PAGE TWO ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY HAVING QUALIFIED as ad min ist; a tor ui the LaU-ie of Erina Blown, deceased, late of Wake County. North Carc->:iwi this .. lo n«Uty ail person*.-- fcavir.** claims : ui’Ainst ilit Estate of 3Ud deceased : .to exh-Ht them to the undersign- i ■a: .it i:5 1-2 East Hargett Street. Rod trig*:. North Carolina, * n or be- i fore the 6th day c£ January, 1951, 1 or ■ this notice will do pleaded i.u ‘D£i' of their recovery vii perse >..• indebted ts the Estate wili please 1 :: .1 mediate payment. Titi s C’i day of Jo.Niary I DAO. F I. CARNAGE. Administrator 4«in. ,M hi 28-Feb. 4, 11 18 ADMiNIsTIv A TORS NOTICE TIAV • .••: G QUAI.IPED as Art yun.iiar.'.i'.. <: the Est.i'e of M Uij I- ■ v St!*‘ot -.n-eeas, d 1. a- .1; Wm-e 1. N'ortn C-v>'< tin;; ihi is to notify ail persons nave:?. U«,1!IS ... ainst the Estate of v:\! to exhibit them to ih< Uiie.ersialKd at tie 1-2 East Har gett Sn-’e: Raleigh. North (...:■- -.>*:> b*..l lie the Glh day ' i .T: ftu&ry. 1851. or this notice will be j tc-c. ArH in bar «: f R.eir ree.-v- Piy. All }>.irons indebted to the vj• l p-i-ast r.ake immediate i>aytn«it. To: sth day of January 1960. 7 -.‘ 'll. 2!, :H F'.-o. t. U 18. A EASIN'isTR.ATOR'S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA W. VK F COtl NT V HAVIN'*.; QUALIFIED a.- A,i --ji'ini.-l: ’toi of the Estate of I’attie I .ill 1 , -I, • i O Os Vlv C. nvi; North ( lus Heia. ibis i- lo . u* ■;f,v ." !-••) on** i.evir;; claim'* ; th* Estate of aid. •'. 1 0 , u *.,.- *7 v *: ; : .! It;--!., 'a the ~r-; ed , : ;i v i ; ; 'Mart us StiC-'t. Knicim'. Nrrtl ;’,-* wfcna et» ur hes a‘e '• " sth . ; Vi V. 19. F, or this retie*. v.-.ii .•<■ pleaded in bar their et-. •-y AU per-. .-> indei t fd t . the- Estate will pk\'...e in*:. ed .d" jsaynv*'.; Ah'; 'll ; l f Jill) ' . !•■' 'ALLEN LANK VdminiFrati.'r F i CARNAGE At tone •>’ Jrri H. 21 28-Fe!) 4. a, If, NOTICE OF SAIF KCRTU CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY Um.Lt :'d by virt tc of .*'« order r-t - : i■■ ~f tn,. 5 ;|)i rnr, Cutir! ■*? VCr Re C i tii.ty iDi a rale end r*"-Y*. t tie -yet i.l j.i <! 1 : cr.ti:a ; Siianiu- V.-MShacis. e* v 3 VL :5- Wil iam . i ab". L m f emr , : : No. 7583 up n tlie ..! pro oc« ; a locket. P; 111 .cl* * .V t.! i M;"C piin- ' !il * tile It* ; iL> o) Di tiii.:,* ip Hi-iti. at >eh • ms. •• at tec* C";;.'" h* !.r • ■' .e • Rnleitdi. Wake Coun ty . .>]■') Carolina, c-ff *i tor re sale :• *: . 1 it t i} l* •hi ,llf '1 !•..•' I I >. so I. , tail, t; act Ot Ira'/i !vine a• r ben■ i, - Ft. .• ■■ ,* V- :-.** L me > L Cl. »'■. P' • mo *' tie.H'.ui 4-. ril-rii J . fellows: TRACT NO l: Bo.',inning a! a p, tin i-dyo ol tin.' wo'ids alel it fill: !t. Noil!) cf .'.".ck Wii- Pam- dwelling, also WiFi a. • ‘ cener: th*". No. 87 dogrre? -?<• W. 1015 feet to ;• st. ko ;.i the I LI oil aid spring branch 10 ft. TV. i:.>:a. a i i i.;e pine- thence aow.n : .e'd hv..rethe fallowing distantcs . . d co, es 1 o hi, t"i; 1- rt ,/aci ; V f:i Id t-i-wit. N. Li d"..;l C'" P !f). 1 P. L 45 degt ocs 30 K. ZW feet; N 4.', tl'" F. -t 2|f» feel N. •!■’. dc; rers 4.V F. Do feet; North 70 trap, re tv 30' Fast 100 feet: North . C ccyiv. - 50' East 'IOO fu t North At lie-. ■ 45' Eii.H 300 f. t; lo a. take cm I . nk of Branch in Jack WiHk'cr ’ West line: thence with • •aid Wiliam:' We s' line 5 degrees Ifi W 90.1 ic-t to point ot begin <img; c a' iteny 12 acres mere or is '■ Sc Book 252. 289. A)so ' Book 25a Rare 102 Os the Wake*.< C.innt • Registry. TRACT NO '<■ Beginning at a], stake ;n the middle* of Holland;; Sprit': l Branch on the lino between • , Williams and W. Wade Wtl- ,, Hams; rims thence with said WiL 'sms' line South 30 degrees F,a.-t. fa feel to ;< pine stake Aus WiR • ',l 1 and Jack Williams’ corner, ifacnci* with said Wilder's and Sam Smith - J*n»- North 4 degrees E;v-t 7t>7 feet to large poplar on the : ;t. iik ' i Holland Sprinp Branch: up : aid branch the follftw in« distances .•-•rut courses to the; 'i '-ginning nan taming 0.75 acres: irioio or 10-:c-- - South 59 degrees: Sf-' West 300 fi.-c-t; South C7 degrees; Wirt 58 feet; South (58 .degrees 15' West 1.-LJ f'-.'i.o: South 65 degree-..; W JPO foe' ; SI 35 dr‘.’.roes E !8u fel; field!) 55 dcm ii s East 400 feet. - : feet peal distance. See Book 25.3 T’ii" 289 Aim Book 258, Bag" !S2 ■■! s!:<- Wake County Registry.. ~,’j y(-y yjo 3 Begienlng at Cyn- IJtlry a corner; thence West; with. B J Williams, end Bet tie \filliam-- line 300 1-4 yturt':! then-'*? South a yards: thence par-1 cliel ,vth said Bcttie Wiilicm:' li cicj B J. William:* line East 300 t-L yards thence North a yards to the t * ■ - - ’ ’ j >J.ipan's. 1949 tict* ct*6p is estimated ; at 9.828-OOit metric tons, the large -t! . h ce 1942- ■ ?* Still' yT^ial Talk Os The Town 5sV PETE WILDER Ails. Catherine Willl-' iii.i 204 HifU Scicei v iMtect friends and relatives in Washington. D. C-. Baltimore. :Vid Mew Vork City and Brooklyn, during tlu* holidays. Miss Swank* Thorpe formerly oi this city, tut now of Chicago. lit visited relatives and friends here ri ventiy. During her stay she was Uir.iurr gueet of Mr. and Mr.. Hov el.."-: R-ji'i:.i- n. tW.j JSast Lenoir Street. Mi*<s; .• ij a child *•■.'>-- t.- c- v."'.'k(»r the Windy City \i . and Mo. Francis Constance idiiir.delphia. Pa. visited i;i.- ;' '■ - nt. Air. and Mi's Constance, 3:5 Snutht el.I Street f . the aol - i.-> Ju' a C'hiM‘.ha r n. All s l oi*.if : :--i Nc-VsKii: New.- V:« ..ttend * :'-i,* chi i-tcnii. * ■:! l.:tf.!c Dom-.'i Ivu/ k . rioenTi;. NoHowiri' a very fine inspira t-. ~sll ■ i:y ;ho Rc*. C. And; e KniH" :,.s* *> i • a! Davit- Street Presbyter!.: i Chni.-h. the '950 of fi; - : s .if Royal 23 Ciub look* wvc r ;h;cr rcsponsibilitii*''- in 'heir rci.ih.*!- me: Lug r; id ot Chavis H< ihi; H. i e ition Com* - Mmiday ~ight. at tl O's p rn. The :••. w o:'iicer« ere Joseph .VI, president: Howard Curtiss, vice president: Hocvard Jones financial secre tary: Johnny Mlnter, recording secretary : Frank Simmons, treasurer; Silas WeSb, chair man ot Itoarii of Control: Julius Havwood, chairman so cial committee; James Kerr, ehup: tin fhv Ci'.'h v.'i’c* v; £ ;v<.l Dec: :Cr i 2 1922 «t the h.iiiie • ! U;*.‘ In-.** R-'-.bcrt .i0n,517 South East Street ■ f t; y • » -;i*}.*i. the total was :.i ri vd i ' to oxcev : 23. 'lll* cl.ib • ?. >; kr.cwn for st *." - li. ,•.*’- to most derTrvitg I 1 • ci:*’i ~i: h.i: ui wav.- bus !* ' : ■ i . e.,■. *’ Mrs. \hiu- I>. Brown, Ober l*n i* improving to the de li: id of her many freinds. Vlrs Brown is an outstanding Afis sionary VVoiFni iai St. Paul \All. Church. Th** Hcv. I P, iiuliarl L her minister. ’. .* - I't-.i: . W :r. J"■ vi:- 1, lo:: !• I s' (! ’;i -' (-it V hut I:!".'.' of pi'i'lS nn.uth. Va.. visited nui two .sisters . Liweek end. H« r are Mr:- Gin !:-:- Williams. 515 Alston :: t t ;.*.d Mr- .iCSSiC V. I.'V.r.n, ii7 AR:,.,n Street. viis. I unice VC. VVbitlet 512 smiU: Street spent a levs days in New Vock ( tty visit);*); fiiiniK She icported a pteas »m via', Mr.,, hi" H . . 13ii3 E <h ’.*’- St'.v <t. ho ,i • i ried lo ins'* city foL i -, ■ a t olc.isent holiday stay v, ih hi >• .s.'n-in-law aiKl cia:!;/htcr. vF ’• t M; h A. Con'Oll. H r ! I’L-Mug Pi nna. The Tnariglo* Club wu-- entertain *•:'. cy Ai:i. he;.,ert C Melcne. jCJ NINE COUPLES PUN TO WED Morriag- licenses wen issue*l in '!;• follow ing nine cun pic dun: if* i the jac-riod 13uiii Jniuiaey 6 until ;.!.'.unary ;u: Rohe:-!. Kt.irhcy. Jr, lily Scutii D’troci, ot Miss Mary Jean Hinton ''Ui e.i Its,ice.h Willie W Moon*, ill:- S:ti!iafield Street to Miss Lula S ’ in . 607 S-'.'tih East S'vi't. both ."f Raleigh; Tefihus Dunn to Mins | Queen E.i ter Watson, both of ; Kalghlrialt ■; Ben Slew si 11. 504 Ber- I- * S‘r. i t to Mi- S.ula Ross, boll; . ! Durham. ilemv Horton of Apex to Miss i Marion T. Th* mas of Holly Springs; Clay wood I. Whitaker of Garner to Mi‘s Ruby Mao Jiles of Raleigh: Samuel Krvcmnn of Raleigh to Miss Elaine Chavis of Wil lob rook: John Gilchrist cf Greensboro t*> Miss Louise Mitchell of Raleigh: .Sylvester Watkins to Miss Rose la C'judup, both of Bunn. The marriage, of the former Mis-. Alary McAllister to Mr Ktigeti** Hiliianl Groton, in Hcnnetisvillf* • S C, was recently annouai'-d by the bride’s niotlier, Mrs; Eovtiia McAllister. SOCIAL AND CLUB NEWS / he i'fi ii fit's of the I’.i HO I IX in the often//it to firor.Ulr ttiller coeenitir of soeutl mill club rites, rei/uest that in. i/ per.toit tlrsirint; to hart’ nil-: of ih i *•■ type- published in the ('AHOJJ.MjIX, wtiil or lain<t in the m ■ /*• *-- to the C,ll*'o. 1,1 XIA X of fief, 118 K Ha,at't ; .s'.',, hit Tuesiiitp Os erery n tep All in', ’tarry used K'ii be rdturV' txt upon 1 1 i,ni’st. Thank you “Oid at 40,50,60?’: Matt, You’re Crazy >’orgft your ««:<•! *i ■ -v* .i« ar-: peppy it ,u. Try , ijij" with « »•»:•* .. jiii,uiUii ttiiiic (ol wen j., rundowLi ffcJiH-r fl’ut .• •c y t j>DvJ); h Jack •*! iroo ! whicu ij.iu.ny ia*'n vvtimet. < jUi **’ Try J Tfiircx Tonic T ibkMs f. i pep t-.r.Mnx, truj I (las, i\.;M ’’ vtQUil! M*4JtJ ♦**«*• OTJ’t i'iijf. JAt all Drug Stores Evfri y where. In i Raleigh, at Walgreens and Eckerd’s i Relieve Monthly Distress * Before Pain Start* * Bounds hJmost impossible, dioesn't it. V'.t 1 tcMi.w provo thnt many wc-mtn who taw# i Cardui v. Jew unyt, before; painful periods ffp;t happy relief and *oivi«ttmeß suffer no i tramp* at all. You. hoc, m onthly distress »* j conimoniy due U) spasms oi the titer uh. By help/riff control *,hese spasms Caidui has i tihied rhousand’*, of joyful women eacap*’ »hjr, monthly orduuh Sec vs Caiviui dofcf-li t .k,;i prhc* you, maybe yet you by «w --| iui day %in woj.'df-jTul atyie. It**. Ltvtfttnly i wyiiigi Abl 1 - foi C Hfdoi. «* Ober'in Rond ASUrr the close of j rj'.t* business sirslon, u Ciirintniag tree, bearing gitG for each ruoin ' tier was undressed. Dr. and Mr. Janies Hackney atvd their mother. Mrs. Minney Peace Hackney . were guests of Prof and Mrs. Spraggins. St. Aug ustine's C* dege and Mrs. K.iye : ace Maye, West South Street. Mrs. Indiana Henderson Al len, Durham. N. C., attended the Christmas Worship Services ,ii 11;U0 A. Al. at St. Matthew A VIE Church, The Rev. L. Mar ion Thompson is the minister. Mr and Mr.- A1 Boston, Now 5o k City, wore loc-'rit hous*- guests c-f Air-. Flou.iia J. Hunlor, l Job V. . Kaigett Street Mrs Boston, the : f(..iiTier Cornell:; Hunter, is tile daughtt-1 t M-r. Huittt". (apt. I.ester McCann, now - services officer *t;.' Honed at Fort Bragg, visited Mr. ,iml Mrs. L i. Jaek-soii. N Tarboro Street, here iJoimg the holidays, ( apt. >ir< anil recent ly completed a three year as signment in Germany. 10 Mr. .o.d Mrs. oJvne.s Johnson ind sop. N*ir»!> C.iroima D. D. and B. Institute, journeyed to Chica go 111,, to visit relatives during Hie holiday:?, returning here Jan. 2. Mr. and Mrs 1.. 1.. Jackson spent th* New Year’s Week end in Washington. If. (’. and Baltimore. Maryland Mrs G( nst.oice Kay Je liig-.u'. . cot th(> CisrisJraas holidays wth - *• -vother Mrs W'.llic Oh-y Kay, 125 West Cohan oy Street. Mu's Je: nagan now rf-jide; in Pi.ilarid-: ■.hi. Pa Mrs. Chits. Ilayviood and <lai.igther. Mitntros)-, accompau *.-ii i,> Vii*s Doris Malone. (tbtr)iu Roa*l. spent the Itoli itays in Philadelphia. i‘a , and •sew Fork City. Mis Cornelia Robinson. Church Str- <•■* . 'iLie-' ■!] a' her hu-tne. Mr. Henry Wilder, ItU Mark Stieet, is mu<h improved at his h-iinc here. AT and Mr: Theodore William.-. 5)2 Mont a wr Ph.; honor*:* their J ogthc Cl*.-ni*?nti:i'.* with a iiii'th .l •. om tv .it t!i,-,r none Sunday. n.i. 8. r,i 4:00 ir: Many u-, - In! gifts v.-ro received A!) of the lit!!** folk** had ; great time. The Evergreen Club No. 1 me* at the home of .Mrs. Eliza Wall. Cast Davie Street. Mon dav. Jcnuaiy 9. The next meet Ini* will he held next Monday uiyht January it;, at the home cf the Rev. Samuel spencer, s'outh Tarboro Street, 3’he Progressive Club of St. v.Hhe'". AME Church met with Mi: a Glndv;.- Taylor, 4IC Montague Pli*( • Monday night Janurn-y fi, :..t fl:00 I:. in A uioasant evenin'.; ■: -e ! a yt-d by all Dt'fii:'* th** w*’; t holidays Mrs. Alice Perry, *J 24 Sirjith Phiz;., Clu."r,.s Heights, entertained her li.ster-in-kivr. Mrs. Carrie Lee and run from New York City. CHAVIS HEIGHTS : . BV JEW L. BROAIHE ,'drs. Harnett B. Jones of 423 South Swain Street, who has been ill ior several day,-, is able to be out again, i Air;. Alice J. fOrell of 310 South State Street, is able to be out ..fter : feeing ill for several days. Mi. and Mrs. Sylvester Bobbitt cf New York City, have returned i horn*? alter visiting Mrs. Bobbitt’s mother, Mrs. A Hall of Freeman ’ Street and Mr. Hobbit's relatives : in Apex. N. C i Little Marguerite Kiudell of 21 Chavis Way has teen ill for severay days, is able to be out again. Mrs. Martha Perry of 7 Franklin : Terrace is visiting her brother in Harrisburg. Pa., who is very ill Mrs Carlene Pulley of 10 Frank lin Ten ace celebrated her 12tii •t* ihday during the holidays. Guests included Gloria Sanders. Bobby Butler, Willie Sanders, Hu bert Barnes. Jr., Delores Utley,. Bat bara Holden. Yvonne Autrey. Edward Carson. Leon Carson, and : Gene Glascoe; Also Freddy Du ns! on. Betty and i Joyce Cooper, Ina Jones, Betty Rogers, Patrice Freeman, Ann Mask. Norris Connady, Lee Thorpe. Robert C Pulley. Ann Pulley, Mil dred Slcohen.son, Ella Chavis and , Gcovy Walton: And John Freeman, Gloria Snarer. Peggy Aushuvne, Eliza beth Thonv.s. Geraldine Soe nee, Franuaes Roberts Frank Peterson Kenneth Cooke. Artis Winston, Warren Ray. Mickey McNeill, Joyce McNeill, Am Hunt*'-!' and Clemen- Mine lilih li was *i very colorful party that v.-.'-s enjoyed fey all The guests i were served a delicious course of i iubocue. slav* breed and cookies. ! Souvenirs were little rod Santa Chius candies which carried out the : ' litv tnifc snitii. All friends ore In deen pvrnpa thv with too following iamiliefi. Mrs, Blanche Dover of 209 Cuba Sheet in the death of her cousin. i | who died in Brooklyn N. Y. Mr. and Mrs Virgil Hicks of East : Cabarrus Street to the death of Mr. . i Hicks’ ne*ce ! M> and Mrs. Authur Jones of , Sonip Person Street in the death of |Mr Jones’ niece. And Mr. arid Mrs James Curley j■ j ft, youth Swain Street iri the | death of Mrs. CuHey’s sister who | 'Red Sunday while visiting rela 'ii"'s in Johnson County, j M 1 "- Lu'dle Warren and grand j dauetiicr, Easedv E. Warren spent 'lr* '*/eck end in Benson. M* - '. Annie Mills Burkett has re j toyed to her home in New York i aRi-v visitinv her brother William I, w Mills aud he* aunt. Mrs. Emily Bates of 14 Smith Plaza. THE CAROLINIAN* YMGA CALENDAR YMCA NEWS SCHEDUI.E OF ACTIVITIES JANUARY 12-19 THURSDAY JANUARY U 5:30 p. m.— Lucille Hunier Gra-Y 7:00 p. rn. Junior Citizens Club FRIDAY. JANUARY 13 8.00 p. in.—Men’s Recreation Ciub SATURDAY. JANUARY 14 2:00 p. m.—Basketball game:* 7:t)J j». m. —Me vies and Talent Show SUNDAY. JANUARY 15 .7;00 <■ in -■ Music Ilnur MONDAY, JANUARY lu 12:00 Noon Minis! rial Alliance .V.3op. in.—Gra-Y Photo Club 7:30 p. m.—Hi-Y Photo Club 7:30 p. rn. — Beard of Management Meeting 1 8:00 p rn—Mini.'driaj Union TUESDAY. JANUARY 17 0:00 rn.-—Washigton Gra-Y (. ■ a ?• 30 p rn - -Washindtoo Hi-Y Club S:3*’ ’ —Town Meeting of the Air WEDNESDAY’. JANUARY 18 8:00 p m.—Crosby-Garfield Gra- V Ciur, 7:00 m Men.;' Hecveatinii Club EVERY DA Y F EATER ES ; Cafeteria. Dormitory. Libra.", Lounge. Music Ro m. Reereatio i Room-, Table IV", no Bov, tic j ; Checkers. Wht.t, Pinociile. Bil liards* Room Registry. Show ers 1 Counselling Inioi niaUon Service. Public Stenography. Civic Meet ing's GROUP HONORS MRS, JULIft SMITH A s .*»*|»rise nai-v was given la r Tue-'i.i.v ;'«.r U; Julia Smith, ,-f Li 10 Oakwond Vvi-tiu*- in honor of tin iht"< -- * years of service a- nrosi *!*:.' of U •' lo ,’vi. 2 of t!:> .Martin ; Scree* Baptist Church. The party was held at iholinin-- of ,\ir.s Liti-ille Thorpe of 1-5 >7 Edcnion Street, aft***' the regular 1-o-incss meeting of Die group, j Presentation of *-hina I;i:mj> to ; Mr- Sti th was made bv the Rev. H. Johnson, nastor of th*- church or: he,l,oil' 111 the group. Entcrtalil mciii tv a ■ supplied through a pro grain of songs and spiritual reah ill* a solo bv Shir kv H;nron. | Ant*’-tig ill* aoe' i. were the Rev. !’. II hilu: •• :. !teacoii Ronnie 'ones Jones, and Airs. Marvit: Tlim-pi Alesdnnies Julia Sinifh, .la'.'.ffic James, Ercell Da vie. L a'lie Thorpe lira- K-m- Li’’-', is Vglt-ta Go'l.i *0 Ma s '.Vat kias. Artollia Ilia:-' ■ll a(: a* * *lo * :*!***' *' Jo-etiliioe Ret is. , I tot tv Mini. Mary Hinton. Mari' Hunt. Annie Anderson, au*l Made line Keith. YWCA ACTIVITIES The YWt A wishes all of Il nieiniters and friends a Happy and j ■ Prosperous .New Year. We do hotK that you have been refreshed by your Chris!mas vacation* and thus you are more det.erm ined to ltd: Imiid a "Great *'f Fellowship o' .Women ami Girls' it, this, out ; .conirtiiin ii y. The Y*v ( .v ' f-ad'ioVKhip cant , | will begin this yt-at on Jar; ‘ [22. Et-70. Plan now to reioitt this I ;v**r> worthy ch-inicfer bitilding or ' j ganizution. If you have never join till, by all means plan to do **o. . 1 Yon owe it to yours* If! '.Vlaniber ' I ship Fee i- only or maybe you would like to be on the YWc . Honor Roll. Five $5,00 1 dollars or inure will entitle yon to a sustain :; ing membership and vour natii* i will appear on the 195 ft honor roll ] , ; Don't turn the workers away. Pl'-ui i now it) lay your fee aside and lei's j -.go over lie* top Remember, tlts-'i ~is your YWCA! Girls end AVometi i of Raleigh n*" ;1 the "Y" an*l it facilities. IPs up to you to keen ; it going and open! Mrs. G. S. Har ; ris Membership Chairman. The annual ail membership meet line of S'donrner Truth Branch, YWCA will lie held ibis year or j ■ JoiP’ury 22nd at 7 n ot. at Hie Mar. ! tin St. Baptist Church. All Y men: i ■ Iters and friends all urged to at - , ( tend There will be a special nro- I ■gram and sneaker. This meeting : 'will as-o mark Die beaitmine of tin -1950 Memhersbi}'/ fiiive. Do you i and your friemls have a treat in! store. Plan mow to attend! Mrs. j i Ada M, Jarnngin i- program chair-, li; fin. The Washington High Y-Toen- ; I wont caroling on December SJtrrl. | l!t4!i. Ttn> urniup iml at the Y wii'n ; Mcv.'tinrllO and Mb's .1 E. 1 Hicks I'nrob wc - ;;\inon .1! McCati jb'v'- Wo'-oi i-• 1, fh< <-ii'- ‘ Hus Tor- j ■ miiia) and Si Agnes Hospital >) v i tin' caroling Y.Tppik The Cjjrol-1 j pfs returned to (ho Y where hot ; chocolate ami coni chins werr : served. Oond music am! dauciirc j ended a night of fun and good ' dicer Tlie Y-Teens of (’ror-iby-Harfieid 1 p.-boo! and Mrs. !■'. .) Pariiiige (heir adviser, entertained ai a ! week-end party at their school on i Friday, (lames and other activities j were conducted by Miss Bette L. Mcwhortift. Ice ( ream and cake wer ■ !enjoyed t*y all and prises were giv an at the end of the events. Thursday nicht. .Inn nary 5Mi ■ worked th f ' second" of Mv y-Teen High School Intcrrliih ' Bonneil They nl.m » <*o-r-d meet ! inn - with the H! Y s on Thursday | January lilth at 7 p.irt. Miss Bette • f,. Vcwt'ornc. Y-Too<> r)i rector. | The < omrniftee of Management | met nt tl>« “Y” on Tuesday niall t i January 3rd with Mr« if. C. Per rin presiding. The ballot was road end discussed and nil member;: I were urged to vote and return the ; ballots by January I.3th in order t'tiit thev may lie counted Plan • i were made for the annual meeting I and Membership Drive and for ! work during the New Tear. ; The 1 B and 1 Hub held »!t«ir |first meeting of the veer ct the V •cn T'K.-sd-iv nieht. with Mis» Laura Brown, chairman nro'bdi'iv TIM ; , club plane a wide awake J9KO pro gram. A large group of ladies, .MANY LET Mil 1 The people of North Carolina i have benefited during the past ve.u* ; to r.iie extent of 12(1.719.48ft, which 1 ; represents the national Govern | nient’s share in their S’tate and lo ch! investment in health, education, and social welfare, according to 1 summary released today by Di. K. R. Coffey Regional Director of th<* Federal Se< urity Agency with he i l riuarters in Washingiou D C , The figure of *26.719.54t>. !)• f ’offey said. ineknUs payments un der the Federal old-age and siii ;*- ,vors insurance program ami is : based on prelimir.a*'y data on North ! Carolina’s participation ir. the v t i ; i.-us FSA programs, ’flu- opera tkui of these programs is *!*. s- rlhol in the foriltcoining FSA Aminat Re port fm the fiscal year ended June :io, mil. to be : -sled bv Federal | Heenrity Administrator Oscar R. Ewing. •Even thD substantial ioves<- • :r,cnt.' Regteiial Direr: >: t 'offey ' pointed out. '’does not tell th ‘ w hole .story in terms eithei of p*-o plo o. of moil* y sine*- ’’ does no* take iißcouitt -u lertain Nation wttl-- FSA services which benefit eve* . chi'/a-ti of North (’aroiinn. Th*-s --i service;-: ace i'm-il and drus ■ *•':;- :i s lor- sen :, es V* 'lie s - ■ 1; ! '■ - Uonul system, stiuervisiot; ~f FYd i ral credit unions, and puh’l-' health hi v.O's operated directly bv the Public Health Service, such as ona;,inline and ppideiric control ' \ total of E'iii.Mfio men, worm*!: and children in Non h Ca colin hen“ I'md directly from l-Ytlcrtt 1 fund • add- ll O' North ( '-Ol' i'll "s' me nt in health educate*!!, wclfai !v oi reiiahiEral ion atol s-•* i:; ! re 11 ri;y. Thi -e ciriz* n- . :•<•.*'» <1 in ; dividual iieiicfits or sa-rvi.-v;- d’-O ing ii'** pas: year through !'i o urity Agvitcy progr-'ii'i * opera! ilia in their own i'i>:nr!Ut' : t •"** ;.•*■ .01 them with lio- <■ )op :’:r h■: ■ : hoiii Btat*-«i nali.-na’ -:<.v Tneilt.-. ’ ‘’Tlu-sc dire* : hem fit , i •he expiaiiied. “uu'litd*' : hihlr. o !• - got health c.r * o: :• • u dep*-: ' dent or in dan;.: r of Deeming .S' iJntpu-ui : ih*' iieedv blind: dis:ib!—.| men and women, being rehahHitai ; ed into Jobs. '*id •••* ciph re eivi * ■ > ‘rt ill****: and those receivi;:-: Federal social security benefits i*i eluding hot!.i r* ;ii"d worki’is a". : . the tatnilies of ii',sir.-i*d worlo - who have died.'' '\ -■ for the investment of >'.T*. 719.456 itself." Dr. Cofey < *<nti:i■ ued. ‘'ont* ac*-otu!t ing .* ■-** ■; ■■ (*:: s ’-•riiy the Fed ra! .share in th.* p.ii" mo'ship To I'omploti* the picture North Carolitiii v,oukl imve t,. add its own State and lorai futols whicl'. its citizens nl'" use for these pur poses. Only font* of the :ua*-*i Pi" grams under the Federal Securin' Agency ar?' gdrninisteicd riiiinl by the Federal Gavcrnment. These ; ol.baue and 11 rvi v• i j—s insn; nice, food and drag regulation Federal credit unions, and Federal ! employees’ compensation. 'vc-re present.. ! The V, \V ("lie’s 'lie! it the Y • 'with .Viis. .1. A Mann )>r- tiding on Wednesday night. Juinttiry 4th Plans and ideas ’ discussed for good 195(1 program year. Miss Sadie 1 Cooper is seers’!ary. The Personnel CommittO" met at the Y oil Monday night. January lull, Policies anti contrails were ' d isciissed and tin- new personnel Miss Bette 1. Xev.horjl® and Rev . nd Mrs M I, Shipman «ere wl c’-tned In the V stall. Mrs. n \\ Wat 1; mis. chairman. The Parent Education Oonimi; tee held its. first PCni nwi ing a 1 the* Y cm Monday night. January Idh. An interesting program held the uitentiun of the members and friends. This is a very valuable re source to all parents and young people who are thinking of mar riage.. Mrs. Ada M. Jarnagin, chair. ; man. Attention! Have you marked vour ballot and returned to the Y. if not, (‘lease' do so at mice so that \ our vote can lie counted. Vote for the* candidates of your choice 'and send it hack a once. Renienv I her your vole counts too. Moat production under Fedora! inspection for the week end De cember 24 tools 324 million pounds MEM WOMEN Make sls to $75 weekly runnings n Kay product route. Full or purl lime. No experience necessary. For •.•omplete d iails write today. Kay Company, Box 118. Memphis, Tenti. i UMSTEA D’S TRANSFER CO • GROCERY STORE LIGHT AND HEAVY HAUUNG | LOCAL & LONG Distance Courteous - Prompt - Efficient El) I'M STEAD. Mfrr. 602 8. Dawson Dial 9478-9212 I j *•-*■•■**' 2s*^mssbubksbms^ USED CAR ! BARGAINS Check Our Prices Before You Buy DIAL 2-1279 j K. &W. Motor, Inc. 1 HUDSON SALES AND SERVICE 1 f RALEIGH'S CLEANEST USED CARS X 425 5. Wilmington St. 11.3 E. Davie St, a HERO of the month AS SELECTED BY THE D. AV Father Joe Lauro of Harrisor., Arkansas —he v.:*s “Big Joe” ! when he Hew :< > missions fir the j Army Air Force today knows ! what it is to live in pr.ln with , constant, unrelenting headaches. But hidden pain aml hidden j hurt haven’t stopped the 6 foot. ' 2 inch former p int from his mis- ; siors of peace. 1 -ause of his abiUtv to over- i cone serious JflKat | ha- dsc a p s pS*--* 1 caused b y M World War II Si .... service and he- ' W . j core-* self-su.s- L Jtp. I ta ing the I ?■ °ty ■' V. '- if, or", r mTUAF* lee*. i Father , Lauro #s “Thu Father Joe I.atsro ; Hero of ..the Month.” The selection is par-: *«f a na- > tional program to Jv-nor each : month a seriously lUsal:<ed vote-.-- • an who ha-' ucccrsihi!':,' rehabiU- j tated hi nr- cif. Joe Uure. ,-f idjir.g at Le Paul ; University in Chicago, answered j the rail b. anno r.'"': PcG.rc the - United States t ittered it orw! War } 1 If. A full year t . fore Pearl liar- I per he enlisted ■■ -ho R ;a ! Air i orcc ami s-t\m ui s > the Hpr- t THE 3 MOST POPULAR HAIR DO S /iV Y& jj^‘' Page boy This most o la. ;• piece b’ctHis m with year o v.;. oo ’ keeps t’ue rough rods ? Vi.- . ;-'ii ; *os Cl . ill ear to tat and .-h'-vhior ivu*-- ii. the Page Boy :o;-. your iif-v. hair length look .-«> oaturai tout :«> one can tell the difi'm • tiy .. ' " 7 s * d' * G I.A MOCK To ? i • i’ \GH HOY ; . 1-ajT " i LI'STFIC.A’^ >8.30 ‘ This back of the head cluster can. be worn isi eight other styles as a cluster or plain. You do away with' the use. of hot irons, thervbv giv ing your hair time to regain its I'HEHALF <li. AMOLH. When ft | is length you want, the Half Gla mour fits your taste. As you see. j it fastens at. the crown of the head 1 and hangs naturally down the i back. You can-wear it as an up sweep or any style yon lii.o. (It, ;s il6 to 20 inches iongl. SIO.OO SEND NO MONEY *-~pa.y postman on delivery. seni/ sample ot your hair or slate color. QP.DCR TOO A HAIR DO FASHIONS 312 ST. NICHOLAS AYE. NEW YORK, N, Y [ FULL LINE OF GROCERIES Your Patronage A sjpi'ocialeo i ;irhor'o « if*A i>lr?tu St‘.. l _ ; 11 i WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, J AMU ARY 14, 1950 Hsu flag for three years on a fly ing bomber taking part in 68 op erations over England and Africa. For heroic flying missions he re ceived medals at Buckingham Pal act from the Kir - and Queen -i England. In 1945, Joe Lauro join ed the American forces and took part in :J4 bomber operations. He was hospitalized following a crash landing and he also suf fered flak injury. The man who holds the Disting uished Flying Cross and the Air Medal with Oak Leaf Clusters— in addition to the British awards —became the first ex-G. 1 to he ordained into the priesthood. Father Lauto is 38 years oil and was born in Chicago. Today he* is the Chaplain of the Disabled American Veterans Chapter No. 7 in Little Rock and devoted to the cause of the dis abled veteran. Fr.Cnor Lauro'.- creed.' It s sim plv : '! am here doing Gods work, not because my pilot ability brought us through combat, but because God saw fit to hear our prayers and He waa our Fi rsi Pilot on all our missions. Those bombing missions are over, rn w tin big mis .-von of d< in;* tlad's *v-*rk cm the Mis.-' -it of AH'no li re Jfi !*C ” re- .'S ats£ ic-tc: rsrcsrj*^i*!Csai»flas*J**B ! j e *'i % 4k" j we can help\ol! WE LOAN MONEY | ON ANYTHING j OF VALUE! | hftfill) !c i.oan Lo. - mi \h\gto\ - r ji. ■ .-...-i-.... - if, -| c . nV Mf> ,^,, i . l r T]| t * tSWIRB.*M f'' I | 1 urea Gust r | l.unehes \ r Tinner* 1 > Merry Chris 5 mas 1 y and a \ | Happv New Yenr A I AS7\Y YORK j \ CALK J ( to E. H VKGTiTT ST. j j i Finance or Borrow On Your Car through the. DILLON MOTOii FINANCE £O. 122 F.. Davie Sheet Phone 3-3231 /save^N ii ** ** ** Regular Plan, fll Decide now to save- a certain sum each, Em ’Wk week oi each month out of income* Em % Open your savings account now.' fw |f Mechanics B H & Farmers m Raleigh & Durham dp \ Dr. Bundle Receives High Catholic \vvar<i NEW ORLEANS or. Haiph J. Bum ho .mted statesman, has just i ceived Xavier University's hir’h c-t award, the Ftnncis Anthony lheMei medal. Tf'.e ;w. ret “for distinguished ret vice, and devotion in the cause, ui huinanity and betterment Os tiis fellow men. - ' It has been given only <>nce bes a iu tiie University s twenty-hiw yeat history I'HiYfy CORN STALKS From the tail-corn country, plant t: i eeders at Ltiuo's U '.*■ College -t A- rieoiturc “ep*.i t< d that dwarf 1 com a- shert a ine foui may be the variety w ;h- future Advant- e:-:p< r .rtici 1 Cv-rt-i *>rn .-talks a-v ■ i to de-tassel less likely wind d rage I HUNTER BROS. I t FANCY GROCERIES Y AND WOOD | For Quick Service For “ BAG COAL DIAL 9393 or 3-1998 and “Never Worry, We Are ' On Our Way” -*>• * A* WAKE salvage co. w« Hv,7 «»d s«ii —g of Vein* FURNITURE STOVES RKFRIGFJFIATORS TOOLS RADIOS 437 S. Wi lining ton Si. Phon- ?-332? Complete Home I !' urnisberg /fj a-C:T"' j W> van furnish any room In f your h-vue from the living | ro* sn u, the Eib-hen. Hee us flrpi. W. E. COOPER : FURNITURE CO. 121 E Marlin -SL j p "* | mk A Lifetime in Flame* Why take chonces on burrd&g up a liieiime's eftOTl in a single terrifying hour when it's so aimpie and inexpensive io pro tect yourself aysinst any possi ble mishap. Your ham* and family can be absolutely pro toctod from ANY disaster at but a few pennies a day. W*'U show you how,. SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS LIRE INS. CO.

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