I RALEIGH’S NEW POLICEMEN ~ | 0“/ 4t* Sc<Cml ' *^MMWm*flßMSwMj»Mi£tm6SrowF ri|ali|aWl6NH|g» Tt Ftctored above in the company of Officer Joceph VVintccs, are the two rfm poi»rT*?n<?>‘, who wrrr sworn i1 > t»> rtuiy on Tuesday in ( 1 <t > Haii Eculmj{ from f«Ti to risjTM Samuel ri.u kson i:\. ol hl.'i ( oje tnan Street, Winters and Not man Artis 27 ol io'> Brhzz stm-T Court Issues Warrants In Civil Rights Suit Crt'en.;f>oro I. •»>. . i) The Middle District I r-i eral (nm i Afar ! ■ HiY ofDo- Moud**.' r*. oeivcd un moits*---. to serve or four dt.Tr'ndant m ■; civil rig his suit brought in \V&.-;husgton County by a <•.roup of .''-'ogf-o stud (Mi' . '[ho.--e siurunonf'd inriurCd members of the Slate Board of Fdo- afi’.-n ; laanf ford Martin. V\ iuuion Ho H-tp ; A, s Brower Durham; <'iawi > t ■ ri'e il, Likin, and ii. P. Tayior, \V a (.leu boro Plaud dF in tee ■ u ,e are repre-‘'hi--! *y Attorney P. H Bell >.? !’y mouth an cl VI. 1 lug it Thorn pain of 1 dir ham. hover-. 1 'iflioi rue mono of the • tat'’ Board of Ft In cation, iuriuduig i 1 ■ HamUi i. Trigg, fi.* oniy ,eio” member, are named defendant in tin action. State- Attorney (' neral Harry McMuJlan vTto a! ready ha.* mi ho -o -mulas .-.mi ;u 1 »u: i:am and Wilson counts'--". , ualmgh Monday mph! he v/o ■* HI defend, the St;a•. It is nnr*'.:toil here that, the Negro citizen.-, of Washington county arc opposed f < the consolidation of schools in W a Hungion county -if Roper, a rival com munity with Plymouth. IfJDSE’S WIFE CALLS SOIiTSI - DECADENT Char lesion C if- s-.u: - wtent by . r-U- .e • kU< - -u --that southern wit’. an *,■ ■ .-U decadent <utd .-spiritually inferior to Negioe - Im u. u..-* r■ • ■. m fold anger on tie p.e u iie wh• - - citizens and ;i poouw; s.-ouit iUo.-i Gov. I. Strom Thnrmou-.l Mrs. J Wait*- 1 - h • ycnv elil wit of the judge -> i ■••'!'!« I this state's nil -vii»*«•• she y -tatotm-r.l h- ■ : s- 1 ; w at - Negro YWCA :.’••• -,i: ‘You |m■ i.iv> iltt el', picked up :1; •■- - ■ h of ’i i t >iv- and achlevem*-n' from the whiten down here. Th, • • . a se it ■ • -nIU:... -I an ; decadent p>-■*;*’• • V,’-.; *n ; !(>'<! t!i>- Zl •up i. Govern,*! Thm-tit-mo who ran ■" President -n ;h< HigbHu ticket in l‘> i-V <le • lined hei marks « • 'kanea'ii ;wi>w( <. -nc. Continued on page 8. thi section CABBIE APPEALS CONVICTION FOP TRESPASSING , The sentencing ui t m--tn w> an days on the rouds, on a charge, -a trespassing will !>*• appe ib-ri to s’n perior court. Attorney l*'reil ('a: liage a aid Tuesday The filing of tie- not e-n m a|>snn< i followed the conviction anil sue fencing nf Lonnie Lily. Ui, of It" Ts Lenoir St fr.v .1 udg; Albeit j "V Doubt in City Court Lily), an ex taxi driver war. m i Continued on page S, Utis i»n MiITMKiNSTAUis ~ SPORTS FI ATI It! Ftc.ul Sf’OKTDT * I a new, authoritative column fry North Carolina < ollegc’s git-at bas ketball roooli, John B. Mr'Lctr don, -*f; A versatile athlete it Kansas ' l niversity. McLendon has marie sports history at North Caro lina College winning sire etui - ferenee ehainpioiiships, and jrineine bis basketbaHers a** ' ! flrnriers up on four other oe.- assions. In eleven years of major col- I iege hasketbal! roaehlng, Mc- Lendon has sent his North Car olina College Faftu-H into 351 games, winning 30S, and losing 51. Seven graduates of North Carolina who ittndied with >)<•- l.rodmr ace now occupying im- pnrta.nl eoiiehing positions ” throaghont the South, Fast, and Midwest Mel.Ctwlon’s column will ap oetti- in Mis*, twvyspaper week _ , F >tn tTtrn r»r»’ m *r «■ r-Iti-in* ind ts c natb-'Ps of Rafeigli. The tw <‘ rnf w. the civil ■ i-rv.irc funi*! ili'tti Cor Uh .ricra' ttifrnihs uu) were <h* sh* I'.'iiti made pa ssia^ i> v f \ ties. >l\ ( <>i U (,In SI-f k MI M ill LA*t? S' I t Ess iANFi Or. Ralph f Butst he. a ..<.taut •rceO?’ general Ituste*-ship s( ’‘llotj IV ha:, heen offered ptofesutoria! post’. s»* ;in field ‘at political .iiiiiif or gov’-rn- * ment hv .is of the outstanding i iin>v<i -ifi« . nf the •*,, Uj , it wa-. reported heir aattmlav. thus fa*, it; i, left h, ha, not given aecfptanee to any of the , tffera. ‘ if* I ISO HURT AS THE? WATCH AUTO ACCIGEKT T ' a lcical men are n a. Agnc:-: Hcapital suffering from injurte i.-erl : f if v lock ci • So ;|), t •••‘IT', t hil Saturday »i -hi. lee t *- - < nieii .mc .Ii or Hunter f 'VI'A South Host Stic* ! and Scl -1 -<-:ste*>- (till.* of It F i ii'-:- Street. Himt'-i- .•.u-tnined a crushed leg. •'•-'id the attending physician wn : uoiilih-, Wodiui-oav iiig'ii in '■vhether f >r not the log ,-ool.i be .- :>■■• *-d t rill.-, Sliffci r.'ri ili IJ i; iVs !||| built 01 hi. legs. Hvj men wci-«* injuc-ii ifte, ~*, Uftotliobilf, and a imc'a met m , head-on colli-- cm up K.n.t Sti'-ct Continue,.' on a (n ,t *; 0; ,, < State’s Equal School Suits Near Federal Court Durham, S' C. - Middle Di.sirin Federal Court prom ' *'.a ,o nave a busy reason here for State and city officials| ,viM) are charged with cliserirniiiating aj.ram -it Nepro citi zens m yohool facilities. I hi r el>) uai.v the Middle Dist.riet ( ourt, ig expected id hear two such cases which have been pen dim,' since ias! May The first suit was brought by pa rents of 2(i Dur ham Nf’grn children who allege that \’egr 0 educational facilities are uuequal to those for white;;, In the stM’oijfl B’lit, AMovnpy ( : . O Pen exon, t <'! | r n srnt ittp two Mur* !i fn co | ina roUftßc law :;ttulentf<, pook.-t nn in junction aeaiimt l ft*- t'tiivnrsiry of Mocl.ii C.irolltut wliicii »I logoi! jy lias cofunttrt to a tint it | h Nostro filu/foiitx “sol»y heciuiito of tltf'lr race," in rjurhain this wculi a (binl unit, brought by nix aririitioiMl law stud on in ttf. North flarolina College ■.<ih tiled io iit waa oiirl. the rli trTißln;*Mon of th» S’tßf.o’s Negroes to obtain ©cju,•»2 t>du cationai lacilltlos. Attorneys \f tn.gb Thompson and John H Wheeler an* niprn uniting the twenty six Negro chlj (Iren. Their <’hkc : iate.i t ( > he heard February S, after ;■ iwr-ponrt merit which was given to enable the defense to file lengthy answers Vo *>2 IttlfOfOKa.tonna in the seiniol rase, there have been those’ deVelnpniHiit.H sjiiee it wan til<id; llw-ir ippoi nfmt«ts follows a long fight to obtain an increase in the numb'-r «t Negro police men im tb' city Immediately following itiejc oath of office the men were as ilgucri In patrol rtnlv in the i-om lirtlti of Office! Winters, anil Os ! I'-er John tfik'W the other Ne • .;;>* t'My policeman. Bi\fm;vi\ nun \xm \M i\ mu YA AHHINGTfIN. H V. South r-ct, sjoii .f nieruhcrs aigtted ves tei da'• agiPost passage of s | Federal anti-i y itching statutes I lai .yetv on the ground that | lynching. have an declined in j fmiitoer that Its passage is t»- I !,’iv unni't *-:fSar> .c- f taj -.rtui he i*n Congress. | n>en appeared heforr the lt<n?,e \ f cll,ll .*r , ;iij|)r oitunittee headed * Fiepresf iif.idi, e VY'lliam By i rte '!> -N V.i whfi. li is con j shirring ,t nttntber of anti j i>lulling MU-., Ilf ciDgi eit artif>u‘tied v's (*•; day aftcrimon for one vveek In give other opponents a chance t*> submit statements ! Ia i thi rceoid. tirskcgce Institute figures on 1 y-pching,. v ere placed in the rrcorri They showed tbrr*- were flirce ui I'lt.'y two in ilflk. one in ! t‘H7, siy in >.'»4Y and one in j Health School Accredited SHfiW PROGRESS WILL CONTINUE, DANIEL PREDICTS lu " ," ‘ i ■ sciicflulcjj dl . I" -i a i?; - before leaviiig f-ihaw I'ni vci it;, ft c ,']<■ r,f Hubcic F‘ Daniel d m-mi'l-iv rb.ii his ttcpHr f'.n'e v. mill! not m.it,'‘i iniiv rcdin r I li*- school's progress Sp*'.-ikiiin nf fbc regular 10 a.m. i-hnp*'! service in Greeitleaf Audi fori uni In, 0.-iolcl. who has re ilied it is po-t a s head of Slia \v f" a-'cept I imihii posiloin at Vir cihirt State (’ulh.-ge. -aI3O gave a<ini<* inriita 1 ion of bow naw will funr- Mon under the new Interim Admin isfintivc C-onuniltcc. Hie five ni'tl ernnmiltcc WHS PH tahhs’ded lust »rnk to eomluct - I *' •* I affairs until ttie appoint-' maul of another president r brier Nk- set up Dr Daniei said. 1 1'-" group will designate members ot the group in handle specific at fait ■*. The aonunit i.ee wi 11 be diviri aft into two mib-i-oiiiinittecs, with one denlinu with the physical silant a'i'i flnan - 4 maltera. while th*- ot her "'ill ii,- onceinad \\ i*b ac i deu ic a if aii ■ ( ontinucri on page k. tills section I { ity fn ll * tat t‘ official;? emphatically dmnivi Uic allege tion and sought t.o absolve the ! State from an it ITtui pOßitlff/i rati re\'fir:-;n<l 4 ofitlnucd on page 8, fills section Be Sure You Are Eligible Ar every city election there are a number of person;*j " ,iM ru,n up a( 1110 l' ol ' B ,0 vote who are disqualified be-! Vim’''' '"‘ l on the CITY RECISTRA-j • .. u)K,v They do not under:-;!and, or have not under- 1 ;tonu bo fore they are informed on elootion day, that the j i < Kisl.i ation io vote in city elections is entirely indepen-' oent. til registration to vote in state, county and national I elections, fhoy have thought that because their names were on the hook, meaning the county book which servos in state,, county and national elections, they were eligible: bo vote :r; all, including municipal elections. CITY INCREASES OFFICERS ~k 'k ★ -k -k k -A 'k 1? ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ "k ★ it it -k ★ ★ UNC BARS RACE STUDENTS 24 Pages I NORTH CAROLINA’S LEADING WEEKLY I SINGLE |Q C ■ —— COPY VOLi MFh XXIX UALKI(;iI, NOIiTH G. A RULING WERK I-T DING .AT! RDAV, JANUARY 21. 1950 NO. TWENTY-EIGHT TRUMAN, BACKS FEPC TWO NEGROES NAMED AS HEW POLICEMEN Spec.ihUion »s to which two of tip f'/'u candidates for y-sifions «, -■< v *-,■ 11 •y■* r tr 1 won id be appoint ed. came to v\ end Tuesday with ’he .-.•, (’.-’.ring dito office of Samuel •'. larkson and Norman Artis. The appryji !;;•-•;. oi -.he tv. • trt?!'/ came as the t•- .-.Jfl -:f a iofig crtfi ■ ptiigi n. sevenil civic mganiv.a tjnn-, •(-) ,| ~/p additional Negro po li i.- ftt appointed to foe force Raicig'- p,c.,., ha-, four Negro po ll • 11 ,*■ 11 'h- ■•■uor two are John. Baker anti .Joseph Winter:*, who have been on the force for sotnc According to Chief of Police 1 P Huyivve* tilcre -.vl!v be no rr»or« eppointinenls • f Negro o'* lic-'in- n in the ne-u f'.itn.i.-e, since the *'!•. di. tni'.l -a’i'iii n*'!:.;- e, • entinued on page S. this section Nurses Group Approves Courses At NCC DURHAM—-M'• th Carci’ina Coi- It-gc this e.-eek became tne second T'ec.o institution >n Vue S-ntth. to have it* r-rog' .10 -1 I'ubJie (leai •’ • I .'in sun- accredit.a ted by the N"a --‘i 1 til N.ii -ii ..; Accrediting Lcrckc. Aniiouneement of the acci.edita f- * ■im i ame troio Po-.idfnt Ait F.ldei who said it marks anottict step in the fulfilling the dream -I , the total health program of the i- late D> .l'i»T;c:* K Shepaid" Mis K-thei P Henry, director [> r, f the program, "h .■; worked uu tiring! y to ruing out about its ~1 - -1 cveciifation." Dr. Klder continued. Pr;i,,- in Dr Shepard's death in 1(* 17. hf bad started the gioonct -4 work for the program and Miss Homy was employed, in February. 1948. working until President PI ; dec's appointment with an interim ': romrnltt.ee comp-sod of Dean At Jury Hears Evidence , Against ‘Dope King’ j ! WASHINGTON, D C Tie | government rested its case ! •>- j re-tot day in the trial of James ! 1 * J uv. I'ellow 1 Ronerls and Ids wife ■-’ii cii'iig" of pos-H-ssion, sale and I transfer of narcotic--.. Dosci ibed by fovermnenl agent; "cue of the biggest dope ped dlers in the cofintiy.' Roberts uti-l his white wife. Evalina. were u ) rested ny Federal agents last year. 1 ■ aftoi the agents had consficaled a l-'u'ge qu-intity of narcotic- in a raid and tr iced ownership to Ho ! lacrts, Ihe defense spent most of vest.pr- i day grilling a government chemist ' with the air! of .1 blackboard and ; textbeoks in an effort to show that |the chemist wns not a narcotics' expert. i la.-tie at stake vras the identity M : ix exhibits, most of whicli the! gov* rnrrn ni claims are drugs pro cured i-.y Federal agents from T’o GHJJ K» M» vtlx t -UK 11 1 \IR> AT -II YU 'The five'member In terim Administrative f omiriiUrc, v/iiii fj ,-.iH giside atf.iirs of .Shaw University iu>u> a new president is elujscn is pictmep ahovr with President R P Daniel soon F*« -:e - siime the Pre-sideocy t*f Vi'finU State i nlfcgc Mean IV E. Str belt F Aim ;'-v Dr Albert L I n ne! and P' d. Ruth G. Rush Accreditation ci the Duid.t.ti col ; -.V.'g *A. Of.-J.y. ruq-G 4 "-.. s-- 4 t. . > t -• K, C> a *-' . l-s’l S-. -.-.V tifiio m ♦ m<a 'L.r.fh r'l.-il ■; ;xo°Vt"* : 1 < ijnt »nnFd od FT this iu mm l)r;iu Uvnrs l‘ Brandes ! riseil tlia six Negro applir-'i f**u*i iho Nsi Hi ( iroiiiiH (,« t,-g« I *v. S; bool, today, fl tb< > were incligthl*- tor adnu - < ion to Htr t nivar.sit.y of North t'aroiint's Law School I : andr-' statement follows a. opinion previously Issued by Staif- Attorney Fi>m'ra! Harry MctVlullan. which claims that facilfties at the North Carolina law School or substantia>.v f(j*ia to fho.«r at 'l”’ J n j err .ity ip •. i ,- iSi October 8. The chemist identified the fust ; *'• o exhibits a-; cigarette butts con- ! Flitting marijuana The third he - ui.l were four butts made of mai - *.! ; i-dio. Ti.c fourth -.v.is 17 bottles -f r-ocaine, 1 4 grain each, and exhibit; t-A vas .-,00 tablets of 1-4 grain cu-niio -sulphate Tlie fifth lie said ; "'as 1Y gr.tins nf bulk marijuana, and tin- sixth v-- is lo capsules, of ’•’Hich ■ <i■ ifa contained 3 t grains of ’ : cocaine hydrochloride each. When the chemist finished a de scription of the exhibits, the do- j i fee r attnrriey made a motiori tM-at li:: •'-tutk‘l ; i,<s - tricken from the iecorci sine*- he ■' u. not an expert.' ui narcotic.,- H'wrvcr when the ; i’ r "ccut.io,; toid flic court that the ; chemist had been eonneeted with the narcutii (itvia.uui nt: iiic Inter jilt! 110 I 'SIU (>f fil :'Ui:.li' for ,'!<) VfOr-. .the omtii.:i was overruled and the i *.( liini’ii ' allowed io ; 1 . l uit ll No one can vote •January HI on the question of whether or not the ed.y bus franchise shall be transferred from the 'Carolina Power and bight Company b> the White Tran* ' ,P'\rta n’on Company unless he or she is registered on the I' ■ !1V hook, i'nless you are sure, that is, unless you voted : or know you were eligible to vote in a recent election for city council members, cheek with your product registrar. No new registration is necessary for this election if yon are already on the city books, but tie sure you are on the city hooks, and check with your friends so they can find ! out about themselves, The books dose January 21, mw of the .School of Religion, wis named i h.Uman. Mr. < ( 'dpaulri : ing. f'iia.irm;*t> of Uic Lxfeutive < ommilte, who announced seler tievi ot the Intrtim Corninittc?. termed iiflius of the school in fine condition and predicted that v. ith the cooperation of alumni , and u end fbc committee will »-,*.r».v on effectively from, left GRAY ORDERS ARMY TO END RACIAL BIAS Washington (Sitecml) Army Secretary Cfray of North Carolina ■ r r 5. thi-, week pu? tee to into' •h • A ail: ;>■ -: ir ;. "t ■ ••' *gi -i' V'g :.*h;.-,> troop.-, into wiiite units. (iid.v'3 i) i -.1 c v abolished the : Aimy .-i -juoi.h -y (*‘m .vliicii ill t!i“A past aclod to pirout iisalgnniciit of Negro troop-, to other than ail Negi* o*tifi!:s g through ("t'a.'s ouier, the .Ariiiy now, pi*-, i.tni-.ihiy, join, with ; ,'hc Air For: ■.; and the Navy in n I p(.»Uc> ot non cli:;'Timinati''*n. The: Arina's action wh;i ric* i'jcd 'ip’ii afftr a -(•!••*-.•: ot weekend • ontr.-r *m os -with high ranking offieci ami ntcml>c; r. of the* Frc;dri“tt»', Committee on l/pnlity of T'reat ment iii the Arm* A Services The nr-.v Arniv •.,r*iei i.-. regarded th” beginttlnp step to "Huiina.'e •gi - ..pition ■ oinplpiel v from th' 1 med services of this cotintvr in ordei stipulaM-s ttiat Nesroon in white iinitK urn to hi (mused and fed with white troops. Washington 0h.,0i vers v, re.d I I i 'Continued on pat,-. ... f,r..,t scclt-'*n.i Rogge Seeks To Re-enter t rial Os “Trenton 6“ TRENTON. J. Federal intervention into the ' Trenton Six” murder case was nought yesterday when • John Rogge, New York lawyer, asked a Federal judge for permission to re enter the case, Rogge and two associate..:? were removed as defense con mud for three of the dx defendant;-; by Mercer County ; Judge Charles P. Hutchinson, Hutchinson charged the} Hirer with “studied di -out'! n :,y and contempt" in their tactic;; white preparing for Hu; trial The -i .v Negro <lftendant.B, ac - - j -trad of the murder of a 72-year old rthopk'UHpin'. ,;:• n to h ' retried h,y ordoi of the Bt.a*r -o (iiorio I’uurt, aM* ii ri!V(u :-;ed tht-it origliu* l (tonvict ion. iii'- 'UKUineiitH tor i'ne ie-eiv to right, arc, I>r Nelson H Har , its, Director of Education; Cilen wood L .tones. Business Manager, Dean Strarrsner; President Dan iel; Dean of >h*- Coilcge F ast' • i' Payne; anil IV. II qua, tries, I*>l -Hv Si-i;a i'!i * t lif f,- w? m f *-r committee represents an ag gregate of 19 years service ■-* -•hdvv !. ni verstty tiSiik wTpla! VI VJH \ SKRV ICE Rererend O. E. Cheek di recio;- of Public Relations at ssha-n- rniversity will speak at the I’M*. A 'Vesper Service -Sun day January it at Loo P M He iii dlwu-s his t- utopean Tout of the past summer when he vsri’ed several foreign coun tries svhile a member of a <•« opet-ativ«*. study group .special usu-sci selections will he presented by representatives of the Hi t and (ira-Y clubs MEN fIEGFIVE TWO TEAR TERMS IN COAT THEFT so. iitif-, the state's rogues that ■ tiff m nteni'es be imposed .lodge F; m.ris r i:'ub in C'-;y Gouit Tue.s l iy -e*-,lm-cert two men t--- two ■os on the voeds for rlie theft of '■ a Lido's (-"••its valued .at $Vi. from i n»» • » ! i*«'t? department >tov«*. T!,r p-v-.-i men who -.•ore identified i Join” . Mi| glove ,11-,”! I ’.lg-M.e : Willjmns of Durham, both pleaded ‘.cub;.- to iiic I-*i’l’e*i - * lirn-gc Re . fore Doub could sfiotcni-c the pair, !h*i .bite introducer) their records; into c -id'-ucc. to .support the te quest f:n h< avy .setiLeocex i’ontinurri <io pace X. this section trance ini:) the trial were presen*- i *'i] ij, Federal District Court by Hmanuel 11. Block, an associate of | Hogg", «.v*io declared Hi at the nr -1 t ioii >,i «iip County im!*« deprived j 'k-j»rrt's of eounnnl ■!' theii o■ p t ; i liOßtnp,. and "might place bun- j | lircfis possi*dy thousands of hv. ! i roes in Jeopardy as f*■ their con i i siituHntial rights." Rogge s-itil (hat. liU csmnvsJ de- ! I prlved the defendant* of their in-j h dividual rights tt|-id“r fiie Four ; I trent.h Amendment to the Federal i i Conrtßation "Tin-re is no other iUfdanre In a i : capita! ease where outside counsel ; was not permitted in the dete|‘»e,'' Rogge said. , He cited ‘hr Hoop* 1 ?. trial the j Sareo-Vcnseftt east:, the Torn Moon ey case and the Kcottsboro trial m ! instances in which lawyers from j : other states were allowed to assist - in the defense. Continued on page 8, this section ' WASHINGTON, D. C. Prasl > dent Truman promised this week to I use evcj y power .at Ris command ;t, defeat the repeal of the 21 day iiule which would prevent an ■ KEPC bill from reaching the house ! floor j The President made t!iis promise 'to a deK x nation front fhg i^cxtiooo.) | Rmergexv y Civ’J. Bights Mobilize tk*n group .vhu.h c-.-nduded a three . day ses -ion he*-® yesterday. The Mobilization was sponsored by y< national organizations who attempted to gait; support for the ' Presid-'>.•'■> civii rights program. M Troo: m bitterly criticized Mi? coalition of Southern Democtois und Republicans on the Rules Com mittee, which sought to repeal the 2! day rule undo, which the ad t’ontlowed r-n page 8, till:, section BOOTHE SAID TO HAVE CHANGED CHAPE i, HIIT. (Speciali Reports •vr re published here Wednesday I at Thomas Boothe active in N. .A. A. C. P. avd civic affairs, had : Ven “converted" to the oppesi ttrn views of FEPC which he wear i ■ Washington last week to sup port. Booths was unavailable for corn mast as the time the reports ware received here, but a close friend and associate in civic affairs said he thought the reports had been i: “distorted." The Washington jOf the Durham Morning (Jerald ■ uiiblished the story under a Jan uary 17 duteliane. The correspond ent identified Boothe, as son of a long- time custodial employee of ♦he University of North Carolina. ? ontinued on page 3, this section CROSS BURNING OUTLAWED BY CITY COUNCIL Continuing its crackdown on ;.he Ku Kuk Rian, the City Council adopted an anti-intimidation onii- I nance this week, aimed at crip , phng the Rian activities. the passage of the ordinance fed- I !o,”s by several weeks the appi-:.-v d of another ordinance outlawing ; the wearing of masks. At the time j r 's the passage of the initial or dinance, ii was promised that ttyonget action against the Klan. would he taken, and the new ordi -1 nance is the outgrowth of that pro i inise, A third o (finance which would ! have prohibited a member of tha | police’ department from joining the ; Continued on page *, this section f*i: it: ttt iTs all jlfll NEW COLUMN "TALK OF THE TOWN,” a new jnl refreshing column by O'At talented scribe. Pete Wild er. is now rppearlng in every edition of the’ CAROLINIAN. fTiock full of news about wee pi® yon know, the column gives » wonderful word picture of i life In our town. Don’t miss this intrusting feature appear ing every week on page throe With fits wide and personal knowledge »f the t.mvt), pin.- h<s contacts. Wilder caw. ho relied upon to supply all the latest news irhl®. II t< side Inews If you want to keep abre%ot your friends then don't fall to read his cftlnm nevery week Remember it apneam only in THE < AHOtmiAN,

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