13 Attend Conference On Road Safetjn THE CAROLINIAN 24 Pages VOLUME XXIX Inside This Week RALEIGH NEWS Section 1 P v EDITORIALS Section i P. *i FORT BRAGG Set. 2. f>. l-'i THEATRES Set. i, Vp. 1-5 SPORTS Set Pp. Hi-17 CHURCHES Set. 2. P ii FARM NEWS S 4 t. 2. P. It WOMEN’S WORLD Set. 2. P. 1 LEST WE FORGET Set. 1. P, -f CORDON B. HANCOCK. Set i P i SECOND THOUGHTS Set 1 P * IN THIS OCR DAT Set. 1. P I 'THIS IS IT Set 2, P U i RACE IN JOB ISSUE |j IT j HAPPENED V IN • CAROLINA Small Fry Work HIGH POINT Three email boys, i the oldest of them 12 yea,-,-, of age. are now under custody of their j parents following their apprehen- j sion by juvenile authorities on j charges of making a senes of j break*ins, with their activities j having a scope as far as Greens* i boro,. The three, aired 9. to and 12 were | caught ui a tore they had broken ; in. They were ail asleep when found and ad a sack of candy as S spoils They said they had entered ] a sweet strop, the YMCA and a j store m Greensboro during then break-in careers. Held In Death LAURINBIJRG Two white men ' are being field for trial on man- . slaughter charges here growing out j of the .death of Theron Miller, a 60 year-old Wadesboro Negro far mer. Mr. .Miller was riding in a cab „ driven by one of the defend ruts when the vehicle swerved into a ditch to avoid hitting a truck drivn by the other. Miller suffered a brain hern raorage in the meiee. Confab At Shaw RALEIGH The eighth animal ( Training Conference is being held j at Shaw University this week on- j der the auspices of the Depart- J meet of Christian Education and i Training of the General Baptist ! State Convention of North Caro- ; lina. .Kills Fa-In-Law ; GREENSBORO Sam L* grand, 26, is facing charges ui j ,* murder growing out of his ul ; Tegedly slugging Ids father in law to death with the butt of a rifle after the two became engaged in a family quarerl. L►grand, of the Holt Cliapel vicinity, is said to have beaten Jonah Smith of Die Mt. Zion Community to death with the stock of a rifle Monday morn ing while the two argued a- ] 4 bout Legrand’s right io see his j ( baby ant estranged wife, both living with the victim. Unappreciative ELIZABETH CITY The two men who are being sought for the robbery of a trio of Coast Guards men who harf given them a ride near here are considered (he most unappreciative risen In the state today. According to the Guardsmen, two men were picked up by them and : offered a ride. The men, a short j distance down the road, drew guns ; and relieved the men of S3O in ] cash, two wrist watches and a I 1940 Chevrolet the servicemen were j riding in. The men made good i their escape j No Explanation RALEIGH No explanation has beets, given by Miss Annie Jones, a local resident, as to why she shot Larry Jones, also . a resident. Miss Jones is said to .have walked up to Mr. Jones am Cabarrus Street here Tues ? Continued on page 8, this section) f aay night, asked him to “wait a minute" ant then began fir ing from a .32 calibre pistol. Jones was taken to St. Agnes Hospital for treatment of a mrul wound. Miss Jones w a-s taken to “The Place." j NORTH CAROLINA’S LEADING WEEKLY 1 j L RALEICi U, NORTH UAKOLiNA WEEK ENDING, JULY 1, 1950 CAB-ROBBING KILLER STRIKES AGAIN IN NC W | _ ' * DOING Hi FIR CIYIt DUE are thfst* «iii/t-iis at Ui«t poll <»£ ¥rici met i • »rt ftaifigr* rtuniig College Women’s Group ! Holds Annual Mee ting The National A-social ,i»n of Co) . Sege Women, e'jin/.ed in 1923, iuc. : twenty -one tranche:- in fourteen; (states and Die Ilistnct of Columbia it Do published fourteen annual j Journals, the U-u-year report ot activities of tin- Standards Com j mittee. a Monograph on Library; |ui College.-, for Negro Youth be-! [sides periodic circulation of mirneo- : j graphed bulletins of the findings \ jot quarterly meetings of tlie Kxe ! i uLvr Committee, i Fourteen* annual conventions! .since the temporary organization! jin 1923 have been held Five re*-! I gional conferences have also been • I called by sectional directors l Quints Born; i ! AH rive Die i NEW ORLEANS —It was a happy moment for Albertha Allen, but : sadness soon overcame it when she gave birth to quintuplets at ; Charlit.v Hospital J\ic 27. Four hours later, they were dead. Weighing from nine and a half j to 12 ounces. Dr. A. L. Cotton, pe diatrician stated “They were too small. There was no possible way ! More Than 500 Attend 66th Annual Sunday School Meet ! ....Winston—S*ylem Baptists firom many parts of North Carolina Con vened vit. Shilo Baptist Church Ju ne 21-23 with rmjre than 500 in attendance at the 6Gth annual Sun day School Convention. Panel discussions were led by- Mrs. C W. Nesby, E. M. Butler, ißev. S. R. Johnson, Rev J K. Mel jton. Rev. J. M Humphery. Election of officers was held on Friday. Mrs. N. L. Taylor of Wintson-Salem was elected corresponding secretary, Mrs. Imogenc B, Ellis, assistant cor re?|pomUng secretary, mark ing the only changes. Others re-elected are: W, N. Nelson, president, F. 0. Brown vice- the recent election. This is one ut -e\ ts'ji scenes which lock plat e throughout the * »ty -- | The general educational aims of the organization are*l> to be ae quamted with educational trends and experiments (2) to study their I implications and evaluate their po tential force and practicability *3) j to make contributions tothe phi! ’osophy of education *4> to make; .scientific inve.stigatins Whenever; (possible, assembling and analyzing j data on educatonal subjects »5> to; keep constantly in touch with and j collaborate with national and to- ; [eat educational agencies. In regards to problems of second ary and college education, the or ganization keeps informed of con- 1 •ditions affecting Negro students in, (Continued on page ii, this section) .to keep them alive" Dr. Cotton hesitated to classify | the babies as to sex, although Dr. i Alvin Wexter, head physician at j i Charity Hospital thought there i were three boys and two girls. The babies were born three j months prematurely. Their mother, !2 a year old field hand, living on : {Continued on page 8, Diis section) I president, Rev. H. H, Hawking 1 j vice prentient, ’ Mrs. M. .Y. Hairston, recording secretary; Mrs. C. W. .Nesby, .assistant secretary; Rev. R. M. Pitts, treasurer; Rev. G. C. Craw ford, auditor ami Rev. .1. W. Croom, statistician, Meetings of the Baptist Training! Union were held along with the Sunday School Convention. The Officers of the Baptist Training Union are: M. A. florae, president; Rev A. D. Logan vice president, Mrs Cor nelia Maston, vice-president, Miss. Louise Smith, recording secretary, ] and R. D. Smith corresponding (Continued on page 8, tins section) unlay iune 74 —CAROLINIAN piiOtit l.\ V t ji<- DURHAM SUIT IN TOP COURT I SEEKS ONE RULE, I By CAROLINIAN Staff Writer DURHAM, N. C.—To be or not to I Li- . that is the question con-; cenung the legality of equality ot school facilities offered white and; (Negro children n North Carolina, i Tile Durham School suit was til ed in Middle District Federal Court! about 13 months ago by a group |of Negroes, including school ch.il idreic, parents, or puardians. This (suit developed into a trial, which j opened Monday, June 2(i in Dur (hum with Judge Johnson J i Hayes, presiding. | This, not being a jury trial, will ; iContinued on page 8, tills section) !:——— - - -. - ,5- r . •■u. '- mmmmmmm immm | EXECUTIVE OFFICERS OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE WOMEN Shown above are the officers of the Na lonal Executive Board of the Na tional Association of College Women w lio met at the home of Miss Margaret Hugg Frit lay June 23 through June 35. They are, left to rigid, first row. Mrs. Robed W Powell, Newark, N 1 0c Per Copy NUMBER L") TO DISCUSS RAGE PLIGHT RALEIGH--The beginning of a corn-cited effort to gain more jobs, estabiisn more varied businesses and t:» generally better the plight of th.- Negro in Raleigh and throughout North Carolina Takes place on Sunday when a public meeting a ill be held at toe local Me* tin Street Baptist Church lor the purpose of discussing possibili ties of opening more avenues of employment. The meeting, brine staged under Die auspices «n he i »v. Raleigh Civic Forum Will oral directly with the possibility of establishing i plumbing firm m the city, and with the pus ■lbiiity ot establishing clothing funis, a construction company and otiiei enterprises so as io strengthen the economic back ground of the Negro popula tion Special discussions will deal with the ways and means of opening; up jobs in all phases of work. ; clerical, labor, et al. , j T'he assurance that hundreds of; different types of jobs will soon j be available all over the local j um j and into other areas of the ; -late is seen as impetus for the, j organization ot a system of repre sentation for qualified persons. PLANTS MOVE SOUTH Many ot the North's leading firms j (are building plants in North Caro- j (lina and in some cases are re imoving* their entire resources to; (the state and the immediate area I Typical of the*> removals is Die projected construction of a $3,500,000 plant by the Cranston Trint Vtorks of Khoi.e Island ! between Asheville and Ilender- , sunviile. BERRY TO STEAK ; Among the speakers scheduled j 'to be on hand is L. M Berry, j i( ontiiiued on page 8, this section) nsp; seq uutj s AJ.ioa -tl-M 'ojlaij .) ,M ) li sHutpimq mou uoj >i.u)a*v jaqio piic Stupiaq .mj speai! uorpiujsuo') Muon -dll J‘> aepunoj! • uoa [aiUAas pap.nrw:: uaaq ,-fffuaJaaj sip ipiqtw ‘uiKq.mu jn Auedumj (Continued on bark page) J. ( recording secretary; Mrs. ('iiar)otte li. Gordon, Washing ton, D, C„ finacial secretary; Mrs. Nida Edwards Thomas, Elisabeth, N. J„ chairman of the standards committee; Mrs. f.ucius H. Brew , er, Gary, Indiana, national vice president; Mrs. Nellie Taylor, Wilmington, Del,; Mrs. Jimmie Bugs Middleton, Raleigh, trea surer, and hostess to the meet (■ ), ... |®v '■Ser'S® t OMMt.NC t lit N i Vt i Vi\ lil - Hr il H Sb.iW, • relrttr V or tne General Oepai liiieiit of Hie a.Mfc /ion t onference of America who addressed Hie graduating class of I’ayne *. tin » ness and Secretarial School. K.i lelgti, Monday June ‘to. Carolinian THO l O by V r.iie No Question Then or Now (AN KDITORLAL) {'he heavy N». i'ru vote for Dr. Frank P. Graham I left no question in the minds of North Carolinians as i j to whom they wanted to repre; eiit them in the Con- I gress of the United States . . . And there is no question as to their preference now. The winner may acquit himself well in Wash s iiigton on questions pertaining to North Carolina's j 1,000,000 Negroes, nonetheless, the campaign pre j seated to all the people by Dr. Graham was the type j in keeping with statesmanship, character and the in tegrity so much needed to fulfill the democratic prin ciples for all the people. Possibly the Graham defeat is a blessing in dis- ; guise. There are many capacities of far more impor tance at this time for a man of Dr. Graham's abilities, although the presence of his genius would strengthen j the halls of Congress. But North Caroiua loss its chance lor great icpresentation. (Continued on pase 8, this section! • ting; ui.Vl Mrs. Esther Fopel j Show, Washington, O. G. Second row: Miss Marion S. j Scott, Montclair, N. J„ eorres- | ponding secretary; Murlal Milton Alexander; Washington, t>. 0,, , North-east Regional, director; i Mrs, Howard A. Thomas, Wash- j ingston. D. C.; Mrs. Frances M. i Eagle son, riurham, V. C., chair- j man of the fellowship commit- ! NOW IT CAN BE TOLlb-lt «as recently predicted by the I C \ROLINTAX that Lena Horne would announce her marriage publicly. Novi that she has, the MCM ..tar has been secreOy mar Leaders At I Urgent Meet I RALEIGH At least thirty -n I Negroes inciadaig leaders from ail | f-i-ids of ee-T ■ *pr in North Ca- I - oii;-,a > **: tendance at a I conference .-abed by Governor [ Scott to discuss the problem of I highway alety belli here in a State I buiidttig Ti.esdav morning I i'!:e initial meeting -.J