PAGE SIX EVAJNTI SUCCESS IN 4. & T. RECITAL Greensboro. N. C. Madam*- J. iI - Man Evanti. coloratura - xopranu. and hailed .is tin- firs; h-.ily o. opera -if her lint, captured lit hr arts ot her .uulinuy a; A uui T. college Thursday -hi with !u-: graciousnea* ami entraaclir.;- v> warn she appear- b in r»* dial in the Richard B. Harrm-et atitiiionii:!-. Dr. Hilda Bolden of Washing. on, t). ( was her atv'impiuti.-t. Madame Rvanit open'-d tie.* a-«. • . gram with Handel s ''('are S--!u< and followed viui "Non M\ Dir. from Mozart's ipera "Don Ciiovaa Hi." The drivny 'Xachi mei Traumt-' by Sci-itbrr?. tolIt»-.v.-d by Jtiehard Strauss' Hlf 1 1 ■ ■ “S-h! •. gentle Herzen" came nexi. "Li X.- lum bo” by More, b-hann Straus ' "Krnhlingsatimm.-n “ and Veidi's “Ah Pors'e Lui" completed tin- -,' Da if .>i the program. After intermi.-: ion Dr Bold - it. the oiano render -d e.xottisiu-iy :a - in D Minor' by Bach. *.r«»i Chopin's "Waltz in r. Minot Throe spirituals arrana- d Lv Harry T. Burleigh and dediea:-il to his memory nm-iicd flu- second half of the proa rant. Tivy w< t»- “Steal Away To Jesus." Sometimes I Peel Like V Met herb s-- Child ' 1 and "1 Stood On Tie HiM- O'-- Jordan.' The great art let ended :>■ program with "The Twenty T. 1 Psalm." "My I.t t.iy--t “iiieh Flight." S'lt- ran* a eottpb of encores >t fit. -tr! •<! Hie yi . gram. Dr. Reid Joins Staff Os jf*’* II IP* I College r and .vhy- York nr. Ira DeA. Iteid. chafirniun of the sociology dt-imc 1 1..v4i. Hovel ford C’oilegi-, Havi r ford. I'a . has accepted Die nation- J al vice chairmanship ni tin sevent :» annual appeal e.f Me- i oln d .w- ■ - ! Colleao Pufid. Dr F. D P.o te.v .. president of Dn K.inu. .(i-o-.-t.-K«.' this we-.-I- Dr. Reid will • >-rve with Tiioni i I. f-'itrkircon, the Fund - ):•>' cut.: paign chairman and presid-nt •>: the Equitable Lift- he m in- s - ; ciety. in guiding the nadion-wuit campaign for funds to hi?ip neet cur rent operation ( xpeiise-- - ‘ '. .i --pt ivates coll-- yes and iiiiieer.-:: i* - that are mcmbei-g ot th- Fund T si«• 1950 drivi is M-h-'diii'- l to open >r. April. Author of -cvc-ral bool and s' •> die? on the Dt Ibid i a Lincoln RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA SUNDAY AM) MONDAY M BRI AR* ;d-:7 KAMKimt scon IN i u.htim; man OF THE PLAINS < i)I.OK t ARTOON NEWS Ol THE DA A TUESDAY. I I.liKI ARY '» ON OIK STAGE!:: /aii/vliarr-liFnic FEATURING The Famous (lauili* Hopkins &. iron Jaw Wilson GIRLS GAGS MUSIC special Late Show at II t* Al. AND ON OUR SCREEN!! NIGHT WIND WEDNESDAY A THURSDAY i MARCH i- 3 I ERDERICG MARCH XI Christopher CoUimlms ODDITY REEL MOVIETONE NEWS AND CHARTER > JUNGLE GIRL FRIDAY A SATURDAY MARCH .1-4 DOUBLE FEATURE!. JOHNNY MACK BROWN Flame Os The West AND WILLIAM BISHOP IN BLACK EAGLE ALSO FIRST THRILLING CHAPTER BLACK WIDOW j Joan Caulfield * William Holden BILLY DeWGLFE * MONA FREEMAN in “DEAR WIFE” —STARTS SUNDAY! MAUREEN O’HARA in “ BAGDAD ” | Color By Technicolor COMING . . ROBERT TAYLOR «* JOHN HODIAK in “AMBUSH” ~-r Ifr —Trill ' graduate of Morehouse College, At lanta, Ga., PUtsburb and Columbia Universities. Bun tig U-J:’.--53 he was au instructor at Texas Colic.”,'-, Ty ler. Texas and from 1934 until 104-t h‘- served as professor of somloii/ at Atlanta University. Tt-ras L-d lege. Morehouse, ami Atlanta Uni versity arc members of the F and Dr. Field served algo as *-lirtetui of research National Urban Let:- I, gue 1928-34: ’and visiting pmft-s s-or of education. New York Univ«-r • tty, i;*-i» 47. Front 1936 until 1;* t i lie waa a consul tan* to the Social Seoul if y board and from 1i)44 to" 1 D ts lie servid as edit- r >i Phylon - The Atlanta Uoivcr-vity Review 01,- Ha ■ and C-.h^pre Other 10Yi> , a-.iipaia: offices ol ! tl,e Failed Negro C-dleKe ESm-l'i ;.ri .J oh tt IV R-K-Ucfeilcr. Tr. j ■ ch.--.irt!)an National Mrs. i C'aauiK.i v- f. Waddell Co-mi il ■■ -..<- 1.-11 * chairman: Winfhrop 'A' |! Aldrich, national treasurer. ainl|i Or. F I). F-'atti>r-<Hi chairman ->i c logejt f-.-sidc-ms committee. YOUR CHILD i A weekly column conducted bv ( luuoe t . Ruoh, Kilucation - at D.lector, CHIt DCKAI 1 Looks, ( hit ago, Illinois.i F’r, oof the li»o.s' «*veri worked wotd- tn our i.nttuage is! -a.y.ii d.“ when 1;f.;.-Ut-vi To ~ chii :.| Henry is four. He's %vhsny„ stub-1 • ..-in, and dc-obedu-nt. Tim -n igh tj . - say he s spoiled. Jimmy, another turn- year old is h..y ; v. ei'-t-erful lad win. is stead iLy tecc rnins' more independent.; Ye! witem his r.'iothet bu-; eoo y., he run in and out of s.i.« ri*on» a dozen times, oi perhaps sit d iwtt and talk Mother.- fri«-nd.-> ---> UJ--1 , he tr spoiled, too. Nov. let's be sen.-dide and t;.er that babies are haritan be-in;,. - Wuen an adult feels stubli- ru, n -,-ui!- against authority, attd rum p.F.itis ;,f[ the tir.-te, we know t:)at p'.-isen is rathappy Tiierefoce. we j -,vi' ioveri-iok the neighbors n tr. ai.c! cuticlode t!\ Het<r> n ui, •}■)> Ti'.e only d.-ifertuei- be tvvt-eu the unhappy uiult ..---.i f-<- ■> . Her:! y i' .iU-.o has experience iti living- wltie-ii i-m ari bin: tn linding a solution t > his uiihappiness Henry i,,-v.e-. o: e--o --i'a-l apply logic and the value* ol years of ’-XjH-reinee He i.ivd.s you help. : When mother's Ira nds say that - -.appy-g -lucky Jimmy is spoiled. : they really mean that .Unit ty an- , .toys them by inU-rrupting their converscttion. A child n t mishe bavin, bta ause tus aetton- i:ie---- 1 . - Venn neo adults. Without know ini the complete easy- hi.,tor, of either child, it i. dilicull to s'tggesi a sure-fire solu tion .Lui it is likely that -Hei.:.- "Wnei iy-iiig through the "-it Vdm -t.ind on hU own feet" folly The child : robut-ly elioc- to his ri i'tht,- because he feels ii..;eeure or unlovea. Father docent want to ovferpro tect the child and In-';-- right but the i o are Vac * xlretlies - -ind otu as danun. mg as the other - over proteclic-n and under protection. .\iotia.-i i.-; usually g.-iltv of ovet ■p! otection If we want to jv-.iid tlies.e pitfalls with etiliuie-n. ,ve should give tiiern '., Snlfieu-id .Uiimitj of affection and art a;.Ou! I v. ay Os using lIK-ll* i ru i .ay. Ti ere an. yardsticks to measure cur sticeess in bringittg up chi!- - -n If they are -grovviot'. more «< it r< enjoy u - daily activi ties, and showing an ability to give and laid with playmates, then -a ve- i-.t.d what toe iieighbtirs yoiir eliildreii aren’t spoiled ALiiuai Otters Toast I rips To Salesmen DURHAM— What the sales force of North Carolina Muiual regard a a om- of their must potent baits f«-r increasing Lusim-ss lias 1-oen cffeted in the shape of 35 free Dips to California. The 33 lop sales peo- | pie will yet the all-expense jour ; ney as a reward. Trying to encourage members of j the group not to give up and con jeede the trip to somebc-dy else, i vice-president George Cox. told this !story the other day: "I read about a football team recently which had a monkey fur a mascot. They had the ;monkey ever on the bench with th* players The ball was fum bled and the monkey ran onto the field, grabbed the ball, headed for the run) goal and I made a touchdown for the team of which he was a mascot. You can’t ever tell just what will happen if you have the heart and the will to win " Milk pt eduction" records from dairy herd improved association iherds suitable for proving sires were reported to ill eßnrc.ui ol ’Dairy Industry at the rate of about 1,500 a day in 1949, or for a total; of 374,45(1 records for the year, the :U. S. Department of A aviculture lias announced. | Read The Carolinian Etta Moten Sings Here T uesday RALEIGH The distinguished mezzo-eoii ti :»ito Etta Moten who -•iU appear j.e>e Titesday. Febru .;t v 23, t k iL’i-tek at tJrosby-Gai field auflito.-iun*. tsas thrilled a-tdi (net's here and abroad with the be.-i-.ity of hi':- v-uee, ~i-acUc«-' well r*s preacher her pro loot J Li.-Uet tfc the b; c-thci hoc j of in al. Her r-aix-.! u- >i u ic.i! talent but one pbnse -*f ta-r race relation-- work. A!‘h.-ugh eerie ci. eng-igoa:-. rits. Itctur<?s. and pci.-.ona! jppcv.ranct-3 kt ,-lc tee 1 l a: - test.- cuireuiiy o: lout. Mi o Mo ten manage* to find u, ugh time to devote energy and euthusi ,-m to the Mure concieu- method-- f budding good human relation.-. i’n<- ii.-t of civic- organizations to which he celengs is truly umazitig, vs jjc-ciahy v hen one remembers thru la in. into in.* much more L .* n tiv re "nani •’ mombersinp in - ucu .-.-raps. As :he intern.-tionoily - known call,' it artist puis it, “none -if those Uonoiary memb«jrr.lnp;t They .1; ear.- d. f•; f refu.-e to te -1 ;rig to any organization in which I e. -tnot be active.” Miss .Meter: ], ~ tVu.. - 'or of til? • .ini of director.-; of the Chic: go b'-Ir.n League; -* life m< aihor of the Net a ti..i Co ncil 1 f , women's board of the National: C -e - nee f Chn Uan ..r-.d Jew and a metnbe.- of th National As ,it Ait. a ?*-r th" Advancement ! Colored F’eoolc In addita r. stie Ft no es the must not. HE- ror« J Alpha Kappa Alpha. noU-iial scho la-tic sorority. But u- Kite this b- v ,-h , de and the treinenduuu am- uU! -'i : r-Od > : hfa it !!■"•* *»)’» her - o ' voice th •». M'S Mated i.t.xf . ...t"ay:: the funuaimnta’ • f itiiatiity. •f (ill tliut Cvcrv at! f -r> c-.r h life has a fine *' fjpurt.eaity to Ti. trait- and dent- ■< -t. Me ' Ins truth ivitlifinl ie-e:?.tij4 to- .y-boA tie. "Mi- Mot, : fate, Her ringing voice vibrantly • ,i, iti 1 arid alive v. IF th, ht i'i lat-i- of th, Negro people, is suited to brurging hor;K to nucli • .Os the u- .Tea of the earth. Recently M- . - *--n £ic -■ m;.anied iic hu-T ..'id. CU'ud« A U- ■ i:> tt. t und< r dirt e*r • f he A-.- -ei it* d NegtVr Fori- t-. Wert i I \ ', a, • -r * \ ■ ■ \ ----- ' iP «\ \ u~ •" • \ yoi y * .*■' 4 v-' &&L-, Mr**?r- : T'l m. me sm two _ . | .. f r ■7- Y-- ! ~1 | . r H|k j ’ | ; ?< ’s?.¥ i • - . l .l ? V' .■ J f. T't r r.'? : iw . . .'zrzr* - - —**- L J . • ; 1 I :•• , - • V,.- ,-?■•/ j ■- !"- • : i j, c..- ■ • J 4 1 ~c>. ■ . - ;Mg v fu^vT \ -—\ r rAo* wl ' \ '—\ Yov» c ® r , Qft ißß \ 9 tu. ft Do Luxe Model shown \ $309.75 v— ■" * Full-Width Freerer Chest » New Ice-Blue interior trim * New fuil-ler.gfh door * New Super-Storage design » New all-porcelain, twin, stack-up Hydraiors » New Chill Drawer « Sliding Basket Drawer for eggs, small items Wherever you live--whatever the size of your family, kitchen or budget --be cure to tee the now f. iyidaire Refrigerators for 1960, See the complete line of from 4to cu. ft.-- see all the reasons why your No. 1 choice is America's No. I Refrigt.rotor, FklLiDAikL 1 ng- Come In! Get the fact:. about all W(pW tj| e new Frigldciira models, for 1950! -..I— TT ;« JW rw f Tr T »« ?■■-. -J .-Mr- -v.,» HfftTßil i tfi Afro a where he learoeu more ab l et the rich h stoi y of her • -*'»•- - it eras on ti i. nu mo ruble Jour ney that, she mod-- o <-"tn?) MI - I VIO’I EN ■.-: v f the e U t ' .■ " ■ of Africa: d- -•. • ■ d thus ■ • alfirim-d her 1- li-■ • f tb- -r.: oi:.;n rfisiz; c: )i-.r.*i lo :CCv ; .H . th*. fact of ihe fcwrotbcrhvXKt j: mstt .It s EMIOI.I s 617 CITAHLO ITE Aecoisiiu. to in-, ' i-irn.-.t-oi: it-ielved trom the Regis-; ;tijr - , i t'hv at Je’.ihi.uii t South L’T ivenity there arc 647 -tucU-ntf. ri- istoed it tit-- iiist.T-u iuri f:u the ■v -a ■:. ;■ th<- I>; -t ict • ! C>i , As,!, . ~i.-: !>., V> >■..! !.; ikv.. ; ; . i co -. i A- t ■ is dlStlibuto il a■ o'T -1,-,, . ‘or eci-.-: ;13 jUUIJe; f2b •, an !'):> In ) .:.o ibe I , ale ri jo.itt 11 -t :> the School >. i 't’heoie -y Oilil there tile 11. j - ioi • hid.e-its ,:l ol! depurtli'icnt 1 : lit hie : Chive: -tv. A Johnston C i-.nty tgruair 11.-'- -TJ } 0 1. : -4 Ho u. 3. S- ibr . ; .is tea i irf i ..i - , a I per e : -iie l for he corn by fi-cdiuji o to beef; :;H ei « All alum in oat shelves * New split shtlf * Adjustable sliding shelf * Ail porcelain Multi-Purpose Tray * exclusive Quickube Trays * Famous Metor-Miser mechanism I 1 ‘ *; I |j As Shown At Ihe January High Point Market j First Showing Os Newest Creations * . . Newest Styles . * • And 1 I Nationally Advertised *. , Don't Miss This Great Event .« • SALE STARTS THURSDAY! I Heilig-Levinu Purchased The Entire 1950 Line Os RED CROSS and SOU I HERN I CROSS Bedding Samples and Offers At Savings of 2S* • to r OFF • . .. M - - .omn 6 j - .'■' '. > Ma-T'" RED * CROSS I tally % b-tf*".,;, \ li-iei Inner-prill!-; Maltiv 1 i '// AT' // //•♦. '/J C * 'wwlclm // i<*t/Z'/a&'Jusets /-jor I S-AA * " ' ■' > 1 4 ay-'y- ... %. Tv —■ -*» '"'--'Cow / IV v wi.y v\ A. .. . ■ •*-•••* ... - , h nwn "■ : ' V : a^:?fe -MASMM j 1 jfiVV n '- -Yv • A -' x - s WVS 14 -O '*. u. , , , V •. >•>* -A':'.- - - v -v. * '•" jf • r i«i f i Delivers '-j ACA lintel Ticking Hotel Mattress And Box Springs REGULAR $99.00 Hath'-’or Red Cross Hotel Hollywood BED OUTFIT ; Incl-tulinp,' hotel Vn) t■*■a j>i ■; - ja i mattrc<s :>ui box .-prim-s 1 ■ <j» / pa i; It-y-s. A!,I. FOR v g Jl J? JOSSZ&- y>‘]m Sjajttfr, f j 1 | | f\ r® - r '• METAL BED q I springs >lm\-, n—, »-r.- r >~n I WW $12.95 Wore S 14.95 | SOUTH£KX CKOSS, | " t <£Q 0/1 $10.94 I ' Bedding - | .j ■ i ipO*v/ C fr Were $22 95 Imiwwiiimwi—ninfinniwiiin i '■"■ l " 1 ” i7 V mIHwHI ;■ $18.94 , „ “~~ ~HOLLYWOOD | i | 71 STEEL FRAMES H£ ILIG - LEV IH£ *7- OP RALEIGH HOC ' 1 j Moll y w ood f! ea d boa rdis < o\ i>rej'in Dimm. A.s.sorti ,i <n!ors SM94 REGULAR $16.95 t/ _____

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