‘ • -'.W'5 IMAX—W'-r-k Eliding April 1. 1950 fiYttiOTirwawii «i nunwniiiiftiM i ! 'jr* f\ f rvo T%~f\T%~r\ f 11 C, a%j£j iJ p gj| \ J jKL f, ff j| i .t* 'tf■ i X XT 1 - { *,. x jr"* fy 'sj* ffkf i i : ‘ ■ *&*'" i*( 'f J 3SI fit Jfc? J } \‘.v : ,$ r ’ *'-■■•;■■' ,/■'' X \ ; ? •*./'**« &'•'■’' V? •-;'. I OVER TisV A lill I laG »» lJ ,s\ v. n;s ! : a hr* a .- a -• • - ; i». t. M -.l ' *.*i.i.!'C* * I"* Oi ; I U.!?X VJV: IHTTLE . *,.r.rj fui •;:;r. firtnnns Tdt: c) :■> K. Mr,; *Ev* lyn Under. ' l* vi -Mr’ iv virihul* M; : iV A h. Ik- • ihi; flit:bt: i the holdup Mv ri■ uv; cvrstaiiifr vvho told h r ;‘r xv»:s . ~ lon<> kk«- ?>: m>. lit Tir': youth iiivolwd 3i*ddenly "••'• i>■ •,•’. k ~:ii • v'vik'rrrv. auk ordered Mi.-, 1 rnur to :;ut \;:> her hand:.-'., irk - d. dH; ducked ueder die cram : :'■ ■ \)( *-r turned ie-r lire. Otva f > ( rhe Thomas Wrh.ht. 22, H 23 ■ VI -. ! i r ve;i S’,reef was hit in tee - j M* d '.u m . Tin w>r: air.te cninn'iendcd the .■uri: . ' : District Attor ney T'.-us Keiilj a..'T r, t,i that she S 3 WORLD WAR if DIVISIONS PLANNING REUNIONS THIS YEAR Oh.-erving the fifth anrrtverssry :-f ;W end of Ix'stiiti<-=? iu '.V id V.';.• Si, r e'.'-tnons at\ planned '• i liflVrn>t divjsO.ws} and other ?ml h•s f • v i >; ■ ■ u?.»s :r> ]\•"«(». (' >ti ;pr • *■ . 13SU Vl';dO v-rat^'-riw i .*'<:* N. at«■.> ri a) As•• otu*t p ■ r. o-f C fi;;‘ Units lia-i released the following •h t of uoii.ions, veiled riled sot 'he I j■?nn, t aj-.d fall of 1050. Former i wrote’s Os any of tin listed «>rjs»ni yaitotn may ci-eure the details of h;s <>'>'. .:t is i , !:■•> by wrtinj? to N A FIT. i* O. fbi\ 1111. Washity;- t-n, i). < . All w.’h in<{u : > - io.« w:ll in ! ni .'.anied to the nu:;; :•* oven alumni for action, D:v' dona) tvunionft th..r far '-.•livdoicil are: i*l i\ ni.-d chi, < k’v v hi:• >3. ■ h* <’-;i at; > . 'b-. v Y<>: ><. Folium her 1-4. . .*, r..v; v >:«-•■ w v.-rk. New WrV. J.iiv 5 V ,tti.;Vy. N v.- j 0.," "i-iA '.k \\ N. V.. J A r^j . At. Sti 'rttSi - *.* >:‘h if-'f'iMift• hl't, July 21--22.. ■ ''( •*- > • t Sc ; i tmher JO- Oc- A-r 1. ; A.- rftj Chfcr-itro. *\o ?.*'}• ! . I rif*’ iitrv, v i. !'■ > vt’O'-itf-r 5-*t h A *Ar<- :'.hi «.'<. - J..u- ;• !nfj».nl.r-v VV. -v, -.'t-r. ,}..•> v r/- n ;. * i IS rn »y - ; -Uir.s 1.1 % ' lie \ r \i v 11 IE Ai-.A* -■ ■Ynk Mrs. L)ci\; - is-: the torn;; ;' iM? 'p'if-ejp.j re )"•'»,■' 1 • »*■* i ATHUt THOMAS MONAHAX -Viv. V. I King, Mr. and Mis. Bi.,- - , Als.-:-. Hattie Brjkisf. ana V, C. G, - • Sr and V. C Grady Jr., were ■ ■ ■:*■ /: S ... f"»m Si 'Hi .mas’ Cidiio- ChiiVch ro Kinstnvi Snrtclav '' h f ’i c; i• ' •':•.•!• .i tile :•• /' i( , c-nnncted by the yhn.t Rev Jes. pn; \v. F. Bishop of a Brit- : . :■ ■ ,i .i. .. ;,ro\ nay.: in Fast Africa it O'ir 'if .tont’o cni Church ■\f : a I‘cntificai Ma-o;, i.ir King: ar; ! odiory pve-sentfd Bishop K.\v..r• oka a gift of money {or 'his -,vor> m: A frit*#, .rn person atU nded the rifts. C' C R;¥■ ()R A!. R() TJ ER T I. if E WILL'S * ■< the U. S Army i- v;sh tvuli hiv ■•vile. .ei.-itiv' • and! tarns., .Lie; being oa' ..in in Japan. REV A. I: S vIITH. minister and iindoidskfr of Smithfieid end (. imci’oo'Hn, v as a reet-nt visitor - •' ■ La JOURNAL’S office r?;v, i i ••'•'. VAUGHT and !vr dangther werp recent visitors with re'atiVi s in Raeforci where ;a saaKe si two churches. M nsmiw. TOD4V.I ■ • - . l : ‘ih infantry, Bittfsrnm'*.?, >- pu -nffi . = »;•• . J •,>;.«= • ;> 2 o In f a fit? y. Msdi so n, vV 5»... Ss yH: o - • h<-r 2-4. Airs: In';- Ary, £- : e» B-fp • .k /i, >. St |/y.:S , A», -A‘h ti. i .i-.filry. Ckvo:;i;i.h Scy,-; 'CT -4. • i. ir.fa.ntr>. V'n.rtt. July I'S-iS. 4;•«] s>!«i Oi- hfcrd. Uair-c*. Sc?.- ! tcnitwr ‘i-ii. ] 4->vh infiifitry, Oe t-t U-r (no dsts SC‘h>!*i- > : .• } | . (Ski *•:?fantry, 'A-w Yvrk, Jure •V>{h Jr.funfvy. Aag-nxt (no • date r; icctiKi ) . •1 >t ir.fonfry Svve York. July IS-IT 7':;h rnKansar City. Attynst S'-..v. iStii Irii’ynti>., i4av> xoru, Sc-ptcir. r>er ssd Airiuirn# Phi-afictpb'a, ■■ y 1-4. Infantry, tl»r?h ififaniry. \ow ;;i.,A asr-ur* -'••7 ? b fnffciitry. New York, Ssy u-t'C-t-r ‘ r , i Frifn rdry. Cine?nratti. Aayu t < rw. *i«IV -K ;• "t til ,i , ' ' 4 • • : '• y.'.ik AiCi.-itry, !S -: C. Infantry. Cifts-bar p;._ Ju !:••.•? i> f*» fami y.. isof»*s ivj'toh d;-r g-!0. 'd Asrlo.rne, W; f eh>i-r U.n, S :« -S . i i ‘ -.i frfi.iitry, St. t .lis’-p C ■{; Inf*;: try. M* vc Ye At, N c.a r S>4fh fafantry. Pittelruiph. Se: '■ -eiHir i-4. < ? Ts! «• ft U>; 5 TF. MK i .7 1 N #; -N'.’l Array S'vf|>. V» a.-.hS «:Mn. J une f?i. :-i Army. New Yvrk. Am#:; 1 ?, (no u;«t« jiffs' It-li I . 2th Army, Vv'ft ?.in< ; Say Jnr •* 2July 1. ' *“t 7}‘--' Snt . er: b'-ure. Hu'enr- M ",C V »!•■}* 'A 11.1-2. - j I s l;.»t i u Fresent : ;* : d -V•1 i. h -• 035.2035.2 ?s n«I pru ye- r ai i d tI; e lk‘t-.-hn : > >La Every one* enjoyed Kext r'A-ctins vv;ii be? held at the' I kerne oi: ' k-. G?ii*den»a Shavers. Ait: > .*•*• I a■. C.' iu b Report e e, : i.KNXON \\iV(H NCES BA VfEtANMMt Y v; as: .ass : P :us! work that de ! , w»ii a candidal for t s North I Qt rnoi"vauc. Vi/'i?.'!Kirv. A nr:live of Lennon • a a s * as Nc Hanover ; Si si He inter attended tmti 'was atas.aa-i fr.sw Waite Feast tisiieaa. * hew hw received the wi;i yea; ,f. he piactice of lav. : here ( -w, . s :?■■ ‘ ... • Dnnne e.gh; ... a-- of n! p- ioii. iw .served as ' Junta- s* i';, j. ;•(],.;!■ y court. Lent:: s has keen prominent in civil liftaiw he.v.ng served ns a , memo:'-! of She County Democratic Fixecuiiva Convruttee rand a mem* I a f pa Suae r>. s . ’ic F.X( 1.l- Ii V t;J Cbh'li'k'i itti'f’. i ■■ a.:.- s s‘ ;v.:,or of the 154/ as! x .a a e a,ri inducted among ok pctivilih:-: vc..- the introduction ; sutoeshtp! sporsf rshlp *viainu an approprintioi. • of StOdcJOO for spi’i aition of the North Carolina State Ports auth- 1 ws ;/. If ret to the senate I so a.. -:.:d Would continue to • xf: t ins Erst efa-its for the de v.-h. of Us Lori of Wiltning ■ u'd Si.iU’a .wrn North Caro- H-a id ii it if nominaited and s.!eci; ’■ ■ tile -Kite sauiche for lasi U vaii ’re isy pu.rpo.fC to SUOJiOft .vie-; ,-isif-sOy ai: ws find pru •. •• hi • ■ wip- a that is in fin imeiK;! of the people as a whole' if. mum . .. judge, brought a neve r.i.s i -a lii-co:aCourt. He . a'a o aeputau.m of being fair : a, ■ d .■•• d impartial. He is held a. , . steem by Negroes haa-- FOR THE BEST VALUES Cash or Credit SOUTHERLAND FURNITURE CO. : j 207 N. John Street PW* 1055 < i I i Your Credit Is Good At , j I i ■ I FURNITURE | HE 117 East Walnut St- j GOLDSBORO 1 i IJABBERWOCK PLF.VSES \IJI)!ENi:E ' Uu'st imiqun vcith its various:- v:kcn>rc:.alic:' of : • .n«’ (>f ike most poetry of the yenr>. !;. i ' cijk ]iS ' 0 rij j, V. fli} > • vt v v S-. heiior32ac;e orice and ‘ Tke Vi IT :r : : . 5' • v w , of ■h i ■ A 1 ]' t • :; pw j ’Phi bii.-is Martha Hvrrison deiigbtsd the a.u'i *nca witii the sieging oi PKEjtiIMILUD 10 R\MO COl SOIL WASHINGTON. D. {ANPt E. D. Rirei’s. Jr., owner of radio Mutism V.TAS iii Derutur, ti r \!-u. Hi :ii ,s«•)((:■« ?. xro, I AToDdnv Marco 90. S V M. i J. D. Middleton. Ur ■ ■ 'or ! 1 ; A. TT'irrton. P:'°s. i ADefISSION ,>OV - far: ~REX SHOE"SHOP ' ALL NEW EIECTRIC EQUIPMENT UonrteOMs and Prompt Service 203 N John St. Goldsboro , Phone 1836 .Mr. and Mr*, W G. Williams, Prop.; GARR'S DRY ' OLE \ PIERS | AND HATTERS JNE DAY SERVICE” | N. Center Goldsboro mV o ■*- ———l ———MW —t ELMORE’S RADIO SERVICE ar.d Service ! : | Street Floor Borden Building | Goldsboro. N, C. Phone 2135 , ! o-owggMcesTWWusvwr.ievMarejraairiMee'Tßh—tar'n.-wc.'^iMßrmtri'-iwiexa m ■ PAGE FIFTEEN Radio council tiled a document, re* *ii** snug that the FCC sc* aside t.lis petition it had lust granted Rivers, on the grounds that the staiioa which lie now operates at D«watur iTir.urft too innch i o _ rc i I? i• >u :s r»ro r grams. Bak \\v c * a!rn ed ih at WE .A S v<■ r haps haa h. greater i-.s’enina u . mice ih&n any of ihe 1.0 nu;;r rj. tHo stations in i lie Atlanta area.. Because if includes Negroes <>a ir?, program, it holds- the listenisg a:- tension of ihe irarjori* vof ~.he 1 4- ) -* coo Negroes in Ai!;>>-.tr- If Wte r«i 1 aceordlßK to Bekci. that tic vr,p‘ s :, ; K, :o n "is nothing more lion* an ;;i-. - : ■ in oi Uavatinch ’’ The npiv ;*e--?fnf i> ■... America in. ioiUng uk e •; > of (ieorgia. .- conitEtmlv .. -, to w the “Bible Belt", because I of the deep religious background i of people living rbet.*. "I;i order : to satisfy the desire of the popula Hons in these areas," it continued. “WEAS has tried to bring to theti; ihe type of religious broadcast that tiiCy un l to h ey.y. Thn station Inis niailo time available to ail religion* groups withou! regard to ra>.•*.- ■ ■ or. whl or doctrinal allgmaen’s. The small churches on the* back streets. the coun*ry 'meeting hou Fes’, in the rural environs, and sh*- humbl*- houses of wt.rshUi -f the Negroes have been accorded the -am.: fair treatment. They have been given an opportunity of airing tbeir own views and beliefs as k.ivb the more prosperous and berisir known churches and relic i-ms BAM) POSTED . CAMDEN. N. J. (ANP) . T.'e :, German title sigh tbetween lw-.vy . v,- ,e Us Jersey Joe Wnlcctt and He* . T.-n Hoff drew closer to reai - it'. !.'.st week, v/htn Germtst* pro ■roofr-r r-.romised io deoos it r 521.000 Ll-rnd a New Jersey bank. Pet')-: Hoeriilccio, Wait it's man , atcr. v.'ms ready to check the deal . early this week. Ts that arrarsqe -1 roent does not work. Bocchiccio said . he would send a representative in ; Germany to work out a plan. - CAFEL~ B«st In Barbecued Foods 404 Gulley Street Goldsboro, N, C. | j €OMPLET® LINK OF LADIES ' 1 APPAREL, The Glamor Shop 101 S. Center St, i GOLDSBORO. N. C. *, ~ LEE’S FUNERAL HOME Horn* Os • CHRISTIAN AID MUTUAL -. BURIAL ASSOCIATION i Ambulance Service i DaV or Night Phcns 3161 I W. LEE, Prop. Fremcni, N G. BELL-STUART ; Furniture Company j Qualify Furniture, Reasonable i ! 4 Prices ; 227-28 N. John Sireef | Goldsboro, N. C-, Phone 1760-J | ! Kavnor’s Beauty Salon ! PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ISIS Devereaax St. Goldsfcara Miss Helen Raynor. Prop. Phene 387-M it | For Fen and Recreation Visii I THORNTON’S J TEEN-AGE CASINO And » SHAVING PARLOR s 59” Alvin Street t Goldsboro, N. C F-. A. Thornion, Projp* ; Phone 337-M