SEX ANGLE INTRODUCED IN MURDER OF EX-GI ★ ★ ★ ★ * * * * ★ * k k k -k k k ★ k k k k k k k k | WEBB REJECTS MECROES AT ST. AGNES THE CAROLINIAN v OLI iVi * S'*. (\ \.A MRS. PERRY FRED LAWYER OUSTED FOR KAVSNG NEGROHUSBANO WASHINGTON" The to srrioe of Ruth Weyatirt. the whit- Xmimi ai LetiO! Rcl'ninns trial lawyer. i L,o S iie s. Perry. pr-niiitieiit Negro r. lias resulted in hoi di-unis-';-;, front h-r post it tile XI.KB ' t*>*' the good of ihi servitr" ;* was oi firiailj revested hope Wednesday. The romance of Ml - Weyand Anti tvl r \ hit -lie headlines nt tir. nation's new.spc»pni several mouth ago, when his former wife Mrs. Olive .1 Pnrvv. filed '■< (i<>o alienation of ••ffm'tioH -oit ••<.-amst Mis.-.- Wt-v.rni.d. -harKlng *ba• Hi- -is : ractfve iawvo had 'hen Perry' ■ afeetino* through expensive gip- The unit is -.till pending in the District Court Perry nbt .ined a divorce from his wife in LOSO. end in .'. -ge- : u;’■ c ■ married Mias Weyand Perry is t -.- legislative repn-er > t»i vn of th* National A- th latinii for the Ad vaneemenr of ..oh•red People M•, • Vere.nd was the nssicda.o.? general oouo "1 of the N”i RR in charge of Supreme flour t lit tew • tiers. and has t«-en with the (ward atocp 19 G 8 Site ■was fired March 31 tv, »ir NL-BB genera.l connsei. oßbert ' Denham. Denham was reported to (eel that Miss Weyand'a value >n the board had been impaired bv dm pubis: it resulting front tit® sensational sum by Ms. Perry. Hnwev-v NT Pit spokesmen declined to ampin" th® . reasons for her dismissal. a* Pig only that it had been ordered 'Tor the good of the service,” Friends of Miss Weyand reported veaterd-it that the ,‘h ye ■ old lav vet" Was planning to appeal her di missal to the Civil Kervice coniirns Mon. Dip CSC .il ii iils raid Mv-f tin BU-li appeal had been rr-eiv-d. Neither M"s Weyand nor Perty would comment, on the ease Durham School Suit Slated l or June 28 DURHAM (Bo A Staff Cone-- pendent* To- DurH tm school, equality suit ho;; keen postpone:-; SCHOOL DOORS OPEN FOB RACE STUDENTS LOUISVILLE, K.y. (Special) Kentucky scored the second victory so Negro students desiring ini’ grated education hero this week when the trustees of Boren College took official action to admit Ne gro undergraduate students fwri the Appalachian region to Bm-ca College Several weeks ago the Kentucky legislature definitely st i p u 1 a * ed that Negro students within the State would have free access to graduate and professional educa tion within tiio State on the. same basis as other Kentucky student;-;. Thus in joining the Southern He. giorinl Conference for education. Kentucky attempts in no way to evade responsibility for ‘♦tie educa - tion of Negroes within the state on a basts of absolute equality. Berea’s action, first ot its kind (Continued on page i, this section) Smith Offers Platform w'- 1 ,!J-U .* ■ j 'fly A number of ques tfmn touching on the subject, o! race relations, submitted by the editors of, this newspaper to Willis Smith, candidate for U. S. Senator from North Carolina, were left un answered by Mr. Smith this week. The questions were contained in a letter to J Kr. Smith, and were NORTH CAROLINA’S LEADING WEEKLY \ !.'Al,i;k;h, north « arolina week knding Saturday. \mi, • \> V -x»vv WfWW i - w'. r Jj&yV .. S ' ' S' " .'• i.',s. I 11. >. , Mill NT *• ... . t 3 jjf»V? [if f J|f>i •, -'il Si » nvil LoKhtern ISpsl#?**! piijin'inis Con* tnistre* r>f <bp i * \ i h sptrr *>l shi -oi £11} ai(Am un FT .Lo Sororitv, Trustee Head Admits Refusing Negroes By JAM LG D. WILLIAMS RALEIGH - A • d' nial o! r port -of dissentt'u.; o r i dis-.fitisto tiou among the Negro stuff mem iK-ra at St Agio- Hospital dti' ; i mi toward •••cut adtniuistra from April 24 until .June VT Ccnfirmatipn of this change w.s: 1 made bore this week l>v a spoke;, man for Attorney M Hugh Thomp- '■ ..<>n and John H V- eicr. who n representing Carolyn Blue and. A or ; ,nr Durham New ohiidrer: .ho diode the City of -ham i- ned a-oviding equal -'-h faeil it.i*’s for ivhitu nd Nc to* ■ it [earned that m,o reason for 1 1 .,- postpone,-no,,t j; tin detain rnent of Federal Judge .loimr. u J Ila vi'., of the Middle District Ft 1 "- ' ia I Court who is < -pecterje to hi heariog litigation j,, Sali-i't.irv be j yond the date originally I for the Durhani school suit. A nagn-ernent vv • > rked out lipwcvor, heiwcPn plaintiff., utor (Cuntintird on pige i, this U’ ( lom umm AIJJMNI ORGANIZE STATE ASSOCIATION HIGH POINT The North Cu rolina Chapter of the Morgan State Coll ego Alumni Association of Hal tituore Md., was organized last Ss lurday a,t the home of the Rev (Continued on page 8, this section) designed to afford the Negro voters of North Carolina with an idea of Mr. Smith’s views on certain im portant, questions of interest i<> tint Negro voter in the forthcoming I ienmera-tie primary elections. None of the twelve questions sub mltted to Mr. Smith drew a direct (Continued on page <t, this section; { ')! '-j i'f s,*-,-.;; 'f|f V. Avi;ih*lV *VZ » ID. . < rimrriiiff »lf'- f .s»l.« Kiti ,p '(, V »c■! s ait.nil 1 1 tj) VI r M -lx I? r-DJ. \T i , Am? h \\ *\' *; *ell < . R,i .!?*•» t' of. hospital affair?, was rn-td !if-ie all Monday i> .* Alexander' Webb, chairman of the hoard of 'iinlea ot the instituttou. fit m interview with tin report it Mr. Webb branded us “false” the per.;! bent rumor.*-’ i h it the re vignation < h tries S, Templet or as hospitnl admin is! ratur was wyi romed by Negro member:. of the hospital, and that the appointment of Willi:,m ,V Hue wblie. if t jnt administrator, did not meet with Ilia gru.erai * rept-tu, ot the steft Cirovdttnd Case Goes Before Supreme Court ra( l ATf as:'.Kß. Flu Tic ■ tragedy of fir- three y:,-.'io youths •••nnvieted tat iu.pteuiiu-i in the a! iegf'd rape of a -.vhit.e woman, a■ the fit 1m in a i.ion of a wave of' mob terror in G rov, !au>i Fiurida, e,im< into locus again flii ; s eek a., at tornevu for (he A-.uocia tiou for (he Advancement of Col need t’e-lple p p'SP It t“d tn:Ull),’l|t here In an appeal before tic Flor ida Hupi’i pie t r- Alf i A kerinan. Jr. of "Vinfer I’-’ik, and i‘‘! inklin it William \ ' \ \t v a umlaut special counsel asked tin court to revi ,;.<- (he con vie( ton of N imm i Shepherd and Wall.c i,,/.. Irvin, both aentenced to deal It fur the alleged attack, and to order a new trial for tic pair J lie N’AAt’l’ di, i niU appeal the conviction of Gharh s Greenlee, .-(rii t“lu . d to life i mprison incut, („> TEACHERS BACK APPOINTMENT OF NF.GRO OFFICIAL IJ)I : [SVTDT.K Kv. fSpecial) The T'ith a unit a i con yen I ion of the Kentucky Negro Teachers’ Assoc);, tinn closed here Frida; will, a re solution commending Guv Earle C Clement fur the appointment of a Negro to t.ile State Textbook Con, ■ mission. O L. Tiiuberhike. pi evident of We-.t. Kentucky Vocational School, is Gov. Clement’s appointee. The convention defeated mo timi to commend the Clement: aii : ministration for securing larger ap tftiniinued on page 8, this stcWoti) ♦ rifl fivf r-fU-tt - EYiJiifl Tfkt '? ; '1 a" :< iA , Meg \i,h y r; f Ini's, O t »« alfa s: Vlt ! ' •:*.» s•’,? . :»»i? VMti*.Ba r .«!Pir., Vic ?.• •:■ <• f • *D-r, \frs Afftu* W IC* It If Tf-mplr-ton ;f .-red ra, relatier ■-■top v-ifh : tic . > ..I :T? f ).rr a a.. pi r.I. , ;! OP-Pi pit i’;h the- ; t that, pay? a smatifr salary than th one tie receivi ; at Cu. Agio : Hi; new i eplatyujonl vVilliuo! Vc ton, was formerly » school teacher in Missis ippi. and ‘he -ole tram illg he hr received a:; a hospital adrnt ni.-ti a> or ltd;'; berui at Ha in Arnes, undet the supervision o' T*'-ro piston Dining T<-m pi-ion' ad tv,jr, , sti gUpt), s's.i in r - •. . I U»,i! i lit, vs) *,r. [i t ;; - K ftps PM tin;)a, cause in a new trial any evid»nc« vioi.rh would bring about t lie ■ ( uotlnttcd on pace 8, this vcrJivo. S RALEIGH Mr. Wi iI is Sitiilh, candidate for the. I’. S Senate, is shown during a recent radio , broadcast he made in support of ’..0 \Nf\ : PERMIT GRANTED FCS NEW CUBS |> f Kfl \ M N. i Nf 1 P ) . i no st?!«.♦* U*f*» v2l«rfl -».Ri.'■' • .» rtf f! h* f .T-. <f ? fi. h f«i v I »iiU«Ua J u tf»f ** As I II |ne|sj<lf’R dmoiig th» # ohsHm* ~ | Dirr vv .*... i nf*v. >t i ,0U ? ? N f ,v, * ! (Hiss ,* :>!'*,»>l>o tor" ;hr.a hf»HH" - ni« e* Un« 5 il'T l.i >4) 1 1 .<sirl rrpiiif U’jn'V \ =,rri.ii.* )m lhr * ft{ ,j .11.00*} rliwt'f h hiiiJU ii:r : u < r-.M!*' th» f i f'i'H"/* ' r j»u r (lv.l rh Fl«’ n. *i; v. ??i hr lor *t»A| »t D“ Gonib' + J rtf. it 1 <0 Menu '»?>*! Strortw riv*?> v rail fo* ■< iw **- ji»j v m.T >o».» i. 'Jnirtiire v-Hh Kti,hl f tjf.T-.'l f GJiaini' Lni' C‘;mi -m: v v. ‘ . H-.H- ’ f>>* Hiiiirfr? 1 A5 <,• *•«;:' v. > is iiprl t pri mil fr> hviU»* ■* N? r »/f H-1 ilfi j i»tr ,i I tl?e XH»r ID iv‘ \t r*> r ■ ~f J <ut Icj A VHUT ijt ! f *v f 'U‘f 'V < i it" •»* 1 f-f t .8 f .* *A>sf <>i : i .’Ef- o {j-d rj f vl f»d ? 11 ji / USf> ?« wnfj v f v» HJ rr J IHr ‘ Till if lirt jer V AtILDING OENIFS RIFT AT SHAW RA L KIG ft A s*a t s tne p. t tit a‘ | r r v fhv r f ; ■;) f\ rt r h a t qr] n U rtj t 1 j j .V,-,,, -. t - . r'i.p nsentber board ! ;ti.. v I rii-■'-•) sit-, is on a ‘'firm ope it!;i::;'i! ii.-'.'i .*nd V- 10 0,1? (On sl-.ldy progress. ’ woo made ibis week !■. rir c. 1 N'paaldh'.g rhiirntan. ~i ji) c. F •• n.tjv*’ CotUloMl'-r ot t h i• -■ Hoard ot Tru: *f• o'- ■Tin merit ■> rsl>:.i.->e.l thwitin- onolv- >i'. deparirtieot, ...: • In- ... hold, i'dlo in a ih • i ppe > i . . ,j p-.-o in-, .ii lion Farmer (joes On T rial For AUempletl Rape r OUTSB!JRO f > ?si Liles :H •.. : v. vim f Apnt. farmer. veM oil trial ftii ivi3 iile ■ Tuesday, o * S '.-.b.avge of 'SMC Piles i-, chaiitod 'vitit raphv a ;,vea, 'id oljipjcd -pitirjer Sf is", i.omc pour Youngsvill.e iu.u Mi(rch it i.iv . told th» court that h chad been pefeu ..or) from prison ramp i > da ; ‘-for <■ after so, • j,.g a ■■nfi in'!' iron. Rookiiiqham (Or ...111;; *i til, intent to i.mmit i*««•. his campaign. A story about Mr. Smith and his views oil racial problems will be found else where «n this page. aMßßiakab* ' m . - •4' I! '.j.lil.M The wfdlitig rein shown .ilrivr wx--, part i.f .1, !.! Murder Suspect Lays Killing To “indecent” Proposal HALEIGtI - In a statement :idyr.. .'.r.l.iii .■ ‘ y r. p ... .‘y shlMtl;. ...fti'-r ill" :v a firs* d£g r ?' ■ •!<••, , 0 .rs-c James Care •- r ,M ;.'l of ;H? S OMth f - f St.r?et at’.egcdi;- admitted the fata! ..1 ;v)!v n..‘ if John T.> "'in. ;u, of d i Ka:d V••■ 1 h Ntref'.t eaiiy Tuesday Town I'd him. ■ vVcdnerriav morning )'u, at- I'.rv.'" ('red J. Carnage, w . : 0m o ■ n- o' Ci»l . y SITVENS (ill ACT DISCRIMINATION IS” REGISTRARS By I B PEABftKN V'sr V v.OI N1- no ;■ ? :v€i:' < • if? If. .1.-. f.f 31.anh.0ps in '.'.or. (bar a • j'-h Coif". ■>! .-.'Mi bf!" Go. week that they bad h , "'H deni d th . tght to register fm tbe Hay Dei.t 1 i jfic Primsrv Fisc non. The • b m •:.•>; we re made by ■’'. V Alien the Rev A C Morgan am! James A. Picks, in, 4. , ) i i T" f n | .1 Tt. m ■■! ••■-. si 'onfi. pr-uSdev ■■. f Mi. •, r.riti CaioJlna NfAACP (" • fersTicf-. T f.hrc j 6 inf-n iKin>.c*d $ !■ P*.oo pr•? 0 v I*' n »ra». f-; • s h e ia e k Trvwnpihip a*? ihi 5 man who h*ui givpj» t -m; nc thft ‘rOll'iD“ tejion <hpv MttLiaptff? to last 3-u f n relay Ac* *:« *hf‘ men 'N 51 rv r\iry .HfeniptcA ■'«! C ,, ‘- • ;! |!h f>-H j?i> Mv- rcr ;A s j}t inp D-- - .•r.-l I off ihc .vilh f h>* H ;•*?*• ■ 1 M )>e hack in D-njr ' .mjn.'.rH ->n mgr r* t»; > i, 0 f a jury tr M .le p . I! -. T>■ .11 ii l ‘ : 1;: f"1 ii-i' ■. 0 r-intoleted quickly. \r-A atr*r> testimon ■/ **; rl ’.men , .a;*': ! *'V- 1 ')4)P ', ■ n!W f 1P?* : (1 I ' Ho afiernoop Tim ■:! il- pres<-:,t,r.-i in m-Hero c • ;>tpiv:» nf in ■•'hi. ■■it As R Glenn imvir, fieri Liles ad jTijU. o v • •fio ,!i *’ *• r ■ •• r u• ri• f ,i|r;, th- only 'Wen..'-* 'Mth" > t'«st! f if-ri thftt ho i F .'.irijoit ds;sai>U.ui lUrir wornor*. nut not s op* jn, - h*n- He Fold ’or rourt 1h ■* ,; p il tiiiiMiiml on pot* H. iIM n srt i ion> MISSING SCHOOL MUST ADMIT NEGRO STUDENT WASHINGTON (Special! legated education in Southern un liorgeadnatP. graduate end profes sional -ichon!:■ was dealt a heavy blew in the Sooth tin: week as Maryland’s Court of Appeals ruled that the HulvefeP.y must admit Miss Met lot MeCr<-ady. ID. to -lie ITtlivereity of Mary land.'?- School of Nursing Maryland had aooght to deny ID year old Mine blather MeCready ad mission to the Seltool. of Nursing ■it the state university because the - t.atr Is o member of the Regional Conference for Kduea lion which provides faeUlt)"-. for ‘\eKrocs at. Meharry Medical Col lege, in Nashville, Tenn. Tho Court Os Appeals’ 111 lln tr! overruled „ previou--'- derk ion of r> j Halt iniore Supreme Court jurist i who held that the compact with j other Scat os offered the State tip i portunity to segregate Miss M* ■ i i'ready because of her race. The effect of the ruling deems j to he to confirm previous rulings j of th ■ r. S. Supreme Court, in caw es involving Missouri and Okl«- I homa.,ln rwh ease, the Supreme (Continued. «>n page 8 this section) shion show staff'd Saiairjav njd h t h v % h>'• I **' e•h ,< f< iv hats t .A rt, an.;;l Sander's '**as bc.-’anii over to f.h«■ ; . CMSknd sha + ;*.ef>auvr th' : • cix v :tiV"'.jncf-.N d',»rro > the rnar - • Teacher Jailed For Hiding Birth Os Chile! r • oii ni,}] . A v'-''vsz Ln fe:.*noa> innd bv police • 8 ):•. P>ia Crev/s Hunlot, 21. o-F iy*i jgi-fL'v ••». va.‘ d. rested here vV»R - :r»f hv co•. »>tv r!*>• ipc it* •'•j anl *. H.i "Hh. rone ■•! fn birrb of a child nd f*V~ U; • - In f-.'poj 1 the hir*]> .win .v.-; reh .norJeT a non! *<. i.T h * t * olimin *rv Iv arins, so» Thvv.rday * i l . / Cum ♦ Tno * • • ''>y %vo nian wr»s ai r*.•iod i . Wodnc ■ ij• it to: .'4O «in :H ; 1 oiifV.v y hvl, -vbre ;;b< had boo»‘ f t‘-;o;bh;£ Shn b.vxketi on fhr 'liarge {Up e.\- v j. Hi police ■ North Carolina Files Brief In Daniel's Case pa? rr.'.rt t- . : a ' ■ ■■> r e! t the !.'• '• sum eu>e Court oapoidug p.-liP-u' ■; 0 .o. ,'. filed -'■ i ;:afl h. l-pin. -V! !■ V 1 ■; : j.t t■ ' t Key ?n the widely pulill.eizfcd Bt .■ use and f iryj Ra? Dar>i d> •: •sc I iy. •■> hold?; ihat t.h“ two mm. t'io pi tit toners, ware not. deprived ■>f any c *ndilu?tonal rights by the u-.e of Cieir confessions hs evi • leti"A •i.ii.i : ! t-bem, as charged by Rer.nle and Lloyd Ray Daniels were H-md >•; *hr March 30th term, t ~fa of ih» Superioi Court of Fib Countv. :iid upon t.h.e calling vi the P’se, attorneys tor (he deferT. I .nts .po- .. t i . our■;b the iudP'tnien* irj.d enter c 'd t rh3l!°nae to tl‘ r jurors bee ail*-' - f the ry.iusion of Negroes because of racy. TVi • ri. ■;■i ;• a .tn-lan did not -«i Low tho motion, after which the nil white dur> found the tlefen dant~ gui!!'.’ and they were sen lon d. fr. death Wben the State Mupremc fmiit wan .p iled tn hear He cane it i ■ STATE MAY TAKE OVER OXFORD SCHOOL OXFORD d’MPi Mary Patter y>. ! p■ .j. inHintainert hp s for fill rears .is - mission nriFect of the Pi'esbvtcrian denomination, may be closed a;- - , surli at the conclusion of the current school term, It w- -. lea rued here this week Pending before the Ok ford Hoard of Graded ;>hool Tin 'ce; is a pro posal to take over iputrucfion if :•• of Mary Potter for full opera Hmi is i State public school Oxford school Superintendent r <', f'reflle -riid the t rust.pes have received from the Board r, f Ns tiorin! Mie.r ioun of the Pre.-ibyterlai) Church offer to ien> the pro pci ty .in ,i n(»n prof <’ hntiin included in (tie proponal •■•'ni'd iContimtcd on page 8. this Ncettop) | Race Swings Into High i RALEIGH -- The Senatorial race i in which former American Bar As ! ; onation President Willis Smith of ! Ruled# and former U. S Senator | Robert R Reynolds of Asheville i seek to unseat incumbent Senator I Frank P Graham of Chape! Hill i got into high pear here during the pest fortnight as the candidates vied Mob * n Taylor H>i! u .< \(r II ,'UI! ' f s's , ,-v .If ■ : "'■* i't i nr* bl’P.t ®» ?C‘. a fiOTOXX h^i 1 S_> f ar blP h*s : ••tu*'- -a a:- referer? to the clerk •i ' <»t> 1 i <\ on f»* i-’f tit!.: • t l r? ••iCI ? • b3Vi V- J ;£TEil'‘ -P t .o 4 11 , -iH-i at air ■ Una worn a:- Finn to , chud aM p . i .j n vv 1 hr-•s l n :.■■ >'f v • • j•. »•i r\ i '•!! . < T ’ ~i? • y .b!•■■ vj jr J-[_ C. p ■;<n , >•* .i:‘.j t voung wrmui n P>td hi pi she Wad s;i mi b*r-:h b> 'h a '■hi Id on c-a turds -t;rj >fr»-. WiapUUlg P IP. 3 •;;« d »' ;« T- r■ -I if |j> f «*-> > h :- > O ! <' ?. o i>.ay rfrh a'’ tit'd lIA l 1 0 r > l> .♦ u * discovered Police S 3 id t *if y -arrest Mi f yr-O; Jig 7; ; Pol! C'Wi nkT f?IC V3* nnt ? • r f OXO D1 aittth V<i 1 QKMStt pll hi.,,, i ~ ■ foe t’ •;u that a T r; r■ , ,ts ■ f ferf.yoony in 1?€ ’is i :‘? t; j.,.'" '"'"Phil! the i'll ; S . iffo .■-d hv lasv ACor’-ie” Tu v ' : . m v ?o i.-: !...{ fbit >' took .VI day?. ; inti i roeofd ot the rv i.H g ■:?■. t t t;-f!j f . T ■ ,■. • i this time that ’ •‘ r ? h-r filed a petition .vith the HI; fou.iD asking it to review the Us on the grounds H'fii. '-r- g■ ■ ■ ■ >ve excluded from the jury. Mr. 'fay. also charged that, confessions pj seated at the trial bad been e torted from the defendants, ai t)-. -.-. ■■■,, a violaUon of th® d process of prove-: n of t Const ittiti on. A m.ajo! factor tr tdie case is Continued n page f> ; h‘s sectio PROGRESSIVES RENEW DRIVE FOB FEPC :• r .• ■ v f> p ' r pv - m c f,<j'tv launched * tuF • >cale -ittx p V a: :' W* A.'i v .l;i!V 11 uti • n , t 11 f; th a j : c- PK ■»!!'• i1) •* A V for t.h‘ ir cf .’tiop*? on * li o ? PC hi Tho r-m pnf. • •'> .*u.•- rl r * ’ ■' * yo. Tig 9 «j[qll .rtclx 1 t 9' • 1 1 ».! V '! ’ FV f • p yer.ut.!>' * Com m it tee chj • § i }-»-/. -i i<l £.r. * T » 1 1 n) •> rj \' i t hJ V \ u t i 1 s -i % i‘itir-ed tJr ?■ r-oov. ;.m< need a ' d Negro Americans m other !»\inoriiy groups to the I ter eat* of the b! partisan cold w program.’' The .statement said further th riift Pj csident has f.-v -snsn) prom isr.,l legislatinn for sr»’ TH v fnrr white at the -rain® iHs-'-wre imr or preventing congt -sslonal a Hem on Hie issue The left lying organisation char nd Gcnatoi Lister Hi!) iD-Als with having the go y/jy" ;vh»n h '■ told hi" SU I'TiOV I S that hC; pll f v is ,» In n r I,-I?} i'lßtrumcnf than Hie Oixlect group In ii-liie tog the goal of < rcicti unry fn«••■>:, - the defer!, civil rights Ic.gir.lution. The plat (Continued on page H, this sec,it.a •. with each other cn the ra;e isy Candidate Smith last yeek in ' radio broadcast began —hat ma' • oii.-ervcrs consider a revival of t 1 race baiting tactics of the ’9 ' when he iiK'ffent, accused Scant l! Graham of signing a ron-evi.-T. si minority report in the PreSiden (Continued mt page 4, this seetta

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