BANDITS HOLD UP MUTUAL INSURANCE OFFICE *+***★*★★ * * k * k * ★ ★ * ACTON HEADS ST. AGNES asdfa VOLl.'Mf; XXIX SCHOOLVOTEDUE Applications Rejected RALEIGH administrator -v >*. '• H *<;<*->.• ticitd ... i,. VR.fl th, : ’!• K . .• i a*, pin--mi • f>*r t fieri m !■ ■it A ' f •- In commenting -m rnp letter of ficial •?- T , Hi i ih a v\ >- I tarn Avion had been named HC’iti;: i'-miti y *. • • re;•' ■ th ■ former .'mniinistrator Charlo? S Tpp-.Dl’don ‘nit tr.r ••(•j'oi'.i iiirrit -v ■ of a tempm .1 v ir'lrv since tbr Hospital Board has -iT yet made 3 permanent selection The n-’tiri that file position >1 ift F«ar Blacks Holding Os Easter Service UNADII-LA. r,a - Krai irwmph ed ovt-i cour-igr Per- ! i.;r- 'viti eUt •. <• -in-; •• sod of ' p gf> ■ {"hi, to I jii 'iff th r O - l0f!g F--ter -otf-rnoon : soviet: • No definite infc-; rcation ' >’ id Obtained to ■■■ li Ci : "the fry: but >■! at f "€■! it . if ■> stro-'t; enoui b and real roou-i', f ■ the member of 11•• Ostap ■ r ■_ f Bap til O- - - <T-. i<■ > io\v 1 ofoi c i | Fnr d* " • * • to br -~ n thing spei i*i fov the l'oo mnnMi ■ of the church for not only hid they scheduled their regular Em-tet ser vice but the-, lad ai o planned <"• Judge Clears Man On Attack Charge ALEXANDRIA. Va. f.-stiv T. Freeman, Alexandria v arehr>u»e ;nan. was c1 ea <ed in A 1 e x andna Corporation Court, yesterday of raping a 34-‘. # ar-dd white widow, last October 13. He was acquitted by Judge wil liam P. Wool.-, "-ho took the i.if under advisement last Wednesday after an all day -when behind closed doors. Freeman, lit. was- de-n i: ed by ins attorney. Waiter l Voun.*. us a "highly respected member of Alex Foreign Aid Placed Ahead Os FEPC Bill W A SHINGTO N—Th e Presid cn fs civil rights program was further , dclaye" Tuesday when the chief executive approved an agreement by the Senate Democratic Policy : Committee to postpone floo* te«V by givnu, priority :.<> consideration of foreign economic and arms as sistance. In spite of much restlessness among groups advocating the estab lishment of a permanent FF.PC. and promises to make it a major • NAACP Attacks Bias Before High Court WASHINGTON - A blistering attack on the 54-year-old “separate but equal” segregation doctrine was made last week before the United States Supreme Court, as attorneys |tr the National Association tor the Advancement of Colored Hoo pla were joined by the Attorney ■Qtetioral and SJolicitor-Gneral of the United States in asking the high tribunal to declare that racial s*'g reflation in itself constitutes dis crimination and is unconstitutional- The arguments, made on Tuesda” and Wednesday before a jam-packed courtroom, while several hundred | NORTH CAROLINA ’S LEADING WEEKI Y | RALKIOH, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK F.NDtNC; SATURDAY. APR It 15, 1.950 !M1 .. co.i.j.lf'ed , • ■•• • Ho *. *' Atijiiiri. t -itff.r; i.t :* , r t,. j 1,, .’.lts; Hrli.,':;: Ij,. or - A hi'..' .Ill* ,I V (.!■." riii’.i . .• !,..»«•»< •: i 1 !.’! tv J'ti.-itif.m c!r>w d. since no permanent left i.::i ii-i, i.ef t. t,. .fi” The acting srimin.'’cater served SI'CI'V Mi Templeton as -,r. mtn-nf i i: ho;p sr.rt has oiniif’cßn with S* Arnes H-V-- Continued on pagp K, (his s^rtinn) • oDortb c 1 ni vr s* old c-f^tor ihe Rev. Georg'’ TyiC" .‘’lit" minuter:*, the Rev M F,;. ll lift-., of a.,-. Methodist nutreh. and the- Rev. L. !-' Si.'-tn of jHe B-.ipti;.t Clmrch, manned to ,1H I-,' .iij p their i" -pc - -fs to the aged N< . • pastor. P’.t ! F< ' I v night. *>u R < v Klaode,. an anenyuio'e; , cl' - .pc i’ll, and ,i man voice warn hip! ;i■,* t.> appvar Mi F'landc..- ,r.;. *-,( j-i,- man if h ( veir a rc.-r,'., !’"• of the Ku Kh.ix Kian. rut the - • t no oov-' r ' Then th f) unimcTr ( niifimirri on p*i;v 8, this sectinni ■■•ndru;. Negro community " He way accused of. \ aping Mrs. Opal the warehouse where Freeman was Marie burton when she went to employed to reclaim omc papers belonging to her late husband. The defendant denied, tin cluigo durMif* the triul He insisted th.r, a merely iieipd Mr.- Burton from tin iv;in’limi:.t to her home at a near by lwtei because he contended she ! had booi drinking Wools nd that in the fare if irontiniird on pot" 8 litis section: issue in the campaigns, this was tliv decuion These groups were contending that a showdown was long overdue if mere u . to be hope for break ing through ■< Southern Democratic filibuster before ihe scheduled ad journment of the present. Congress by July .'il It was recalled u.y FEPC advo cates on the sidelines that, the bill had been on the Seriate calendar (Continued on page 8, this section) .disappointed would-be spectators waited vainly tor a chance to wit ness the proceedings, were present ed in two precedent-shattering cases involving segregation in higher l education and a third involving 1 segregation in railway dining cars. I The intervention of the Justice De partment. in all three cases on be half of the appellants added to the history-making atmosphere that surrounded the cases and attract ed the largest crowds In recent 3u j preate Court history, . in his argument in the cele-brat (Cnntinued. on page 8, this section) TIMM M IT SITvVkS m nm j( va U Ajf HUH *-.-. Or*P Os Thfr »ir if nrjht'r *c f>? »hf vet , ;V?» »vh * f • *r nI I•• rglarn<•-.*’ y z Ui !\ v j*f r * rhei in (he Kav to ‘> ,; d II iff »„f •' ji a I m-autfif’T * * '*» luff, fd Ihr TJfat A»‘d I ii**T ,>f tionl The fs » U m.irkrri the eronH i'WV Hi it Ms 1 r*)vk f , i F*V, < j» .irrii on .* Wikr f o*«?i*iy Jurv. «jtf{ the fi r-,t tirne th ■. t has ;m n-fi ds jj?rv in ii myrflc'f >lr ' rr»~k*'U who ur. the <»nlv .»», !hr v. tvbioh h* 'ffi one of the wo'-* >J rv'inipr trials i-> the hisint* *•« i;»<- ( «*»jv*i> s «,*■ ih,*,! ern » lion j.l.i• j-f) no part in the Hr»M vfTO'l, that the jurors based thejr decC'ioii on fact - il^mt FBI ASKS FOB INDICTMENT OF FI OHIDA COPS KK*V VOPK -- The N'aM'juai As* ecu! jou for the Ativan< ement «i f otored People was informed th'• eek l>> the Oepartment of Justice that the i iv riiicf the law on i foreem.'iit. officeiin the Grow i.irid Florid *. rep* l r »Ke ; wist oe me .< r'ted to 1 f ederal Ur and .tui ~ iii f j., - i ■ i..■ April 17 1 , ' pi O ri; r Ar tOrViP t I'M iV' t Phillip: iviU seek an indictment ns. '.h , i ii’ rip. i r i)f IV' r i lifei.f. ..cain-r •>»••• ."ate oil" ' r ' who o.ight have violated 'he Gone i ;f n ,i defondants' < orivtitutionai rights. PHI intervention followed >'< ports hv NA.APP at'oinev; tin' Samuel Shepherd. tValter line Ir vin and Charles Greenlee, the three . youths whose conviction is being appealed hv the Association, were brutally bmp ("I and otherwisf had I v in'Treat'd by state police off] cers following their irresi. V’rank 111, !i V. •: i. M’ \AA CP " .i " tut .(tontlnurd <**> l»*ee S. ihi> section: Arguemeni Ends With Man’s Death . TATTSVI Ll.i A gun • -!U«- . tfuii followed <r, at it urn cat over . . i,..!;.; iifijf rtol i * ruled in'f.’ Saturd ! ,ili inpM, • ;th o/.o n'.ui dead, iiii r.otho, seri.nudy injured | The shooting occurred a'oout I:la i i Saturday afternoon at the home of John (darm 44 or, Ricker Avenue | Follot ing the battle. Corby Kely i : 56, .md Arthur Lev Dixon. 38 were | taken to the H P Long Hospital. ] Kelly died Sunday morning. The police report on the battle in dicated that Corby Kelly was in the iCoutiiiued on page 8, this section) LAWYER FILES APPEAL FOR MAN SEEKING DEATH RALEIGH -• Lawyers for the ! Wilson County youth who lias re j peatedly .mi that he wanted "to die" filed necessary papers last i rhursday for an appeal to the State I Supremo Court. In spite of Frank ScrivenV. re fusal to sign the necessary papers to take his ease to the Supreme Court, it was decided to take it there anyway Scrivon was convicted in Wilson Counts nist. year of murdering his sweetheart and was sentenced to die . The 19-year old youth, who .id* min'd committing the crime, says ithathe cannot sleep at night be* j cause ms late sweetheart continues !to haunt him in is celt. Scriver. was charged with killing iContlnucd on page 8, this section) City Plans New School r a[,p inn Thu '-iri/eno of Ro C;- ... i T: -• : Atm; ,•»). in -U-'U'U ti■ f,.?. A wiu .. vi• L; <hC f iV.D U’ A" m\ fifU’Cn ycvur,. The u. u-ju -o bu by election, or Th-x.-y. > 'U be the •HVTOV , o, bu -iur- tub of .. i.-OHCi LS.TPV to fM - *’ l ’C (i Ui C eonuruction of io'-.o school .‘ intd The b ? ch.orb *•* oc const* h-:* r '■ in'H o' o i "o , • ■-' a tb r <7 rosby (> o h Up- • - '—.A ourT ; ..Vt« School Suits Pose Problem For South B • 'VA f V' •OHR V s 'O :;D HXT - The Durham ?ohool mu- o rr • L t f -• 1 u»j huvuuiu in Middle ! )\<t r i•;{ j < /i« •11 ('* *«? v* h* !*' Apt U ? t in an a truer pUerr fraught w i iji the *:ompiP -itioilx t Southern d r »me ‘P politKs aud j pf ? n.O'Js ;fU(! ij.r*''e! *’l i n pO Huy. When Fefjpirf! jijHgo John—n I Hiiy*-: oiTupie,:; < )v> ♦•uru'Ti j» > «1 eral Courr in i>nrham Monday Witness To Lynching Files Libel Soil ' 01. l *IBJA Ihs >347 i n umg of vvtll'i En 1" broke rr;’■» the n* v * .gain thL week ’.’. l,en a witness in iHp sfii-ji'->im! trial t■ r followed the lynching, filed -i $150,000 heel i-ni Tim i.-untiff i:. .1 Fdvard Gil >*inp. who was the jailer in the E"i'’kc ll . Coniit-v I; 11 1. when h mob breke into the building and dragged ’ , 'iiji]., , ’>■’ ; '' , A-J-V PUSH UNOF DRIVE AT SHAW An intensivo campaign in tn- I tervst of the Pnitad Negro Col lege Fund is being pressed among j the Htudeutu of Shaw University, one of the 32 member colleges of j the Fund. The Campaign com mittee. above, with the aid of two 1 men's and two women’s dornsl VO, TWENTY-EIGHT •U-/..C:'} it M-m Rio ■ fc.l the COO . ,1 , •• , ■ Hi. -r •. % T j- \|, , • i’-t- i‘ 'iu.: i'iuu L'Uu.liu Huntui \• ■ c- ■ • • l ■■» '-■ < v )'" .1 L'-j. rtv\& • ... i fi r . j |,fj, - ,: p.'' riit u; ;.i> ,< ■" tax v.-ite. ,tie*' ‘ plan ■ i.;ri that ■-■ill -aiknv t:., 0- tw fm ,n< v.‘ rider inc p tlu ofyj -yrri f-nt m uigyi the c :••. • t’ld under the county bud ft 1 , >■ cit" ; pt )t;. ;■■ r»i. cn f■ v • jf. .lice -if coufl'y :,<;h<’Oki. , anbn ■vH ,jvge " the. -.vrJfor*, .. 1 ,, ill heir i welter of testi- Hid r )inHer-f.e3 f l;no>i'. fir plaintiffs Cdiolyn J Bi'.m and .’f> ~- 1 1< • i lmi b?m Nce’o ■ hildr”u v')„• -,!!•■. • tli jr r- hn-i! t•<i lit >■ ■ l.t-r m.],],. . \• ; • ofv (ri DurtHPi nre no*, equal On iha fpce es things the Diu hjM-i no lett; redress on!'- In the ms it ei of ■«quali'insr f-> duties tor white.-, and .:-•*• a»•(>«•:* in the city (o> Ui'ir.-j -art page 5 this section ,-,ff youn-e W’llie Earle fc.ules battered and shot body vi. idtci found in (sr€f.!r ill':- Coin: t Tuisegec In.'ititut" .-"d c'v'iith Carolina Sup: erne Court called his rl< - ‘ lj a lynching Thirty uif Gr-reuviik- tasic-ib ih iv* r., w’-ee indicted for UHrle’s 'ii’ .tb, and all were subsequent! c il'onUnurd "i: j*.*t’*' s till** sectioiu j torlcs ask cvoi y student to con tribute-. Non-resident students will be solicited through their i organizations. In the group above i from left to right are: Miss Mary A. Miller, Mrs. Kalie Harding, | New York, X. Y„ Co-chairman; ■ John Taylor, Greenville; Miss Margaret Larkins, Raleigh; Miss ■ H H|' i jmttirf » lip § va ' ■ %" fP**& ■%’**>* W" V / •';■# I?' 4 , m ** m tmi.r.KHl Fhe. younger pvo pi: in K lieigh o. <>ri' out in full fpr.’c >tnv i ,i !>•-(utilu! I ■ ' i,i-i- timid;’v gvivf tinpii ,’ j*i> en PTE $ 4T*% , tf~ * * -1 * ar% 8 *>. r^f' i § r£* r%lie t*a<rw*f H fl|f# I v fc _. i<|J|Ls IC- *J> vc *3> |J w'w l» g <r | After Thrill Packed Clia-e .V ,J|T'T,TUN D, ’ A d:<’ p, £ L’i.-’O day iight t •>>>•• i -of .• «■ office of the .North 1 ?U>.m lit-' In/vui. nc-’ Co. itth s> \n . -.1 ,s ii '>■ Tuesday .•• hen polh ■ o! a< red oik if the susi-t t • , !■: I!!.;•.! h: •’’ • < 1 O' I’lil up- , i,pun'.furr-* ’vlth gunfire TAYLOR TAKES DANIELS BASE TO HIGH COURT R,Y! i (Oil The fpilted e| .■ ri ; e ( - L’C * ' -"' t a i; iNeg'b iitturncv Herman 1 ! avlk-r. ‘o i" vi’ w the ol M- v pjg >t!d Lloyd Ray D->niel, t«»a --a-;., • ousms Greenville. X C v. h , j, ivf be'”. < i”vk ted of the pi-.:" —v ,jt nj* a taxi <l' iv e > l snmtner ,t i- '!•."■■« v lia ’ s -y- esent in*; (le*. -,.l Mil. , lon g '.vlth C -1 i;,i.-.- -if l is t.’ren'ly d mii ’j *.-> pracii'.r- before the bar •it ill” ' -.1 joeni* Court : * liill i i;: ni* |)|| I* 'g * g, *}» l ; ve- G-* VIJ j Clara Moore. New York, N Y , | co-chairman: Mi:m Hadaset*! Wil | son, Washimtton. D C.; Samuel | Hoard, South Boston, Va., John | J. Williams. Newark, W -I.; ! Grady Nelson, Whitakers: Miss i Mary High, Dorchester, Mag a., ! Win. Cannon, Asheville; Thom as Armour, M.utawan. N, J.; and Samuel Salisbury, Brooklyn. gortuiiity tn show their *.•>■ w •pring w ariJrobcs I'lctoretl ibr»*» or, ih-- J-,) •:* U>. fir.,' ■" Soon af’v’. the '’apture of tho ;urne-’t. WentUted -xs Andrew C. Wa>- •?. D 33 h St. N’V. polite re over-:;! ail b’u. LV -A th? VVv-.V l, j ij, in iUv., Unough which tiro v,., ■: i,.pi tied -a ji -iTe ofrirer-s found '.'’are hi>'tdi n d under a bed on the third j.i oor ot , ho’.tir- at 1955 13th 8u ”W. He DM them soma mar: was v Tiler a • . lenl'i’.vd as sYj> e h>.t .".charged chot.y -vlth no'ice man. ihomas K. ’V?:k:. -•■■he.u Impressive Ser vice I lekl For i futorian WASHINGTON V'D - Di Ciirte? i.~ ''ri'vin Woodson 74, 'prob ably t;ic wojtid i b:luthority on Negro history. •••„.; bulled has Sj*f ti.u ci j■■ F jinerri! 3GiviC6S ricld " the Shi!-h BaptHl -.hv.rcii. t >■., Re H L Harrison offinated- The famed historian both self rd ii! itp.i -nd coli* ye tsahiH. dii'*.l tu hi;, home Mend”/ uftemoon. ap j-. ii 'iHlv fi<>>i> a it i"' if ' ink His hOP'tf 1 V. ; 35 lOLTi'-d lb' •’ '*■' A."-.' ciativii for Study ul dm? Life ->ud Hist-u v. "i in.,'!'-i:. ”i he founds;’ and devoted his life to. Ho had been in m health and undor doctor's Foundation I fonor& ' Booker I. Washington Looker yr iri”or-io-i Hi■ Ihpla: ! V:i tiling In f FKillip:’, !Presid til ot the Bouke* 1 W.t.-m --: uifctoTi Birthp!ace Ivleinoi. u*l, the j Fifth Annual Booker T V,' 'jiiiug i ton Birthday Celebration, winch - marked the 94th aunn’wsary of the inoted edjicat?r. " ! ■; an outstanding success. Thr lei. i si’on begyr- Ha Iturcla.v, Apiil 1 and closed' April 15 with more than 1,900 persons at- Itending during the five iay par ! iod. This year's obss-rv nice npened on jEaturri >y i- ii.n a L ecreij.’ "vu 1 I lute in ’’-hioii a large niunbei- of Teacher Loses Job iFor Anti-Bias Fifijlt J MEW YORK For the second; ! time in several years a college pro -, : j>-v.-'ir is loving bis teaching post; | beraucc of hi: ftghl against the ex - i elusion of Deg roes as t-mirk in; j Drirvvcsarif Town, it whs learn ct! | here this week i The pi’ofessor. Dr. i «?e '?rrti, hnsj j been notified that his appointment • |as As.'*ist:uit Professor of Mm lie-1 : malic,s at Pennsylvania State Col-} liege, will not be renewed'ior the j jnext academic year. ‘ Dr. Lurch raid that hv had been' Chm- -h are Anne Beconi. Johnny B ■•• Hf V. .'i!wn. Joyce Wong«>< I jr t J l' ; ‘i-Ulp lu*eOUi. |! ?r flic had joint '' >h: chars ■■ • ; i 'ed immediately ai'tet the hold up, followed him Into w • ■'.../ near the 12th St house. Walker jU he shot twice after AVre feed ;u him with a 32 call* b«r pistol. Walker said he saw Ware a fence and thiov; himself a dosed window in the vacant house ; .u which ha waa found. The robbery occur ad shortly bo re 1 pm when two masked and i t'-mi ir.-jf-d on page 2. this seuira) cere tor two years. r r, rvi c New Canton. Va , Wood son grew up in Huntington. W. V'a., ond .vc ke - in the coal mines. Dui- i t! o nt rime he became a aelf-ed* r ?; on. Later he attended Bei •> iKy > college and the Sor i , ru i He earni;! tils A B. ([.. >, .. i'i. -i tiii'- nni”ttr?iiy of f iii f. ~, j• >i,/ ,iud hij A M in !900. i'T, - , , r-vauir'd hi.; Fh D. fi in k • >s d University in 191 X lie I", :A ,n LL. D. from Vir gin, i ante College in 1330. ]->•: ; ;y the early part of his CenUmo d on j-.'.-o 3, this section) •i *. fvorr* su-i V•*'jn'li'i.t comr* (i* . 4 ,5. - : mied The Stay's pro ,,i■ i■,i r.i- the most l -’r.iby .it.;-“nd-* I'd p. ->giam the Memor-’l ;vAt le.. .-'d sim-e its organization. ?,< L bniuyh-i. a r)oi;i!o a." u of the Pittsburgh Courier, v,as the main speaker. Ho curd that the time had come for a new e.-J"Rioti of Booker T. Washing ton . that Booker T. Washington will never be outmoded because ■:?, imica: progre r ..- marches on. In "irMiikniiiii cn L:-; philosophy of l-.ooker ') Washington, it was u .>n*n s -,.*a cm t> 1 ' "* this -crUrn) informer; boa. f Morse, assistant to the college president, that his action is « Negro family >o line nr. quests in his New York auH-tment was ‘extreme, illegal and imtnor.v, and damaging to the pub ■in- relations of the college.’' ■ ~iy. e ant Town, Is a housing ipiow! I built and owned by the ■ ieo opoiti.'.'n Life Insurance Com pany that has excluded Negroes as ten Tints The American Association of (Continued on page 8, this’ we it on)

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