Si?'-' "?'• -y ' TflKjS&t, . >; | t;ny. ' •, |X.Wii%T rOINTCir.: ! ' • ' -h «'"•••’* !: •■:»?£ • <•* - »f ?hs. f > V-ili-h it' : ■<> P ' r '-' '. * n.fijn tnrc. \*;-! -■ , : ,4. < !i? ;1. j > 1.1 • ■ - L“ . /!:/!!>) 4 \ • * / 4TN f Y~' 4 1 f’"** | Gang reudhnds In Pistol Murder 9 ' ! •' f c.. - iei ! 151. V £u*)’« r. ;:. i: •u r f v• - • v.-hich ha; broken V r *h- COtVltl : ;■ ■ • ** f ;■ > ' :;! I -r. ; rol'mi week w- i.. -• Wt«jj*i*tind ■"> ■ charge V min* of . !•'. Ht' I n In Whi * O’- ;- '.;- i - i: . FIRST FIX VI.S Hr. It P Daniels former president of Show Vnlversity. Raleigh, officiated m' and western Mr : wherry -growing 1 .crests o f.n t' more than disappoint ed t!a. ■week when a plane hear in# lntg!atoiw laborers bound front Puerto Rico to their farms crash- . ed into *he Atlantic Ocean rack ing up the horrid total ' r ••i-.ypr.-x- ■ imatcly V 8 deaths Thlrtv-seven airvivnrs of the tv, in.engined plane carry mg M*e workers were resettled by a Navy destroyer the ship crashed info the ocean Mon day. Bight bodies were fished from the ocean some I’lHl miles cast of Miami, and hope n is git rn ap for the other 'iff per t sfns making the ill-fated trip MARKS IN VVA' n’e.rsons rescued from tile wafers after the crash of the life rafts, and that at least one of the Puerto 1 Pican laborers hud died from shark ; . .-, 1 ! e -i' *l r-i bC'r!'. : I.i B'.Ul? I {.:, . r i rjiil ..." .f.*. (\ilo ‘ •■ ’ -t* v:s-oti fvt S ’.rn; f :mr jig r., •' -•■••' vn- rt,. Ti.r. nvonrl !•' . *1).- f.'-n f,. f :.,| (I -is - ./o; ! Om. i \\t. M I II ! i.o .t i .ptfio-jit. . nfi - »(ji .f tjln'in ii'lotio- toojs pl.'-r (j..t i Sf.iiil) Sirret t > .r . ur.i n itrrr fli.* iu ?> lirsl n... * ~nd '■11;, 11l ,u>. irgUIIM'Ut police IT it'!. A (l)Slg-standiltK - 1 isl ! HlV'-Ml I!'*' two it.'ti *risen when Mt ! f According f have left file |-r taurant ilt (I Hashed later ts which time mu tod Arrhihabl staiteii fighting with members of the „'.ittgs reportedly looking on A- tho ! ■• • i ;ll uggh.'d, -police re : ori.-; say ~ a tm .vent off, and Ar ’fh.l ;ild fell mortally wounded. Hill claims that he was rut during the fray by a piece of broken bottle wielded by Ar chibald. \ neck of i broken bottle lotind in the pocket of the dead man upholds the con tention. T! if pistol ijs*’■ A In th

The of the piffrie crash i> Maid to hcive ••• 'u die failure of •in engine. **"(, wJ&srJ-A? XXV! 1 k k k k k k k k -fr k k k k k Jk k k k k k pnpi | rn 11nTr S|\nai ' N N j \ ij iiii> M J v I i pay iTsm f’ftniTu Il’IH! .jtISU Jlilfi TO Ofjiir ! ! u Hl~ i s \ 5 L ;,• .. ’ Tj> .-t .._ -/' ill: -. gjyjtH T' j. chiua.'l' •nnounccc! '''/‘MneHsay ■••■’■■ t'lrtg that ■•' t'/o’/id demand ■. ■ ecund ,- -. ■■ fO’!- ?:.T tile poyL'C | :;nr] ivyoi-pr-. hi -; chiUSCOcf tO'i : •pjprfion b= Uii Mv.n m the Ma?' jyt h. vo< *- »j» pi 5f h. ..? r» t «.*»H u»f ?nrur“ ij| ■.r.;!f• rH»b*n , ‘. !*»«• ibr {. i,{ U»r* *■ . ; f |»r l> -il'tt'f ? f ( ommifttv 2 ro !!p 0. jd hom {»»♦• .!.!!< wit} i i“!fpbi>iir fall . ? .»fho • |»fTr b a kjn jj {ji }* J \ f>j : h < i ; roih',.l oiti-'/pris use tbrir inliit *’IUV tn ♦vnvOijs Un; i «>j potation *'ou.usel so -• • t»a .* ** I 4 ny -prirna *' ’•* jvotr. Senator Giah.arn, -\ ho *,v- r r;: | ap;.obiie/J by (P'v Kci: S. oM .i ~ nra Senator upon the death of: ; Senator J. ..To! vilio Broughton, • tb-Ci'ed the larger nimihcr »t popo-j haj* '. >s ; k.xidmg Smith by ;i3,0f)0 J The inter.-n Senat-e. ho*v evrr, o»d • i not .-.'t. the major;ty fy{ the vot**-, ; '.*»st with tho . oh*r car nored r.-v i Robert Be. : .'oold> any Oi to By 1.1 i'thf ! r.iUdi(ietCr for the po;;t ojV •'tig Mr. Smith the t ight to r!ere'»i s r] j i run-off. ( h w i s hi rn h ( atididate Stnit!* % riuin-r-s for elrrtion »n the verond pi i maty which will bp on Jtiue i ;irr seen as better than ! hee«'*nsp of the po : ibit»ty of a sntaJbr overall vote'. The machinery with which the | j May 21 candidates drevr \ record 1 ; (( ‘uitiinjcd on K, this section} ! ' ; 4; ; ■> •v ! ASKS IU-N OFF ~ WiJHs 1 j NmKo, I!;il«ish lawyer who came j in Nfvoml best in tht, Mn-y 27 I volinjf for Uir U. S.' SfMt#rship( j Wednesday demanded a run-off j ( »f the First Primary. Accoin j partying story reveals thai Mr. | Smith's eJiances of going to i .Washington are now better than \ ever. '"NORTH CAROLINA'S' f.RAPING WEIKLY '■ % , y_y . | - ya- ip " V; l>y : : ; ky3' '.■■ K ?« - - ' ■' : A ..y . Ws*T-4 1 r --sa / l|giv 'I •.» , .sS i; l J$ l^b«s • * -. -■* ■# v . , i _ - - . J .\ v- -. ""'»• . ' • .*• •'• .’ v ' 'pvirV- ... . • ■••■• v- V'V •• • v V.. v . . .... . ••».... ....... -A- <* if vrn r.ii. liihAv ~-. h v-ilie s t' linou .f|ll;td'; ( dauglltcrs of ‘'lr and Mi • {’etc Fult/., re ' I he Lowest Crime Os All” Nets Raleigh Man Sentence SUPREME COURT DECISIONS ARE WIDELY NAILED WASHINGTON, ti r . The decisions hand*;d down by the it S Sttprcme Cmui this we-k ruling thai segregation in tchools and in trai'iportation is 'tiicnnstitiitioiiah have be-'ii lmilr!c ft ftoveronr, who wax rb,irjmH with i.tkiruj futuls b< lon firing to r loe Krernviji, a Mind man who had hefr«e»Mtvjt h i m Mr. Freeman had befriended Governor by asking him into hi:; .home when Governor had reveal ed that hell ad no pum* so at while in Hie city. On en it j;mi ro to the blind man's home, ! Governor allegedly took the poc ! ketbook lx?lo?» to hva blilnd I benefactor >nd v.'a> making -wr,j" '■ ith it when he whs picked ip b ■ local Negro Officer Joe Winters while engaging in a fray near Freeman*?, home The pocketbook belonging ,fl *he blind man feK from (gov ernor’s pocket while he •onroillr to the police shitioo *fter being a ere-, tod op the H fry efuu'gr by Ofiifo€r Win bn ICoiiUrmed on pagre 8, this .yerdiimj Move electric wafer heater and ! uthej '.’i' ll convenience . tj,e r A | HAh Li IN IAN was advised The homes, were constructed ! under priv ate auspices with Willie ' I York md 11. K Richard;-; ias contractor and architect rc spectivclv j roof K VIANAOf H I Onncis Poolr. popular young 1 Raleigh native has been named j manager nf the project, A ! graduate of the local Washing- | ton High School, Mr. roole furthered htu education at West ! Virinia HU |e College, Ijpstl j tufty W. Va„ where he. majored ' ] SINGU 1 A r j COPY I. lie {a know w'hai a bittbday p? ? H r . means, and “ ich va >•- provided i w ith a < VU>\, rfplote with f «n. ; dies * r> i the occasion YOUTHS JERKED FROM DOOR Os GAS CHAMBER R/MTj.K.UI An clevonth-hoar petition basically a writ of habeas corpus, snatched Beniue and Lloyd Ray OunieJs, youthful Pitt, County yon - in.- from tin? yawning door .of ih‘.- lethal chamber at the N. C, Btate Prison ?• Federal District Judgf? Don C.ifliain of Tnrboro is ■ned an order in Federal Court, hero Fhi; week that the youths be grp-ar.,| a ~t „ v . 0( execiiticm Tip-, wprf Ip finvf ri Jt a ,-m Friday <>( nu. wi-ry irp- pip i *4fi fatal knifing nut bludgp auiugl *-( Pift I nurily „ t u m.ii i ori.irr < .u r Lifer Ulf n?f,,njojir. Hateipjl pcth i 'ihiih i-, ,i |f, His- process of » re .hearing he- If Atntimicd «ui (I,:;. g t (1,,:, action) >n hufsire*,;; and j is ,(!*,«> a graduate. of ? r’k.le,. [ f'oilege, Philadelphia. Tire new manager of Raleigh - 1 [ ' housing project is .» • deran' of two ■ and : half years of .--erviee the] j European Theatre of Operations i»nd i the on of Mr and Mrs j Haywood Poole >f Raleigh | AB3ESSXBL? The nen project, if was ; pointed out, is easily asssssible j j to local transportation, an ft ! will have landscaped 1 yards, j play areas ami all around “big i i city’* atmosphere, when finally j | completed, i “ "*******" ji \» nnior >f<-v rim* . w. j if ill i\h<\ i Hi* Htit,;*' 1 '? -*r I? 1 . -J ri«4 ? 1! 1 vlrlU! f f> ’<• IV*on. *'**■ o,m, ' jn.d-* • v it.: fhf r \RO' ? { ?A 7 I FAyn 1K VU Li. A' th On l :’.n to M } \lsi r . fn or' 2 ldccclt d.t' iTr.-jAlcvc- ■ C-m early &>6rn i in:: 1'- *dOAV? 'A v-c 4? ' » {■ ; . ' t\f : > ,•t ; I ; ♦ Vld omijj' i. bo *'-*V i 'vo other bo *• ;c tiH o. u Y>t_>nrf O 'ieCT! f ! 4 hj,- ; ,*) PibCf*‘‘Hif, ' ?!«**•« j -.hfA b*H p ti?r Ijfjs f-.mcf ijuj w A?' r-i®route to b* r ** r> 4T7 f ** T1 Hi*- f l»ntr»?1 ttL b « » i n f >i Du?n> h* *• lh e. fw'4 ♦<•!< llif i;ii t h»bi-li».rf h TD3fFV.S>- ! game of • ro.uX-StU*" irooie ;; n Tvl). A !2. t V BVit r \ , . r v> : ill} A. > . a \y - -Old Cl lt d. Mrs 'Mf'j.'in ..-.a Ip new born b > . ior» rir-jhtd } >-. ,«n* tul iru* in .< iori hospit'.l ,is -0.-ui :,s. the spp , ' < iini{ has pulled into the ternmui Ooctnrs it j the hospital r< ported that upon | 4 rrir.-.l tadh Mrs Melvin md j the h ,hi :-.. -,. none the WfU SC, 1 so, ,< r CHiC-'.GO (AXP) — I.hc annua! j ~eS c iwa'or the .., a aßp'r t A.hi i ’.■ C\ 1 hi V.--hi in (' \'S A p.'l .I’ll | V- \ ■ a.fill ‘iU'*’v-1 ?: •i v \ 4 | 3-Lore *h »n iO.OI'O <1 o!?ge t r ■*, ci• 1r f- ;olit ill g BHptl •ti.o l r ‘ V €■ ’’' UVi (> 1 \.. ,‘lity aikl cohir and niauv ('oiint'.'if*- i thfoughiuil th?> nvorld wiR h*-- ;w “ i ent I I V- t HONOPUt —■ Mis;. Betty **«« i eri '47, H;jr« ford, Conn, press “tv i l :t hoiifp'.fi rtl thirty rose*. so ! | At. it Mcl/Murin in recognition i j of her thirty years of service I j to Bennett College, on behalf of j ;lic Washington, !). ( Alumnae i Chapter «* the reef!'-*- fesUtncß- ) ■ » ' r»am V. V' v -t ri- *•' < i )'( £«•;? IV •-»•'! ’• . Os ?.;M' vC.j v,»; ?» "'. X:--V ! P ,<..rv fhU \< i \ S} s VvHi i f MEI Iff ASS4 I_IT M.CO'iB - lice ev vested t-vo v ! .h a r-f" *** - ’ : . •, ■" • \ ■ - •: 'V £-r| Vtr.C ' V'h irQt>' |_ti , » ! .r. 'v, • •--•• § ' I: Wmm s*&. V v -■ /JwKhBHhBS ljfß| % Jr ifp MV / WSBBBm -• ■• ■“ iaypßy*;'''/ j^gp^i^.y fPflfSk: 'A W MR. PRKSIM--iNT t . O. Ha U'bm ♦*m, not'd educ<>'. n ! ."t «■ • iUr. t< ■*. ih* nr -‘ Hr pr . p t V'» '■* th|> r'. ~-' r t' - I t * r Mtittnr *t i H.<i~nrt: i * M':ui .ji tho f ori ; I ■ I . 1H«■;;• i ji'igh ,md • 1 ;<• ■'-> tut! to the pro:; Went hr, Ih t fiidwini-t inrt ed.Hnr!*! tor tbp CAROUMAS f'»* m.xr. ,i (L-, site, :,>*-!■ Sturv on jr*4fr 1 j i;*[ ? Vf >;i?r!V* ~ {b*> ?.C | tf> iiw •>!';•* i'VJac .■% ‘g£&S.H?.t ,L f»f thft CQ?.lfc£ ’ Mrs*. M‘La\irln retired at the cs I lege’s 75th eommear.emeut exc ! rises. Looking on is Mrs 'Sa Wright Bmvffng. Crcersiiori ! class of ’«SB. -sV«rtj »•«<**'*