Lad 13 Drowns At Carver Scouting Camp $K' ....... \; v ; >'##■< ; •fill sßgr' " < csiy , BS& w*y ■tf-’g*?'* *;?. £*w .; : ' vvr/«fiL —,.... tXOAfiKD Mr jiul Mrs. iAtiilard Heebies Sr ol Kalesgh announce the engageon at of their daughter, iris, to Uwrenw Henderson Kaiticy, ,Jr. A av.m her of llclta Sigma Tbfta Sur wity, she graduates from .l«hn » m — """ in cc~i .. • ■ -p ' | '^N. 4 MISS KI.NIIAH Miss Hiss if Friilt(fuii, 19, ul Goldsboro was winner of Slie title 'Miss Kin dab" m tin July 1 Beauty ami Talent ('«uttn stage’. by the Daughters ol Isis Court Nn 1.;. Lawyers Query State Statute 0 DURHAM Attorneys repre- i stilting Nc.tu students who are suing to pain admission to tin* Univetsity of North Cuiolinu have announced their intention to test the constitutionality of a North Carolina statute. Attorney l'. o. I’enmon, spokesman tor the battery of lawyers representing N. College stii'.ieuts s tie It In)- ad mission to the Law School at the Chapel Hill institution, an nounced Wednesday that he had lied a petition in Middle District Court to amend a statute which gives the North Carolina College Hoard of Trustees authority to Writ Granted In Daniels Boys Case; New Action Set JS.XI.KIGH On Friday, July 7 i at 11:00 a,in., in the Federal Dis- c Irict Court in Raleigh, a hearing t was held before the Honorable i Don Gilliam, the District Judge, on s the petition for writ of habeas cor- c apus which was filed by Bennie < ’Daniels and Lloyd Ray Daniels, t seeking to obtain their release \ from Imprisonment in the Central g Pirson of North Carolina, where i. they are waiting execution based ( upon conviction of murder in the i first degree. The petition for habeas corpus!; ■ iras. UASC.jaßft».*if.aai: _. son t Smith t’niverbUy tu*\t month. She* was ehosen -is Mis.', Johnsojj < . Smith X 949-50 Mr PaUley, sun of Mr and Mr-*. Lawrem - ■*: Henderson Halt ley, Sr is a graduate of Smith. i ayt tieviUe, N 1 . The contest ii;u staged for the benefit of the Shrmers’ Tuberculosis and Cati cer I und and ssas held at lay - ittiville State Teachers College. —A Stlllil photo. set up graduate and professional schools when it deems necessary. Counsel for the plaintiffs will; ask the court to amend the com- i ‘plaint and question the const it u- ! tmnality of the State statute. hi ease, where a State statute! is subject to question, a minimum ■ <>i tluee U S District Court Jud- i must hand down the decision. I U S Judge Johnson J. Have:.,! .presiding over the current term of j the Middle Court, will call two as-! sociate judges to hear the case j when it comes into court. A hearing date on the case was i to be forthcoming this week. is based upon a contention of the defendants that in their trial In j the Superior Court of Pitt County,: upon which their conviction and sentneee rest, the defendants were denied two fundamental federal constitutional rights, in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment, to wit. the unlawful exclusion of Ne groes from jury service in Pitt County and the use of extorted conies lions to obtain their convic tion. The hearing was held by Judge (Conunueu on pare 8- this section) SCHOOL ISSUES ARISE THE CAROLINIAN 24 Pages VOL! Mi: XXIX TEACHER JAILED ON HIIC ■— mmm,#* #»»i jt OHiT BUb JsiYSGKO CHARGE NCCBHHTIES [ill FUNDS TB EOUAUZE By Still i orrespondeui TSu.-Uf hoot flit: Statu, »-fl- iti arc :..< Uie Jnaiit' fi.' Lii i!..; a OOUt -- '.oili '■fjr.<v ot m-twceti £ saiic ei. o OIS i{tc:.iit:.i .' WiiiU' SI -.tint: . . Ui-I.cit . • •• '•. Kvi-)i l ufv-rv .'.tauUff. V' » j./laal iy slut it?.: in ».n- Ifuitic- .-.»•. wj». ,|. I .. ~, : 1 ... :. '. !< . • ~ i- l-ti.-i . . Ui . . Ci'di'l. Hi.:.' NuMii t. i ’iiu • - .- -W; .. .u.rdl lilUtc* t»I -:!'• fIUM tO t.-ldUt. u! till'd SClKojlb .‘l>d •■>’.■ buyout ivtiiidying 'unit tiKI NSW tl is iSSi I it: i'i •.!!;: V.:C. Coullly tin.; Wlitfk. bUlllltli.: o!i .1 lii.SV l.'niuil -•■i> ;/ lvi- fy,.;-iu idtrouagt way n .'.u.*u a lieu tactions emlcre-a on lucultOD . : '.ti lit*v. luciiity !• itxids •.••’. • aside* and t id.-, accepted for Hit: : UUllUUjg of M.AilHj] lu BU. !- lolte. Wuccuniaw and a i>a; . of . Lockwood Kelly Townships. Opposing tactions, litiwtv: f. failed to m:c rye to eye on. tfu-. location d the school, with the Snallutu faction asking that the edifice he placed near decision scficduled to .1 iofthcoiu .i fire tower in that area; a iiiomasboio faction > udleiUlidU tlial flu* school he located near there and Use S.onguood tolly !;utiuii joining with ihe Sful loltt group ill reijuesting that lilt- lower siti he utitiaed. At present, the entire mutter is .in tin hands of the courts, with a dni.; un July lfi. IIAKNf.iI VI.ANS Marnet! County Nrrro sctiools 1 during the cmninK school year j wear a new look' , witii a sub jstamial {(in lion of a $500,000 allot iruent for schools being ear-marked I fur colored usage. A lolai of SIOO,OBB has been set aside for use in the cam sti'iiilion of a new Negro ele mentary school at Bruin. lit imgton's Shaw High School, under an allotment of stio,i!(>, will get a new heating plant and at* iitional classrcionts. OKANMK l>lSt I'SSBiS ! In a meeting held at Chapel ; , H ills Hock liill Negro Bupte! . ; iCuntiilueU on page h tills sfeetion) i i Truck Becomes Funeral Pyre \ MAN BURIES ! ALIVE i LIVES TO TELL OF IT | GREENVILLE A man return- j |ed from a grave here last Tues- I | day, miraculously, escaping death ! Suffering injuries of the lower j | extremities now is Henry Barnhill, \ an employee of the local light and i water plant, who was buried alive \ under nearly a ton of dirt when a i ditch in which he was working j caved in on him. Barnhill was in a ditch working | '.villi other employes of the utili j ties linn when he was almost to tally tuned by loosened dirt. Only I the fast and careful action of fel-! ; low workers kept him from being! suffocated or sustaining more ser- j i ions injuries. He wa., removed from the ditch 1 land rushed to Pitt General Hos- ; pital where lie underwent treat- i I merit for injuries about the legs. i NORTH CAROLINA’S LEADING WEEKLY j RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING, SATURDAY. Jl i.V 15, 1*.>50 1 r**w' i Y' * i WIN. NTN'G n ri.B (ieorge 11. As its in'll, attache to the Kaleigh i Kccnatton department and oil!- ! • ciai u! Kaleigli parks who writes i a weekly rouinui in the t Altl) j I JNIAN presents little- Barbara Lake Drained To Recover Victim i GOLDSBORO A Li-vvai old j Boy Scout was drownod in Bit*. j take at scout C‘u!up Carver Here • | Monday, (he tody being taken -jlroiu Uk’ drained lake some 21 1 1 Hours later Victim i.if the first fatality to take place at an N. C. -.cout camp j : duriiif- the current .season is Har- j ry Green of Oxford, one ot the 1 2y Scouts oi the Oceoiietchee ; FARMERS FACE ADDED LOSSES RALEIGH Nor tii Caro lina’s Tobacco Belt farmers, already facing tragic futures because of last week's $2 mil* lion hailstorm loss, sustained a Ulitional losses this week as heavy rains swept through the area, inundating crops once more. ELIZABETH CITY MAN VICTIM Sptciul to CAROLINIAN ELIZABETH CITY A 24-yea r old man lost his 'ife last week when a truck burst into flames, blocking !his valiant efforts to escape. Dead of multiple burns and | injuries sustain!'l wlten crush t*l beneath pilings on a gaso line-flooded truck is William Randolph Taylor of Route 2 whose truck swerved and crashed on US Highway 17 last Wednesday, ploughing into a i swamp. j: ! The accident occurred when Toy- ■ i lor applied the brakes to his truck lon the wet pavement, sending the* They Couldn’t Get Along LOUIS BURG Regardless of what can be said, it is evident here i i that Calvin Steele just doesn't like j his landlord, William Morrow, (affection fur Mr. Morrow, lie has j Or if Mr Steele does harbor | ia rather unorthodox way of show (mg it : it wa pointed out in a Frank lin County oww court, tins week j Boy land with a S 5 award offered for the best name for Mr .Mit < bell's column. Miss Hoy lain) suLimlle I Mu* name I’laytiuae to will the prize. f iKOf.IM \.\ photo by \ rale Council attending '.ln- camp The youth was first missed early Monday morning, when Scout executives and the boys attending the camp organized a search of the entire lake area in an effort to tifU. tile lad. Boatmen and divers searched every inch of the lake, failing to find the body. The area was then i ordered drained and the body dis covered m a spot usually six feet deep and adjacent to the diving i board. A beginner .-.winuiu-r, young | Green was a-slWel to shallow-: ureas of the water by Scout offi cials. The Occoneechee Council had! rented the lake from the Tusearoru j Council for a three week period i Body of tin- victim was sent to Oxford where funeral ar rangements yverr made for this weekend. I vehicle out of control. The truck ! loaded with pilings, swerved into j the swamp, with the pilings crash-! mg into tin cab. helplessly pin j ing the man to the steering wheel. • The crash ripped open the gasoline tank sending gas I swirling into the cab. Flames completely encased the body ! of the driver .j-, spectators | stood by unable to help. Hr was burned to a crisp. Bystanders said that Taylor was! !still alive when the flames reach-1 led him. Funeral arrangements jwere incomplete at CAROLINIAN press-time. that Steele had j t—Knocked Morrow’s teeth out;j 2- Cut him severely; 3 Tried to drown film; and. i | 4—Tried to burn him alive. Steele is being held on SI,OOO | bond tor the September term of | the local court to show j cause why lie and the landlord j weren't on very gcud terms. Mrs. G. E. Cheek To Stand, Trial 1 ASHEVILLE In one of the Ca• ! it.s tyi.'C ; ;recent U. S. Supreme Court ruLng ; relative to Uausporlatioti -■ eif-o turn '■)i trains, Mrs Emma Bond Check p. Omuie-m tescitiO’.-prior;- pal Lit Raleigh is scheduled to lace ; trial m City Court here July 19 on charges of violating North Ca j roluiao, ou segregation iavv. Mrs. Cheek wife of Kev. G I I heek, public relations di rector of Shaw University, Ra leigh was r* moved from a bus here hist week, alttl jailed oil j the charge. after a driver sought to make her move from the third seat from rear of the ! vehicle. charged that slit- wasiu iviltul disrespect of the law. Mrs. Cheek was traveling from! j Raleigh to Knoxville. Term., an in* j i teistate trip, when the incident oc- j j curved She wax taken to 1 it* local ] icourthouse and jaleii for fa:'iue to i post a §IOO bond as security fori i appearance in court the next! I morning ■ Rev Mi Cheek was euntaeb-d ; Idi Raleigh via telephone and it. j i turn made contact v, ith the Rev i j King. Otis Dunn and others of tie- | j Ministerial Ailianice of Asheville, j | aho •> cured t'te -.-K . release j from the jail. Mrs. Cheek Ims been a ieacher in j ; tiie public schnols of North Carolina j tor more than a <tu:< : i*■ i of a cen ; fury She is now principal of tin 1 Jelfriex School of Wake County; president of the Washington High School PTA for tin* last four years; ; historian for the State Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers; Sun j day School Teacher at the Firs! ; Baptist Church; and General Group Leader fm the entire church .Mrs Check Is the mother it four; children and the grandmother of j j lour gi.nid children. VANCE LISTS SCHOOL HEADS 1 1 1 \DI US<) N —Three chan ges, among Negroes In execu i five position have been made ; in the Nance County school system for tin- corning school year, it has been revealed, 'Continued on page 8, uiis section) I DISTURBANCE IN LOCAL CHURCH ! IS SETTLED ] By BILL VEALK ( AKOLINIAN Stall Writer RALEIGH Kor the past sixty 'or more days, there lias -been a | state of unrest regarding the Rev. jE. C Lawrence, pastor of the First | Congregational Church. The source of this unpleas antness involves a self ap pointed < ommittee who base their arguments on two points, it is the committee’s conten j tion that for the past eighteen months, the church finance has decreased, and that there has been a decrease in membership j from about 400 to 150. j In denial of these charges,! ;church records and reports of the j |church and Its activities have been j jsent to New York for official in- j spection. Confirmation of same j (Continued on page 8, this section) I 10c Per Copy NEMBER 31 ■' 7 L " r i MRS Clif f K Farm Aid Benefit Set By Theatre RALEIGH file management of Booker r Theaters uas announ ced plans for a benefit program ft> be sponsored thru the Book er T. Theater at Rocky Mount, N. C This performance will be for tiie benefit of the farmers who lost | their crops in the recent freak j storm All proceeds ol the benefit I will be contributed to this cause. 1 Beck, secretary for the Booker I chain ol theaters, lias announced that a picture lias been secured through the | courtesy ot Screen Guild Pro j (tuition "the Storm," starring j Preston Foster and Charles Bickford, will he used lor this occasion. 1 his benefit is sehe ;• doled for Thursday, July filth. J. R. Larkins consultant, N. C. iState Departs: id of Public Wei- I fare, has been .cqu<-stod lu assist Vir Beek and the roanuifeiiicnt of ! the Theaters in working out the 1 final details in connection with | this performance The Buokti T, chain of theaters ioperates in Nortli and South Caro | Una exclusively for Negroes I - •—-W* ‘ ' TO LECTURE AT NORTH CA ROLINA STATE COLLEGE Moss H. Hendrix of the National Education Association will give a suits of lectures on the pro gram and services of his asso cia July 19-ih) at North Carolina , State College Durham, N C. * , CRITICAL CONFERENCE * . ■ * Sou»i» {4.ore«,jii F cesideat Rime mM Geaer»i ils»c-Arthur diacuu* Itfae Uuoger ous art ide-uW occur i£*4 IM t 4 -&sUlZ£]jl I U HAPPENED IN CAROLINA I Lightning Struck I NORTH KALKUIH On mar £ v:... -ben;;. j;.*, 1 t-vel -l Olhei f | . i,- • pej v. ;tri he-, k anc b the h. '::-- was j;.:i .ft 1 e.<nud«r- I ably n.i of iightmnj I struck in the tOO-block of Mark ■, Street here recently. She Shot Him I GREENVILLE -- Mr Johnnie I Sherrod. Li, toid Greenville police I that .!e shot hr, husband with a | ?.ho»for ‘•■reding her fists. The wounded roan * ■ quoted as saying "I do not want my wife puni-.hed for thi-.. It w,i: acciden tal." Shortly alter ward;; he died. Shot Through Leg ELIZABETH CITY Daniel I Wiggin , potato worker was shot ; throu-'di me 1- g at White's Beach jon Frog Island ai cordine to De -1 put.v Shei iff Raymond Ma drift. Al*h"'.:gh Wiggins does not know Tv;::; not him. an investigation is ! being made according to Madrin. Boy Breaks In j ROXBORO A 1-t year old, boy ji- charged with breaking and ea j hiring the home ut IVh and Mrs. ; Bud Wi'a.v o! the Olive Hill com jnmmty lie i being held foi the l! next term ol Superior Court. According to Sheriff C. C, Hole-* j man, the boy slipped from his bed ‘; room window down a ladder, then ' | went t . tiie Wra> home, waiting I for the* family to retire, t j Murder Charge ! , CHARLOTTE Joe Williams ' iMcKiibt in, iaboier. was charged ! with murder after his wife died of ia .-hoti;un last in the side. Holme Lt. Ft nk Swcarangan, w!,,> talked with McKubbin and hr wife aid they gave several j versions of the shooting Inside This Week SECOND THOUGHTS See 1. P, 4 IN HUS OUR DAV Sec. i. P. 4 t Tills IS IT Sec. 2. P. 5 1 GORDON HANCOCK, See, l. P. 4 EDITORIALS .Section 1. P, 4 1 PORT BRAGG Set. ‘i, J*p. 1-3 THEATRES Set. 2, Pp. 4-5 SPORTS Set. I'n, 16-17 CHURCHES Set. 2. P. 14 FARM NEWS Set. 2. J*. II 'WOMEN’S WORLD Set. 2, P. 7 j Support Os | Program is Applauded ELIZABETH CITY Negro pa rent;: are more cooperative than white parents In the public health program in schools here. Negro children have better teeth than i white children in Pasquimana, Chowan, casqootank, and Camden counties according to reports of health officer Dr. B. B. McGuire. When children had to be ex amined, 50 per cent of Negro chil dren had a parent present wherein I only 31 per cent of the white chil dren had a parent present. Regarding teeth, the report showed that 12 per cent of Negr® | children examined had cavities. ; Twenty-two percent of the white, ‘children had cavities,

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