BIG DON LOSES FIVE-HIT SERIES OPENER MARVA IN SLAYING marava CALLED AS WITNESS IN CHICAGO DEATH CHIC.-V -’O. l'l i Mi»- (‘irwpi ifn -•; Hr . ;.. n» (l»4j.j , 1 •):>.- moned a'- :•* -j!;: ■ ,u i m-i- ,*.f file slaying Ja;.f '.vcti; • I Win i *n Hrui 3rd, ;m. « 'lf l *-. !v■•«'! r.pfl u• * and • epheu *’!' ft* j.i ■ •V; ■ • -.i( c arf"i i - *! y VV M*-" * 1 Y'W •; Hciwi'd '*■':* sljnt to cle.* ** early Friday morning it* the ci-->.«-dr-d IV. ' Lounge n Smth S-V *v Chprles C ■•* a CTt- t- b ■ ino - ( i of slush*, nan :-«gh Mrs. I,'Mi's, .'h.' I'.-id. escorted out a ttumbei ot tin-os by flic- slain m»«. refused 1 > attend an inquest held Friday, a subpoena vas issued for her bv Oronei H. C Ri .fr who contin ued th • inquest o'til October 13 (.’ole. who owned - i ..t ir'*. 1 in »h» P'-i ;; ut i. ** ! ■•: i * ~ ■S it I *!’ -isle t: *cd : v I- * >! ard in 'he crowd* ; P** ” lounge f’u dOOVu - v.-er>- :*> panic, as a j*;«« to? blared and *•>•’ nsio -■ i,*>■ ■c! .- finer (. !->.?-•' r jrit -i*-• *'f i".. < ■■■■ i ■: rebec Hrvv.-ud enter'd tty-- !*yjngo cursed M charg'd r *•. cheating Him "u-t f hi mo* • Wifnr .*■. .aid ti e-. >-,*=*.- 1 >j > tel! ( V- d o* u r quo ■■■: r ing roe around or 311 kit! vnu • Cole 1, j.-j t),r of lien. .. J ff > •,) jrf.' nu-inm. herao-c 11° **• ard reached in h* • -,'->cket. I film ed )t v-a- cither 1, . *;p me. .md 1 !■ *-at 1. >n ?. v (i;< di a ■.-■■• " Tim i". i men Jmd i.ujis-- in the ope* at’tni of Hi? p-.ipuia; hotel and r,;«rr;.- *jp*-c i< v a, t.*k- •. •• i bv >;<•£> t ... „i ;;i-ir .(** belie> ed i*. i-.svc conceived (hi i-ea of converting Me hotel and ’•'••as joined by Howard and Uni te A t»‘d on bark page. th»s section * New Degree j For Bundle | NEW YORK <AV P - ,■%*• other honorary device * awarded Hr. K.-tph Btmctv* last week "hep the *«■ <*,h The ot*g*rai sf.-mituuy ne™>*t h’-m U* . tor of Humane I< *, rbe citation, read try do hi• me Cunt luyfjor fitpu f Nathan « :•*• I’D tided hv ? ‘‘oft two* ft; TiTt ffr?^ *** l»vat I2;nd -.t-fet and fcw»i * a\. 19/* Bum hr- -- i o-t' .i n rer f g'nitiop of h*3 ’urta* gei*a !t*e and tndijpeosa jie to the cavsf ot **u:o**.n L-mfey -tar>d‘r.g amor-S; ail people T e reitbiite t\ dar on October the Vfesfr.he ,!*r t ountv I.eagne -f Women Vet trs has >ot <ted D* Punrhe to speak st the ceu*> ? center at Whit* Plains. INAUGURATION PLANS FINISHED WON the final slst'e. 33-, -s Inauguratin'. Cr' r nm-ittec CtiainadM 11*31* s ,1 Wright Close >o t hundred ' *•)'. stales already had hern designated by college"-, and i!<-s «n -*'C] iho r*vuTitrv of last *vCprv f" trie basis of preliminary an rvir ■ • rm-i-ty al*tn* Formal *n\'.M •if - rnn- sejng !o*\» .-irrl huT* |o th*- designated delegates and To a rwcial list of 'edit iduals In uddltion t*> the prci iously a" nouncPd r.o'H or ,)V flip Huriplor; Institute Choir on Friday night.. October 2ft. thcr® will be Op * Houses durim* the Ir.. uguiatton Conference *|a| - n x - ..jvir.i :>;i ■»■ depai tmcnts: *i -Ticultur--. ait. com rjM^ti oh ti r, v*h nme economics nWß|e education, end trades and “ theme of the confers ere si tending the inniigor -tion, in which lead ng industrialists, labor lead ers. and educators will lake part, is ‘The College the Negro and In dustry." Thursday’s opening session deal ing with main conference theme, will be presided >:vc*i by Dr. ('.'ban ning H. Tobias, '"h-'brmari of 'hr Board of Trustees, and will pre sent ns spcakeij Dr. Stephen .1 Wright, Dean • f Faculty, and Let- I ter B. Granger, a trustee and the Executive Secretary .>f the Nation (OWlltißttl #n page U. this seetten 1 . THE CAROLINIAN 23 Pages VO I, IMF, XXIX DROP RIGHTS FIGHT' TLL 1950 TOMMY HENRICH HOMERS TO EMD PITCHERS’ DUEL a|*' , til iif tfie * S*n»!l t'.'iHD) .\'e •' Vt>i k—sii Dwi lost ? he*>i ; bre-ike-r* ' ■■> • ig*' ■*'■■*.- •• *■ F.I-. '. 1.- * -*,luc who •* • • mode pitching •-! *-. -. wi'h til i* <:g 1- th ■ .jinn me :• I*?*-)’ ed I?p • \ r .■ , . g ** -g foi a World’s -Series rec«.-- d. .*nd Gieo I • li litr-ii t; • - 1 : t\ W» duc.-'-’a* *:.- - li,.'lining in the K>» 1 T .me '-- Hennc.i V-v ,v, . '•, ■. ,| Old K* • . p •- >,(>. ! file pn W d i,., If (. . e-ihg game with a ft-c . .*.’l c h e -i II *t p. ok the gr. -V-: fi or ■■ ** ('■ f•- re* ■ J1 - 1 .-• t S* '■ vVu; Id Set>s ilake-o'uf *e*. oru .roii! l> >< Nm'-irb? -Hid ;*■ the 1 3*13 ;r ?i->nt »-K* : ,-’■**'• -tied thnhf. *■* ei'illift • ight a,* j, i -.ut* r **iu lc-gues ’<d Wednc d >y’? -»i te -pe -f-' ■>ei; the tans poised, ortthe r - fss ar d Kg Don eo'combr: * (('o*> fl &V. b* i M p i r- Vti *h ff ft * *>f» i rile Lour million Florida School Suit T ' p.;-i (Aa P « .»' aT v-i j;* : 1 i "•") r? X*£to nuzt'V* hen- D> >ijc. £oi' l/l'*or f) r 7; *h'>ol Vr Orlando* attorntv to HiUrei In Ff'df r,%! Dis met emir? NAACP Silent As White Sounds Oil New 'l' ■ k • ANP• ■ If W--. Ur. White's • >,; uUci ... - . •b' •if ;.l l.«; .-1 g> - !-- tutu cuiui ‘ : ' ,,n J n ' h> conquer the cMer hue hx- i <?<-n it. an.y ■ embarrai. u-g to i« -lers if the T'AAf r or its ••••Hid t *'* f , they h ive been cf< *<; - * i.' fi.ii !>. '.’oneeslifig it. Negf.i o'-, n.f-f n? companies and numerous whit' ronee) ns Inn. <•■ nr°- fitcct by matiofaclurme. advertis ing and idling preparafion ■vltch were designed to lighten the skin of dork skit! Near-Of. or to un bare beer: noted for their advert>• «r!ciert uUraCV.on - o tor tu;ni. arid skn surf wee For some year;, Negro n: 'vt-pa-" per ; magazine, and periodic-tl-!; have boo rino’ed f< ; thej> advertis ing eppoais on chemical.: or r.os motics calculated to lighten dark i skm. Long hair prov ng prepara tions were frequently run with these arts, especially before bobber: hair style came into vngut some years ago. There are Negroes who as;,erf that, if the Negro’s colei is nis. handicap, anything which would change it would he per so an -no to his achievement They contend that the crux of race in the Ne gro’s CH'm is his color and that if he would get white or whiter, that would help solve h's problem The argument has many ramifi cations and hinges on the lone* cir culated belief that light Negroes have many advantages over black ones and that light Negroes arc preferred bv the ruling clans in the more personal arid favored po- /VOA’T// CAROLINA’S LEADING WEEKLY HALlilf;II, NOK'HJ CAUOUNA [ ' s ;f 1 XX .*■ J Wi : ’X#' 1 X M j f \ ■ / i &I, .. f • . i "V' .1 !*> ’«* - *O, ,tt 4-ic- < i 4 ■ ... Jl I|- f Killer ¥/ins Stay, Governor Peeved E\ V-.F.R MV MAX Philadelphia i ANT i SMiii).? rk hi? ; i ■! thumb'-t* 'isth '.>!>• through 3 b:blf Jarm** Aiyjllh rOilffyrd kill?!’ of J'jhti Main--? a •ah driver Januarj 15. J;>4v aas saved from expeuf ion V Bektouif Utrt aVuidv night bv i * «•»♦• f initt-fl <>n *»>'►*. O jhi, ■+* i-\!. o*l i Mr White ..In,ten m.iHi.g i.ew in t,j i miima ti• * I mat *i. i ro •Continued on page 8, this section! RETRIAL DENIED WHITE LANDLORD IN FLA. SUYINS •OPT MVFRS. Fl» lAM’I * The .-(flriK white real estate .mm who shot- and killed unit rr Ted b-imms winter to an argument over room rent has hi i»ri denied a new trial. Wi’ddm Randcll whn was .on. vie ted of niansiattgihet- askeo tor a new trial on the grounds that the „inr.v had hero preju diced by piint to see a murder motion picture during the trial Circuit Judge tv T. Harrison ruled that, seeing the meric d»d not affect thr outcome o( •nr t-iis I. ft a nddi who has erten •- real estate holdings In the Ne gro section went to collect !•»- wecKtv rents one nigju last, winter nrmid with » ptutot which he always carried when he went into the Negro vctinn He got into an argument with Sammy over the rent of a furnished room arid told 1 m * get out. When Samms tamed to get his hclonglgns Sarnie!? shot him in the hack. (V I**|*’K FNDIVF SAT! RDAY, / m 1<) I • S:> v s » it h A V t.. • V>. 11 St •-a - v ra ■ ' r] fs y -o('v T^]'t.f.g h TV'fi vho made ?t i dear that he <va- not diuiz ih ] * ! i.t ]jic ,> *. n *c< i-rd but * b?. + :,i i -a ’•’•vH ■>!' hab-MS *P v* is hv S. Div*) ir| r;ii:r Tud?? : Life' A ‘ *lsl» Th* z *>r al> • stated that his *v;> • rvt vgrieve taat. after the vrtl ba- duly \ ■**'po-pdt of. t >1 fa t h sv ytt^?) c r- wi IT bp in * ,-ft/fH anothf’ late rh « -V ji* v t -'- re T>!.] 2’f. '\vp ! sh 6 r.M« i h- ; r -i.fjvi. i Smith. who *'?■»> at ?Vlf f Ihif. of th« had bn»/•-d hi'. • • > n\*ut\o n ?n - t ,-jf he yad?• vt !•'t-n pro -’di d '.vith •• ?.'•« prr-ve hi? sa n t» ,• ..f‘o» ;wr'. is., had d • ? rjlPfh’tf-d to coi'ift over fror ,i . New V. ,>vi- usd tf-astjtv on Smith’s rnev 1 ji • Continued on paz.;- P ; . this sec'ior-T Jpi&i 4©' I .-v - • ;•&§£&* - v :.p. - - V A mmtSw pi I OSI ' m vmßltt tKHi t ic-i’j Vevcombc fi'>dge r Imr i f s. 1... « i the victim of » JuntM-inning tiome run tiy !t»c Yankee's Tommy Hrnrieh in the Wwlii b'-ni's opener iu Vankep ktadiun- Wednesday. Story on tbi- page, S STATE M At 1* MEETS STA TED Nt.vr TOItK SfoctiKi- of -t-'t'-' r.inferences of SA A(T tun Dies wifi hr held in > nr lotfc. Vn., October Sl-ST and j Terrr Haunte, Inij.. Dwcmber • 1 r.inste! II rurrent. NAACf* (Mror-twr of branches announc ed thin week The Alabama State- meeting originally ached tilcii for November 13-S3, has tieen pMHtfH-incit until Novcnr • her J’ »< Tuskegee. in.- ?i- r i 1111 -1 -isli- m i ,a in m iiii. ora > i ni an laSim.iMniii.i emrmmnWiWiin^iirrmiiiii »■'• } ip , * « : ' / i if Jr ,V.'X ; Q(j || I; >J K V S7 T' RQJ SS %_■{> ? \ i?»i«r j u?“n %* R AHovr #ff lintvT! thfP ( Os Jf • a Dvr t h««ui‘ftu p w»?i ittv iDwd *?i competition con * <fllf tfC (I )>-, t ile 'JW-k f Fh'» fifty. l en*«r? Mve ,t■ iflnK t £ i• f- r’.,*'»*• <>f f j *ll it\ V- Fheilp' i d r. h i>o I <»t, t >l ft,> c-. * ..n u 11 fn r ? -Ipt ojtfh Jft t Keg tot) Wi if;-;- (‘ijiric Hun A!.. IfD f Nititj \»jjftii xv»tc,fin I?* XT-itn« C r Vf?&££ SDflDltAd T f }.g*OiWr a n 1 I the t P?. wson. SL ?• x Vni v er-.if > NirftL»east region Ingram Gets 18 Mos. On Mann Act Charge V. . r-n. t -for ■ .* • : ] iF'Lawi »n the film version ot *» ivl./it. Act chaige tt -\ri.iur J. Metre * McTidflv f-'-iJov " :. f the S4-y-alcl o tor’s trial on '-halves or scp.u-y.i PTA Convention Map Plans For *49 CARRIES G ! JN OH FISHING TRIP, KILLED 8Y SHOT « \PE M\V. N. I <ANP»-- .1;ifl. a Phila* rt»lj hu :.lrv!’<ie»rr W(»a areW’-i). tally idiot 4?irt killed when cun m-rUa* red «n m 1 *st>»f>j’i party nut serf « Indict through his riaht ' ye. After a prelimin ary in vest; ration the t’tpo Mav county coroner issued « rer ti - fiotto ni accident,i! death Johnson ca m e to Shellm gep'ji l,act)»>»c with six persons a.ort icmiTCH'ri va party hoot named Kuril v' The boat whw rotrotilnc < o I ri spring Inlet, shottl three mites »*y when Johnson bent over and »n some v.»y r p!rt f.,, ... revolver hr rarnerf <ti :< paper hoc. Irving Palmer, county core, per and Kerf tiler, state troop er were «n land t‘» toyestlgaie the. death when the bout doct seph It. Sturgill a Public ed Also present was Or. so Health service physician. Members of .fohnww’s party were pnestfoned and none could explain why .lomisnw WOOM have a gun on the -party, SINGLE r. COPY iWC N T O. TI! fETEFX ACTION DROPPED ONTO NEXT YEAR IN BIGHTS FIGHT V.-vvti •• nh the *:< t-F.dniy of a ture* AdtvrM n force* Urn t i-i! nqlv . progi m before a.-i* *,<. Ot !■ ;;}■ fit i tax, yr.G •; vrch v d FF-PG. Ip.grorn. '.vho pleoded . hen ! >. ■-* * (i.« r i'« i: ; * .’ ! j • ( ,(i K„rn M,. hV. r*r.'. ' i ♦ • , i • - ppir i { \ -if.* ivi -■ husiix ,- ss : he actor ; v*‘S given !B*mrmGi tier), Mncr.fhet whs ’utlioc’i it tnc Executive Cotuvnittcc meet* riij hfid •'! tbs Blood worth .tit 1 * VMCA m ftaieigb, Sstn.idrfy. Oc i obc? ;.'. The sesf-inns "ill be held at .■*op! Lt-t Hipt School hc?d.C|! -yrteis fta'Jk A foii- »i « fii'incip,:) of the host school and chairnt i of the- local committee or, o',-anCr -;!f.r:i ■ Mi Ma’i ;, n Rot n -in i=, co-chHiri! an, and Mf.i. Avriey Jo!v. pret-idenl 4 Hi • trier No 10 v P work with him m mapping nut dfitails for the best convention “5;,.;0.n held by tr;« Corgre -s The thttnic choirn was 'Bu*Ri ns* Topt thei for the Child in H - Family «rid Hi t 'oumundv ' jH. F Ferguson, pn?-ideal will prc-i.ui , over the session assisted by tec vice r residents This t. elect on year find Mrs M L Turnc. was -I .-hoirm;.'!! the noone ■Ating comtriitlec Plan- were also made for ii.ten sive Membership Dr ,-e.- 'during Octohfij in („<ch local utih ai d. ti"- sb.-'iiig ,f district conferences r th« eleven area • MernbftTr o. f ' dir.- >1 • .-‘.is.: irKtluded: ft r,»t ,l ; i : Mrs H S ]>»vis. v r.-e pr-.‘iidei,’., Oxford. Mrs. F p cheek Raletgh, h tutor iwn. N »• Me Leaf Bricks oatlssmet' lariwiy Miss W Hie Mar Jeffries, Riel. Square rtmovri-tur rhet-etary: Mrs. M. L Tn- •■, Warsaw trea sum Mrs Virginia Hurt Ahoskie. and Mrs Hattie Rcytuls Ml. Oil re. | commiitw-rncinbers-et large, i The ftilk.wirii* distiiet nWidfOt^! and standing committee cfc -Inr on (CitMinawl on pMr« -k. Um aueßaa; FER4WETW • * i \j rhi in iiri'iir k *•; * >ri Hi L*»ui*:. former - it* «f rv - Heavyweight * h>nir>‘ »n {•in I .-mils, who \v3-> ■ uhp<M*ii,« q thr; week to appear as a v.-lltte*. Sexton 70, in Row Newark *ANP) - Tlic INv Ti Beecher Jackson, 36. will have a he ring alfheugh h- ha, confessed • ) rh-- , ;;,i*q»e - f iuving kili-d !! '*' • f 1 Ciiimcij, Uir *. 5! .* ... t /’'*■?ircl’’ l a t v; Oi ’ : <-ad ir.un. Earl H. Well?. 70 wit TV" T tM''' killing Full Calendar For U. S. Supreme Coy •d’AF-’iNCrTCN * ANP - An:', n.: The dec y* *n~ which may cor;'.. ■ . • —* the Supreme Co* *'l thu * rr. . -mi- v bf : 3r on frc*: : dition It- lb-- realm -:*f free speecb will' 'l l derided the i*g t of picket,«>> ;i -.ecure c*rof>'jrftonal * uyr-ioym* i Or Meg roe- The American C*vii: ; Über'ie •: union will confend th'd . ii.-g :rr.i<rss 'I *hc p*i: ■ r ' ( ’ of pick , iinr*. free sp.'cch iti j;.l be ■** *i*;- ■ t.alned. Baptist Re-Elect Prince 18th Time HO' TON. T- '. -- <' ■: * , : ; r* ! r 4*h :-**i»' ill riu - c.••-.(*-ti Oi ! - . L Prince *'t*t reelected pi* lident .•!•»: n Nt-' lonal r..-r>* . < *d t -'i i m) \uter*I*3. xbirh *.- five . day f.*ssi-.)UK in city auditorium '•> -. ! ]n, f here recently Nat enly «a ? *i)f 7- v*.m-oKi prwiiihut r.-yw***■*-■ * : bu! s~*i w-< ;i - !>.- * *'fi> <. •■■e d'HogcT- iiiicqdmc ft.-" t-b'ii * i n-jftl convent uni The - ntirc vn *** Tc. .*"i*i t-'* ** r ~hc roots! Hn<y'e»KtM” in the t ; . iury of’ the de.m»mtn»ti, '• w-,*- char Anti-Freeze Drink Fata! To Convict Gteenville "King" S i onset b,poncer■. a prisoncf <• 'h« S .•; r’l ion Cctnp >*'• M - ir* ’> (-'■ r *crjc County rl nonr if ’o, ‘ wii'dom of his r-'*-tvis»k» u«t we* h - choice of ft Or •-- • i ' f-. his t.hjr-t. Spencer. M’hnsc h-jc * it Greenville -nd who v,r. ycr-vinr "inic for larceny, hreakif .: .■:■*! <"• •eiinp *nd purl;*.: drunk*,:.*' .s. -■ k i some finti-freeze sunriny. occcul- . ling to Ca'pt. J. h. Auston, r-">s'’*R; ruperirrtoodjßnt, arid died "xwcMfh'- 1 in Us< -;!;n srij of W'in; ton B»w --air. .t> year am t mcago note) invar t an it nuuncistnan. fssary • vsj ih»y pages !, ir,,.: hmi other witnessed •• uirif indicated that the minister W3£, v?oi in tha theatre. 'Pc-- Jackson then told police W: ii had come to the parsonage ia di-v.vss a petition being raised asking for Rev Jackson's removal. W;-,i- wi,s a metnbfer of the group oprosin" the cleric It was also u ■ :•! Iv v. J.ii-.,.■ -n's salary which had tec;, garnished. Vcc ,d,ou tv t.., , Anirter, Weils drew a pick and lunged at hint ard He place d the wemded m .Aico, the re dif.'.-nmination r. h .using project v.- ■-itn N'e"- York State . The ) efusal of a Pcnnc. -i.: to extradite a Negro . . ■ .... ■ ci f; >m Cieorgia btcause t i.’- wue Urcahment be received ~ the t.hft;.will also he ■-ir ■ f .1 by She nations' highest .-.iftrlzcd by an oid-iathioned rd -. t! ofiicers of both the p,, < n>. body and the three au&ih a riff, vvprc e1«-.ted imaniitioii.'ly hi V i ..ioa> acsace. Di Prince r ini-vi Faurßobeson's ■ harge tlia» Negroes on id not fight atmiast Rf took if-, up « -n Walter WiiM' rocvrif marriaße ip a white woir i.n and urged Negroes ''to w«o: Uieli reswapcßP for ihelt own dr, \ plopme.n'i. The IK<I • or.vpyjtop will meat Hi Kansas City. Mr. , v short «driJ» after-ward. •l-cat irct alcohol one ol lits uaioclpfi! ir.gredvents tn Ifw siavi- Tieew! i->ri. -.Hy mcftleal aatlKK ties. ;• lyif'hi.v toxic sod a fWQtM«t i >;]../■ m death amor.g ‘Tnioke’" <lf-inkf.«s. T’o- u.-u of sni-idwtat A •,vir. pr.Tutird out are nearly always roavyilii.? i.irtd little csun be dop* ot’cc the tv- ’..’op h«s been xnbfbed. The dead rwas serving a ar>c morlh.--' sumtebee *>n flwgq of theft of a wwmarj'* suit, .uuU a man’s auh and topesnat

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