THE G A BOLIN I ANT—Wt-nk Ending April L 2!)50 SHAW SLA fES SEASON S FIRST BALL GAME The Shavi Hi!: versin' Bcr.-rs un ((-■!- the wuteltful (\vi ran : n. JxX ■; ?. X. :,;i;-.y< rs arc shape;;- v.-.i; up their precision in daily pra. - tier- -sessions’. They an- Mislvii e. '( l h;hc 1 ie!u ;ny. * ■ ui> r; •". !h - Stone Cap- Va . ami ,!;::xe ■(■'•ymv ; senior from i(..b fgh to Liptitins i i ih:~ gem : '■ha my and •'- ’ r- i play "'ek? ,x(i nh jj-.-hi iv s.j.eetively. “"no Bear,-, have th, ;> ; h.-hhy :■ off of last year : Henvy --and duty will G- est,. < yyajii rhi • • r by Kctmi eli fry i.> ;> -xph;, ,of Atlantic- n;; , X Joe !■.; I'l-ij Williams, a yii,.<•• fyotn Four ehs, atui .lanes Mmcay. a junior ;1 K?gr Harbor. S ! ccer LG .Hiafli, a vo((.rail of she li*4< ram pa hhi. is it valuable ;x: -. to iij>- Harry ( 11;. ;iae ; xuxritor ; n ;o Mafawan. X.J . is ;x , xy . h'-s: year's t• ■; i-,vt :-■ ha; tin’ . .( it. ! ... 1,1 the (JVC I n’Tli ; iio (j.'.-oiud pal for mors in addition to .L-viht and Lilianty an, Kt'iward Todd. Golds boro; Donald Ford. Phihid* Iphia; : - (hity Benton. Ncw.srk, X ..;.; and Horace Burton. AlexaiuS'G Va The Hear.s' s< v h» riaL- is . ; itdiic,- HOME <; AMES X■ ;-.rih 2it Livingston- CVdJf go /•mil J Winston Suh m 'r.h'b.a-s /; . 5 Morth f.'aroljn.t • o:i<- ;• J ; ril ft- Bineohi Fniversin Apni Hi- St. .~tiii( - i olit’R'c Anri l 12—Delaware St it it A ! ■! T‘ - } fmvs >!• t T:: vi ■ v 19 W Va. Stan < XV; A. Itil'i 1' - ... GAMES A WAV Ayr;; 22 -Xortii C.a.-o: ■■-.■. Coikyv -A pril 27 Win,-ion haler ; T(;.--;a-; a April 2k Livinesrunt (Xih-et .April ::t> and T. (Tdlefite May it! Delaware Stair Oo’ir-at May IT -Itineoh' Fniver.-tty May 12- Howard I'lnvercny ■> ay X5 — W. An. Stair ('hit;:.- 20 yp August hit- s < , tit >re LOUIS LAUNCHES HOME PROJECT FAOIOMA, calif. sic fired heavyweight box mg chant pjon Je.e Louis in one of his ptet-nay r.-ios. offit ialiy launched an Sf.Hiu.- I no home housing nnii» ti ttat San Fernando valley. The hi Hat financial venture <-f Louis in his vole us president -i ihe Jot j-iciis Homes. Int., : .t- to t>*- vucsv ;• s Valley view villag> Two mode! homes w<-., <.;■> dis pluy at. the lanneliiny-u ihe j-tojeet. .-!)•*wing ex;i tnpics .-f the two mui three bedroom units to he <\>n strutted A choice of 22 thdifornia ytyles i- : offered botne hni! iers T'rh e» cut the two u .iiooiTs on.x he gin at 17.400. with monthly pay hients starting at AH and ii.ettidUig : .sts, principal, fr.terctit. taxes * ni. "• <;eii,;;ys_ open log burning fireplace, linen ousel, dual xtll or floot farv.iive x'id single or double garages In addition the kitchen will have tile dr&inboards and splash, recessed lighting, inlaid linoleum and dou ble acid rosistant >.inhs. While the Troitsdal. Go oat ru*’ •t.on company served in an advisory capacity for the project, the actual const rut 3on will be handled by lo re independent builders, utilizing' l BASKBAiJ. SLATK (HfKLNSiX77X) - A T ;.;,l;c-; ' • A s -. . . .. 5 - -I v!,, c c ... ■\ i i ‘4 ;c c-uch h;v" -s't . niu r Et iif. ihe p.ckod up :-u-d ■ nnd imibhod ir, soconu pi;^e K ' Pjon \l Tii c (he u • ilc hnl oVi *.: Armj ii ju:neoin i : u. vf-r-* jt> r. -a April 8. H u. u l.'; i\ • : fxtp h ann ' . 10. t'o&hi’*■ U< c'. Vv .I.i.± f : ..u < i-lasU. E ../• < Poua,: A } !. I 1 - 1 ) L)0 . • • V.Bl. < ti? iO I V; v Apt;) 21. N. C. Stele Col Ape, avE-.-y AIS 7 22. W. Va: ycco (’■■ Lice. X :V. 25 St. Aiiyxe.ire.x ,c;;y April 7;i S)i v f. ' xrclv ~r. -y Ap.-iJ 28. Win tmi-StiioT. away . Api; 1 S' .1 ■ Ui.r’i’ciij, homo ■ ft/Jcy :i. 1....J coin Lici- -. rMiy. i.ecy ;. Dd.iv Ac State avx Triy 5. Howatd UrLvc:vit\. 13 V-. State C-Ak x ay &lay IS SC AxxXjf.rV. fCiAC 'tan pl\u;rs TAkM BRIDGE ' NEW VORK - AKi - T.x XX- G.i\> women became 1 i ?c x tv: i ; ' m; iv race in win a irsajov <. niU'ui * hr*og r ' 1 titK* h.-.t week v.hen Mx C.ibion of New York sici Mrs lx - am Brooks of Brc-ok'lyn teamt'd to win the avert;.: A pair c dan; pi on ship in the Eastern State contract .. , ■ t; s■: tis j :■ ;.1 ..t tie. Far Ulvn \ : s y ti t-. a ;'c C-a . tlic Wainwright ti epic/ for a year a trophy jeeseni’d C> Me «{•;! v.-ysaiit \V... v r;..i - il Nts ' % oak. Last ye,-;) whe-n Tie same ; iiarf iic-ra won !ht fi'c tropckitali 'women'.; i)‘.;i iific. they vea- the trophy because- they were not ryetmioi’;. ■ e the Aiia-iach;; C< ntv.'.et Bridge league. Since (hen non.erf-:;? drviXop .•.• i:f lici t taken place n the jea a 60 pe.eeni r: jerity et 2, ■, fiO m< fibers, of t.u U ag'.a. -voted to i!. .- Negi’C!a fr.m it et it .s' 85 -r cent of the ia am is of At. (ii srnan titk' .t’W'jl dot ,v*:ei. heavy con voted in favor of Xcroe-. The same m.a gin voted ir. favor of No groes foi the K’W J.’ ,;i; ne Briose Associat s >n. By winning the ! tear a ‘ m-.iit Mis. Gilson ad Mo-:. Brooks giro one step away i. on the top .Idltoi’ 0)1 the liiitiot: ’.he H a: title. No Negro has t . s; yarliyipat d in tlie national tonnk.mcnt. The v. innine t-'-ir won ever 45 . ; , ii..:. the iaigest ut -be: ever to els- 1 lit; iv i ,d tfs, They s,; :i 385 i-2 match pe-cus corn -.aied in the average < i 332. 23 points above fhi >. -.vnc ranking pair. Mrs. Harvey Left and Tvlir. G'.orge Steadcr of F rest H as. \ \KERS( 001 OFF TROTTERS MINNEAPOLIS. Mur -ASP) ■ • Proving, that their won over the Flar-tini 01 obtc\■ fef fore • .2'. - orcl Chicago crowd last monto .vai no fluke, the- Minneapoli: Lakers Xd it vain last week. They tapped; the Trott-rs 6i! to 54 on ti... i: home i court. This mail’? the ?' a ’ Cue. ’At time Mi.' La iters hare defeated the Giobo- Hre.f-e.once c.-X year and twice . i This year. I' gives U t ’ akers Fax _ taring Geoege Mikan, the r e f fcu i.i’tball player in the nation, an ovoiali 3 lo 2 < vine oat; ti e Globe trotters. The Trotters >t< pp«. a Mikan for the first time ‘his year but other skyser. per? Lakers were hot. Little Vtar.icer Haynes topper; the Tl 01- V'ts in scoring with 22 points, valued in excess of $33,050,000 now under construction, A northern ; California, development alr««»dy ha. 4 000 units underway. SAY YOr SAW IT IN i 'f! *r c I^IIAN OFF THE BACKBOARD t.AVM. iTUF GAY BV A N V vi’ H; ; 'V i); i’i SUitC. c!i-*inpT' :i.S , liic c-;‘* :crn divisioo oi i:\ .National' • u Hthj A.-.-- fcaf • :. myd lDaii i m;*■ numont. T<»e iE- av* ex *,i: vmc before a noiAe nf s•*: Farm -T |ilar-iisOii Sce.iure G.--oaen Fhi:Vhday nie'iit .fuur»d Om .*-*.( de t■. ! e . r*ut h p -1 y 1 11 € Bs\ck t" v e s o< > ? '• ’fe».'7 I Vi. 1 shat tHey Duel to etaak O** • Urny *k*n& to win. Cido Stone's two Ham. Dick SdmdtEs. t and; Bob Dwd- \n\ fouler: CRH \GO SL Vii'J) roll Ti’JIJ: FK U \3 ft*. ’, I UN v-x .i KM il CfiICAGO iAN.C- A, C ~; ■ ,v, la jif id ;..■ t.ght liftwcen a■:.c c- Eexing. An ■ i.i.H!- x Champior. La-: : a . anirLa and cm ; -- cc :.S-.U-. appeared CfiKiCu lilit ’• t ca. T; are.ji Gilcoic X: rni- rect'i’i.n y ,-c tn,- ]ut. • • a.toijvu Boxing Cla-. ■(■•. nX tiiat tiie ch. mpion curie a;-a that Jake C'halic i. . .-. iv. maiiaiC;!'. Vi 't Uidicated . Sattwfieid Kxci a up i C’.:t r Tfimy Ga';.- ~ us Tampa, Fla. AHnougb S.die-fa id decs not a, ;\ i i,he 1 ; >av. ; ■ the WOl'ld, fO’.i. ht t. i pi v- ith a let;-a!; ’ j a.iichce .nd noci vd the favorite , lea.,’ tiaiC; to t k • a a; a.iinuu- 10-1 i: onnd decision The- Cidcaaoan nor a potent eclt j Ah:.;,;; th,,t could floor (avrapien ■ C'i.... e.. or ; i.ybudy < ix-. H>s may 1 weakness - »n the y.a-.t - lias been i a vi ax,a But his myriad j .a tc rs : ;<} tiiai .a a ) to: at'r*- ; !ti i-. *, a:- youthful fo’iiar. Today.; IYL SatU . field is a nr.ia : .''t > tedi - ; u.s. Bor a-- a eiaivd Pka..- a and that; ie paanli what tta. JBC is into;- i aa, ; . Hi not t - ;i’ciy b* rest - ; f M-icticc. bat his major asset is a knockout punch. Charles the bet »! tt-r boxi'i cottid very easily lose hi., at a. to oin Bob Satterfield irviNOr. ~■.!;■) is un bum. 'off C’hiaa -u ar, injurf-ri a.,,■; H* not only v. :a: Ooff ..ted, h> '.vis one ; a . cracked rasa and lips swollen, i :.a- Mind right index finger, and cr(men Ja an. j Tilt- only to things that could soar , the i.ropos. a ClhCSk, ;;t ; ( bout arc ' :as follow.-; On April 14 Satterfield 1 must get by the heavy glove of Miudleivt-igiit Ci'.nmfie-!: Jak- La ra tta i-.t the stadium, and C’ha.ies :must def'.as Freddy B-shorc in ‘, Buffalo. Tne latter will be dtciik ri ‘' before the.; story hits the streets TENNIS ACE WELCOMED BACK TOFU. A. 5 M. TALI AHASSEK, Fla A highly yeeciaix t student botij end fac ully met Althea Gibson at dje edg’. a! the A. a red M. Colit :•«- campu: • r.r.d -vr 1 corned her as only •this stcoent body could have. This • lanky, advanced freshman had beCr. ■ victors us in the Womens Eastern indoor Tennis Championship and .runne-rup in the National Kdoor :Ci)arnni«>ship and now was homo ;to itceivt? her laurels. , Theie were no flags or bunting about the catr-pus but i there was in evidence a Famceo ■ ho-'i spiri! which iitcialiy charg ■j the atmosphere of our campus. Thi L.aMolen Training School lianci. first to meet her, let go a Base of trumpets and then started . n.arehin. in full array to .Lari Al thc to her dormitory. The smallest majr.reftc as she swung tier baton awi.t’d to have been saying “I f ' proud of you, Althea, and some 0. I hone to represent this school ’.veil as you oid in Kev York i- -. ic-.-ntiy." Every tree, every bulletin bora d a- the entrance to t v< iaaidlxg This campus carried sign ~ "W eicoi Home Athlete Tills -*us .St!,.v;’itkev led tom teams ro -a..- - c- H.tu.-d n the CGNY iax-ui. si.’Cts I: I gTvY ;; U -.irv gT ? hophomerc » GmiHy. e-V't LGGG-H :' t;V.‘ jittiVS C- -e tec Hr:-? ie- t<- win bath TI. HATCHER SETS NEW RECORD NEW ; > YORK ! ANP) -- WtiUah. ißarkv) Hatchet; of Verona, N. J.. , ; v SCO; 'it ; ’ U-COl’d fm Rut in buskctb-.L when he comclcc coder-., t m eer Wit.a - .240 sc..!Cd a r»VV. high jor Bid s', players. I. n stos’ ii 359 pond;; 27 . . ~ this a. Las! ycae he tal lied a record -54 b points io>. the So. i : e 1 i.i::(n Re has played bes ; ketball for fox' seasons with the Rutecj'.- team Hatchett also is a star end for the K:,i; rrs f.-otb.ui team. U OiECk SENDS ( OP ON SPREE mis drinks too many, and an itchy ; trigger finger proved too much Fred D. Staten, probationary police officer, last week. Bolstered with his service revolv er while off duty, Siateu staggered : through the streets blazing away with his gun ami insults during a half hour of i-rrnr. The resaU we . one man dead, aad r.aßierwas pto j/'c scared stiff. j, judged by physicians as suffers!!)-- front acub alcoholism and by thi- police dvpannKiit as “ab solutely” drunk, has bcot suapend \plained that he Sock -i few drinks after receiving his ins irun !«• dividend. All he knew of she shunt ing-. he said, was that he thinks ht shot .“.onic-onc during a fight. Police officers capfiiretl hint af ter he had fired five shots from his j service- gun He had been a nroba (ionary oitic--r since last October j ' AHhea Gib:-ot. Day” on A. and • M. - campus and there can be an-; other one like it in school spirit ; prick and oneness. Good student that she i? Althea ! .jul-iinn? and ruddy of complexion, i received her back-slapping with all i moat sty and then v ent about no-’ preparations for study so that she j m;,G:t make the honor roll again as ! the did last semester. Women of science do not ofte n ’ M ake newspapC! headlines .. along i with sport celebrities for many no ( Me figures in medicine toil and di‘ in relative obscurity. But Althea v.v.o hopes to become a docor will, re able to point vjck to her bead-1 ’ ccaus” . recent achieve-: U -. N; w 1 .-...nee ifoffi, the S. Department • t Agriculiut. Las purchased an average ci 20 per cen; of each Irish p< to to ci * - 1 . in order to remove sur plus production from the market. PAGE THREE NATIONAL H!BS SUkDING ‘.VAShiNGTOH, O, C. By Anna Ca*J« One v.v to lengthen slips for that t xLgro vr.r douabter k to cat oit die t'tsps ana sew the rest of the slip to i. end oi a blouse. This not only I - -—.-I ’■ ■-; ■ut sup iongC-j, hut also hcccs the blouse neatly tucked iuiide ; het Girt. it it )E l’-\c. you tried the vitaminized mar j; .;nc wliicl) comes ir. a handy niras tirc-p.ikV Hack pound ii divided late ion; quarters and each quarter is a x : t measurement, e.g.. 1 quarter t'cu'’. Vi cup and Vi print equals 2 tablespoons, to make measuring ioz CkX.GJ.Iig CSSitlt y •’ - . i t- ★ instead of using a dish or saucer, place a minor under the fish b;vvJ, fVswer vase or plant. It will protect the fumiiuie f rom water spots and in addi-j non it will reflect your pretty setting, j £ it it g Ought in the rain with your best shoes: We”, the sooner you get them 1 oSF ar.d c-r; to shoe trees the better.) *. .khervvise they'll cur] up in the toes, l et them dry and then give them two coats of that oi’ shinola. That helps soften the leather and restores gloss and color. i ** * A If you use a wringer-type washing machine, feed cottons and linens through the wringer fiat, in straight, lengthwise folds. They’ll be a lot easier !• iro; ’cause wringing tightly or twist , ing aids wrinkles and strains material.j JAWS SAYS RIGHTS NEED BOTH PARTIES WASHINGTON (ANID - “Civil : rights legislation, if ir. is tc passed, must be bipartisan.’ declar J Con i gressmaji Jacob K. Javtts (Iv., N Y.) in the Congressional Record last Monday. This statement was given in con nection with two Chicago D fondt’i editorials which the New York Con* gressrnan had inserted in the ie The editorial which appeared . i n the Chicago paper on February If, -, Vil? entitled, 'The RepuhLcans State Their Case” and the one of i , March 31. contrasted the Denso ; tratie promises with their perform ’ I cnee. In submitting these editorials. ■ Hop. Javits said these two ed tor • i J;,!.-- bearing on the outlook of the. -! American Negroes on the prospects ; ior civil rights legislation, _ when (taken together, bear out -i fun-la 1 mental principle which he has been ; advocating. I Declaring that the principle ct i b’r.aitiaanlsm must be practiced if j uie civil rights legislation is I«r --i niitted to pass the Congress, die Republican representative added ! tiiai the 'administration mist lay j it aside as a partisan issue.” i This fact was illustrated by ’be ; inability to muster on the House i floor the necessary votes to pass jan FEPC- with enforcement pc #- 1 ms, ’ continued Javits. ‘ Many votes ! of representatives from the border : states were lost on the Democratic j x,de and many Republican votes from nothern and western areas which should have supported such a measure were also lost. Hr- reminded bis colleagues that “dissatisfaction with both major political parties is a most unsatia • factory state of mind, as far 1”. J h major parties tire concerned. u> be driving the American Negro in?.,. * ROMAN AIDS RESCUE SIXTEEN < IIILDRFN NEW YORK fANP) - Deputy 1 Fire Chief Edward Ccnnors lauded ; 10-year-old. Mrs. Josie Gregory, for her part in the rescue of iS children in a three-airam fre (■which wrecked two five-story tene ment houses on Lenox Avenue, shortly after /icon. i Most of the parents were absent when the Games, ignited by a dis carded match or cigarette swept up ' .*,n airshaft between the buildings. She hailed a patrolman and while he went to turn ir; tht all aso round ed up the children.