PAGE TWELVE | ROCKY MOUNT j ! News and Views I 1 BY J. B BARREN' DIAL 2-1913 ROCKY MOUNT DEDCIATES YWCA CENTER A new chapter was written n. Rocky Mount's interracial progress Sunday afternoon when member® ti both races gathered at ;>lB East Thomas street for the forma! dedt ration of the Young Women « Chris tiar. Association Center. Taktu j,art in the program along nun Miss Ethel Tmy. temporary dir* ijor. were Mayor F. F. Duke. Pro; C R pope, retired school prinei ja! and Mrs. Ruby C. lythe. presi < ini ol the local YWCA. Miss 1* Ij Whitley. 2nd vice president of local YWCA presided. Mis C F Morgan played the prelude and the Kev K. P. Battle gave the invo cation Welcome address was by Mrs. A- W. Battle followed by a selection. “Flue Pigeons , El A High School girls' ensemble. Sv'v ’ pi’t'sart. Joan Mitchell and Doro thy Hunter sang. “Lift Thine Eyes" Miss Troy offered a challenging. word to the women of the city on the ideals of YWCA Rev. .1. W. Bar nette handled the dedicatory serv ice and Rev. R. W. Underwood off ered benediction. YWCA purpose is ‘To build a fellowship of women and girls devoted to the task of realizing in our common life. thos* ideals of personal and social living t which we are committed by 0... - frith as Christians. “In this en deavor we seek to understand Je tnis, to share His love for ail peo ple. and to grow in the knowledge- ] FALKLAND YEWS | By MIS.' M. Ft. DRAKE I The Ft. John Baptist Church ( Punday School will present an Eas ter play entitled. “Mine Eyes Have | Kim ' at the church Easter Sunday | night under the direction of?■: s. < Johnnie Wooten. Characters ate; Miss- Noride Dupree. Mark Gorham Maggie Gorham. Ephriair. Johns n. Miss Alice R. Wooten and Miss Annie R. Bembry. Linda Wooten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo B Wooten has been in Mrs. Ella J. Smith has beet; vis iting the Gaskins Hardings in New Bern. Mrs. Chattie Gorham is .; patient in the Pitt General Hospi tal at Greenville. ATTENDS DEMOCRATIC CUB j A. Joyner. Jr.. FnrmviUe un dertaker. attended the meeting •>: ; the N. C. Negro Democratic Club | in Raleigh March 24th. This clue j has been organized to help get more. Negroes registered to parlieipau i in the Spring primary. CREDIT UNION HOLDS MEET Brick Community Credit Union j held an educational meeting a* Shiloh school near Whitaker*- Msrefc 23rd T-dks of thrift a»d ; * •operative buying were made by N. A. McLears founder. Raymond j Moore Jr.. Char!;" Brown and J P Barren Miss Walker had som< : s-udents give Tticy. Mrs. Iva M<*- . Lean gave a. Dunbar reading and ! Nurse Ba*t*le gave a health talk BOA SAI FS FAMILY FROM RAGING FIRF UNION GROVE. X. 0. iT'N'Pi Js.'-sidettrs of Union Grove, whit' End e-aler*--!. think Fred Turroine Ctf 10. an award for he r> : «nt. He is credited with saving s : \ (' ■•- -i -.her« av.d sifters from tii l Egir.s :'i*-e win h de" roved his ■tani'Vv's .abb:, K> Ud five of there to safety and tlu-n went back into | the inter;; » to r;,ve the baby broth <; who is only ti weeks old There are 12 children In the t.-.m iiy of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Turre tine. tenant farmers. Mrs 1. H Terry anti otlw-r white resident took up a special collection to them at church, and colored‘neigh hors have already laid the founds Con for a new cabin. SAY YOF SAW Yt IN the Carolinian THANK YOU! and love of God.' ’lt is understood ; that tin- YWCA movement in Roci’v Mount had its beginning first, a : uuirig Negro women, with Miss Whitley and a group of high school girls several years ago, J. B. Barren attended the meet ; ins -.>f the dire; tor- *.•!’ the N. u. Negro Democratio Club in Raleigh March 24th. T V. Mangum of Statesville is chairman and Rev. S. R. Johnson of Salisbury is ; rotary. Purpose of the organization is to stimulate greater infeerst in ’ registration and voting and to seek redress in cases of willful and ar | Ultrary disqualification of Negroes v, ho seek to register and vote in the state. Visitors here to hear Kelly M. Alexander. NAACP piesident speak to the Civic Forum were: Mrs. Be atrice G Parker and Mrs. Mathew son of Tarboro; Mrs. Barnes. Mrs. Vivian Moore, John A Joyner and others of Farmvilie This column welcomes lo the city Mr H. G Newsome of Fremont who is in the employe of a local insurance agen cy. Mr. Newsome is a. veteran of World War 11. Negroes sat at the polls as check ers last week during the local school bond election. The issue car ried overwhelmingly with the ma jor portion going for the building of a new white high school. Local; Negro leaders have apparently been “satisfied" with what has been promised them. m BITH SPLITS OVER NEGRO ISSURE WASHINGTON t ANT 1— Tie nation's leading Jewish organiza tion —B’nai B’ritb —ha- been shak en by a splitting fight over the Ne gro question. Southern delegates to the triennial national conventioi »>itr> d at bolting the organization, it was revealed last week The Dixie position can be sum tiled up as follows: B'naf B’rith should stick solely to Jewish prob lems, and leave the Negro civil tights issue to other groups Tip- Negro question in the South i “embarrassing'’ and is n akin? - some Dixie Jews the target of white supremacy pressure in fact, the civil rights issue should be sos; peddled nationally. This group is a minority within the national organization but it is | highly vocal and is supported by | several Northern lead* rs. Number one target of he Dixie conservative bloc is thi Anti-Defa i tnafion league, which is sponsored !by the. nr.'iona 1 organization. Tb i league has done a Herculean j"’ < in exposing- an J fight ;nc the en j u;ies of the Wgr.-i people in tl. South It drew ii; t .; j, , . by exposing the r;c - ; at* tV.’ui’:- i bians in Atlanta sever U, '-. ears ag A; the same *r s?-,'.'i>c .■ I vi! rights pr-'gran. ha ■ ! ’ evealed serious charges against the South';.-'; conservative wing of Ho ; c.rgani-’ation for ‘•embarrassing ’’ . Jew- throughmit the world 1 >ne example is the invitation to ’ ■ , a >f - G jto be honored guest a? ;■ recent Ti' 6t- •:i I w t>l S’ tilth'*' WP t (;CO r if 3 - : -, , BY-ii B’riih lodges j Another tprge- of liberal fire j Pabb; Arthur L<-ivy-fid of New j Yo: k. national direct*.r of Hille’ | loundi'th.n a B’nai TV;-oh college tUuu nt organization He ie charged with attempting to discourage Jew : ing students from fighting the ex clusion of Ntg’- fs from Washington university >; W . .h i .: ton. The univei -ty and it- pre.- ; dent. Floyd H Marvin, hav* been under pressure fm the pa,? '- grand - juty hearing to give their test:- many They acre J. K E. Le* ! Jr : business manaaer; E- M. Thorpe, i j it gist rar: and C. E. Walker, dean j of -tie ag'-icnlture depanment. Willis said the audit that records arc ‘ incomplete, iuae- ’ I . curate and insufficient.” He re ported that grad* sheets wer* al- , i tered “and credits apparently 1m >■! been iviven to persons not taking extension courses. In addition. h<- . said extension fees totalling SUN. ; ■ 4 1 - f-■ have not been accounted for ; i and credits were granted without regard to payment of fees. In general, the financial affairs ’ ; of the school were "poorly admin i istored but he co-id fix the blame | on no one person because of an • existing sysicu; of divided r--: >n cihilitv. He -aid payment of srndcnf fe , : wore properly account'ds so; by the ’ liusiii- inanagi r’s of fit--r. H-’- lever c!»;nrol ni* r receipts «;;<■ ;, so lax Hi - an effective check on handling was impossible. The other j receipts of ;lie hospital. Jen.- eiisirat iiit. school, nursery s< hook - ath!<-t i< associarior.. beauty patio; barber shot* a.i d maintenance. , Daring the Hire--year admittis , tration of Dr. Gray, the repor: aci , ■ the cafeteria accumulated cp craHng del’:. U of U. It ah t to r 5!:*t > _ 4'H tv(•; 'h of scrap nod;;! . was --..J0 by c'jiployes of the no o tenanoe depantnetif and n<> report : of Ho- saU could be found , - Payments of s2a to wo. . made to reporters to cover nfhlet . contests, but no authority for Hm payno. uts could he f>*tind. Will: - said the institution followed :,<■ budgej ltmitatioTts. made no chases or competitive hid* and , “would whit! up each fiscal rear with thousands of dollars wrHi of liabilities and no money with which to pay their; The new president of the college , ts Dr Georg? W - A Mr sissppi congressman blew his top in the state legi.-i.ttu> «• last w* • k when he said: “If w. can ytevatc the Negro overnight t>. i. pos Ho:, ol ; economic and social equality with the white race, which for more tn:;n 2,0('0 years has enjoyed 'h. bene fit- of civilization. Christianity neat ion and culture, then we mus. • conclude that . ivilization. t-duc.. tion, culture and Christianity are . meaningless.” The congressman Rep. Mullein M Colmer (11. Miss.), one of (ho leaders against the FEFU bill ! charged Democratic party leadei-:-- with fostering racial propaganda for the purpose ot remaining in power. Said he: "All of this ra<* agitation the arraignment of Negro again-i tie white man. the Jew against tile, the foreign born against na>in Americans, unfortunately, i? tne r< suit ot those presently in charge of your and my party heading the siren. --ong of scheming poltical planners. “The South is the wire; - ic hoy of the nation. It hecunte tin Uog'-t ot these schemers in their purpo-. to garner suffice nt Negro votes in doubtful states so that w* might continue in power. "Even our more enlightened Northern brother is now becoming a ware of the fact that the true friend of the Negro race is in the South. Th* intelligent southern Ne gro ha- long been aware of that fact.” The. Mississippi Solon next -rm od Russia's policy of converting li. r satellites, and then taking over their governments H.* intimated that war in the future - net m pe--ible. but lie let it G*' known that presently he is concerped with u * FALI> ROM) STORE 2U \I I.A> nv. i | J. R~MOORE~ i I Tne Bicycle Man" COLUMBIA BICYCLES J We Sell The Best And j Fix Them All J. R. MOORE j 125 S. Wasbingtoc St. l-' .'ii: « j 2 SOCIAL lORKER A WILD liEIHGATE DURHAM t UNI’) Mbs K-. •-nary Fitts, nativ.- of Wilson and ; case, work*: in Durham **■< eD-.:ted along with Mrs. Evelyn Lynch, psycbomatic t. medical i > ral worker of Duke Hospital as the sole iwo delegates of Nor Hr Ua-rolitis* Chap’ot to the annt.fcl American Association of Social work mo<-; : ;;g rn Atlaiiu* ■:> April 21st. The Ui.-a! branch is made u;- member- of Ghap*'! iiiil and D; hum -octal workers both w hite ~ -.•; colored and Miss Kitty; was r**< -t;t <-leeted Secretary of thi;; grou; s-bt « ( nd Mrs Lynch were i lecti d the state meeting in Winston Sa lem last week. Nathan (’o.q-. Executive Secretary of the Durh.ioi Sottal 'York Department. Th> a tency foots ail the oxjions. - : delegates for J days and the State Chapter for the other th,<* Play safe! Have your car lubricated and in spected regularly Vn in ert wh o kn o w i t BEST! Holbrook Motor Co* 607 S. Church St. IWe ork for the public And IS of Ourslves. “WE HX FLATS' Atlantic Ser. Sta, \ 2D K Thoma.-" Si INSURANCE SAVINGS ON SELECT PROPERTY THE. DIVIDENDS REDUCE THE COST Alford Insurance and Realty Co. 117 Coast Cine St. j Rot V; 5' M< *j ot* N. C. 1 ) iai€ Lf 2 jL.' .1— FOR FINE FURNITURE —Visit | BULLOCK’S I Furniture Co. i 124 S. Church St. i , I Rocky Mount, N. C. | INSURANCE i RENTALS j BEAL ESTATE j i | j STANDARD | INSURANCE & ; REALTY Corp. Dial 6156 125 Tarboro St. Rocky Mount, N, C. L 1