SCOsadaUT OFFICIAL WANTS NEWS CENSORSHIP! sdf RALtIGII Aiding the local branch id the NAACP m its cur rent liinnbershiu driveon Stm uav, Hamid V l.jjps, shown above he aihlii ..t d .t U:< . iVleeting oi the oil? iiiizatioii >l tile First li.ij.ur !. t llui'rti NAACP MASS MEETING DRAWS SMALL CROWD BY KAY DANCY RALEIGH A bss.:)■;>■ .<>:.;. crowd ol )• S than 200 ■"•*<' d citizen* wore ni. >:.■(•• •• . ..;.. d l!n- First ti. ost Ci.. .. |. \\ i!11i ton and .•■■ Mat. Stic L> V I chapter in the NA/VCP .laced .> ! mas- rnt-un. : inc.rii' •.•t>*»n \c.*Ui Curl CM .. . ....... hi . ■• Wit!. Ui. A-.At P .: . ;.. Priest Sees Church In Anti-Bias Fight CifAßLO'i IF I'i-i ciu.cCh r.,n *u JU t a ■ in: a c ..•: uni l:. i stung it" i •... 1.. ■ i : - t. Ot. OlUlC.l '-r .: y Ti: is .•• dt i.ui nt was !••;.• by ::• O t Vti'j. ~ „ ■'.i ’I 1 ‘s' r < Cltmcl 111 Ell li.l •! .. \ ■ V. was nil-.;; V; '. rti . . .: r .■ , ■ Os tne C "'.. lit < u.’:; i n iiiiO ..ii I!» dii.ant.l Pl'iiduie. i|i'i. lie Will . • .'(I i the i: a far the I'll ! :> E .1 ... h int' to abui ■ a i,- • atci!.-, M t. •piled- ”'l iifc >'li. \ Call : t c far as Christ did .1 tie X. He -.aid that the , a- I ;.. and Jemm i :.i ui .'.in. 11. ii, •■ it. a sign p.uKtiin t>. !:■ <mi of racial di: ei imln.ii. . (iiui <hi r >i: tciitai, ■.:■ .i ■ ■ ~'l'e tacy el tin NAALT ■■. ! I■' t ! ■ Associati' -11 I- : Iji' ' to ID- Univei'idt.y at North (.‘ai'ultuH open to Cell i I : ifjl '. it: V--I V .1.0 '.:. Suits Id I how i' II ling A .souilit’rn lib«-rai ii . d*. r, Gcort Mticiieil. e.\i • .ti . • ■i: ech I el Southern li, ’ir,n il Ci'illu ;! ... ' Court Asked To Delay Executions Martinsville. va. iu- K. C. Whittle .. i tile Mlvi.lid ilia Circuit court w a. a hed week to d'ki) a: I .ll' ... pe...'.ibie till' i.V cut ion dale 1 the .seven condemned to ue.iiii i.i eh , i i criminally ascundina .1 run- • Villi' house Vr lie The request I,- ill' i.v M.iitiU A. Martin. at! ;rn y tui doOiiletl ill,"i Martin Mud !:..* 'ha ■ a was a I.,ai ill order io a*. 1v 1 ■ the itetViiso i tv .vers an opportunity to belerniint* what coursi they will next pur: oe in OH effort to -a,,, then alieuh. from the electric chair. Iri t.hut connection, le. .nd lie had called a conleienca Tliuisuav in Richmond nt till tin i ' e... for the defense. Till" will I! Cldc at that tiiiu 'whether an <‘fl'nrt v.-iil be made to a.-t the ■. .. . before the LI. S. Snai' en,: Court. Judge Whittle in riot exported to set the new execution da lest till 1 ■ 1 the April trim oi cily cin-uit 1■ • t . | Jury Convicts Man j For Killing Children KOSCIUSKO, die - Although! tint jury was utiabi*- t» agree «n | punishment, a Si-:-yr. »ld while mast j was convicted here Tuesday night ; on charges of sin.vine three Ni-gro J children The defendant an ex-convict, r'teftitifd that hi., pistol began fir | i»g and "kept firing” us tie wroth ; with the children's father. ( Leon Turner, a rivet - bottom 1 dweller, told the jury that he was I frightened in the "ha tv cropper ea-; •bin where the children wore mow ec! down. The case went to the jury after the prosecutor reminded the - jury men, that “you told me you'd treat ! ;ra one 01 tne central figures 01 tin- suit to force the L iiiver sity of soi (ii Carolina to open its doors to utf citizens, didivereii a I’un 111 l J(! . 1"... in which in' pointed out tin- benefit:, to be i,i tin; J'i cselil caep "f Cffllllt M it, to id.'in bet let education !• r Negiu si ti/iM.: the lo\',d hr.inch bf.iueid in .. uumhi-i- of ..ersotiah la, I.i . .e.jiix inloi 1 nation 0!i till' . .ml 1,1 oil . act . a.: •. and:* lU « it.ii'old V Ej.p , v. ; ho 1. adil'ig !'. r .e.iiinUauee !n tie- In.-..: t-■ u! ii.iiivc at /.tianta, spoke Stroup i.v id Livoi of i*'Ll-C legislation HISTORIAN SEES VITALIZATiON OF DEMOCRACY Di * i«’.*,!A ;Vj iJj 4o!)n F 1.-ilif.lin ifMK oi }nslOi> vu ! 11< .ai Ci L’ l l i v • biiici u i M.jt . \:■01 i • ( Tti-ulilia Cu! • it ' BUi in . Apeticfi Utt Si.U>- Uu\: I. Vv 111*-:. i.iuiAt.y Elu- AF-'O . a.«v Ei l it. df'viaied a nev/ • tioi; > i i.. Iv.j pJuii-.« lu vi 1 1 *IiZ • J lu ham: 1 a':ii the UruTtd Slater, iir \ v mil. Ne.:’.! •:.> iiistui lan, wlra u • utt • till asispitvs i>t thi* 1«- ! : ary’.< book review forum, .. • i I . :. jt.ct •Tov..,r •. Ci : f it t j [)• ii-.tji ; . v j i{ Hi.- 10 » v. ' he was '■ . ; t i/\ .i. h..v ;-i. Al'aoj«>. 1 unit:h;> <vti tliai '.t veral dis f: • ijO; in h.:!* •Fit* j 1 Wrjtine > - I; i. '. inril <D A't. it<pl! ie, SIDCL* U'O , : . i the l;-sl et-T.huy. Dr Kr-nk> . I ;.o«- n .- nl lie la tit n t>i : • ni who are tli'iinaeive: on* '■? 4l ! •.•. iili "• iia! tiernoi*! vitic eoi: • >'( j. i ' die ii'lersted ih hi .•.lory that ;.• 1•: the v.ii r d euiitriljiitioDS v»i all i Alltel k .*ii i nthnie (jiip*: into ekva : j.rj jU'CtIVA' lit terian iri tins rouo.try are b*?- (i inhimit ti on bark pai't’ i Falien Is Are Saved hi Hospital Fire (.'til.,',MIMA S C. Ninety-nine Na'Vu p.ilicnta ware sevod from death i'.riv Wi'dricsdny. when fire licstroynd u 100 patient Hospital unit at .State Fork. I'lro: a r>i in ,'i.i in evacuate oil 'till |ai! joist' aofely. IjeiVire flames ~'ii'ijili tciy destroyed tin fraiTie. j bui nl: mi .'. nndit uttenJant discovered the tire vluiitiy before 2a. in. and (l osiliimeil i»ji lurk page) ! this j ii - it a. - though n Negro man | had kilitU a white child ” !it, t»i.-. suinntiUicm. tin* District ! Altonn-> >aiii that the State insists 1 on Ho- death penalty. Although Turner testified (ha* ! he did no! know where the bullets | went, a Stale witness testified that ; Urn defendant: said "I'll kill every j damn one of them" as lie emptied ' his pistol in the cabin. if the Sttati demanded death ; sentence is carried out, this will i make the first white person to be * executed for the slaying of a Negro in Mississippi since 1390. The defendant was on tt ial spe i tCanUnued on page b, this section dcriveil l>y all citi/.ens if the suits are successful. \!m> vhouu in the picture is Ji \ Russ, a stiuient at Chapel ; Hill who took part in the mass ! likCetii'/;. Noi ti, C ■ a-, ii.iu. C. O Pearson. Our- i li,.ai AUoiii.y wilo i, him.dine' the ' e.i:-- tin Durham school children >viio , ( better .ichoti:. and M V If,:- a :.Indent at UNf. in alt' 'I Tile lmprer sive .tiaaty . • ! 1 , • : '>a an •• the publicilty only i man 0.;.,p of Raleigh citizens ! , * - ill tu k*;uJ liu'u sup t "initiu i; on page H. tins section HOMEMAKERS IB CONVENE IN RALEIGH KALtiGH According to the j W.-I ii,. n school Chapter of j : iHciriom.ixei* of America i tin annua! State Convention will! i,e held tliis year in Raleigh, ls'":tiij Ca ok.: April ! REiO at the Me- j hi,, ~i Ai’hitorn rn Jt« _•■ traiaoii will begin at 9:31) a. in. Aftei registration tiie Wash iii, ion High School, band wtl! play I'ievei a! seit ct ion.- ii.rr,■ ied by iVli . i ei.ll i 1.l 1~. .ill, t'lll Cell v'elitioi'l is Opel; to a1! ■ 1 : i !, ana ,y'..t, affiliated nwm -1 tie,.. ,j! tiie a. x. HQineuiaker.s if i • ! America. The a.oi'iiine, session a ill begin at I" , A with the ..late president, i . Hi t!, linn!. prt siding. Group sing- j ini’ uni !.. ~ reeled u.v Mr. Halford i ,; Fade: son and Mi Harry Oil j . jSsmihc. nui.sic department of Shaw .; Uni ve,. ity Thi welcome will fee j . ; given Lv Mr. C. !i McLendon, prin- | , • M.a; ,u ’la.- Wmhinglon High j J School Aftei the busies , session an ad- I .Ah-, . v;!! be : .ei. by Mrs. Grace j .;Marris, State Club adviset. Virgin-1 •Ha and National Advisory Board j member nthe subject ''What Docs i I tin NHA Pui'pes" 3,can so Y'*uV" The con hiding activity for the . i morning s< v i, n will include a i : F.i-1. i,si lyr xiii A student from each l jclUiptei will model a garment as a ' 1 art ol their Horiiemaking Activi tic Di H Inez Dixon, Professor .| of Huiiu Ki'oruiniics at North Car iolina College at Durham wi) serve: :as couire# ritator f'oi the Fashion | i Hex ui During the afternoon session iMi s .heii .VI Pittman, State Club ; Adx i. is will direct the installation 1 service Greeting will be given by iMr William Penn House, state pre*- ! - idem of fin NHA. The installation iof stall officers and advisers will ! mke place, Approximately 1,000 member.", are expected in Raleieh (Cuittinued on back page) i DETROIT SCHOOL DETROIT (AMP) Lamg stun Hughes, noted poet and author, was floore*, mice more i by charges of being pro-com munist when last week the De troit board of education barred . j him from the use of Denby High to give a lecture, i 'File board said it had had ! been advised by a “subversive j activities committee” that 1 Hughes supports “70 or 80 com ; muiiist front’’ organizations. No other reasons were given inr n (using him. Similar al ii gations have been used in er years and cities to prevent Hughes from speaking, 1* Mt 11“*$ W% “§ jMrs. rDK Rejects Robeson i NEW YORK The suggestion , / { that she reschedule a television 1 l | forum that was canceled because I ' of t!i - proposed appearance of sing » i er Paul Itubeson as a guest, was I I rejected here* Tuesday by Airs t j Erankiln D Roosevelt, t | The ginger was originally ache- j ! do led to participate in a discussion, 1 - ' along with Mrs. Roosevelt, Repre j n) seatativo Adam Clayton Powell, CITY i&ILS mm sadfsa 24 Pages I j cop A lOc VOLUME XXIX lit JvIGH, NORTH CAROLINA S.VH'KDAY. MAIL'H La, 1900 NO. TWENTY-FIVE TEACHERS DISAGREE 1A * A A ★ ★ A A A A A A AAAA AAAA AA* *| PROBE WIDENS B BITTER FIGHT LOOMS IN ELECTIONS DURHAM ( Special) The press • ik'iu v o?." tiie Stii-tP Asso ! iHuiion is >v.z to bp a bittoriy , cijutosif ;i poßt in the corning ek*t*- | l ions in Ruk igh this woekoiid. As thousands of the State’s Ne gro teachers prepared to it •! in ’ Jinii i-!i March 30-April 1 to elect ; offu'-rs for the coming year 4 . twn | <ii. t ,i,'lug force" marshalled then trength to su;.<i>ort their reaper | tfve candidates. E‘i re works for the coming; cam paign wi.-i, set off lust week iti a tien'al blast from W. R Collins. I pnnci’ial of the Johnson Count' Ti aiiilur School, Stuithf i * anti i cliainn \:i ns the Northeast era Dlh j uact Tejchcis Nominating Comniit ! tec. J In a Htai* mein released to State ! papers la. , week, Collins charged ih, present administration of As sociation President H. V. Brown of “secret maneuver? 4 ;'' to discredit Dr. Frank L. Atkin: >d one oi' the. . u-inl.batfor the state j!i > sidepey. Refuting the charges that the j piest-nf administration 1; "conspir ! (Comh.ucd un page 8. tin-, section) | Rev. Williams Joins In Union Attack | WINSTON-SALEM The oppo sition to lh<- Food, Tobacco, Agri cultural arid Allied Workers re ceived support here on Friday from the lone Negro on the Board of Aldermen. A rv::,nation assaulting the union was unanimously adopted after Al derman Kenneth Williams had stated that, although he knew Lo ica! 2'.: would seek to wreck him for his land, he hoped life people of Winston-Salem would “come to t.’ii'ii senses ami send tiie Com mune ts away for good.” The resolution was introduced by Mayor Marshall Kurfees, who praised Mr. Williams for having i made a “magnificent statement.” | National Labor Relations Board i election was scheduled fqr Thurs day. March 23rd at the R. J. Rey nolds Tobacco Company, with worker,-: choosing between “no union” end F. T. A The union was excelled from the C. 1. O. recently on charges that it was Gomrnun | i.-;t dominated and followed the j party line. i (Continued on page 8. this section) Hospital’s Budget Draws Strong Rebuke WASHINGTON, D. C. Freed man's Hospital drew a severe re buke this week from the House Ap- 1 j prowiations committee, who charg ed that hospital oifiials juggled !their budget figures. and Perry Howard, Republican Na tional Committeeman from Missis sippi, on the question of "The American Negro’s Position in Po litics Today,” during Mrs. Roose velt’s regular Sunday afternoon television program. However when the announcement of Robeson’s appearance was made, the protests against the singer were so heavy, that the National ' gy x i - C' : ■ - ’ •/ ,* 'ie?. it?" ’ ■ "■ - :ijy F v ■ ".yxy r’ g, gX; '..x.C' ‘.'.ussi —a.v x: ?—vdA-vr.—i .1.-V _ - ait: ■ _, ■ '"rriAix-x' -x—... -. •x, , RAU-IKiB -- The State con ference of Hie Hampton Alumni Association, held its annual meet ing in Raieigb on Sunday at Nt Augustine’s ( ollcge Sno w n above an the officers who will guide tiie destiny of the group |VOTE BIAS ASSAULTED ! RALEIGH - Two weeks after receiving a complaint charring that j certain -precinct i-vpistru. 1 were cii?.:- ’ criminating against prospective Ne | gl -o voters. the State Board oi iElections on Saturday, made a res ' tui e aimed at reducing the alleged ! discrimination. i . . .j,,, Doctor Gives $1 To l * Help Oust Waring l 1 CHARLESTON, S C - A Mary land or on VVtdue-d joined in toe ft. ill t,.» Hist U -J. Hist l ie! .i lid. , .1 ! Waites Waring I'r an ids judicial i post, because • f las activ: ties on be ; half of the N ! i citizen Thi' man, L')r D. Altehisnn, 405 ! Carroll Avenue. Takoma f’.u i,. Md . ■ sent a SLOD dwnalion to the Soiitn • Carolina General Assembly, 4.0 1 “oust" the juris!. 1 ' 1 am enclosing a dollar worth 1 of good will to oust that nibver ■ sive J. W. Waring from endeavor ing to bring about conditions that : would destroy the white Anpio Saxon mothers of this nation and mongieh:-.,' the .same,’ the h'tttt The charge war: contained in the, committee',, report on the Federal: Omnibus appropriation bill for the; fiscal year, starting next July 1. The committee said the hospiiaiV (Continued on page 8, Ibis section) i Broadcast in}? Company producers j of the show, called off the entire , program. Mrs. Kooaewlt announced her ' decision not to re schedule the ' shown at a meeting arranged by the j Young' Progressives of America, , where she was questioned as to the i reasons for the cancellation of the j program. In consenting to the meeting for .1 r. Left to rtebf• Hell'. Bryant, Durham, secretary: Mias itlinnie Ruth Lawrence, vice pitMih'ut; Albert Whitaker, jiresi iirnt nl tiie local associat, u 1 : 1 <»- re.uzo White, secretary of the ; In a softly worded statement, the Board suggested to precinct regi: trar.; that they should not cii.’.mm inale against any person Ijecan..v of -‘race, creed, or color.' The statement was included in a booklet of instructions to bi s* it to ail the registrar:: ill the Stale sa id. 'Liie letter was on the stationery 'of tia* Anglo-Saxon socoty, of i which Dr. Aitchison was listed as i president The State House of Representa tive:; received the letter a: intor : mation but the Senate sent it to its ! claims and grievances committee tor "proper action. ' j The House of Representatives re cently sent the Senate a bill to aP i propriate SIO,OOO to pay expenses of ! (Continued on page 8, this section; GIRL, UNCLE DIE WILMINGTON, N. ('■ (ANP) —Death by burning was visited upon a six-year-o.'j girl and her 48-year-old uncle here last week when a fire destroyed I the home of the Kev. I .1. .Me-* [ Coy and his niece, Beatrice, j Survivors told police the fire broke out in the kitchen early that morning. They tried to put it out without success. In fleeing Hie burning building, they forgot to awaken the two victims until the flames made rescues Impossible. , Mrs. Roosevelt was under the im pression that she would deal with j representatives of several organ izations, but' it later developed that none of the conferees was author - iaed to speak for these organiza ! iions, Mrs, Roosevelt at first believed ! she was dealing' with representa- I fives of the NAACP, the Union ;' Continued on. page 8, this section . National Alumni Association, Hampton, V».; Neill .41 el. cam j" * e.i ant, J;i>"k N. < . .vi H. Crockett, ir- isuixt, Ralrirh ati.l Hdiiaii! (' C', . v-president Gri en.i.boio ? and foil* v.'h on the heels of a re quest ntadi several vvceits ago i>y tin* N Committee un. NeFro Af fairs, that smut* positive action be taken to saicgiiard tiie franchise of 1 tiie Negm m the fortnconuiig elcc * tii ms Aftei publication of tin- state iiieii several sources flatly pnaiic!- , ed that the -iction ol the Bo.ud, win j prow of scant help in erasing dis ] crimination, because ttic in..truc j 1 loir.. an in tiie nature of 1 sag | peition and not an u:*'a a* : Continued un page ti. Ai section SHERIFF DRAWS PRISON TERM FOR AIDING KKK I ATL.ANTA A Federal Judpe ; last week gave- two convicted Dade ' j County officer); the maximum srn i tence foi violation of the civil rights of seven Negro flog victims. .fusee Frank A. Hooper, seii lenced hhei’iff John W Lynch, and Deputy William Hartiine to twelve month: in prison and fined them $ 100(1 each. They were convicted lasi week at Rome. Ga., after a length i rial. Eight other defendants were ac quitted in the case which charged Continued on paye eight | UN Handed Report ; On Economic Bias I fit, SAMUEL If PERRY, Jit. j LAKE SUCCESS, W Y (AND - i A report by a large world trade I union group, which has ad v<grated jin the past economic equality for j the darker races, lias been forward led ot the Economic anti Social Council of the UN. The report de- I scriped in great detail the main j forms of discrimination against - ! workers with respect to employ i meat, wages, social legislation, re | cruiting and forced labor, and j trade union rights. Even the status ; of the Ainreican Negro with respect ’ jto restricted economic opportune < ties and .the efforts of some state j i 1 ' agencies established to combat eco COMPTON ASKS! ALL SCOUT NEW BY JAMES D. WILLIAMS RALEIGH The demand t! an> news story written about t Hoy Snouts be submitted to him approval, v.-.t- made here on Wi ii-hd'.iy afternoon by W V. Con ton. cxermi v< secretary of the ( r otic:-cite* Council of the I Scouts. • '.Upton presented his dema to a reporter front this paper, w had contacted the Scout execut to obtain some background ini’ imition on the Boy Scouts a their operation, jj tContinued on page 8, this sects* ST. AGNES FACE ATTACK BY RALEIGH One of Raleigl must mviting targets for attac ithe St. Agnes Hospital found its •or. tiie receiving end of another ; • s;u.>t tins work, when a don’t prong- cl investigation by two civ ! groups .swung into full gear a threatened t touch off an explc it..:: that would rock the hospital I With one investigation bei ; conducted ny the Health Divisi of the Community Council of R loigh. rsr>'.i other by a special coi suttee of the Citizens Asscciatit ; reports indicate that enough ft |he already been uncovered by t | two groans to result in a shake' I t mo institution in personnel a: \ of * 3 iit ion i To further increase the comple i it v of the welter of problems nc i ici o;; the hospital, the Board T.-u-uis currently engaged in t , 1.; i.'tv ta i>; of finding 3 Suita! : repk (.’t-rnent for former admin ti 'tor Charier E Templeton, ; Templetons resignation, whi dated February 28. was fc liev-f d to have beer prompted . wing wave of dissatisfacti< among the hospital employees ai the patients, at his administrate |of hospital affairs. To dat, the Board has received * : ington’s Freedmen’s Hospital. itiofi. witii several coming fro i qualified Negro applicants, at Was * ' ingt • n’s Freedman’s Hospital. The Board, which has one Meg member. H E. White of Metho ! Continued on page 8, tills seeiloi NAACP Oust All Officals In Ark. Unit VINE BLUFF, Ark. (ANP) ■ i Charging "gross neglect of offici ' dunes,” the hoard of directors < Ihe NAACP in New York oust! I the entire officer Mata*, of the loc Hinil here last week and laid plai I for a reorganization of the brain j next month. On the receiving er •of the a*e were A tty Harold Flov • it,, president of the local and on ‘ time president; of the state grou) i H W. Daniels, secretary, and Jat ■ length trial. Specifically, the ousted officia Mere charged with failure lo nul mil financial and other reports * the national office during 194 ‘ failure to turn over $638.2Ei i ‘ membiTcnip dues collected dtirir 1 that year, and ignoring commitD 1 cation;: from national and regions offices about the affairs or the -cit group. The ouster was confirms i by the Dallas regional office. Continued on page 8, this sectlo nontic discirmination. receive attei lion in the union report. ; Discrimination against worke as regards employment was tern ed "one of the chief and most pti less form;, of discrimination, both j extent and consequence.” Furthe it was revealed that in the colonl and semi-colonial countries and : certain developed countreis, mi lions of workers, on account of the racial origin, “arc restricted to tt least skilled, hardest and low® paid work; they serve as miner rnanuol workers, agricultural, ina orers, dockers; in the iron and stel industries and chemica lcompaniJ (Continued on back Ist section*

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