| The £ARoumA^ '\ Kr,K GN Id IN(, sA i! HUA\. Ai.Y , Mj-x) KCC ANNOUNCES sum.® school session rifif:s IT. RHAM. X : N G X . 1 .:i-i us X A sj'wSCial pivgi'ntv ;> eaucution wilt o’-'ror .’.cst ■; tailing and accounting and m.in. ruaut fa additi'-jM >.i ■ :r rx.uiin.; which has been one ■ > the features •>f tne Summer S tor the :>ust several years this Summers : ax ing program at graUuatt level w.li trt'er courses leading to the master’s According to Dr. Taylor’s i.i nouncement, tentative xu'c- the coming Session includes :t regular session of nine weeks. June 8-.\u| os' 5; ,-j six weak? ?•*> ion oi w >"x . shops June 8-July 15. and a post session of three weeks, August 7- August 23. Work hop.- will he offered in health education, reading, and re soure use education. The Department of Education wilt feature special courses in audio visual education; guidance; remed ial reading, special education for handicapped children and super vision. The Department of Commerce has intentatively scheduled six courses in distributive education; Introduction to Retailing, Store Organization, Retail Advertising, Textiles, Merchandise Information and Salesmanship. As in past Summer Sessions, the 1950 session will offer a wide ran-e f enures and credits which may be applied toward undergraduate Continued on page it> MISS. GETS THIRD NEGROCOILEGE ITT A BENA. Miss. . ANP.’ <«round• breaking ceremonies were heid here last week for the begin u ng of construction on the newest Negro training institution, in the state the Mississippi Vocational lege The new college, estimated to cost $9,000,000 wilt offer four-year college courses. pre-medical. pre dental .and nurse training. it will be ihe third four year N’e gro college in -the state. The others are Alcorn A. an ! M near Corinth and Jacks-m cot! gx Jackson •Vo.Jr is to b ..in immediately >a two buildings Gov Fielding 1.. Wright was on hand to deliver the main address, la his remarks, he slid “FEPG s not the answer to good racial re lotions." He intimated that the South is “well able to handle its racial relationships without inter Terence from other quarters." Continued or page tj RABBIS BAf.K i IYII RIGHTS NEW YORK ANPi - rbe New York Hoard of Robots last week endorsed the President’* civil r e-hts recommendations and called far svinrution of church ijad state The Rabbis said they fully en dorsed “the Fair Employment Prac tices commission as a rational in strument for providing equal op portunities for all members of the American community, without re gard to race religion m my other factor except fitm-sa tor the por tion involved." .SECOND SECTION iIIN'ION MO! M's amim coi.it i »M) UIUI V\s ■ - A !' ‘ sAi> pvAice t\s * ' ' • • : vUUvj.I;-:';, i'm* jud .1 ■ - ■ i -W, ■ t’ y\ ;*i v-.'t mi an' ' • ' v ’• :■ 1 • --- •■-'-a ->•: uu- ;>ublK: mt-r ;'v?ved I • lb- >X.: out I > i. • -s-: 's w?-rv and in ’ ; —A"-.:. .'.K-kiiMS;: tar c-:trag,§ru- con*' *■ • ■' ! ' . a z v ’ : A Uy th?' p;>iiu-; took .. ; ■ £-> r * -'i -'ll \ii\t In* m: id i *m page li> Graham Calls For More Democracy In America WASHINGTON < ANP) - mg >t the Brothrnooti dinned spim s -re:: by th..- fmerchurch Fellow sh: - ■■i Washington held last Mon day night at Calvary Baptist church,, Seri. Frank I*. Graham D, N C.) esiid that, tiie At ).t:ic revolution which is taking place iu our gen 1 , erati _-n “ties us together as one ; world -- one family with one G id. " : t "Loadsed with the hopes of man- < k-m-j, -nr human society, with m A-bomb m her bosom and an H- 1 • ; bomb in her womb, cannot lay too j« tong in the control of this ten die 1 power " The greatest responsibility of our i generation, h- said, is to work out i cooperation of nations and to d-> a .•verything in our power to mak?a the u-e of the H bomb .innecessary, i But the idea as ' -ne world" he • said, mast begin at home. It must a j begin in the hearts and minds >f < the people. We must be more detn , x-ratic at home ind we should try • ret through the iron curtain md • I 'el the truth there The speaker said that both ll'-orge Washington and Abraham '■ oc -In wte examples of what ' “Brotherhood" should mean, one ac, the bedh of this Republic and the itfaer was the great enunci- < •> > >r wh.> 'aved a great nation Too Iriercharch Fellowship of' W ij'.i: gton has been in existence i oi-vc 11144 and provides an oppor tunity for ill ra.;es and faiths to ROYAL mi s\\ HMFI) i)m \M OF B. W. L Saioo.li K'\: J-iT 'X. ' , is. V" i Prtacess A:i?e :,-f Athi.-m. cousin; : King George V'. was instaiGd. : >h 3 n ■ v, r J: ' ■ C • e:;S -X the Wes’ ■ ■ End e.s here, !, * x - ix-Tel i!.-x ft-rc ■ r oy plans aer far the princess x , „x i '- jx-ber ;f British W oi ; a. i/i territor-? A feature of h.-r - i . v.ir will he visits to schooG md < ;o .-e- whioh. .x iu - course W’U 1 Uw-i-d sr-adeats to the University i ! college. : At the t proxy reve-a! Amxri- - XCin L r.ivx'xxiies Were zx;.:resent-A : •; , -.ding ,i number of colored . i; school s. Bindley Cyrus, Chicago" “iwy.-r re presented the alumni of: j t”.e University of Chicago He is •, •, a n -five of Bridetowa, B arbad os. I Now itt its second academic year X 'the new University college is ai-, •' ready becoming a cultural center x : for the 2,000,000 square miles of : the British West Indies. Among its 1 student body are students drawn , [rum -..-very part of the Caribbean Continued am page 16 A f p mi :x : : r ,G.'. ~ST 'asL*aHKi* tC meet together in worship. It has become a special core a! e.-vem for religious methods and rave re ■ i.ttmns in Washington The fellowship refuted very vi > orously the statement made oy Drew Pearson last Sunday night wnen he said in his broadcast that, the Firs; Baptist Church of W t-’-h --ington, President Trumans >wa church, was split wide open on the civil rights issue. Pear on said that the church was torn with debate and dissension I over the question of whether an in vitation should be extended to the: Interchurch Fellowship of Wash ington to meet in that church. In reply to Pearson s charge a. spokesman tor the Fellowship said,l the monthly brotherhood dinnet meetings hava alternated between while and Negro churches. At no time in the knowledge of the offi cials of the Fellowship, have any doors been closed to it by prt ju- ! dice." The Fellowship has met in nearly every downtown church in Washington. It held a dinner meet ing at the First Baptist church -u? year ago. “Naturally." said the spokesman, there has been and continues to be a problem of racial and religious discrimination, segregation, and in tolerance m Washington’s enured *s 1 and synagogue- awakened to the moral problem involved, nave been increasingly working toward its # ilution COEDS HOST T 9 VICTIMS Os PALMER FIRE GREENSBORO. N —A hearty xii cordial welcome -as extendea hr-re last vby Bennett College ■ o-ds so the f xv Palmer Memorial Institute stt;dents who were guests of th.e col;age t -X >, n.-, the tragic burning of G Jen. Stone Halt at the Institute. The- gallant students brought v.: x them the same undaunted spirit that *.x when, they gather-id ; i tfc'Gr >w» mditorium. and sang “There s a Hot Time in tix? Oid Town Tonight," while ’her dorm:, for-- wa« being rr.vugsd by iiirix. Informed of cite expecte-i arrival ’( th; X. J -nts only a few hours t.-.••••i. L Por ter. Jr., ‘Jeaa debate couch Leuri esta Iladnott, team captain, and Father Craft; standing- Tonunie 1. jouos, William C. Sims, and Miss Augusta G MeSwain, all iacully members. ANP) Durham Pastor To llcati Religious Week CHARLOTTE. N. C. —The reli gion # Lite Committee of Johnson C. Smith University has announced that the annual tteagtous Emphasis Week will be observed February 2d-March 5, Rev. J. A. Cannon, pas tor of the Covenant Presbyteriin j Church or Durham, N C-, will serve as the leader. Rev. Mr. Cannon was recently voted the “Minister of the Year'' by the citizens of Durham because of the lodershio he displayed and the actual work he did in Tie erection of the present structure of the Covenant Presbyterian Church. He out only served as the contractor, but diet much oi ihe laborious work. Rev. Mr. Cannon graduated from the College of Liberal Arts of J. C, Smith University in 1942 and the . School ot Theology in 1345. SCHOOLS CONIM CT GOOD WILL VISITS \ WASHINGTON. !>. C.—-(ANT)** ’ iKnor’ng v >oa! racial conflicts ov er schools iu the nation s capital, U two Washington universities—ono ! j predominantly Negro and the oth j! er white- -conducted their sixth an : nuai campus exchange visits loot .week. t, , The visits, which started an Good 1 Friday several years ago with Mm, ■; Franklin. D. Roosevelt as the hon ■ ored guest, feature- a musical aj»- proach to brotherhood. The How i ard university chorus, nationally ! known, slags at chapel set - vinos of | ?b*» American university during t the weak. The American uniyetv i sity chorus visited Sunday church | a-.-vices a! Howard In addition to the exchanges of ' musical groups, the presidents of 1 ; the two insifutions. both trained ministers, give major talks Dr. P. P. Douglas!? former- raporber-min istxr state senator and lawyer, i» head of tbs Methodist affiliated ; | American oniversify. The Howard presidert it the well-known Words eai .Toh oson. Following *he chapel services at I th? school?, tnemlters of the visit : ing choirs utd other pfudsnts are ,j dinner guests of ine host school. | Highlights >f these meetings ’-s the Howard university's, ’'Break Bread ,! Together.' The song 3 tradition ■; al favorite of the outatandinc mu 'ip’cai group. Mrs Johnson wife of - i Howard’s prsaident. spoke to tn-y j dinner meeting on her campus.