” RAILROAD ABOLISHES JIM-CROW CARS unc sues if applicants Law Students File Suit In U. S. Courts (Staff ( 'urrespomleiicf) (11' 1* KNSHO!*O !wo North ( uroSma ('lill'V.o lav* ,-'vl l o.ol .students, Hatold T. i'j• j>s and Kobert I). Ulass, tid'd suit Tuesday in Middh District. < 'ourl nyainH the l !m --versit.v ol' North Carolina (hatpin!’ that I heir ax r lesion 1 J i oiii the university's law school coii:;! ilutea a \ lolation f:t their constitutional i ights. The 'Uit \v ■ tiled by rJAAV'F Atroim-:. f O. 'peyreon if i>m !. •!•■ 1 r j.;l t ■■•it'. , ill- two v,,..',' fVi-a Nr..rried !■ deft nda/it.i In the no w<•:!*’. W'dluon D. On'iiurium .3 »>rti)pi • kL i t.» UNC': H• • - i y p Brandis Ji . dean ot \he mv School' l.t:RC.\ \V '■ lb. *\i:it ■? v ./fiC. director oi adins-sious; A roll 1. Alim bed el .my to the board ot t> u: tc v > an :i tin-. pmvci;ity as co;poiyle r■-d. * Epps a. native; -vi i. - tic- \-il •. was i,. *:trit fco tru nlii. • ..I til*: suit i.i.ci was ■■ .x itejianktu by hie at tCitiej : (-. ill. Alixandf * . pi ask: at ot the Ooi'h * aroima Ccuhvil of ,'AAf ? Kr inch.-v Thr •hi nt:!' <1- li ill.U he was filing sun ' a/u •. exhausting uit adrniiurn ativt 0 niediei* Tilt ini aU-'-Viipt vi •tv;> ad m -Hon to s UNO gi achiHf. criiool was made ty 1 p« in .r-lr alvr.g with Jamrs R WaUw: ■ ; villc V']Jy .iiV: fc. nuilkVi; oi W li ming ton. At that Mine the i i.'3i-tl a ti us m. (-i.itrd ii> i it v..r preiivi turt- to CO!:: iiii I -'lie Il.ijvi .1: Ol "aik;. ra 1 ■ si i.! :i\ lit' :vvv! . i determination * t mdividuui “ Nurses Attend First' Interracial Meeting in r t voKi i v HIGH 1-0 JNT if.:;:; i • ;r.i. N t Was li'V'i !he 4'hh Annual t *.r.vcmion ■! if- f\ ot Ili t ;i) v! 5 .H > Stair Mills.:' Ac-.IV viioii and the v.IM .V .I;■. j Mt fI- til the Jv 1 • 1 li» • li oi.iiii E: .Iv* it i>:lt - HkiCf " ' tioil in their first iui-ipW" d m fct jofe dm ntt Hie ’.vi ,*k 0! Oi iuLer 24 -27. The 71 u-me was '‘lmproving N o Kin:-.', Service" find th< inert inv war. at the Sheraton He'd Becai.: < 01 the la.-gc! alti iidaoce bitsiue:.: -lAciS-n: V . it* bt id .li !h": High Ho.nt Jm.tor H'.i-Mi S- 1 'Moo! This weei A is-.riV-Fotion was file! M the '' V': I vijliun c ill* ' d < Davis r roin Council Block Move To Oust NEW YORK * ANP) A murt to oust Mew Y.j'k City’s on!% Nt rp-- icpreseiitative frcin the C tyj Ooiinctil was, blocked las! '.veal, when a resolution to impeach Ben iamin J Davits. Jr, one of l! con-! victrrt Aiii-: lican Communis’ if. ,; ere tailed to get a u- 1 a niiri'u suif Tne ouster rer-olution, it iroduc fd by Councilman Hugh Quinn also *vt •t? . n.-Toe , .iii.- ■' debate ' beiveea Republican:, and Cn me- j coats. One itertu .'rat sfi.'ii'p-d i:,■ - publican Councilman Stanley Isaacs : With Lie- u; pro-Communist. ante bt-f >!■( tlir* verbal ctr.-h could be quelle • three ■•-■nm-il nvinbers including a woman, had expressthi themselves Davis had been • lecr-il to the ccuru-il tin two :!!aii;h! terms. In i‘ <4:i he nc! ivt-ct moo thati g3,l» that th. #©f viclu ic. do i at. mean ;ha! .in Communist party has becii outlaw id He yai J ii unis ,t:i- tb. con viction ot ’iltc'-.c ii men for con- • spiring to advocate the ovu-rtbrow ot the* iVivt-ii run mu b Io:. *v and EX-SLAVE- 1J«, DIES NEAR ( M IKED, KMIJUY N t - Mis. tsyivta moiiMi the oiliest <*\ stave In this section passed away at her home on the Claude Powell farm near here recently "Aunt” Kylvia, as she was. af fectionately called. «as bant roi the old Whitaker farm in HalHav County and, during j slavery, belonged to the bite in hen Whitaker Her Immed iate family claimed her age to he about 1?0 years. Members ot the family which owned her during slavery state that they have records which show Mrs. Smith to be at least ltd years of age A sots, who is SO years old survives bet. Mrs. Smith bad a vivid recollection of her youthful days and loved to tell at her days ‘of toil, some sad * arid others joyous, on the old ; plantation. i RACIAL SFJI me BROIRLC ENDED ON PENNSY LINES MEW '. * ip>' iAiipi vh-gio. ip.syop-is Hue no! tiuve! tro;r. iMcW VT.,I i }. ... iSI t v ..■>l i1: ■!. Wa: > i • ingion vvdiir.ut being shamed info I iii - (i.U *( 00*1.1 \ ip. ! , ♦j I il .i n p un : Ala.. -■i r. oii iino. Th- P( j imcy!\..nlii viili evil )3' l ! vvt 0k ■v- * *i,tv i . ivv ,f *1 j -No jgroes in coiiohcv: Pullman:- oi din 1, is. ao. i . si, et'fr-c-Mvii linno-.T jmir,-,. i'nA : a;n-o.:d • tut rner.t ce\ex d jcnutty v. *t }i : He- LH-vv Ycj. k . iJde tLnliim'rrion Ag3H\st. DB 1. 1' iii 1114 : d j O'; i . v;f s'i in- pHbj'Lyi v ii.iii H.vjir«»ad Luv-. ? } d to vljkc • Ats JVtiiioji J i';iiTl. ti : i V m .'i-iV fy.'u t wt tho..-’c lif :i - to ull pa.:..sen - Ri.i'j as they appiy Fonvici y;.» ion <>» Nee roes m * j i.tin v< < u • Use -i •e1 i ■> 1 Vin a Ation at then . c-nveniL n in H> N-igh be ’ -pring. Oi l Tim-:. Jay fifti ii. ;h Ihe NuVh yaVt v i. iiii '.’i-uii to Uie 1* i ciei Aid mil A motion was * tfie euTfj'nmg t:±‘<&tuu fy\v i-pg ?vU iian.a Hud-on. ~1 t-Miient 01 b t.jt'iiTg'ia State Nll * S-. A >sociali* j1 < i 11‘ oi iij 1• \ j j... fx no n t of lb t' Bi 11 : ik afiuivst lb* . :uj . ..1 Yit :. . Aito-.i Li. |'p dv»d ol’ : F in.nth Ijisi et of '{Ju ouvitiee 3 C... voiced opposition to ’be L't's ruse plan iii a full r a pc' adve.'ioa no a! appeal i;..• is irii.t]. ; y NO’ i ' C.iO Arv. an.'pei- Ji-'i Si to U < i. /i iv v il l io • , <.m !ui mt>inine .’.ii i i-iaim < Uit <»U (lii , m i (ini lOit:<**'. iYliMlt.vih stud the Cornmum.-! |. itly i.*. still 1' . t- rin c:u cliaae ,-nbhc Off;-.-, pUiii Ii ib. t:cwb ,'Upcrs. hold it'. ineel.ug: and - -evi: t-.-- :' 11 :. l . 'M.'i:- t!:, public tiia) c tdenlogy is the t »* s ;t TOC (ft IN ft STA T l. Mrs, 1 i iMsj i.amptcins of Pittsburgh, I*a„ vice president of (he Pitts j; burgh Courier and field director j of Uti NaaCP, arrived at Ra- , icij;)i Durham Airport >iunda> for a two weeks' tour of North 1 Carolina. It was Mr l.ampkins' first : visit to this Mate since 1938 j when sht spearheaded the N A. A. C. P.’s campaign to equalize i3lai irs tor me a .ate s Negro ; teachers, Mrs. i.atnpkin s? touring North Carolina in the company of A j M. Rivera, Jr., Iter newspaper''s j epr» tentative in thl section. One of the nation's most prom inent women, Mrs. I.ampkin-, is at this time particularly inter ested in ilic problems of Negro ' f irm groups. Shi was scheduled j to address a 4-H Club in Raleigh j Wednesday. Her itinerary calls for speeches in sevetai rural Sec tions j | The Carolinian 1..:.-" I& ~ ''-'As-'O - - -qs ■ . . ... . A. . •• i .SINGLE. i A 24 Papes ! NORTH CAROLINA’S LEADING WEEKLY COFY lOc \oj.i Ml. S\ j \ RALKbiH, NufiTH CAROLINA YV I,TKi.■ !>iN * • S,\*i lic I> A *0(To LJ d: u i o*lo :.u ;;i Xi CBN JAIL SLUGGING COPS •A ->A -A' 'A' A* A' 'A' it ★ "A A ★ "k A A "A A- ■*. A- ». -A Ar * .*V e Name Woman’s College Head FÈWFWRWÈR Beaten By ABC Men Claims Prisoner !■'{'( Ef'l. \ Xl l NKCK Two 1-1 ,-t I'iT.'t v f Ountv AI '• >*n fufi-bmbiii ufiic-Ts charged with imiidi-ufriiir. of » Neyro • (Mi uiif-I 1* a live ami ix atim* him writ jI he divulpvd Ho MkHit*. (*! In-, ciaiipaiiioi i< in Hit* operation of It 'Hi! "if l,i* i>!. t *,, a hf.inm* .Monday at s p,m. bt?l oi'o M as'.'iiitvai • \Y m. ii < • - 't d, T!:e <■„ o <-iVfoiv;-i'nent ;.fi"u:e.rs S f • ii col VY A. Kikiafjb'i:. : <-:.r)i i,n l'-.i -a **:. iu ip > *.i lie ' <" Hr •- ) ■ iUli I Hill wh. ,h . '--i'i.*<-:.-'■ r,t officers min'd the ait*.' go id b«i. * K .'. Acccrdii,.- ,- i.iiy m, .... wripft.red un b. , tiiglil b’v raic 'r‘ ‘ r ‘ ’ 1 B; >.XV 11 i/jK'f • •ii!*--;*: )>. :‘b. comity ’ ""tmiini (U, s this •„*cUo yt. >.N i. i,a (: -.pvaial) ----- A sarvei of Albay t o'ilitlt*:: aild plant hfib ltc*d ill l.fti* n‘- tist’jiiCiirla!i'>js 01 h tail jiion m m'improvement and '■* '■ il>u ,( >i '( la liiiititiiiun. it. vt at- rm'f-aed here lit!;- tv'ei' !■ , ’'• •* i * rej;on State, now witli the U. S. j Off it e of Kiliicai ion; and Dr. trank VV, Hart of Cali fornia, j FOUNDER'S DAY SPEAKER CHOSEN FOR NC COLLESE , Durllam rid* rc> • 11. era-dim B lumccvl; wiceiy i uiwn iccturci* and -.-fathor wnt .■i j . ... *i. y-- imidi a ' 1m:- a-hi: ,at Nfii'ih C'aro! r-u (' *i: i’*' i,f > vcmtu'i a was MMfiOUt'ced tear i tills w.-i by Dr. lieicn C. Ki tin- cilcgcß E’oundcr’ Day corurnitlcc A it l.h ro*. idc 1: •*- >li •<:•*' * *- li '* w '" (i U •iktltnicd «»n p;ig H. On-. -:c-. , o*ni' \ * u > f s >;uavr t u a i MiJ.U \ B*<i* «'&iii'U>vv lit* *-.\"JI:.K s , *as-i / i Vvlifli: MAV-. Sid’s, ill !is;\%s no: mm •r \ i;T \\i t '*\i. n t >; %\i*j ,\ w Siite to aft u.is iwu u ifri last %** r* k io* killing \« •• t.i l»ot ;m ;i qO.'iSiri ftvci |i3> j. «!• /.• n i» • Kh« Jill v frsf ot 1 * a kill lid ii \ •*! rro ■r ’ . i. diiltsdfd v ?Ui ihi ( tail*. This will tlnikii a si »tc*«i■<* of hit mifyiivomncni. 'i‘liv vtai ; (’.YtfVliruod Oii i;j y h, ’ • «vt ho > - ' ”■ ' ' "'.>fs • •Vf'O? 4' NO SALK Tiic above f)»!e of .junk in ii roadside ditch was all that remitin<*d of a car be* hinging. to Chai ics Strauss of Ita ideli, Route 2. a few hours after ho loutu i) ii to ( if.ter Byrd of IS;*- Irish for a trial prior to a pos sible sate. ( i 11!'.K.VSBOfvO (Special) —• ha \\ ijj-i h i" : \ i'or fii-nt <>i the college iieiv Monday r> tiTi<-r K.-nn< u rollege registrar vim h .-uvrentiy eo-ordin , '!• t ?Vi • a i :: ]ii•„ ~ ■ I'r. > >•*.•, term of office, according to an amumner V» •)fi!an t>i i?;m.■ •. esiu.-■ ii }or fno Heimeti t., ,ist<.> Post'd / Via ;H IVol : i I h", W ’ ■ i!': eiuinceilOi <»1 (, iVop..-.‘>ui*tV'- : I .f ■ 1 t»t i V I'Ul'ulViit! , V'. iil !(< (iil, :S >I h‘ - it*.;: V., ■, i*V iV ? o»-nt Join -vhu is "on vacation . So inc!i-at»Oii 'vj; v.(; a.- \ ; va ali' ii. L) t ■ » jj-.f W&S Ki"t\ “ ' 'l TaO-: tl. i:t It :• : :;V.: p,V<'. 1 Regional Headache Stumps Advocates I .W-.-V-. Ail ... . fHi rn.-Ti! h, n.vf,, - t. Hat'd 'i!isfc't'l'J f>nilt •'3 .and "i"t foiliai v l.t V : ...... . i ; j', . ; ; - *l;jt>«-j- e tie re t-Y ‘ay liii' ■■ ■ . ••!!!• jUil • ! ,i;ii on a -soll Toil*: ■« ith i.*n.vtfi John ! i u. 1. fUin ■ ‘.la- f ;r. , ; t r!u. . i»i i. I i ! ~l’ ' r....,■ .1 e.j i;,i )..• ■■• i • a YiY jK~j,f - V i- «? W* According to police reports of what followed, tin- car, appir ent.'s traivc.HHf! an eaeess-ive rate i iv' Itoad southeast «l the eit)’, | of speed, eol mil of control, on j Rack (fuarry Rosa s«nti«i*si of tut- city, turned over at least j Lw'.c-n 01 as di i‘" j von. vvho sr-TYc a as r 'id; !*it tec? db-.Ci; • sed the coUeriC's ■ iiddi. i : o*u o'j; ai:d the BOdfepi- i T, (in,- ■t: IVC pv.iU'cf -lit Mie 'i \ (-4 } j-j... (, \ h ’.- t-;-dy i;;■( - * 1 dii ij program kt?-' r-iirg step wiih t he Vi: g-t•-./ 'l. 11w ri'-.ii• om\c and * ' ftt the changing social pattenr. >\s > mi i frooxc %M" K-: k, • t nor of Fior ■d.i hwwrvrr, t reading ging-eFiy a *VcUcabU‘ i; pa eg ram v.luch would in a ditch, l.indsay Hunter a passenger in : the cili. is stdl io serious elHJdi | Roll 'at St Agnes Hospital suf~ ! sering from h fractured spine. ; ! • Bhoto coitrttsy of NEWS AND i j OBSERVER. 1 \NOi l f SFI ARFR ~ Tlmr ! “>! Marsh. 1 ;.!;, principal speaker ; (or the banquet >n' ihe NAACi’ S V t Si ;te ('(inference of (■ Y.nK'hiit iwii will in field * t ‘il.t evening in the riming : h.tll of tin .iii.iv • ,tiftt C’h.'is ’ t* .It I'lll'.l ll I '••penal t’tiiiiiM'l for ihe '.A A( I* ! i ,:,il ( omtiniiec, ,Mi Marshall - j ha., won the Spingarn Medal and ■ he Kuskv. ’-.rin Ward in .ecivg j nition i.i' hi; efforts at bettering j Ihe lot <>! the 'oglu 111 Allied fa t through legal channcl'v | In in- I t flint night speech he -tdi discus* ll>! ii I‘peit‘v <*l t)*» t tight t> secure idmio.ion of Me- K pro#'; ihii tht f iUvei'iiv ot A. ith * t.'a t oLin j and other state snpfunt ■ 1 institutions of higher learit : mg- ERWIN S!l ENT o' HEHIHI OF Durham i'B';m' Corespuude-JUpD .State Suporiro. !■■.; ii? of. Puh-ne fn. r reiv ?I. n Ofyd?? A ! •» n earl gram from two Durham ettm i>e. ■ f»jr the ci;y*:< whiet schools u«t;l I!• ;• Knihi 'hi- h’e null) me ...gt lost Tuesday < . it;• sliffirieii hv iarv to Asy rha i ‘ m ?:■ ; . . ; . : f .y.- of aiiogeu (User ini in ai c y eon<|jtf.ou.? in white anvi Nee.vo ;c i: jis in tbc . ,)f Pi.- sy. ,/00 no-:1 n-.;>. <;.> , i - t n «.'• It', o ■?'>.?. Ui- W;'445 : iii his offi'ff* j. I, Ca.m^r • : oj t ho Umru at IkhiCd.'Uotrs ;^uvv*:-y Dl'i * v.oin *'i-id die OiV.'-- ’be j , f»f>rt s e6 to dv- u p or \eft t K' , V was believed that I’r. Erwin leim-ud to Rslcikh Satnrday, bur. Ii ■“■’j.s.■• U ift n v-. OTtii *-- SdJtj 516 ' had s|teaMhg i'n,£ra,ge!nf»htig e\s&~ ;iv b *?> r» i h tli e Sia te. ■ Hi.ai the Vhoeler-Thomiv tele- Xttomey General Hairy Mc vlui! iVs staff said no lanjut-st ior ■ • a.-ii'-'d rhs! office fftrirji Dr. Erwin. d.y that he am! Thonipaoti were ■ CIS t:> hoar irma Dr. HrwiTi” H. iwlined to sc. what further ■ mj n-vh piarmeci ! y- : W ; , c are ri£SO':ia?eij ; hit 55:- :i . y yv odl of tss iVI- , ( :y ;\ DUiiiVO eVldvep to farce i.be 'civ m nurham to c-orvect alleged a (id b»' j = -t'S ji ib.rtiam t r!i:iff ■'•pondctKt.— j Dr, , '■ iy 6'panlding, man j cdii'-stnrf who aitendofi the ma>t j yv n■ on, ot' Dr Hollis Edetts ss I', -. v fit -Vi j-,j l le Iri of North 1 'aroliriM College at Durham, Prosi. ust in* I Cciflepe, Dean W M. Strss fie.- oi the Sffcavv Vi,. rer- vv S -hor>! c.( T'hfploy, represent.!i:-g Prosideru : Robert 1' Darnel of Shaw. and D*- T L. Hubbard, trustm; of North ( bi'olina College a! Dnrhout. wrr among other Xeg!*o