USHERS PUSH HOSPITAL PROBE Durban! (Special) The offie* of Dr J. VV Young. aupedji-'endent d! State Hospitals, may soon !><■ ■ come as busy as that of State \: . torney Ceneral Harry vlc.Vlullan 1 1 I.if You.’itf th i.i utf-k •//<• i u "ts (l pie'i nl inui'tj ‘j n fit lull : i in a fu/l-wale i n rest iant ion of thf Staten Ho-i/i’iiii tawheii Me the State InttrileiioiiUmt HotaJ' l ’*he >'i AssoiHsltlon, h i •' 4gMce finiiauvrfii the ttmpU>U rnmtf o' three refitiiite piu/xi i tinny to assist presvntnhip i» the while mental institution tit I'tt/rip Hut net hi. Iturhoiii ‘l n r a hospital S npixirteil lilt State f unity nay extabli'.h«il 'l itkntlt p/Of isinOi lof A rt/fo ’/a tie tits !, E. Austin president of the Stale Ushers' said to Durham this week in' Youth' » answers "w )•.• • understandably leaving m a |t *■ things to be desi:oil. nevortitcie-; j tlcinous Mat ’ c a willingness ;< operate in the survey »> are nu’- aug of the State's Hospitals " ■lustin siit-it l>> Yon ml in " letter to hiiii i,i fit * nih f, i indicated t h ti r the mh* ■ heads sugg-eMton f<n a par sun- j til intern ii -o, iniiild 1 h oi ,r it ; ijur itlnni ’< ; •' ■ , fit in th' initial cart esiio-nde nee. Austin | SitU! II tr >if lit,it,* - 1,-1 till j nf rspaiife mdi seek an ay- ; poinlment h i>* V-'•»/*•/ «» rt i,ffk. A-- tv pvbhshf: o' | ihr r • Ihtihan j weekly . i Meant*hilt? a* r «rlv finding* >. j the siliVev ■ 1 ed •mniy,s » !it ” it! ', I Duiham rtr> - -t 'he hartt i leader, the State Hospl ia is j initiated rs,> "f*ps whh’h H -c prove of fai reaching influence. -n , future plauntti-" f t *tate <n ' ! ’ ■ lions ,tj a youthful Lanvlan enurm Firs Mint ante and Edits- Vdoi ■ H , ruwu-M*****'& A & I* Votes ¥2,2.»«.W10 Bonus To Employers ,\ Christmas bonus totaling 250,000 will be distributed among employees of The I.rcut Atlantic and Pacific Tea t om pawy on December 18, H "as ucnti) aimounct d by John A Hsstiorct < hair man of t |u Board All A a»id P employ res throng r.uu t the country with sis months or m»w serwe wilt participate in the ca«h dßtrfbution. lasi <eu the company voted TMOtUntii ado * V«*#i •*• • ■ • i ™z!rr«2r Quite A Ride, Eh? \ * i I DURHAM Two luindml and titty-five mile 1 , as >■ a l-uv dkt.'iiw** tur a joy ride. A youi >f; Negro b-yv louud tills \*> he ail too. too opp-.sccu here on Monday, when m.itboi-tics found him wondering how lie hod ridden to Durham tr'. m Washington, D t. The youth, about 12 years eld, accepted an invitation front Continued on page 8, this section STOP THAT DANCING IN THERE ... Army General Puts Damper On ‘Mixed’ Dancing In El Paso EL PASO, Texas ANF) An army general used the argument at segregation here last week to »nd promotions ot dances by a Negro at the Coliseum in ! i Paso, Crying that there was too littie law and too much disorder, MaJ. Oen. John L, Homer, com manding general of nearby Port Bliss, forced the county board to bait dances given by Marvin Williams, local Negro impres ario who has brought some or the nation's greatest bands to I t Paso, Williams, given iittle chance tc-H his side of the story br iar- c the board, Sri a statement ia tin? press accused the army tedder and his cohorts of using "mixed dances" as an excuse to get him out of the promoting business, (Actually the so-called mix ed dancing was that of whites dancing on one side of a line of chairs anil colored on the other ) This complaint by Gen. Homer Is the first one against Williams since be started promoting af fairs at tiie Coliseum and Lib ertv hail, both owned by El Paso county, in October, 10»H. The genera! filed Ms first com plaints November !>l? At that time he charred that marijuana was being sold near the Coliseum and Honor hw sold to minors M uniform inside the Coliseum The general also said there was not enonvh po lice protection at the Coliseum, He made these charges in pub lic Williams said however, that Ciec Homer told hlinr "If you will agree to have and a luniyarian |>s> •.■liiatrisi. Dr. ],oi‘unt Eoriits, have he“i) '■ 111i> 1 <*. ed !u relieve 11" 1 ■‘’jl i. •: 1.1 shul'l a; of lia.uu.-ti pity sieialis m I il>- slates mental instil aliens, il lias ml i.u "n cielerniim-i! vvln-'ini* tin- la-cciitiv eii/pinyed. i’lnfopean pliysicinn.-- wui be p-uuna nun! s y .i M a died a- Us ■ Camp Burner instil til mu. or wio lli'-i iiisiii in ion- 'u Hi'- Stale. T-> del If 1 lie C-. 1 -1:. 11*, !'■ > HospiMlJ foi tic- THE CAROLINIAN i »*• e -<• - •• -j, ’.i *“r» •». A" - h •-i.ii ■ .Ts * a. r y ,i ' . s'" v •» "Vl » d- • ' .■•>•( .•, V'- - - "rS' : ‘h ' i >**-»,> -*’'4.- ■•'’ '•'* ■'• iV., A, .%g’•» j» *? v 'w.v' A i 1 ■■ •'*■ ■ • < ‘v"> -• >' ■ • . -••-'• V;*-• ■ > ’?■ . • ■■ v' • * ' '. ■' ■■ ' •-•■ - - l |a— 24 Pages \ ~ NORTH CAROLINA'S LEADING WEEKLY j 10c j ' V( ' M ; M) : ; xx ix lIALKICII, NORTH CAROLINA WKKk KMMNO SAIT’RDAY, DECEMBER IV, 19-19 NO. TWENTY-TH'REE KLAN ENTERS N. C. \ . ■r' ■ . ' . y ; •,t ~, ! i . ~ -•> T- ft sy\. &§&&&'& mg -a --:< '*™mr W *■&»» < ms&BߧBßKs£m ■ ; ' &iPp 'C / ? / s# -: '■ '•’ • •o-v-re v: . : ' '• y- ) ! i MIAU THUOI.OGN \».'f IN' 1 STALL! !> Office! >of the 'I he illogical I r.iteriutj of Shaw S in versity were iuitaliril at service-, add rectiilly Tin-* arc shown above with (In lie y Palil II only Negroes at your dance, iiien I - ill allow Negro soldier* to attend torn dance." i f,.- j-en* ! ,1 pt;n dl ihr t tills rUm oil limits to ins iiitii doling a williams promotion. When the county board agreed to cut out Uu so waited unveil dunces ill Id Paso, Williams v, ,c, allowed to stage his l)ec- i dune -it the (Tlisesim without any resiric mm., mi ids patrons, in ueii iiinciiig tin- ai Usui id the i-on ll l s blond W illiams said tin only way a colored promo! rr can earn money in the busi ness is to bold dances op, o to eVei,voile because then: ale ind enough Nc-grocs in Ibis alca U> uppoii such projects linancial iy. In tin* past the county has never hud any protests of w d liauii.' policy, nor nave police bad any trouble there, William paid offieets ' * an hour for serving at his programs. Although be sponsored datices for a pi.ifil, be used revenues ieopl them to give mure cuilur ed programs, usually ai a loss. As many as t.OtiO persons hare attend the dances promoted about ltd re ot four times a month. A ■ nie issue to the whole af fair is tiiat uni cgulalcil dances ('unnoted by a (jpldicr ai Fort litis were held without any ac ion whatsoever being taken by (lie top camp brass Also Wil liam- as promoter had no con trols over roiteesKicnairov who allegedly sold beei to minors nor did he have anything to do with the supposed selling of marijuana ‘near the Coil nm" The, brief i.umwwi of how the Xih'.io I uHunc c- {be in mi! ui ion ' lit-.**■ ( iic ijimm] appovtiTi ::rt altcsf, but I JIDI t- :i re !K) iMil !C:«1 iooc ;i» (hi . tiiut tha! viiiv of tin- pb.vctiiari c;( - will 111- A’ 111 t.hi. , V«* (2) At it -‘o' f of >';‘i2. i»i}D ;a I .Y r ' Suri/f Ca:‘tTiHyi ll ‘Sjnfai lor ('t'Tc.bffil i-otisu y iis miiiici for ci i })t. ct iti h tn / 11( > / 1 n >H 'VuGHiUltt A tHtHib*?r ot the tiOS ftillt Vt(l j j told i t Ri! >t f -•' V th‘if luhnsou. Hi! incut oi the I he,'■ logical \!u:iuii \-soeiation, who directed tile iiisallaliun i*>; lined above, trom ieit B* right are sealed Garland Wifi gin*. Na.sbvdle f*ie idem, Key iVH Johnson; Slleodote De- general has worked to oust Wsl Hanes Horn tbe promolion Held e a* tuilovvs: tin Niivi-nibcr "" Gen ilomer shocked tbe I I Paso eu«mi«U*‘il> with a complaint that ales of liijtior in ininois and ol mai i idt limits'll) men on bis post He also said that police protection licit- was inadequate* W ben W illiams- ashed bins In could do to change tins <,i del, tbe general said nr should promote a dance tor Nr (■sue* olili and he would let bis colored soldiers aitenii He nev ei answered ivlut be Drought was "adequate’’ police piotei • lion. tin November < oiniuission ei* ' eouet war told the Coliseum would be oil limits to uiiilortit ed men ot Fort Bliss and the Riggs Air Force Base at "mix ed" dunce:. A local federal judge, IswUig Thom.eon, said tile Coliseum was a gallic,jug place lor dope peddlers, but police hrudquui ter*, declared this was nui lute the judge made this statement after M-tdeiit mg a peddler i<> three monlbs On November :;n the coißUv commissioners ruled t It e r s* would lie no more dances in Li Paso at which members of both races could attend alter Wil liams’ December promotion, Speaking against tbe Negro promoter in the hearing were: Swann near the Coliseum had fcrcd him to declare !h‘* spo! STOP THAT DANCING IN Gen, Homer Chris F. Fox nf tbf* local eictir,bi*r of commerce, and F<iltc> Chief r Woolver t«n in a letter read to the court. \ H\r institution teas 'shitr suit. ;j>>rit n. hut that it dnt uni Ji ai c (inn ivurd n/jocc 1 fui V#-: */•/ OCR Ihr uci' hiiAjiAot ''•>■ cntitl on hdvn'in Roari in I)Uj hum is t!u only idpitstic hos f.ftni. in t/u iouutt’d to uc ‘■v t aoii shod by Shit* funds SI of) >ii tnihf ts eond if t'tihy i t '‘itOf s th i </it o h ih r h- mid inn uh> c h i s >s*iaipp*2d to .a re 4P i.h. jnJto nts Adwvtcr, Chicago, 111., vice presi ihnt; standing. Julius Kav Hut It r, Knseburc- Secretary; (baric*, t (.(email, Clairtoti, I’a Assistant ant Seeietacv; Melvin Clark Norfolk, Va ( bapluiu; and C,us it. McNeil. Dunn, Treasurer OR ELSE! Larliei in the w, rk Williams bad Hein vailed to defend him •eit before these men plus Brig inn David Hutchinson, com mander of the Higgs Air Base, Mayor Duke, commissioner far peider and Deputy Sheriff Bob Haile, Nobody appeared in his I behalf. speaking for Williams at Hit eon H heating were Nathalie Gross, secretary of the Cl Faso Progressive Club; Dr. Vernon I t ulliiis, bead of tbe American j Legion Negio units here, and the Kev. (use ft Bautista, pastor, ; Divine Savior Presbyterian Church. William's case was lost when County Ai£;A Guinn declaring i that (In* eounty did not have j adequate protection for the dances, said: "As a matter of policy, tSe court has decided there will be | no mure mixed dances. . . This ; is not an exclusion of races, j There is equal opportunity for both i see*. The Coliseum will be ! open to both.'’ Ouestions ‘■(ill unanswered \ include what doe*, Gen. Homer j consider adequate police protec- ; i lion? This means that promoters ; lined sell tickets either to whites j onlv np Hi celnred only. Witiiiifs declared: "Protect is mnnntlnir as the j> >X : rr* le-trnioe how their ! ' civil :*' M. b*n*e been infrlhe**d i * ' 2- j - n P.'i’hFHirsrlv a\V9**** of, the | danger of this nfw ruling 1 are ■ ll.r. tVf n*• (,<i r» fllsO j , rnpnlv discrim^n^tf#l j j’’ *>!'.*-.«' ogfi'K. it) * j , '1 t*»ar JlJr- filijjt p ■M '•! 5 y,, -u f ] fillip M Jiwh* , •» n-uv m&fiinim in the- i< t Southwest. _ It in d a s mun y a s t,‘ ouiJM t • t:/i t s ilid mil say W’cthnr S'ttjroes tooi-id he (H <:efjtubh us out fiat tents. I Ur Leuiiox L). BaK* v ban itocec .y naiu&d uietlipui i!i r t>ctoi* or* j the i Etitutiori. Sea. ThMflia-i | r.v of Goldsboro is chairman of Uu* | J 'Of?total s board of trustees. I A staff of thirtv iieople is v> ! I utrded as the full complemeut i o- < BATTLE OF WOODS HELD BY SCOTT. S. C. KLANSMAN State Attorney General Harry Me Mu 11 an and Thomas 1- Hamilton, Grand Dragon of the* Carolina K lav era o\ the Ku Klux Khun. shared the race relations spotlight in North Carolina this week. Significantly, the obstructionist tactics suggested in the men’s action were brought to the fore in a week that was ushort d in with the celebration of the first anniver :-:xi\ .'.>f the Coded Nations' Commission of Human Highs, the t N group seeks the extension of human rights to the world' . backward areas. , MeMLilian, followlfir, up an au ; uouhonivut of the previous week, j i ■ i| t. •) in:- i w i"- to Ue- p. I- i lives of HitroW T. r . p.< and Ho : livit it vlliios Noi'Ul <.a*. i'ljiilj'.i Co! | loto- law -Hidene to eater the ■ avCivtUted law s,ch- •! at the Gilt ] ivrsUv of North CarojiD i. A.-: he I ■_■ t too 1 o . xpeoosl to .to, M Viut ! in trgued that the Negro students j aun being Riveti facilities "sufcetin- | i tlally” equal to those provided stu | I gents at tin* University ot North j i 'arolina, i M^auwhiif. in UeesviUe S C : Hamliten. ch'Ui'.ed (lev W K -tr : .Scott of North Carolina with "lean nil/; mo Nee,roes and . omn.uii ists " “When such a situation ex : isis," the Klait leader said. ' the Ku Klux Is lau is certain to pro ! her •' in a press conference in the eutive offices in Raleigh Tuesday, j : ov Scot! declined to “dustily" llumittati's statement with a com- | men). ho, Scott, however, has been! I outspoken in hie opposition to Klan j urnvi?ten tn this State. It is this ! i.spco.stioii which is beloved to have, i hir'Olml Hamilton’s remarks. In Charlotte, the chief of polio"; j ha>. utmouuced the full force of his . office will be brought to bear to i j keep the hooded organization out j iof his cit.v. j Hamilton, however, defies both ! the governor and the Charlotte po ll tee chief “Neither Gov Scott, po hire chiefs nor anyone else can; i keep the Klcitl out of North Ca».» ' unit." Hamilton insists HamiHon ehifnis Tar lie, p tr- l .''ready' for the KKK. However, in j ciotrlotfe when* much of the Knurl' ; ; Carolina ktaverns activities seem j 'to lie comitie into the State, repre j ; tentative Mecklenburg C o u n t y j ; white ministers have urged tiled j ! membership not to affiliate with the Itlan. The Mart chief says two organ- j | izers for the KKK will soon be i at. work in this state, j According to Hamilton, a former lieutenant of the late Hr Samuel i j Riven, the klan’s “white guprema 1 icy" campaign can he successfully j j waged by no othei "Gentile" group i j "11 f, » »i mi uui< t < * ■ i i 1* is- understood that KKK’a en ! mitv to Catholics and lews lias not | diminished. !i' the NAACP and communist ■■ front organizations are permitted jto operate, Hamilton argues, tin'* ! KKK iikewißp has a right to law : ful assembly In defying the law I enforcement officers of the State I and City of Charlotte, Hamilton, it is believed, will seek to make {ear eases out of his activities. ’The Klan itself does not advo cate violence, but the time has eorne to educate people and lei them know what’s going on in our country. At times, as in any other organization, some members PTt out of hand and try to take Ihe law into (heir own hands, and for that reason we arc carefully in vestigating: all prospective mem bers to make sure they are fit for th« k'an ” Indirectly. Hamilton’s words ap peared to confirm the opinion which is being advanced by many Southern politicians that the Presi dents vigorous civti rights nrn ■ . .■fiqrmn"ihie for liie revival of KKKlam. “The lwrnle are sick and tired of communism and w> it stands for ” Hamilton continued, “and the Klan. the onlv trip Amerlos'i. centlle organization is the only answer. The Administration has succeed ed itt the past in curtHtllnc the activities of native Fascist organ , (Cord'd on page 8, this section) the !net.ttiition. Hospital author! ties said carl; in the week that most of the |{ev jobs had ijecii fill, eti. it. was indicated iu Durham a s the ushers' headuuarter.-' this week that the present, survey is a pre liminary to a large scale “coast ruc live" program of action in behalf ~r N?t’,t''- and white citizen: - . -g th-* Sftate. -T-— —~rr i»H Ai .VH OEMS IN HAMPTON (IIIOIK jUOMIERT MONDAY HAMM'ON, Va. Two stu j druts from Raleigh are mear? j hers of the Hampton Institute Choir which will appear »i> a concert Monday, December 19 in Ogden Hall at the lusliutc. The concert will be aired aver | the • National CBS network at . AT > P n., UST. The students are; Ati-s Doris Malone, seniors are; Mis- Doris Edwards, fieshmen. Both stu dents are enrolled in tile Di vision of Education Marshall Wants New Govt. Notice Nlx W YORK Follow ing conflicting reports of the effectiveness of the recently announced non diserimina ; lion policy of the Federal H o u s i n i>: YdminisC'ation, Thurgood Marshall, NAACT I s p e c x a 1 counsel, recently wrote to FHA Cornnikssion !er Franklin D. Richards, | urging him to eon-eeff mis ; leading newspaper reports : which discount the signift | canon of the new policy. "It is obvious that you as Com, i mission.*r of FHA," Mr .Marshall | wrote, "should make it clear to ih»* i pubis: that your interest is in var. i tying through on this new policy i ' ' ... - ! State Approves More Funds for Race Study Negro graduate students in North Carolina now have j increased funds for out-of-state training;. The C ounc-iI of State on Monday approved alioca i Lions of? 4,40? fi om they Contingency and Emergency | Fund to cover deficits in appropriations for students’ tui- Hons. North Carolina pays tuition at colleges which provide training not offered to Negroes in me .-.late. North Carolina f. ollege at Durham received a supplemen tary allocation of $31,000. The college had originally ben* granted a $30,000 legislative appropriation. Agricultural and Technical Col lege in Greensboro was given an allotment of $10,107 to erase a de ficit in the state’s appropriation for participation in. the Southern Regional Education Compact Earlier in the year, The Gener al Assembly approved $5,000 for the program, but it was discovered that additional tuition payments $8,407 would be needed A I SCENE OF FATA I, I .EAF _ j Mrs. Almeta Pridgen Dies jin Jilinp From Window i Mi:-. Almeta Pri.iK.'-n v>. 12 iLa Oran? - : - ..; i lid taped (•' her from , ;■.<■; .< } stc.,y window a? :it AynvT liJapi | iai last we«,k ;l DIRECTOR j 1 JV. „ . : 0$ '#•**. mm ! 1 ' \ j* - # A ' ip *smk J Andreyv F Jackson, formerly Eastern Bcpr ?'■-< ntatiy. of the lumber T. Washington Aienu-rial. was recently “Sccted Director al Fuhiie Rclatons lot the Memor ial. wtd is nut, a . reporlctl in the pr.w . to make narrow vi'iisinc, tions i s '•rdcr !o uivc aid out .-ouifor! to thost* in this ctiuntry win. are de termined n? continue and expand tacial segregation tn public as wet) re in private housing.” The new police was announced at a housing conference hero la t. week to ;.> li. - 1 !, - i (Icnt'ia! rhih'i B. I’erituun will, tin- authori/att"ii ami support of ('iva-Jem Tiutuatt ! Attorn.G.'-neral • Howard Ale | Gruth. Hoti'ie Finance Adminir: ra j tm Rtiyinoud As i .•!»* y and Cam '• mlsr.mner H i dm i d ! (Cont'd on pap,- til. tcHo:;,) | . - -- ~ " ' ■** The State is sending Negro | students tn Tuskcgce Institute's j School «)» Veterinary Mc.di- j cine under Uic Regional fdti- j cation prog a.-iki. A Durham \ student, Calvin 1 Hubbard, ’4l) graduate of Hampton In stitute in Virginia, was the j first State citizen to enroll at i TutiJiCgee under tne regional plan. State officials revealed that ■ from 1949. appropriations, North j I Carolina sent tGO students to out- I I of-state Summer Schools and that > iNorib Carolina is nurently paying ] tuition, for 78 students during* the | j’4S-50 terse. Other ions are expected i (with the beginning of new rcrrysS-| teis. Airs. Ptadgen had undergone an. operation at the hospital several i X.-! utiatim- pain during her coa !b. ! liuttafy tcsuleid bad ap f.- J ! is?'£\ »l v i\i■> v‘ t-' \ o i'li ■ j TTiY v ;i t r i [ il j ; A no■riita-r of the farnHy :<t ti.B La nrauee High School in La GrtUiy.c. Mrs. Pddgeu was wideiv admired by coleuguec and pupils dursn; Hu- neatly if, years of ia* at ruid b-na i w.-i k wit.ii which all i had die;, credited. Funeral erviees: were conducted !... i '.atmday at thy La Grange Free will Lh.pUst Church, A Kinston m'tntMer. the Rev. G, 1.. H,ny. otTiccited at the feed UNITED W r, -'" n wii! |krrr pel £ • Fashing' .Meadow's \. Y. <&{■>*. ! eiai > -- The IHutcd Nations ccui. - Assembly voted 40 to 7 here ; Tuesday to refer South Africa's ; refu-ui to submit the former Soutlt j wi’si Africa mandate territory m : t’N mifi'eeship to the Internation t! i. oil"i of Justice for an "advis . ory opinion." Involved are 375.000 people, 90 !»'. v m of vvlmai are primitive ; i rsbe tnen. The v v has tried for four years to ce ! '.-:i:i('c 'Youth Afric! to give ' trusteeship statu; to Southwest : Africa Ambassador G P. Joster of Suuth Africa ciitl :,t rln-hing AL'actowu ' last week trial his government did i,: • feel any “aeeouutabllit.v’’ to ! 1 1 N, Tin tuo.tion (tlli'i/rdlp t.y sc tv. niif/ '/Ip it] rrpoxiiupl y scr/eav i in siiu*hu'cxt A'rit'a, where re rum-tit a , of uiotWlWt:' iU:A (iifU'Hp: inutiap are being rc (Mrtedtj) directed against the unfit i < hii the minority a hite j South African ruler*, UN, in nbmitttng the case to the li'ouvt of International Juettco, i three inie:-Aiori:V. AVhat, if ate ini ertiat tonal ttbligafions on . v -nth Afric:, minen under the ! niai'dato; how. if at a)', the- I N Gharler's ini- l otvlup provision ap to Southwest Africa, and whe j liter South Aft i«i or an; one eise lias cottipefonce to rle'vrnnne and modify Hie area .- etalus. EXPLOSIONS !N TENS, RBCS SITE OF NEW HOMES ' NASHVU-LK, Tenn. tSpeciai) -- | TrtiTo* tactics in thti form of care 11’iiliy laid bombs m stintegfc places : in a 300-unit Negro housing 1 de ! cciopment were being investlgat j.*d here the week as aftermaths of jan explosion w'n c - ' authorities be | lievc linked with ahti-dbersmloa* j lion policies of FHA. Art exfiiosion of terrifying pro | portiofiS rocked the housing area tCuttld on page 8, this section)

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