PAGE TEN HP r: sh MOSTROSE WHITLEY "in ii —inn i ni—. rr— — - 1 - Gee. its certainly hard to realize J * ; ' • season of robtins has made iti official bow. Easter is just crou- d the corner and the time is se short from now until the hot fc-hsicrv day- will come, hut there £ri man > important act-, iiiics tak ing place before that time. Trio Community Bovs’ Club has feeoi the scene of varied activities in observance of National Boys' Ciub Week. Climaxing these activi ty on Sunday. Mr. W . J. Kc-n --«<-' •' >‘i- prominent Durham citi zen v. ili fcc gucsispeaker. 4:30 p. m stt -nt Club. Yopr presence is anti cipated. -■ iie AKA Soroity it presenting Sort:* i SnhPi and his Melodaires. tamed smgiip stars of stage, screen, rctlic and teivvisu.-n -at Wiiliston H-'gh School. Tuesday. March 20. ' I,'oy Brown and ids orchestra v.u:’ be at the Barn, Thursday • March SO }, Several faculty nv .'-her-, Wi!- ■ liston ni.ii. Wiiliston Primary. and Peabody Schools have composed i; ba.-kr. bull teams and will play a ;i g'-me. Monday. March 27. 7:39 p. s m. is; the auditorium rs Wiiliston } J Hi t -h Schco: and so goes the iuturc ! 1 whirl. Now for a ret of news about our 1 J past events. The local chapter of the M instiin-Sale.n Alumr.i spoil- ■ 1 sored . nor the South eastern District. Morel, in. 1950. at thi Com - . it;. Boys Club. The ' semi-form al affair, one of the nicest!'’ of ti,t season. was very" well at- ' tenaed. son: ■ ladies wore short ! frocks, some wore long awns. they j all had a wonderful time. T D-d: , Sorority present ?rL its Ami.nil Jabbertvock at Wiliisthn ’ 1 High* School on Pridiay. ciuite nice, i • K-.v. li. Irving Boone. Rev. \v T. Sin-mens, Rev. J. Malachi Newkirk, an:. E. i. T. ”.av have returned i • the cit- 'for;':: Atlanta. Go., when i*■ they attended the Be:tonal Convc-n --tion of the Baptist Con-A venu.i;, of Amreica. I he., at Wheat J Sir- Baptist Church. , i Mrs. Franc-fa Jones. Whileviileb • - N. C . -v r ihc recent guest of Mr. and Mjs Joseph powdl. George Rc-gt rs. U. S. Army, is on '■ furlough visiting his relatives. Jvsep- 1 Lower ,-. Winston-Salem. 1 N. C- was the week end guest of Mi' and Mrs Harlee B Evans. Jr. ; Mr. and Mrs. C. P. George. Mrs. ! iiyai.i Reed. Mrs. Willie McGhee < and Francis George attended last . rip'-.-., heid for Mrs. Emma Pridgen. Whiter:’. N. C. Mrs. Isabella Pearsall. 1009 Orange St.TK. left recently for SEE US FOR ALL YOUR SUPPLIES * bathtubs * LAVATORIES * COMMODES * KITCHEN SINKS * CABINETS (All sizes) * WATER HEATERS PIPES AND FITTINGS Os All Types Compare Our Prices Before You Buv INTERSTATE SUPPLY CO, 143 MAXWELL ST DIAL 8608 FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. 1 Block Sc. of Post Os lice j \ J C inU\ 0-. All’s. Marjorie R. Whecl-.r. Miss Helen Holme--, memoem : New York to spend a while with Community Hospital nursing Ssl- ft attended a Nurses' Meeting in Chape] Hili. fe\V days ao. The i were accompanied :>y Mis* Betty Saunders, a student nurse. The YacsevT Club had its regu lar meeting at the home of .Mr . Mable B. Sia-ito;.. on Red Cro. Street. Mi... Marion D.,\ • V. in-:, and infant daughter. Hi' .-a, 1 - .wm ;-a home from the Philiipine Island:-1 : where her husband Sg< Clifford.; USMC is stationed. Thc-v ;tl - e visit- 1 ing her sister, and brother-in-law j ; Mr. and Mrs. John Ho .vze on Queen i : Street. Mrs. Ruth J. Brown Wir-on - the recent guest of Mr. and Mr.-. James Cooper, ; Your; truly regret-; to learn o'i i lhe illness of Miss Salome B. Toy-' lor. Miss Johnnie Kirkland Wir sten "Busier’' Child.-. George N Norman, best wisher, for a speedy! recovery. Vi W. Bo .', it'i: of North Cmoiin : Mutual Life Instil a nee Cmm. re Durham. N. C is -p.: '.'.ding ; wi; , in our city. STORK VISITS It's quiie obvious that t.-.e ole stork is quite fond of uj Puri City as he recently h:;s made tv.,,, visits '•ere- Air. and Anv . a- •L Evans : rc- the proud parent-- of baby girl. Mr. Evans is a local pos tal carrier Mr. and be-. V-alter "P.-i" Smith have :i nw addition to! their family us ,■) Bensu-u their second -on made his entic n Thursday. Mothers u:, - are doing nicely. LYRA MICHELE JBRYANT Christened Christening sc. vl::i.-s -. c: •• held Sunday. St. Luke \M£Z Chum, Rev. E. E. Morgan, pa-to official-j in:; for Tyra Micele Bryant, intuit daugther of Mr and Mrs. Horae Bryant. Mrs Btyur.t is th* forme Jimmie- Lee Brigmon of this cit; Go:: uarents - : Ai. and .Mi.-.. A. Eriießt Swain. LOUIS TAYLOR, SP. SUCCUMBS Louis Taylor. Sr.. o~; v : »u! r. - idem «.-£ ti:'-, South Seventh St re*, huir-mid of A1..-. Aocitie Taylor, died Monday morning. I£e was formerly employed as janitor at the Y'uana Mens C.ii'istian -.' ai . - i.l .:. funeral services had not a* * announced at this SIMON SCARBOROUGH PASSES The community was saddened to K . oi the passing of Simon S-- : - borough.. Wi-dnosday Morning, at .-.I 'c.'. . ..a County San;.-- i n. following a brief illness. The de i ceased was a 1945 ararmute of W..1-i i lislr-n Industrial Sciu'ol. a student at A. and T Co]leg..-. Greensboro, ana a mevru-i-t ci the Ns, a-i .-Mi. Psi Fr. lernity Funca al svi"- .ccs \ui he conducted from Mi. Zion AMF. ; Church Sunday end. the body I lit: :n state at an a residence. 10 7 Kur il Avenue. Sr-*.irony cvenii.g. Funeral Director. - I : I ' 120 PERSON STREET FAYETTEVILLE ; • m OHi i i oLio o AiV-::;>ishup O'Buy'm u. ' B;tui : : ! N FOR MARCH 25 Ladies Rayon Crepe Slips With wid<* 'ace trim - AT ONLY sl-00 Luscious Multi-Filament Crepe Slips i h\ a wide assortment of Soriuc coiors and weaves | s 1 -.69 Men's Fur Felt Hats $4- 98 | Men’s Slacks OTHERS AT $3,99 ]ll a wl-Ja assortment oi Spring colors and weave.' <.i mi ~ Mix ■)—Tin! m\mtm i-mniTn«i-f-r— J * .r, it torn* W3*rr- far*. EASTER . \ l>. N * ‘-a '''y "" ,T ' / X , ' < f*. ' j ‘ f\ \ b. Bring Ihe kiddies «*arfv lomm sws for there “wsmieti''* V, i Luster ssyje : ,;. \k e lent-hissidr-uiv of ili-mii i.t! ncv. iMiij . v: \j , m very smart . (!omr in am! sre iiw pretty they leoL on w / ,K tour child's feet, * ill-.- CAROLiNIAN—Week Ending March 25, 1950 ... n to Li: furl t;.a , I’upc Pi as XIL-ur lasi ti.- . : ' . .. .. n": cut:':''u::;<.-d miKsionaiuoi :.Av uayuro vu'iu: to the Uul’ -O for this woik The Arcil t;; :i; p said. '‘Ti,;.- is our t .. j. - r " -It: so!,: Vho 5..-1 C : <-! V V, j.-h> .-. me blessing of God upon this be low i eouiurv of ours. I can tbluk | | We Will Clean and inspect Vour j Diamond FREE During Om ! DIAMOND JUHI LEE j Hatckcr’s x : ';‘ v r d Jewelers j j «e * liny Si, Dial eooo nvettevilfe. N. ( jttnfifiri 'ty >Aui«»Hy.i so Oil 5 .... CaOit.-: e.,.' is_ -isu-rj. '!: ~ a i'c do -idia. A isu Fdiis -s s;", ■m .ee | snent in U rrotherhood of vuaii. |' That word brotlit-rliood is not an ahsiraeta.u v, ukO WW may tw:--' ; I ii:de:.-"tibie fact that God in.s made A- . it.-- th;.,;,.::: the mission •'•; One Li : J ai ■ Alcdcitor J« m! • Christ.'' in tiv Gathoi.ii: unity of the 111.-an rtLgHii! ’ i i. S',;, dividing' factor which w.-.ald waH up men into • -:rht-!\t lempet ’:•! uj, s. racial, religious c.r OtiK.-i’- ti-.'.: ing limb from limb the -,- s,t Chi--.*;' the prelate- COiitni a d "Tbit rill : : el - Is dKsi'. iH’d i y God . ti.i f i.ipi \\fii k a : ei<4 i->; vit i dig; .us mankind It is given to no nuai to i’ure n diviiiGy fasltioned tiling;: ii'-t > the shape ; f, t-ooicthiml ■atse yi.ich man pref'-'r." The ivih inus vucatasn rail.', .n M ■ Mu’.tii