SsdàHA W DORM INVADED) ONLY GLUE LEFT BY INTRUDER IS BROWN HUT i RALEIGH—Armed with only one f'l’m clue and a hazy ile.scrlption police on Wednesday vere still con Unuing the scan, h "for « nun who ’ ftrvafled a girl 4 dormitory at Shaw University. early Friday morning shftcription supplied by the girl's *The only vines pole ■ have I to work ou a.i<* 1 i.noini ha! tl.i.•; intruder dropped >n hi- hasty tiiht and u sanity rlesci iption supplied i>X the girls t»ho occupied :h« room the stranger entered The wan ip described « ; 1 —inig ,1 boat tivt* feet. : t,,: 1 wt'teky build, nod wi*it « ibn k wti plexiou. The unidentified iimu <->!>• • . •{ third floor 100:1 in Kstu-y Ho, y> i TO a. m Friday, in what wa a bo ilvved to have been a robbery at- i tempt, but fiod without taking an i thing whets on>’ of the girls - • • am *d According to >n*> of the gw • wh > occupies tin. (’mil! the prtt'Ar op >*ned the door uita .> key. The .tu dent ?ald at first h< thought th* intruder was no? mat ton making U tfntmuwl 00 pa« k, this section) Race Policy At UNC In Doubt WASHYN) -TON r art rt .. li eu tion. week «•>{ •* that Army Sec retd: y Gov; CB iv of North L'archna vriid ’let. the ’are bars down ad the Ura/e-i P.. of North Car Un i which h - wil ..< in Septc-mbei ha- bro..-; t 'some concern' t , tin- Srei rial,’.', u, as sociate -aid tie. mi, A Washington o'D-mI la,-t. ■ told reporters .Secretary CSs .y weald rrtefrt th* me;- ~ ip* ri“m, i of Tat H‘ e| Nogt • * j , ij ij aci tjate snd p ff nonrt '.niraßoti p the State Univet itv C hapel Hit "with courage and wte.'.'.y" This week. ho • •>•„•••• this rc: : f>r .>»’-* signs in Gray's associate's remark that Gray may "poa-u'oly be as unhappy about • n-■ policies in the Deten..e Department as Secretary Pova! '' Kenneth Royal. G<.|rt-;v ro, «N»' lawyer, preceded Mr. Gray, a V-He A.ton-S dern la • yer and f'«bac''' <rtliUonair*. as Secretary of the Army Mr. Royal was outspoken in his opposition »o integrating Ke gs >es into the various services Washington observers who have been revolting development.-, M Ohio Citizens Join Fight On ABC Bins Columbus. O. f Special > To de termine vvhat steps may be taken to eliminate discrimination against Negroes and non-whites by the Ansetlran Bowling Congress which sets the national standards for bowling, a citizens’ committee has been formed here Father Augustine Winkler, So ria? Action Director. Catholic Dio cese of Columbus, is a member of the committee which represents the community. The committee has met twice in the past month to see what cao be done in the forthcoming ABC convention here in May re correct, the discriminatory clause in the group's constitution. In the first 21 years of its exis tence. the ABC admitted all howl ers. regardless of race In 1916 the ABC inserted a clause limiting End Os Bias Forecast By Sister Gary RALEtGP -Fon.o -h.g a request from a teacher at. the Hugh Moi son School to inaugurate ''Brother hood Week,"' Mi - Viable Philpott (Sister Gary) addressed an audi ence of students and teachers at the school on Monday. After completion of her talk “Sense and Nonsense About, Race ', SjUgtet Gary made tin observation Ufa!, the.,student-; themselves .seem ed to w®nt -in end to racial segre gation, but were confused about the steps Kit should be followed SpeaKing before seventy five first and second year high school students and several teachers. Sif ter Gary said that because of the poverty of the South, and the ex pensive system of separate facili ties, the races are in constant, con flict. (Continued on page 8. this section) Support Sought (EXCLUSIVE) DURHAM Former Justice of, the Peace Frederick L. Watkins, 1 ! lone North Carolina Negro repre-j, sentative at Washington’s Jackson- Jefferson Day SIOO a plate dinnei j last week, said here Wednesday,! -Mr. Truman and the Democratic high command arc depending upon j Negroes to do their share to get • out a record vote to elect liberal j Congressmen to perpetuate the , •Square Deal.” Judge Watkins, who was called CITY DROPS SAINT AIMES N.Y. ASSEMBLY OKEYS 1 EP( BILL, 129 TO 7 ALBANY. S 'A. -- iif * vv»< of [/'j io 7. the New York State Assembly this neck approved a resolution mcrnor ili'ftu* t on gress to enact the Federal l air Employment Practice And. bar ring dtscriininatioo in employ , mem because of race, religion, or national origin. All of the dissenting votes came from upstate Republican legislator s The vote followed a two hour del ate isi which Republi cans and fimocrjls vied with cash other in proclaiming ,yrty cndoc.eirient of civil righto le gislation on a state and nation al basis. In making their claims each party charged the other with duplicity and lip service on the issue. The resolution had previous ly pissed the Seriate of the stair, with only two dissenting votes. It «'ss sponsored bv senator Chart** V Seanlm *'u.i pent non sine* <it* War p»tn daily believed Mr Hoy at <* •>* n;i ;t h more I united 10 his rnua! perspecUves” thsn Mr. Gray nas • f.-cn di"oCrib"i. On the ba is of ’ho i-dest dm el • oproi'n 1 • ’’ Wc ntiigt'.n ;,nd <"f. Hill, a new ,ch"oi of .:p* j 111!a11 •'*r> iit>.. .•darted Two < ••.->. -e r*pi-" -cm ing confr-i>’ing views < >-e til* g’ont, a, to th* first gi oup. M> Gt ay, uuJ t :p“nci*nUy wealthy nn a n ~n of broad vision and admin. itraUv-' exponent*-. is expected 1 • 'P i. e me lay fm »! • ndnns-ion •f Nrgid y iif: ate professiona' , -tpclent.s nn •< £.' du '! alio can lions basis This gi 'ittp belie yes Gray, the lawyer. sees Uv inf \ übiiii.v >f North (.* <ntliu •' • eapito la lion to "md rulings 1:: this ai«*a (f "C to too -voiXisit" vie v, M-ri-e*‘ty is an -.bie S'r.ithorner i "• " b a rv.m of strong moral •,chatact«r m l of coeside.' ibie in'M ■ teeUial capacity, lie u. n.t, now ■’ ~ i. ,1 »o ft',is S*r- ip 1 ii'-i.g ‘be wo: k*'rs f- .ici.T 1 Tili'v who would op • llling at 'foiitiiuied 'in page it. this section' membership ! o te:uns composed of only white .male mom hers Suits have b e e n instituted 1 against the ABC in New Yo Ik, (.'hi : rago. and Milwaukee to prevent the! organization from operating within i those areas until the discrimination 1 ilriiiHe is eliminated from its con ! -t if tition. The suits are based on the state- 1 ' lent in ABC official documents : that H controls bowling. Cons*-! Quenfiy it i. assumed that the ABC; ‘•xereisva a monopoly on In sj./ct I to such an extent that thousands! arc prohibited from enjoying the | free rigi'*s mentioned in state laws j The ABC. in its answer to charg- j es filed in Illinois stated that the : ABC j. 11 social and fraternal as- ] : ociation and has power, granted t by Illinois, to restrict, its tncmltn ; -hip any wry it sees fit. j The answer fut'iher denies 'cat: the ABC exercises a monopoly in' tiiiir "it docs not control the howl iog of millions of non members, but : merely supervises the bowling of j its members in ABC leagues and | tournaments." The ABC takes the stand that ; membership In its organization Is j a privilege. Just as in any club or! association, and Is pot :<n "inilten j able right" of navone, and that it j doe- not operate or control any ! howling alleys and cannot and Ices j not bar anyone from them. The ABC denied that its annual j two mouth tournaments produce | "national or world champions."! but rather i urn out 'ABC chain j pions." Father Winkler -aid that he will j follow th* lead taken by Father Charles Fa row of the Brooklyn, N. A'. Catholic Youth organization, who took the first steps to seek a change in the ABC constitution. In 191'., the Brooklyn CYO wn denied membership in the ABC for two of i»s Negro teams. Two years later, Father Carow proposed an amendment to the ABCe.onstitulion at the annual convention in Bos Angeles. In the name of the CYO, he a Iso spoke before ABC conven (Continued on page H, this section) intio consultation V.v Democratic , bigwigs in (heir recent Raleigh meeting, made his headquarters in Washington in the offices of Con gfressman William L. Dawson of I Illinois, the country's highest rank ling Negro Democrat. ! As part of the Administration s iplan to inform voters in this sec j tion of the necessity of supporting i Fair Deal Logilatlon, Judge Wat | kins said Mr. Dawson would be i brought to North Carolina to speak jin three key cities. It, was believed (Continued on page 8, this section) asdfadf 24 Pages! north caroun'a’s u:ai>m; '~weekly Jeon? 1 10c j YOU MK XXIX R'UKIOH, NOR'lli i AiiOl.l" A -ATI iiDAV, AKi' 2“», 1* >0 v > t’HDiTY 'I VVO D* Ca ATTACKS BIAS RUMORS DISTURB GRA Y ANTI-BIAS LAW TO BE TESTED IN COURT ACTION WASHINGTON. [.I C - The iicv ,->f di;»crimin?.tvii> in the v '• 1 I.n;* -r the 1 .'! t - .'. - oil /.on or attacked in ct” rt by the r), ..'! i< t Gw •- :m’- >-t it ... ~ • e ve .< !- The !'• C C'.u’.n 1.- : .a/'- v -aid I; . t 1 ,1. tackl . ■ (O’pi.i ■(',! *-f *'i !: r. ja- )! ;<•!( ;i •> > '* l ■ 1 ■■ l r . /. "ild or eeiifep. i ') dr ? cnrU*l‘.! tile legal ty f an ancient law prohibiting ’ li cnmin.'.t.ioi! Th» "iiieh . pa ;"*H in -17,» outlawed discrimination in c be.’silt" ..nri < the!' ~nid h'ink ;ng 1 < iebravni . Ativh n law j.assert in ;872 atso outlawed dis< t utiina.tion in "ating e a 'niisb IlOitS. ,is .'.,‘{l ... pofei.. jr f , r 1 e.,,. t pailois, i.aibv! ah i and oatEi U .us*.,. The uen.'.lfv so: vinli'.ii.l. of 1 thcr ict r. , fw.e .f f;.w. , forfeiture of license for .. .-•*• Tile ( • rrsmi:. .1010'":. ordered tlio : 'c-t co-c .ft". ( -irporAtton C' 'v <•s V‘ u. "1 L: WcM, tojrj them that ex ,i,.i'.-o search failed in discl.v>e any express” of Tic two , ■ f entinued on page g this section) HOEYEVBO.ES ISSUE OF BUSED RELIGION ILAI.EiGH in a vaguely word ■ i , ; a,lid extremely polite letter .seat | Mat week tn tile Rev. Otis i. U.imm j ton Senator Clyde Hoey managed ! j to leave unexplained Lis atateueut > I 'hat a. uegregated chur*h In keep ; : ing with the principals of Chti j ti..inil y | Rev Hairston editor of tlt * Bap. | list Into liner, eritteisud tbo Sen a or several weeks ago <u a public ; • letter, for th* ’atter s statenimt 1 } mad* before a Sunday School class ; Senator IT ev who will seek i> 1 (Continued I*ll page 8. this section! Gymnasium Forecast F or j Crosby School Hv RAY DANTY H.AI.KIOfI--The posibility of tli* j eonatrnetinn of a physical i>dii(atl..ii 1 ! building on tit* ground of the t rosbvGarfteld Schonl, was noted lon Wednesday night by .Tecso o I Sanderson snipo Intendent of H i : lfllcl: schoola. Speaking a* a meeting at tim , ( I'osby-tinrtTelrt Kcftool Santlerson j warned his audience not so auvaneo j any "fabulous plans' for the build | (ng hut asked that u civic commit | tee. be set up ho that the <h'flirea ' of the Negro citizens would be In ! eluded In the completed product The audience was composed of persona selectr-d by the four prin , 'tlpals of th' local Negro schools : ‘hi)., com ml tic- '.vhlch was pel up' I to investigate the proposed liuild ! Hi* 1 Is under the ehuirmanship of : Dr. Nelson Horris of Shaw I'nivei 1 sitv. Tho Rev, p. it. Johns*'n was S nominated as vice chairman of lh«. 1 group and Mies Janice Wtrit of; i Washington High .School wn.i rip- j ; pointed secret ary. Sanderson said he called the! I meeting to allow the public o par ticipate 1 n the drawing up of plan* ’ for the new high school. 1 The superintendent said ihnt the I , County Comm!»loners will ri.pot op I March fob and will set a dale tor the school hood Issue at thin Dm*. He expressed his hope that Moron | 27th. the date of the regain!' dec „. i t.!on will ho the date decided 'toon He said he didn t know what ] : would happen if the bond tsaue ’ tailed. However, he coiitinued. if , j it fails "we’ll have to reach S.Yie , i goal in some way," l Mr. Sarideraon said, ’T invited ' : von here to nontribute ro the plan \ (Continued <m uage 8, ihlg Mellon) I '' ' ' ' ' ' ' , s . •- e 1 tn u 1 t i ; a * not 1 \u ll . I'.p/top \ p nt-. woe c. rtt portcj . v the, week, iiitj; fop,: 1 netiop ... . oiocios ahf >rt ’t • *{-)<* p"‘ xcl nil vrork s* ('t'ft on th* proj*’et •* l< ( tic s’, ; ( . rt-: :»go and . irr.i.rt r y■■ ,'r.j iono.t*t".o. (One *) - hit h Hubbard Named As Trustees’ Secretary X)(.• K H *\r- 1 '!»• .f. ••« Hubbci! f<. : Du rh <i r; ri{i.• t irM v *■ i n Sfaf e, rf*•• ‘ iigious civic dli'Vir[ , '.vay eir-ei ed ,-*•).i'c‘•» 1 > *f N'- tTii * >i Irgi; nev t>' •f i 1 *i'if!r ; th.ii h - - r; DicniACi tfi' i v o>Hfi hc-'f* tbiN Ot H -to • << • . one ’f itt> *• <e gto in M’/’i-r .■•••! the Too other tv ~ .: * pi ( ' C. Bpmiding. • not* tl ho.'-ui' c :cci.tiV* a ' H r an ra"irih( r. o t Or I.’ dtr: ■ ?Vl H. e.dri'.i A-, ■•• iir ■ . n;i .1 m i ft>tmet pj,.f* r in th) EL'." ■! Univer.ily Ccioot. AH -vei'P appointed las? .1 tly Mc**ing i.o the offne f P> -sirlcnt ;A!|.O..r. I". If” -.’-te.-.a ( . VC.I H.rt ■ mtnistrai :on at. ti.* roi!,-e was the subjc* t ■' / sp" il i" I'ro-nd Hon* . ~ .... fl. tiearO pi • ; ' hi* . lepov’ on five hnilHingg now ) going «i|* '.n ' ' a”p' . Hid map peri 'pl;.ti. for . a i mi I ten **> Gi.e*! ii! cor, with :i similar t ' BILL DAWSON AND LENA HORNE TO VISIT NORTH CA ROLINA Curvaceous song stress Lena Horne, center, and [ Congressman NVUliapt L Dawson j ‘UNCLE TOMS’FLAYED * , .vt ' i'.- been nej y'jfti:,- op. : (lions are lit a ( log .'Cmpie ' no '! i»” i,nrl—,, . ’. f f f. ; cUri. rt ta» tis completed l.v fait, and tlir ■ amp inv L 1 • annoiiwi ‘rt th ri. it t| . to !'**., v f ir. the t l ' at f.llt'- iif , by cat!-, -oiwnm-'r. c'Vunt'Upf' from the- VnfarjUy r i! • .■ h : !!i» >q ;>• <■ 1 itudy to t;-,& , Ifp; cf Nrgru r. •• t • -i■ ; .n.ft. p,vfr >-i'. nai -tarlPia,. : vivt <■ if ’ ,: i< -V;'! r; n thft Ctetin cikn H 'heit }.. i-'i'v.w*'f *f ! : . - i , •s1 . V 'a- I chaii m«n ’ the bo-;i c* and Rohart iVI. Gantt. Durham lawyer. was t . f j v K.i- Han't i>; r (< oisti'iurd "ii pagr H. this section) “NAACP Day” Planned For Local Churches RAf.-FTGfß—Backed nv lit* s>!|. pra t - r the Ministerial Allian*. .J1 r- 1 . rt rii.aptcr >f th" N-iti' r-il A' -of iatio for the Advancement of ! oi. IT “rt 1■ - 1 .1“. .'•I'll t ■I '• e.'lrt this •■■rek with plan.- for a city of lhnnis (left), special assistant to Chairman William Boyle of the Democratic National Com mittee, have Accepted the invita tion of Judge Frederick L .Wat- J kiaij of Uaihajn (right), president DIXIEGRAT ASKS : STATE APPROVAL OF ANY m LAW Vv'A'.MllcTr'l tj.N. iJ. ‘ A Dix •:• it anttwer t* , . ■* *i FEPC 1 • lygi-’-fi/i w-s mad- h*re Tußittay [' in. T'*i'>.r-c'o F-v-.'i'. <0 South • Co when hr i-'d that he e :■ .d/Ci Ifc g! :,'.,0 which !, ■ •-*!?;,! ~ *’ 1 .:- i tif.v t 1 ■ »'v,.ionf . vote 1 >ny fail empl/ymcnt practices ;] :a:!l th ri m-v p . ; •-• <y. (n Ihr pa. I, P:v*. > h.-ru one f ill* tr 1 out ipoken f'/f d B.s si rt. Tr.iman's civil right.'.- propos \ at.-, including He Pail to e.-t .'l.-ttsh . fair e.npto. •*1 i practice, com ■ t( onUnn.'d on pt»g«- h. this sedtonl • id* h'AA’.'P Sunday," on March j - 4th ; i Thr ,ot ii '* r* ''ill Ft* nr Id in M v n n r.mcuon wlFh. t n P « ■'» I. 1 Ip air -.f I t\o at m inch I (Contiioi. 'i .>n p *g• R, Ihas section 1 ft l of State Negro Democratic party to appear in this State during the j Spring.. Photo was taken, follow- ! ing -Si 00 a plate Jackson Jeffer j , son Day dinner at Washington's 1 NaUotuii Armory, ifetorwtfy IQ, Wl. SAYS ALL HUTS FREE OF PREJUDICE NEW XDHK The Int t-t- Fraternity Count:!! at New i »rk University's Washington Sanare Ctn:er, reported Tues day that its eighteen member j fraternities had no discrimina tory clauses in their constitu tions <nd Out no new frater nity seeking nesgaititm would he admitted if membership was rest. kb-d on the basis of rare. 'fUgion, color <*r nationality The decision ois the matter was contained in * letter sent to Dean Thomas C Pollock of Washington Square Cullrj* hv (lie president of the council. The letter read in part 'We honestly believe that attacks upon fraternities from external sources hinder rather than aid (he progress in abolishing pre judice we feel that needed re forms must come in a democrat tie way from within the indict l dual fraternities themselves." City Curtails St, Agnes Aid RALEIGH The sadden and ilrnost totally unexpected action of the C;*v Council in calling a halt to any further city appropriations for tin: care ~ f indigent patients at the bi Agnes Hospital ga e birth Tues day !. ■: A question of primary im r'.-Hd'which '-as still begging. '■ ■ ll kill 'di: : : ’• I ' tir 1 atf* Wcdf )€ >d<iy nigh- What v in happen to charity patients living in Raleigh if«er March ?0 when current city f finds at the hospital will be ‘xh > listed?’’ To investigate the hospital .-.etup. me Citiijen; Association on rues- '< hoy nigh* appointed a five member | i ommittee. Members are the Rev l ' c • '-I! . Mi - J E Hicks, A r 8r0.«.- n L H Roberts, «nd H A. Jones. Hospital administrator Charles S 1 empdeton. has a heady warned ‘hat unless some provision is made: to par for tb? .Mic of city charity j patients, the hospital v'Ul io>*_ be able to care for them alter current funds are nsec’. Atnce St. Ague., is norminally : Ite hospn Lie city in ’>><•- 1 __ I JJ | jpv « Snub 01 Civic Group hA- - f -GH - A denial that the f- - - ii c to (. -herd ju mvpation to nie C.mze'.'s Association to attend a meeting to discuss th« construe- 1 '’■ 1 I' 'a! Meg! y school, was • 1 Mi 'idcd is <i n-ib of the organ- ■ iU'"', w;s tru'd" Wednesday by 1 June O Sanderson. chairman ot the Raleigh School Bouid, I'hu A:' "'"-c’ ition had protest'll in , a telegram >.-nt *o Sanderson, Tues- : !•• night, tha. the 1 group had reeii | ignored when invitations to a plan-; r* \ug for in? notion j '■? 3 Negro High School in Chavis' Heights, were issued In. lie telegram the Association, . said “In view of our deeo interest! m the proposed high school and j ur cooperation with you and the School Board in advancing (he project to this point, we are at, a ■ s to understand trio ommissi-on of our name from ynuc rostei for invitations." (The Citizens Association, has ben .tie of Die leading local cn ganizal.iona in file fight) to conV ! •t to lot new Negro schools.) In i telephone call so the Rev. SISTER GARY STARTS WEEKLY COLUMN i.N | I TIE CAROLINIAN I RALEIGH - Once, again the UAKOLIMAN takes pleasure in announcing the addition of I •i new column. Th< column, which will be gin next week will he written i hy one of the State’s outstand ing figures, Sister Mabel Gary. Well known for her activi ties as a champion of the rights of her people, in h«;< new col w«u> "Sister Gary Speaks,” this beloved personality will speak I with flic same fire and courage that has made her Into one of. N'oith Carolina’s most progres sive and forceful leaders. Election Slate Set RALEIGH The official list, of | candidates for offices in the North ■Carolina Teachers Association, was released on Wednesday by W. L. 'Greene, executive secretary of the! I organization, Th elections will be staged duf fing the three day convention of the association, to be held here March ‘3O to April 1 1 Mr. Greene also announced that j | the guest speakers scheduled to ad-1 idress the convention include Gov-1 1 e.rnor Kerr Scott and Dr. Martin j Jeatuos of Morgftg. State 1 mm uc-rar snauHUMtaat ss'W wmu' means.‘.VattttfcVJ JUDGE SCOTT HITS BACKWARD NEGRO LEADERS RALEIGH ln the past few I years Negro leaders have improv ed in noth intelligence and cour and the quality of Negro lead : ership will be even further im i proved when the "Uncle Tom" type iof Negro leader vanishes from the i scene. Judge Armcnd W. Scott, .said her Saturday in an exclusive | interview. Judge Scott, Judge of the Mun- I ictpol Court for the District of Ct>- ; kimbia, was in Raleigh to address 1 -i Vesper Service audience at Shaw : University on Sunday. In the interview. Judge Scott . was bitter in hjs condemnation of the Uncle Toms" of the Negr > race. and. pointed out that future i progress would depend on the ; courage of Negro leaders. While admitting that any im provement in race relations is a low process, the jurist, who wav i born in Wilmington, said that on ; every ti ip he makes to the South Ihe notes favorable changes in ra cial attitudes. To emphasize his belief, Judge | Scott referred to the full coverage 'Continued r , n g, this sectiorsi past has contributed sums to take tcue of local residents without fund, and now with this source of income stopped, official sources could give no hint as to what ac tum might be taken before March so to insure continued hospital car- for the needy The iction of the City Council taken on Tuesday, because of *' jAumwiu that aid for city pat ients dum id came from Warn G 'unfv i undo, and not city fund' j The council felt- that Jbecaiyw? t’.e ' it/ is an integral part of the Coun ty. it is the duty of the County to .suppiy money for hospital care The Wake Count y Commission ;Srs on the other hand have stated T bat the city ot Raleigh should steely provide funds for furnish - mg hospital care and attention for 'Take County citizens who reside wtluri the < rporate Units tis tie :ciu-." i■- completely opposite How points did not appear any place .near a compromise late Wednes : day night, with both city and cc-un "i! tdiaiis maintaining then or.- iContinued on page H, this section) F H Johnson, president of .the Association, Mr. Sanaerson point ed out (hat it Is against the policy of the Board to invite organiza tions to such planning meetings, li-e official said that individual members of the Association had received Invitations to attend the meeting and that the osrunisiai of the Citizens Association was only caused by a long established po licy. The question of Association par ticipation arose in a meeting Tues day night, when several members of tne organization reported that they had received invitations, but (Continued on page 8, this section! Visit To City Costs Man His Freedom RALEIGH After enjoying a*, most. a .year of freedom, Rural Keith, 39. of 1506 Oakwood yVf-. was sent to the county roads on Monday, to complete serving a thirteen month jail sentnece. Keith was originally sent to the County Home in May of last year, and escaped two days after his arrival there. In addition to sentencing Keith ' lo the mads .for the completion of liis ‘mm, Judge Albert Daub also imposed an additional 60 days sen tence. on the man for his escape K“-‘*b was apprehended Sunday ' night at his home, after police re- I reived a tip that he had returned i to the city. He said that he had been work ing in Greensboro, and had return ed to Raleigh to see his family. He v. as sentenced, to the home, for an attack on fits, mother. This year's elections are being held under a new constitution 3p~ ; proved by the organization at last year's session. Under the new plan jthe official candidates were chosen jby a nominating committee, from i lists submitted by the four districts 'of the state. i Each district was allowed to jname one candidate for each of fice, and final selection was made ifrom these nominations | For the first time in the history lof the organization, ail members) eg 8, th!s secUttßl,

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