f'• A f:('-•!. : >IA S Sit.: r<3., February 25, 1956 FAYETTEVILLE . . - . ; ■ YY Y YS?CS?C •’ ' v . ' y : \ v y-'Y' y T.;-.-C • M ' .... .„ - '• :■>v ?: - ' ■ - <» Ma»Ser A. Knseoe Mi Alsilan, ■■ P-yeur-nld son «f Mr and '■i.-s v Rn.sroc McMillan Sr., «< ' .i" Simpt-en Street, is shown rie • erin. the CAROLINIAN to Mr to. ;n Williams one id hi' tegular customers. Ytwig McMillan started selling t.r i IKOLINIAN’ only 4 months 'if and built up a large "'..re ‘or himstil, heeause oi his v • -n e ■ n'.ile and pleasing per- He ss s student of Xeu'bolil Experiment Station Releases Bulletins *'*• j •u • -.i i Experiment Station • rit/'-t rvcom rncndations on ' spr.\y:> to oomroi insects r.r.o seos. , ;.»f poaches vr.d apnies Tht circular - '‘Peach Smuy Special Circular ’ No. • i-nd •Aop:r Spray iu~ 'mmmimn." Special Circular No. 6 Rev,.oo are intended prim .v- Sv fc■ j :ho use 01 commercial grow trv - Copies of. the publications ir\ v N oblahtod free iron* the local : a-a. id. or by writing *ru 'co :ci*in:r;.i F.din r. State r Raleigh rao cir cuter?. are intended 1 cay for hue use or rcmmfi'c;-:; P•: w •.»:>. This year for the fist Time - ■*•' ■"• special sections are in ti • d( * . -Vi iht b<*’net Ii : • oaek Fid rat ho? * i s iae\; ; d o d amon 2 th t* Yecmmer.ncd spray maicnals fox; iirst time This material is sc j o't ca ull ons «• ~ e £j vr n c«: nee rn 1 rig ; ;-CC. r. . * :-c r : ~ .:v •, !* < j- s-jy (' d * • r.,;;t liiTies, ai'. i j if- iT/'e*" k tor t. s. 1 :: effective ahml • f ah ; ‘'si cts .rid diseases. Api ie List: .-i :• discussfep are stab r as' vii:- 1 froce\t leaf spot. .aid Slit r ■ ■ Insects tnrhrae t idling, doth ?rdtcs plum curculie ajshici.s K. its, i(afrosier, i.pj-e maggot, and apple !t afhoppers. Peach inserts listed are pun. cur cuiio Oriental . . th. peacn tr.c kit. scare ms ; s and plant 1 airs. /: •-ir ;. the ciser.s* discusser are leaf carl, peach < ;.fc, bacter ia] spc» .' oi Pactericsis and brow-i ret. The puhlicr.iior.« were prepared Training School and is in Mrs. Haithman's third grade. ■ ‘■ways trying to improve nis route, he delivers hi*. paper*- to hi> regular easterners and then begin So look tor new ones. He has never returned an unsold ; aper He never stops trying un til his last paper is scid. M you live in hi* area and warn a CAROLINIAN ;« s t dial , f'B7 ami young A. Eescoe Me- Millan will defivt-T it to your deer. s ... s. .veie F Frr-iiF. tsearc'd pcules-j - - (.\RPEMERS 1 CAPETOWN, s . u t h A:. •<... ; < ASP) A A:; : . . Africans fv. >jv. i.■ r g skilled taiidG'g vvoiyt on wrote. homes ’v;;.s 'introduced : here \n the • •.it Are.cun rim-i.;- iVivCVv n ctS aY L'iottV*'* iT:U i Itlinii } ■ ““ “* Singing Sensation ■ t■. o l. Y A M/ • 4 %?*&£?: • -U : : I? f| f fl OY a fcfcf.:. - V.: * . W 2R.‘, -■esse Owtrs. As-cr. C“. ■ tone just graduated from -te-. scs.cei as an t.ft r studr ‘t .s radio's r#-.vest s ng ng strsc' cr. The tS-esr-c’C yerut" rxs 1c cT'.r. wen SSOO two first pr res or the C5S‘ Horace Heidi OOg.-x: V outb «..' poertor ty pregram sccrscred cv Pi -p V sri's s-.c he • ce-tr.;:et<* :• tr e S"s€ «aa--ter f.rsais serf $£.C‘C-C> grand ? .r; > 7re H•'. S As if -.'l-.- So : i ■ i.-nian s ili would estab* ; ;, - ruilding norkers ad ;yten* African. ' •- :ro cs, supervise their * kxpest’ 'I lii\ SE RVICF.; HATCHER’S JEWELRY STORE, Inc. AT LAY ST. IA A L 2'-00 O !f * T?*\ % p iGC rvtr ;(A ! * : skit ji Lw- •' . Y Off ke*^upply : 4000 234 tun fs»mitui£. «. 6 * ■ ... r»- iMK'^-B^wwßgt'*.gßaM«WSSfe An Off’*;, Aid For Every Trade Burkhead-De\ ane Printing Co. COMMERCIAL PRINTERS -# f OFFICE SUPPLIES 2* c FK A S KLIN STRE K' I PHONE Fly f P&yetUMlle. N. C. Ouiej Tactful Service { CRUMPS FUNERAL HOME ? { Mutual Burial Assoeiatiea SIS Culfcrelfe St. f Day - Drai S47S; Niaht 2467 • i ■XdfyVh' i ■ ! Money In l oan On Anything Ot Value. Philips Loan Office MARKET SQI ARE . p !| bqfl a Pty' 0 SERVICE :;i| !|| Per :-hoi<■srai-h*' of T | | GAtm.-.: i,'. And ;.L| II * h. IT’S— !- Moore s .Studio f, V< .St. E);ai 't’.O /fH- Have one fer I*2 every member | i ' M the family Saunder’s Sheet Metal Works 146-48 Bew St. »iai 2829 | 1 i i S*KS*iJ*i.«t«VT(trir.i MHMMMMMMMHk 4* PAGE NINE training, and regulate the fundi tiff.a ! f theii employ met a. Short,-. •■lter the Notionalists came to pow* i two years agf-, one of their first move:- was to outlaw mtmnieiai i«* : bor unions. McDaniel -F aircJoth Florist "ORTABLK - ST AX PARI) Rebutli Machines ail Makes and Models Hudson Typewriter Co in K. Russell S';. Payetteviho Q> I # T % Oy i t i K s Exclusive Shoes, Inc. EXCLUSIVE LATHES SHOE STOKE CARRYiX(i NATIONAL!. Y ADVERTISED SHOES ; 228 HAY ST. i SHOP FOR THE FAMILY AT tmm Y- 1 —! fV4 ll\\ LASS DEPT. STORE Hav St. CAMERAS —AND— PHOTO SilTilt,S AM.UFI H OR THE r I FHOTOSTATIC COPIES I PHOTO CEMER i 481 HAY ST. DIAL .1777 KAYFTTEVn LE N. O.