4jr --,. ' '\ yy ... , l i. ■< ■ set TRrSTKtS ibe three Negro mi’m!<n of Morth (,af»- Jili) Collar's tmsifp hoard, in eluding Dr •. >l. Iliihhairi, Rut Lucas Changes Senate Date WASHiNGTON --• Nor ate v->o!' of the FK.PC ; Fi ip. >’(■ ••■•'l : i erj until ,(t least •: a -lori.t'e D‘nv.n ,iti'- Ir•••'•««: on Wedne M programmed tnioe >.: :•>■ n-r ' , up, ahead es it Srr t’e i>i innf-rifl . i•' .rp". '-,• :. t !_,’ ■>'. I'l' .aid til-' ;•>! 'It:: cs* Shift.. Wfrr | n g<T. ~i ~:• * i:i")'r’<fi cy nat nr i, tifi r. > pi oiupi ;•! • » desur '• -if i r!ip( Her.'- nr RepY,; IVho >,''.<• v.n, !• ■•«' Up' ; e.vn .1 vote Ofo'tMO 'till :t»d '■ ■)•< t?>e lit. . f p ... a-., ,|. a.;.. f : , ptornpt r m/ina .ted ntiri on, the rneiivui ■ T;;n tea; .1 • :■;.: seherivt* ‘ t;i [oil '•■■ • a.- , y . . Ofl th*’ i''--' a l!i.; ■'■ i in i s* tis rid --n't t!i" mturo! ;>.:;. mi- That •>■':: V'.t :•■■■, i ' • . i ' ••Vi l Hie Senate anr.ttt Ylorrb hi. Following • T.rettnu ■! ‘hr Is. cr. !11 • f ’ ■ ■ v ' i ' l l I the oc.it :'• ,i f.-.-i ; t i-i,| ; •. ■ urgent tit fit i< ti' •! ••■; ; %p.d possibiv m: kite ti'm Ing locisia’i'in ‘'III ... I !;. I •!. ttheitd of EE}".' Tfe admitted ’ I ■ >'■•* :• n .; i na v lif ' c :i:! d Api i 1 aile • t'np Senate ;>r'.( xiwed \ • ■.. d pi - vd' iisi v booked men: in <■ - It i; expected th.-t vh*Ti th« ■.•! does come before i u- Semite. A ■ - imnibti .ti..i. Os n-'.i-i .i; 1!■■ n • > f**r (he i--: -. "M ■ “ Rockefeller Adds Drive lor Colleges NF.W YOK / : )n- “f ie wealth]! si men. John O l!.w. fob • pi . ,lv i f-coini iff <d Tile-day aid to higher edm .<ti<>• ■ t'-. .V'*!' »• H 'the ■•'ill '-t 'a..,.',, ) pa,.; tema which com-cp r the N**tti > pic." Chainrai’i of <)>•• nutioiiti! i•> nr il of the '■ ;. : • 'i< . f ■’ Mi Hncki fi ll( id a. ifh a ad, : .., of (• lance, hn - infa, ,r <i n■■ ■ to plan f'lr tills -.far- c'nnp-iisn w behalf of tins *' -tw colh ■'•:•■ ltd imlvo .ilies for Me;.a n .student in vaijoii, action a of the count] Mr. Hock “fell. r. ior to h lifelong int.eic : .t u; the c , ■ e, plained t T .pt pra- eiu hi,<!>••.• *rl i cation f r Kecin- a a, . pi iili’n' :n v<ev of 'he pip re a;o in l ; , u ernpiloyment in tnaov • ail . >1 lit,- 'Rut A is not a pr-'Mem. he added tha I ''in ie 1 ■ <I! !it i; force 'but rather by persruialii > »nd inividua! approach " Mr Rockefeller declared that lee organiration had been . , •■: I t keep f, cm it rank‘ "t ' :; e:ils" . i i would use tiv Nta'io problem • « advance their own interebs ill- saifl that tile aim of the n ganr/ati: :. raa. a ii.eoutroversi u and (a iiv.f i lll ■‘l\a ■. ” lie aid ft'* l ' fifed for the fund was very great and added that while it merely scratched the surface, the contri butions would make the dift'eron ' between serious want and 'andan men! and ability ol the colleges to cany on their proanun Lieut Gen I e«!ie R. C,r' ve«. former director of the atomic'bomb project, said the fund raising tani paign would lie lirnefiia.il tf> the people of the entire country. and that it would contribute on all lev els to the devoopment of leader shin aw on g the Nctoo people Thomas A Morgan, president of the Sperry Corpora ti n. is chair man of the fund's hoard of divci - fers Re stressed the value of •*thi;- Christian approach” in an economic nnr| social problem affecMie' I a .000 - Contimiefi mi jiage 8. this section Senate Group Favors Rights Commission j WASHINGTON, D. C.~ A bill to area ie a commission on human rights tor the nation's capitol clenr f* the first barrier toward passage late Tuesday afternoon, when it passed the Senate District Commit tee by a 5-2 vote. The measure rails for an 11 man eotmrti.ssion to he appointed by the /President, subject to Senate con firmation. Its primary function will 're to apply the Golden Rule to District Racial Problems, investi gate reports of civil rights viola tions. and im-pitm n commendations : for legislation Votin." for the bill were Senators Martin M Neely. (IT. W Va.). Mar-' ham dentist ' third from light. ' sfaridini;, ulin «a.. elected -i" re ; ir\ f»t th«, imard ire she , n here. !)r < < . Sp-Uiliiing. veter- ‘ I . ...... ■<: ,'•••■. ; e..idti'.-n f 1 ‘he lav i 'P | ... . ..-I ~1 ,'ieii eld ri.a V;- 1 ,( .• 1 ! ;,(• }!' ■ .1 vv Of-nftCi I ell c * ’ .' 1 ; I s *■<! J .;» f>lbplO V| ,"" t I < ..lit,i,iM'd ..n ti Itiia .retiftn City Hospital Seen As Wisest Move ;.Y i.KUd'i T':r Rai< Igh Cl". ■' ■~r it wa' i,i . f vund jt eif tin: ... get • f lilting ••• i ig. 1 I. i -bid apringinf* tlnui e *eri: .. ii ret : -in;; Uu rhf fa.'.d,. t ■ S‘ Api! • Ih' .p.u.d. V. Hi r.iHin - ■ • -if !'s i ngmal r' a nich City official prede led time vVed i" iv. Toe end th d i , Cii'.' e.'iuhi.lim.eii have ,i;: rair: ;e d t '• ■ led Mel, belief tft at b e dCUOII i v. !■■■) rii.. die arid inju •». an<! • view ~f fh* growiuit title -if ... •! 1 rra iit -ig . t,...■ Me ■ i". p ‘l'.e < ;., ar iii. i,a ..i have c, fie -r'. a; -io■ 1 ■ • >i i. Already there ii.i.'i been VuiU!' I:':,;. ■ I 1-1 o’' id .1 the fact f - J.l.gi Ml e 1 ;:‘;pul,|l I 'il 111 lit!' i 1 ; l a.ail e, i*"lv ell ioe I.eril' d ' C’ie provided by a .ur.;,ie priv-'O tie..; d a. Vi It'll the heal ic’d ■>> th' ."i' ■ mo'* its cst.izeiis would ins ... . iv I;, • ; -| of i m ■ :i,,al f fe.i je’a!. Ti e .idvia'Ates of 'his 'plan pain. •'Hi 'hat ■ thci ie. ;;e North Carojiria i , . ..ia e vs' ■ui ■■ •'d M-■ c,i<:i p.ii ii - j>i•. - ; . and foul them ..itJMne-■ i ■ ./ |! h,;r; f-- *T: p , 'U'ti'd O’.lf tlldt 11, ;i:< an of h dis.is.ter sued a.s :> iiai?i m .hi • peimvc the In.: in': ,i Agnc- *i ■ i'. i'-o o>uiu ‘ mat handle* Ihi joo. VYbe-i f|uesti‘*m-0 "U Monday e,j }.} > ~ and th" . ,| diii linne t■: us I u'li ~ ho-pdai, May-i lb I) • Snipe:-', aid ’be p<bitity of -uvh I I;■ ■ :.. aid iI• -v*■ to ;*■ ' . in r* ‘t '[• ,ior, f) f 11:r c, \ % > r 1 .! *ii jt • D> if • ’i* ' * s rno * head I t wee!: when the f.'i’" . ( ’ , a . :, u, •■.!, i] .< ■ia a>; d! on 1 !; d f slvd no in:* };■ ‘r si;) propria in in.-- would a- :•:a• ■r- I, U;f il> ■:■::•!l?l! of-' e I the uaent ipp; opi ;d;: n i, i he i ■d. i; ■m t March ’0 The : •;|v tunic lee stand that i 1 i. if u ~ ten; .:' a 1 1 ;< f I'a. County coveieinicnt. to ;.invid< f, f «it». care ‘•f >•>».,• i*v palieida who li'-/e in R ’- i--i Rh. nice !; ■ itv i ■ a pa • I ! : tc* The CreiUlv CoiiMsd ..e'nora h.,vc since * fieri, ind ,e ec> imi'erbin terr a m cf< it <•).' ,■ !ti;d. tic y tii.l Va. Salons Kill Bill To Banish JC Travel RI( 11MONT), Va. -Heated charg- -by advocates of 11 i»> Hoot ho Bills, that a Justice f'ommit.too of the House of Delegates, had acted illegally when it voted on Friday j to kill the measures, wore denied hero th is week hv Dele • gales Joseph J. Williams, ehairfan oi’the committee. Thf* sooond Ri'nup lo fiDpt'ar .u • :he hearings war the •‘Moslem 1 Teague for We..mm Provinces." which presented the unexpected re ‘ finest tor a ten year Hi itish trus teeshi’p for the predominantly Mo.x loin western provinces [t said it would reject any union with Rthi opia. Commission members said that the hearings indicated that some of the Eritreans did not even know ■ the difference between Indepen den. e and union with Ethiopia i tile Oitalormihut delegate said in garet Chase Smith <R.. Me. 1 ), Jo- j -ci>h W. McCarthy <R Wis.i, Kd-j ward L Leahy (D R L>. and Lea-I toi W. Hunt. <D. Wyo.) Senator Estes Ketauver. iD.. j Term.i voted against the final ap- ' proval. after he had lost a 3-2. a-; rrendrncnt to limit commission in vestigation to "unlawful" r-ici <1 discrimination in employment ed ucation. and public accomodations K'Jl'auver urged the c''mmittce to ••di.ihold action on the bill, until District home rule becomes law "The commission would be far: ■ more effective" raid Ketauver "if ■in elected ,citv council direted it rather than Congress." an trustee, is also standing, sec ond lia*m right Or Robert M j llendrii-ir, \sh»villf dentist, is I '-tin-aii -a' urd ,u the extreme right Oliier trustees SriHllde, stand* ! iug left (o right I red \ Smith. | /ebulnn. State Superintendent of j Public Instruction I laude A F.r- | in. R dcigh irresident .\H«nso j f isle, ol North ( ruolina College; | In Htibhard, Or. Spauriing. and !*• -edm Bisvnes. Durham, presi- i ent of the Horn<‘ Security life In-Mrani e Company. Seated, Irll to right, the trus tei are Mi s Cillie Braxton Oran. | I nnKbtirg, spencer Murphy Sai ishur y. I ! Satterfield, I imbei lake; R M f-.intt, Durham law- I •if wlm iu, named vice rhstr m<n ot the hoard. Walter Junes, j ii . Rockingham, Dt Hendrick , j-. t i, tend " ■ a. ip is iv tinv rc'UC’v ior !ht c .ii'e of city i,riant;- ; Oi ;t»n.l fey r.,kun. such ‘in ■.!!)•• iitif-I pm, • in.; !',u<(. if i.- reported that me City Council t. ..ft.!! tied 1 vlb . , :;k 1 d UlUletl .•lie .‘III f, f i ,nej rf.il • ‘ | (l , stmilC ijnv'ing ibe < tilin' I'd ~f city ctl.u , ~ 1 11 ■u i s i i'. .by It IS i-.'cevc-i fil'd UK* •.viti offer i<> pay a portion of, 1 , .» oi c.ii i," p-itien! ( <uit.oiiod on page X, this section | Police Nab Robbers Os Number Writers V/A SHIM'S VON, |> C Morins with al;i • * ;t machine like ac'-ricn ' *h< y..n!mil r . ;Vl 'UUd'/ vert the sbi*oh r.tddup of « gfiniblc!wid ow lie.:’ Satii><!-iy night., recuvcrcd ■ ,;! I • ar;d in iy, . t,v o »• A rnirti is .dill heing sought Victim iii tic' Saturday nicht. iob* . , l•; iiichf tlolrlw . I i!23H 12th .'»t N W vvh" was ick.u •Hu" : .<• widow of Williartf How.-mi T-ift <Sunshine) Roldwure, • i tiurniici writer kill“d in an auto .-tfrad , r< • a h 111 May 1913. T.u. ", .'ii'sff-d vci e Finest .Ti . :M. 2800 huh St N. VY . a Iv If", 111 1 I .eiaiy IV ndv. 28. of lh S» N VY who identified hin.sf I f ■ .i • ■ a rui net sh Ah men. police :,sio, d;nift< ! the robbery, b’ch.'c -tfi f)c" found three gun in a closet in Price.- home Two wcm! .33 cult her revolvers <i r; 1 one •a I iqm- pistol Tf'lice said that they had connect. <-d the men with I ‘lie- of rcb berm of numbci • "'liters extending ! :. i■, .id . Yii'cmhi >• Police ~ii-t He iiii r ■ci < identified as partiei- Pam . in a d lf’fiO i hei \ last Sc,i ie;; e:. uirl a NYOO i uhher'y tile da ' lie* iic Ch; i.din.'i'- Frier rind B'ltidy '■*'ei«> chaigt'd '.' :io I'obljei '.' I v force and vire would nbiect to anything based on such confuned testimony 'Continued on paw. g i .t Section, 1 Durham Pastor Starts *.oliiinn I his Week in !h< ;i> irrinir times when man's minds are disturbed by Mm threatened evils of Hel] bombs and racial dl.-crimina lion, the CAROLINIAN and Mm WILMINGTON JOCHNAL bring to their readers a new. inspiring. and dynamic column In one of North Carolina's most progressive young Chris lian ministers of the gospel ! The Rrv, Harold if. Roland, pastor of the Mi. Gilead Bap tist. Church oi Durham, who last week focused world wide attention upon Baptist evan- Contimu.fl on page 8. this section ; - - -•- .... „ t,.. „ __ ___ ! Judge Waring Calls Racism A Cancer NEW YORK—-The Southern ad vacates of white supremacy are mentally sick and obsessed with false doctrines that threaten the freedom of the world, Federal ; Judge J. Waites Waring of Char teat oil. S (*. charged here this week, ' D A MIIMC rAS I %m M ilio r Han I FEPC SET FOR APRIL THE CAROLINIAN 124 Pages' north Carolina's T.eaoJng weekly ivory' I.oc \ OL!' MK XXIX NORTH CAROLINA Li AT! KhAV, >iAß'li t, I'.ii.M • > l IITK ! V iVf l COUNCIL UNDER FIRE NCC Law School Approved (iii j hi, I Dies hi Blaze Vv luh Parents \rr hil . GUKt/aSBOHO With her c.nt a* r A".l f t'iier 1.1- tb a a :y ■or!.', a. ♦“•ie vec ->ld girl died early Tw day intfrolng. it’ the flamed which <tesi roved the home of hei yaretib'. on Houte 1. Ruilfu'd ( ol I egc The child 'i:ia idenrifled ad i 'ie I'-'.iri Ki|e;* daughter cl .bi.-eph ta Riley. The flam‘w broke out in '(><' !: ;•! Jo .tin V 'be »ipie III*- child w.l'l id the house v . tier gnimtmothev aiiri three o’ er iiiiid.li children. Ihe graio mother ni.'tnugmi to g* t *! rhi «■ “tifi r chilli* »t, out • f it ; blczing tioiise out caokt not re I CtiV 1 aft 1 ip. b-r.i" ■!■!(; ft • unde 1' • ■ 1 ; d ‘'.fi'll !,|(Vi' li f Of' ■ v b-i fC ■; a 111 1 rnroi «*nt**!'<' th» H-'ldwaie te m*- aoo I'OobP! y According I > j.oiiif the three i • men entered :u jv .Idware hO'oe «nd : f ii-rd ,\1; . FV.tdw.ire her : n ■ atvi .-eiothci woman into a hed l', *<■,;,. ~nd lm • '•! Itm “ bill thev tin 1 house M' : R' bHv-H f:' 1:0 tin 1 . in took S4O in cash and jewelry valued: at. $6900 The women were not j •'ib 1 rned. Uneasy Truce Reigns As ter Bloodv Riots «* I! < Al'l- H.)\V ; bn Af.yja 'Atla i - The rtutlng air-und •»*•• S black fringe of the tit*, of Johanes-1 lun g v.'.i quid ia.,ip after the heat ■ < i rioting la,* week, but all is no* j i j'juief on the South African fiont ' 1 Thi.'. far! i:- obvious b> tt.e neesencc i ;, 'l large poii'-e forees South A;ura s ecormroy A based on etvaj, native labor, and in a f 'luntry where Negroes outntunber! • whites al least four to one. the • a','i!i-.i' of (lio rioting can v-.asily hr "!-("ivereti This is proven by the 1 art that Par.lament ha- been ciis cussing it with a general refdiza-,; i I ion that they are deep a noted, rad i •if ionq standing ( ‘ Tia situation, said (>■ E G Jan- j , cti, Mim.-tt'i of Native Affair:, is , I .merely an inevitable stage, result - ing from (lie policy followed by the whiter, in the pas? If, has , ; hro.iHif about a breaking up of the , ; tribal affiliation.!; of the native'* , from the-ii own people to create t :nla which could not h<- ncceptecJ ; h.y (tie white population. But veter ,an ob "i-vev; s< c in the situation, t fortiori" who would lead the natives . to a realization of their own mv peiidcni'c. Highlights On I* LPC By ALK’K A IH'NMOAN WASHINGTON (AMP) Th fact that the people of this counity ; ! are interested in fair employment war, demonstrated last Wednesday when citi/.ens from all sections of J the country crowded into Washing-1 ton to observe the action? of their j ropivscntat Ives on the KB PC bill. The visitors galleries began to j fill shortly after nine a. nr. by spec j fetors who wanted to ho on hand 1 "MT don't have a Negro problem in the South, we have a white prob lem.'’ ihe judge declared. “It's hard for me to ray it. hut it's true. The white men in my part of the eoun ! try are sick mentally, obsessed with their false doctrines." 'I he, jurist, who handed down a MM Will NOT AFFECT SUITS AOASNST UNO E v rßflAM ttiiii'itn. 'Pnienf *si* ■' ."t; i c,; ili ir.i. rps Xnrri, r,ic.’!tiu " .i (.iv. ftrb"‘)l by tic' VtW?t ic.i , R,ir Assoctntinn was tiuvl" •.••• < Tuesday by Prc'oid*‘ii* Alfonso Elder nth f'tu'fjlina Folle . Eider' dnnuiiiicctneti* fin tlv busiof a “T IV "ti h‘ * ’ “ill i l ill ut :>1 Albert Ij Turner w|m tig') tit'ehding sessions; of ie: 1 n R-ir \ ;r»rin' i Inlon that th" aeci edii-i he taw ".( honl will in up t tii*' pcmling suit ' of 'hr ijd'hilsi who s*'**t; ** * iiit*'i v*’r* '!y of North I‘aMlim non!, was expressed h■ :'*.* by r n Pearson, bn'i.i attornev who: )ir: tinot! retained by the 'tuT'uf •* In Ms tejegram lo President E! fin- 1 ian Turner, suited "iVhoot .‘tpiucvcd thin fMundyy) evening Suh;p.'i two years riimual in", ( *ftltiH’t*'a “ft p.iqr 8, ttiis sr* : ian *' { * State Boxer Wins Title Fight In N, Y. NEW YORK Gilmore Nr v : kirk of Salem “ •?»'. ana who lhail.-; fi(nit Wllmngton. N C. L-rJ v. cel; won the hcav - weight “per. title iii slip turnons New York Grid m (!!■ I Tournament, defeating! •limrnv Vincent Clamblno. t'VO. Newktrk won by a decision io ve Viefoi c ttie Wilmington boy had : f ii'iiei the Golden Glove;; : .Senu Ki-in! won it decisively, if Utirr'iwiv. (ij-, |.-ft hook caught and 'tagecred ejambino in the first if !: -rinii"’T'i to ' fii.-nbin'i's body ,i:aj ue- el u; t''th the second atid th.e •uird Blood b-akef trom Gamniu ■ ; tin-*' fro.in (no i :*''*.'ni)'t round. But rarely Ire. u winner had to t a ke Close pi niahment than Newkirk ( ootinupd <.i» pagp 8. 1 his s-.-f *io F , Negro Vote Sought By Progressives CHICAGO Thu importance ~f ; toe Negro' vote V" . locognized her.) ibis week at the Second Annual Convention of the Progresivp p.n 1 >'. whet, party bigwi'-s were ad vi-ed to tjiko root,*, among the Ne i%t"P pcoplp who fi if* in fpsr of w<.n\ T])f Instruct i 'ms came from o Jeon Ro"ye. New York hivvyei'. and one of the top echelon ciihusmh els of the party. Th<* 'party leaders were urged to wt'k chiefly for more jobs, eco- : non lie s cent itv. civil rights la.' and for repeat of the Taft H*u tjc . labor law. In a move which .some observers , when the House opened its session at norm. ; Hundred* of other friends and locs formed a quetyoe In the lower House corridors r ailing lheir turn : for seats. : Once inside, many of the sperm, j tors sat for hours without taking time out for food, water or other j necessities tor fear of losing their i places. (Continued on page six) rulin'* in 1047 thui allowed Negroes to von* in South Caroiin/i primaries • for the first time since reconstruc : tion flays, spoke before 800 persons in the Convent Avenue Baptist Church, for a Harlem Interracial Platform sponsored by the Raptis' Kdabationai Center, Happy Khmer New Year. !M HJ)*\M < ! Nsrs I t AW K |>r Alvin Vi Rose. gf.idii,iTp pi (iff. at (it sociology it Nor til f arotina College isecond from IGti, "ill leail ■> <(<-iv of i*fnsus taker , during the !7tb decennial census which begins iieic April t JURY REFUSES DAMAGES FOE RAILROAD BIAS Chic.'t.go 1 .*l. •i' 1 A ftp v utlihg in fcdci.U court heft-re .Inigo ~ii . "hari Ij Jgoe returned a «c*al*'d | “not guilty .• t •i• •' in a Mo,'Hilt Continued on page 8, this section ledie ■ d was nv-tivated a de nt! • to obtain it"- Mrs; o i-iit*-, p ; ,.i! i 1 (ioi.C'-.-u! roni ••rt sim'fi non ! •■d <-r. f i h;ti inan 'if the party f’ontinotri on ••. * os section t !'- - - | 111 I m IT 4) (Vobrl Pn/r or,i o. Sweden Twenty-*lglit i per ■on . in,-biding Dr Ralph Bundle mined ' egvo diplomat, j were iimn In a ied here eat ly thi , : - di [ th<- 1950 Mo be I Peace j Prize The diplomat, who negotlat- ! po fit" MTnie.Mcc .-set tl omen is in , Pal* -Mine, was one of the r,ix ! Americans inej lifted on the list I rl-v'ised by I lie Mohe) 1 ’fi)!-»■ Prize (nrtP'ile The Nobyl Prize, which car ries i ii:ih award of between j J f 110,000 and >M‘S.OOO is tionuailv awarded in Oilobw lo !be per- i non or u! kh n izat ,on that has j tlolie ihr most *o promote, [race in the preceding year. The prizes were established bv Alfred HI Nobel, Swedish i inventor of dynamite, In bis j will. !' 1 \M?»rk»ng ' ’ in pro viding civil rights for Negroes, us •. 'the most <bmgt rous doctrine of , o'v<r ago." ho urged his audience to Hpeak out against the {imitation oi minority rights and to bring pres sure on gov’t officials at all lev* ; Corns not'd on page 8 »,-U; section *»!. jh'.r, vho will teach n*x? m« r rour.sc.** .it North f rrofina fell c.%*' in «itflit,h>o to b*. regu lar session work, is shown here be tn £ su ofti fn 74 •-» n <rf* u* Jf* »d * Ivy. ? i> Rogers, rrgiotiail c-msus chief ‘ extrpnir left) r <>•-; r, H'tjf) *t *hr- So* v/'f-dK nf *hn ;u*d »vh r * htf's / (5‘.,r 4 t -'li i f»t thr * ho. tf.gO rpinnii v.ji'tn nt) Hur JR f l 1 1 100 >, w-is vi' HiUE priitessor oi social ogy U lUooklyn Odh'g?. HlimiTifr, His ri ppoin? rvorM to v« •tis.fj |ion( fn this Staff marks lh#» firs# tirrif* a >?fgro h *?, held • if* >i ? »f.sponsible position <>thrs tiev Irjdffv *l> lh* r»U.I h tin ■; (fitfgi i.tfd tC U OS t. 4 S- * > in* III'!* lr( { to right, trooi !»r K !"• v.f i iu? I! O % r ~ fs| »fwir f m < - Kft) f lho mas J MaonfTt. f B Cal Ms. ii. If ;\f Kr * mci, :md M» ffr-lfo Schwa?/ Thf rfiviir-, is taken every ten Three Star? Test Os D. C. Ant.i-Bias Law wa.'HlM'-'Jo: . I* ‘ The firs* step it, flip, tt nting of Ihe 77,v- tr old -inti di ■■ •■riminution law, faU‘i! bet'- 'I iir.'.fi.iy. v.-brtt three Mpgr •.<•;•• filed affidavit's v.-ith t!se- ( (ii'po.) ;itb-!' t oJMl.ser,. nff):’--. <! 1 S rill J- Ml : * t 'b 'V had bf|-;tl > • I •;. . ed service m h I'RHiauras'f. The. three wri-e Ilirs E-sie i'lv ei) of T .’-it. 'i‘. T V rep resciittrii; the l.'niitd Cateteiia and Re?-t:i.nrant Wm kors Union; ti r Rev. ArUu:i- jr Kini;-,, parlor oi ti,, !»«•<,pb'f, ( -mgivg,!tU-Hr-! Clue r> iyji •-.: ~i. ; . W . a- >d lib- Mary >'it M-p Trior'l v,ell kbP'-vn r'hira lot -uid -viilow of ■„ Munhdpai <‘ourt .fudge. T'oflßnuf-d on p-rgr 8. On ,cfi imi Boy Who Saved Church * Will. ReeeS v c A w ards RAL-ffJOH The boy who saved Daddy <d to c’s Chuivh from being df p o-o.i by film SuurjH.y win •-‘ reh e ?penial reeogiiltioH ,! f s a local radio prigrtim Satiudi.v morning Pei '-y A Jones. Jr. will be aiverd vri I'll,.:, by It 11 d fiim-- during' i) broarb I'rnni tile Ivlcrm-imi A.tl riilniiuio through the facilities of Radio Si'if i-n VVP M , fUdi.irday mot riiti;.', Mui'eii «|th. at 10.1(0, Young Jones j s tiiy son ,«f C|«i -md Mrs Percy A. Jones. Si of HO3 Souid West St. Percy. Jr was riding mi South St Sen--' .. with his faf : who selves as a cook at Fort Bragg, INJER-R AC! At K A!. fc l'.,i{ l»ie Rev. Ft Eut.'iev. -;f !/>■? Unite:' Church, t • s.-'y s" ", Rmeigb to brave > i> morning drkrle to greet ! -■ ;p> Bun-:*.>*;• on his recent vi ■ the ci*v. gained a victory lu a- . in hir- fight for bet a: •>; vndetstanding.. I'.y < of 8:1-37 the Rjembi >£ r■ rhvr'-n dismissed chart -lupht h;m and his inti :i ’pr.'imam m letter of. pi ■ t ,•■•,.- m, . ‘r s ihuich >.).'? •r 5 ■h . ..-ailed tnemselves t f.h’n !i '' ■onTivUs'e " 'foe irftpr charged that a ptogi: •f • in'en-o- is! attitude:- end gr. ti rs ’ 5- n>Si'fing the church, ti Rev I'Mt.tler's leadership Is Inac ■ ; :i fp u;-j lout the church- You. I--Hm<.-- i;p ;ut~ income '‘mainly in ■ c inter •■< ’ I»i pro* . ’ 11 .* Wh m the m ater was brought ... ■ gr.o;;i of some 200 p‘ v a d 85-37 for a resoiuti oora the allegations - . . ie *. e.- : -. e--- ■ i r,ou t basis f. •*" ,:;d .urmorted the chare i'to anti Rev Fustier. it- v t: , ; r ier ”.■ out of town ti 11 isn 3. tills see tie , lie.-s. r Air dtt,erft<?n es th i -1 i umni- t.i- flepirtiufti!. an it. is fif.ni fbi) informatlnn tbr fpi-tfiri! „jnH| mher scri-'l iftforw *r e h.i ,rfi iip'.'n FLOG6ERS DRIVE COUPLE AWAY FROM HOiE BALUDA. S J'- The horrify! •J ’ of a sharecropper and i j ■ n ■ who were beaten savagely i ' -■ y • i;>,' of between 12 and 3.5 whi >:;f H a"d a’cand ned several mil fj.-m their home without she ,, revealed here this week. The i= »n Ro.seveit I'-!cKinney, - Old .sis ■■■iff, I ouise, 40, told inv: I tiaatorr. tiia* they recognized sor tot <l,e men it' the gi' .up bid slratd to reveal their names - o- : r possible reprisals Act orriuig to the investig f.uniJy had liv 'd for j!wu ; ; ■ it -in i fn in Snh'd i CosibJ I-u ■ .u! till uiiic . north of F-f' y''fir ’ri hot s'in •tv nifib! in q'.iestior? ti ■. .• id do vo; o out -id" "f a wh • o .. *fi it they knew Mr McKi • !y- fc ■ i erl that one <-f t • ■■ • vbo v .irked for the man ml;» jr- sr.o-.p 1-1 of tr itble. w« 1 , j'c- t-Meie he was .seized ai ■ it; .•••;■-u m -in automobile Mr: •'•■ivKinney said that as s • *-.) f.yi to go itt to see v'l’Tit w - !...| i eainr. f m: door. <vas brok dioyi.i and several white men e l lei cd !} t Mt-brin’ieys said th.it ant •> ->■ '/id so" ran out of the hous . ... sfotv of a nearby fie ■ j ov ihv men shot at hint c • : missed. ) WUeo ".Tts t i-v r , inupy .u' tciflVj «,) so res! t 'he Uieu Ju - - Unas C'ntHmiiyt on |>i|f 8, . j.nti I "'upu i-e noticed that sirolte- » • ft-iuie-. "■v-ve leading from tb»- rc ■ [ U»#> ■•'..-'ideii ft :•«!* of Dad Groce's "... a ‘Templf He call 1 it ru bis •father's aifenUotl, w drove around the corner and call Hie fire department The fatbijr' 'c • uni n"iice wtu-t bis son was aayl in ihe Iwglonlng but the sun i naiiy cr-r.vinced him that the bull in.' was re illy on cite ; YmtitiZ Jon**- w»s acconvpcoii his father In Fort Bragg, as he * i t"ii *.U>*.s ~h wvek-ond:- Tin- younj .-Ur i:; ~ /Tit-rniji.r of a nelghborhoj ‘ fi; i: fivlib-r?: or.f'anizcition and jg va > proudly .showing a newspaper i ■ count of the incident to his buddi’l

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