Report Os Lynch Threat is Proven Falsd BLOC VOTE k iUST Inside- This Week EDITORIAL i Sei-Hon \ F J FORT BRAGG Section pr. l-’-S RALEIGH NHVS SwHon IP SPORTS Section 1 Pp 1.5-IS THE-nTRES Section ' Fl* t • GOLDSBORO '* < *!'*n f’p 13 F.aYETTEVU EE Secuon i, Pp. k-3 CHURCH Sertion Pp H WOMEN - Sertton ! P 1 FARMS Section 2 P KIDDIE PAGE: Section ; F. S NUMBERS ALSO MVOLVED M CRACKDOWN IT | HAPPENED j IN ! CAROLINA | The Rains Came ELIZABETH ''lT' T •• rame to Elizabeth C‘ity l-j.s( ',.T*n d. v o\ cniuc and l* : - rif ' < ed ha-. * til* mg -w • w :: trees gen- Tl* .At* iu. ■> ,;l a hurrican-i'.vept appearance. Dianage has teen const-rvtely ' - timat* ; in 'hr hu ig { • of t •- il'd ■; . f dull 11.- W'tn 'Dr, '■» novation bcin- ff twcc .**n. v *'** some 01 the • - • • Mayhem Parade !Cm •?> and _c ss took th'.-• i 1 r >:f through'*'.’*. Mis do a*n'f!iv: week us <'i'>’enre marched with ! a taeavv tread through ‘nr , In Goldsb'ro. Herman Meek ins. 30. died of a shotgun blast Mon day and wile Mrs Pauimv Jor dan Meek ins. has admitted that she fired the fats 1 shot when (he victim assarlted her with a knife An inquest was scheduled i ,:i 1 Tuesday. No charges were made. A.T Henderson A. A. Miller is charged with shooting his trother-in-law Isiah Rice -9. who is now in serious rends tion at Jubilee Hospital, The shooting occurred on Chestnut Street, Hentierson on Sunday midnight In Wavrenton. Coroner Edward. Petar has ruled the death of a j 24-year-old woman from natural! causes. Dead is Miss Willie Mae; Briggs. who died of pulmonary! embolism following exposure to rain near here last week. The woman was found dead on the | floor of a room in her home by a j roomer. An Ahoskie father-in-law is free under SH»O bond pending hearing on charges In the shot gun slaying of a son-law-law fheffte Tyner is charged with shooting Andrew Mtajette in Tyner's hack yard last Satur day mgnt I'yner reportedly caught iVlajetle heating bib wife, Tyner's daughter Tyner surrender himself to the po lice A Snow Hill tragedy has -■ ")• year-old wuinan scheduled to face j trial in file knife -laying of aj 49 year-old man Mi - Hattie Smith l is charged with the fatal stabbing of Walter Thompson. The woman , testified that she wedded 3 font j inc blade knife against the victim j after he attempted to make her; accompany him without her con- ] sent. Both are Pitt County rosi- j dents. A Wake. Forest resident is now in Raleigh's* St. Agnes j Hospital suffering from knife ; wounds reportedly sustained when the victim became engag ed in an argument with an other man over the affections of a woman The victim is Rus sell Parker, Hubert I,re Hicks is being held pending inves tigation of the case. Bellhops Charged L RALEIGH Four Raleigh bell-; hops, a white woman and a white i truck - driver are principal cbm -j actors in a drama of sex assault arid robbery which took place here this week. ■ vX-X-IvX^MD Jpl Iwj 24 Pages VOU'.MK XXIX UN CRACKING Oil 1 ALL PARTS Sf SAIL GKT.ENSBOKO A -;p. -h'M *}ifj eoftibtuPd pN'/'cr of «ht p* 4 ic* - * * 4 **t -u*fov J <■( N• *, ft. i ' ■ »lf'M ;•* !*. :-•> u**;r hUtifJU -4 <*.; ?tnui *’•’ * *•.».• oiwiii rvs racket m the a -j • givep \«re ‘mst a<‘ck when stiff fim’s m\6 mi spaivi-sl v-id" oof ti> pC; sous only with, phiv hsc* MUmlH’l * I**r r i«v ■*. th -irily persons y* * ’ T in ’ ‘l, M ( the » »i< ir rlitit; aim of the taw vti’ff the wutccL roflppiors oth pr m Mnliv en>; m eoMfiprtiog thf lottery Sontf* ff'V v-'f ejp; ;|2L», n; . Hr -4 p.rn mrt *o. »n fin fh.ei •r* x the in R>; j 4 if in fn-i* k« s <4 thf* st-jvt of 4 , ivi'tp Cif3-.Kd.OWtl O* th* ifanit ThlVinghout fhi> •; j i \j_*r fhci> } tu«*e. hundreds •<( Hn er* * ,hee?i ranch* .*nd fines .*•«ilienfe*r [p ! r n-t rax* 1 :; violators of ; ibe s! it* - -tr\fi-Infh • v c.otff* a-’Pio !:;iV‘ n i;)it and work hon-c* sen j tvnres The thinking in police Hr rles is that the rnket vvhirh yearly rnok.s North Carolina's riti/rns for millions of dollars, eannot continue to oporatr , K’ontimied *»tx page this .sortlon^ Name The Column Win $5.00 See Page 2 I -TTT T"! T!T- T'™r“T*. T ’.... “™ " I - One Dead in Cab Robbery ■%r | GREENSBORO s Special) A j man is dead and a call driver is lin sei-ious condition at a local j hospital here following a dai'-ns. ■Viyiivnc holdup <>n -■ )on< ,omc • country mad The aswailmit is -fill bn large. Laical pdlfcc Slave alerted |;, w - ciiforcrnn nf agents ;. Supreme ( curt otilbi»e*l dining ear sogre non ™ Southern railroads o- well ns ordering all rnetrirfions removed from >-' gt•> itUflc-nta (n atl-n.i ,1 r,i . versitie-, below rhe Alason-lJeson line. Seeled (left to right); Asso ciate Justice* Felix Frankfurter. Hugo S Bled-.; C hlef -luati* e Fred M Vinson, dust Ice c Sr«n !e* v Reed and tVilliam O, Dncgi is. Standing are A?snci fi *» ,|w*tlees T<»m (i-*rk; Robert H T v-i-son. fGrat.j H, Run?'! and ■gkerno.Ti in i o*i- v [l'w lY' d).). [Op V.'hC'lTl onlv .1 11 ;;>}i i 1 dc.M !-;;•:•• -M is -.-a,.! !:■ be avail able., ‘"ill face charge-, if atnicd 1 robbo v. • ■-■■■■; i.ilt "-it.i* a deadly ’.VCdPCII ;(lld TlKH'ri; I ."!Dt| «pp|- • ■bended after hooting B> c..„ fT _ , i Wei in the caij 'in ~, |, v {(;>','•-! kins in 1 1i.• bad',, csiii.i’lnt; ids m- i i tarn death, and ben shooting Hawkins when the Mtn attempt 'cd to nm fi-oi!i i|m . ,- I k■ *».>l»t*rt> the man had ordered th* fvn to Pir-s. ovei then- v.*!,<•(:, ~nd oUim vaiu.'ibic According to Havkhi.-*. Mo un- U *.* 11 1 *im * , on page ;; i), *-, sect-ion) include -;am»- a net siv.f I mls dancing, n.iiKie ?. -fit; - end infs, drama, ->r and ci aft:., i« act iinß oid nr-, tel I in;;, and fteciulj events fho M'hrdnic Mono ay Mnoupn Frida', is Day camp .activities is > children seven tr, is years nf age '.'.'ill ho held at John Chavis Pork, ') am •j pm Activities spfrnnoi'.'d will f , Hud> assembly arts sod crafts. dancing; dramatics, music, swim mint;': lunch aod' mu c! bom (Continued on pan*' k, tiiis section) White Man Held in BabySi tie r A ttack ROOKY MOUNT j PILOT AIDS GRAHAIVI Bill i I'V .1 II HARKi. | HOCK. 7 MOUNT N. C -■ While it "as widely known that S°n -to. i i a.! »• Parle, Gs'aiia: as a ■ good man to vote for in (ii< am 1 atoi ui! x a?• < off primary here June ,’i l,js most ardent •dtriirem I not anticipated a me;,sage from j the skies" in his behalf la .tit • (fort to yicr ins sup jonl, blind < . ~( leaMrl'- ‘ t'f d'opprd from .m» u u hie o* If if tl ait pi "if c ldrii ft> v ci t file city "Hilda r June la. Ihrst IriMi'i'i litttf (ip no - ■ VOIF lOR HR. FRANK V a i! a m a m i on t NiTi.ii ■S I A « ! S I N’A'l II »■' I Ih ififi.Ni) OI IHi l’i,or.U ' Fopi * i i> W < ci Ah'f.kir. N f tJ, li tffl a, spotoKii ci I tlx- I||> ,;j ,-f It I'-. significant factor that. Vlr A(v ' i prominent Nep.i o s>f Aims-: ; kie is ••laid to own no airplftne • ’vtiich cr, at a local eirpo. I I'd" Sunday. act ordb,.; <■> reports : life ul police were in a rpiandr i v it'gnrding 'lie idfmUficution o the cainpiiirniriK plane sine n if>< d ; ord ti lane, prohibit, any .‘.onr'e "f ■‘ii cului on the city ritrccts. iu placed in curs by anyone f>r i It Weaver u.ts said to have (wen |i tinting the air plane which landed line hours after the (Jrahuii bullets were diupped Adding' to th< complication of the identity of the plane we-, the fact of three planes In tile air at the time the mes sages were dropped. I ikmitr i nwuis i viii i; (ii r.KMiT WI TH \.SS M IT A'.iii-;-i!(p k r. At least one tern t;*- Mep" girl baby-sitter is; till .iiidei i< i <>>>;>->>;•- fm ,iv>k anrt 'Tunmnl iusit here, mil i i white m in, the I'aiim of eight children, is being, ! -ipid on chin i’,;'- growing out of the : .llcged id tack on the rfrl last Jan uai ••• M-hen she ans'vered an art . , n nt for a baby-s.itttrig job. William H fours, the man irin L in Ml has been so>u;h! in (oca! :-flk'i|. for about .f>; monifis idt fi tic a >s* - 111'.<(ty hf - iii f,pi i INtti - Quin-; tupleis foil buy.« mid i Kir! were; reported Tuesdny to have been ! i oru a' Psmso ii, the Kanp Pro , vince of Nine: ir, The girl is said to have in't-n born without toes or Sngi-.s. . . v', - • .w - ~r w Yjt >'»”*' riiy >,t re ,y ,e X ->W" *> .»,(■. 1 Oc Per Copy N'I’MBER 2* NEGRO VOTERS LETT 1 OTHER ALTEBNATIVE B* lIN HOLLOWAY RALFiGH Cm Saturdas :* tord ii-.smber nf N•• -f IMtc ‘ 1 i;‘i r.CWit'V Frank Porter Gia.-ham • • the Unit cd State.. Situate T-m'-c citizens ’ will v-Cc ii bl"« n-e-i-. .-** the carri r-Higs waged again.** Dr Gi-attain im the pust 1 Junior Senator from North 'dtiotbib na.- -it them rui othc alternative Willis Smith. R*!f*lb rot tio* *fi-i!> lawyer *>•>•> i, opposing tbr fin in, r 3 tU » ot v . of life D •cino the 'aicpaign. M.t Smith' - *-I*p po r tens have so diu gently championed their cause that ;* out mmol on piige H. this seetion) LIGHTNING KILLS GIRL j ON NG FARM ROCKY MOUNT Georgia Lee Knight 1.8-year old Negro girl was killed Mondav afternoon Juno if! by h bolt of lightning white wo.k ing m # field of Co People nearby stale that the \k. v was ‘lwiost cloudless when the bolt struck A .small burned place on tier lier«d u is reported to or the only mark left by the bolt j I'tip fatality «'»s investigated | by Or, IX t, If a by. Edge combe corona* - | Ttie girt daughter of the late ‘Julia., Knight had lived on the J D Morii. farm -ill of tier life. Kiineiai arrangements weic not! j complete at CAROLINIAN press-! j time, , . *,. fe jfe, Vance Wins U) mo 8080 Tire 1 H Clubs. :of v.jncc county con first place; ; amogn the lfi ronnties in the nnrth eastern extension district. In the annual di.strict competition here ; recently according to Lioyd L. Pearce county uf'ent for the State ! College Kxtenaion Service, i Th Vance delegation scored 47fj ;points out of » possible 500 to take; top honors. The group received j a plaque for its achievement Mary Alice Allen and Broil- j etta Braticht of the Amos 4-H Club won firsjt place among 17 girls participating in team demonstrations. Their demon stration wag entitled "Poach «*d Egg Dishes.” j 9 | t ROFI P.OI'N J» Mis% l«'.« Ivi* liw ihilh Fail:*" 1 , *>f Gre**m, tlOrO \ I h-i 'Y"'i visil 1' * ris, lc i*, ■ ~- e. IBtfnrf; k«m* end vi.:-* t, »h.« SUO'?*■* *' l >y i liii 5f ur ui . '. h * as• til ,* c ,\ *>f.» It'w tit.{»)■( ; r-fi i y'tr P3L.>Sip?i !"* 1 , it Obr s «i»UM i ' -t r;.U» Clinton Mob W • Im agi nary cta' -.T r. u>-n rvob violence, to tt-iiv * -j hrar this ~ ' - - - —■gr Ki « HUS M A DEGHLL— The tfev Yloses v. Oelaney. di rector <>! (be Department of the Rural ' brirch d Shaw 1 iiivfi sitv, has bfjn warded the Mas ter of Arts Degree h> Drew Theological Seminary. Madison, N J Rev Air f)eLmey pursued studies ns at 5 ULf-y o.«lfis High Scb&*H H •s * »>{« ♦* ir n* ,V, {’ a*• d won a s?jH ih'M <, k nrl ri <» |j 3 r -i 4 l f: X& It!!!.'»S *• >t>t*s* V>e?P: giV£-fl * o Vty.d€*?*% ?H »*>►» ihf vV3idfl sb* <;, junior *i Manhatt^i-B i ' -?>?I F- g f \*» \v yr*tk f' sty . fgl .* - «,' !nip *v■*>><> .->uflll> -.mouth com : ,u.c- ! -h.>-* veloi s ‘.*i. - here Oi l *r> Katuidav s .second Ptuna. oott.-v? ,\ -'lafti* • report est forming is, {>,,, ./■*i and intent on *r 1 ,? ji,jt f*o* if, said t„ »t ■ i lament of dement on igmatioz?-, bi loci* police official:-; and reputable cititsns The 'boy refered to ; -> repor .•'!v one of the two man bets >i>.;>: f,v further' questioning in tV i : uni) i •:•!. -mil! - murder of mHrtJo-assed wtiite farm wife hei la .t Thm.ri-iv afternoon The tw ' men vu aid m he Negroes Widely circulated report* tb.ii U»rf* Negro men were he in.e held m what is considered on, of the most 1 1 rrhnti ever comniitteri *n Samp-,on County were proven (it •’■ 'Wertnesftay this week when inipstm Sheriff Lockerntan ! told the ('4ROLINIAV that on iy two of the many men his office him questioned were he ing held for further query Sheriff Lockerman further tol | (hi newspaper that he ha:, not r« reived any phone calls or letter lntmating mob violence since th jcaio fir.--? broke Stories appSarm i m daily newspapers throughput th date had reported that “several rails aiid messages had been di ret ted to the sheriff's offices wit' promise.- of mob action. Tension, however, gripped the town v hen it was first re ported last Thursday that Mtrs. I- it Kornegay, a id-voar-oidl {Continued on page H, this section* now in tils 70’s, will retire in 1053 when his term expires. The most cnerisbctl tribute recently came from a lawyer who sad in his courtroom and observed "Judge Scott deals out justice not from the books ln»< fro om the. heart,” J ,».e» .Mb'. »*l. rfßg