FIERY CROSS BURNS IN N.C. ***"****** * * * * ★ * *■ k ! THE CAROLINIAN 24 Pages YOU 1 ME XXIX RALFIOff, NORTH CAROLINA H'F.KK KNDIXV JONH 17. 1050 NO XXVII DANCE HIGHWAY TAKES VICTIM Im MJ| f•“ lA* .’M/ ft ' J. • x W f' jte 'i* * MRS. RAtVS MRS ItANIIOU’II BRIDES OF THE WEEK Sparking Raleigh's social week were Hip marriages of the for mer Miss Elizabeth Gardner Schnnik r (n John Daniel Ru> dolph in an impressive church i Carolinian Story Mis-Read B> LIN HOLLOWAY RALEIGH The barrage of telephone calis; wires, and person el contacts made to the CARO JiINIAN during this week relative to the front pare story of last week's issue on the possibility of Raleigh Attorney Will'/: Smith winning in the Second t,J S. Sena torial Prims fv: reveals that many of the readers, of the CAROLIN IAN msunrierstood the foil indi cations of the story. Many of the readers who contacted the CAROLINIAN by wire; 'phone and in person gave the Impression that they believed the paper to be in support of Mr. Smith’s efforts f NORTH CAROLINA'S LEAIVNG WEEKLY _ j eif rein,oiiy lost VVednciffay and the joining of the former Mrs. Chine Otey lervav and Garrett I. Laws i»i holy matrimony In ■> leantirnl home ceremony lasi Friday night Complete details of til be elected in IJIP I nitre] Stales .Senate C.irefnl perusal oi the eontenl, of III'- newspaper; however, would re veal Hut the CAROLINIAN, like ah progressive newspapers of the state is included uttong the publications seeking Hie re turn «f Or. Frank )' fiiaham to Washing Inn as Ihe Stale's •In nine Senator The story m Inst week’.; i- on, written l".y this wo iter: hid nnl by lined; was meant to ronvev the fnctually-bascd firemiae iti-o the i possibilities of runner-iip enndi date's winning in a Second P; ;mary were extremely favorable That premise was given ac.- the Randolph Sflimoke nuptial'* will he round oil Page 7. this section. Next week's issue cur ries a full -e< nipt of the l aws Invar mairiirionials to a I factual value when Kerr Scotl was elected Governor of •he state in a run-off after coming In second best In Hie initial balloting. The writer further intended to point out the importance of re taining the- k a roe calibre organiza !t.nn behind Dr Graham's efforts that missed him the larger nuin bei of vote;; in the May 17th oal~ doting. ON BLOC VOTING In his first, public statement, announcing his demand for a run-off; Mr Smith Tuesday I night over a state-wide radio net work assailed members of the Ne ;gro race for their ‘ bloc vote' ton I cSpv £ 10c ■ BUS IS CAR IMG DANCF. If CHS •;' if i ,' MOUNT • ~ •••• ji ■ —A i 'div i-. ieadin.s ivxj, from Rocky '■ Mount, site of the annua! colored .June German; Claimed another i vie* »n last. Monday night when ■!}■!■■. { bearing .< group of , c<.. ■. i • o;ng iso -twarci from the da ore -• siinor-'i arid '.''recked on !{i;i ' ■ way *»t Viriini of the road mishap which i•, exported annually as f>>mdieds of automobile:-, from j!i party <.f (he country run vergf. an (he .Hint German t itv, i, i fiir-.i ( eapri, 17 i . , rid my. ;i\ an auton.iobile other ie. •■>• ~ wa,. kill ■ \ (-.r| n> ■ 1 ; io -1 a 1 di v him (he oat if?, iver, • • O'-' Baker: 22; of Nash I County. .utMeuly swerved in th* : highway. overturned and rolled 120 fra.-t bubo •• coming to a f'll! stop \il <>f tlir prup|f> iji tile par sum.imepl injuries ranging from slight to serious All are resi dents of Nash f minty; and re* < l ived treatment in the ior.ti hospitu i. According investigating officers; Baker, driver of the nr, had fled the scene when they iniveii lie was arrested l iter in N ishville and brought here or medical treatment ftaker is now in jail await ing coroner s inquest 5 GREENSBORO- Tim full power ot tfie. incut police department hua been thrown into supoprt of the *'f tm e. of officers investigating the binning of •. fiery .'finis before th“i home of a Negro in the'Eart White : i fik section Who refused to be i intimidated hy white men wlioj ’.y allied him to give up his job in. i the White Oak Mill The cross was burned Inst Friday j night before- the home of William] I, (Hover of 1614 !Hb Street. tj'/oeei In hi jinl irr i.i rii th"f lir li’irj s rrn n hhli'k I'UI puH ~ nil'll V bom H\r nrr/t n'li'irevt to I Conthincri on page k. ibis section) ; i denote.- Mr. Smith >ud hi- decision to ask to a run-off came only after he was convinced that, the people | of North Carlina “had decided to 1 -stand up and be counted for de mocracy for Jeffersonian demo- Icraey - or real. Southern demo j cracy.” Mr Smith failed t» point out whether or not when in voUng for Ibis new political substance | called Southern Democracy" the voter was voting in bloc. - Mr. Smith; who has received the 1 I endorsement of Oil a Ray Boyd, the fourth man in the May 27t'n Pri- 1 in ary whose platform endorses 1 (Continued on page 8. this sectioni ■ y: '~>P‘ 'W Sa in tAgn es Lack i ng; 200-Bed Plant Seen & § H rr *i HO NO ft*: ft Os Rose But ler Briumt prof r asm ot elf mentar v fduertian ei the ’V » (.‘allege graduate division., will receive an honorary degree from Rhode island State College of Education. ;Sfc Story Section page !0 1 Ma n Blinded By Lye Puis Blame On Wife DUNN 'Special • --- Mr:- Ret os Taylor; a young local housewife; steadfastly denied this week that, she throw the. lye in the fact of het husband which will make him hlind the rest, of his life Mrs Taylor made the denials in the Harnett, County lower court where she was being given a pre liminary hearing on charges of .se cret assault with intent, to kill After a hearing in which a defense attorney pointed out that the poi sonous acid might have accident I ally fallen upon James Taylor, | who was asleep. Mrs Taylor was | released on a SSOO bond The charges were preferred against the young wife after her husband was admitted for treatment in a local hospital suffering lye burns about the face. When he arrived a* the BROTHERS DIE IN POND; BODIES ABE RECOVERED HAMLET (Special) --The bodies • of two youths who drowned when I the small boat in which they were • rigging for frogs overturned on ; Steen's Pond near here Sunday night, were recovered by worker: ! using grappling hooka on Monday morning. The victims brothers. were i wahle to swim for their Her* when the boat in ' the darkened pond bp | then (me weorinri hip boots ( t mother member of the /nn iil , least able to c lhi;/ to the side of the overturned enift until fourth member of the parti/, a j resriird tiro hours toted Tt>e brother to the two victims, was | nhle. to swim to shore rend n, i ■mediate/)/ set about Irvine/ to help save he others, but to no 1 (Continued «iu page H. this section) ! *j j : }jf-h ;.hr *»f . * *»■ h I lii c> ‘!H Th» - fnfffttic 5 1a.ecd j? the f ommtmd v (hr j.( ouncil <»£- !«r f * 4>*i .',fK»!h i-ahaby*-v .>1 w> \ :• ■> ? * H t!’ ‘i *' h.(Mt fr! h•. n ( |fr»ri}Cf M »?At i| inn ; p? of cr vis <»! t iirai h (,r ! <} h>s:y • iAtc < *»i If ?f , who* f'onrfiiftfd a ;tin *'»»i h/>N|>»f.,ij liffH, »n f}l*‘ .4 iir i 1 ‘ 4: I Thfi ;::*•< Ml.f. \K'hi‘;h feaf-M'rM * 5 in clove cont-ict vvith the |local licFspil/uj ronditirm took pari; . xci ved a- sounding board for c * f a.! >i I;;js n"» eut of the ? ■ onc!ur»iom* that. <1 > It i'j ph“, ■, ? f» 11 v mnv. ■ • yible for the A* Agnes' i plant, here to bear t l vt v >ric h* »d forced upon -t. and (2y Activn 211ouId be t n i.r to ine ve a • r U>e bed vapacin -f ■ 1 to -■ 1200 bedv thtough pa blie \f i- da ru Mi Paring the panel dhicasaion in •which Dr r.'hav'ir., X--M --pjetoii; former manage! of Ag nes Ihopdai. and Dr Ch.Hunc»ry in du'*' not onj} r of b*'- ! but was ijoio-ed out. that St A f, ivo ■ (Continned -m? p‘«iio H sos hospital 'n the eaily morning hours. Taylm laid |>oH< r of Peers to (~> jet my wife; shi" did this " 1 Jr- the h< ariic: however, when a :ki ■! if he wei • sure that ; - h .it tieen thrown up-n him nv hi • wife, Taylor -.aid ; ! don't know When 1 wok, up t cuuld to! -ce her " He -aid that, when n»- was aroused from his sleep writing in pain; Ills wife's .si-tei helped him brush some of the acid off, hut that his wife did not til l UNSF. ('(MINSK!, Ally Duncan C Wilson. : "pi f s'-oiinu ;vii. Taylor, a Mem pled to show the court wherein it. was possible that, the can containing th<- lye which blinded Taylor could have accidentally fallen off 113111 ' w " mki 1 w . a 'TSfi HONOR STUDENTS James H Clark of Mercy High School Wilmington; and Miss Willie Mar : Wynn of St. .Joseph's High School; New Bern; were tills | year awarded Bishop Religious Medals for maintaining the high est average in Christian Doctrine : in classes during four years of so vri AH hidg? » f I 1,, J(| |i ,t Ml tllf Hf i.vl'V r*f f i f*i /»M Necf'O ' rtij! f of |VI fi * . its m < t? »y .h»»i f* N ( on Surtdtv Mine *K at Tsi.n it-. V V H,/ ( hllfrh at * m Thomas ,i{ip 1 * u im r ♦ . h r UO; SJi4»nsu? #‘ii |iy the IH mnn <tu ('hih »t tA’iiHOwJ f <> a .-tiflf directly above the bed in which the victim was Deeping Taylor, however, insisted that the ■■vsl mold lint, ii. v iwu on mat paituular shelf. ARGUMENT The alleged lye to.-.iug' f..; was ;- r» 'ceded by an -u''ginnent in which Mrs Taylor is said to . have unhi aided her husband b<*- • muse of his asserted attentions to othe rwiimen This argument is re ported to have begun at the housei of Taylor's mother and to have continued until after the couple returned to their own home i 111 route Pome; the two were accosted hv Sgt. Mack Denning : f tiie Dunn Police Department who told them to go home he (Continued on page H, this section) aKar acM; f £ v -' * li y ; MiPM ' mIA? 1 v Vc ■p* ■ “ ivc . ! W: '\ \ ' | -1.1 I- : '.il 1 1 - I erend Bishop awards the medals annually. Other 1f)50 winners in clude Frank Lane; St. .Yoon's; j Waynesville, .Iran Me.Uhaue; i O’Donoghue; Charlotte; William i Parsons: Cathedral; Raleigh, and Elizabeth McGuire; Notre Dame; Southern Pines BIG FOUR - '**n> • * -f I >".itifjnsil m> ?->r fh* .1 v,» iv<-A\fn«n + f -m if*? 1 frti rr)|»fp *• fjijrt \ !’ f•'h; r * *•? f'*? 1 }.fft f*» '*■*•«*♦*•' Rr»v VV»tkm« <» <i *«* •-, .(s >t t- . 'U'MU t |h'» cvr tis-i • iff »f( i* . t thj »11, «'--s t M<%t*ry I A* ">f '■» ft * tf} f,± i tc% p /if f * r *r?* <*iv >i} • ?*f 8 * H«=»|X «i * i!h Ko-’!, Cf (|i»-»!-*«r« .'ifrri )f «* hjic*'* I tu?n to thi? .V AA f Pj <s* u yrnmn tlk * S S In- i « s*. is !\ i pfippj §ij a hi .ui lll.f r • CG I<A RALEfGH --• Charles - • W<;d of 4 hr ' : . ; /p~T Fad Rapt; ; Chur: h. Wifi^') l ! Salem; vas prij hf. • ■•■ r < *• * :• 1 ■ : * ■>? C irrni Ly^cl Monster AH >\|.{( f-:-' !..i 11 ),-, " ;;. ri , ■ ■-. held Gt ■.•',• : , !~; ]i e t . ’.intj ilfic •• !.. ft, <!.i!l >'•■• i ■! it' . v 1.0; t! iit ■; i to ..I r-j: j:;'! '.•■;'!■ hr. «oi" ! ' >•*!" b< t'tok if. stjv.n him ,elf st.on :it. o.i % ••[■ I ■ n A fl-W , . T ehcll ii'r'. to the K ■smoke-Chc an Hospital I akmg V ;»</;» fior Rg>XBOKO '.-a .’•»»'• ■ r.t.r Tsl^y f'.U mC-1 (hi; h-:u in ; of til OH cation, :<* ic ni.stody at nmkut:* y ■fd ■ "n;..' .ih’pr tr«>n; <v a !•• r- gio Person Co ty jslrv 7 s'■ • 11 h J?. mon , ser,■ • e tor d)*ni'n-;en Old Demon Rum I.iOOiSBI/PG - MarUi» Ntd' ■>:. i. ij r tin ,f f; ;-im; iwt OU»' ''.s'r. hone { ’v(j.l) )do?.se'i.f and v» lh» lf<v wlipj.i ji" rP'porled to lc ofiKot.haf Uie eouldn't get « '•vork done on ids faro* as J.t aj: In- had '"hi ,s ke y a>o* >• * d piari- The officer'; settled t. problem for him destroy the ii l r'.dJoFi . of > lijfp w hi.s] : Nicholson surronnded hirnself v. ? A niueh rf- , lie v *'d niaf?; the hivr j returned to in- |s >* f.e»-U fij !up with a .Urponded a ndn e. Did Ilc ! hdii !! !<• ritAH.l '! t F ' -in a ioc.'l man; otitic ...*i;i ; char.a‘'i. 'f %■. 1 .111..■ '.'■.laHti ; pushni.; her <.i. * < *s. in ffont ,t r.) t , Vf!': ■■.<.■:! it .iv "Iv'fJ'w't' did o> if h did’t f (ti ji Misi hi i Martin to h< r death :: Wlt'li " i. i ; -ay (r| j saw Hart pvab lli" namian by I :.hoi iidf'l .1 i.'ii.i i:..i I I street in the i itii of oar *1 ! hit her Hr v is :<i)prr!i.'i'd»d ai J escarin;; to K"u»h C u-olma. | First (iass Write ! KINSTON - Raleigh Jones r j be an expf-'t under, but tire ch | hr and O C. Aiothi ti ] to rash here last veek dido t at ! the ft-'-t •Tones 1 said to have -.vrttten ; cheek that Ans*irt ■'• atternp l i to ea,sli when he '.amp nppreheru : Police officer? dincovered tnat f i tin was an escapee from a Sc , Carolina prison and ordered 1 j held for a Superior court trial der S2OOO bond.

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