FOIL PATIENTS IN GOLDSBORO ESCAPE TRY , ************** ****** * * ** * * I rpjjp a jrv yA T y A "VT I I MS' - —J 24 Pages f NOR Til CAROLINA'S LEADING WEEK!* Y single lUC 7oia iiTxxTx “ ' || ,'AIiOUN'A V.KRU ENMI! '■ MV. MIVKMHKII I*. I ''' NO !■:» .HTEI-i.S * * * ** * . , » * * * ‘ ** * **- * * . A ATTORNEYSKEEP SILENT ON NEST HOVE IN DUUHAIVT -Mud. -- •'* •■* l Alio.*, • M Htiyti A *'' ll ’ • son and i i a ciaurpvu *» * ‘ *■ * 1 1 , <ign on. thi a •’ •- !s! *- 1 ; reporters They j epivffcnt /M i\*-~ fe‘ Vi ('uhu: • i • 1 •* ‘ o • •' -' '■* • jQKjjl j; , ;ii< I , Dili ll.'Ut. 1U i in t'U: wt'-'-k. hr .■ ■'• the - s '- J a tr " •' ' ” ’ believe in ’ti v.i.; 1 •’ lf * ' >i wspaptv Meltlicr 111 f ■ ' ■- ir; in.. lYrtiited nu ! :i> ' * 1 '■ l,l “ p’odei a I ■' ■ ; * : ■ll of. Not in ■ " . suit agaH. : lii- l *'.rto->»v. Board. "they 1 - ijl; Stale At! 1 ■ 1,1 i t'Ouiii f‘ it *’•• ■ 1 • . * *, ~ y t ;it itnof-ii 1> K” 4 ‘ ''* Caroliiio i-i “o -vk w:.»;’d it on don iiac h p ‘Re u ‘ l ' s,> ' ti<,n Suits Seen Due to Shepard Rebuffs DURHAM - -Ma.'l i-'"i M-.poiui enit - M.- 'h" ' ’.'ilur ia\' £U it ; . Ut- ;<•.*:<i • •*f 1 vtult 1 11 ' out by the Out i..n: hr. I ! in, ]att- L»r J K SIM-i-MtU According to A M I* North t 'arolttia oiiJeh! Ct ■' Pittsburgh WOt*K i ! ' I , the Durham School Board , .m.■•'!.>, ■ ■ fitted the Tati' edUCSt uV * I’ti‘n » ,!1 Negro representation *n lUe policy -masc ng b«*-l' Riv -... in an . : 1 ‘ r. 'i a;c tliis week : ' 5 30 Blame Fund Lack I n Stat e Asylum N eec l s t,t 'i .DSCORO (Sp*?<"tai) * icrti- d! t*n* ;;;1, ' ! piial lor th.* " in iv i*fVrr«‘d pr.* j.f*. tiv«* vesti gators of rondtiions v. ithij* Un- uih / dtmn to Hospital Board </ OoTtu-ol in K:.H: •’* ‘- !ii Bocal fit Oi-S vaimu- .w.mi „rc:.i,!’ .Hens h:<v to ... mi .-r.r- ' t.ji- th«o 1 fliii.-.T., Witbiti the hospital wen- ;> :t»iV ti ’ C disf .-J v>‘ • ■■ j: j - tvp.vte.l 1%, Hvtal man t-a'-.S he* ** lasi iiKi -Suafce FV .'•ondition« ti.u'i'- fs’ov. v *.«■ a Neero lUfltent .ili.uit iHt|W.'S«lbt** " .j) 1;, I ..ill tiol'.t K M •Vs ff,,: wlrii on*! it Pm?. f ' ut l! " tti< '- 1 not inti ii'' Oeiiii i%• 1 1»•»! i«• ii "> tkt '' > -ti -* 1 Lufldn.fL' L lKHir»i- inmat^H . i.,r>’j i!j y to fC in’eu.'i:: i'* V l , - of-$f itt'P /♦‘ROU vhf h H vi-ited iff* o*dd.“hot * in-Mtut udi v.-ceririv. tin- general putt) <>! m--1i Fla. Nurses Become Part of State Ass’n TALLAHASSt 1.. Cut. ' n, e Merida Stall A: sm i«t •• n. ••! t-d Graduate Nut was "/anted lull membersltip m ttie f- t.»rida Nurse-; Ajts.xt.jt uti tit. a uu-.'t'.nfc which was Ik-Id Oetobei '.’-H in Sarasota Plot *da Tht- actiot*. A '" taken w,m the fer'iiia; that ihe-e • would b< a duf.iHctiti'tn »1 eft..v u it two ft OHMS i:-ted Tt'ic N< ■j-;-. - - •.. • SU''-..j ccedwl rs ttaiftinr. J!tru»bf<»ini< OH the Board of l> ■ of tlu Ho. Ida State A- ■ - tat ion rwtu. ■ ■’•• • L. Carnegie. R hi t'» ih» Plortii;. • A. ana M. Collect who will rve PICTHER t. j I>r i ! s Van U tht* i.MUi l il«! 'aU ! ■ ' : 1 • '• *. it 3 H i t»‘* ' • * ; Fon'.iVi;ihi m Ne■ • ■'' J ;! ’ ‘ ,lli ''' ' !>: .‘H. i ’:"i roll V» a -ii - ot j.f. lot istut. off s d.i . . . 11 ..itut lOte it -ill of the :.1 y name hy lx in.- JO l'- ih‘ i.l'uu- >'!■-. 1-I'lJj "f ,-al troatmetie a- well i sh •• al , ,- ; tv tit ttie paiienrs tar 1. .<■ tl.ft -tiiiolatM On< ,-ih. i» * <•, :■ a.d a hot.|*H 'll t i.*i.y 1 tit., twi that thi.i . h' r I'j. I J t to*' OllK I'.i.'ilfti I ' pi Il ' II 1 1 J- Stale which i'l "."tf-:-;iiJ<})i tin* ; The •).! ->i ier Tin <ni *"• lute cu : r-„ >, isvj-.:ieii that '.hr '»*ii u|v r< r.ult of no itut ton ' or) I l '. Os.- . arii V-'V'n- >; sue fiat !• nrr |at )u- iV ' tut i,ii. «iii. ti r|j-i : tool i*<-<j>i)'t'e t.iiecial Tii:t sSft. Tho l ' -r< Pin '« *si or r *:mi it - t. l it •' < f»r l H I. •!. i ..i/’t » • I \i j If); '/ lIJiJ. .1 V " /IP ,! I'V ! bc-t- ct }«*r rac.- t>- »!*»ir« u'b :i 1 1 lon !i. I!ij• ' uvt’ti r.t j t/'i' ..[...u ,*ii I "‘.'l'" t f Coium ]Ua buv • rel’iv oil N«*>:r-1 nx-mIMU -1 ship : All U. till:* Pi'Ll ■. t J ill : 'f‘ ! ' ’ 'd.-lc*. to t. - mi*' ’t 'i. S .n-o --’to. Th> follow it tit i«m Otis .it t j ltf fd ! >vi oil,- (, Ak"s.»r.def St Atigtitettini?; i M " H -ids Baits Tjmjp, B 1. ;i»,- ,-o i M'VtOli I Vli n h Maty t 1. Caii.jX'v }■•!fn.dout, f la. A 1.--. J M. Unil-ti TaHi/iu-.i-ij'o Ruth A <.'ot4> :*) jjav i J. M.if- 'Vi Bill lit 1 Is tContinued »n page six) i K< • i < , s t:t t t ION <M! 11l t i Ml < lUlry ii. jijjwaie«t j< a , t *.i.. It the tt ill if:il t it) j < iuj. t, Hi. i tine da 5 til ■ fit*,ih iii (hr <Vuni' I -. uflproi-ll i. i -ilivii ji. t mil tit l;ni 1j .i i .ill 4i:rirr»tl Ij*a u-iit UUit*- t.*i IK !l.'i f ;li. on tin'. |i.i:ii‘ . SCHCDULE RITES ON FRiDIV FOB MRS. TEAM Ptlfieral i*:>•.■. .M:'’ 1 ! V•' A Y t\ llTi fit* *A" ill tfr- 'ad ilV’t fHI ITvilii ■ iie fi'r/ i RaptiSi l !'• h ‘.'Vli KfioU >. .*\«’ir v 't-r il 3 : ! u- He\ <: H Rt i Hoc k paMor '•'i a t inf- Mry. Y**3rrin 'Fmv-da''. i Sovtintoer >. ntr br«r;:« -,•! ii • i f’.• vfw ■-/ iH-e / n*<-yu ;. • rin/ pjrie.sii s\)i the lorruet i • * •‘i • ii. »>t Roi-Kv MoiUit X iixtyfo i j.i Rai<t j ~h i ti i 1 4 . lir- = \■ y iier \ux ' .. ,1 W Xi’Sir: i; *Ur? on K 'x. D T:• <.*? :• , .?•. • xt. Y«’'ti eili • Ml w!ltu- i :/• al J:A Lhirdel j o|. -1 F'. '. t ■ T ji. - • of : i.n, i /,./ S C IF’- is.abeil(‘ ' Bnooi.u- oi Fi' it**- n t' . Mr } . If* I*: }; ■. Mr • . : ' • Yr-’nr h\ui M<; f tan Usiiby .ill •-f i -at ii. ne n. VJI Hop- SHSW TOMSRK 3(TH YEAR WITH FOUNDER'S RITES V - 1 ' lii'.ti. ti. j, !••! tin- v!:.:.crvaiKK* >’t 1 3<th jinnivci'. ur> of Shaw Um ver . 1 it • .1 .iniuiril Founders Day fix ■ iwi i.ii: ii- n* hi-kl Friday, Novorn- | , t., ,■ i". Ti little will ■ j f.n..u at that ' : ,:P t.i H i momoi'y ui tlie late Dr , . Hi. ',' . IVi.iitm i'l.'-iuci. honorably i .ii., h, d l.1• mi Army Vetera'/ ! wl;.> fourui.-d tin- ■ j.-Ih'iOl in IH6'i A. ... i :)i - ijj |,i- j.-1■.-■ ■ w 11it lir . rut i- i .i- i.jcf.ifi with n custom »t moot; tli'ifi hair a ctuilu) Tiiy T’N i iridt-i N I’iuy service:/ xvili ; S■. ./! ;i! 10:-l.j ./clock with Rt ivc cd'i .’.iiUiiK 1 - on the roUegc ,• .ii,; js. Liiyinr of thi- ti adiliontii i «:r' . >n o,i- gru \'P of l>r. Tuw»u :lt: *.jll be don*- by j r.t.ident ii'mr'i - jU‘U l.:r ftoc In -..1 t inti in ' nuHit- i>) y*- "M i-jb.iiVv iji.ii'*' it- 't'.ti* aiitiijal ex-> <"t (C-stiiJitued on page eight* Laud Gray For Stand On Integrated Army VYASHiN'I .TON A ni-v Nn.P! ti •. t-; o' ViO i 1 C* VU V Ol' . ' u\ » a. diEi i <** I . j,- ii.; vs* i'K i ilv- Wtii-bingioti t-i, I. iu, ii 1.., >ir;yiit f<-r : . i. . is. fOiifroVit ■.i i, !; .i. i. i.-j in<* Artm ix>*'it|'arable to iluy-e of Dcictist , i i •; ’:tj v ,! i i :l:. ■ : 11; tl':t- OS'ci -fliT | ;...Ij! t.hire, ijf i/itatf t.ct-iip.. i: said 1 . h.j v'i told the A; lli) li. riO UJ'i- i cf i‘ta it ti !:: . -.ii Negro ofKcersj South’s Educators Favor Opened Doors \V'AS?I!\t /fO>. t.S|itidiul) Hitsegregated giadu ai.ti m -f- uimt! 'iiofi '. aiv favored b> ovei 70 poi nt .if 1 ;-ti til'. ' it." iTtllbt': SnuHn-i '; UliiVtTE-itit N, acti’j'ird* ;11 i o 'i I Pi* i *VI t! \’ ■ •»J \li lU‘ lC J d \i f’VP\. HiJA'. Ilf the :'HVA appear i... nh offi«:ia i po• i c - o• >t j <\ we * ed iv-, (s d- rd • u !>iko \inve • ity ;* n? 1 11 j ■ ? i\\ \ c ?r. • y oi No rt 11 t ro - v .o- H i . ■] T l'r V*- Av.iie't .;•! i-u-joiM i:i I j iiojinn L'lW/ i-a'A * U#l. i , ppiif I*. r ft*drn H'»>i 1 1 j-j >) * i 'u\ieitf-h ih tht ... it* r. Virf 1 ove: v, Ft iiHini.;; ■■ *r iLs f<dnsL ;i"». So V' - ). D'uiy Tft ■ Htti. i. •/nyre‘•f.oS4lt J dail* - ' udHul p{J 1 1i )■ 4 ; i- :« : ’ fto jJi.i’COrr i‘> i• ?!:i >: i Ur, •rt ,! r-tJ in . lon • d riot * ‘ :■< I h* ’ ‘f 1 -<** u\i ( > M:x or U. Vv . MsuSdrfcj <>f Chupel NMA Head Backs Truman Program V\‘ v.bin;.' tni. /AX f”) - A Rtlßt tii r-ompulhoi*)' lical’b proe-ai'i ns rc coinmendcti i- T'residciit Trurini! th- hi-'.! jil-.'i ii,- -mV * 1- • i"'ins i.-i .it! ecotit*njic I,'VR!.- sc.-ois:.t* titl'di— i-Hi can (•: i Herbert Mai/hall jirt-'-.iib ni t>- tic Nationat •iijifjo, iiifioii, -.«i *i . i>;». ix-k iu -iti inters' ji-w I 1 Althoiu I. ’lit' inc'-lii ni iir spun in di-tiiH-tl 'on \.'.lt.*:ho< of nol ■'< ■ a.' t thi.- is'oiß i/r Mt-rfthail j.-, ,*i. ii rxt-lly il'-- iIm'I.OTS wt.'.i i.hoi’ld decide tilt* late i.d x‘. >mj I i/r./ir. iio*.i*cioi- rto' fieopUf >to.'.uiiS tie-»lie - vledirttoc ha: tif./ota*: i- /special ' iwa it#.- -..did, tflisii fee* have te VI ’ spotlight. was turned »m Ra, j } h 1 1? ) j' s bousin g ii **' d ■ af>ji \i s! la •' j : v i-i i as, meinber ot ;!;p City Court- i C i hetu’d arguments foi and agaliui | the ei>-< lion of -ASTI iov. rniitii) pun j its nous nit. unit-, in tin' eity "I'ne prop'.'iii, advocated i’..' the ; i.aiomii Tlousim; Auihoi'Uy .Hi'! : numerous oitU* ns calls lot ! ■ i-rei-Tion with federal funds of ’at.! • mi it a lot \egro occupancy --nd S; i. i A’hitc tenaiK.-. «'Vei ; iwu-ytar 1 period. iinfills (he or-' or tit! Neer-> • units Would hi- oiiisti i;. t;:J on laud ’ -i'oitit- Mo- existing ha v i ■i:is -. oj- ■ whih: st for uL■ v..fiiiii b- huiit hear ’The Halifax ; Cots if project. The following year Would see mv- | j eoustru< •• loti ■■ -f f!«w additioiial N gro is-v rent bousing units on i* , 1 S VH t t, t i Spokesinen lor It!!A who inrun!. M i n’d on haik pise this section - ' and enlisted nit's were to be u > | v.-here they <'ju r>-.- J nust! bene-. ! if. tr.f •;. Si, Vii;tscant!v. however, Hit- S-t-c- • rotary s ‘lj.j.l doe: not aboi'.sii j -a : f,.dl K:fi in • AlltlV Htgft j At my fcraw,, induiiaig Genera: d i?t ah.iw&i. have consistently .-'.aid. At my rac.yJ pol U'tt-s >vill not bo ‘ . run#. a unv.) the M-gi. gated pat-, tern in c.-v -iai; life i. c-nangcd What See)-Ui v t ray ■ ‘ ardor • t Contiliurd - page ■c> ; HiH w'-o if also dire.-i.-.r of I ui\er&ity News Burr-fid. how*- vev. jot.- stir- r>'(iited stte'.i pads train lime to** time 015 »!> fil'W.nds they did not represent s majority of li nen t op nlOti The i Julie> -imirnt i-ody n tit' DA mi'.v School last yiUir ste,-t nil re.>r«i Ia• oi ii:g a*i , j ... i,-;: nj Negro diviri' v siufieiil-. Nr. off':- .a* uu! V• •! r art loti »«" ; recorded .* the ugh it was R>*»t>'aii'- Mieved that Mi-.-h )«'•>; •* were tin- . iavi-fabi vowed by the k&tnifiis irat inn. A( .» Slip to lb.- ior .lit s of th* i recent poll oi Southern universuy ucultie*. nearly 4,00a twrew-w > Cofttifiuf'd un t-..c0 iixt route toe high The cost of met!*.. ; cal. i-are Is too great to meet the j ! masts ot America’s population.’ The voluntary health program '; I favored by the American M«lk»l| 1 asoc:ntion, he said, is Vc at. .surer to tbs problem Because ; ltoiising condition- and oilier b»-- • everyday problems people needing , health iiisuru-ii.-e mast me likely to | ' let ft go for a. more urgent need. . "Tit* ;vimp(.•-*->({ prorp-'int wilt not t*i" .-oria.'istic.” he hsH.. "Tht- patlem t will have ■' fee- choice of T*b v - darts arid the doctor* will bo fr» : t.o participate in stay out as they ; choose. iGominued an v&ge eight) ACTS W SCHOOL, RAIL SIAS GASES Washington Hopes t"r an au thorii'ii ivi- answer lo t.!ie inoot cinstioK of wlietlier scgrcf.atlo-i coil-i it tit os dl:w-i ijji iii 1 1 ion were re viveil 'hi' week when tin- United Mta'.c- : 'upiemi- i win! Itgreed lo re v *t-I*. tv o i;i she notion’s ’.'lajor •i -.- "o.i.m, i.,>, |i:..- ysix, PICTHER Denied Dance, WHS ! Protest .ng fn* tin cate lied denial ■4 .i . cl!'-■ '! '.3.1 HV folio'vi.'lp, I tlt-lr ! iflifi'.i v .vith : the F. K Srr.nn H... School on ; Fridas in shout Hu \Va.*’ii.r,£’ton Hi,-;ii Solisiol :-tadej)i.« cieated ..juit* I 1 t!;VUi'f* i li'.H'- slay dt!( i 0.-jt 315 M.tlny itagvd j pm 4.(1. parade i throng!', downtown Raleigh. The stud- nts, who charged that ’ darn and liber os-in :ac.a 1 lisui.i; ai'l - 1 ■ i a-had tiit ■: s ro !.- enrtui.s i >. Print spat < .i ii- >'.i! -i; -i st • the part three • teas-, i ::ctu ' <1 then i;.. i> in with .; -4..;. d sit‘i Ji 3iiiJ : ~i A Kr.;; inin - j cipai' . Tin- "I.« huh appea red | .0'... ; . hapoi assembly dur.i.r : which (he stud'.-nt? had bum in Mil k 11 ASTI L TOST l OK RICH.ARDSON ■ WASHINGTON iANP) •• The of the White Hc-uf.e ?.nd ■he Oemocatic National commit i('p Hii,•:i itic mow- to make Ally | Henry Richards cat Jr of Indiana ■ ■'is he next governor of the Vii Islands, will he sought by Rep. Andreev Jar-.!)? O lrd.i shmtly ;t v;a> ieai-h j Here last week : Jacob: id Thursday, 1 have a! ■’ vv ritt.-n tIK- ci<'iirnis/i, J • [ lioiHJ JV* Boy it* Jr , . cgatding Ino '‘RiriVc:n:o;.lmrr;eM and expert i.o&ffrT with him in tli** matter. 11. ss-ary. : i.:sn ma\ lake up White HOUSr‘J- K , pointed, n)ch::urlsan would ru(vffd Gov. Wklmn N. C. State Supreme Court Upholds W. H. Bryant V erdict ill Hllttl (MANS Milt MORE M WiO (OPS OCKHAM (Staff Corrpspon (H-Ml-r —Chief at! Police M 1 King MiiMMtmccd here earlv ibis week that flu* Durham Police IHparlment would soon iiicrcasc its Negro ofl'ti-rt jit-r.-oir.iiei l*» 10 I press-tog rrest satisfaction with the peii'urinaiue. of the right Negro oflicert, outs on the liarliuti lure*' Chief King >..,h! alter thorough "oheokiiift I'-vit «i.-in' and doublet he. king, u r have tie, ulcd to appoint two ruoii officer* ” Tbr iu*s\ Durham Negro pu~ iii-c officers wi be Robert Mc- Neil vi be m resigning a post ton wDi th* North Carolna Lift Insurance Company, and (.arson fCbwt'tivued it -tg-. eiglit.) 14 State Hospital Inmates Try Break i Gohk-vhoro (5,.-i‘t , ia) i Snake l*-t j eotiitlons at ine ! law ro Hoc.. pu d fr.r :lie > ri-.niiii'iily Insane , j were ns ! espon -1 Oh Loi i [ ■ tilghra utt-mpfed prison break I ; which iesulted iti Hcrion: Injury : I for three liiuiytri on -f them erirh.- 1 ally. lentifiwi as ringlr-ntlers in the escape ire wire Wilde Piack and -Albert ITiil. They were members of j a gang composed iargely oi des- , i perote criinitialh serving life sen J tencea. Grenades.. fire hoses, and tear j | gas were u.-ed to subdue the men. j Lav,- enforcement officers from i the State Highway Patrol the! |Goldsboro City Poilc-. and th-' i Waym County Sheriff’s office were called to the aid of terrified ltospi. | • tai official:-' aml inmate? Ttle.'da.v uii-. tit ar. atteudaritc ! SiiUgiit to iiick ibe m-’.'t in their ; u-!i: ti of them suddenly mad;- Thui sii.i' and Ki uia . i.-icht .--: • * * sided too htdc f wiv: ' ** yt- pate tio'-is for at oidej'fy o - .-c Tlte : ; tfidelity, hC'-vcver . ‘.airir’c! I . I '..)lt.n--l«i ..It h Commies Parade, Harlem Cops Hurt Nir.vV VO’RK -AM: P*->“ i ih-eme ji v, fir 4 injiu -i. •, i iaa i-.clv.ty ! a victory’ foi - CcUaicH- i J&c it260,t100 r>a • i iat,,i .. s ftnr, ■ ■ u. irjorters A vo., .red liitin t : ..t- la.' vi? and Henry die t .. Child, Four, Dies As Fire Destroys Home ZVBI LON—-An early morn ing fire spelbfl death for a feui year old rliild and serious l urns for it*, moiher Tuesday when their tenant house on /cbulon Koiitc 4 was destroy < d by flames. Ihe tnothei, Mrs. 'lay Tuck, i>. a, puCed through u window by three past, crab j who saw the ll.mi 1 * The d id etiild, Bobby ).irl. 4 died in the house when Uie mm wen unable to get to him bci a use o) (h; fire K irk I uck, husband of the burn* it w omen and ti'-r 1* <* The North Carolina Stab' Su ,pr rne Court tuts week handed J ,v* ri a verdict instr.iniiT lower court convictions ui W li. BrycfA. | Raleigh businessman, on charges if operating a butter and egg lot ! '.cry. t Arr;- ,ted last January, Bryant I was tried and found guilts • appeal ed to Wake t -mvy Superior Court and war agmn found guilty and l ivi ! . \ov'o ; j to two years and six ; mnnrtn :m th, roads ana fined 33- ,1.00 and costs ay Judge Clawson t. ! Williams. Raleigh p'.iicc v.N - hud had Bry , act and oil .'t> pectcci f gur-ff it; | ;*lu* r,umbers rr *:ri under survr*ll* : lance' tor sc-vwii vt'eel-.s in their. : drive to stamp r -ut r.uiTtbers play* ; * 1.!:... .!> . .’(.- r, t.) : i *.i- T! up "' *- i cral persons a lie; assriciatcd s\!th Bryant in ins ojseratinns. Police who had made the arrest iCcmtiTioed on page eight) :t break lor free-lnin ()".»• aIJ *"* y »tl.**nt. ‘V a-S OV »' i'l'/OWc-Pc d hi* kriVtf *it»i "gj.'l '■ i ynot nd'.i i ; iti in a. i Continued on pag< .-ix) ■C. C. SPAI LDL\G JIN HOSPITAL IMRIIA >t (Staff Correspon dence)—Dr. F. Spaulding, president of the North Faro lina Mutual I,ife Insurance F<>. and tim iileriianies ami Farm ers Hank is reported resting comfortably In Fincoln Hospi tal. fir. Spaulding '(us taken to Uio local hospital early tin. week with an eye ailment. Ho- I dal olfici.ils (It- ( l ibed hi:; < oil ditiou "rood,” but declined to SUV (‘ l(. WOUld be if i i , !* a sort WVAiITN A HCSfI sS arc shown * tnrae of the AS asliioa ton High .School stiidcds who created a mild furore iu b>" i Raleigh Thursday as they tdgeti a protest parade after i c u»K told tha* tils' would not he allowed to hold a homecoming dance in the school gymua ium foliowing Friday night’s game " it! lire f 7 Ssaitls ,ligh ! ■ i of * is*. Trie- -. oil tin:- , ,\on* HI o .. > f had their dance Monday night. as tne two spake iron; a ; . a ! ilie -’.MOt cai'itvr 1.1 £■ it > ’ ( ‘ -a tv -1 i jji i-i \ 3CO» :•>.! •* ' ' T • !u .. w-vuig tanners and C -me. cr. ... n, i_-fcnl: brtiibers. Lonnie and John Bonn, told authorities that thev had left the house to go bo yvor k ar< unit 1 15, teav!'.'•« s’- Tuck asleep. The child th; '■-aid. was sitting ir a chair near a lighted stay Mrs. luck was r* cued .!<*( Nathan t.ViKon ..nd C who sm !• 1* (1 the bed and pul: n >1 I through it. AM w ■ mail, t*u v said, they heard th* chib; cry out. Mrs. Tuck i> confined to M A grit > Hospiti). TV* 0 Din VS i i ’•'! VI TTR VILER ' BVEUNfiTON-Tv were burned *.o de itb ly this week in a rag' l bat tlotroyf d two re arc • in converted frail* i. The dead, as listed by Ba ling ton police w* 1! ? Wilson and B-tb*! Ptntnx. Police e..*?- aiste their age as "renal • ;>,• oth’nr p sc .. *r»«-elia Hunter y> as in the t*tiler dwell ing* at 'he tirm. but she escap ed uninjured I'oliec say she was "in a drunken rondniw ' Vo indieatiori sets eh*ea as 1. the origin of tbe fire. Two room in the rear of the d'VCibrg were e-. 10 Ii: }>o OCl'O j Uy I*V s"rl T -*-'• V« f Tot <b-t e- -:r>- f“ ■ i at tht time of toe blaze.

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