', C k<;»h. who rrrfrttlv n I • ■>Cf»?Hor J **,mk v c p?'i*. n ;** • terr-HM- * mn»«l,Uf *v»r «v»Gvuv *i *t O ti)* 1 ? N M i j-\ nr v ,\< • , : Wr,vt phtnt \( \k Yoik Jones the f*r>- S** fin* to he so rr-rr^n tv* vrftui l*v i sowUo'nm *f ’■* •• * ir* hi torV f fniu * WOij Ij.*s of : p.»«ns}T};’i]f •* - '♦»' eol»«l it; :* # *<• *; »■ v*n,tn»M -.n. r nhiPi • U}»- ft 1 Mil V, ?* s 'the -V'- Flare Ups Enliven Hears nr? On Project s.gsip-:t 111, . : !..i T. TvT V V'*>l f)I *-«<•• ifV j !' ■ (t • : PM V.-.' K 1r) J,' .i I: | -.r iu‘ VV ill:.' ip-3i " }':■'! m< • "C"''" the Hcmting A’.'-; "i •» ?r,‘ n•; t ion ■< a ■ mi >dp t: ■ ; i-.i ... V ■-! the W;. y> l ingloij Board ■ f !’< mUm f.‘ ‘her 1.. : . I; [ i ; ~i Pr.*i f <- - end i tr" \. r s'l’fipcl' dcferifi d im> mu n. r’uiTi 'emitted t\ Mu i Or> ♦he otTf • ' Min Ue i. rmi 1 d H ft-: gutrentr. msde -v * emdf ■ f ■ i Aulhoi b i-'s )■{•: (1 Ini. Two Negroes Attend U.S. Defense Parleys V\ -. ■ ' ■ '• >' i' * Itii (• .- mi, liuiAttia, cnutr;i<-!ijf V) ' rider . ;id 1 ,'o of W,i.;hmgtori, imi Karl ft. SJicK *;’-?>!' vice • idorit Mini gO'H-r-'• j i m|.; •• I if |ho SnimiiH' i i f iis||f!ll|. Co.. of <.'!l !i'.-i t. v:n t -. injniu' ‘t ho 'll!.odd leader:- of 1 iadd'd.i i.ilioi. c-du-ation. »■(*!:k:■ <u i s uni government who w ft'viti'i in Swi oiary of Defer!- l.oiii .fobn -on : "i attend an *»igbi ray nri-sotil hui ■■■ mftl't.m-t ' in * niiiit-M-y affairs Tit i niinVi i-n ■ ant nn'i : v,-i,v l«8t .• u ll fi;«> win’i 'i>r> visitors 'ViT' rntn tnrn.'i n: r<v<*pl lot: a! t In' S*'- a.f h'r liotri <>n M< >iid;. > t be Rape Charge Denied. By Quartet. Leader PHIS• ADKLPHiA .ANT' An »> , old \ ; bila- » delphiti --irl last work ..wore on! > a warrant lor the ato t of \\v: ■ : jy da,' leadi i of ’ o u .'loins ■ Q. iitit, now ?■•■ .tu'm 1 : in n ity ntgl t club, charging Aim with in- i decent 'ssat.iii. tit <J hitfin; t . ia •: . find rape her Sonny Tillman, T oar- -ii in .d --fv-singer of the 'irioler top re cording artists «nd c. • ..til rv.'c of the tobby-soxe . ; was .a vented t on « warrant sworn out In tile of- i dices of M.'tgiitl l :rit H« I Schwartz by Mrs ids Flamer, < mother of Til!mm's accuser. Mi y;< h if; lies' * .».t« 3 ki»v- rtion { >ti ifoe .i m- »ihid * i *'» vo . -• ,t lit rr n.iti inti ■* • ’ o<i s-onv'^' n:-» t’**'*! ;s I• i. ' i t rn :!H)H 'M ;on it*# .i ;* \r ;•• n • nl Ml ;ii, »: '• < :im's VV. .ffttl** . ho -i .; ’ \ 1 e«i inim Hi*?: ;• rhoi>; jvmM 15 :*M7 \ .• ■ • P - il ufi#' h.» ■ •n 4* -i» ii s . Honor fi li| .1 .t l A <U' i;.' it nr '::■•■ '•>} lii< vf.ireM rs ih< e*\ -J,- ** /.?) y < ,< -• ' H •■■.: ic •• ■;o r ■ .1 ■ >• i :<■! p. t.ii. i 101 o ..: in ' l l. ■ d . • o-ri ■‘ i - , . , . , ( . ■ O>U ; ,'■! i - ! . ■ , . .... .1 i,, Hm' 'oi, A- ."o. - ; o ■nv •,« uda- If 1. fII {■o; ! 1 ' :.:0‘ t 1 tin'. ! i I . ■ ■ ■ u i 0,1. .. ■A •■I'M M, I ..:|....| m tin- ;• n: 1,- I 111. ||.|, ~ v I j, i 4. I 1 W(1 aar • HI ! I|M :'!■ • hf :, r no . . . • .; o' it I. i )i- .ii' i-n.;.Ui>n ■il s)iii;itioii iiiifMii. n.'ii i.u,/tl i)• >1 >• iis« Pirtu ..' tai'i's of *he :•! . n:> :• ni'l ,i force.*, <n.»■ re K‘ •■i.un •!' ITo 1 * par!imitt o in-' i <h >n<a ffradh > of *h* foint fi. •i: •> Stitt')', tint. .1 tin, I Vlli'i; urn < eti'i'i *1 -’; ii • . 1 fill *s'ft t I on is rtrli fic'.l. chief *.i val Ojo■ratiini* t.-fo.i. i l,o* t . V.'iviiopo o'c.. 1S \ f i> t r,i of f»t,i!'!: »ml y,n i;,-»i Alt' M <'• ntent her dll • .'to of • *i;> i ill 'Con'in.ird on cr#: ;•. Uu.-. ser'oin Miller ’ ,o',"'l.:r of Inf jrt'finl v/jts m *de on Tnurnn. is rc ■; !*t. ; I Ihv D 'w'hn.. hotel vvitii 'no o"".o. rut • {>■:;% ~t lying an ■’. O' ,i: t , i ;• . .... i.j< now •■421" club, oy fun.-.,.":,' from Ms «i. tr.’te Sehwaclz' ti . iKllowlcg •■ffhi; \ its tiled b- TA vhll' r and her mother last Tu da Court attaches , expiai: i d that the wr. • 'ant was. issued the follow ing day -nd fwrvc.d so« I 'nmig nter.i between James iVrpoiiUi. counsel for the girl, and Pi.ynmnd Pn;... AlrymiJC'' revirciic • ’ 'i;R Till - man. resulted m a nr.-,tpom-men* (C .ml iriucd ■ fi.-.go b Uu. TctififD WOMAN'S SKELETON FOUND, MURDER PROBE UNDERWAY [,(.)! "!SIl! 'IJ<’I .''. l lf> and 1!!:i■ < mum’ , jaw cm I orcerucnt off; • !i. is \\ ccK drew ai ■ «* t‘ the resource' - of sciont-f ...i<i rout'll!' j- i■ • ■ vork in • u i(V mm to fi'-Sonr-iiu' the i dentily oi the umio ’ unu virt im in a hruta) nuini<-i 1 THE CAROLINIAN 32 Pages f \ '-)M Mr: 3xl jn. -m- •wr «* ur w jr's •»! *f? "ar 3P" w.- a *•& t I 8” / y /> 4 I # f M V A/ / & I 4 #\/ O A fi| \J. » v® i: J'i: JL s M mb*.,* J. f m f «>•** REFUSE OEMAHO FOP seP.* p ,AT!?N or city scHoris on ,i,MOfi inn. Confesses 16-Year Old Slaying of Mon WHjSON '; WO ;'*:i.l ion lot'. \v !•*•!; n |n'i ,■ - -;) f* ■ a--* to .; ! ;:'trd • ' : ! 'i '■ f >k ;•! n: ,- • • )Mr...n -,n , e • ’t, 1T; 1 ?..•».*' l nte rt ia,, wit. 1 1 a df'clarat'KMi foal nc way «:<>n! ar.g tiii- killing- an "proving' on my n ;.*i ' AIEXAKDES IS eiiEST SPEAKE? FOR WORKSHOP dn .'.Mi.' " *is Kelly M. Aiev nd. ;• < ha riot 1 <*. m i-.slil'-hi nt ;’. ' i' Slat ■ \*A At: ,ri !’■' .a n* s (•: Ih-am-lies, 'Mid N.-itbanii*! ''Until, ’htrliam, .sta.rl youth piihiiclnnt. "ih - peak at the Third Aur uai ,\ \ A ( P Vmill fleeioH 1 \V,>] ksj, () |i , ■ lmrh eir N'N ( uu Sa' urda !) i ihn I, t: has been aiifiouti* ed ’ liy ’A \V. '.aw. ■ haivu'iHt, nl tin regim'. Vmii" h from NA ACP yi.mli eoui i : ■ and eiiilt't'e i hapter, in ' e-! • - s'.ii! 1 ; ■ -n-t ia a, states and the Uist ri>-t cl thn ain hia 'ill attend the all ■; Tin- flelf'gfttt-s v, !1' ■in Ii ti>pi* sax NAACI’ !>' •tm and jiolte.v. and tcehnitilics fur otitahe iiig and tiiilfiir»»; large youth tnen** iirrsh ipa I'lncene 1. ic, Miintgi-mei" * (Con’d en hack page, this sectioni DON'T FOROET YOUR COUPONS To participate in the MfiJit prize contest being conducted this week you have only to clip the coupons in Tie Horn 1 Fashion Time section and drop them at your favorite furniture stores See section ii for detains. NORTH CAROLINA'S TRADING WINK!. Y r\i t'.n !:, i AU« 'i iN ' ’ ’!• Mis IMS >i\f;. ,: ATi : iM >.\ V, *' >< 1 < 'HKI : 1‘) i+'-'-viw* .*#■ &Wo&* -*£■, , . ' ||| ' s■' SZ .'"***S Wit W ~W?' *» 1' - ■ ~, : ■ v '■ '' •, h ■>#v " T ' M;: '# V ! •■«■:-'.• 'S- :,:,.Fv |l# v ' r ' : :4 : v- ; 1VI! VO ONI ’V HI KT !he pliiS** sb<> ,v Ifjc |im> i.i ;; s I,i o.r I P,ni<-u ol r.rul'M-IfJ s i H 12. ; r .1.11 oo Vi: ruiu :■ r.r, aia'iund A'ilh "V .. Vi, pa j officers -a > fie * ntur ti ( •.•"ported h." 'icr ivJiu . |.od ; m jjjac.- u, I J:t •:,! aid ;t • • in <• . •> >i i-opiums I;. ic.ii* end ii; a tu: h<ul I’eeti pia«..e i under anr * •■:"'* f.’tal l iiTies, .'jtn, 1 it li.hl i. uu In h.”'i: tin. iv. H' -id ■ '. : ■ : , aw ititit; iirriw,'. it a-Ji'-r offv.ter* fi .'-Ti B;. aiiviyi'i'im with cxiiwlilsim uSiOtS GIVE TO GROVELANOFUND Vi W VORK tridilion 1 1 crmtrii utions es sGds.4i last •veek Uic tirovelard tii'ti ii-i- fund up to a total of SJ.M Included in this total is the -nm of Via rooiribuirri 1 • Hu- following labor organi zation': i.o. jil 01, H.GWIV Aid SI00; I,oral ILGM’II, W'L. SSO; Local ftp, JLGWT $25; Dm fricl No * niter! Rubber Workers of America, HO, 535; Local !*. n.GVVI sls; local 14. School anil Library Employes. $10; and Local 153, Off | • Em ployees International Union, Eln.OG, M :.!"(■ >:: U * ' \ •;: i' :I gi. TilO v'i'irp*,’, -i ppMK'tli !'- li:! -I'. .', j).- :•; i|| MMi:! M.i ''. \. • . . 11c n v< i p;! ;v!j(’i! .. ■ 4 ■i! f• !! 15• Ji v; ••, i ;:i i i•• i. ••m m M m ■• i; ■:• !■ ■ ■ ■•■'<■ •< ;■ hui !u, ),;.s ~()> operator Uipi one Pi 1,K ‘ <V. r; oj the ii'yh i'-iipi Ted s•:\ Basel,all tNms. fie a- .’dent • ■ mi 'I .surui'Vv *",;■! ?8 •! (hi r,»d .' i Vi O.V ing ii'lT JU-I Hi. < i thn!i<* ‘ ’if# I, Kivetl ! : m . 11l- < iivopbcil . c. til >»lt< ncmpsnt of {.’•.* car .'.hi . i>: ihanrinmd wh*'i> t.!ir br.o.i * Im '. i<l i• n Ibe oi os Ini; ii n 'lt(> ,j to "ii , it ■ ■ > : .ji .'I * oi i j>.*sM*r In ), .) Uni i t C's h ivhrn * *«iiiit>rt»ai«l Jr* icj; * <■!»;! in< rrri) In, P 1 . Si ,-Ti* ■ md R ;>!j« of Jtjlli of . car >nwwifi s ):-;t>.T were t.. v >»f. sfeit! piece, is* 1 the c,,i for >o;; i »r. .!% the ■ m l. ,i n i sti • w.. .>• oil to 1 ■ t along <!;• flock. T. h'tn <> n e.i. Kaiivt iiy ons held is") -.shout tw<> htiit; chile v. ssi ki i cleared the nr from tin* tricks \ Southern ft aIIn av Claim ugerrt oh* due ITU MW TO \ \\ Mill chest i)Ki\i v"-im ii\olo BRO UK:ast Pi •-nlvr'. Hurt • lr’ininr. u ill head ..i; .ill ,iai stal'd eh in."! A, . a.. .o i * .'l.wo; l*. s —NIK.', tat, anil i‘»S—ln day night ut Mi ■> in . f’.isfi'i o v • Time. ivnich ea lutes Uio opening of (In I,'iSi fwn iniinit v Curst campaigns all over America. -\l) throe R.ilrjfih stations v ill «.»rry Hu.* • rogram rmw s!iji; is am ;■ avungloii tml Mo!! v o '’or!, ft aJji fi 1 Mwerus not erf i .itiin star, will vnivur tin- Hollywood cud of tli" ;.ft star •••hi-'v. which viJ5 Imlodr .Tack Co i ‘ll y and host at other radio and movit celebrities The drive to raise the nrrrs siry funds it carry >n Mu* work of the many agencies comprising i it <* Cnit»nnmir.y file;’ of Wake Count.! will start on Oetobc 31. Included in the agencies «! tile Wake County Community Chest an the Bloodworth St. YAK A the Tuttle Ceminuni! >. Cf liter, Hoy and Girl Scouts, and other agencies which also aid needy white and Negro citizens of Kaieigh and Wake County here ?> ill NT: 'lpy„: i< ih e f holo Court.r , Hji,h P"im f,>* Ask 1 or Added Delay In Daniels ’ Appeal ii 1 id .Ti viol ■ i 1 • m ■ 1 ' * ;. :,cri sh • *. I■ bu !>r'*nt*' i I'! 1 '! fin i| l ;air ir 'i 1 ;' :. ■' n i 'e;i ire lb* n appeals : ii tli*’ '■ e i •*■ • > P:.* i ■ ,:!! 1 !■>!.;' . f;i •• ;ni>; tbv 'fH.s thaHiPor 1 • y; e I::.' ; i'* ■« P i'C* i i!. ■'■ 1 i\ i' e; ■ fil IVC 1 . 'i : f*.; • i '"« • ; * •'j ■ i i/>; I'.i .A' Tf> on ch'ii .'V.-* .' f. " A , ;;yec 17V.. V-. ii.*: ft a A,.- a •t: «:f VV ,i.i i. 5 r.,:. t L r A: •viri itk&A) muft#- u*» ;in ■. i.» -od 11 h T * 'cl >i uv,.a .. <vr| v v .-iween ii,o d. ; Mi :;;n postal mm REINSTALLED IK LOYALTY CASE t rtultimore Fern!. 1 'ohson B'rt !nti. siisoi'toiefl from hir I'MSiii.i on Jir ilty obnrries. iian !*c* e clcti r ed of the eiiargc- anti retostaifAi in iii-i ,ioh in the p >-u. office here. In his tpariiiK before the Loyal ly C larci Mr. Poston wa.-i repw sen Imo by N \ ACT Attorney Frank •I) Peeves of VVfjhington ami f’rank!>'ii Bourne of the Maryland liar TV • postal entployei bad been ciiHrced with eomminiisPe activity end nseoeiulion vit.h Communists end ,l ivv travelers Convinced tba r 1 1 he charges against Mr. Boston (Con'd on back page, this section) I ■;.<><si ;i mile tuirf ■' ■ trt ■ <v ! ’rnukimion. : i'. .-.j ivf-r, A)Tu: spring Hope, in • ;! i > ,ii t". >’! ; t ' 1 :ii;r| 'iiru’ovc' cd it ! 5,': ■ ; ■ ; V■ ■ ;U n !TH H \r .{l a‘J i . ;1 J{ . ■ ' ■ \-(! ” W’ 1 » • belie rd | A SINGLE -4 A j ~|| tar* COPY Y'.ViM V; ■' 0 ' - ¥* K Uis CEe- 1 ”*!fipT 'V W' f'M MIStM p^ rJS . . •... Klhx f: • • ;, u , aV.l!slH’ v,-;i Ci.trfj ' n ha< k inis M * Go'' J ■ 1 i'll! V * ; ■ ;. el , ■i.dc 1 <■ : ‘ ; ‘C .l ItV . C. ".ply ti*:;,i Led a urf* of lh. p.rrp <! •y.i -i:u s . v n 1 lit ■ •••..-»•" . Tii rcorrt ir, 'le- ' i. h e *• : '.■•i.r.ert ,• i. cu;: ;i*:, f |..,ir vi ■ .:,*■. "i ■ '*. ; ".I'') *.• fjOh i* . • . ii, 1 ~i! PiU d Ii ..v i r- •)., ■ - * ' le mi VC" nr, C|U ■ 1 ■ oil I .' “lb :i !iv !• -.. 1 " ■ H. ff:: !,'! *-. i-.ofum \sxnm i** BE TARGET Oi SI U \ o -uniiT seoko: s r.cipi •life Ky ■ AM’• - idfiinv the* fille iron AViilard Mm lev'' si *' s;H id- P r loei. ini A)Pom 1 11, 1 tic !whl - lAAf P eh; nt> t .■ U< • t«i ■ i f l ]! e. ii! be :.i Ii n nc!.'. ,i It , i I I, on t)!c CniversiM of f.o'JiS viin* aredn av seliooi's* do''i in an i li'on ‘ It".! 1 flir way for ■'■••• 1 'm'= i i toko graduate ct>un»r*' of sie-dv, M was antinunced b ;> re i:*«i w.*:. i Lymait T. Johnson, dlo;r- , *M p ,- esi llcilt. endlceiC'H-r 'lt ( i*p •i e) Hte b f-i' mail* 1 thiv discUi.-uiri* a: ■». meet.injr of the group In i’ifth '■. Baptist chiu b ! w.'m the licit* tiom r ill ,! sme i>,. *1 ' iiii in r>en: e Ncttrroes to enter the venre 1 schools of 'll" (’nivw.ity ot Ken. lucky. This new action (s hoc * ’ on the contention Me Vnivei ty of Kt-ntui ky," Johnson wnhl. ’f * of 1.. is dodging fhi* Issue whip says it is r private lnsl.itu*lon. Tin univgf«tty gets Ivlp from ! b • eml state* as we I as private, and Xogroos are among th<- tax* paye r. (Con’d on hark pape, this section! ■ .i. jngledto dfii*r , ,-;.i of ~ • I be hi : ts that the \ ■ri i '•'if. 30, had ;•! r. tin- rear rmri. gti - - i • |.t; h. •! ft pa;Of .Vi <; rayon chess 1 .■ ~i Ms- dc-.d or unccn . ■ 1 i’n v.’ti'cd ». i’h •>» ,rni’th oi copper . . ' ■ " i.enmd :\zr aver ■>i i •• pt,o!!•••< -as De.-sad !> 'oy, uurtp sac? tor a ■ ... \ • i.imao pf 'he dress '• > 111 ?1 ■ *ai';r. v-ith it? g? isly burden * the ••■ood> i ■ * h '.hero it . ■ ’m.m y; -i. • * ■ 1 i!• ii> ’’ice of broken iin;!:■ ■ to ih e skull .’ K i -ire' '-vere i.n --... -■ cf> V 'lohet ' M the , • , : , ■ ->,r-V-I had ; cer 'if i"’ mgulation. ■ f death however i i-.. ,f : iyc hate , ; M’hu’n. >!«• ■ -roar. wa • a resi i’lty H'io ii.’d met ;■> .. i.'i’v ■ ■■•'-‘i ucar the iccl fOU'cd, ■ csy i’-i i ' ’-n Oat: “» . : e.f'td V I :! subject <’ ;m : [ one, 'Willis Tec da; nVnnms that dm !• 'l'i.ivt ha'*’ IT - <,* * .? I*o'.V'‘ Sttl'" ; Li' rt ? - • ' f i: >K (*•*.: • PROBE WHIPPING Or AGED WOMAN IN MISS, PRISON r • * i»t ». \<■ fit Hi ■ dd--- v-olri egr o ■ ■ - r been beaten " ago beeatise ' cVicM fc- be >n posses i <-.1 •i• ... n 'iield - itally es . ■ i't’iri. ri of an c Negrc! ■ . ' as clieged '■ i. c ■ ’-“i i Jashd ",'itb a ... t.; 1 'ype ts whip after ■ c njai'fp to lift her skirt and v. ■ iv».i ink-dress. The best -1 "-c j i iri. 1 red P.t ' bt '. ’SiS •r t'vf i hniies, the latter tine ■,ll c,.,-! r c ,i ;-jcried ■ iftirn ca deicrioed os be ■ ro id ottu n, honest and " rh nt'ide ' is ssid ■u <id : in- Greatly long ,ist of ■:n .pihs.s • t Negro r; i br.'ts t: ■ • SX, s,dri l(J c > " ’Ct i-.i-i i xpeneiircs. fen d on Jin k page ill's ••“f-t*o r\Kr.Ms \m vi ro si nooi to fao - !» ; \s S( HOOI.S .* -• '• hFK a_rt a. -fa! t» N'e . '.'ork S'.'tc Department ot ■i If- ban the gregetren f rhtleire-i ,n the city ’ • . mi H- mjv>:-i*'d L i is be* •iv I’d IT- the t.iXACT t9\‘- c 1 ft d flic local board . cdi tion i-i i eepond to the 10 i A i P petitKi! to integrate ,iii) h- vhouf the .?ch' d r, ~«i; idns r-uher thin it i Cii ’ ' r- l'» »} ?■ : h v" c- I ‘ii-'lis■ ; c'i b srtoo-' ■cciit* i, !ho Dm v Baptist Chur.’o m ii:; •'.•non i • te Hempstead biAirci . •!' Kdncat'on ?. "iii is b, vc volunteered to tike turn- ;ciporvisb'i,} the children >r.i ; 'ri,., them hot lunches. MwtVoojri ■ t ii. AiO' ic'iin Jevtsh C-ongWH r,n tin- Parent- Aaeocia tior liiiv<> stso volunteered tc as sist. On hennlf if the pareri'.s, Mr:, Cm- •*: Saber Motley of *h-> N'AACr lege I department, pre-sjut iHi j . 11 (ion signed by 4R parents to ini Hampstead board or\ Sep i tnber 15. The petition urged the 1 !.:rd to aboiish the policy and .' ‘in -.f assigning Negro pn.piK to the Prospect. Street Schboi. to revise its prrcticc of limiting tie ilumber of Negro pupils attending other city schools, to abandon its I f’mi'd on hack page, tht.* SOctton)

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