»► . ■*■rwxmr* • - * *.-■ yrv? • • ■ - | SCOTT PROBES SCHOOLS ■" ' ' " — -i J 24 Pages | NOR TI / CA ROl. IN A’S lEA l UNO WEEK!. Y | vol.l .ill,; XXIX KAI.hI'III, Mil; Ii) I'Aliol.lVA H Kl- K I'. M,N<. o.lil HI»A V \uVKMBhI; Hi, I H I.) M) NIM.IKIiN ts + x ir h A A At * 'it A- A A * A Ar A A A A A A A A A COUNCIL VOTES i fill NEW HOMES KaJeirh moved a step closer to 3 relief oil! housing .» be T>. • S day When the City Cou... ;; x■■ j*.* ■<i 3 approval t tin- Kai gh H<>umi.o | Authority x proposal f i e.'ti.a) i vi -LsG li Us i siiv tinaur. f low > *jit I to..using > iiait- with;.. Uv- n.’vt | i • I Uv.de. ’ • ii‘ al j•;, t oi ti. I prcgi ain .; .r .h,l. cl *:• / !h.- tit | yemt 84 anit: v,*)i Le .true: ai 3 iidiai-.-'H 1 i the 'hi' ii ula >3 i 1 tilt p»‘>.p'el arid !.S idiitx ‘ 'U t» i S i .it-it near ti.. N* Hr u Chavis; | h. -;:hT p: J-K-t L-uring the .•.•.••al ye;.i 30b hh.ix* g units di i-nvd f..r N<-gr.. 1 .•y v. ■}) t.,- ..'ii 1 1 u-!. ■ 1 ' j y. t | Hi- ■ 1.•: • ! • ... The . J.Ufe pro- I ject i :. In duird i ■ Le t nao.. <1 J vrim federal fui.d:. ai d vv<H k 1 would pet un.'i iwav v. ..rout 1 in nnt I v t .i i.imuvd c.n ;,..y eight. [Hold Last Rites For j I S'. C. State President Oraripekurt' S. << : ! --.-i-i i In M F Wh.iaUi pi : uU-ir o! South CurulhiU Sliu t olF t;i- Ute.j } t-it :'ui- i.ii iiiomin: l»i W lip jl* * * ?*. a’ 'v :i unuiari led D.-:f h ty> 11 r.. %r i all illness i>! r»v<::<! Uiwfiths. 11,. ■! Mil'll \ecmi .■ ,il'ialr- I K <- ',H- 1,,' ! leg*- «hm ,■ ho Majored in a i .‘til ’ erln 1 1 ;\i>l l 11 in> a,.i1l plan to: a ■-.Ur.". - f v\ : ■ j frilHtee hi III!. 11l- t'o-i.-i 1 .11 >•’ i 111 ;;.i ail I! , 11- |i • ~| ( as ji’liiij. p • siiiPiit ioi a Willie (Itiritu Prosideni V, liil ,i l,«-j ut- jj j last if.il Alls >p< , *•> if.'.Hint 111--, lill'llli' p. o I.( . ,!}. 01 ill-1 ps it, ■ Miat". or i: i'! ’U.!, a! a! i ■ r- , ■ • i !. i, i , j : <tsid Han vti.,>■ ;. id | | Brown-Beth un e Rift Is Denied •WAfiHiNGTC.» h iLI c all- H; ~ Nonh Carolina -mi. 1 1 offieiah i - prj te. ly inti idm.; :H-'u i..-, IMm P Graham ml •v de K If •* , nave .u ti >i r,i . . 11 aV;. .r ■;i e, .. trom the -ii or j < i tar; d .With t -i lina i-d.!••..(>: i‘huri ..tie Ms v kins Bifiw, 'Die iej> ) te,i a■ , , l the a. Ht el *f .|;ri. n* ci . e .•( a ttntf ttlK-i: friends . t Or Hi >w .n-d i>r Mai > Met. Mad Beihui'f* wcr Leis,. deni U.S. Court Will Hear Sweatt Case in June NIIW V'lßi; ! i■, io. ~i tail ■"'l the N.’ttorua) As 'rut Mil lor the Advancement of V Hired People learned this w. .i; Hi, the United' Si.iti-: Supreme O.nt he: granted a writ us oertsorat i. agrt n> heat earl> in .Jan. N \ \Cp ... .. pewl i!i th- cay i ! H. mai, Marion Sweat HouMv.n V.-in iv ho was denied lUJiin;.:!,.» :o h, Dtriver*. til.v "t hex a., law ~r is ,i dely he cause of his rare Thurgood Marshall, NA AC}' : pe, • lai counsel, indicafv d Rut the NAACP attache: »ec i irnpi.ii lance to the Sweat! c.r -• hern.a it i ih.- in t major je/'al t. .-.! of -e: • rogation >per si? in .imver ty grad-! uate .schools an-t a victory in the • care would cause a iri.ij. r break In thr rvgrtgatiou v in.. <i( high er education. A hrii-f am cus euri-ie v»a lilt'd In .-luppoil ~f. the lid.ACP pctiion for certiorari. L.v tie * tnitce us Law Teachers Against . "»% ; : t , v •’/' '.?£#■&. • •. --H-sf-.. .■ ••■ ■ ''•■•■ • *v.’ . /’/.•• •,'¥w ;^^^i < I'‘;>-:'^i^%^^w™^^»^*»*;' 1 '‘ ;> - : '^ i^%^^w ™^^»^*»* ; ' • • • ' '** ''' •■ ' " '-■■■/.■■.:s '.. V- ■ .... •■ :/• > N -.- . •V - £&* ire- a rill beiwecn th- fro noted ! worn n v , i iV'i uif j ,o- i c rio.e the ri ne.f 1 . ..mm-th' u.i . u-.-unei imu : Alt I Hi, .111 I : . );•. . , l li ce mil, ■ h l ' .in vi d cuiTii > our. .vi id i-onfiden. e in l-iv. ; H. > ■ Hi >f i/1 n ig .i > ■ j j.. ■ ' tr: !’■ i t, ,* &A , Vi< u ti . is*' iit li S. s C , I)l1 i 1 1..V: l illfii.n‘Ci i it ii...1;..- »• 1 ,>h l » S<*. x( ii't'i* n n Lr- -<! F.dUi'citiO'fi, K rou; > o 1 t*rt\■ to t a j'm olt*s i > r?> <> t law i.: u: u k-i Litthrough oul l"t 4 iti"y Tlu . group * t. nds that :-;egi < l,u« on is iiUuriiWi • nation *u <l ? g. \- lolati*. u ut tun “Oqual }.rouftKv: •! .uv:,u us thn Cunii -uci un i.-agn night.» Cleared of Charge Os Beating Mother For jimu.-o, a week the l-nis Gild fronds Os Mduhcw Jon,.- : !- oV rl .karire at h4ro ,o a msu who huid b«. t a hailed oto City Ccurt on c- I .;u g t-f or x>m aLl l "i t «ifi d h ohtg othercruel to Un tnobie ae.v* VIAfUs U till XV Mi X i \VI i U I i,".'vr :iit : Jfuw it «»lt {t i l’s Os '■He S«*tj !<>lu i U.iglri ot tin* Own I**.i Phi 1 r.itenih> »*t Hap igh o. Mii’V \'< *• {r- floats to U> 11.0 U i! i' uji an,J H (kfi MtlUlli h* isiidikii la-finis ami iuitiOn.il « <e*ii iv r Oi r» * ; |jt t uvei v. Th‘i t- MQ\\ ti .*/<• titmi h‘lt l<> i-gi' it S. lUliiil oS J n-t m |\lr. Moult? u*, hi Veison li ii i »*., f»u aleii*. of fhr tioq t* l ailit tJU Penn. HUNS CLUB IB HAVE DINNER F 0« WAKE GO. BIINB [hr \iriiii.ii 1 ions < Uihi Tttr- Ifi ihimi .'in.! p.'utv l.t (hr LPnd pn' ~(!> ot VS :t V.• t ouiilr j »vHi in hr ill at Hn* f lii<j<livi>r(h Mr rt V Alt \ I i ttlav at t 00 »’ Vi t T>rnai pra.iam es entrr t min i cl lias i..-eu dial *:*ri iliil v si* iVature ipiirin n m in >l j1 v ■ rlu-ul for li. .it ml liliinl ill M I'mcktil pnrnipii •Hu Mi i. VY t •i.vt, S' llil-l. =Vi on i in-ms i„( in. eiem uri i• .i !•, mill, h> tir Imu i lul.‘ Hliiiif .iihi Sir.lit t .eisri ■ viHioti l onuniirr v s tli Is.ivvsirtl iltii'M's r.'i un rnun >i,i. iimi l ismi nt the Vtaki < ihiiilv Wi'U'.(ir tJej'uHturiit. tlrv llar iii it Smith luiit'v, ,iiuJ 1 t, i.'c'aril, pievlsleni »f tin Kail r> U 1 iti/Mis’ V',s*i. 1 .tion NO HllliNl, I’i VI F, CHK.'AiIO iANpi A 'fHi.Oi-W sln.s. wS; diSiiut' r.d ,v p-Uei J.u.t A 1 vt'K when 11.. y i.rii viru Jack Hi ...UK'.V . 11l- h :i,« 't'li.-y Jcitiid i si with .j cuit.'iminp th s ] mi: c.uji th mem y in ,t Brdillv > itnM *dl us . • Hi-.il he h: n tal-nm it - >■ ■ ! liit-' i' . si- i:n ii ;: I \ •..ii "id 1 ■ ■ eel i'l.n ( ~ ii, k.iisn, . V : !.i ! . .:• f u'd iTlOltlCf I j .Tones had Ivan ~r. nu cm .;, of c ,11 i: 1 : . i frith > \ on .Jr, .• i.'..i irrollii oil l.!if erTi'ipli-en iti jji-ighbui: who ■.ln iviea thnl Iv ih.:d forcc-d the 70-lb. woman to drag Term Regional Fact j Unconstitutional i i Knoxville. I enn. (Sjiecial) Authorities *m 1 imstiiutional Law j ,: - .-*ul‘iiv tl:> annual mwlm o! the Southern Political Science An ..... - j;,;iou , xpr.-sned tlie opinion I -•!••• last week that proposed Jimcrow n '"ion tl schools die unconstitutional, The meeting ot the Andrew fa-k on Hotel heard the segregat : ■. : : i jiuols ilisCli -a-,; to v is v v.,.*v. Aaid'.veli , I i'lOfidii liiu . , ~i!io; >u!hdrnei> iii.-ti.aiug represent allies of the South -1 ri so Regional f ouiiidt i'itairmaii -1 the ilkscimalnn .4 the .Southe.ru Hegional School:• 1 Plan in s l'*i .toh: Ranh in, profesr.or of political scieace at Duke | | niM-rsity Durham. M. V. ! Assail Columbia U. Bias In Fellowships N't VYYORK • J Si', - Columbia Ui,i\er iiv laid ,v -ek was pl.'evd is Me .une category with Mis?i?-.ip jk's ~iefteron .Military college for : v*LinK) grant ; of i.roney from d,ss h., stipulate that oi,V -■..ln. ■ iuili-ius ale eliglbi- for Hie tVUov, stiijis I t,. :v• i - iiv chapter a th-' 1 S'A.vi'f'. which midi.- hte i hai>;c , , ti n ally in ihe K o-r: i r! , .ships liin.t.ed t.i m-mlir rs es it,— (.'a.Ueu'.|i)ti ... i . !:h tab!tslid.l ill the vvili ~i vir List la ftoherM Rights Group Asks Extradition Halt Vi uTNv.Ti iN < ANP) The Civil HiyhU Coitp, ei:s. this vvis k a.-l rsl .<1: G v< ri \ of Nsi Un r;: ! State: to .., ori rce-.-rd refus rp. tradition of Negroes; ft. Southern St.d vidicit i.ai-is*is!,riittona] ju dicial and penal practices puva.l Lthei,’ tin Gongic.-s said, 'the . H. .t.*M VlbicL ilO iJv'pf ill j in-3 nut i - Hie Iv 'UP'- for ,'iirir.g | | ,nd in it he hud been crucT to her j otherwise. { ; The- ch'tts: wore d.-nivd by , 1 iContinued on past? eight} Shoots Wife; Kills Man I COPY | SINGLE *UC PLEDGES BATTLE ON CIVIL RIGHTS * ‘.'3t!!!\i;T('N Htflerting the . grnP!i{; aw arenas that Ann-rim must herself be free before she c&.t ] briar freedom to the rest of the j world Pi> >...1. lit Truman pledged a* iftrcHt ... the haltle toi ev.act . n ent of civil rights legislation in ! t >v.i ;:i)ee ii. s delivered dining, tha j ! past week i ‘pfikinp Friday afternoon at <> : 111 .upon meeting. the Niifionad j or.:eti-noe pf Christians and, Jews, . d or.; sage of right.-, iegieia i t ion wila-ii he toliO* .'it Wit!; .1 eiaration that “Those oi us who j l.elie\v in (;>.d -an never be eon. j tent to live for ourselvt'S alone. ' j KV tIBOL Declaririv that the tomb of the | 1 11 t, Mll‘. 1. So 1 , i o-1 vv hi.'h he lid*! j vie-;', 1 ,i . arl jet iii! in:* .la. * ; > ; nibvl'lzed j the broth. rh...i(i of .nan and ti. | unity >;f all Anu-i' l ’an- , tie a h “No Aineri. ail kur.ws, and no veal ! * Continued on yah eight) , < hatnbi.riaiM who died jn l!C-’7, the y.ranu provide $750 to; travel aml ! %s■•<> lor tpadu&ie atudv. NV-.’roo- and either colored vacoo; arc excluded. Pointing; o«t the similarity be 1 tween thin fellowship and the S6O,- | non 000 aedepte.t, then re jeered by ! Jeferson Military college for teach. ; me 'white itpreniai ■}',' Oanic) Net- ! fie.n ( hai. oiati of tin campus N. A ; A <’ P, said: Th<- principle is the ’ same though the circumstances ; '.Continued on page .HP 11 C, ivcrnota arc aiding and micou’t* '.err,. ...,-;ali.st thi Negri, pen t ie in the South." Recent investigations have high- In'hted the fantastic and inhuman I sitl.jlUv et punishments for *pri :v :ie:. in the South a- well ns the jufcHuis methods of Southern "jus t'cv" at trials. Barbaric penal practices In Vir gin! j shocked InvesUpatoiw lrv the ,a e of Lester Tate, also known as Albert L Gee, Negro who is far- d with extradition to Virginia fio’.Ti California. On chain gangs. inclines nr many ~ea thousand n.cn work and sleep chained tog. - liter .Hive! Upped whip" ate in i fre i.i ic. .).- •. Methods of treating pi isoners In j !Georgia were condemned as. cruel | : and inhuman punishment, by the United States Court of Appeal- of t (Continued on page eight/ [AIDES GET STIFF [QUIT OK SCHOOL! (SITUATION IN N.CJ Si a, ff C'orresp on <J enc t The scene of the “Durham . lave .‘ants'' shifted to the (lov | cnior's office in Raleigh this j week where Capital Hill ob- : , sorvm -i >:i> Uov. VV Kerr Scon ] • < ali«-l in lilr. two ( hies advisors on j • Negro aff&tis, Dr N • \ Newbold i j «nf! (a 11. 1 i rige for wha! on ' . ■ i repot i said was a “full-scale dress- ; j ing do wit i br ,ewk>!d ilii'-'Tci of t’i>" I ;tar* - i>ivi ioi) i.t tm-gco Educa i lion and I»r. Inst. I'uleigh Negro number ol tlie State Board of Kdll : ration. reportedly “positively assur- j : i-d n.-ott that the State was rtiv.it; j j "tint- . oiisidrratlru ' t.i th, ik-p'ls ! ’.I Negro oil into is j It was Vei»«> ! 't<*it here O', or tile . weekend that S ot! hail become in : j ereasinedy c,>ij. onoat over the eoiuf 'litigation writing »dt tciitaly over th. j unaccredited Negro law -chooi in | i Durham and the suit instituted i Durham Negi . student-- l-r j ecpial facilities m that city schools ; Last May 5, Attorn. . \\ Hugh ] Thompson and Join. H. \\ '■* 'of i - Durham filed action in Middle j j nifc.net Federal Court untiling th* j : Durham City Board ol Dduraiion State Superintendent ot Public In i -'traction Civile A. Erwin. :<n.i «.»<!t. . •rs a- defendant'' ot til.- suit. Earlier this month Judge foittj:- ! son it. Hayes, in a ccrmpi eh* r si. •■ ion. ruled that Car Coaid a Education and he State- -nod in i swer the suits, all hough State At- i torn, v (len.-val Harry McMullan j . and the Board have continued c> j | protest that Cue .'.tale can not ! ■ , I sued. ! j The Durham defendants reCtne-” • i est and ivere given > posiponenietn | ; to prepare mswers to interm- j | gatorels submitted bv Thomr.mn j vContn.vif-d on page eight.) Fugitive Is Returned |To Georgia j | WASHINGTON, ■ ANPi I- eOU • | J hits<~m. a fugitive from a Geor- j j.. ia prison where he was .ervmg t j 3 life term tor killing a Negro; • women, was denied a writ ■ f habeas ; corpus by toe IT S. Supreme court, here lost vv e<- k he u the iilbuuat (upheld effort-: ot the state <H Ptnn i sylvan.a to extradite the man Lack ; t 0 ° !i! ‘ .j Johnson had escaped p c,'-, and, I He wav. capture-J in the western; I part of tjh‘ state an.! jailed, pend* ]mg of e-.c ; eCCon paper:. Tine■ ■ r.ll his attorney:,, he sougut to beak, j extradite.-,■, by filing habeas cm*- j pus pr ■ ceding?. hr Pennsylv -'-iiia | courts j in hi- brief he charged he had , | received cruel treatment m Goot I giu However, his ..ret it ion was i turned down by the courts, which , ■ looked upon him as “an untrust - • ! v.’i e thy witness An appeal to the iU. S. District court in Pittsburgh : rejected, but when the appeal , : reached the circuit court in Phila ; delphta Johnson won :• ruling tuat iii- d strict court had imprope. A ■ dismissed his request. I - I NO MIDDLING" M Hugh Thompson, Goldsboro native mil itant Durham lawyer represent ing with \tty .1. It. Wheeler, UK Dm hum Negro students in a suit I for equalization of the city's schools, reiterated previous state mms !hw week mm Durham suits are "entirely of local on gm " 1-0 «ntM i. woo organized George II Wble Bar Association, Durham Negro lawyers group was pioneer North Carotin* 1 nvs - i yei to stuuy possitniltie* of i legal action to co. r ot inequali | ties m State’s educational facili ties Attorney Thompson was emphatic in his statement that j no out of state "meddling is in volved. j Appeals Are Denied (For Heller And Reid Two North Cai olhui iv'-n, r.n« ! convicted <:! first degree *i I i.- lL : jof his wife, ana the ether c.-inv ■li lted of fir.it degree bur?!ary [breaking ii.io the home of a Wilson | school teacher saw time., running | out for them tics week a-, the Slate j Supt erne Court upheld ‘hi- n | fence ot one and (.cvm- :m Scf-Tt announced that he \v< aid a t in I terrene in tlie case of the other, i-Yntcneeii to die Friday ■rior.u- I ing in the g,.s chamber at Central Fatal Gunfire Ends Frivolous Argument Lil i.INcTO • Th* iea-: u el It • >t till tail. :|J ■-..11 V, i.icii u.-(S rupplii-ii cai •ucaii-n. aii i gag wni j ers with material galore fm then joke- had a tragic i-udnn, in \or ! ring ton \iomir\ when an angry j y ouug husband critically- wounded i In.-, wife ft mi slew tier cousin with ill liliotgllti OVIV jlll.t tUi Al’gll moil! The 22. yea) old wife, he: face ! - Irtrt-'ied i.y a I •.d from the -n u IHWi Witm ‘• * - -. v OMEGAS PRESFXT DR HANCOCK Dr. Gordon H Hancock, noted scholar, utm i lor, pi earlier and columnist, v. ho will ddi> er the Achievement Hospital Board. Probes Break Try GOLDSBORO (Special) \ fu’l report of last week's attempted prison break here bv 1-1 innu.'.es of the Slate Hospital lor the Negro Criminally Lt> 'tie has been forwarded to the State Hospital Board of ('• itroi, in Ra leigh, it was learned here thi- week. Inquiries at Rah Igh, however , lailed to reveal any n- w inform • iion m the so-called "Snake Pit" r..•millions at :1 1 . Goldsboro Hos pital tor the Negro Insane, j There was neither eonfirinatk * I c,.r denial of tin- allegedly tilt 1 y, : crowded con-ilt loirs which the in itiates o/mp’/ined about after th-eo g« npt ot law enforce o"nt offi* • >-s : quelled : . wces's itteinj • e>J break Willis P.i; • i and Albert Hill. : Identified an ringleaders in last wvekfr.-r.. w* .■» held fncotn : inunir.ide. Om hospital of! i:-tl Yeargin Rites Held At First E aptist | RALEIGH --• Funeral, sc lees j were conduct- - d from tht First Jap !ti. > Church 1 flay N-.ivi t ter ‘ i*t 3 r v. m. for Mrs. Leah L. Ycarg-n, * with the pastor, Dr. O S Bu. ock. lofflciatiti;;. D>‘. H illock was os ted |by the R»-v J. H. Clanton. The Rev. S- F Daly of hnw 1 Univirsily faculty paid tribute to Mi’s Yeorgif ~s a wife - .id a ••model mother" Earl Alston sang ithe “Lord - Prayer" by Ma’oltc. AMU -. , 'dl bearers were James SPA ULDING IMPROVED DIRHAM .Staff Correspon dence! Rrewdcnt C. t Spaulding of t-hc North Caro lina Mutual tide insurance and the Mechanics and f arm er's Rank is making "uplendld progress,' according to attach es of Lincoln Hospital here, where Dr. Spaulding has been under observation since Nov 7. Dr R E mwsnr. Durnam eye specialist said Were this Pr..-;•/! tor the gunshot murder of hi.. . in October of ISMB was 1.0 ■ HiMlcr of Cala.vba County who-: i.ii l for ,t u t: a) on the no- • of -.v-.v evidence was c.ii'i.i .1 ; ,','n caiiy tins month ay hie State Supreme Court. JT dg. J. A. Kua&seau who »en rtnned Heller and Solicitor J. C. Karthln • who prt»si cuted the case h..\*i ■*t ; Oi-c.!r.!i,ended that the si-vtence be .’hanged to life lrr>- (Con’d mi hark page, this coW- gnu and given only a 50-50 chance m urvivai, told t.-olici’ front a hos pital bed that the r? xrfing which ai.io m-ougitf death .•<• Gi-orge. Mc- Mtllm.l, TV rio the ri .-ult i..f a “tru volouii aryiuaeiit”. II al v. iili-• ■ t bout! in the Har nett Count v jail I?. Gi year old Her.. man Fiia/'U .i Nm-rington farmer, v. lie is cinvye-.l with the shootings. 'c Mi’itu.'* to Harnett County •« ■nurmed on 'gag; eight) W'e-.k ctVn «s - tor Wilmington’s Omicn/n V-.-ha Chapter Sunday, Nix-.’ >t 4 p. m. at the i> phi iu AJVIt Church, Fifth and Red Cross Streets. /hr-e -itUn'.biUts had ; jure '..dr ier reports r . / inmates were hurt in Ri* Asked if there had be ' change m the lnsi i tut ion’s : lof "working th Negro 'insane." i ; official at Goldsboro said “No , that 1 know ot ' He admitt < i *as the only kind of *r-i 11 - ' avidlablo to most Ittr. t: ' In Durham, an offioi"■ ' ’ * v * pro "hit .n’s or«raniz-»t.o said co: - - ->os at *'oldsi/oi * l’id i'-'cn acut f • - unit time. 1 w"i not lniß "ted whci Vt‘-r t his organization would i .in ;itber Negro group in protest, nrg conditions ot Goldsboro. -\ Bailey, Ot. liv'd. Ernest P Broomo, Robert E Jones, sons-tn '.,w of M>-s. Y. Godfrey Hern non and Paul Campbell Members of i.ht Deacon Bi'-rd of First Bap ti..t Church seized ss honorary j p-'-IH-earers. Flower bearers were members of the deaconess board of her church Mrs. Years.n was the fortn ,-!• Leah Thorpe of Rocky Mount. - ,t bed it ;:ici her home in Haletph iCcniiuued cm page eight) week Dial doctors at Duke Hospital had been called 4n for consultation regarding !>r. Spaulding’s eye ailment At this, time Dr Spaulding’s vision in his right eye ( s im paired. Dr. Spaulding was Joined in Durnam th's week t)y Mt* Srau'u’r'e --F-- o n* S-t* o New York vi eotins when -he 1;«b* j ed of his illness.

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