PAGE SIXTEEN Reporter Helps Mam To Win Freedom REPORTER HELPS MAN . By JOHN K. ROUSSEAU. JR. NEW ORLEANS (ANPi —The story of iht* recent froertom of John Griffin front false charset, of nmr dor after being imprisoned oil months without hail is a true-life story of a reporter who sought and discovered rite facts behind the facts. The heroic reporter wv,* James B. I a Kons t he. crack . orre spondent for the Louisiana bureau of the Associated Negro Press. It a!! started a year ago when one Eugene Hi obey aas found dead io a yard si bout four blocks from the police station. AH that war known about bins was that hr had engaged in a fight or two on the night of his death and that ho was stabbed to death Only suspect--, were Florence Collins, his common law wife; Manuel Augustine, horj sweetheart, and Guffey Matthews, i son of Rosa Matthews, ruothet oi Miss Collins. Police were stalemated until tin Collins woman positively identified Griffin as one of two men she so fighting with Brazey. Police tr-; rested him, got him to sign a 'Ton tension." and had him indicted by the grand jury. At this point LaPourche entered j the case. As a reporter he had been ; following developments all the time. ; He noted that police reports on how Brazey died differed from the coroner’s report. The coroner’s jury ruled that he had been stabbed 15 Times with a weapon leaving pin holes in him —probably an ice pick With this as a lead LaFourcke did a bit of sleuthing on his own - a tour of night spots visited by Griffin and his wife on the night of the slaying. He discovered front one owner that the couple had stay V•' i / 'J* , • E;,. ' -V- .. , \ \ t a / Ur* \ lj. s. 1 HOOPS* i<w i Hi. TROPICS—Among tangled reeds in the Panama Canal Zone Cpl. Vernon L. Pope, Marshfield, N. C., (right) and P/e. Paid G. Oliver, Bassett, Va., prepare for joint Armed Force* la Puerto Rico in amphibious-airborne ‘'Exercise Portrex.*' Par ticipating Is the maneuvers under the direction of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are SO,OOO Armed Forces personnel pins ships and planes of tha Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. Climax of the training exercise is an airborne-amphibious assault on the island of Vieques southeast of Puerto Rico. (Official Department of Defense Photo; SEGREGATION ENDS FOR D. C. POOLS WASHINGTON (ANP - IT • six Washington swimming pools: which created so much furor ip the Nation’s Capital last summer will be opened ir. the spring or i lion-segregated basis, according to an announcement made last Thurs day by the Seereatry of the Inter ior Oscar Chap nan. Until last spring the Bsnrecksf and Francis pools were used by Negroes while the Takoma. East' Potomac, McKinley and Anacostu were traditionally white pools ir spite of the Interior's department"j long announced policy of non se gregation. When Negro swimmers realised the department’s policy regard'.eg the Washington pools they began! to use Anacostia and McKinley l pools last summer. It was then that trouble broke out which caused the closing of the pools for the re mainder of the season. Sweet potato acreage in N?r*> Carolina and other Southern staTsi is expected to show a large increase ! this year. ! . 1 ed in her place most of the »--- I Ding and was there at the time tV !’ killing took place. He aiso learned that Florence Collins had '.rave! •.( ■; three miles to the home of rite -lead e man’s sister before non tying ■ • police f his death altUbngh Hie «'.a l tiou was only four blocks .-.way. Armed with :he vita! wide* ■ ' LaFourche presented his sc«r the district attorney and ; i.- ia! investigator <ra the case but *l» ••. it was too late !•> stop the ' - change the indictni. itr. To .*i~vtf«*’.' : and other cases took up Hi? grat'd jury’s tint--. s>- luif-V.m-!ie hr i ; sit tight On oo.i.ii hfll '•? K ' \ 1- ."'. On the day >f the t.-hd LaF ; chs had tiius'e-cti i" wiit. s-s - , • i refute the "confession ’ and he ev; ; deoce gathered by 'ho U> \. ’.Vfeon jit was all O'. - ;-. • ; -a; ■:• ■ i was CSf tit *i :!r‘ SC.-Mfi ■ », : ' ' mart once more Happiest person in New s >•••• a. was his itiothor. Mrs. %i s. . ;• ,; always said. ' My boy is innocent. I know G 1 i God will save hint She also expressed confidence : the work being d me try LaFour<\> ■ ; After the case was over the triai | judge, William J. O'Hara, praised; j him ‘T must ..ommead you and con- | gratulate you for the inter-st you! took and the excellent work you did • for the defendant. John Griffin. i I “Your Intelligent analysis of the facts in this case together with the; I energetic investigation you made resulted in his release, fti view of the evidence that you uncovrei u is doubtful that any jury won cl' convict Griffin despite the tea: : mony of two of rha witnesses f >. the prosecution." The fight Last year was chiefly I between toe Interior department | and the District Recreation board j’The local board was interned m • taking over the operation of the ■ pools out only an a segregated basis. After the farmer refused to come to terms with the Recreation board, the latter agreed to accept control of the pools providing Mc- Kinley and Banneeker could be operated as interracial pools and j the others as before on a segregat ed basis. After the fnb-rior had turned ; thumbs down on. the final proposi tion, nothing further was heard from the swimming pools until Sec retary Ghampman made this an-, ' nouncement last week He said he “hopes and believes" ithat there wilj. be no repetition of; l the racial troubles this year The Rocky Mount Chamber of ; Commerce is sponsoring a Farm' hand Hume Improvement Contest in' .both Nash and Eugscombe Coun ties this year First prize of SI,OOO will be given to the community j showing the moist improvement dux-; :->g the year. | The ]oth annual Costal Plain Fat: 'stock Show and Sale will he held; Sin Kinston on Apri 12 and 12. I jj j : *• . f v ::v£n ; WK- . ■ *ls v.c - <r‘ r • -' ' ' -. "' - " i v ‘’’mpTy: : ‘t, . T \.,. ' a .a.; . " .C .‘3 'MM ; < - t %4~ ; • . > -, „ y ', '■* • ',>h' - . -C'. '. c;. rs ' .r'c;'.-.■'c Nt ... . ” - r- . Sb c ":>• i <1 ' y ' . - ■*. .. ■- c •: - .... **’ TEAG-AORK PAYS OFF WITH “SUNKEN” SUBS—Training ..{x-r' in the search foi -my* Hubrnarices involve the use ' surface vessels, airplanes and blimps the latest dcU:C!....»n on vices, t ifficial Denartm-frit of Dc/enae Photo) ■c. -.e ■ - ■■ ■ --' 1 -1 m M '■? ‘1 1. r -; ' Vri' '• • S~' V "“v Jk “^-'.ri'--T^v^-'ri'y J " i v i --v ~i ’ N H n 1} ” ' % I BIYATE lIEAniNGS j hu Me He & c4bi?e Wallace • vN TO HELP YOU LIVE A. MORS A3UNDAfS"I LIFE 1 -*-\t t Editor's Note: Bette & Abbe' Wallace extend you an invitation to submi t your troubles to this column for tree analysis, ror yout “1350 Daze oi 3 : h Reading,’* complete with Lucky Day Chari— send twenty-five cents m coin or stamps As a special courtesy, the Wallace’s offer you advice by mail with your order for the 19ad Reading—-this includes free consultation >n three questions. AH work is confidential. Sign name, birtbdats and address so letters and enclose a stamoed envelope for mailing answers back to you. jd» t<>: BETTE » ABBE* W aLLACH, <w« of tku par<*> V* NINE YEARS ON ONE ; JOB—QUITS? ! “I want your advice lam -work ing at the Naval Air Station and I have been here S yiars and an; :5) years old I want to know wo aid It be good to keep on any further 1 want, my birth reading Born February 9. 18/I.’ Answer; Hold oa to your job os | long as you possibly an. Yen are | making gowi money and have mad: wonderful progress during hes nine years—let nothing persuade you to give it up You have bnilr up seniority on th- job—the finger . you stay —the harder you will be t:> replace. Fend c’ for your dj.y of birth reading. I wb’ b; glad to ■ hear from, you PREDICTIONS V ATEREALIZE I “I have writt. in you before and believe me things worked put lust, as you said. I ward to know If if is wise for me to stay on alone : here in this big house since n:y husband passed or marry some old man like myself” I am not. to an : xious to marry. Born June 3. L 350.” Answer: Give up the -dea of mar riage. You’re independent finan cially and you have many friends ir. the community —so don’t fuel compelled to go ‘husband hunting ’ It isn’t necessary for you tr- Jive a lore. Rent out part -of your home. Yotr niece would jump at the chance to live there with you. FIRST SERIOUS ROMANCE DEPRESSES GAL . , . i “Do you feel yo-. could help peer i little me? £ feel like my future I is dark. . Several months ago T was » satisfied, filled with the spirit and i happy. Blit now I feel like Ive lost ; everything. Nothing interests me - I was the life of my small town ; but everybody jy worried about me I and I’m worm -j about myself. Bora £932 Answer: Be f good theer Utile lady, the world is; ’► going t ■ end You are experiencing the bitter tea that goes with, romance. Life .isn’t always a bed ->■' roses when you’re in love —you’re taking the : situation muen too seriously Be gay, have fun and be your old seif again. CAN’T P’Air TO GST HANDS ■ ON INST 'PA YPE CHECK ! T want to know just what is I holding tip my army check. Are they through, pay na I ; yet? Everyone £ know- has gotten his. Wbat meat I do” Answer Be pailent—these checks j j are being issued as fast a.s possible ;By the time yo read this you w : ! have received and spent V >ur c hAffJy ! YOUNG WIDOW AFRAID TO j TRY MARRIAGE AGAIN “I’m a yoiveg wltiow in my ibir Trfß CAROLINIAN - —Week Ending April, i, 1950 ties. My husband died and I f •••: that I deserve a good husHan •'. I work hard ev.-y day of my trie. 1 S• k*- work. The-e :■> a young -■ 1 1 whom l couJJ marry. H.«-» - aw- i ower. Shoald 1. marry or w-i.,v • I’N Opens Attack ; ' it ;0t Venereal Disease POPT-3 u-Prince rlru AN° - i '•.;>••• u .ton arr= /ed here U-ist week to servr a; the I. : N : resenta’.jve of tti« Dderrutio:;.; 1( 1 hil d_r&t j ’:: Em er i -enc •• r u • d = UNICEF), assisting :n U - n i'" 1 ii<:.rut.;on. end supervision o£ > m. |prt-gram lor the treatment <i y *w? ; arui rural syphilis in those c--An ! tries. ■ - syphilis n-i v i-,v • -.; a serious one in Hn:t Y- * • ' ; crippling syphtUiv-like disease iparticularly affecting children. Al though no census has been made in . modern limes, it is believed that its (incidence among tne rural pops.’:a - ' •; >n oi Haiti may run as hifh as 85 per cent. At several points in the .s --; land'; history serious attempts have ‘ - -ei. made to suppress the disfig uring air,ease. Since 1942 thousands ' lof cases have been treated. ’ Because penicillin readily cures yaws. UNICEF hopes that through tn i use of its supplies of the •* ar d -velapel drug, the government .. will be able to reach move than a million people and thus practi- Uy eliminate the o--- ---' wun:" t.-. ; 1 ! years. After that. r. cantro program i-wtll be ;et up to take care of any : recurrent or new cases. To help (make this campaign a success, jtJNTCEF U pro. iding $320 000 iworth oi supplies, the Hai’-’.an gov* jernmeni is putting roughly $213,000 5. year for administrative expenses and personnel, ai;d t’n.- W >r’-j IHr aim organisation technical assi •• i taace and mceraational peewnei Prticuiarly high hope.? ,re held - - | D 'ifford Funeral Homes ? AMBULANCE SERVICE ] Dunn TUrnon | I Phune 2515 Phone 92? S j Firestone Tires and Tubes, Refrigerators, Electric Ranges, Washing Machines. Radios, Radio Batteries, Paint and Hardware. Many other sterns for Auto &, Home > FIRESTONE HOME & AUTO SUPPLIES Phone 2362 Lilliagtoo, N, C. I fact that Hadis’ uvighbor. the Do ndn.cuu has p;- - i ; the disease, which is -prevalent :oo to 80 of its communities, since 1942, ati.i will nor, intesify tins - - sou with UNICEF and WHO hen> Thu-', >r the first time all-out. ,l ; fort .’n -. yaws and syphilis wui ;bc made on j maj >r scale on the Caribbean island. The •. mtoaiga is me oi a total p” igram now oeing initiated iby UNICEF designed to assist in (establishing or strengthening chief ; welfare programs m Latin America jar.d marks the first time that an in ; t-rnational agency has P''ovided j supplies for that area'.; children on Boon t wide-spread scale. B .1 its Lni-tod resource., .most ot UNICEF's . ivfati i ? have hitri -rt!.v -n directed oioo.- pro j vid ing emergency assistance to the i children of wur-devasted coun tree.- Eu-">rx> :he • Erst, i North - :-i rid th- F•- Last, As i econ. Hire conditions in many of th countries ; th'-: F'i.oj ; i.s in. ireos i n.b, y , bit to iis at ten'-;:', to fry Now tVorid To date, 80-.-.--'; at; icated ; . . ;;v toi os..'lst tig sixteen ’ r <-Aciirvicnh In - t n;; M’r Dunbar to ad n: r.- the Hut-an. " ; Domini lean aspects ->f its Latin-American I ; pro.jran UNICEF Mas chosen . man v. a brood ba : -air ootid >1 . ’ -a., v'ie ■■■ > e\■ p- or VO . thi.o .. V-1 .-a v . ii ■ a-’’ . '.i ‘or .0 -period of thn.years m. Ffince and Genuny for UNRRA .Urnled Na t; -no. Relief and R - ■£): m Ao l mir.isfration) un.i Church Worai j serve.;-: Pr '• »■ ■ :<.: •ly Mr Duo bar Had Ussen duty ia the farm labor carnpfi •. sponsored by the War s’ocd admin i ’ istartion for migrant rcm i Pjoren. i'dur;n.< the war years. Trie i'..-..v ai:>o • (engaged in community org-ahizatioo l'work in a settlement house pro - grain in W ishingto.c, D. C.. and m pease work iri the Department of - Public Weifar l ;' in New Yarx City. , A naiiv- vvnrsvma, Oem- Urara British Guiana A A... Mr. :Dunbar is m»w i rc-.r,;-<;i,:ed edi -1 Rudo .ih -V Dunbar. : w~; -c:k>- { /,#• £ : CASE TRACTORS Bird wan* Famiturs, Proctor-B. ‘.pboujf Co, FUQUAY t BRINGS . I ! I ' tfrCjk ' FRESHER | N bSUi* VI-X SVI?' A BL.iSQ j-a . AND FIN SR. i | 1-; -’ ‘ " .6 MEATH i’i '^sS : at | l LAFAYETTE CROCSK Y ANO MARKET jij LILLLNGTON, N* C,

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