PAGE FOUR EDITORIALS VEY WEAK The action taken by the State Board of : trars from excluding Negroes from the Elections witli a view to stopping rc-gi franchise is very weak indeed, if the re ports in the daily press icpresont the >■■■ tent of what the Board propose- to do. According to the newspapers the Board voted to include in its pamphlet of instruc tions what amount s to Id tie moo j 1 tan a suggestion or at most m admonition that (registrars comply with the law when lac ed with* Negro would be regisft in! It seems that there was a discussion as to the language of tht clause to be in cluded in the pamphlet. It was proposal that it should read. giving the educational F- r for “Reg Ftrans must not act arbitr;. > ilv in • ’’n,' One member objected the: “/nisF his the wrong word. and. proposed the substitution of 'should/' on the ground that people do ru»t like to be told what they MUST do. I*he lood d, ami “should’' became the u ad. It is plain that registrar > have been vio lating the law by adding uuaFfu at; ■?: ; which go beyond the law Why they have to be handled wit} kid gh".vioki tors! of the law who are supp cd to be administrators of it is beyond People may not like to tie t-dd wise, they “must” do. Fm we would f*c u> 1 pretty pickle if asl our !awr- va in. cii' »•■ » able only on the haws of “sh,'uld/' The registrars? who violate the law imr-t cer tainly. tell the Negro seeking to vote what he “must” do. even in \ solution of the law. Certainly any superior authoritv has not oOv the right but the obvious duty of it."'- c We registrar what he must or must r .., ■ . observance of the law. if the word “must” were used, the new clause in the instruction- would be inadequate. The registrars should bo directed in more speiific detail, as to the ■application of the constitutional test, so that there could be no misunderstanding of what is and what is not within the pur view of the registrar. It is certainly not enough simply to advise them that they “should" register those who qualify un der the law. They know that already NO SYMPATHY 1 • The CAROLINIAN thinks that very few will fee! that the 32 year prison sen tern c given Eddie Lee Russell, the lye thrower, is too severe. A man who would assault any woman with such an awful weapon is a dangerous character, and .one who would commit such a crime on an elderly Woman against whom he had nothing, and with no provocation beyond a desne , to rob, is obviously near the bottom of the human scale. The only consideration m such a c.r;.* ■ is the establishment of identity. After that is taken care of then the full penalty of the law is in order, not only as retribu tion, but just as mm'h if not more so. for the protection of other people again 1 a man so depraved in mind and hear! CAN DID AT T FOR SHFRJJT IN BAD One of the candidates for sheriff in. Ca tawba County was among a group of as joenjons arrested in a drive in that county js,.„ against violators of the alcoholic control s. law. In other words the candidate was t: arrested for dealing in bootleg whisko This is rather unusual, to ;ay the ]ca Either one of two things must be true. Either the people of Catawba < ’ounty have discovered BE I* OR If the election that one candidate is highly unfit for the office he seeks, or else some one oi his opponents certainly knew how to make him look bad and had the pwer to do so. THE CAROLINIAN Published by The Carolinian Publishing Co. 118 East Hurgwtl St., Raleigh. N. r. Entered as peeond-daas matter Aprli 6, 1940, rt the Post Office at Raliegb, N. under the Act of March, 1879. P. R. JESRVAY, Publisher 0 D. HALLIBURTON. Editorials Subscription. Rates One Year, $3.50; Six Months, $3.00 Address all communications and. make all chocks payable to The Carolinian rather than to responsibility for return of unsolicited pictures, manuscript, etc., unless stamps are sent. EDWIN R. F MB RLE American Negroes should not: fad to pause to honor in death Edwin R. Em Free, who paused from fHn life February FF Dr. Kmbrve was for many year.; director of the .Julius Eosenwald Foundation which did so much for the furthering of Negro progress. A great deal of the Ro semvald money spent under the direction ,of Dr, Embree went to improve educa tional facilities for Negroes in the South; other thousands of it were spent in sobol arships to persons of both races whose ■e ontrib uti o n t o k now ted g e m ight iit * pry > ’ e the relations of the ra-TS. Dr EinbreeF work prachc-o'lv ended when the Fund's money war all pent «c cording to the wishes of Mm late dulu;: Rosenv. aid b\ IB l?. Mr irtsmw.HU v. rt - the money to be used while there would U’’ to aT of <od -*■ ute ;d of .Tj'iPl IKtf {(ire PC UiC future Ot the Negro in America. a century or more hr vend his time; lie knew that there would be much need for hv funds m 'he y*>ar. immediately following he; own. life .-p >n. !>r Kmbto'o* as ■■ v ■ ■?' and gr* ;•.!•(** op od>-' ion. Mr behoved >n fh-' -port worth -tod digniF of men reg.w dbwu -'! Xheir color, and was not afraid or a.-ham cd to let the vmdd know hi: view ; He imd*' him soli itf’p< p.)i i Fu; at vai !«>>• • ■ uue and m various pi me- run im' P'W- ; by his forthright championing -f the prino’- pjes c-; well as the Negro. Hr- iactna! wd sa| to (-..rapt -an <• tF -■ principle uod.-r pre-win*. Dr. Ficrt,. . was M 1 ■ Fh.n Me w -r*. the author of ■%*" ye »'•■»! hooka on inthropoi ogv and his studies included Mo- Urnon cru Indian and European uni \ ■; it*-- o " pies as well as the Negro. Hi Ft-ho v urn os about the ' gro 111 Mo ! nhe ! t -« t <• - wore as valuable as hi- volumes pleading the Negro's can -e. The memory of Edwin R Emb'. ee should be kept green He wa om-- of America s. tin* emb rsadni < f ii *<■!-> n ki! good will, ave il d* mo* t :>t. a genu me humanitarian, ■> scholar, and * getit»v j uan m the bast :-on; e of i!iat much abu ;e<l word. KIND.S of « ANMIDa n u On*' of flu things wk.-wk. will happen in a democracy > ■ that at) kind, of per ons wall run f"i oil ice. The inefFHce VM‘ OIF* Da V Boyd, who de n •Me . huorelf .> a < or. tit!pate for nomination f "i Mu' ! SenaF' U! t!) ( forth' e,tning In omi rate pi irnui v. ha ; approved lyncVimg. He say s he tav* : lynching bocßUse it is a good way to 'un tie*! crime. Nobody takes Mis Bred .wnousy as o candidate for any impoilanl office, lb is a perennial office seeker, and one who is e.hvaV"; seeking th/u -F- <! r ; i<> m ' > ■* ! ■■ that he doesn * fund. Vt Mu opening pub p, meeting of hr; .'."Unp-ug U on In ; home ground.' o ■ limn DO people tinned out. ip hear his . perch, according 1.0 the pc Mr Bovd is- nil .uliifclv harmies:: It « ' ;; trihulr in Mm ioleram ol tin* dernociaiir system that tie and nthi r s.iicli. ijiu'er duel-..-, an qualify to run f°r office, it i a greater one only a handful of people wood vote I U M i Boyd |or any of'ln e, and Iha I jf jg not even necessary to denounce a < an fii.l.itc ivh•>■;,' platform include.; adcor-vy of lynching a ; a »!<• araf'c wciai pcaclice | be:, i 4 r ? oohetor Malcolm F< Me a. well, of the Ninth Jud.n.ual M* ,fii■ i. is I'cu-iung only applause for his vigorous and positive dealing with the Ku Klux Klan orgain■ C'C who moved in to ct up shop in F'unl.u vla>n. The plain spoken proseoito} -amply gave the brother 24 horn •. to get out oi town and out; of the iudh'ial district., on pain of prosecution. The ,solicitor knew "I a r-tatute undei which the organizer could be legally presented, too. so i! was ob vious that he meant business. If all public officials were as straight forward and as ungentle in meeting the menace- of the Klan organize)’ to decency to discourage these purveyors of prene and law and order, P would not l.jkv long; dice and exploiters of ignorance THE OAROLINT.AM H — ™ * —-r ——irr; : , 1 e |y Jw ■ i xI( ' t F, j4jl(.S |if \\- - X\\ f&t- ! A> -| F / , \' ■ \ jA ' ' v: / " K -1 1 iA ; ■ / ‘a : /y. f ' 1 A'"-- \ Amm- X t \\ r . •: -"U. -. ... F ;• '* -rt. ■ msT TvllFDj . '■• s ■ *:e 'F. i ! *mi F,•»-eign Ft'lo. v, Mr. Fi >.. x ( • " 1;i V'-'i -rtNA-’ -.F F' ■ F r. yjr:-N <k § fectsiMl d, ys. r t . . p ! •fert IlMiSlglllSi I! ;s BY C I>. KAM.IBURTON m7 ... I;; ir S' t - - -•- ' S?-1 OM‘ 1 MOn,H ? ■ “l!; / • t>» ‘ !*» 1 Ml tit ■" 1 .. ■ 1 -?" I;.-' '•[ tni’s'.li »*>' > ft'' ■ i rt. f\ tH . 'm4)u 4 yy On u; ii( 1 v j. dtu k (' * i B! M.riii'VF'ii, * L'J •’ • UR. - i > • Inti I : iup URii o t ii\ -nc FebifUTr-; ci H/r --• - v *>i. irJtH. 1 >. •- -’ t rt V!M;*o't: «'-* yiu rtYrt 'n i > !* < a 1 - { vfO [Az C*f .-hu- • ; the v.iovi? - and ihi u ,clK>n ~oi rt ro .:mht > d thXi tl>rt ,’rtMu. i t , c■>'"%' t.r. i $ iu;jc put and hf'\V ■ this. min O’s* 1 - hv pellvonocii uFiP'iDs ah-;Bit. The- '..question ivy £r i : My Till T/V VO tO hrt • {iOW >• ■ 1 rt Of* i . it t * r*. :i tho --aLV" and > iF-'-n, in U>.e I; one Os hflM: ; , '|C;P Ft >: « i ' ; !iJ* i ■1 . irtrlcu, ih ’i the-. i. di tV it Dtpduty ..f !f!»Dia) tnind;' )t. ’if IV \v '» -1 lit. 1 Olio frtiuOOD i' ' ■ * ;i *: i'iirt • i ”i r*n. 1 j >.,A . OfiU.rtlltY '• *' 'a'F./aI hull .: nbi> U! v■] . r tx fM ii ly :; i:r> D'Orti ! rt.' IV r\ VI; *v ? iviw h rt; •’4‘ 1 1 i } i • 11. rt' -•r rt ’»./ fvH* roorc turlm O •tv f-«( Frtutus in i*•:' v'tir,i> y 11 <• s .irtrt h*‘ vviiuhl not !)o fi»t jFrt'u'ii ilil i i! Vt I } >i V* 1 I ■ . n., ?ii i .rt it ;•-* f 1 rt cO frtO r * : i t\i! >! «yu v-; >! i J. ; fr? >i ; .rt w - <i tr n ;.o,a; !:;nr. .) .* *! V . pH ' rty rit rto i m.irtP I rt; ■ ho ’ k»u)d * /; 0 ■< if ! .*- uopltcri (hr Bpiflrti (< • rt v.iiit' pi a h It i . Dmrti’Ftn ahy IN lists OUR DAY P: '* < \ < MM If .U . AIM ! I Kl A if.' t,( nl if<»l I-! 1 in tb’* (,i‘cm.< «>1 <, ; r : t i ( »:»l}. y poinf • *.i i | < '•: >»< i.l 11 ?K. f h if nlj il' !1 . j < f!f-■ / fh> nil r.inn<»| Pn • p£ r u ■ ! .1 ;.I| r* .'i f t . ib r p<>(,njf .»i the UnU‘ *i ' The c-fftonnl ii« 11 ! i < it ''.iiiiim in, . '1 ' tic I'-" 'I IP". Os - i >01! b,v i): i 'riMnfi f• - ■• Os I.i Mllif* ii ‘iii;l*. h;i!ill • f t hf* /idu'i.;' f ni f i >■ $ dn. A*; Oitif'-! a n<l li>e Unif• d : f-d • . A*: r oi-dine: J r ' Ur- erUt'jvnU <»> rrp.i v fn i;»r f j.ii iii t • , poll in v*h i«;h .; ) i • ■< ' inn of ri'tvdf.v •vo!, ~.i ~) 1 tiirt (hrv hap prsp.r: r.- n. yr )dm ' ;i|jy po-- r'ov r o'' fho following ar.'.pwfcs *vc ro r ‘ n-t-d. u VJ 't 'MO rr I f ♦ tis ivrA ons !' ■ No»: vw-j fA ('-'.•r-i'M 40 <io Aupfroha -A ( o;> Sweden 33 <57 United SUtrr U 73 Co * c*i * -to* jit fni f hf? l r *■)i n(- d outtliat in ftny-uvl only th.i• pin nnf of fh*- adnK population hovo ooir.ploted hiyh school or , co'dPge «p ! ind fifty thi op ,iej rent in *h n f 'mf i : ; ;t;»f<-•who have completed school or college. f 0 r Ofn < h»- editor WOlUr dr y-bat, for tb* ap i -tr»it!y j-f diffcrer- 'f«, tlie vr.tdir:by the Adult. people- in the i" ■■ polled -fi d Ihottr in the OtJi'cd ;-t (<•■ ArtH it ding England the quc-.i mti i.-n men ,'ii: inn ai<i:o puyop^ v.-h'"n -•! i t realised how much i ’v. ■ : per of the a»Ju,t people in (he United Stales who have, completed high school of dv Di-Ti/traMr. that mi p ( r cue Ban bt' dfrtcriocd. fht* •m . ; ,»nC‘ -> ho . ■ "°T?r -'l'l * l "i vtjt No >)H.DY th-iXi a ao/yn boo,; . iirtV-; diiruii;. » A iFcrtcoL yj‘ iuiv. but • rtjncb f* • » ( . ji: ,-fi a {h; r t . rtrty -rt.'u: O; Toni's Cabin-* ujo pc in f i tnuU' i' «*.»?Cv .v.u-iopu ?• D. • i'll MX '.D' didP H*.V trtf 1'• • ' f < • • think h l irtu .i*.'. *■ • .• n o, t It treats. •»;« c.f •'•?.»! HU ailei ti m i: ; o lioblfi than 0 : k'Mrti' :i: ~- r• ;>/.*'■ tiU rt s -•• . . (-n Mi- .....-i" r-SCM.! tor v I'ltry. Ah.rt •- much M'o-.-- th?: one gi b.m r*'.;v o> ,j j. i Artrtrv it; rtfi 1 iter •» e tarmurt t>« veviv^'d: I'hv rt : 1.)? o [he r .rr /. n r , ow.rbovs ridicule., she in dud t■’)*.'i y ho Ufw A* rtutPy Mi*3 oi -rt <:■ !. -a iih thp t> . .t ifui-i^n O'., atid huni.'M lAitl) ..nd i.w, ' 'ii do - .itli .'i-ilot - Dut /' no cyr , ; i i| if.b t i*'< \\v. M, th‘ DM ■ l*> iI D t rb .••)•() (-..■■' .a, !: Os N<-L..‘ OUU’M'M W ’ ’ rt : V » U ; i'i;• * • i i j ?* . T »D; » '. ' d Os f .'' rtf > r• • vi? J n:'C . . Jt I‘u )•'■..»*•' f . c coiorv-rt • t’-'.i ’t --n t' ■ .itr! if. r-q'i rtu . t}\ 1 ) thLf irt.;rtt ti- # |» .*•- rtjn'X ui • .*i rt /.' n»■ i rtoin hteru I : M« .> j. Oi ' t f’J'D B) i‘‘ yij ! vc* \/t"rt.(« ;Cf 'hurt U/HOP i(.'*<;l tho iirtiiM nrD of The iiMTii i rt.J: f :*■ hi* f'/rtlß‘Mv y.'rtrt' jrt* Inrt >r: out Lfpioiort lie ic ;ji'>‘ ■ ':!fy i D’lit a'cou! (hpu b' Hi.-: f v tf•> on why rt. Mioulrt be mmo ?.orttinuu DlfbllV Il| • 1 V t«* *M> ;‘rt M ' ! .M I jli {D • • . yrt in lil * ! i * 11 . M 1 3 1 ‘ * f‘* to if ;o ••!!!' uiiw-ih -r-torj }. ;rhu Hf o u t:) srt i* ’ B h< *- v in of ii ’A'f’ L t('• v f ... ••i,i iti (|h Ot .’•* O --f i b • ■ i * * l l i tn l v *»} i! r oi li-.• !v • -ts» n 111ir|i (! . un- *• *i** • i rtui ’rt . V. rt |>t )ji ,]/.-> i o| dr f if. t to •• mr. ('■ r* •; t* nt trtß V* 1 • thins vor « jr )i * < U- .y i , i- -•• ! v\i ti fi “ }" t < hi 1 r ' I trhilr. in llngicnd who 1 111- f ronij'li ted hiy!' ..elio"! 1 : ( i 1 1! t ■'y TI if pi 111 ! . cl l !) t . (;. 1 1111 P : I Mil | would : of- 111 to 111 • :i*iO /ii tr -i - in" 1 ; - 1 i- i i il if t:*-. ii;e u 'I r|f e-lnpuig IT "1 1 hi. i-.fh.ii in |ii- ytudi'ul.s al -1.0 nd ihcm Tin;: writer does not lUimi to ii f Vf’ jli. hi i i- - fin' !‘i:.i - g(.f 111 . pir)h!.ri:i H-'er. Ill' doe i. * i very t,cenlv ft? yf in pul the i*' - i il'n:i>d in Ihr M -i itb «1 U'-.f)) Atldiiti.c Monthly 111 ■ - h if. || '..!iit'-l. 1 ■ -if i. I--!'f ii- ' i Mill ■ ~. ■-1 prof':':'Or hn- i •••iioui bo-'iid lie in! n.-!., -'in -u ti- onti tied * 1 1 ,1 -' (■ -V v )fl II i r I -|hl. 1 ( yir jlfl' 'K 111 pi. f i I I If' ff) ) il.' lo ,j,i -, jrhcfi pend 100 id |!r t.irrjr and effort on the old ! - ip id. drill inf* m .K-ad i.nrf, wif tfip in rj tiniliiiiefo ‘ and foo nil all urn- on i-ki'ls for ’roei-d i. ii .cfi.ii’ result -. ilfhoiiy.h it f> rr t m v fl.e-'o la 11 unrpir l ' of tana" r-r-ult'. ;. supposed to 1<■ ■’ phe r;.—a i■ fi -1 fi.nly for March IV |f»so. i?.f<-i • ;mnev-bat ti./: ....itnothina. Writing rm the. 'iubl* oi ' f iic lifft' l of' I do- -i t.iofi ' the or)ito# said in part. I' tia:- licr- Dour I'onvuii-in fur : orod.jino, idrc’iptho.if d by the s i ifc t.ctflcutioii Coiri'oi fin dings thot the fuiidarnefitala a.i.f behig grossly neglected and (lisd, our C-'-hoOsl arc 1 ..!. m; -I n so .nan;--' ''lings that the are ivnablr '-i do anything well -e --they should.” ft should h f pr.]frtC- 1 i-ui Had if .tr. indicated in 1 tie poll <n qui 'dion, adult peoples in other eotintries are d'ung more ser• it-M reading Uftm those in the fmilcri stales, we cannot for long hold out present position of world leadership. Our great 'SENTENCE SERMONS h\ t > * * OMSK M•%i;* N< i HOWRY ! ; OR VNK Oo»Vf you wish you could he hi,' ... j •,:•■■?_ hut fillr«i " \th en\y virtu* D’v.ti e ,otdy wai t/-> r’obrscr < jod. • y* »h ; ? Hi;; face VOU Tj, <: ? <;nij v.-q>h like the hurt ~ flight; strong. t'mi. i *. } .; .q n ••• ?>t!<j forces about • ■ < .-‘uion't tempt you to da R*' u mg' quietly wbr-n -all is in to, .' >j| ?nh she ••'’otside wor M with :,»n; you, Hke w biict :; | ;.-j if t* i; \ si fov th*~ Conflict hoo• •. o no 11). >. an 11 nd it ,vav within. Being then u« correspoiidt * ice ■ , ij }. oat ore and all earth eon <llit On-; rr* y'o )i a., a .»* v=, r-uld b‘ :,htr Hurt f* om v-o >;i uid nf' et an .occasion . i-Miiri 11he for freight fVir C' cry d'tv would be a *••.}/ _;; i|H'i the Ond of nir;.j woliio ’iomr quiet -;onn; for like « (o ir\ i[\y < \ r’<pall d i t•; v r •» 3 r *: r.< f. . vim lld bur t foi th in . w'uld then hu-v rner to hr ;;-i mlfi’l that VOMV OXHOI-hfO r i.*‘o ;-r,d rf'lniMn; belongs f * <;. ><i and nor vine.'-- roo-d ncvei b? inrf beyond a doubt, no • hi'hnh nor h oud *T'hr *( onia that fruit . from von Ino i fie: pe * I a n e;t rn en h * f’ini •. md kind arHona and I’nne,- that vou. do. rmt'd. in Godo 1;/1.f qiffn '[h: iqi.r.nH of yin though r. oi hero pres' ,<t a r hrj.sET.afi ? (i . to f’itid t '• l r . 1 \ i np the hurt that run hr the jnyidy hi; {•haract.eristic;-. like ( i1 n: 5' run -.1 f ; o sweet A a iilful holdu’uJlnred v. !n» • 11 v n i• 7e ht s councetioti w ifh hid or;. . ]M\r t} 1:t r. .erd- rnrf fir v.r . v‘. >v (.hf lift r.i-: head (roe ■ (hr. -fr i I (i> • <•[!•••• ■ .'1 Ik I feel . :.n inward ■ 1 ■■(til!..: 111;.: ! Bud, triii. leud -• ru:l hi it-ine Mini the • ill ."■ f .ir l if i' r rr r : i| i. : . ’ ; 1 .i n r If:■ :: i r] rft t h 1 : | 11 f r Kite my de rioi':- aotnctlji.ri.? with i n Would <■!!) 1 il-r to ha' ,r te-il ,fm i[rf- . ■tneOiitit; ?.o <(|iefr' M ean enh he fully known when to God one flra\v« near Tht new biitii will then nn f'.hl your natural hurl and a ... |. iif I'fgnni'i at inp will lift its hea<! toward God. ta mi ri: \ , i r- rOh <>r n WAT ION Hr ,1 fiAHOf.n RROV.'W for 1 VP l.nrit. iilr’ A mrrh'rt tlle.r. the t'nited States and, eapeyti!lv. th<. ’honieß of one nation Tirol dirif-.t pstahllnh On purred In ;.i tint 11at for Ihi " ( 'fare of mao Mud and fro Tin ylory Writ )•, a•, entered wfthln Hr bound a and thwarted TTiv pnrpnr.efi and plan;.. 7 l)i ott' houf our realms liirdnnil , tod wire;;, rnothei < nn) fathet • i>v Utoimandr. have heroine vile eti.-tiite . to .r ’1 oilier lo ' .A. oie tu» the home and li’avme innocent iiftie ebildren ... illuoif aov one to rare foi till 111 Thou nri'lit ad know) b ill I fin I! JliMflll 11iii.O ■.i Kather and my clod. Help it:; through the wars to rebuild OUT homelife wll|r!i e have tom. down. f)ur nutlrniHl foundation ii. being ptidernifnnd b■,. thi;; penvo ’.veal;r-os' in the iiotnr of i fie land Rend the r.pirit ot (’brlat our Savior to till Hu heart a of men and worn .-11 who enter info holy .• <’dlo' i- P'ease purify at>d calm the soeia! philo'opber has ssid that front derisions are made, not by the courts nor by legislative bodies, but rather by the people This write rwishes to ask the question that is a none-reading public qualified to make great decisions. WEEK ENDING, SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1950 - ' BETWEEN WfHßi THE mm jjmes ay r>IAN & HANCOCK CON ANP OVER BOOSTING OXJR 150V > \V Hr n th; . vv . (tyr vv print' r>ci' of :->fro cl u’ .'Uut. in Bou t* t’aniiina. hud an aunual ora torical rouff .t There war a youth who ii rl nr.i f;; .) orafoi i in! gilta and who made a yrari.v effort >■< i •• ; i-i i o fie tall ed thtee years in auccr ; Ton. Ho ti ":! too h-i'd Hi . parents and re! a r ives and h o-oa were o'-a- ! an ;i."i . Tor hiin f.. .’o'Oo I.(7l’on V I and they n-.uallv fo-iE th‘> front .'•ni and of 1111 i their great am* grave anxiety had a depress toy effect on th*- ur--.pi.-mg orator. The piiMsnre of their immediate pr* .nice and thru vaunted ea, ernes:-, was too t meli for the In i i .ear.- d the tiouhlr and bee*- .! them lo take lim k seats while he mad*, bis fourth try for the t>n,;r It worked til,. 3 (harm That jiirh* wu*> his parents and friend:. On iso k -e;if;, the v 1 ill lit tose f<> towerll /.a hr'ghts and won the pits by .1 wide tnarcin 111 previou ■ vi . hr way cm barrasued by t!f ■> who were fpi. anxious fro hi. n.•< H» wa ; trying ton haul ai| bo n'-ed'-’d V. as jit ; ;t a hftie I.'tifijife .in when he go* u t;.- 0: of.- cond with a rush Tbs foreyoin;; ii iusti,iti's fiorm- th.-lights that have heiii rons-faiiity turtiins; ini s lii n1 v mind witli ii-.—t-b is Olir ’si'gri. Ids I .'.iy■ s. ii»,i f l player; There is a ■,fti‘ , s!)oii in try iniud if we are nr-f, iniipiiig 'Mi out fiy to ( . much [iiv ssu re of *' a 1 its* it goes without staying that w»> are all overanxious a hoit! them Imi w>- tnusl no! let our ovei snMi.fv fiaedicip them in the vreaf task they are rais'd "Vor t t ;V‘o foi tir Os rrun se ,i .. i.o ■ V; -ini sposiod toy tH» rise iion o'ba ( p-. it or nous rv of .ins E-otlts whnse' fustic press bof.a rd the flagging morale -u a "f'Ugglipg isiC" Hut fighting row and Mien . oottiHii; '(k ; i.eitir up dm tiji-sstm' everv dry - Out in; I baj! heinf-s have done . a ijii. 1. . 4 1 1 -1 . 1 ]. : I pi (liiior t i great tot’ t here r grave doubf 1 in wti.ihei vi- lie h‘'l nine rh.-in or hindering them bv .o:s nitron cious to *'ssu>« we exert |>v our t.>.> .tm at boosting and ci]fhi.lsiasai, A 1 f l l l o ntore oo'-d 1 .- a in .‘.in boo 4 1 ■: ,*.l d ,1 ii!: l lPnre vriliui; of ...ii! CUIV-•'UUilUft ,Uivi.lV fin thru - Mirrens Wo.lid I he of v .inn in Hietii in f'.r’ 1 ;frc;.,.; .iUd .!' a ill of a *er till. I if SJP/.... . *“■ . •• •« ... ....... . .... - _ .... LEST WE FORGET IU U * i.fiJiyi ; The e k ), a - revea! „ d •■’"o' i.m?e yt .ting tiling;.- about hun.jn rci.dions, in dilfcrant vC k * 'em fiji cuuntiy. Out ■■ 1 n N'd fI; ' -.i,ao ; , 1 1 s keen in .a f-j'oieri i''it iu Uk natujt'rtl ■‘■s' ;iic*!,sv Pic-: final i on*c ■" v ;•) -..eri’dll itptx-miH-v now ka x•' '.t.o-.d in Uif; (■ :-i.;t. and o,r V, e t Hx ttic unic vou i r ui Hus «iu i>..t ••onte.’-l will have own !-is\ss! f)M-; or NORTH ( ,\i; OldN x: - GREATEST TEAMS if the s e.’ii xvili rank no 1.•.< * i ! 1 a" id.i tli jt. (is- nation, 'i he '■ * h‘'f if ! Tll Will pc ,( Ime t!()), loail iiO>:au.|’ '■■ni'- side of Not ii, ( nroim.i min d the fiic t Ills'. id*. td 1 ’, I Ilf YV dfp r jC ] Sid i hto {■{ { Ea £iu.> both 1 ■' * ■.’ l tfl.fc «•','• II.; I tifjUv O'’Ml trail!.. -Po-'"id lie* < uican Mrenyth •in! ins; 11-.e i'iiU dfi nn The W nit park wa:; invited to both Pjc ndt;iMid! tournev? bnl look ■-ii t jn i ; NGAA playoff'; on’v T*s I- (:],,■■; and flic Wsifiiaci, i i...:111 (ate for the cntertain pu t of Hie Eagley was very irmrii m tiie teams wiiich the \iV dt ; . (, !-; h,s;i i.■ bent or not ii > (o (f ~ fnp i,f tiie heap !I : I ragir ihat iwo such out (.Hiding train ( annot he feutui i mi jn ,i contc ,t ni their own bloody fide that Is rushing in, and ovei whelming our homelife Help this generation to betake 1 hem;;rive;< h< tiie task ill Till name and xvitb Thy in piraHmi .oil guidance, to rectify xvbst ij Ai.r >A'if t;: t~ ,-i. /»?•*.iwt J »2fe / r AMO VrUKAL J| : f,AV(N6«? )N Pt.At (flAtf ?' iV /S I » bc*a wiikjm ** nrficvPf a % A . i.\ ' /am \ nkai rnaru>ir./t?uaiN«- nt? w.4,.■..,*, - i x, i civil, war hr wcavirr? wnu ;: tsbc • ■■A.-^'^ j TUP PItMVT COLORED VPM/N* \|£* •JjWt ; tefr« op iowa. neiiism- A ! WITH THE RAN*, OF SST. •■ Jpa^. esaw'::, rr sioH rvvy ’ g sj^f x ffiAti“ f. ml u-i maw-stuM/t » FOR, f- 51 PENT/ ’M'".* ' 4*i» AMOM ”* | ' '" *• | iurniign Those boy have been marvrlou hut they are hu i. hi uni they like others who have ruin before the® will bend un der too great presaure. When w». over-boost th D bo.-s they become too anxious to Hve up to our '-\f i ivongaote expei sa tin?, and over-try iu their af tsmtus to make good. The man who fro s h int has a.• haive l-. the man xvho tries too hatd does not have 3 rhanc" Moreover, it In difficult f.-.r any man to hear too many gootl thing- about him ••■elf without believing some of the ut If wo expert our rook tea to pr-tortu like veterans and measure arms vifb veterans, we are i vpi ■t by too nittvh dust, how .t;o i,i<- otiH isi.rry Itoby aud Don Newconibe and Satchel Paige rouid ratry the load of pin vine and our load of rampant expectation;; has been a oilracte hut even miracles ary not eternal if over boosting docs not turn the h* ad of these voting fellow s it ( f-i .ibiiy predi."poses thf-tu to (tvf‘l doing from selves frying to ftvo up to advance no Mi-:: and the platidlts of th® crowds. When the a- fellow ; try and /all (bey hav. a aen’c of frus *r.atioit and futility that th •nt;ug v.-hitc tdayerv do not have M>. idOU! see :tu over-hoo-tCi'i white plover make good Monte Kennedy ami Clint Hartung are good exampiots The guys up their who are playing the iif<. out of the big leagues ate fel lows who wore not over-boosted but xvho had ..) fight f o what tltcv got Al any rate th® fe! low (in aofi4- . ion highly re.- '>mno>ii(ie(i -darls under a -v r . handicap even like the children of prominent parents. This article is written in hah of f};e Mur Ho v w r now have in tf>,i niajor leagues i x\ OX'ld iox o ; i.O tlieni let a!']ll -■* and ,’ixiM tiii' latitude rhev need *;• make good and not over xvhr!i.s-.-j with our deep anxi-Mox for 1 1 1 vin airiv.,;: Some- boosting has i r pi os. hut fnn much boost ids can He s ,) i-,» hod j ■:» haudi (-.ip lo the 1)0 we are ,'|e fieildi iug "ti »o carry the race's colors. Too much boosting places the t.oy.; under too great a stsaxiic fs! ii- t.e more rest rallied jn our cliM'U 0.1 1)1 )Cs! we hinder the Vrv rhi'o.’ so ft;, to |]ei[i The N• mo pres': bus the anr-xvnr. }•>(!;: /or the eritert^i!}- nv >!• of their fellov/ citizens. The brown t -.tries would be fit i-'i ib.veru.'ition foi -mv region in the -.> ■ iid •!:. basket! all player? But. officially. North Carolina ''•••mot he j epic: enK d by a team of bi "-oil bn., . The blond and ; '"o : e! bo>. who are traditional, ■ ; b., .., (o hr THF. North Car olio.i r< nro.sentative.. had to <■ tI• i 1 1 rt- New York are;) to get ;oni (oinpetifion with the coun tci-|iin ot tiic brown iioys. The eornbir <!km of New York's beat •:<", ii biond and brunet boys d* i 'led the OFFICIAL REPRE .''KN I'ATI VKS of North Caro lina il i . highly that, t i • nii.inatirni of Nrrth Carolina’s best hoys, regardlf'..-. of their haii texture and color 01 their facial i omnii'sHon;. <ouid have beaten t*! New Yorker and made the news of Hie >.«. i > k end such that C.noim-V'. bov.. could rank n‘) lov.-ei than second. Thf ridiculon, condition ob hnninc in our region i - not in the hearts of these basketball pbiv.T;: The Wolff jack were fine examples of good ; ports m Ui:-(nj> as they lost to the CONY (< an narked by three brown hoys They cotild have won as iinppiy if they had been -aied b\ blown b f ys from home. will otherwise become our tin ■Hona! calamity May Thy mu" he gloiifiert in thin, we most fervently pray

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