CITY TO APPOINT TWO MORI POLICEMEN sasfas M Pages NORTH CAROLINA'S LEADING WEEKL Y _J s^ fc 10c "vOLCME XXIX ~ i: \! K.IEM. S’ORTH f ' AR<<f! N’ ■ A v >KK i ' RATVRTVAY J \ - \RV V. 1.950 'K< >.JI WEN"? Y-EIX S. U. TRUSTEES MEET Motive Missing In Death 01 Four ..> T .jr . ■ - V -* •.' ' mk /. , ■Wm FTRST > DU -t \ ,:ur , 'Hospital ■.'■■■»• Hi* « t«f ol th< ><r->r I’aieigh birt • of t'!•» when vi ( Ikhh Had den oi f K North lat boro liret. gave Wr'.h to a t> *by hoy »t IJ.rfO Janaiy 1. lilt; child .eigncri seven pounds and ten ounces, avif! doctors report that both mother ami r•*»'ri -iio w*l! M» Hadden, is a native "l i onise. burg, Vn and lie! husband, ' Charlfy i Hiddni i. employed In a local cafeteria. DISCRIMINATION ON WAT OUT IN N, J. HOSPITALS Neo-ark '< 1. Working under a rcduntarv plan the rum-profi* hospitals in New .leraev at*.* ntak 1 trig rapid stride:-, toward Ihe coni pietf elimination of all forma of ' racial -,i i 11minsi nm in their -tp» ration. i» was Hi it; week. The report -An., l>a ,ed on a sm *>ei i oinlin lml 1., : Soplcmhct ti. • -the IMr isiuii A,-, a i nsi I >i.-< ii m in.i ! tmu ot tin' is’i ato ! n-parl men i in fed in- 1 1 ion with till' roopei a! 101 lof the Ve'-i- Jersey flo-pil-il A;,Moeiu lion. The survey whl'-lt i -vo:-! ei:;|it»- fivr mm profit hospital* In tw*'U tv one countiets, ) o-;>orl• -:i th;it yi / tlionii -Ii - rii.i j ii; : i-m -d iii • sht %n New Jerr-ev, tin- t rend scrim' to li® toward non - <ii -n itnirmtion where hospital- ale cniirf-rned.’’ I im ho.-';iifal;.. I)oini non profit nr Ctmliuued on ( ->:.<• ; -1 ict-- Silt COLLEGES TO CONDUCT HEALTH MEETING I ■ Dm-littin. X. 0. 'The Stale' H j XVpßro colleges v ill hold .1 ;)ieri.,l j hf-ftlth conference ai North Faro lina College here Jan, Hi I I The main purpose of the confer | ence. according to in . Ali n T Wen therford and Midi; (Icorgia Harber. co-chairmen m to evaluate the pro nosed hoalil) education .plan fni teachers developed at Virginia - f-rhll-* College Inst Spring l Hngistiat,lon for the coiifei-etic" -■ hlcli is expected m dr.iv at {ea.--.t rwo repre-ienintivee. from each a ember college wiil ii- held i-rt Oriv morning a* h " clock in !I) college Arlntlni'Ai ration HulMfng. The conference proper '.’Mil -Mni't :il jlj o'clock with morning and jil'!i" noon .sessions in 11m Adminis'in tlop Muihiing fmnehcon will he r. vailaTilc for the delegates in the Continued on pogi 8. t-da '-it Churches Advised Lo ibnd Bias Before Criticizing | I •A ': hington i spe -:1; Tex ■ • '.ttorncy (.ep.-rai i’rmc Daniet told • hr: EVdcral Coum i) of Ciiurrhe ih.-t week fn a»” tlicit e’vn hoi • ; in erdtr on the a’y.rrg.iticn. i 111 I-,!; g'.iilli (".IViiy to -i the gdmiasiou 1 of Negro applicant Herman i>’v. ca» t to !'• •'. 1 nr- ■' ally's Ur.' •- h..-d \i a I’ereuf iiect-ng ill XHalii •. i ..I i |e- < 'mu il aid it would I lb t brief a- ’'friend of the rnuii in ■:weal l ra. i lbe i;i- 1 ' iiui'.ort -:<nl to States Supreme < min to rule m Mvm of tin- '.•■ari. ho --purn- tbe “srparafe bn! etpir-u" -n10.,.| offei d in I • ■ • i i a lii i tering reply to the ; a <il - proposal Attorney 'len' Daniel, who has tin- mppori of Mo Attorn*".' Oeu-oa! . o>'fi< in No. ’u Cnroiln-i -onl othr:' '-biiifbern -i-ite.';. .aid ♦he f 'onlull • niendier-liip in .bided oryanr/;\thi|i . .. hnti pi a * tired -egl'eiM’ion North Caniline \ttornev (b' Ija ir v A(. ii ii;.,i o i.i. let nied i tie case itie Uiiportaut to the South 'ore Civil War days." »cording to the T.■ \. ll . Three Factions Clash Over Civil Rights Washington (ANFi Piepnrn toms are being made foi a tug blow up in i.lie . -1a -• ■ orei tin- Fn i dent ';•< civil i ighi - pi ' <!• i am. I .--a t '••r« d the two major parties ioiv ::uunuin-ed plan ■-) --Oldest for pri ori!;. f-M I lift! pel piece of |egi.-. i.'dion wiilh- a ihird ieader, repi - sealing riK- poitthoru DotnonuU , coin iiiKcnt, in against hoth as well nr all of Ho -1 v}l i -;>!)i program Senator 1-C• • 11 »n>f H S. Wlmn-y *ft . X’ehr i (lorn lead"!-, told inporleir early ln.;| week thaj the (ill!’ i-ounti-i ■■ i ratery op iMI rights would ho aimed a* having He iuH lym-hing hill called -i|i first wlp-n f'ongress reconvenes till Hie I teiiioc) at j, side. Senator Scott W I up-as iii 111 I, party floor lender, had a different idea Up believer, and lie liar the yd ministration support that Mm showdown on civil rig hin should comi- first on the Pill i o ban job riiaerimlnat hoi because of rare, i reed, or coloi To make the triangle complete. Hen Sparkman (I)., Ala ) rnpre Sep l lp v mud lo rn Democrat niem hers oi I In- i-a-nai", had this idea: "itori'! eiipflirlov any" The UOP lh,,.it',, I 7 t Inr 'e'.ej-y body, including Scott lan-as, know; that the FKtPC would he the i-u-il cst <-l\-|| rights measure to pass ti the Democrai« are sincere about c.ivjj rights, they will call up the the mill of Harold 1 K;uc Kobcrt B. tibi-y. students al Ul>' • una<'iTcdited iaiv at North Tai i.luia Colicgf. V- tin Hie ■ laim tint facUilie- at the « oh. ... .n. u; lege are ‘ ~ul> ■’ ml i .ii,• eqiia!" in fIK ilHir- a! tin- miivpi oily a- an-in di'o d law ..-lioo! in Chapel Mill The Kpn; ( ■, i c nbedub-'l to Ik b'ant in ihubaiii in I'ebi'u ,'i't Vttonu v C (' ib'.'ii sia t ; tip-1 • i - no cfptality u; .••(»:* rat ion and lie < niH ioi.- Mi viuiian and tii I'niver, Ity of North C iroiln.i arc <b'!>. i ling I'd'H Hid of .igb-' g’l-i r mie. ,i bv the [rnirteaiu i. -s i 0.0 of men t Daniel -aid the Federal i'ouiie'ii of Ciiurche-! would be wolcmne ’ > file a brief opposing segregation on!v if the.' ui-o dI : i■ lobc■! the fact tint the religion.- <b i.omina i ■.i.. ~'in . inii' d oy it.e C oiiiudi mai.i taill . epH |C- eilU relies. icpa r,i ’ rim■ ii si ~ -cpsi-od-oionilnn i imiHl colb-g" ~nd sepa..( 1 *• :hi gregntioii.s lor white and Negro j citizen:', in 'I o.viiw and l i othm iTintiuiied on pag-- in . - ■ '. m anil Ivii* oing bMi first..’' Win n • •Si < i ged tha I tint fwn < .al i■ 1 icmh'! aci. . itic poll lU : v, I'll ■ . i i iiy -ii . in pin lining ; to call the I- I ).,PC m--;- in>. iip i! isi i He said that tlo- HOF .vaild move I to sn! i,rt ilp le ! hi- a ill. il' pel) i li:: lit 11 ! lot Ihe f’KFI men.-. arc .In'iuld t i>c 1 I U'lnnci ai cam ihi mmh with ‘ Mi• •i i pi -, 11 11y (ilaii.i lan a in a-■ o<-v-’h 1 1 11 avu na 111 niiouik i nr, hie f-m ' n-elcrl ion, look all op'i|i i;e 'je w. He .aid “We ai e going lo pinko a might .- effort 'ii obtain a fail opiploymenl law in (*n- i-> 111 !)ntv :.i- : inn , of i.'op- i . gl-'-ss. To l.llpphint file l l'.T’l' 111, .a:,,', j . with iin anil lynch hill. Ihe Repuh i Milan-, will have In lit.pom! nil tlo .help of southern Democrat;. This centi ni'pnl, v. bile nppoeod to tpe , < ivil right.- pci,.-,am in nera!. is] more violently opp') a-<l t 6 Mu I-' Pi F. (' |l is hellcvivt Hint Hie Month et II sepyroi's .voilld prflci the lii'.'.! tp;d to be >iu tin I 'f-M*' ’ hill he 'nine- il 'Voulil b- the ea'Mttsd for them -o fleical The detevro iii In;.', faetor a In W hl'-li of the IV. o mep.'i'il-e:-. wilt le , I •-•II priortlV evolve, :11)0111 Hu off eel i veu ess of I in- nev. Hr-uat <- c!o til re rule adopted -ally last year Ren. Wherry sponsioed Die (dotlil" rule and ImcTHK opposed it Hit her mens))!'’ voubl Invoke Continued on page fi. this section i MURDER SUICIDE Os Vfl, TEACHER STUNS COLLEGE i; Y-i. The can *e of tf*»ecf alnio > -t total uiy* • • : cry' *(: i \ week, i ••;•*. aMe to find the irr.on -lehir? I : the death of a Virginia ShU° Col ! k *>• pU'fET'ir and hi.*; fdOftHy of j The off; Ml verdict ir« thn | ! d‘>»tn- *>f Profe~ .or hd'A ; T N. ! : Vr ! ' , ;>!,in Hi; v ? i* and • •-■v• * c h XI - j ; rir* n r, s .o> ’ 4 md Judy T F.k-: : I wen H :N as s nuud-r <nd sni id- . hv c.iirbuu p d li ‘-.. ' ; . hut &f} •• unable reaann. a> to a-ho* - i f/.i ; i ‘"*d fhr a< ; has as yet t>eeu a n . 1 An utie?.‘iiflrrt>ed run;or win*:F be- -. gat! bis. sftei dis'-*>v=. i. v of \ t |-> n i / -, :..jj *Jv V<’H * »t;*i .'• ! ' T! heo.ti d ‘ !>ohd»yit over the d.ea\b of • ;a u in fa i> t rh?} r j i n I> e c (> til F e T af> d . perh*qt> rn: bad o>tn- v r Oliueef?no vv;*h t;b f * ld- f> . The neof the deaths br-u* »]i* «> the ?.■?Jlege roi>r»»» f 4U ** ■ in O s •• ' mI.-:.: <. • * on*i»M’* had doa*i\ a.-' a cooxpaui .n. ko«h{;u; a nvM-keiy of the hoiMn £ PDR pii nr •*. I -a t r~ h?‘i VJOt been *-oropleied at prt'.ss thue but M, rj ebb'i Yea* urn* a c v expected :,-f .fOO- b ;r, »>;< f'O •>:•*•-. and. make avniiigemeiits for Iho death', were discovered I v . r ;.•».» r "I h- (: f-n'o.i?-. •»''; -. j*ir.nmo atrnWl ;ouo.J.hin" mistht h:*.v‘ liaoprued so Ihu **,..;?» (U tnd rriter < d th r 'non. r find tfu body of !he Sp'iir.b f “ob . r in hi . bod. the bodlc ’ of Ml** rhH'.teti in ihrn boj and tlo' h*d ot hi id 'hf> li.ithl'ioi l ' '. .;: f-; n; t<-fi .11 I'.'CC R. tills ;f:-T , ii NFW FDiTni! ASSUMES DUTIES FOR CAROLINIAN .fartips D Will Urns. Baltimove nr 1 , Piiil-idrlpliiH newsinari. has tier, a niirnecl .hi ii ii i oditov of a--- CAROLINIAN. Puhlishrr P R : ■ ,J: iy untiounrcri tiii:; wct.’K \H< UHMAMS Before wiping in Mforth Car r »Jiri ; i. W ;lli;irns. ■> former Army pubiu: I'd, ;ion. officer in Wf iki War Fi, 'i- staff \>'ritrr fi'i Afro '.iii' ri' an Ncwtipapc ; of Balt!- \ nioiT l|p is also a formnr feature i ’ nttor of the Philadelphiti Tribune Wilt. replaces Joe Shephard . “dio resigned ’o become Moitli Car -1 oliiia representative sot a Norfolft j .vci'ki v newspaper. The new CA.ItOI.fN IAN m.imf ing cdit.oi holds bachelor*? and I , master'- degrees from Temple Uni, ! vet sity He also ali'died s.icjologv ! sot a t.ime at the New- School for Social Research in New York During liis nridei-gradH.-'te studies i ;in journalirrn at V. dliams was chief eriitorin) writer for the j Tctrvfile New.-:, university tri-wcek -Iy, largest circulated college news : paper in Pennsylvania He 'is also the first Negro elected to Sigma Continued on page 8 . this section EXPECTED TO EXAMINE LIST OF CANDIDATES A ? Slut'- 1 !‘n i-' ? 1 ■- •' r; -«'f pp?- pt'ii'g f; t . -'re-, prepired to meet '■ ' J..:< :u ; • tiii': lVpek‘'!:d "> Lll-.-I) 1 It • i U i V- I'.-.i* y ' tltttra ■*•■■(.hot!' Di Rnbr, r p nmiei. eh > has a-- P'- I pi- i-b n<-y if Vij giiil i - * .<Pfe pull-ege. new problems crop, j.i-i ii.. 11. :.’' -i r.-j j 1 1 ont s t.* con fi ■■ * the .; : t,- and Dr. D*tiiei | ! While a.:-- n-nstees* majoi pr.ib ient :.- believe;! to be the H point 'lien! of -Ui .ret id.Ti orv:TTiiiftee to j .erve tiotil i per:pi.ncni i ti.u -i'ti. they jn also charged . vidrli tle ••fspon.i'.itniity -.f ctifiiig >■. *t>e itntnv reports and rumors at 1 irhe.-l '••. the . - ;jti<ity growing h.-r iof >:• n.luee: for the -'".a .: pro.;. j The! addf*irats to the >! •** ; of ; ~(if.-. . f.-jj- ;i_- e po.-t Itv 1 udf ; .IV of t •.•ingressinan Adam ! i -jvoi: ej Ji.. ot New York,. iVite- o. 1,-,- . t. Taylot an-1 Dr. ! '.af it 1.-/ DlU'brt’li: ft;- f? . ... I V. ■-i - . I.f \t ia vta , T">! t ‘i. ■ - -h r.f A.- Any ■ toe -ii-,1 (!■ h B ft D-iV'c, ; .f VV >.»h j {> r» I r'jp \i i . ■ h.. •: i* *:> ~i ' th* ■ 1 Mc.fot-’^ f.*i"ve;j on page 8. thi? seetiou EX-SCHOOL HEAD JAILED FOR EXAM SCANDAL ROLE t '•.».(ntnbi( > S C t Special > - ", {.. ■■■; >h: . -i; j -estiga! tut. - - ••-'!!•. a!e repoi tedlv aid in v r • be- -j?! ••holesaif cheating on el tests neared its cornpletiou: ... . •■ i. i-- ■ j rt. the arrest of n 40 aid f-“ttrier school principal Airf-ted and Inter released on • 32.900 i-ond ■ e !H y s. firant Aiey, rd of di -trt*'tltin2 ' -utsv-c; siHV'ta last Kcbruary ('■ : hundreds of teachers taking cor!. ficalirti tesis to determine theii sal ; ary. Sweeney. *'ho was the fifth te-aii- Sweeney, who was the fifth edit c . lot ariested in the case, dec tin • d to make any statement at the | Time of hi:- arrest St;t C I, Mi Kin non of the :~o*.ttn Carolina Cotvitabulary said more ’liar, t.ii te.viier: bad lost their •or j tlfication since the investigation i ! involving t.hc syndic de allegedly Cuntinucd on page 8. this se< ti<»n NAACPWfLL AID “TRENTON SIX” IN NEW TRIAL j Camden. J. The NAACP ; wil pta • n; ,1”?iv:' role in the re ; | trial r.t the tatiimir. ‘ T teufon His it was del iuitttjv stared here this i week, Tim statement, made by Dr !' Wigcin.-y president of the New If’, .-.ev Ft.-.te Conl'ertfUce of hranch les of tb<* N'A ACE’. brings to an ! end the simculat.lon ciuieeming the 1 role the N \AtT would lake in the ! eaaft. The speculation it me, heranse of),.; that Hie I ’tri.-ii was made j possible through Commnnlstie or ; goaizolions and Hie pos v lbilit.v that i the N’AACP would refuse any fur | I flier anoclatJmi wiili the rare fn his statement Dr Wiggins raid. “Our legal redress committee has always heHeved that a serious vlolafton of civil lights oorurred In this case, and for that, reason j the eonfensions relied upon by the prodocotian were in it;, opinion the of tniblfe inNoondurt of the gl OHSCSt tv'tie In addition, it was ot the npin l lon that 'he available evidence J would not sustain a conviction. > j These were the points presented I , to the Supreme Court of New Jot >■< v !n the NA ACP brief aiel .they will be prensed as flic retrial.” I>! Wiggins indicated that Spe cial Counsel Thurgood Marshall has been designated ns chief NAACi’ 1 Continued on page 8, tiii& section : HELLER TO 01E FRIDAY IN STATE GAS CHAMBER TVi® execution of Lee Helier con* vicTd yevejal month? ago in f be til st decree murdei of his • ii; , '•'■ill take plare tomorrow morning |lF>id i • in the i» - I’.hamoei u ' i ‘enti ai Pi N-m. a♦ l l ’ a m Heller - las* attempt to flsi'jp l ■he -1e |fh s n u*er;ee tuer with tail I ere when the clerk o! Hu- .iipi-en.a I Com t notiti“d H->!|er - iti-'.' in v i bar i !-|o' i'.n , - ai i.t■ so (, ■ i onrf to delay Hie 'xerut.lnn w - ♦ ' iriTgui^i - ar J ,,r >t l;r* Heller v -1 - fii icinali;- iri*•( coo. Judge J A Rous ;e ui and i.amviet. led of the aurisboi killing ot h*-’> wife Oil ')( 'ol'.n . i'll,a. ill l',|!.i.v!i ;l The .'onvictsrt nia'i tvaa subedit! : ed to .'■»• .Wo.-ember 17. > lion for -i net fiial -m :h a of non e' i-feni'c, v, a.' piii.erd before 'bo Superior .''our*. in-ii.g a pi i.i pr,in rbe ' xernl!n dale Y'-irii 'tie in.uinn wax denied. Hie i a *’ ilioved i>» th” Supicma 'oerf ,f tire .'’ate. ard ;i\ 1 (', . ot I o' - d'i ,-i> - -i.Hi ~!!' i.lly era ' *d u reprieve, to gi*. e Mi.’ < -u, iiipe .on virtef riie a- * The yopr-me i iviirt found i. ■ sI on nd.-; for a. ue ‘-1 a I i/id fjv* •')<•, if I. -*»l|! en.-e ! e , . : i pcm;irii"H[Ti! ion- by Judge ilou .. SP.VI and i- |i-,r J 1 F »h ,il p ... . v ed ’o ■' CI -' ):• ' ''. ' I'ii, -* i.tepf e iie , Irr(’ g V'l Jr;, ii n imp*; vein-’ O' j Recover Roily of Youth i Who Killed Dad Over Car WILSON, \ c. -- The body of ; 4 20- <t? :* O i.U *• -C«.U• v; In U .^- pj*a t adi Tn d ? i k .giving Da / c?XU*i- L*tally sh 'o?D>g hi> fattier irt Die cr.> DobbiJifg up aoi cto v D io • vata v o f. ti*€ G-'eat •"*• • ’’cHt»a nere last \'(: r is. i i-t a >Tort cD-tu CiO’o wheic the slaving occurred. T h <r> c ; d *- r \*y* Aii t hat of Osc a r Lev-i'- A it'.* had in a heal-- ■ tilt ‘.K-D'n Tatiist bec-a..i>e 1 <.e eid.';?. man <‘eC.ised the. vouth por mi.s'sioM to use tEie ryw fami*y a\> * tom'Yoile. The first trj-redy occurred in a Marva To Testily In Hotel Murder CHICAGO i ANP) -■ Mis Mar va I rmis. d' ■ ..-reed vise ; 'f the re fin’d hf.""' • .'.gif tiampion. Joe ! o'o • vviß He ;..-';i : ed to toe *■' ■' d inext ---' ek in '.be ■ m rim ’>ml I '''hr.'ir ( 'dc ol’ - u O of ;moi ri ot iiry bis r -., 'r- c r WU'Stnn Ft 'oryiid if* the per -biHg le-uriji, *T lit I? ‘ r !' I-’ ill: ; |M --v .. -> . -,f ![ !0 P«shins rv'tf.l Tt;e bote) - ’ - -old test week io a local -yndiente a: an estimated i>ri<’= of TIG nud New owners top Saul {’last .*>id .< * iob- .. opet’aot f -ix :d-T i Demands Judge’s Removal For Jailing Mother, Child Philadelphia. P- .o an after : math to hi- sentencing of a moth.-! , and bet .seven-month old baby to a pi ison tei m. ihi’ lemo’.’al from >f fl’ r' of hid; .' neiiiE,-: V, J’en v ,’ i ; | sought tbj- .vc.'k )•; the i’biladfd i [dlla bra wli of ! be ’■ A A<'!' Itt a re oliitbui wilt t-i I’entisyl v.’inia'.-, Uiivnrtim lames ,\. luitf lhe group asked ihat the jurirtt be unpeachefl ori the grounds that ' lie' i: wholly unfit ; -> -it in Judgement on the life, liberty and ilglUH of hi ; tellov,- men pur! ieuiarlv il asadf niHTiNomsiiEr) trio VISITS * -AttOm.lMAN Pictured above as they stood ! outside the (!AROM\IAN'B plant | this week ate left lo lijrhl, the Kev. ,1. Shaufelt, pastor of Hie First Lutheran Church, at South ern Pines, N, ('.; Mrs, M.vrtle I). 1 EQUAL SCHOOLS PROMISED FOR ELM CITY TV ilsoti (tAtaf Correapondenee ) temporary act tlemeut,' has been reached in one f rb» three sehoo' .-•juati/atioiis -nits pLauned t.u ■ i- ( ;h ! a re.i th« V. :I -an A, egro : >ti/®ns ( i »ntmittee, said o ,j r tt ti-. - in t! K Butferfietd co- :huir- ! a. alt "t (!}» com ,’t 11 tee sl'”g he tesetK.e 'd ftie -'.ft’-v . i*- i; -j •' R’ Dr B O. Ba>RPf> who »va? out : of the ritv .aid Mi-*- tidm City Beard - *d Hdiii'at'.m hud '-mree-i to a'l the points in otir pet i’ on for K!m ' 'itv School-c " Him City is me of ih.’ee t.-,3- r |. . -hips reported!- ha R.g n> --,iml ■’hi'e and N, -. h .oi fai'iiitfes The ->fhe’ two aie Thv and VVRann County- Dr. Burteifield tol I r*por*er? 1 ' meeting h->d been ?• hpduled for 'f iv tiighf. fan 8 be' rspn v ‘ <■ Di' N- I--.-, in.! >f . I : I'.n of Wiiv.n >1)11 tv s' hi-ols • .-.■puke-men so. 'he *-’.' i* s -»i. ' n /<-. f. laimifiee said rile ropypio • Don .' bad (-•.•:••• i ft mi (A 1 n ' i'-; lud beep s'.ni.f'A nu> ni-'.ie 5,,,, tifvins than mt expevien- e-• it', the Wit son <A if y '.school RuirA. " lu cic.' .-f the meeting between > >t»> inIDY9 M«e»jfl>efCT>unLv nffici '- < daf "J (ot I"i 'i -Hid F., >u -' d - : oop°i-irhui. Wiis-.m *' : *y urfi’A-ai .l ppear th* ontv ho’-imits M. Hugh Tboruy.s ... Durh hi 1 . n r. wh": i- r<'pi-o-miting Li;Nd vhere the father was cutting -talk- Tue first blast from the ._ ■ flted - vsear. struck his by. in th® O', k He jiumyctf f- ■re h.o stalk putter and -taned huh ig.ili ,>ud the shot, lodged itt tr.e LOP |p ’ V:H I: ■ed It!-, enough to -.e1.; 'fu-ns ab.'.ut the inri d. evr Bt-f' ■: e O ■■: ’ai' s dis a a uearanre. it- had told neighbor? t.v? id (iinirriit suicide if he ever bet ante in •■•dveii in any kind of h.ou*N. SNA.a were Ds Elmar T Howard and his son, El niCi Jr Co-owner Clmrlie Cole re p-iti-'j!.- sold hi;-; ititere.-ls ui the hotel e»i lier tfri-o last ok l* >ll- rc-si lint Mi? Louis ipni u't >ntei * ,r i tlic lio'-.d >: 1 ;»>-.« ot the .-if-g At a prb ; .j upc.-H-ing >hc d-! an?'u '.’’itii the it u-vnei.slim of or,a H.iii-lip.g. altbrnigh adnulti'tg (,fi> s»-<- -,t . • i fi-ovard -.”er? friends . f t|if- att'enry ( - ii not ai . r d any - poc * fit* ib-u *e- Hie prosecution will make against Cote the -* be As eg* oes. fudge Parry drew the fire ot rh c.> gan Hat ion for his sentencing -it Mi.- Idtlian frilyard and lih rt'il.l to a four month ierni in j.iisoi: afii’i be bad been found guilt'. *' not ,I'piiitina money she earned whim on relict Th" mother 'vent to v irk ill". 3he and her nine children v. hi • evicted I'r-'UIT their lioiiw, atlfl in ~ fu. <i vc-ii pei i-id by w■ n king : - a maid, ruined whi«’h ;.b< CoDtinucd on page d. tni.s section i leu-is, secretary o| the Loyal ' Mutual Burial Association, and ' tirorge King newspaperman and I president of the Southern Pines NA/VCP The lirv. Shaufelt is . a foi mer president of the lm&nual Lutheran Conference. and is enr -1 rcntly engaged ip missionary The campaign for addition.!! • • cgro city policemen, scored a deliniie victory yesterday, a hen Chief of City PMi-’O Ralph R Hargrove, ann«ii!>c.-r that inn more Negroes wit! no appointed to the police depart ft, e»<t. White giving no definite date for the appointments. Chief Hargrove, promised that the roan -■'Hi be plated in uniform “s non," and will ha selected Irotn a it.d of -lx names The list is now in Hargrove's possession, and while he indi cated selection has already been made. he declined to re veal any of Ihe names contain ed in the list When a iked about the po-j --sibiifty of further appointment »f Negro policement Ha■ g 1 ovs va*d there seams* to be no need for more than four Ne gro poiu-emen at the present time the city already has two Negr i policemen. and in July of last vetr. the City attyvorl* ed the appointment of two ad dition tl potice'cicn. but the ap pointments have been delayed unt't now. presumably white P'li- » offl-: ials t cached a- * - sion on whit:!* men to appoint KLIN'S MASKS OUT!. AWED BY CITY COUNCIL ri,.ns of the Ku Klus Ilian. > ofo-iij'-'o here in Raleigh, si ■; k :i s*oniblfng block yesterd.-i v, "h >a •ic.f < i-v r, vunrtl 3 ••’••>f*iy passed o. mtlawing ! he wearing -* masks within the city. rhough the measure did nor niw mo:) the Ilian w name, there v. as , no d -übt that It was aimed a* rho hyte group. hirn i-e.i-eat! • aiin i'-m red mtentionii of organisms m tfc** As passs'l b’. the ■ ;v' tp : -- !)••? '.suie -lasslfieo the rearing -> a misdemeanor, .vd pro vfor tHinishment ‘/as in i-i j i ases provided by law." Tha measure was pawed • - v”. v- of the Ministerial Ailiur. •■*, vkad the Kh-n so ,r teriy worded resolution, drawn v a. special meeting on Monday night The Indication that an even - : r -i!v >' iiii! may be enacted s 1 - i. n s given b*v Ctt.y Attorney h\ ■ y.' Va ~i- c«- I ■ , " . ’ 1 . J that the hit! is not enough * > o- -- ■i * phi Khan activities hers." an * "U-' h ••’.'•i 1 -.vr U have someth:’ : ! sv-inaet drawn up at the t»ex'. jisr-fTt It.i £ ?>? \ \i& coui>«‘. c , cr» f)lQj} V? tVi f. hil! !Tlfr V - A 1 1 ! * i : la the wearing: of masks, if was felt inat with the chance for -- ■ ; i ret participation in puplm Ki rn > i affairs oulawed, the Klaus cam I would, r^t^vd^d. Bcf -ie the piss Age of the bill, • ' Hs« Kev I'Mwaid J. Agsten. presi ' lire.' of ‘fiWfd Raleigii Pisshy ! icriiin t hun h. and president of the Raleigh Min hies hal Alliance v®.»-T (he r««soli!tl.on of the Alliance ta members of the City Council i r,o rrvoliition expressed the niiuisfer .. foniid rar e disapproval of Hi« if)’! and its neia’d-vv, :f, ■ and asked that all Ra-riati citizens refuse to join the organ : inti O!'! The > P3')tu* !'i!’. liifsd four rep cy>n.a rhv ’he miniaisrs opposed the Ilian 1 Ihe )’ !.n promotes a ltd vcßgimi-a bigotry ' • ,nf i .1(1 ill • the Christ ia'h pr'dl- I’ipnl.n of in* fatherhood of Ood arvi Ihf' brntherhood of man :t rresumor- to administer i rs tice outride th° lan 1 \ i-iiaie ; i tie i ijgbl* mrl > r-.»» dom of indivitlun’' unde l our-- 1 mni-iatjc ay stem of governmom. wcrli at the Slat# Sanatorium, McCain. N. €.; M» I.Ung is one «>t the nation's oldest living Ne gro journalists, lie started work , in Boston and h»s heen e nip In , - ed b.v ac-riie of tn«- country's lead i ing ntavs agencies.

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