DAVIS,TOP COMMUNISTS"GUILTY" 1P& i h inp • i Mp* n Reds 1 rial hnas America's elf,eu tup C vis Jr.. Negro N. V. City 1 Friday and led away to a K "TUtullty as charged” which climaxed the nine months of court toom fir 1 work. and delaying tactie.s with ‘which the Comimiist party fought for its continued right to exist in A merica. Returning to a jammed court room titter just seven hours of de liberation Mrs. Thelma Dial, Negr •* house wife and jury foreman an noil need "We find the defendant each and every one guilty a- .diaiy cd This atatemen* ended the nine mouths trial of 'tie eleven Com muni st top party mem be is two ~ ■which were leading Negio politi clans. Among those awaiting senten.. are Benjamin Davi. J; It. natb • rd Georgia ; lepi.-dat.iv*- on*.- • for CP and member of Ne w i-.o ■ 1 *-\ Council ami Henry Waist m. Ls native of Mississippi, former piesi dent of Young Futmuuntsi i.eartu-, now- CJ* oi f/,riiii:':itional secret a r-. both Negroes the nine moil! as t -at just end ed. has ii the venti.-t holds out ta.vved (in- (T pa I y t*v .isrcri ins in effect that the parry has at tempted to overthrow the govern memos the L'nited States by for: e and violence. The plot' u ct tin t?otiilitunist ihai to il pany w.m ju. i uiioth* political t--.it t> wr* thrown out b, Uie he i. i . iioiils h: tin* * diet it has i.oiideinr.ed its has * r-tiiji p- a batch of willful com p ; tors if inii to ,*..• h and .luvi-ca’ an Anurirai! r*-vos.iti!’!. munif.t party -in' IT-;..'. tCOfltia'ied on. page 8, th.: eetior. > URGES DENIAL OF STATE FUNDS TO DURHAM SCHOOL AT Hugh Tliompso.i and John H Wh-,- 1-’ Du man: N. y;-. auos r.o l k* Cl f.tiite Topi : !»t( lid sic-! j in- fnt'iUi-tioi! Civet* 1 A. Ibvviji :-> delay acti r. ot.- apprc.pi iatiens for Durtign: : white school- J ti! Mi city equal res educational f -c! lrt =• s -‘ Is-! to,. ■; - !td ility- In - 3 t-J. t < : Toe: ii: : v j lit iT'v'j I v*aliif lit U 11 i J ’»‘ W V*! Dr Ei v;s-, v:a;-. believed t-.> U i SSVdlißlil'l. ii U utlelV.iiug lAfcrtL mg f ihfi Southern XU g-onu- Cuuu til, aR organization often regarded as Lent « n perpet.ua ling tioii in ii: South Th** Durham attorn y.v. ?::eni.,uu"- m*Uci- o:i Negro aftyo*:,. u- lu-xi spr»- - iiicaliv thiat Superintendent Erwin deny approval of fuithei eom-tru tioii !:; the Durham wiutu M’liooi.*- pc lidit C * .'iiirtir.il ol diit.'Mii n - Cl JI i i jiK-tc 1 v cl lOli> Ili • i there. ATTORNEYS 1 11-M> Thcmp.soit and W hue let --u trv t- iegicin as ...t-vr.ty.- tor Caro t- .? Blue, Donald Blur, ■-nfat.tr H Ui Ti l Bine cinidren are hi* Twenty six Dnrliam youth.' tTu-ii tu.Of-.i i-:. i suit ili.slitilU-Ct » bed t s :il Court .as! May (i wh ch sou,-.;.’ > *1 -i -.-e : fit' D>:t ii in '• " I B- • o ts ecjuJl-.i I'ctucation.il iai iiioc . . .between th* whites ami Ney.r.-i's Tf.ie nrißif-di.it* .. iiv •» 1 >- , tfaft lvogtt triegi.o- wn-cfi irsnttTiit’* d at a • t -i ;t ■ *• t&fi -H'p- ■'. iii C ’ o; ft i; :i .1 'T'; l il. Supenntr .deiii of hclio *b I ;,fa * ■ Weaver bt-iurt *he .‘state Board ot b.d’.J- ation's Survcv D.v.siot Weavti apt oarcd t>« Utv d>- vis; nT panel hea-Je:. tj J 1. i - CoutmUtd on i-age ~ veto n CRASH VICTIM'S LAST RITES HELS AT CHARLOTTE Charlotte - - Fwural rites lor Miss Wilis* Gerlrudt- Brown t-r --m«‘ Chat lotto school teacher win* jftiod with two other persons ■>* " aEni.-trui-s crash Fnda>. wire ». o . .‘SSoA. Jay at th* Cr... AVA t. • Cb.m: ft -I '. hi’ inin ' -‘"Misßrown was, hilled w.ih M;. nnd Mis Walta i Stew# f f A ington. D C , whet, a t re blew on Dii* car w.vb Mr Stewart war oper-Mting J!S'i ii ena.duu trailer-truck near S uth Hdl. Va .A farmer * ..ct-<-r i . lh« Chariot. . sei’.Ol I: .Mil's BTOWn lull l-Vitfl .'I the field ot soi-’i* w*-' n in ; v.-• v . «ken! ■ *f the j 1- B* idem. H»lj. ill Wadungton ' V line of her fl.ash NCNW To Hono r Nine Washington. D C President Truman will address Jh- t'Ocr teenth Annual CoiivcHui >n of tb* National Council of Negro v\ v.\ r wiit-n it meets ;ii VV-asbingtoi: vtniber 15 through IS Council headquarters announced, thin .v 'i- The President Hil speak in the Interdepartmental Auditorium, at the International, .Night observant' on November 18, which will dim »v opening day activities for In r> Circuit Court Job ! Offered To Hastie , .-ij'.r.ial to the I'.tttol I SIAN \\ i .itk a! ill.-, niii-mi e.>v.-r> Ult* S* at ..'••• ol N’> W if. t.. i ■ ■ .t>i''- a'. a hr*- ! .m. d \.l -a 1-i - ’ '>• {.Viliaa. H if- ' y::!.;, n j iT.irii U S. f‘vitrl ! Apin .1- D. C. Police Hunt For Sex Slayer of Boy, 8 Wasm/:vion \\ i 1 ■ 1 » x* - i .MCht-yeaf v,} Kan . MeK i!• y i t I Walker, wh- s*. body was 1* und un y ii r ti j■ * v-- ttrulfie iit Hock ! s : i.tfi v.M.:I. y. h' l . T.<'ttl«'d <’ at ‘ t> a , I j• . ui; ... ncl. t a ihi- pn-iUttat... «T ‘ ’ll n. I- lfl->il l ■ •, i1..1l pi v U 1- J i ported n iasiin'; j.:; (!• >■• »• y 1. . s.nwthvr t efoi.- u ,; .1- an.! nai- I.- it. • r'Cj b'.t-i • ‘ t . ' hmitrh .iUly ch.- i very f TV }-{js. polici launch-'d a s-ii.,-- over the country. The m ‘ The nine selected Uw spwtial Ur i attons as FounderPreuidont Mary McLeod Bet hunt ret ires from active if .if y f A' * ¥ •¥■ ¥ + 4- ■**■+** y kh ¥■ 1 jfjl OWk M liiliPli Bp fißi M 8 H JBI MWk B yVL&St'irt reEftE wA’ii?. g-tfe SSH ißlg BhiaK tUSaSafliaE ebSe Juiige for Hie ilurit S’ S < irenit tiiiiii ui' t(i|M-ais. isfurv on this i> ‘K> , Tli,* Third Circuit Court juU.-a --p n. .Lv : ,a. . w, L> la '. -a -:•■-• ;!. Vi'-, a : i i. . G'-.vcii'.'u might be under - I'l.usui't! 'ti ■ 'i'.- i>’s! far '.vliiiai lie iy-,s nrii". '..iti ii. ■ l’\ t .‘I iraH-t mats we:.- field am rv Tliitadelphla . i(.'u!ilinunii i.n -. ipp t! >..i- si’p'.iOiil u'itff* ' otindti9 of si ls k*iO\v n • .ci vo r * ii. nce ex mn i ) j \ i or.i «>1 t. ■ ;ixd;. t (vi .lied the boy had bet: a, ‘scon*.; brought in U\ j U-'ui' Mt n* held as possible suspccu, I iM/cau' c as - u.-pii jv.alk ( i.i unistari- Ic adllL;* up to ikt d'.'ath of ! Ult- boy, i. F.nis n aired ’ -Pmfd on back so;.'*- this virtioJii direction >i the ory.'-iii/.uiioiis. are: i oil-.. or -ii the Am • a-vvub.’.V of India. me T'andC ; Dr. ('(..• 'iniiiv. 11, TV las, betid ft 1 the f'iietji "s Kiitid. Mrs. M.i:y Church T, i rt*)!. civic leader, o." V\... a't• t■ t;< on . Dr Carter trodwit- ■ : Woodsvii .historian Aoinvy Wi.ii :cne, femur NYA li-.td, Dt. Rttlph ; i .lobnstm Bunctic, Vtilted Nation* . : media i. or: Mrs Edith Sumuoti of! Chicago NCW. Board eiialrumii • ConUnuco page a, this vectunj ‘ [lSfllly iiKJH POINT . ( i v Mcii tigo: T f Hi: stated here last " y-k thn; tie had received a peli iioti brf.ught to this office by a n ji ;,nd *ir.it r Iclressed to anybody n: j artii ulyr' protesting movement • of Nigi-oe.s into v.-tr.t had been non- : j ceded as a wint-.- i es'd- iiticl area. He aid hi eceiveil tpet. - . : tv . irif.nih; ~ Mowed it.' to few m-mbers of th-- council and Abi-fi Dili Bade.* lie i t tile ' o:uieii n tml * j i agrei-ci huir iliere was nothing iinueh ‘ihal enudri he o ae about the petition. ; . ■ . th pet Don war by s.n.. wiiitn n- alents in '• ; SC.a! I:>\ (- ;---ni ■ nctii n r-t iii !> f»omt. 111. Civ - Man-ip-r fiiriliei : t .i; i d ti. t ia oad desti i.\o U UV , i lift .: V. , i ...... council ci.'uld ivj:o n<> actio? Tho city manager said l:.i Utii.n wd.i never J.mught ; :••.■• • o council in regular se.« <*n ?;t ■i f ia'fi on k»rk jSiiige. Luh M/plioil) PASTOR PUT UNDER BOND AFTER INQUEST INTO LEE COUNT Y DEATH DAIL Y DEED Keren!!} a It-yeai-olti >, iiit*- itij;ti Point youth nas , ! ,i'ii a il-viiit i»ri-:on sentence tw »- .uiiuig !.j., tin ill oril. I ait the Ku. ky Mount Seoul Troup headed h> si’iiutniastei T< in >tith felt that ~ 17-vear ’■eiitem-e was a mighty lot:;, one tor a 14-year ,ild. Perhaps the Scouts have hint some unpleasant experiences ui their own with landlords. 01 perhaps they simple felt that a 17-yiar sentence was a mighty •ong no., for a 14 year-old , At an; rate they wrote to Di Vi ili'u Slot! to >ii-r if the youth couldn’t he sent to a training- school instead, ihr (Jovirrior and Paroles Gim»- missKtner l t . Johnson >re now invi stifating Ihe case w ith sui b a step in mind. 1 lie Rocky Mount Scouts made tin ir appeal to the Governor *nd afterward pointed out that they were not interested in the lute: or race of the youth, in fact the, did not know him and had never seen him. Mass Marks Rights Week HOST ON', Mess, t AX’Pt C> v Paul A. Devor has proclaimed bund' Oct through Saturday. Oct iii'. as Civil Rights week H,- ; j..peiticsll; • a, ini iw;,: .nommuniit j itcnlet" in indnvr.v, wlainv i lion, religion, ana iti every wi»ik «>• life to par' ictpou.* actively in its obsei' ance. To i •unntontiratc the isnuaut < of the historic ivpori <>{ the President s Commission on Civil Right.- a • ur - >"■ leading I< orge . i/a? : or,s rc*- cureiitly ioruiuhtliii k plt'ic - Such orgmu tut ions titciniic (in Mass State Union oi Woman's ciub-i. tin B< Smithunnan vai w® ooilig driven. oti ti’. : - ui Id*-, of the . ad at iite tc. t’ ire accident. Tht Rev Mt j Smithi.’rmc.n did not tc -tity before , •he ecuor 1 jury, although he re-; !■ ,ti* ii.v told a state highway p.-• i i olman 'utniedtately following the j acci.'e-nt that he hail been blinded by the tiglv.s of an n-proochine car. The .• •ror.er’s jmy found pt”’t>- i .-;... i t can .-*.'’.d tiie Rev i\i Siiiifhei man was ordered placid ■aider JI.UOO t* >id until the next term of the grand jury Ten year-n’d Tltitdt il*-: -. riitetl ’ey 1 1 is parents as u hoy." ; ipwm • i*i at! i-ts *rts of Harm: County officials !<> implicate him 'n Ins brother' death until iaf* : ' a ; . night. A”.-’.- tel!*:. our-st :!.r aits ,-toi ie- •*, *-i a lui • > * i,’ : - pe. ir,*) H.r.ik aii*-e>-(l!y' corn•••'-.'-d ; slayimr In* f. arteen liioo’hs ..!-t half tauiher uoi? drowniug lutt* iu . a near' v at ream 1 I ’ti-!-,. k• I) I*;, tj-c tel:-: * ! ' pm. Sheriff E-'t. dutth. - .-v . . iff \\ F. ’Tgili Saimc-n, or 1 !;• r net* County Vttia ’.t, W. A John son. flunk, who eurlSer In the year' : l i’"i/.e.| .illOtlier *'*l tli ' Ul'<»' 11*.* 1".-** i\;!;t a I'i! lc blllJet. )ed :i .-,* 1 :*: -ii ! A row,! of i*oi< mi,oil whin s and X-- ; u-i**- in a ifiiitles:. i-earcii f.>• l)w, nies body. ! At times neatly two.’birds of ’f- ' sc art net's were white. The mi-siti*’. , baby aml tin- accused yoimg slayer me --oils of Mr and Mrs. Rozie Hart-i.well known Ounu rest -n lit- i’.vo ot Think’-- yoimg. r tiro ther mid sister- accused Uiin ct ! ahdti*-: itig the baby According to • it*, iiil.l t’pn’s -t-c Bank ; ;-**.-<1 i. d the sally’s head with a brick and carried him a wav on the pretext •>'. *Cor.tamerl .i. pa;,*- 8. the, , . :.o.i AND TROUBLE Last Friday Frank Lee John son couldn't keep out of trau n.f. '! be ti i übl* started w hen JohiiMoi ftad a discussion w U.b hi. wife, >lrs Janie Tee John son ihe discussion got out of hand, md .)ohm-on struck his wife with his ti-ts His sister • iu - taw Ain,eta 1., otiarii then heeame involved and Johnson knocked her down also. After that he de cided to use his belt rather than los fists on his wile Later in the evening; he went Contitm.d on page ti thi: section South’s Educators At Regional Parley Shrajitiah, Ga (Special to th u rart>ihuan) 'Representatives f. r o m .North Carulina. Including Presi-; d*-ti! F. Li. Hlufot 1 of th» Agticul. : u r '* 1 and Technical Col lege Greensboro, were expected to be among the educators from 41! , Southern iti.st tuitions attending’ a week's session on regional schools’ | problems starting here last Sunday j President Bln ford was recently j named b. Gov. W. Kerr Sec*it of j North Carolina to the board of Train Hits Car, Four Hurt FAYETTEVILLE Four pt; ■ :• on* received painful injuries Fri- j .jay ev-niiiL when the car in which | ■ hev w v .Lie' collided with a j icui i tiic Virgima-Carolina j South* n rrosMif an L> ..nbertonj |R at Ri.slV: about 12 imlcs : Louth of 'he nii Tho.c injured were Airs. Core. | Cvutrip. District Deputy of the • United Order of Tents, Miss Cora 1 j Crump and Mrs Emma Wright. ■Tents offciols and William Melvb iJr * • * • " !: •*&&&&£& ;'.v .•: $ fp&r llr ; '■■(&:. •'<&**>«: {j fWW: tSfsri;'? *>' s'.v: .;• j>»SH' •" ’^c?S*XwlS<»tc3o#S ' V'OHfc .f| w'. - , , 24f1» vj|; *. '0 ?> . §> *&s€ 7 JM : i. Jslpfm# Ws* .J- *4 HHE. •,. 'Aylp W*m aftaSSasSfe //•Effigy.** ’ ’ >- : .f: ; y ABSSKsfc-:v.WfX'-'.y : o>.>\'.y A !«s Doris Kitk'o ul Kalei£h> sen •or NtUtW>nt at M Augustine'* i < ollt'Ke is shown with her .it temlnnts iolluwittg her election o Miss st Xugustiue's foi (he Ask. Supreme Co urt lo Revue Housing Case NoW YORK - Ihe Coiled Stas Supmm Court has Recti as) rd to to view a 4 to 3 decision c tiit T '.v ■ ,'v t r! ei Apreois up holding the- Metropolitan Liu- ln snanee Coinpany’d excliis.on of *s■ roe- h'ilii'iit:- Stuycev.uU Town hoo'-'ing projv.t A petition for ; a writ of cerCor, ii v. atoday if.-" 3 w.'h tne Su'pr, me Court in tv. cas. of i’< i.-;ey Stuy vesont Tt:\v. JU uel.u-n n.rouyiit :,\ .! N't-gtr. ’■cU fans who had applied f-.i r'.purtniont:.- :!,i Lioti-ji i i.-- po-'Crt The proceed:- r: is sponsored .he > Ainenesn Jewish Oonjjsv&f, a.- o A? tciation &>i the Ad v; uoemeut u r Colored IVopJ..- and the Ajj.U! Vui. Civil liberties I'n ion. The petit-op <:■ Mends thtat Nev. f ork r ei-■ o. ,i.nounai v-rrrd io \ N. C. Involved In Test Os Regional Schools lu Raleigh this week, legal coni; ■■■' ! loi XatnOtsil Association for the A'lvaiu-.-mcf,' of Colored MHlicatwi that North Carolina -• parti. i j>;L iou ih the efti rovia ;,i: jeg a e.! -i. i. ~ '.nuerarji pI.Af-d lit.' state . .fjiiarely in the I'-outi'i- of pending sir is to test the valei-.ty o; tha vfutliy irsi’KiLol aof ■ . (.1 the plan. Officials ■ ( the Council u-fir-.t if it i! fi ■ -i 11 !'! ;: ■i- 1 unci! m .-oi:: . • eru UoveriH‘V>\ which r ..of enly advoct-LL .m 111• * r'lantiing. wi-rv t ins w.-ek romw ni t'V'cr <« recent .'■onrl. d**c:.--h»it in baliiao.-vf*. Md Miss Esther Mt'Heady 7S, la-' Mon.'i'ty Hied stilt lit - Hailiuto;-- • -its Court Miss NtcJiea.iy at ■he jms.i-row niiisitsu fhooi ;i► Negro Jailed, Pair Is Freed In Murder CONCORD - Too v.liiu nrou-M-ci. I v/ho were participant: n o hi. v.’o.icUand drinkitir 1 spree which • preceded the death of Mrs Lizzie ■ j Deese Morgan. a 47-year-old vanie futm wife, left the v; - a fret- n>. n ai - .“r tii<- n.ui d*-i inclu ' - • tr.ents against them wore nolle i , Control of the Regional Council for Education fie is the only Negi j ; representaiiv • in his state Oilier Tar Meets named with Dr. 1 Billiard wort- Dr. Ci'Je A Erwin State Superintendent of Cuhb< In- 1 struction, and a leading tigurt i;t ! the regional schools pi of rani and V, 1). i'arnucli Jr «•<> ■'-’ presi dent of the l.'oiversity i t North Carolina. Tlte North CHiollua clHegy oion (Continued o;> page fl, this section) operator of the demob shea car. j The party was eru ...?e to Pui'k |ton, N. C to attend to official bus ; mess pel fining to the Order of j Tents Airs Cor;. Crump, Miss; Della Crump and Melvin, received ! bruises rip ', f > sac: and body j and Lrfr ;M ••nin.-cs while Mrs. Wright receit ■ broken arm and |bruises of the fact arid body. It was vr led that flares were ion one side of the highway and I s WtJsch Vi lli ' of;* V t ( ijj Su j M I'll'i V Ur* the lit 4 K Mi'.-, .Joan Stis , i ‘oip i t tpfiiair.i, tfiYVi. npfumiort*, ohib !i Hu light is Miss lltan- , • i i hi‘ •• srt liiiKiti student Horn >ll• r r v i • hojcj-u-r tha( MetiopoUtauT p6l!c % v Stuyvemni Town Si,] r. >, y . an* j Fourteenth Amend,mctvi ; Ffd-.-i Hi CuiistiHaiiu. Pet it ion erg vU'g.vo that, iiu ber,, ! Ids of the ditfc Rv d-;\-. • .pnv : Atnvc,• Town 'Vu.i c- >1 -.’•ub, piOit'C l. o«.* • n „ - It . r\S jin the >.. ’m t. :n. ■ ,-jr, zon ■ ; 1:, ;Ij ~ . i (] I \ f C: I i i\ Ori";: - p I ..IJUI j■ ■ i»;C, ..itl ! «':.\,i i, .» :,. { t.:• .fcr.■;iig re.c l i ••;’•: 1 f fi11;..., f iif; raid 1 i it rough j; ■ iv>. i>< ■' > dirt ■. i. ■ ■ Dr, ■■! oilti iv • ■ 'hot t!: n : S o .!> f pro i-'TiHY* if- It- 1 ; f ja i ?•: SiilVC* fli * .>< •-gat;--:. :;o ,1 f all : i*o. j-.i. ...ailin' Ml.'.- .! .-Ready M o p. ‘ iti'.'ti lit eni-i ;he If or tty of Mary! cl's School "f oos •:. :o, Dr. f f :< .1 -To iVav *h '* ' Ir.ipre ; M o L. regional royuuoi/i i...site that -.••• vlr. i . ..ii) or. y ' !I.- .[;•!* Tin.; n o' .hr . .up.. • ’..oi • puli, y Mov. s.. 11'lot :n a tire s coai'er ■ ■*: R.. - f Oi. « -oh r'il. the ■oihe . y io. os . n .llefl M'o edu.-ai i-.i I Li, il i !e> sT* tl j St(H behiiod L....... however, is !Albr-rt Brown, v.-ho was convicted ;; ;. the ..-are d'.-r.ng the August term -f C .-C ;i '• It;: C uiio y o , i,.;- Ccur. land given a term , i only 7-io-IO yi i.rs d» ii;o f. <■: tioot. ore of i the v.-hiM- men claimed to have : o . -O'. ; '.;■ -to i-o'.-ng WOJ.I |tm in a ot ten I j. j whit - ojot., GK nn T. F i ■ *a! Lao.> Ale.r ;ar. husband oi the .-i.'o. »:■ o • i.u. a 0.. beauty shop on the corner of Campbell ! A'-oriue and the old WU/nlngton Road.