PAGE SIX JOHNSTON CO. J Highlights Ol JCT S The Senior Class of Jf'TK cm inues Us seriov of Public Spe ; >i . , this week daring devote pal ex 1 .‘isrs. Louise Cogdell spoke to nn ' ■ h , of the High School Dcr.orl p■: ■ ■ Mcaday morning on a nGjiMt !!• ..." 'veryonc who i? graduatin'* f: a High School should think alroat tills subject was '“Why Go To C .. ; ege?':'" In order to develop a s'tireuidt ifig intrr.-t, in college, v.m must, nek .’iirselvcs these questions: How will colleges Le beneficial to me’ Is si i waste of time and montv • Will it aid me in any way other than the scuud of saying "I went to col lege " We - should take these ques tions under consideration for the way in which v/e answer these questions may either make us de velop or lose a stimulating interest; n co!l.€*g Tiie basic reason why one should obtain a college education is to prepare himself to i-ccome a cap •- ble competitor in our cbamteabT ->nd flexible society for the nvjii' tenance of economic security and 1 happy living. The person who h.-i-* gone to coilty o and gained a good college education will be a cured of a brilliant future. There yip planning to outer coli--gc- will nave an uncertain future became the important jobs are open to »hcse who have been th' roughly •.rafted in a particular phase cl-, work. College not only coves vs the assurance of a brilliant future uqt <t also .helps sis to ‘.void heeomirig , a social outcast Society is com p-tsci of different type? of poodle who have different ideas end opiti i'.- concerning certain 'hi . . A good college education will enable to L-Htverse freely with ail 'y.-'-.-s of people whether they be king.; of :h( ccmir-tn laborer. A truly edit- , eated person not one who will 1 ob at an uneducated l>< ■ a : i •corn him cr ridicule him. Tin- true educat-n- is otic who wtH not turn his back en friends v.-u'• . are less fortunate than he. but who Will i. ah Sown and try to cring hi; friend up t - ■■■ ■; level. Every person w he has or is -a ii'i a college education slano : : •- 't-ivir er tha i•• s a? ip . d ,-• • ’ cw Slid no bettor than lav rvt We should not why attend eolle.v* toy its social asset but v sb •- id utend f ;r the expereince of college life itseil. Experience is always in test teacher and the only way v.v can be experienced in coUc-gu InV and college routines is to eel a - !iv attend rather ccnvtrsirg 1 ■: -din: about college, in vo.'-ta ■ ivc leu.n to live together and r.o-h f■ r'f.dhvr as a unit: shariay o;a ye. a t-oiia- feenngs and emotoins with ■ tadii metes. We caconnh-y mx-io: ; a ihadual person a: it in a -a < .-G,... tie a- ideas and opinion -. Vya t tj-.t vye ace the lit 1 , it a. ; inc- e- e?t- ty of going to coil ;-. a all strive from this by- on 1 i faaic ye ; f Cio eimr ' if a a . i a»ct ot-tcr colic?'-, ‘ w .me,. Shore, whs are siriv inc f. , o eoUe-go • ici’i-ni i smir s IH'oie t. .ry; avoid? c. n ;cyan a ]->? ,-e . e J t '.ae>i,- - -Hi i * • i;V. , . ::;i r. m: from m" licents -■■ ■: me net only helping ' 1 aie *0? a't'jilire If CO. a'. ' I CI -a - tion bin .. . arc dispioving a f. a•• of iV;! n -ship and biinneciy Lre e v; • future in lege f dues lien and I Cati aJSUi’d 16-! that •i i investment will, be a succcsr-ful otic. The second speaker for this ■- its of Pribiic- fi sedkitig was v Sic-ven. who spoke Wedncsd nornt-ig on *Wr Are Too I- .--i:y Satisfied." The basic reason why vr - never achieve success in life is i-•: au ivc are tor. easily satisfied with .■■■> progress. How can we accotnf 1 i--h sreatcr things when we think wo r. ■ doing well .inongh '■ We i : r"- the afcility to do great things but what we lack most is the dsierroin i ticn to carry out out- plans. We 1 vatu tc rc.-ich the top of the ladder 0? success without exerting too much effort and will power. Suc cess like a house or any ctbo! building must have a firm found.. tion in order to endure the hard ships ox life. In building a house, v; must first establish a good foundation and then work up. Si Ir !■- with success. We must plan each day's work so «s to lay our iitidntior!? :• -. the h: r burigs In lis’e. We Ivuid rviy on the; til tom : new. what > a. d ■ l v •' K■; ,v I, a.-- :-:■■■■ ■ an : : d w'rk. Rrmembi: ? Shot yerterday ; to c: - i WftO I’C i'Oaiiy :• UCf*b>. ; lU!. j jticv. I, in th te •' . !! rCaCii ] 'the iOp. As they approach ih-rir am- : i n- rod :b- i; •- i i arvibhigl t(* JTIOVt? Til t''G.T t • . Tjcjiiy : •tc ij snt ssi ivii v/jtn our pvu- * t -dG’ ? cofvJition:*? (its ! progress conj> iti erabiy When i vve become so satisfied with our | : iived as to fail to see room for im- | ; pi. vrment. then we have no hopes { [ ..chie\nag nieces a VV c.-.r: say j that the discovery of America by [ : Columbus was brought about be j 1 ;■ he v.ifi not iuo easily ,-amfied : with the theory that the * nTk vaS j -,c;md and from a result of this | : disugi-cemenl Anif-rica. d'.s- ; . v-vtrcci. ; I The impel iant ceis.y,loi. is net | •Have I done smwLfv’' imt -in j what direction ;ti:> ? g-oit. -.' If -a-Is • Os i-..s would tceo:r." ie w s -•*- | isliori with bis w..; u. then his j ch. aces of s.Tfijiie -Jtc’n will bo j i 1'?:e third a;:■ . •- ii-Ih.j '-. eek * Eli: S :•!! a. iv i::i»vfui!.f <i:t "Slav.- a- r -. ! An - Lie A Hac: e- Git* .the way w.• grog! e:-s in life if - oi. jj n<era the tlio: we: (-XCXI while ol sebrot. If wv are ; [Successful in fui- scbohaUe w'ola: th. h we should find it easy t. gain; - i.ieces? in laic: life. The amin pur- j rose of the -. .. a- to train veun - i iiit'ii aiul vtiifjig woiiicn tc dsv'uiT.c ‘ the the; they will | encounter in life. Hew we accept! this training end how v a s .t. , s'as much 10 do with ou: future; ¥v\*? are* fort iir.Gtt' ; : VttlHg Si.:-till* SchO-' i * i G2*'?iUg. T, ;r» t*y h-JVi; suOce-s-r iu onr* | -e hi;* in .niithc r <■ they' ■nave ■ u-; wit!; :t : - : a ; ' Success j i; :. >: !.:v t-uar-d in ' . •a- of ear. an. nee because many eOoj.s ■ here tnisifeie! securUy hit in e'- V",,-■, thi- ■ v ::;;. ii i.' let mere consticrvl.ions in our seiiool work beenus l : when we leave c*r finish scsool we must feet- Ire . e.j .v luirdshtps ■-i our r. Our iesclau's won't be CT-o-an . 'a* !ci! 1.0 '.vll-el! V-.-e U:T {j! e I’eS v. ro;is' method of atuckiag ■ u; - • - 1.-rri the wrong :: roc-ado: re fi -e.o slave .‘r.ii.l work u --ret in bn-. !. ihr-n we :.-.>■<? round to Meet ; ivi*h ecc -- in our i;:de>- 4ak il* e- members > f ih Hi -it Si bool Dr r> utmeeiii arc c-njoyio.t these * -jeerhe? give>-, by members *f * ' : e S me ■ Class as ; are iy Sul:, i,-. fi-;r*.VS*d <■ leoro V. I- - . u:!-i tail m: CEUoIIKViT TOTH \>\lVms\RV tV A FI flNtTlb ..W. : :ni .v:,s 1ie,.,... If.’- -y. s ; . 1 iHU ['li. fV : S> r i Vf l : v thaH? j • h ■ diinivGv'ii.v'' hrr^j .Vt‘o*' With ‘ !}•:■ c.'-.o- oliSf ov:. ‘ rh*it ' josL ran*i j itfound. 4 ’ The w!it> J\-i ' h-.}cu rnm*- : i' l ! S FV'. f . Ll. J y .Ssi, *Ji‘ Vf* : ;o".' . To 2fH> th T-c’tsG'lj l G living. :*.'i * * *•’ • four :G'jKT-n i.*i; : iU- v hai! j i 1 i-bildr i'oii! .>' « i o -.; -I if] living. When they were in their' S fl'ey '.i11., i)\i j r I'litnii V of Ik fUHdrvn of one of thr-Ss .f 0: .1. Who h ’O' ; si though they as nnt ceriain nboiti the nninbrr. tht-y < imaie thrro ; ire about T<» ii-randc-hildron. Ills «r-n> grimcli-hflilrt n am! lit great- Kr*’iii gramh-lilldren living. Mr, aiul Mrs. Hsrho *>>•,v<* kn--.wn ' ■-i'-ii nt.tier ail fhfjis uves. * Mr.--. Fia'Tev said, "We'.-i e.-eond cousin-, anti grew- up ingot her. out near TP- . in Maryland.*' lb was 24 and -he !0 when thev inni ried. They farmed f<>>- nuin;- years in ’ M,i: vferiii. Alwtn 4*l years a£<> the;. r;imi- ?■. Washingtrii). wher*? Harley ; worked <m differ'-at < iiibs Kill! sorv mid with perfect evyslKlit ami hmirimr both attend macs at Sa Sieuimn’s ehtir-'-b very .'-User i day. I |’ . . i * v ’ '* tK s . A S 4 $m *- A- p ■ W W <«• m * u ", ~ * f < A £'\ \ !•:%, f - 24 i " ' i..ons < OGUFU / : lasgc r • r* • * -- 1 \ % e '- - I re | -V ' - * / * % I V‘ hi i n s\Nr»f-:r:> i > Ui(h P \PPROVtS PU'l?\l MmiIMXS (. r'A'A. F- rhi:ui -. N ■ . •Vt t'ui .Hi the hue- and cry r ■ • banrmr. "f p-uyunm.' :.i. ;-c Arm «' it T: A T Gi.i: : {’S - v " ; I'' i-Gc-shn* ; >unrU vniinm^-ixn} iif’M* iast \\ y • ha! t hm pj*:m ; *• ■* .-.; I»«i \r<;\ pkjrnages -s a "lypr •.>*' ' 'it! '* f*)V Afi’G ;?T3 A*'>-g-:I in< »the < ninuisMun. U in \ -- r iy? * t ion ln l ••e Br:r is.h Cnu: - • rof>n rn- practuit* of hu vor.r ouo-e xfra 11 o ? 14- vv If:* I a a thi ix \\) \ if! j h• a frit’jfOi 'A I '. For Fine-Flavored, Full-Bodied .. . , md HOT 1 (But She Mode It Hour' \go) ' ..... .. • . . .: i, "Z'~ ” „- f ?, *• .. *s*,..'o .’ • ' ■ ' S. ■ ..- ■ gi '; c. There's a wonderful, new coflW-maker in the stoios, nowadays. It's quick, convenient, ro>>'pletelf automatic, with traditional grace and beauty, as you can tell from the picture. above. 1? uses the old, best loved method . . . percolate a, with marvelous new automatic advances, and is much less expensive thus- you might expect,. * / ‘slore's how this new Micio-Matic percolator wo;',-, and what it Joes. ; You put in cold water and coffee, measuring the right amount of each, for 4to S cups. Then you plug it in . . and never think of it again till yon want your cup of coffee‘ This new percolator starts perking, .-ax onds after you plug it in. It stops, automatically, when the coffee is done. Then, 'lt changes automatic,illy, to a low heat element that keeps your coffee drinking hot till you want it . right, away, <>t hours later' There’s nothing to “fool" with or watch, no controls, switches, pilot lights, or •‘selectors,” It's completely automatic, in the purest sense of the word, * AUOJ IN! AN" Saturday. Ft.*br-.i25, 1050 1 tv • :;vi■ '.*, The first wif * i? ;.‘c- he--s i.f th; household. Otm 'via may by iy i i.jrgc ,if the l; s j'ht-n, ’vm t * work m -h-- fiv-Ids, attotietr iu ciiai-ge of market ing, a .'Hi an- -. a iu : ’s r-.-g- - - i*- • r: i.'.p . a;.’ ' i lit- : imr- ; : ,r- *:■:!>' .t aa. -c Democracy Must Win CAiHO. !ii . ! AXC'I f'c-viarima ■ that Abash,-is famm:;. v, ,",s n a-ly .;. . it"’ - .mi.- -a,.... -s. of I>• <.-• < : ' iit'v ' iy .‘.i-.ab i. !•!'!;;yrkod ' . ■■■ < V -■» is.: ;. a: s.aa';. have hnio-s ; . a ■ v- .-■. tic told o,c T s , dbturs, t -hird ->f rUeni white ;>•••, . y.m nto«t Aw: -: had ni-v* ; ,o --! pie Worn- I’! --vi-.i diasm': [ A»v •: a. i * 10-m -- ' D.iVis j i.' .- JbjpuJar in .-kutthorn tilinoh., an. sr- •. ... ■ t-.-ii.-kw n: a ,!> ram.: rHati«ms ns though I; v •?-•'. .'• :■ v. ihc \i ir.y -i ;;nn. ti c young ucamhi.'i- <•' the iiihiois icgihia-turo was in.inu '■•itring ••qaa'.iz.itior, „>f salaries m ia c s im.'-a.’,- Ncap i. sritOiy'is ivhb !i ni 'f* - i.-vv.-.-r t\nr of enun-.iC’S . lit. thU sinf.e. ■ i.c • j,-., - ;n ; y ; V , S ! )((> .-IlaJ. i;,i Ji;hc .i .." b:-: . * s, -| li.,v , utiti-rcu rmny ' aand ii.-sa-tt-d in: rhi- * ? f ',!:•!!y. i think the aTnnnrinu'nt tot he i-chooi ? ; ;.T'i>hib;is sc..-H ;- ips mmif y ‘h- n: < i ■ s .'mo law "The purp..>»e of the law i- m »; <*■! \ ;.»!« 5V ' j .* I'’‘'UrUy \l 12t in•- * : rh*- vrvH of -s-clioots wiiich ■ s ii : F'rvjrnii-ii" o. B •;;» to you if y«?n ; : \v:ir»i vihp* oh'riurvii to enjoy i ? li'*>- : ir- i' > o: 4 ; :■ \ [it il Is 1 ! -J : *-- •: • rc- fc-r yot; :•> ‘-v -I*l We lorw* : 1v; 1 tliLTht** U-.w .--.■ii.uim hi tiiie Sv-ate | : •. >-f thhio > >•. ' { v on- ;ii c: h . a? c vj n ; ,T»-a ;j • 0 v 1: steep ou > .ojr ' 'Vi ,\r U.OJUGS -' ms who?, [H'O’U.m hr"' : t ‘■ v.iH H'huhs. Th ion i • *-■»'h ■ ■ -i 5= you -. : .n. ; . :hi or . - Vvf: i thh-xrs th**> a ’ r.VTHKn Tfjn r.:\Tl.S> SON; > -v\ KiU. - 5 ATHKR in . *? oin * 1 knio- wh-cv ho heio ;-t ry. . -'i, . ; itnoat .-ayir-T, --J if,: ;••!-. g> , mm; vows to keep i Mi) ISIS UK IDE . ) f sM lA.Cpi j'y.r,.: A.-' Ac ' . •;* 50‘U'-. iti;' v BhiiuJ ?C'.. 1 ■f, • •; V r Vo h':S- iha’oue or |y«« 1? v' ouunai.; n- that .fiiß : too mv -'.-O U fricon orbit is bo-.l cngnsHnie. M-m-n.., /•gov. Southern Rhod'-W:. r\s .‘.nyi lUf- tfii? overv-00.:!.;: # s : tin.' tV.tion u.k . \ * flpf# Koyi? mt giVe ; » FIGHT HEAD! MUSE j - 2/our HAIR , <5 T Vfeef ly ■ lint:. l -. <i ,-y \BIF pace; BOY y Ay ” i:.| ! n ; '- ' ; CI.AMOUR G . bAf-yy *. GEAT tR : L THE IIUT LI AMOnt. Wivn it <* li-nmii you want, A:,. ji-'ss<E k'TE Hail C-iamour Ht> y«ui u-tr. A- v- • -vs, it fasten* a 1 1110 crown of the head nvl hari”-; naturally down the ba; i- You can w,-3i i( .1 -- an hi m-i p m .inf ttjK you like, fit is ii lo 20 wh-*-* lon-.:!. $ 10.fMI § SEND NO MONEY? # SEND SAM ple O s YO U K HAI. a # PAY PfSTMA N t> N DELI V EBV! * * Jessie Kare BEAUTY PROnt’CTS sot FIfTH AVENUE <SUITE |>CPT. c N&W YORK. iL «. f.

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