MOVE FOR NEGRO FIREMEN GAINS SUPPORT YOUNG MOTHER HELD FOR BABY’S THEFT asdfawe NORTH CAROLINA’S HADING WEEKLY YOU ME XX(X BIAS END WELCOMED Fire Believed Used To Hide A Murder BV F ( BI’SXS FAYETTEVILLE The p teility that a tup which d«s< roved house here last. k n, ,v ■ been used ». an attempt. » 1 hid.- murder .has beet .sugqedeH by i-v cal police. The suggestion < made aft* r firemen discovered the body of a Students Approve New Policy BEREA. Ky i .Special ■ -■ S‘u dents at Berea College here ’.vhe.- e : trustees voted last week to readmit Negro undergraduates after nearly 50 years, are overwhelmingly in favor of the move, an informal -ur \ey disclosed thi - week. There were one or two dissentr .- among <he ~L<ift f ■ nts ho" ever, ■ one Tar Heel lad said he would withdraw rather than go >•> >, hooi with colored students. An info rme >1 administration source. said the Tat Heel and am other students would have their op portunity of deciding whether t • eootinue their studies with Negroes : nest Fall. The ml mg of the trustees will stand until the trustee-*; change it the administration spokesman raid. Trustees contacted said the col lege' : change in policy grew' out of {Continued on page 7, this section) CANCER GROUP OPENS 1950 CAMPAIGN RALEIGH - The Negro Em. is; . of ihe Wake County Crusade of the American, t’, 'icxiftv.; officially launched here Mond-e. night. The Divtston received its off is tal send off as a large group of citizen* met at the BJnodwortb St YMCA to receive in-.1 ructions from officials of the 1950 drive Wake County has a quota of sto. - i 500. and dxt percent • lire money! raised will g- p, tin National Emm dal,ion for research purposes, while i the remaining forty percent will j be used by the county chapter. Followin ' lecture by Mrs Hon i aid f> l.eTi'ilaue. local campaign chairs, !s':n, K S' Floyd explained] to the group in v c.'tnrer funds ~)••• being used. Mr Floyd the lOl'l State Cam paigo (hiairtnaii. .said there is "no- 1 thing we ran do more Christian than to give to conquer cancer." Ho ?ave the seven signals that f Continued on page k, this section) Civic Group Plans Meeting To Discuss St, Agnes RAI.KJOH - Following the disclosure mud* In the last is ß «p of (ho ( AROf.IWAN’ (hat there appears little hop-, for ,\>g n , administiatoi at St. Agues Hospital, lit-' Negro f’ommittee on Negro Affair* has scheduled a meeting for Monday night to discuss Hos pital affairs. The disclosures made last week were based on ~n interview with Alexandei Webb, chairman or tin; hoard of trustees, in which he confirmed (lie appointment, of William Acton, white, as temporary administrator, to replace Charles S Templeton, who resigned from the position several weeks ago. ■ According so an official of the group the discussion at Monday night's meeting will center around the, teasons all applications from outside pea sons wen* overlooked, and the job assigned to Acton on a temporary basis. It was pointed out that a number of (bo applicants for the position were better qualified both through training and expert ! than Acton, and yet their applications were turned down with ; tha explanation that the joh had been tided. | Several of the applicants for the job were Negroes, who had been trained at Freedman's Hospital in Washington while the '■training Acton has received lias been at St. Ages as an interne in hospital administration. it was also indicated that tie.- Committee would attempt to clar ify and discuss the possibility of increasing Negro representation on the Board of Trustees from its present total of one. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA •v. if identified a ‘ T’c»; IT*->!»rt in •be gu’te'i t-'rna;n ..f • :> .ndiba home. and <s medic d -’xamin ttr't. revealed several wounds about the body of the dead man Evidence.'- of Cm- ■ mds iv<t found vlioii Dr M. T r w-tei. -ivn.- !\ he dtp ' fficer petfui'niori an -:w, oil tire bodv at the ;cy us,’.. of -io< VV. pi n:: st-on. coupty coroner Tin- fa'- 'Li official reported -sat he found tw> ■ wounds on the ff'vs'i portion f * u-- victim s oMy u rl .iiire’Sf'r jsr.v cut U’ the abdo men which indicated the man was dead when the fire e-tarts d. The body was disc-ivei r '! L> ft. e. j men after they had < xtinguished a ' blare which destroyer) the rooming imii-r. located just ..ff :: .(.son _st. extension rieai Newton, : ooth’-vest i of the city limit-. * The firemen reported to. , fs.ud *'•*» body, which h-v.l he- •. parth ;ct-rsumed in the tu >, in,,; ,n a ' pool fn' blood, when they v/.n*> iiiut to the house. rhey also lound ! y of brass knuckles in the house and an open er! yi-'ickeiknife. Accord ini; to M;- M'fJ.ia Ross, another ioomoi at tnc ; house, licit).”i r tin two items r ■ loose--, to Pears*) i. Peat-son was formerly employed !by a local bottling company, but was out. of werk at the ume of hr.. - death, He ,-- man icci rid v. ,i separated from ni. wife nd two child) en. Judge Shields Man From Angry Crowd ;'ri" ORJ.-EANS if any ,♦ 1 tempt to injure or kill the defend - ;Pnt i- made." deci-ircd a New r>/- ih’rtns Criminal D'.tnvt .fudge last j Fft-'bi.w, "it must he done throm-n imy body.” Jury Probe Demanded In Groveland Verdicts NKV YORK A. thorough in j v '.'ligation of the Federal Grand! ! Jury proceeding., in rn «i. fj ;! . J f r-crating law enforcement officers THIRD DELAf HITS DURHAM SCHOOL SUITS DURHAM i T.TNPi The public ■ciioo! suit ■ f Carolyn ,f Blue and • werij.v-fivc other Durham public rcc nd students '.vho ore socking equal facilities, and scheduled to he tried here this week has been post, I* ontinurd no page 8. this section) WEEK ENDING APRIL 29, 1950 _ -Xjjbf? GOt.D.'.ROKO h<in,i fa rt Ourtcli. the laughter oi >Tr and Mrs Philips Dortch, of Gold* boro, and a member of ib<- Sopho more di.s.s in the Must,- Depart merit :H Howard ( Diversity. W ishingtnn, ll i will appear in Song Rental l|i v !g J<»f>o at Dillard High Seiioot ,Anflitonum, here. Mis, Dortch, a gradoa-tr- of lot lard lligb School, and on? ot (toldfihiiro and 1 .'astern (arolina most promising concert singer-, is enrolled m the Yfu'-n Depart rnent at Howard Itnivorsity The program is brine sport-ore , h\ ltiw .nl Best Post \o \m.-ii •an Legion .i ml thr Vriieri’-io Legion \u\ili.rry. The warmn.T va; ■ :.C ir. Judge F> Li, 1 Kl-i / il- ,( . f fie e y IPcL'MCd Vi tnr- rourfii'Tin f , noiUK-o jt ■ vrrdU’t. .‘epperj t\n^ n 1 D r,ni hi. hL‘n< )i nod rfOrhed oif H on |D*4;e H, llu se< tivno accused of beating three young Me-- •i or - v'hitr under arrest, was me do - : here tins -reek by the National As-. 'Ociatkm for the Advancement of I Colored Ft opi.e Fi. »iii; bis ■ equcst on i report ’ subuiittfid by F< -ink tin IT. Williams ;of the N.AACT’ i0,,-’i staff. Thurgond . Marshall. Use Association's special; s-'uiosci, 'vu-cd Attornc v-< r i, neri)l .1 How ;y<! AT- (Truth urging prompt •hhl thorough iiivcstigali'-n of tlv rraiid jury -iml *>f the i-otiduci of . Uriilct' State-: Attorney Herbert i Phillips, charged with the respon sibility of ‘prosecuting the case. Ti:c -.r.'iid jury hearing. held A; - ll 17-in. followed FBI inve;,tjg;i •-ion ini-i the charges that Samuel Si.‘*piieid, Walter livip and Charles Greenlee. ,iocu"--d of ripe, were ; brutally he-'ien by law enforcement ofiY'-l • • iiile ill ill,, custody of Sheriff Wuli: ; McCall. The throe '"ere convicted last September. Sh- ptierrl and levin arc ntiriut death I - '■’ntcrif's and Greenlee, is serving -i life leruv A riappßal for a new trial foj iiCplicrri and Irvin v.-as made la u. wrol> by l.lie NAACP attorneys before the Florida State Supreme i Cruet. F'-fu an - to return an iridiefmen- i -( ontinurd on page 8, this section) j MAN INIUBED AS HE DASHES i IN PATH OF CAR ! | FA VETTF.VIIjLE A 62-ywir old man who leaped in front of several aitornobiles early Tuesday morning on Bragg boulevard near I hero, was finally struck by cine of them, but suffered only minor in ■ juries. Police identified him as William ! Montgomm y of Fayetteville City officers .said they received, several calls about a man who was , crouching behind a telephone pole: and leaping into the paths of on- j coming cars When they arrived to j ' investigate they found Montgomery' ' had been knocked down by i c;r j {Continued on page 8, this section) Long Search Ends In N Y Hotel Room '• E'.V ->e v . ;;. . -• search (•', ;>. m• :u e • viiU k led from an mcubht'o ,u a R 'iv.„ He-, c-I ! :-u f- -!* e, ended bet-- I •-■. iir-.-r • : live., found the .nOnf -uve .‘sf»ri' I thrivin;- in • ;. ■ ;-, - - r, - t', fit.;,yC-l )P by f.,- - .•- I .-.•-hi'■ >H •'- Bowling Group Told To Drop Racial Bars CHICAGO Sav.-erGr .r -hn, A. h l*--t Sl-. '.jr.*F-v» The- .Al’.DLii <ia B > a;hv; (t.>«|;Tc:vh $?:-.()<) for ‘D ; :: "r'oership ?0 ffirtUYN. A ’VoiJr h •: •• J ' <K' • Rir'v-s-n tMat :ht» • iRr-* • •.>• tho of* n- .• ;> i .i'E' - *Ti thf* fi-K *o ilD*v/ thr fpcv.s , ;ovl>e its by lavvs -it it.R cotwvY‘l ion Marshall S J ri. v actjpPKp*P* Os Regional Sdtodf Fnct E W v.ltK T- Je W'- *hr> (.'(>• »rl of Ai-.<eal/- 1 f Mfiry‘.And • p-.-b;' ;h€ i Rid. of Mi- . F. si her: ? I I‘C 1 :) .E [•: : -Tea to Uw UD •- 1 o'r.-iity oi M;U yUmd Sciiooj of Nih'n- i « t* C •*' :S 1 * D<- •l." ;.i J . - [i NO 'U *0 ; vc-i ional EdUf dtv'tLil compact am - i not bf i sed p> pn p nt'o..-e for ex eluding (Qualified NA'gro :-todor*t-> : M.O'M -> .! ,t i I? 2 -' Uo»ltM f U lit ILL h ■ i iti. '! • ur good ,'-u-i.)h ; \ ■ 1 1 r; i ! : ' f' .1 ] ' ' :. , iin oomnuvritmg on the rotuk- unan ; imous oeciaion. The opinion. h:<n'.fed down s. the I ' L’cinn iif Afv* mi Afui! 14 ;,: - At;n.v;.-ilii-, rovt-rsed i decision of• ;( - i-T J;.n; c ,V t ..mvell Smith •>! , Bail ini'n • Cti> Cour t J:ci ;c .'-•-u.ith ii.ifl th.-*t the I:.u'. ci .it - could legally < xclii'lc Mis- Mr I'.ready xhroniih cut ongimf so: i■< • r j I,ii Img o tii- nursing- .>i of i -Mciiuijv M> rlicid '. lolc.u'c in Nash ! ,'iUe .Judge Smith'- r|"ci u- ri. Mr. Abo shall Mid. infei cutiaily upheld tic "ccioiia! > mio-uct s on in tinivo-o; ■ f"T exclusion of Nc,o -c . from sLitc 1 -.inivei -.i! ios. " The Court of Auuc.-iis I'itcd its de • 1 ion of lii.tfi, -»•! um tin- udnii. j sin.i of f loioild Mm i . to |he Hni - vci ity of M;ii vi.-iiid School, : \ v-Js ; -Mj ■' ’ 1^1? New York Dr. Abigail Craw word, teacher in New York City schools, kneels to kiss the epis copal ring of Most Rev. Joseph Kiwanuka, only Negro Catholic Bishop in the worid. Bishop Ki wanuka, shown here after speak- NO. THIRTY \ votin ' niotnev. he ■); tbroken by ■in to of Ip-i own twin l-cbies •a >. p.h Lrc-. ki-ui,.*p|-mg | - licr- it. if' cd tc'l' I- iVil' y. i,me .ini d,in. ■:> i-'s og. -i ;!-. , hao .dok". < h/e-ef > Hoidt ... fro.- :>i« obMoi . i i -t'lCOiii 11 0.,. 1 colit:: fl on p.-igc H. 'his -.Ci: fl o*l} ~ tyj av g Tiu,- .juuige said if he -veci the i . • -a!-on. tlv tjov- line con ~f e nbie to n- vt He added TU>w f that, my ujYaljtaw the sute to. ~. X' At ■ - , o »y> fafcw bo -v-yfed rfoup. 4r£' 1 ' .f nd ' -b“d th . the 1- ' cf- o |;<o '-C -L: ' ' -f.U’.y Os ■n-- Os 11 o-.-;og " if re hi,,.) so ofnci NAACP 11'.*- ( . \|NES ami -,O'UKL f inituc.i'f) on p-igf R. the-; .-"Ci'iTl) RACE STUDENTS TO STARE WORLD TOUR . klfllMONh V - A Mi’i A -; -j|. ,f Nr,:.--) coheg. studenl-. od! -h off 'ii, a iounci Up'--world 11 . i,o-,ii- to ■ (,!>•.a.t pro dcpiu'/i icy lie- ,;i In th. pc plv *>f at lea-t >a nation.: LeginniHu' .lime 25. -1 -,■- )■ - niiounn-d lieci Lot week The If. n -a - .or-.-o I.y ‘III’ VilL.Uli I Uo ion Umcoi at.--. Is -in oulK'owtii or an idea nono'ived pv t'ie.nnoo Km>'.- -faculty men,he: who acted -I- -’ ,; - ■ i ;t.o tlie ehool', four man for ei.-ii ind team vaiiich travelied at road , a.t y.-ai King is l-idiity director of this yi-].\. tr.-.vel group, which bc.u.t (Contmned on ptiKC 7, this seethinl I ii'< ;tl a f orum in New York, is Vicar Apostolic of Masaka. Ugan- i ! da, East Africa. He visited the 1 United Staves to raise funds for ■i seminary in which African hoys 1 wjjl l;e trained for the Catholic . priesthood. V* v'O J ' • S ' / . .'X'^;/'• • •; <,*.-*■•• v ' \ h'»i-f » , ,» 13 f.’bst rum .M’v, <»f « i)r#ij , u in m |m< h Jh,f h<k(y tff fU»i<*£ IV 4r ' <>»i, S?*. W'-V* f’ou»'?f|. • r?t iy £ i t*mj mi*£ THr t.wi* men in fhr l^f» h : *r«i f.’Of nn <*rf ijfifirrt >jk» i . wi» • ii' - hr >«£,**>z *>tf * ihr v °* s*f VvflO Vx ■*_'-. A inoint'i m ib' lihii'.f- U'lM' h-* f Ts» r,>nt(i.i ,jmr? i $ pl.i‘bf« tft • j«\*. < reek &*><; . ! 7 nn n .hip ihe aia-rni was ti?rM?r| it? * *»<»•«* ; 9; 15 l-'rklav mor?*ing' by ,I;im* ; Irv an M<NHH -j .school boy ••‘•7v* w;i>s pushing thr hows#- « v ibe flints, IsvyHtcviUe ftrenv'-M , wf*r» hamper* «i oy a lark of v-a* ter. j‘hc house K located oulshff j ot the city limit*-' t urther detailr*, j may be t<nmd elsewhere mt ibis i i Photo »»v } ".i ■> fiidenhoiiv J WHITE CHuin - SINGS TEACHER'S ARRANGEMENT j DURHAM r !■ “ i 't'.ve Hv .( iKan;-!*!' A ('.ita'll ‘ Choir r«-- i : A ■ j sang Miss Ruth H. GiUutn : ::«v-1 1,1 >1 :;p!!: >'■ ,1 i■ ■ i Mi > ;;•i »it m/M "T ■’ ■■ \ |n o }{i{} jn g }*l f t t•• ' 1 > • •ner ia i r *■'■• : | r f*rvi p''K6 l -v ohltr ' * * J.\. I Mi *3 Gillum professor of piano i jat Certh Castdma ( ‘.illege, has h; a i ; l.nforiTUHl hi Df?OU O :>. Swattfi ! ■ ,■'} ll ' o flip f'ui>' l' .it.v of Tv''*nsoo j .•'.•.‘hoot of Pino Art s that Mr. Can- | ; piaisod the arrangeinoii! highly. CoTnmenling on the re-notion o> ; tlio audience to the ipliititel .; j e tigenu'hi. Don n SwavtUouf ;aid ! proveU ".in immense i-.iici■'■.•■■■; ' YMGA CONFAB ! ATTRACTS OVFE 5 M DELEGATES KINT. tr>'; ~ The 20th Atmua; i 'IN. ( VMfA Older Bov- Cenf*’! ci.-e ! I held ot the Adkin High th.hoo’J j Kinston. N C . Ae-ril ’i. 22. ltd v’-i. j j attended hv oyer 200 ho s re; .re I I seritin;* Xi YfvfCA’. and higf> 1 j school s officials of the Confet er,!'" I have ..iinounced The ofn’>ainj; idrirc: s ere; dejiv-j ; cred liv Ki'ilv .A iixm; dcs. Choi’lottcj j resident . t the Ktnte ( ‘onferenct’ of | ; NAArT branches ’vho di.;cu:.: ; ' , 'l ih. j i conference theme W dung Demo j |cracv Work ’ In a forceful and in . !spiring addic.e: Me. Alexander urg j c* dthc deli .t ile in took so: \»'.i! d to | a new day when they will fm rush the leadership to me'me present; ; injustice, ■wl mci|o,i!^ j. bctvn cc . i the iace-, in North f oohua j Rev u. s dolinrori [i:i;.toi of the j |St Auf'ustns AMR Zion Churcit dc i j iivpred tie. .onfcience ennon on the subject. ' The 'll ;. of Yount: | I M entinuni on fM;,;c 7. the. secM'nii m SCHEDULES ! I SUMMER TERM ! OF NINE WEEKS | i DURHAM. N C. - Nine special | j features f a State Negro teachers j I will be- avail able dining North Car j ] olina College's niri» weeks Sum ! me.- School cession. The .special feature;; will he held | in connection with the regular six j [weeks' session:;’ workshop June | jft-July 15. Included will he .i hea'.lh j I education workshop, public health ! | nuioiVn' remedial rending, a re j i source use education workshop, a j ! .-pecial program for teachers of ex- I iccptional children, a guidance pro-j j gram, a series of creative writing; 'seminars .a dance workshop, and ah • | audio-visual aids conference. In addition to the sessions' re;fy- \ ilar program offering 1 course? lead-j ‘ (Continued on page 8. this secitoiu Plan Goes r TP • | 1 o Council it Vlt H A - 'f ff-ftaft Cm rec-pon deii'-e) The Ipu'hajn f Hy (.‘oun - : l is a.pei h’d so -n't v- jlhiti tilt’ east U on favo) lhp- recoin mend afii in . for the employnienl -.? Negro fitemen aa pat! of the city's ' Tins’ tftcße plfdi'ith-a In - un-cting li-'’V» 1-f' Tuesday . It 1;? fa t sevea;,,) :. a-r • an tat: a-a :; -, a ■ Sea Durham ' a!e a,! ‘t' a an Negro AC 'ii'-: I*-,! by I, I Hendei S ><>, vi!.aln-i:i.|>. 4 f the Civit group, .Ip- - I-.-ared before tin i'oblle Tafei*- f Of‘ 1 tao Io l-f-lICV'- a pi ayioii t, t 'M‘ t fu N, tirem*>n Chulnnan r> it ja.i-ih., of th" *'i|l>li Safntv Caerdpittec s'- believ -,i t- have i l pres: -’d ihe tlLl jord y ■ ■■ :of the eon,;, dt.v in his hu!’- r atu,ii »io:i he won Li eseri .- i riys-t f - ! .11 ppm ft|i r |), :1- .I.V 1 '■, ‘ St* ii:-.- > ‘ 1.-iid'M .’ii • b'-v o: ' ill ! : of <lll- < f 111 111 a. OO ’ .u -1 .A ffa ivs ipp- ri|... h. fm ■ ‘ n*> EDUCATORS ASKED TO mi BIAS 1 J 1 'vV A . 'l ll Vi iT| )\' . Ji. ’• o,r . v-,-c • .-aSlvd on M aid.!.-’ to n i > ihe tv-i*. [ in •' r i.y hi asain ;t . .riid mid icli j “ion.: Intred Ad*!'.■ ’d nst o >• rdoun! <-on(«»i-e.nce i'n *lliirll/. <: t• >• i hi ii I, h1 p(p,. . i ' Gat. i- can '-i.ivei iti--;;. in ■ M.ji.dr) i•. ,i. i...i|, .a the' I’nivci ill > ■it 'U . r 1 .. |? pi |}iv- g- - ii.-* 1 1. a t . -an- h p! * -ludi* .-f >' I’ d|U!C. t 'l-- « ophtiue - on k. '!;*s ;e i High Court Decision | May Hurt Bias Suits -VA f fttUOTON Hie deci-.jon |of tho fj ' .uj .)'.| nt' Com! last j !V!i'.i',i|a ,• a tile Coimtv !Jm! ! votm:" .' tiOi in liir- ".tiife of Ocor- Hoa i oi *’dict.ed i. ii.' ir;" Negro lfider .i a had omen for its forth - ! i inning T’. is:on on the it -egrcHr' j tn;i ■.•'”• n"w per,ding before the i court I By ll 7-2 Split the high court a/- Charles 11, I fouslon Dies, Was Noted Negro Lawyer v’.'.MifD. C. The tor i j i special counsel of the N&- t“i» ( »! a.. li.ifi <>r> f.n* rix A'(v i iu :, }ni n. : Colored People. Charles Hamilton HfUKUoiy died m-i. Ccl'ii d,< v Ht„ )Ac wss 54 • •It Houston ''*/m h horn hi V.' 4 shine (on and took an k R. at Anilipi s» College in 1915 f.-atei he - ■ - C-ed m I d.. R a.i Harvard in I in I" ■ h® • ('••••ivod a degree of Do-ror of Juristic Science, - : .' t> it o -ai ■ i and it. l I '’ '4 ii» studied C *im Univer'Hiy of Madrid. to tv« admitted U- the DH-trlct of ’Columbia Bet »n 1924. end pi “ Mred iatv with his father. Th -ir firm was named Houston and ! fouslon A frv years late* along with Judge William H. Has tie. now a F’sdci a. 1 judge, and formerly Governor of the Virgin Islands, he formed Houston, Houston and Hastie. Mr Hour, ton was a former vice-dean of Howard University, vi- - president or American Council on Race Relations, and had nerved as a inemher if the President's Committee on Fair Employ ment. Practice, and a member of the Board of Education of the District -if Columbia. During World War I he served with the AEF. During hi-: career Mr. Houston was an active champion of Negro and other minority rights, and handled many rases in their behalf particularly for the Association of Colored Railway Train men .-ml Locomotive Firemen. ‘ lie leaves big wife, Mrs. Henrietta Williams Houston; a son, ‘ Charles H„ Jr., and his fathei William LePro Houston. gi» uft '.x- <' vp. th * over ?! \ ? *' ■? ifitHs ; chairmatt. J Stewart, John 1- Wheeioi, iv..’ii i'.’Hiking member c the ■ ;>!>:t:mi- 1 -?«. I, L Austin, loc? ne'-vspapf.r editor, and the Reveren H Kuile!, .-pokesmatt for f tncnibtti. pas ten ? of the local Min derisl Alliance Also in ittendance and react In 'Continued on p»je 7, this sectler SERVICE HELD FOR YOUNG TRAFFIC VICTIM IVY ?. B HARPEN Bo." KV MOUNT -- With son TOO .; ■ i.jt-.nn hand, a funeral f r .'x-year old Williai tti. i.'inle;-- Sn:i*h, victim of a trag ;*r>ff; • ae ident, was held here o ..' nr d a;; 7 e service was held at the Hid |vv View Baptist Church, with tk P -e. J. H Dixon, in direction i --m vice.; The 'ohool mates oft! ck id oimgster served as flow; hearer. were directed by Isr iWiiite F Rulluek, assisted by Mr f II Shelly and Mrs. Fthol Terr The boy, the son of Wiilia dniih of the Hickory View Con "‘unity, vms killed early Wedne •viv morning, as be and sever other children started across ti • dto heard an approaching ttcho hti*. ” Hi h was about to enter higl ■' ■. aouf nine mites smithes I "i Ibis ci tv ‘ 5 **ntinned :w page 8, this seettot i .firmed the ruling of a lower Fat (mil CouH to uphold the count mill ; system in Georg " tu. h p- ’• .i./e. city voters ar'"" ■ ‘.hose in rural areas The !«Hf,i.on '-as a victory it Gov. Herman Talmadge who r ‘ - c - maioritv of his vofr i'Oin flu rural areas where fe !< nniiuued e>» nigf V. this sertlor

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