PRECINCT ELECTION DRAWS HOT BLAST kk★*kkkk++++++*k k k k k A k k kk k A A k A k NEGRO WINS PULITZER PRIZE FOR FIRST TIME . lafaKjfclwvßaS-': Aar, ' ., .'. : *>,•» rfts; ', > «%£ ii \U!GH IMrtured ( ' ** 'as slit* luves the Uouni Hop* €«?!«»• ter> AH* r siivLis i oi‘ . Election Results Are Hit Hi J AMI s I* UJI I ! \>l> JdALLRUi Hie tusi ; i..ica: fijit-uj: i.i tin- . iii iA i.t i- U.i tiun • ui piu£i\ ;uv> •• v :U p ; . a? Ntpr- * v i ' tl'S ,tOOR i iac*.- v’.’ i’C* ‘.** k .S Wr - ;.*,-, when r u6ia: ui <»••;«.-:-• were made ti>at (in- ■.■!•• • >!•. till? itill. : i*-cinct • '• .-'• d ■ d: v '.vaS cotidllvivi. i..r>’l..;.i I.i'v l fturthoii T.if* .-hi!;: v: made b y I -.<•• Rev George f- 1 her us SI AnM.: o.v Kpifrojcd Cmit-cii v. < .. pro -eati-.i 10 J \V Komi, c1..,.' i:n... .; the Deiaorrrit.u. K>:c =■ ■ 1 1i* t- Con'iiAitne ’•f WtwO { . ■ t. . : • . .■• l! i’ll. Bunn tue ,k! tied a., other (‘lrai’..i! Lt held at ,' pm today .Tim: ;ti.;' • a; Hv ieguici precinct ■ Him ,: • •■ tlv Memo rial Auditorium iii\ bouse * Balll. ' ”‘i u ;: :: '• 1 ■ 9 V. t u ! • H M . ’ •; ' B •;:■• Stmt, chairuiar. *>f the pi •.•emet committee. in which h<. t«>hi Mr. Hat tv. til..: cm c I’l MI-VI! . ’":): plaints which ..ii.'icuted the elei ti<-n hail in.: i.u-n ir id in .mvi-im ance with !-.11 = > rules u* ..wi mended and uruested tied a other elci ta n b»- new. « The charges presented to Bunn (C ontuuii-il nil ji.i ■-e .”. tim M'. li.m. Supreme Court Refuses To Rule On Election Law WASHINGTON The l. S. Su preme C Hurt ii-fa.-i'U aii \1 •- •r 11 f. • > t rfVK'U’ I'.'v. (It- ; via lav. .I.soil ed t< - iv Ui (all Ntvrv ( : ! i ’ 'lJie statute p.e e4 ijv citvoi aa legislature in Kebruai v Ill'll* a e left unimpaired 1 v 111 " !I . ii Com’ on da• around that no uhstanUal Federal •.pie-.lioii vv;»> i- \ Ivi d. l ilt' law do oi itji tl .. a pf * pro Morehouse Host To Adult Education Conference ATLAn'I a, till. (tipi-rial) Tim "Eighth Annual ConfVmiei. on Adult Education and The Negro" coitvi'iicd at ,M;irehou a* (adle;.** Atlanta. Georgia on April it and L>. I‘tf.o. timl.-i 11 i-• eh.iJim. r P utiip o! •! H Daces Tli- i ontet oni'e had as its pur post! (ui evaluation of the trend; and progress now b«*i ti« made It. the area of adult edncution among tlxt Negro people, and the pn -outa tit*n and inferprelutioii ol all avail aide informal lon eoneerninj; this Held to educators now engaged in • Louisana Solon Seeks Negro Vote NEW ORLEANS Rep F. Ed ward Herbert. (I*. EiD who hits iatinouiu-ed that lie will be a candi date for re-elwtion to ('ongrea* from the First Congressional dm tried iti the Dcinoeralle primary next July, is cognizant of tin 1 huge ; Negro vote which will probably re s.ult In his undo!up. The formeri city editor of the N. U Stales, who has already served lit years In Con- . gress, attempted to win votes here; recently when he declared. I'.r husband is Mrs. Nora Evan;. ? v itlow of the lute \Vil r .'.oil > t ockhart. Stic is heuif. EV-V.GKO 8011)11 K STARTS ORIO M U VORK - Former first Walter .toveph FO'rrt*. .* l.ouisiumi has foundeil t * liriouv < »nnmiiT k .ity ai Broth *• >: foj larnit' fs his ract ;.i 2£ it .tt prtst-jit i) vs six members wi.ui expect b.» make their pro li siuii soliJctimc this war Ihe cummunltv known a,s the } r.Ht*‘isi*an liiother> Missimkir >• i ml- t.a < hrixt the KO»g, wu-t ;k* pi in <)*Tobt*i IMS si< Un* i uinlcii, \ J liiorcs* . Ilu tountin iias taken v»»<* iume o: Siiotlu i < harit-s 1 ouamra, ■ »* -’’■ t-*U> ItlexMf« i -,.;.0 •v ctiterliie service Hr‘other < Mi!rs had sU»lu*ii at St \uz asttne’s v at H.»> St. t.ouix, iVliss. 1 so- fOiiinmluty brg,iu «tn v% <**fk w *t-h ht'atiq;»•*ill i-. tit >i Ha t! hnttiHir w s ili lif «it ill FiNAI bites ARE HELD FOR W, S. LOCKHART ft A l..i:n ji! Ilini’h-vi. ~?■ !( I nigh rir./.i-u.-- imm .>!l uaiiis i,t life • t>i 1•" I the KiiM l’.’si(i-: i.'hureh • i a pacify mi Tu.’.-'lay .tft« riwou, Bts; fill jliipi t-rS; ive lU'jfyrai • i , -!«■»■ sv.s . , 1 litlii io» Wii Ob : ; lao K‘Ki v\ . -ii ‘l tuiluatlrii i/ii ji.t « Y. this ‘.rt Ih'mi net m Cn verno: P.ilmarlg ii\| ii'- i la.l it i egistt atioii ot Gv >rt.i ■’ ! f’uiKOOO voters and de mand:. inlCi laiitlonal test i ii. oi ai*i tn register i.ruspectivc vo , v oulil iti-. i to iv. d ami w ; ite .i-i*! ii." . of t Hi’ ! o’lei ., t or I State Constitution', and m lieu of! t.‘i. m: wl i a 1 ! of . jU’ • t II.Ii. C’Oitwiiiell on para 8, this Nrctiniil piaii ui tig adult eil tii’u i ion iirogt-atns. The ‘.inference opi at’.l on Wed nesday, April L's a! Stile llall. Till'; presiding officer at this opening Cession was Walter R <’hirers. • president us ilie Adult Iviliicatiun (’onfi’ri’iice Aniliiu.'e t aliver, Sem ior SpoHalifil in the I’ S Office ; of Bducation, disciiK.sed “Trends in Adnlt Kducat iuit” and .Mi-h. At mu S. Ifediteinan, A-sislain Ad'iiinis-' t rat or Federal Seeuni > Adinini: ■ 1 1 ai ion, spoke on “Civic Trends and Kiltie,at ion”. (CiinUmied on page 8, this vrcfioii* "In ::iy representation and ser vice I have conscientiously placed myself al (lie disposition of every- j body. 1 have not been ihe r.pokes inan or representative of intlivklu i al group- or organizeI ions. 1 have left partisan local politics at the i state line. I have never been pre judiccd by a man's color not. inquir- j oil into hi; religion or race when my as.-a. tancc has been sought and 1 have u- *• ■ r asked anvbody who, (Continued on 8 the. section) 1 .issisttil by her Ivrother Mr \.vans ot New York, A complete* * ' tory will Le t'ouml on this page. W Oman Receives r~*ri r“% • 1 op Prize ~i .V YORK K r ths* lirsl time r\ hiNti!-.. j I\e-;o M .ss C vvMi- U’M.vjj brooks, h:::. tu a mod a< - mm. j* • -tf** : < -vt i.i to M;s.x BIOOkS UK ht*i liOek Os poetry “Amu- Ai >’..' i-jbii'hed oy Harper ard .\• if: •-.; j( vt M ui Mi.-a B Cooks’ .• ■ - d \v i m.K‘r *..!i Mv-nday, bv i . io*-.*:i i u Tlzeiihouer . : c itb..i Llnvethity. F*n- •••'%... 1. v\*-)'i f taobilieti by the iuU- Jt...c;,ii Uulitzci. lu*e NVv. . • -:: :.'.!• 1: iii. t . t huiiOi th{* OUt* 'lanUuig work .j{ An'iCi*ioan verit~ t ; i .-1 ik i> v .• >:d artists i r.c . .r-v'id native of Topeka K. ha iivi.; ."U remarkable -• since tlu- publ ic'-tioij of i{ oniinur i t»u page H, t!»is section- NEW JERSEY HOSPITAL WILL USE NEGROES V- !.A ,Tlr ill \ ~ J (AN Pi Negroes \\ ill bo added to the med ial staff of iin' Atlantic City ho-. f>ital. if ’•■ :i.- royarted hero last work. A ilium i b unoffir ia i, the report * . 11 ,n* h . in a iiiviiibe;' of tin- iios- Idtal boani who wishes his name withhold at present. He* said the board had agreed f.* employ qiiali* fb'd N»ki‘() ami nurses ap* idyliiy t a jjud?jv»a at the hospitala. i i uJitiuueil on page « lids Mu tionl CIVIC GROUP PRAISES NEW VOTING BOLES HAt.EK.MI J'he fiction of the State Board us Elt-eti ns in issuin'.* instructions against discritn illation m tiw I‘f.uist ration ol voters, has : been termed by the North Carolna C 1 tnrniltee on Negro Affairs as •erhai.'.; 'tile most signlficiint and i:npi'l'u! hiinneintiK in the reiynt i politic.T lift of North Carolina i Negroes. " 'i’iie statement a o cunt fined in :.i tetter sent out this week by the •Cf rnmittee, in an attempt to in* .Continaeii un page 8, tins section) LOCAL DOCTOR TO ATTEND HEART CLINIC RALF.IGH - nr W B pottiford 'will at'eiid a I’'aduate Course |in heart disease, at Meharry Medi cal College. Nashville, Toon., May 18 through. t,'i. i Meliarry Medina! College has re* i caved funds from the National Heart institute for research study in heart disease and has established a new Heart Station with a wide variety of the most modern ap ivaratu, and equipment for the treatment .and study of 1 heart disease. THE CAROLINIAN I NORTH CAROLINA'S LEADING WEEKLY I I j VOLI MK.\M\ DATE SET FOR FEPC Administration Maps Plans To Push FEPC V, V' lt i . f l >. . r • u...' i - Lucas. 11.) il! . Si nate :na jut ity : ! leader anne uneed un Tue.that he •.*• ’Ui-a move th..t the Senati’ ' take up ti.». Ft’.PC hill immediately : after the chamber dispose.* of the foreign tall i-u Friday night. The awi uneement followed one! • that tire adininistcaticn will final ly briny this coti'troversiai civil i ighi;-. measure t. ; a lest tollov.'tng a iweeuny; T the Democratic Policy Cc mm it tee. Making of the motion by Senator Lucas v.-..i bring . Southern fin Murder Trial Date ' Set For Young Man k . T.UMBKH'FON - Trie trial ol ■ IH-> cur -uid iiot..t*rt Let* Bowe)l 4 Wit. > tit* first Civgrve iuui dii oi a kvai white !ari;ic , i\ r»c * bt ci; *>cl fin ii e v/ct k Os May lb, Tht vuUtti ho will bv defended 5 by ii ?u an L Taylor of Haleigu. ■ is acen.-i. d of the murder o! 65- i >ear-old Roland Daves at the hit (Hi tarn, jc t outside v! tills dt*. Hovel;'* tritil lias been delayed - cci. u S m order that tr. ni; ht b< vxamineii by p-.ychiatri-t:; • it i.:e at Goldsboro. Problem Os Race Firemen Now Up To Durahm Chief IH’KHAM - (Staff Curvespon lienee) inn ! ..un s “Rlus around the Rosy- race lot Negro Firemen has ami turned to Fire Clnet Cos mo tux viln. last Thursday wa* instructed by tin City Council to make i ei. uiumeudations on the bn. tis ut a complete mudy i»t she pro ! posM. Durham Mayor Dan K Eduarii ji’ked the* Fire Chief and the ('nun. . < i! to take .-.pecifie action upon the , plan ji soon a.-, ah the fans are in Some iltsappointineni was ex ; pressed by a few followers of the ; Durham Committee on Negro At tail's because thr* Council itself did I not specifically endorse the pm* i posal and authorize immediately the training of the colored firemen, ! j A source familiar with the wurk iiii'.s of the Council, however, says Warings Lack Friends In South Carolina BV CARTER JEWELL CHARLESTON, C. tAND - The white world around Judge J ; Waites VV a ring has almost com ! .ai tel.v isolated itself from the fed ,l oral jurist because of his stand On t I civil rights for Negroes. White neighbors shun both, the jurist and . ! bis wife. Thei e is Litter resentment against ; thi Warings because of the Judg* s i ruling against the lily white prima ;ry which gave S. C. Negroes, i for the first time, the right to vote |in the Democratic primaries. Dixie j *~ Happy Khmer New Year. Jfabberwock Queen and Court t of Henderson Institute. Front ’ I r»w; Lottie Williams, Laura Bask erviile (Queen) and. Annie Mary HA Livid If, .NORTH CAROLINA WEEK FIND INO MAY tt, W.J bti 'er m an efforl to prevent to i ieg.sJatvou from coming up before - tin- y Mate ioi consideration. Senate Lucas said he would per-1 mit the debate acainst his motion i to take up FEPC to proceed for. .two or three days before attempt ing to break, the filibuster by the • new cloture procedure. Cadet this procedure debate on the FEPC can be limited by an affirmative v te of 64 senators,! la no Lucas said that if the move tail; by ~ few votes he would; |Continue.! year: 11' asitillue j un pUjjr 8 tins srction tnastmicii as ibe Fire Chief tins been lust j acted specifieaiiy to : make recomniendatioiis that this is tantamount to the Council itseU acting afiu r a complete study of the fp’i'Postil Oniham t oinitiittee ui; Negro At fail s members who are ai - iuaii l l’”i . with Chief Cox liesei iiie him a ‘ a fair minded citizen who has the interests of alt Dm ham citizen:' at ; heart. Due Ni pro citizen said lid- Week Fire Chief Cox can he depended : upon to act fairly tn this matter.'" Finer ihe beginning oi the cam paign for Negro firemen several ; weeks, ago, the Durham civil group ! has made rapid progress. First, the committee was aide to dispel the idea current among some white f iimiiH.ed on page 8. this section) cr.-t.s also are angry over. the pro j Negro speeches the judge and his wife have been making recently, i The 6a-yenr-old judge and his, Y i.’.kei wife have no standing ■■A itfi Dixiecrats in any part ot the j south. However, outside the south a, small liberal group which is grow . mg, hails the judge and his wife | .as liberal and courageous leaders, who deserve the support and plau • i (ills of all Negroes and progressive; | whites. Neither Judi'e Waring nor his! , j I 1 Green, Side rows Horn left to right; Kowen# Green, Erdine . Carpenter, Delores Burwel), Hi- , ■t«l Tubour, Ave Mae Gooch, anti i Bertha Alien. 1 j , r, '\ •*, • • fjjS: £ { - . '&. ■<&!& 1(1 AH;* SHAW s( not VH sI! (i ■ ! I Ml \n uUcnsli r drive lu raise a large selinlarshitr fund Hu de»crivng students tns in n launched by the VLunni \s an lution *d Shaw Eniversity to the picture, above the chairman ui the drive. Xtiss K-n tu 1 II ti Jlct auley. ami the c**-, Woman Reveals Reasons Behind The Theft Os Baby NK W YORK iA.x l ’ - >: • ca I IKK meda .-ti e‘.peris and new Hiue!> ail arc . 11 . i*-* ■ i i Uj-ii Hi:* recent recovery nf litth Clin is tr Holden alive at*' 1 ’ sin* had teen kidnapped from 1 hospital m ■ ettbator wa.-; a m Intel * ot Hie Chanetn, a small globule of life Negro Women Named As Guest Speakers DURHAM. N. C Two of the j nst.Blip's in.>-1 distinguished Negro women will be among speakers ad • dressing the list annual session of the North Carolina Federation of Negro Women's Clubs meeting in Soils hern Pinos May lb ho. it was announced here this wn k by -Miss Ruth (I Rush, presiil-ai of tin State organization The two days meeting with the motto. ' Rifting- as \Y,> Climb - , will hold sessions in the .senthorn Pinos. High School next Fnhay ami Sa tin day. Mrs, Klla I*. Stewart of Toledo <)., president of the National As- Hoeiution of Colored Women, will: deliver the keynote address at S j o'clock Friday night when site j speaks on the subject, "'Uchieviug Our Goals." Dr Flemmie I’. Kittrell, head id - tlie Home Kcotiomicf, Division at : Howard University. and visiting, professor diming, Vasaar College's j; Summer session's Children Insti tute', will deliver the principal ad dress Paturduy at lit o'clock when she uddressi s the group on “Prob-! ’ Jems of the Family.” As announced by President Kush j in Durham last, week, Friday's opening program will he divided into morning, afternoon and night sessions. Mrs Maggie Jones will | president the morning meet which j begins at II o’clock. Mrs Knmia ; Stubbs, chaplain, will conduct a! wors.htp service during tin per | iod Miss Rush will follow with Hum president’s annual message, ul'tei whicti Joint R. Larkins consultant! on Negro Work in the Department. I of We I far-, and Charities, will dm- j cuss the Mid-Century While House j Conference Cominiltee appoint men is and announcements will con clude the morning session. Friday afternoon's- session starts, i at 2 o clock. Participants and their | topics during the afternoon meet j lag include: Miss Mae D. Holme-. Friday afternoon’s session will pre- - "Vli s ’ifo/elle Lai », i'Oiitvr with oilteutls. Dr iVfux i Kin.*, o? I: i tikliiitoi). ( hairiiuu of the I xertuive ( ommitter oi i ! * Shu w Aiumut ;Asj>o'.iutu»ji, .usd tlu Rt -v (« l. ( heek ,'Vlum* m I. NCiuti\.‘ setreUirv. .-Yu up* I’eui jtx luacie to se v i-j-ui thousand :tliuvmj us the institu U:d: S ihxUl tIiVCC pOUUIU. • »;;\t'ii *:{i to. a ti| I a <"» t* * I rh:f*'l of til- u».« i roxill: i* jj.t i 9 Ui»• I;I *»» u iTiif Libel Uiaiti Mis i.i .lyr. f un- J- i ’fail Accord nip. te tie- doctors at Lut lulll he''pit a I Mill C'iOttl ll”t p’l ■ The Slate Training School tor (Lils, Mrs. J S Brown, The :Vlor. • re,on t raining School; Air, I*. Marks, tin- Children's Ward of books and e'r.'iiij; and nit child care. Mhd w eit in.-.:, on child cur": she hatch ed up .hi artificlai incnbatoi of war,u blanketk anti some electric , i iiiu- and tie cuddled B and beMoued upon i; all the love she could give Ihe hail’, lived alid gaitt eti weight. Then (’hanota was found Now site ha- been i-eiunied to Hie hon pita! wtiere ...nee moiv sin? lifts sp.-i iiiHrtr. taking' care of her Her; ,verjiueii ;.urouts. Mr and Mrs. rid'ford Holden, have been given i-r-.-fTi; pnvticg. < to me !licit datigh-- !.-i niiH i- than the a >iiai once a day. The fit!..r. to; all persons in volved, how ever, is not to be a UNION LEADERS ASK SUPPORT OF FUND DRIVE ; NTAV y OKK Labor Leaders | Philip Murray of Hie PIG and Wii i Ham Green of the AFL urged tbo 1 financial and moral support of t (heir unions and "labor every j where’’ of the United Negro Col lege Fund’s lit fid campaign, ii was ' announced today by Thomas 1. I’arkingson. president of the iilquii- I able Life Assurance. Society of tiueri a. He is na tionul chairman of ! tin Fund current append for sl,-. ( -100,000 Hr supplement Ihe ope rat : ini, hudguis of 22 private accredit ed Negro- colleges and universities. ••Riioai educational opportunities In every section of the nation is an import tint a spent of our con- II inning genl Mr Murnv declared In a memorandum to CIO unions. ■The Increased awareness and b<*t (Coriiimif-tl an page 8 this section)