THE CAR* >L INT A N—Week Ending April J, 19 AO I’ve Been r*ir*¥ » i *> i hinkmg RV * AB VI I OVA \V 1 V ' ■■■ ■ • Feller by the* name 1 admit very frankly that J oon't kn. w an awful lot about rut;!, rl'.i, But i do know this Senator Mc- Carthy is calling ev< ryone within '..ore ... d, yet when it comes to r roving his allegations. Mac doesn't '•a rt! to have very much to :.ay He i -v? that tin evidence ,-iii in a fiot-k of rCtrs t id vi rnmeiit tile? huh i.t hasn't soon yet That"? a little like spanking your ■ man son *>t daughter for getting .. rt.ort card before you know ■ha! th*. report card says. It might ! t little embarassing .f you ;; Mixed youi heir this week and dan 1 • hr ught homo r!i A. on ho port txrri next week. c< nr.Oi ivlcCnrti’y ’ h! possibly . . tin- MUM Wfi.'. e- hen .-.t •11 ' . certain tr. . • oi tin people ‘Or colled '('onio a- arc -. oiv rl ■ i i;)sta:ri!Si|; and loyal Amcr* it:: citizen? But McCarthy is get '.ns h ini of mileage out ■•» what • vcryoiK thought was a worn-out ; :an If he is proved wrong r.U count? la'll .-id! be a na aa;M hi iv in the minds of the big? t? oi the' land, of wiiicri. unioi - t.aauely .theip arc many. And si this feller McCarthy rants r.. and on. m&kir.r his. scrapbook t o {nvy of the *•■ •• s in ti,« Hen . :•• room. .And no matter v. hat 5? proved, a ltd of citizens an going ti Mac a haid time rie.-rsu' their names ,ifu r the damaging sword of ' nere.-raonai immunity is wrested ft<-m McCarthy's fist. .VscC.'m tli.v's got tine a heck of a . .o.d tht nat.eo o' losing Ct of pre.-tig* on foreign soil * rc ;:.e American inont of pob lie, is?-.: . 11 . >(. - to? d ton v.-eil. And a l.oi ■ i cit kens are h.'iYing their ;.. i besckeiii ; iieforo the Meat mmo: ny of our pop ration which i'i V-vor * verythine it reads in Hie f ...i-ei:• s- of b e.: political ; ff‘.Miei-s Bt.U to real -think MC Aruntans. ' re lev* i’-o ieCio tlv. opi-ode will f * seen --.? cempatydfle t■■ on jiu.-i -- d - rev eo.v.-i e- child killed. at .1 '*. is ehm : ;; wide . , :r. Ik n: But .. . tin; f-nd I was if all tuv -nut} slineint. 5 ha-ti. t >-. ? ,■ . a'l "> • V- io. h 7 m t , - . t ;ytyH ,'lt - , ‘•■r., ? {if i’C-i, y j* 1 1- c.sihtt' • S'- c :• I)t if h- r’v.f H’> UTKM)S WEFT bCRHAM. S. C.— C K non! •war*, professor of matin r.iatKs a 1 North Carolina College and prest (lev.-, of liie coHei'i efiapiej' es •!)< Arsk-rk-itii Association of rtiiversitc IProfessors. loft Darhair Fridav so f pv. land. Ohio. wiiej. !i‘- will .«'■ fSem'l the annua! sessjor. of the A. a. id. r At The Ringside in i.t ix vik*.ti tni KiuA fOK VM : . .VtOTHMt KNOWS Hi st BXM iAM.V BN CASK <*| ..JOl sods Ht 81l t. HI MAIN If *1 IRfl? | "Mother kIiCV; i • .• ;..r, ■ ; winch aj . lie? inf when .. - !f‘ cu-d io . nc..s n.:- nf,y reiu-vd jur.defciitod heav; we.l bt cbit'.rj Ji>?i ■ of the wei i*s Most Jar.s -■/. nil- <: i; . | dimriyii'ii « t ■ ;,p --' j v .(t< fitly :- !■ >.• .? v tr.i. ~. .? .-ay? toying f-ec.*.bv,e.>ly ; merit en the runjecl <■; cctircniout. jHi hint.-' 1!i. fight .but in ;. ■v? ip* v, y 11, His l.V.ori re..s’ nt■ dvciciiip to i i f-er.hi is. I.a :' y;: ?... a arm- to be the first t.e; *, * ,ee. r t chnrr.piuri I to ’. tin and .her re;,.in ius crown i? .ii i ..?t *., .* I.'k f ; t >'■. t. rl.? . mothei-. Mr.- i .y;. : p. . . w .. Brooks, say? ■-.! don’t vY T. Crih .by ninr. and Iv< . 1 - h.p: :. i J , .!.' I bo .!! hr* n :nt r if !.• •• t cid< - - to Fighting .-L r ho- picasurt . Lm he'll h., ij .* May. I think that s' I .vlty old for him f>. try ..nd light Ilk' 1,, nsec ! ' What a! mßreit to -. in. fiom ’ • ::n. oie - ricepiy . itiK; I. i; in the wetfa.*.. c! her . Vario.i. r< iison? hav* be< u gh cn t?>i a L.ouis coTiieb: ;-k it*hi ft-j money ncc-c for L* a- t* • ..--t. : fi -i.t game, oh - r>. t ' !'.<;. !,. c . Ip ms in tea; f.ght Wit:, his exhi! - ition take. ! doubt that Loin- necus . ai Uhe niuiay vcr.ti r: so* he n<* o* Jo.* cannot t* that if he- fight* ,he will bolstci tre grime. Who would iiki to tic e. .-.low fat , shuffling "Hr. wn Bomber' wit is one glow it the pii-ti m Th( run: io. in tc ■. sharp alert young . Charh.- who would not stall ti , clianc- \iitb mm m h..- prime" Fare ! who lo.the gi>mc would wince » t:vfry tiriir Job took j? :-U w. I think is is r- ■<:. . - people vno stand to gain who would like to my- ,'hk j hi J- T her Til.;.. ~>:ye-.c . l ire Fan. econtent, to see hirr. in . . x-:it"it?.ms f.- r i ;<*> ti-ey can . ford to iay K//.1-. : a ( '.w ; a ■■ ■*. * It,. . - pin:-. -e. Wi-i tip - L,C. (M. r TO Jot not as 1.,* . ecu r:-r rut Oti ...itoip-h in eiM ;.>:yli irp ill The ring today. Pubht it,, is ... ■ .at that Joe ■■■ J. fight frerr. r: aga/ir;e »:>r< ■. he - r tioi.- t( S nu a••• K.;.. w- it rjp.rt -1 culynuilrtrs .* i.e avc run rail r! ' copy. The- ring:*idcr rays tha* .!<* knows go< d an. ic'e when ht- fa-a’a 1 it. and he W:i! lie * C! hi.* MeTe. : * ;mv .< ■ and si iy <*ut • ! the . i?M -if* • ter ail. h<- -i..*Mt; knew that m* B > * I ■- ■ " ‘ A'lTl ht !> ( ii \ MAN IO WATCH A-K TO.MAi J OO.MIZ . e!* •. I . Cii, . '• • iV.) p'.'ia d ) Cib’-a: e HtyCiaw ;,-t Wedresd-y Chicag- .mii'-:. lasta ’.Vtdtie-ri.iy ! niyllt. 'i'vnitr.*. Oori.f ;> a-ked, Wh.. thi a- * !:■<.. 1;• cot : .-. \i. r.\ .■ . V.jte«’y tjß. .> vjKlxviSfe '‘ 4 ' 51ftipayjHM6|aM'lMM?yiaMigMggEg ! \A MAI. ' \hl ISM'. . Bi tematumally funic <: composer imi ri.iiner, admired (or her art ful pianistics here and in f urupe «feted I > mcmi cvs oj the New lurk City pres* radio dt'». oekeys and te|e( ision with a (?< liffntfu) cocktail party at the Hotel Iheresa. The occasion honoring th< charming young artist was in r‘-< (ignition of her g*: at suet css oat - in* been sirr ed tc a contrast by , Mswc in the ring” -Tommy Gomez, la the bOel ! cf. omy ;> Ka> fan* a-:., -pent s- *■ >(>:c. r >b . icthei fißaucial re. ;ti> boxing *pe.tlirh‘ bv floor <. Gum. •/ fe-ur time.-- ... Hi weath er:r>g tloßioz' test Sunday kayo : enerit. S iiti-rfii.-ld api-ar* nth has conn.* .- .-’.* . a *. Oi. in. nil P*'* mi.’C iii.t. T...1 1 1. .)H:dleit-(i te:- hlTli Thi*.. yi sir:- .- ' ** he Inst .lit t. ha ago imcs yo;.ue man who i.pparetitly ti.i - lit iie ccmid wh.p any tiociy wlutiici he trained wt-ll or not. H • ha? n formed. Hi it rtov. a .a : ".!> .-ei sou- workman, intent or c-arv.hg .. distinrtive tot?: ...rt'.e Te: ipre.-eB and iate. Tr*ing hi? ire !’ a -I e.:t !:e>:,_ ids.* paint Gomez. \*nh a terrsfk* tec »«- cm; open, d tile 10 K.unri ia.’ut* for a knockout, but utmost .. ; tv aye* a h-jiiseit befoic th* inciid. The bell saved him At ti>is tune a Saterfivio right near ly :,M : ho; .i? pill? through til? b.acK. futileiy. Now Bob is supposed to got .« . Jr : at Jake !.aVlutta, middle kmc F.r.zaid Ciiarlo--. h<-uvyweight I < fi.*:a i ii vould I. win* for hint t* lehr I .Mott:; a man Whi. whip .* c ieiri ! .*, years ago when lit >. a? the y;ty favorite kayo am t < !.„! i. -till fo*' good a cl-arnpior. to r - supped by Satterfield - who;; :*. Me \* orid's ck vcu-rt boxer ■, l.jiMc.... fights th<* type ..{ brawl . S.itti rfn ;d .ike? and ear. fight .* not the men he v. > n hi took Satteifiei doii before-, out he is still good enough to civ* jam ; good Iwi-m ■ Satterf.eld A <> cemic.g uun.i ir. i oxiiig . . watch for it SI fi.AK RAV STILL SWI.FTFST MAN IN RING - His IHT HOtfK SA V- SO .—i.;.: .. Ray Robisirci. is Nil: the :-*v. t-u*-. t lighter m the ring* at ... a.*t that is vv hrt !* : . if.* hit . r.* uk in tht fitst round of .. »oo litic f.out in Philadelphia told , George Costner last -.utk, , F. * the - * c*..*i d tin'., in his CGivi'i . h« knocked out Costner in th* tiv&t n unr after Costner had beer, boom ed . > th* conun - welvcrwoigiit rir.UM i. ii. Tiie first tori* Ri to*;?: i care of Cu-ti*ef in Chicago Fobs-a* : ry 14. 1&45 at th* Chicug’o StadaM: t* Tit* cii-iiiay of tl.eui u of Cia- i car.r o.* Five years and it month 1. ;• - He rii i the .* ti,mr r. : • 14 f-Oit .fan* it: Philadelphia. I I\or m :iscii i,« by f;i r the i»eet v. e i terw-.. i:.:ht in the ring, and probg vby : -ts;« n» st midst*--weight. !• *. H« . c ht in 6 t-'iven - shr»t * ; ? Juke ; AJett: b- middle crown Ku G*: \ itan el.irin c u'ri h;mvt.'ll < . fre-r- f.ath* ; in tht I htM.Air i weight 'when ht: h>st to Iv*- ; ■* <■ i V j i in Mt.-ntreai. Vhf i FreriChm;:j. h-rd \t\ p.>ui;d adv;m- ; . isue ant. won a un-'.nimons deci- < 1 tiie ( olumi >a Recording i ont parjy. who will U sturc her songs and music via Columbia discs; she being tue first of her rare this year lo have such high distinc tion, Surroun eung personal manager of Miss < arlisie, Lionel Hampton, famous errhcsira maestro: ' Ivig Joe" Koseufteld, Radio C omir.rnulet j ‘ j •" '. ’ -. j ! *■ ..... I " J-^ Rl.stL. < f * i.'i j’iti . HAKGi. The an?.*ton of the Hunter h. i x ran*, of sui fare vt*.*seis. aii plmn*-- and tihsips is to seek out and iie?.my enemy Miemai One oepth charge explosive . inilil sCiiouiSy cripple a ?utimarine Herr- this r.a.»-e oi am.-suiimariire warfare it i. in maneuvers m the C&ribbe:.:> • 'Hiciai Depaitmant &t befense Photo* CHOIR S\SS TOP PH \ISK DURHAM. N C Th.- Go-voice North Carolina College cheu. r> - fiii-ncd t. the Durham College Mm. * ; i:v aftd Id* i.-g acclaimed in coir -..•*.its in -.x cities. Sam <*i w Hill director of the choial '-;- Mom if H'h't AME Zi> n Church in White Plains. Chrley Fusari ha* said he do* * not want ny of Rolunson. H* prob r! I.v figure? he car, take the tit.* in . om with Gaviisn if Robi» me-vci !*■ t<> the IBP pound divx *;•■:, None *'-f the other welter .. . ight< : . -.-. ortb mentioning. SONN\ BOY HI>T !>.-*- Kmrht. Orangeburg S. C'.: and Ann Merritt. ! ynch Su tion, Vugima. 5. . cii: m ixpprcciatior. on : >~~ hnif -.1 111** CUSS Os IlTiO WH? si -s Rut’* 3.m Knoxville, »■ V ? !>., ;,:.?. ,ii< d to t.;e Barmen i‘ r.- ily h liid:*: console combmution. Tr-i Ri vi r* ud R D. Crockett di .* * !.:r *.? rel.gious act* \it if*? --- slstfd in the fi-ograin. Followm.. the chapel exc-rc.--e.-g .which v.* r. preceded fcy a coior ful ..<-.i.:1" one procession and tiii ?* fiior.Y •'sister class the sot m - mi ..- bir. .ing a gu.»rd of hi.. m ir. i - t ..-id tribute to Mrs Idi S Men eii&feurr of Buffalo. N'w Y./rk ’ th. traditioixai tree ir.iTt iu.- crriiTiiinv. Mrs Maidenbauet if l!-i*,T?iii-