' O*-'* i .1? . ;4 .. raSsKp|| ‘ TrV^T A FAMII.IAR WD t MVI I COMI Sf KNK is th cone t.ik**n above at Fayetteville and Har gett Streets on Monday afternoon The riders ate at,tempting to crowd into a bus already three quartets fm It and ten minutes behind schedule. To most of thr riders the scene above h an oid st.or> >--; the, h> beeome accustomed to the crowd erf and tins busses, md the bfok en schedules. City’s Top Citizens To Be Selected A poll to seT'( * vnu #1 sliding NVg'ro ■ -of i!k u-j fiO s 'Xii\ hr t f »j/i ti "I ot} g- IF" annual meeting of -he Wake ('on glim* < • vim iih! \ •<•••,.-it jnii. r •:•■ ■ i ary 2. a s the Ms* Mu .- : . Is -p-. Chur* li, it r. :* , • i. n< u;■ • week. The oran;'ation iia : lire**!-* cut a 1)11111 her i i Iliallk ; .- !unr. (t. name's to h<* pla< ed it notnin •: ,i;i for the hono 1 . uni! ui name.- ' " talned in the •> blank--, .s 111 . : ..'ie* . i !ie final ballot lie ha Hot a veil b a *1 i M ributed ;n meeting the result.: tabula"'.; and then annoum -*--d >v i> . r I-:, Cheek. president of the assoeiei • said The as«ocia*hm has is- i nomination'-; to pci non •; hb leas* ten • -a! - i*• .>'!*•;« •• in ti. ■ 'intir.u■ v on its., five DODGERS JACKIE SIGNS FOR Xt. W TORE (fiPFITALi The wide,; predicted s ; ‘ang ling between Lunik!., n Dodg er President Rianrh Rickey and Jackie Robinson, over ;hr latter s 1959 salary !ailed to materali/e heie yesterday a. Robbie signed a onr .cat con tract calling for S&.OSO. Robinson, voted ttie leagues most valuable playet after helping the Dodjrnx to vein (be league pennon lie I year re ceived an estimated $lB,OllO in 1949. Rickey said Robinson's salary is the highest. U«r a Dodger since he look over as head of the fiiookiyn Club Robbie also is the first Dodger to be sign ed for the roming season. Neither Rickev nor Robin son would disclose what, the latter signed for, but when asked whether SLVftOft would be a good quess the second ba r - man replied “very good." Rumors bad reported *t* >f Robbie won I dhold out for S-Vt. • 000, and Hickey would sell the fleet footed star to the I oston Braves rather than meet his terms. Scott Names NCC Dean To Justice Commission I 4 Pr. Mbert T. Turner, dean of the Law School of the t North Carolina College at Durhanti tbi- week, became, the second member of the college’s sta ff to receive an appoint-' ( meat from Governor W, Kerr Scott. ~At his regular Friday press conference in the* State. , capitki here, Gov Scott named Dean Turner to a thirty. -Muee member committee for improving' justice in North Carolina President Alfonso Cider of North Carolina College, who is O.ovornot Scott's appointee to (lie Slate Re source I'-e Education Planning Board, was named last Summer to the Governor's Advisory Council of the Employment Security Commis sion. The appointments of the two col lege administrators are understood to i>e in keeping with the gover nor's policy of appointing Negroes to representative State agencies and commissions. Dean Turner has represented the State on past occasions at Pre*’ dotn Day celebrations In Philadni phia His appointment to the coin niittee for the impi (commit of Ins tve was made simultaneously with the announcement of the appoint, j-oenr of the dean of the iaw school pt Duke University to the sajnc bod y. Well known In Southern ednra tional circles, Dean Turner who holds the Ph. I) degree from the University of Michigan received Jm legal training al Western Re One ul the (it-, s most impor taut bus stops, the corner Usual ly is or.rtippied by anywhere from •>r> to I Oft persons. waiting to board one of the three buses that Liinil Him Mini I ion 1 CIVIC GROUPS FAVOR SALE OF BUS LINES i ._ T -v o influential organization* ? end a number of private citizen* went on record tin.-. w>-ek a a favor. , mg the tie of the bu y,s*p : ft. Die White Tran.apnmDnt; m ‘ The group'. utvoiuuy the chr ! -v ... are the Min k-a ecbii Xllißwc- an 1 f‘if- j.-iift chap'* i of the (Gw i e-.i Psi Phi fcatci nil v, ; The line.a ri pre-ent arc op*'rated * ; by the t ,si ;!uia Pow er find Light ('ft., and a pet tat election r.iii in* i I. Id r>!*.arl-tv to dec;tb- if Hu coni panv sb u.iift he permitted to >.**ll ! ihf. line,-, I Holding; ; frarr'ime to operad •he cjt-. . bus .-. "oi unfit 5 k-i, ; 'he p-mver i-oinpanv bin announced it . rfesitfi t(, sell f he system a a soon I a : ,c,ie. A factor in Mu* • onipan.-- s d ; •Tom *’> el! if. a ru hie by the ;le. ctjrlfrp .-Itut ff.ccbango t'uinnrcsSion, that power coinpHni* :i must release o'rfaido liMeiitw ! a and confine I hen; --elves M;.ii- pi-lnwiy task of supplying power The c.-r; tii: i ru. •.••as advised by the SIC i;i 19IT to divest itself oi - bn h-•1 r• inr. but under th provision of the company's fran chise no sale f.-titilri Ir-r completed 'ithour pilbin »Hipvf,-M? Faced v, d!;. this fact the st r has sis.’t'.f! flip mipa n*. addlt <oua! f;me *o find a bir.er for the system. (.ou-r-air •-•• n -aid that the offer of the White Ho. the rep i “s'.tried t!u> fir-.t crppoelunity the ■ < ompanv has bail ... > the line -. Tire fra neb i.si-- urules- which the • ompanv i now opeinting was a warded in lit 14 ■ ompuny otTiciai said they would have released the lines at thut time, but in order to seenr« the power franchise they runtinued on page 8, this section | Voters Spurn Racism i Os Office Seeker 1 _ NEW ORLEANS -The attempt bv a candidate to win the Mayoralty primary f lection bv advocating white supremacy failed miserably here Tuesday, The candidate. Aivin A. Cobb, ran a pom- tim'd to pic * nt Mayor University. He is holder of numerous aeademit honor!- and In- ' i tins contributed to several edora i tional and legal publications. \i He i:; a former registrar at Tus ; kegee Institute. || VOTE 1 /ie-. . "s. A x X • m \ jpfi FUCriONDAt “A VOTELESS PEOPLE IS ! HOPELESS PEOPLE" TUES. | JAN, 31 stop there. Raleigh cltj/<*ns '•rill vote next Tuesday whether to retain the present operators of the line or make a change in owners. Power Firm Wants To Sell Transit Lines Th- forthcoming e-wetinn con cerned with Ihe question of the prop/varf ~;€ . ,f thi' (it-,'-, (rani • port.;?ion ey -t<>ni. i - mrrouri'led by •i c,: on -rinftj... rs -iii?ik;ne wbb'h 'hreitena to r 11 ,-r a basically e.iinpb' - - ,'i into on*- oft; ight-'iiing com . pb'xity. '1 be main issue a! sake r. whe • th“i ‘be Ft- -iico F'-'wei atttl Light ',ii. shun hi bn forced ! o continue op ! 'iatiou (if ftin trait-si! xyterii, os w-hetbe!- ownership of the svst.o; liMtid. b- (i(i if' i-re,j (a the White 1•• a n sporfrit ion Co, The confitsion has been horn of the failure* to recognize several Im portant t*- -* a wb i< b form th.< Guckground •(-oner - '.- for the elec | i OH. ! The Carolina Power and Light Co want., to pull our of ‘he trails portal ion biroine;-,.-, u s soon as po?, -. jbU* !’li" Vr’hite T ransoorfaMon ir. want to take over- bo op*- lutjmt and o -ui-. ship .*f the .. . ;i.;*w .Vo <is ui M-vriei hip err'-* I-* ’uade wirt'-ai* flu* appso'Hi r*r tlte voting public. Left in their own -!*-'.ire' sh« ! f-ont pa tiled .'-nib! in all probsbiiiti have ir:u ireri an acre* men? by nov , mil b»".’<nrse of city ordinance--; the one, rmn ha- *o Os -u lib', i ' to,; i o rho vot n rs so that in the last analy sis the two companies are power 1- nn *. * ui; limit ■be appt ova 1 of tip- fuibiic It is tiecHiir.e of thi?-. factor that •he -.’imctsic have opened an ex tensiv*. campaign, to enlist public ‘ support of the sale. Ralen-h’s transit sy-'-tetn ban long presented an inviting and vulner Continued <>n page g. this section S Morrison and Candi date Charles O. Zatarain ' *r>bh eon'-entrated his pre-elec tion attack on Morrison with his P> tncipal charge beim* that, the i mayor ‘".vns unrue to to- South," when he p: i w-nted Dr Ralph ,f. ’ Bundle with ,i key to the city last month. | Mori'; op ■« elcotrifd the Negro dipt omat when he came to New ■’u leans to receive tiie Drexel a ■•card of Xavier Univc-t-sitv Running on a "white supremacy" , platform, Cobb and his small but j enthusiastic supporters have been parading the sheets in recent weeks, opening endorsing bigotry While New Orleans subscribes: to the Southern pattern of segre gati- n, it has seldom known roc 1 ial tensions and act, 1 - of violence since the Civil Wat. The city has a brand new regis tration list of 207,000 Qualified vot ere this year. Nero oes make up one third of the population and have some 23.000 registered voters, the largest in the city's history. Cobb has publicly identified him-elf as ft 'Dixieerat" h%t i % ;1 1 leaders of that organization have luibliflv disowned him for trying to create hate, prejudice and dis content." Jn an attempt to reduce the pos sible appeal of Cobb, a number Continued on page 8, this section Durham Law Suits Are Postponed OCKHAM The Durham law suits brought by Neuro parents charging city and,state officials with discriminating against children in city schools has been postponed until the April session of Middle Dis trict Federal Court. A spokesman for the plaintiff’s attorneys said postponement was due to the illness of defense attor ney W. B. Umstead, former U. S, Senator, who is re- CHANGE SEEN IN CAB LAW A modification c*f the ordi nance rev-'king the pen,,.it.; of cab drivers con vu. ted of an'-- viola 1 .*?.-, of (f.? m-.--;-- ** - 1 ! !--■ rfi.,dc (s-i; ;S -a ;t _ "■. •ii.itho£ltatit e poorer at < Hill The revised nte.isv; r - it! -;te clfy that on! ■ the sob drivers THE CAROLINIAN 24 Pages V OIF ME XXIX RALEIGH, NORTH CARO LIMA '-VEl’-Iv ENDING SATt-RDAY. JANUAKV ->g, i 9.-) NO. TWENTY-NINE HOUSE BLOCKS FEPC SCHOOL SUITS HIT WILSON ' + W Wm «*r ■: f f ? * $ f (TK.y ALT Os if! ATH WX ! Mi-- were these BenneD ( i-l age students pu tilted shove w!<u obt-tturd the aiitn a *t>i* of (■* iiy on’.so* tune .McMe.hfo follow ing (hi- .sin ce,sin! concert at the Greerribojo S. ( si hoof Protestant Group Blasts Jim Crow In Mousing COLUMBIA, Ohio Segrega |tion in housing was attacked hen; ' yesterday by a group of Piotes v.i.nt urban church leaders. The housing issue threatened for a time to wreck the harmony of the two day National Convocation sos City Churches, when Southern : delegates refused to join in the ! condemnation of segregated heus -1 ing. However unanimous support was finally gained for the resolution. i which urged the administrators ot ] both public and private housing j pregi ams in every part us the j country to apply “the principle of non-segregation" to all home build- I ing projects. The group also agreed to senct i tileii recommendations to a hous i i'U 4 hearing seheriulcd to npep m Washington today. Club Owners Rather Close Than Start Segregation Washington D. C the Aico holic Beverage Control Board was told yesterday a "stippot club" ! would sacrifice its license rather than give up its policy of non-dis crimination. Four citizens Association spokes i men and four individual ; h id pro tested against renewal of the li cense of the Dixie Supper Club, at 1328 14th St. N, W. The swanky club is one of the few in tile capit.ol wlfidi duosnnt criminate against customers be cause of racial reasons. The Pefworth Citizens Associa tion. objected to the use of the -d f .» wj■>!-«*ion after .fair,-,ary 1 IP.'.n will lose theur permit;-, the spoke'tnan said. •I’*.., t ....... ..-V..,.! a , : I - • r■, - I* at; ;; 1H ..;•. ! ■ ;rrf wa.uld have effected at least i r-a.lf >f the i-ity - cab drivers. Of?!'*.*!- vud that a prelimi-1 I NORTH CAROLINA’S LEADING WEEKLY Mi-Mfcbc'i is currently starring in tin- firrwfi.’ * hit mii n—J f (~t fi* 1 lir- !.*, >ri,#,._| ***( so right . Alice Rhodes Wins ton-,-salem. Posy Stephens A she ll!* and r -U'se T uflei Vork t its During deoate in the seminar i ’ ■ i/.rft laid the groundwork i I i the proposal, temper* vwre i off led vhen Oscar GGrtminger. a ! del eg rite from St. ! u>s pro irNedot that ii -.".as “not nothin tfie province o£ the meeting to tell the people of the South wifat to do.” The Rev Walter laetsch a Bap >i«t minister from . Indianapolis.; 1 to-k issue v.th the viewpoint He told the group, "the time has come from the church to take a | stand, regardless of the Sooth." “It' we don't like the Negro let's! so." he declared, "if we believe h“ is a human being,then let's make :il evident." A |>-i: s"> onh appended to Hie mnp'wrr! acknowledged the "real , m oblems." confronting the pro nope, i of laigo scoic housing and f :<>iit,ii»ued on page it. this xccMnn premises "as a Negro supper club I wnieh would tend to promote dis order and possibly lead to vio lence.’ A resolution of the Arkansas Avenue Community Citizen Asso ciation declared the restaurant ' owners were “attempting to make ■i night club form guests of mixed races " in h eir defense, the owners said both Mer'io and white patronage '■'ok-, necessary in order to make a pr'fit and stay in business, and they wouJci riot change their policy of non-segregation eve nat the risk "i losing theii license. covering' from a recent throat operation. Trial of the suit of Harold T. Epps and Robert J'i. Glass, NCG law students seeking admission to TJNC was also postponed until April. The April Federal court calendar is also expected to docket; the cases of six other NTJO Law .students who last week were refused admission to UNC on the grounds that facilities of u comparable nature exist at N'CC. "uc*. examination of the records. Indu ated that roughly per ce t oi a't e-i» rs; ivet's, v <uld lose their permitr, under the pro visk-ns if *iip original !a-v '! iv- cab drivers themsel-. e.s hive bitteiTy denounced the ot GROUP CHARGES NEGRO SCHOOLS ARE INFERIOR WILSON .'Staff Coriesponden* Another link in the c-utr. of .v bool enuali/ Ti-'n suits was f gea v’ Wilson tb*. *. cck when the Wb -••• t.'it.izeos' Oonimittee filed chueges in Eastern Distiut Federal Com* ag ill .-* W. ft*- *-«nntv and * >tf School officials who arc allegedly d. i-: huinutnig • cain • a'ct- - ■ ' rtren in educ.'itional fa; * if ins Tl;.-- WiLon if cinbi- . -.lit-., filed earlier in Durham «».d \Va.;b|vyi :■ counties. TV*f •; *• fbc ■op -.*-a. filed the citizens gi-> ip .afteiript.ed to obtain cm-peiatif*o *-f coat d iff.-'ials in can ectii'f* ir, r'picittifs b corr;'i”t’?e >ui vey levealed. In neaiby F,!m Cidv, edvvatior-ai boaid members thwarted a wit by comp; runising **’i.th comrtiittee rep jr. enta’.tves *. Ub promises of more c.j it'abi-.’ facilities Wilson. h*vr • v-'i has -icm- n-d'-s'ed a "deter- ; mined const -tcncy' to maintain the " iiTaii -.tabi• q-ac.' > citizens' on* luitce spokesman said her«* Pnes *a;’ ‘he*. f**e suit was filed Aftoiiiev 'Hu-h Thompson of n. --• ar** Lie State ,-.- -t i*-;dn*.Lt school equalization suits lawyer, pa rued ay vvilson Citizens ' n’ns'ffec "ij-inKf.-•>. r>* (; Ra - p.e., • d r»» n < V.--.n<*ev filed the -uds a; ons! the 32 r* ! nofiff? o'foie Fed ■ ! < lerk Mrs F.va T. Vancet A white county official stand ing bv as she proceedings for the suit ve*-e m progress com me i'ted f hate f-o s®e this happen in ibis county, but The known for years that some day th** Negroes would pei tired of seeing their children *-on>e out * i the bottom where their Continued nn pagp S. this section Police Find No Clues In Baffling Shooting Raleigh police are still searching = for the mysterious assailant who shot tnd wounded a young man 1 Raturday night ; r Police said they had not imcov ered any clues that could lead o an identification of the person who fired the shot which struck Willie Stallings of 413 N Harringson St., ill the calf of his <■ isrti * leg Stallings, who is still confined to St \gnes Hospital awaiting an ope ration to remove the bullet, told e reporter Wednesday night that he could advance no reason to ex plain the shooting. According lo Stallings he was walking down Johnson Si.. with, two women, and another young j man. when he was shot. Stallings said the only person he saw on the scene was a white man I sitting in a parked automobile. He i said he saw another white man [ cot he out of a nearby store and I enter the car, and that after the! shot was fired he saw the car pul! ■ away. The wounded man was taken to j St. Agnes Hospital and police start- j ed an investigation, concentrating ; on identifying paaseners in the car. | hut late last, night, they admitted that no information had been ob tained in the case. Chief of Police R. Ft. Hargrove finance, so well as the meosut* which re-.|utces that a’! -,.<b> be e impped with meters Ti.e fncters wilt be used s'jrt ing February ! Nf**. - ~~ will be a., cents for the fii st n*.i>e and 19 cents * u each additional mile fll MHF TO SPEAK I \1 FOt \L MIT FIM, j p* H.a’iih 5 Buncbe f.*rm.er i - vug r.ezlis or in Palestine. I --.-tit del;' <=,- nr address in R-i- I ! 'M- ’ M * '■> High? a' ‘h? TM* ; , pd ‘ bmeft Hiiub-'i'ii ai>i F>a ‘ | Or address b?s;in«i ?.* Sls an r] will L* l Bpons-'.'»r° 1 f>/ Mir H.«*Ug;ioU'S of r f» c <*h .10 rfl | O r^!»i/5 c d by rite >:o t.M-itft f go? and r> d ’•vif; -pT.t H -,n 'd he CN P«»«• r * F-fft>yf ’ AiviiA-vfidf} t o ?he group tln«< Toy ihe a->: fire con>r n t 1 G 'L.r-tMv-; >T*J:y»' "p^ak- Li.' ,{} \i on Ihe pvogl i‘r\ A rr-'.-'u'. LL < v i'“ \ up pear O-. I.* -? i a B vb dlev, fi;" tlr?t man op. Bikini after *h rt -i 1 );■! ! .la -a Os Max L'-rne^ Dai »»hv rM-»ga u o Flk'oo Tr*‘Lj v 'd and 0« Robe** H*h ch ins RACIAL 8 A N DEFFNOFO M BOWLING GROUP Chii-.-rgo T‘*>. Ameri-'aii Low' 'Kg ■' ’ * e.-.- ;udci srta'-k for al !®ged racial dis-i-;r.*inat: m ir, men. it-»<i g rifirbt its r;i*iub6i*> bersh'.p. declared this week that ■’ Tiie ABC v : s -- k - d jn * Super i>■ Foil! art’ 'n brought 0/ John ft Boyle. rate's AMnrn*. of C'ouk County, to., iio-v !v, whar right in membership w,ia confined to 'whi'e mnh*.;.“ Movie’s ictbui filocl Nov “2, a'.kml that ABC's Illinois * ha l ' roc be revoked ‘- 1 Mi*F ht** -nu ■' fhjriUnucd on page 8, this section stated that due to tlie fact that it was relatively dark in the area at the time, no one bar. been found who can give reliable testimony concerning the incident Leaders Rap Segregation In Texas Law School W A-AIF <■ I OF, D (.' Segregated education for Negroes in Texas was denounced this week by a commit tee of law professors prepartory to arguments on this subject before the Supreme Court in March. They have filed a brief with the Supreme Court, sup- *■ .V, , v ; : .V, C** Ji#- } < jli!| r- MAN OF THE YEAR Dr. O. S. Rullock, pastor oi the First Baptist Church, was honorod by the Shrine? s Kabala Temple, No. 177. this week. Dr. Bullock was chosen for the honor for his out standing work toward comrntmi. ty improvement. Representatives of each at the Negro cab companies in the city, eported that the companies were against the meters, as they •./uuld materially reduce the number of people who use cabs lot long trips. COPY Iflf* SINGLE A W' ! GROUP’S TIE VOTE ! KEEPS FEPO BILL ! IN COMMITTEE Washington D C A— A five- a five tie vote in the Rules C em eu!, tee has temporarily blocked ••nsideration by the House of Rep resentative* of the civil rights bill to establish a Permanent Faij Em* o: : Practice Commission.. The however wa> not final, and tinothe? vote may be taken to day < Thursday» at a committee > cxi f ' 11 n % Tii«> ■■■“ on whether to send 'op to the fl'or of the house i :it four Southern Democrats and one Northern Republican joiu ■ ... forces, to keep the measure .?r m coming to a vote. Voting to hold the bill in corn lvitiee were Representatives I E. Continued on page 8, this section US KE HOSPITAL TO itJSE NKOIfO M RSES fteorge Roc Porter. super intendent of Duke University Hospt*ab recently confirmed reports that the hospital is planning to use. Negro gradu ate nurses. duperlntnedent Porter said tentative plans call for the re cruitment of four nurses. P wars learned that prior to -1 »r*lng the program of recruit ing Negro graduate nursts that Duke nursing personnel was polled on the proposition. An authoritative source at the his pH ij said there was "unani mous agreement to the proposal to employ Negro graduate nurses at fluke.” indication were this week that four had been selected, hut there was no comment from Aanfrin'endeet Porter's office ether than "the proposal ts stiff very much alive.” AJthosih Negro nurses have been used in many interracial hospitals in other sections of *bf country since the war Ne -1 gro tnirses and. doctors have - ttadlticnaily found their main employment in Negro institu tion'. porting the demand of Herman W. | Sweat! a Negro who has been re ! fused admittance to the University of Texas Law School in Austin, for racial reasons. Since that time a law school has been established at the Texas StaiA University for Negroes at Houston. | but Mr. Sweatt contends that “sen. arate but equal'' educational facili ties still violate his constitutional rights. Sweatt lost Isis case in the Texas courts and asked the Supreme Court to reverse decision by the highest slate court. The committee of law professsors accuses Texas of depriving Negros* of “equal opportunity for educa tion," in violation of the Four teenth Amendment. Preparation of their brief was delegated by the 188 law profes sors to seven members. The brief argues that the separate Texas Law School means a “mockery of legal education and of the equal protec. tiou of the laws.” They said the Negro law school in Texas is unequal to the White school, having fewer teachers and courses, a much smaller library. ' and none of the assets of a mod ern institution.” According to the professors the committee represents all shades of Continued on page 8. Ihis section

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