SUICIDE VICTIM LEAVES NOTE TO FAMILY • -V ... 111 ftu t XI. V (. l uk'Ml tciiius enumerators in U't - Dtn ham area were briefed at V. ; ‘i> Carolina College here last v. *eh oil Unties special metiunl nose .ounun s . I inter She !r.i l«-rslnp ol Or .\l Vhi tV Rose, iiouritl tiuio light staiwSiiig! professor »l sovioiogi in tin colleges -.i.nin.ite di.isiyil of ,'H« iul'Jc.l, Imrhjffi rti.Mn pel stMUiel .Ats; >»:hetlu!ed to ill V . rui ti jnu urban areas ill U*r vi cinity Teachers Confab Promises Furious Election Battle COLLINS HURLS FINE BUST KALLIGIi % ith only v. **'tlu>'s emaii:;n;' ouarc she opening jjan tiii annual ivuveuiiou <>i < *<< No; ill tiim, supporter; ot Un- • •unii tittles for f lie office of i ideilt •' the organization, uniimUei ed the if big guns tor j bar: age ot la.. coimlci eh.. xml plain and tauey et-.i-iion trick** ; Arrayed ...ot one side are the sup l>v>rt* -• it In Krauts !. Atkin... o.f \A taa!i>n-ri.«iein and n tin other the ti'icliU-* ’0 I L pro I id Ihe Ku.i'o' ilv I'm k .'■•'lead. Tin.- stintii, -i iita.-d in Coe h.l'tie of '.vnrrts enme t’nirn \V H. (‘oiiitir, chairman ot the ottio ./ti-in Co* tint's Nominating Committee who charged that attempt:'. were beiuc made to “-cover up Ihe fact - I ** I'-'laUll ul'.n\«- i- Miss ILld scull, who lot the first time in lift professional caret r (dayell before u segregated audience, in North < arolinu last week .Miss seott was unaware or tne fact, aiid when she was informed that .Negroes had been segregat ed the new made her ill JsiuiisvHlc, Friday night, and the th-struotian of tin home, could not hr blamed on lhe tvu Kiu\ Kinti and was a "prank case." Police officers said the burning of (he house ami the crows might have been done to throw a scare into Harrison, who was reportedly crunk and threatening his wife, j j F. ithiy afternoon. ! No out- .van at the Harrison j j huu v, which is on Ho- Walker Ho j | belt.-: farm, when it binned at H j Hail ano and In : wife Wete j j away for tin night and ihe chil J I dren were -.pending the night at ! a neighbor's house. Tim neighbors, t'lafence and Vir- j < Continued on page 8. this section* j Haitian Gives Address At Local School RALEIGH Kathryn Bryant, director of religious education in the Missionary District (Proton taut Episcopal) of Haiti, in a- Via ■ pel address tit St. Augustitic's Col lege yesterday described her work * I among the young Haitians, and challenged the students to a vital {Christian life ot service to God and man. The young misMlottaty stun 1 mmi up her aim a a being “to give t Continued on page 8. this section) However, n is expected that the announcement will be made at the Unity, or soim t bcreafiei. The primary aim of the organic atioti at present, as expressed hy its Secretary, Rev. S. It. Johnson of Salisbury, is Jo mobilize th*’ Negro vote and to aid in the regia nation of the Negro voters. The delegates who represented .ill sections of the stale, also dis cussed the difficulties encountered by prospective Negro voter.) in ! iContinued on page 8. this section) Cobb, -Mrs. Theresa B H Hall, and Mrs. Travis Free Standing kiiessa H. Alevaoder. 1 i :-.»k Brower. Mrs. K. Scarpor ts si i; It Miss t lie is Stallfor.: VtxV i«u. ivjis Odessa is. Alexaader. Raul 1 VK Unite, Cimmett i I‘. lit Daniel It YVhsttcU, D> Rose. John t Stuart Atkins, and Masor Edwards iNTSIGUE GROWS IN ELECTIONS lntrigu-. in the e e!>*.nioi, ; ,i . jit . ... ,t t 'iV.xiu.u : .-w. ..elation ; i".--;.:hte:''e t* •' •“ l’li.ii.£;c- , Raiciyti coik: ; y. C„i.;i :,t u.,ck'.ll 0 .. 'cdb- i !“-l Miopi-, tv .Tcc at the .lOtiAn . | latri.ti. •• . -h- • itd candidacy of -v ; H. . Wi: • Naiciii eI t . C...- .•i.tugcs *.avd U-ui madi b, - hi 1 ankuia Stale ctinratoi wh-.- ; !.,ays in n noi. -partisan. This week':, cittttges tne | I Riiivtgh edic. ator cai.-u- as ait,.- ! mall! to s.utiuiC v aliv:, i jmg tietvve. •. Ll R Cidiuti of I ! SllnUift ’d . 1 il*.t .laitU-: i* la_vUn o. j : Dui haivt, i '1 wi week; :go Cull ills. ill a j j u tter tu newspapers claimed I ;li. V til own j(mmiu.!UUo:i I is trying .to prejudice teach'’. . j , ; .tJ. ' the calnJidas'> Os if. t 1- ; Alkms i'e asiciit us the St ; *te i Teacittsi•- Coli. c ak Wuistoi; - •>- Ati.s'.vciiiis; Collins la l v.'C.'k : rayioi, iorincr president ••f the as j souaiion and now a inemter ot ! the executive committee look sh.up I I ,;ai< w-tth Collins and accused toe .iiilltl ■ Icki tsiucaLm of ot .rg hi: ■ } tli untied .and frying tu divert the |.n social ion ; electi a proccaui'c iron. | adiUoii..! clihihic.s j Ciiargc:. that a HaieigU educator | idetiiiftC'ii snnplv as a “Kalenfli cai j ic“e pr. ld> ii! ’ hit specufatoi Ut ile donL'i as to the i'.icistitv of Ra ! lech’s lit.e eollegs' piesideot, no., I trial l.a'mCi Shaw University Presi i fen Robei t K Darnel i now iie..o iiis* Vu'raiua Slat. ( Di Atkins and Mr Anderson; have reiu.diied -ilt-nt ajrud tin flurry A words that have passt il , Gciwt-en the other disputants m the a]!. ay State teachers will decide tnts; week whether Anderson, who ac (( .jntimu'i! on page 8, tins section) ; jiiEcimi) u:\iu vit; I IiMiOI.IJHiM AT AvVi GRIENSBORO Dr W I Kennedy, director of the A. and T. College tiraduate Sehoul, an iiuuncrd on Tuesday, a record i enrollment for tin* spring qu.u ter, with more than ti. r , students already enrolled in graduate classes. Registration for the quarter i eioses Saturday afternoon. The j director said more than 30 art expected to have enrolled for | full time graduate work Os these !M are ahe.nly registered, i Os the total number of grad- - uute students, 25 are in-service teachers. * H j % ' ' ' j | j • .' .jxrfW > Pictured above is the James E. Shepard Mfnintial Library mow under construction at the North ■ CAuncvio ivicc I R.ILKiUH ?: i.-iy arrivals be I «an tfi.-k'.iOß tala the Capitol City \Ve;it;e-lie' a • lie.- ejiy completed j pinn.- to weiconse tin* K.OOO teach i era . xpe<’'.-d m attend the Siviy i Ninth Annua: Couvenfion of the ; Nuitli ('.uolint Tvachers Ass-.i t : tinn ‘n u*. held Thursday, h riday 1 and Saturday. Top speaker for thf vs-ioiis will ik-.y. ->lor W. K lß''i-!t. w'..> v:.! add res the couv ® ; “ii ...i . : day night at T . in the Mentor COPS SEEK EQUAL PAY MITRE ROCK. Air (ANPi ■ f foal pay lor Negro l>.• is• > .assn-e; ud peunions for tuoin ab-.o may be in tl.c tu-ai' f'.iHn'e them if irolioe.. mute last wvek by ’he eiiv 1 ;■ n i.. v -.'mil up in emu-1 - >■ . l '! ' ' .. 1. j rhitt .tie fry ordraaiie- whuti :v.r ; thuri'/Mi tin.- tiirinc of Negro police ; idlieers b n denied them tin- right | c,{ taitsi'-i'.s is inteoiisi ituiiouai I eontrary n> the state . oustitutton ! Hi actinii also port’d, two other i : -- - Segregation Hurts Hazel CHAi’KL HILL ißpecialt li ua-1 Si /it, liiatraUrdit and tearful after* learning here Wednesday nij lit he hod plnyed before a seg :. j•.j t■ audience fur ttie first tuno her ~i..tV. sioual cai t’er as an eu- 1 t- : ' a.,;', worked tier-elf into such ... iicivoii, : -t.- that a physician : .. . to .ii- called lo attend ltd. I n t \\ young Chap el !1,!1 ve;;... ply. aician, told re . t. i u- Dut bar; i'burstlay he i.:ul ’admirti..t<'red a sedative tu relieve Mu,.-. Scottr. nerves and to induce .cep. tie d.-scnhed the entertain [C; - condition rhuistlcy as “re >ponding piendidly to treatment Miss Scott, \vtio spent Thursday ' "mht with the W K Sellers of -il'i Father Finds Note | Son Left Family HV JAM*:s I>. WH.LIAMS RALI.IGIt After writing his ] family u brief suicide note, a 32-j year-old iia sea.. veteran. using a | homo iv.iide gallows ended hi.- own, ’•life hero on Monday. | The body of the veteran, John ; | Austin, of ll Chestnut Street, was; j discovered by Ids father, Paul Alts- 1 tin, dangling from a noose tied to I , iho end of a rope, which lull boon 'attached to a rafter in the pantry of jt.he home. I Mr. Austin made bis discovery; I \ Carolina College. The. building is being rushed la tGoijjldiou to house the recently NAACP DRIVE STALLS * RALEIGH iia local chaptei" ] oi the National Association for the i Advancement of Colored People, lost ;t.s only full nine executive last week witti tht .. ..‘.‘'nation f s.i- -. l.'ati,i-; ine- Clupp- ;- . ua ex.-c.i tJvc sc. r.Rai y Mrs. Chippe.- 's resignation war snbmiUed lo the executive board : several weeks ago with the uoder THE CAROLINIAN 24 Pages I "north' Carolina's leading weeklv Jcopy E 10| \ OLI'ME XXIX RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA SATURDAY. APRIL 1, 1950 SO TWENTY-SI ut) .Vanif or; uni The first session wtif not be he'd until Thnrskiay night, m S p:u in tiie Greeny al Hall, at Shaw { n; veisity. At that lime the teachers will be oft'i. iaily welcomed to the city by Mayor P l>. Snipes. Attorney }•. J Carnage will welcome the tl* legates on behalf of til-' bu'-ines.. . aiy! ib'-sior.a' peoi'le-of the city: Jesse e). Sanderson, supei irsteudei't. ;,f city schools, wilt wei.v'UM- the /os -she legality of the dis criminal.*rv wage scale-, paid Se em ..fficc!'-: ut.d the legality of the; nppoitiiment of two officers over 4:i years old. A me sit nation stand today a ; the •' . f Net u poi tee in * n iu la: tie H'.'.-k. In the city council author th- uiriug of spwisl N''M'o i:l'ficei •, .ii a rate ot fi-l-'." 1 : a aiotn 'l ci/.ipared lv, y 1 1 ;* toi w intl -*,.. < uniimnu ,>n page 8 this s*.'tiOii> • Franklin Stcocl. said she had ••nigldtuai'e:! uH night” after learn-, iug that she had played before the j ' SO: 'TC t.rttoO gl'OUp. “It was '.he first time in my car et* i that i v- don. kind of tiling, and 1 let: 1 ten idle about it. Ot coarse. 1 would not have entertain- j .d a' ! iia: known the audience; u ,i. . wgreguted one ' she ud. no otin-r place iu the South tis ever happened to me. th* I pianist continued She- added that she had appeared in Texas, Loui- Isiana, and other States in tin* Deep : South ! ft was it vealed that the trip to lenterain students at the University {Continued on page G, this section) shortly after he returned home from work on Monday, to find the neatly written suicide note and a sum of money propped on a dresser , where John had left them, i Earlier Monday morning before 'Mr. Austin left for work, he had given his son a key to the house, ;after John said he was going out tor a walk that afternoon. The first intimation that some thin;- w as wrong, came when John's ‘sister returned home from school to iCunlmued on back page) \ acquired collection of books by and about American Negroes, to gether with momentocs of Africa, ' standing that it would become of ? lective after the Mass Meeting of , the organixution on March ty, and to cate tilt* executive board has f given no Indication as to her re - pj.iC.u -: *- r.t Mraiiv. hltc-' with it.; month old i membership drive slowed to an al i most complete halt, the branch be - gan this week to map plan:, to re rii'!*-gav.=. on behalf of 'he local schools: while Randolph Benson, snperin’.’ntieii; of the VVak. ( ty Schoels. will vveiceme the dele nates on btltalf "f ibe Wake County schools. Guest speaker a? this session will . he Ur. Martin Jenkins presid-tnt of Morgan State College The annual address hy the president of the •.•I'guni/ation will be given by 11. V. Brown. • Continued on page 8, this section! JUDGE FREES WHITE MEN IN RACE HOT CHICAGO »ANP) -- Municipal : JbLifV Joseph McGsuy gave the -:r‘ a!.am to white supremacy ele-; ;*; i!: I. 1 , fit V lif t WCCK, \\hVil he i: ted the last of 2t> men charged ' vuh 'participating in the apti- j ; MC::(o, atni-Jtnvioh program here ; : la-.S, November. Chaiies Richard LaFoiietle is j j nov. fiet to attack people of toe; 1 Negro race or the Jewish laith j, ;with the comfortable feeling that;, j lie "iU not be sentenced by Judge, McUarry. T.a Follette was charged ;, '•.vith attacking L.eonard Colen, a ; print 'Ui; press operator, with a (Knife. Colon was <•:-.route to visit i !As son Bindman, ieftwing labor or- • jganizer. when he was attacked and j Gabbed repeatedly by a hodlum sev- , :oral times during the i'larfc-up. As in previous cases, the Judge j i indicated he didn't believe a word j |of Colon's testimony and appearep I more concerned over who urged I I the victim *o file suit rather tltftu | i ruling AFUINGiAN. C. - Oi:.' of Y/ashib.gton's leading night club operator». Bumie C. Caldwell, owe. - e-r of tii - * Cltto Bali. arrested and rt-c :i.:-.'d Tu-s-.y under SI,OOO -bond, and charged with tampering: ! v.-.:h the jury that convicted three i i;; last November vli V '■ indicted b;. the !Grand Jury earlier in the day and i vas :.• crested at his home by three ; deputy United States Marshalls. The four count inaictment charg •ed th&t Caldwell promised money !to cm. juror and caused money •to be pci i used to an ‘.her juror ; fur „ »:.t guilty verdict Tw o other j count;; ebarge tne.t Caldwell prom ised money to a inembei of the jury panel, to obtain information as to how the jury felt about the e;- ■ : tin* gamblers Slick Con Trick Costs Victim $1,009 WINSTON-SALEM One of the oldert confidence games on record, “the pocketbook swindle,” cost a local woman s',ooo and a trip of over 1,000 miles here last week. The woman, Mis.-; Carrie Bell Fuller, of 1312 Booker Street, was ' swindled out of the money by a man j and woman, who are still at large. The affair started Friday, when i Miss Fuller was approached by a ’ strange man. who started a con versation with her. While the two were talking, a strange woman j walked by and picked up a wai-i let, taking l care that Miss Fuller j saw her. The wallet appeared to be full of money and bonds, and the woman j mid Miss Fuller that she would • share the treasure, if Miss Fuller. could produce some money of her own to show her ‘Vopd faith." Miss Fuller did not have any j money in Wir ton-Salent, but sue did ht-.v e i bank account in the; Alabama fixer- «nge Bank ir. Tus kegee, Ala Miss Fuller said that all three of j them gel into a cab. and after she j had picked up her bankbook, they ! all went to the railroad station, Bloodhounds Track Down Theft Suspect KOLBSV ILLE Deputy Sheriff j H. c. Benton reported on Sunday ! that bloodhounds from Cary Prison ! farm wore used Saturday night tn I tracking down a man suspected of I attempting to break into a. Koies ; viHe house. | Officers said that. Carlton Miller, j 21’, was held in Wake County Jail | for investigation and that he would be charged with breaking and entering in Wake Forest Be eorder’s Court. April 1. Miller ad ! mitted raising a window at the rear of the house. TRIES SUICIDE , • if WINSTON-SALEM -- A young father worried about his children, attempted to end his own life with a shotgun, here on Monday, accord- ; ing to police reports. In a serious condition at the Kate Bitting Reynolds Memorial Hospi tal. after wounding himself in the right side of his chest; with a shot gun, is Jndeon Mills, 24, of 1414 Wallace St, The shooting occurred at. 414 At- j kins St., the home of Mrs. Cornelia j Campbell, a sister of Mills, Police to use a. shotgun belonging to Alra. : 23,000 has not. L>•£•>; officially fl plained, but members of the exefl tive board indicated that they wB .not satisfied with the results of B -dvi,. and would make sev«fl J: '.stic changes m the manner I which the drive vvill operate in B future. « The plans now being discus* (Continued on page $, this sectiß t'.ddive-! f: penalties if c* '.or J, ■ . i t year.- m prison pi ; finof sdsoo ’ I l’nc indictment climaxes a V mouth uivestigati i; by the F t.o! mihcrir.cs indicated that 1 ; case still under invostigati In almost daily attendance at ! gambler's trial, Caldwell has be • called before the Grand Jury three separate occasiohns in t att mpr. to get at the bottom oco rts to. >.. an attempt had be made to fix the jury. At mat time Caldwell told i r . ouro that William “Snag' Lev ' whv v. i.> convicted the trial a s reportedly the head of a million dollar a year gambli ,n.;. "usea to come Into my pla bur that's all I've got nothing (hide." where she and the man boarded • ram for Alabama. When they reached the Aiabai town. .Saturday morning. Miss Fu .-r Vith.i: t.w her money from t a;.J she and the man caug ; i northbound bus for Winstc Salem On their completion cf the 1,1 mile y. the kind stranger call 'ho woi.;.;n .-.-ho had * J 1 ! pocketbook, and she hur.ui -to \ to the station to meet : it j travelers. , The v oman took the J'.O'W a i told Miss Fuller and the man u ; she was going to get t -o money !" '.vide up.” MRs "tiller vent to the rest roi - md when the returr id she feu 1 ’’.‘j man ha-1 one hhe waited i the bus nation from 5:30 a. m. i ! til noon, and then she grew si ! pictous end called the police. No trace >f the woman, the he fu!. «an .or the money, has j j been found. ANNUAL MEET ATTRACT 3,008 DELEGATES I BY DILLINGH AM MeDANIEI RALEIGH - With more than i 000 delegates in attendance t eighth annual State Council Me ing of Negro Homo Demonstrati Club was held at. Memorial Au j torium, on Wednesday. Attempting to link closer t family, the homo, and the sclio the general theme of the meet! was “Today’s Home Builds Tom row’s World.” ■ According to the secretary of t group, no special resolutions wt drawn up. > In the main address of the me ing, Governor Kerr Scott expre (Continued on back page) said that Mills broke into the hot iCampbell’s husband. A note to Mills' parents ask them to care for his t.wo childt and "not to be mad at him shooting himself," was found the scene of the shooting by \estimating officers. Mills' father, Tom Mills, told : lice that his, son bad told him s* i eral times in the past week t 1 ! he had nothing to live for. ' added that the younger Mills i separated from his wife.