Raleigh Reserve Unit Re-Activated % f HOLD KuKi \.N VI AKS. V Negro bazooka team >i the 1 nil rtf Stair % Army is shown in a< lion on the front luies in Korea. 2-State Liquor Ring Cracks INSANE MAN’S RELEASE FROM MIL SOUGHT by SANDRA DO WEN MASON WINSTON-SALEM iiai.u: ..- lion lias been taken here to n-i.'iti( j the release ->I . man v- ho the CAR QI.INIAN reported V\ . !.omg held i j, wfc .yristoo even thuugrr tm/iotmcecl j v. gzgsf week the local branch i «t fife* NAAl'f through Attor ney- Oliver 1 Dinning, » iu live ot Raleigh, uni one ol the (Continued on page 8 this sec tion 1 If Si HAPPLNED IN CAROLINA L ; Good And High DUNN Henry Hoy liter, a local! citizen, might have gotten good * ai d high off tin- lifty rout drink j oi moon -nine he bought oil two j non here ,;.uu in 11 just he hanged j ii he vva> high -,-uom it iu {my .fill 1 I for it. Hoy me r says that Alonzo Ah j Clean and George Ciarl: tvlio al | iegediy sold him the whiskey '- pen him lor the |tio wlien he look out his wallet to pay. Jus i who took the money lie couldn't figure out, so both men are facing trial of larceny from the person Niathmetician DURHAM Thomas M. Dm'.inr, dii, may be no Einstein, but he certainly knows his figures', At least he knows them so well that tie was taken down to the local lockup this week ami charged with possession ol gambling de vices when the ha; in was up preheiided wills wits found to con :a i u mint hers slip.-} and a small ui Jliiuiit v Out ftf Control GHKRNSBORO That “hum" liieard around Imre ihe fits! ol the week was simply the sound made by the local rein controls as ac tion taken in the i.'ity Conned loos enfid them for decontrol soon The local Council voted live to one to lilt the controls, making action by the housing evptawiei mandatory on the is;::ue. i ; jßeal Hot Time i twEKIGH The. e was a hot in this old town lasi Sunday afternoon when an overcooked meal was the only distinguishable object to be found on the premises that an' hour before had been tho home of fib-year-old .lactyb Gran! Mr, Grant rcportodlv left Ids supper cooking while he went, to see neighbors. Before he had time to make himself comfortable at the home of ibe neighbors, Mr. Grant j n(i*i ( .-.i km house nfirt- A charred remnant of ihe hn»>--..; that oricp a»nrni or 110-t G -Ml’tin j Si. relates the end of. the story. tin l«u alio TMU’f-tm-U Trsuiw hav“ !.< > a iosti u.n»i nl:il iu spc.u inert- ill! lev. oi Chlnju 01. the • jio : % i fj|’. - . | ’ v f* i fjf , % ! ms ' % % N; V; , y vi % ! # ' : I ts i HOST \NI) FOl Ml 'David ! (Little David) S*c.Hh far w horn ; our arid ..H ifi W utsion isaU-iii ‘Vurtr Ntrarchiiig lasi week when ht was reported lusi, has re turaef. home, i ittle David's most recent escapade u» go jutu j business, He went into business as a sho*'-shine buy at the Wilt j 'tun Salem Bus Station, spend ; Inj; about a week away tfoiu i home, i ! BOSTON LURES GRAYS PITCHERS Mojois Scout Raleigh $ RALiiIUU Uumintly hailed as "the .'late's best team” the In al Raleigh Grays face possible i ill: antics nf Grays' pitchers uu ess us their entire pitching staff '<> the Heston National Beuguo emu if scouts from the Boston or -.tin I/.at ion are as well satisfied Vridav this week as they were on Thursday Os last week At the Memorial Stadium m Greensboro laid Thursday night. Sum Allen, t ihoiou .emit ailll an Betty Jane Prefers Not To Talk About Herself I Youthful Assault Victim Is Deprived Os Interview (EDITOR » NOTE: I'hls m • fourth Hi tin* exclusive ' CAROLINIAN c-ries of articles (.oiiuerning Clyde Brown, Ml year-diil Negro youth, accused of brutally healing Betty Jane Clifton. youll ll u 1 white girl ut Winston Salem.i Rv SANDRA BOWEN MASON WINSTON SAI I EM This series Em included the personal o^lci'ra tions of Mr (■ lif ton, father of Bet jty J ute, victim in Hit- infamous | heating case here. Ir hat also given i 'he viewpoints of Clyde Browns; J family and his "Kiri friend.” Dnr ting tins week, the CAROLINIAN ‘ near then tast Fi uiiay night | John Williams, driver of a 19391 1 Ford which carried Virginia ii tfiro. was, miprehfuded with 45 (Continued on page 8, Ibis section) other member of tin- Boston tat s enl seekiua staff watched Knuc kles Warimtck, a member ot the urays hurling staff pitch the Ha I k mil tea m to .1 G to l win over the Greensboro Red Wings 111/. 11 BELASH!) Aceus'din:.' to reports, Scout Al len and bis traveling mate are well (ileased not only with War mack’s pitching, but are also tn ; go. ; ltd iii iht other Grays’ pitch ■ns who together this year have efforts to get the story from the 'rut involved, Betty June Clifton. I through this reporter made valiant iHe found that BETTY JANE DOESN’T WAN!' TO TALK j A BOLT IT. Mr. Clifton, the father, assured me that I could visit hi.-, homo when Betty Jam.; returned from rim hospital. Along with J. Curtis Wfmliini’.ton, another member of Urn CAROLINIAN staff, I went there on Monday. August I t. Betty Jane’s step-mother re veal ; eh that Betty Jane was In States ville with relatives, but would re (Continued an page 8 ; thu section.) tin. southern with .. three pi al!“ed attack against the main «ii:my peach head DLL 11 CATE: Vf.ss Barber >i ti lt-» of Raleigh was a recent drir yatt- to the Girls’ Stale elstr v anee staged at Winston-Salem Teachers College. Miss Miller at tended the Girls' State events under the sponsorship of the Charles l Norwood unit of the American t.egion, Kufeigli , rung up a r«-eord of «fi wins against ; six losses. COLI.KGi: MKN The hurling suff of the Raleigh j 1 leum is top-heavy with college men. : h asting two men from the Shaw | University t' 1A A runner baseball I 1 title team, and one from the St. | Augustine:. Colleeg mound staff. 1 Kenneth Hat I le, a five foot elf j mi inch rig lit-hander from Shaw University. has added six wins to iCoutinued on page 8. this section) YMCA DRIVE IS jEXTENBEB FOR RALEIGH BRANCH I RALEiCII A total of 989 j I members have been enrolled and I ! SL*«3B 111 pledges of which 11468.60 ' | cash has been raised in the Blood ■ i I worth Street YMCA Membership! j I Campaign now underway. ■’! With Incomplete reports from j - ] several teams, the campaign hatt j | been extended two weeks and will | ■; be closed with a victory dinner : scheduled during the last week in ; August it was announced by offl- ! cial-' this week. I MOM DESERTS 3 STARVING TOTS m H O M : e EDITION VOLUMEXXIX RALEIGH, NOK'iii cA&GiJN.a SATI RDAV. ALCI.S'I iy, iy,,u Au jg Scott Scores JC A) n iirf cmdle! IFCS nm LIFE I i hililren Tuo Weak To Hove When Found B> Grandfather Hr MLET A 22-year-old moth er !• lacing charges here of leaving i her three minor children starving land dirty, while she goes on "wdc •parties" which sometime.-, last as -• ms two days at j time. Facing charge*, of jicgtccting f *er children aged G, three and t«» is Mrs. Irene jonnsun, w na.-.e fathrr-in-liw has pre ferred the charges. 100 WEAK TO MOVE The grandfather of the tiny vic :tuns of neglect, J. A. Johnson, toid police that he had made a trip tu jthe small shack beside the city dump yard where Mrs. Johnson and hte children wet e supposed :c •be living, upon ins arrival, the grandfather revealed, he found the two younger children lying m the yard in front o£ the shack too weak : tu move, (Continued mi page 8 this section) BESEfiVISI TB BESSSIGNED Tfl ACTIVE Dill! | 465th Quartermaster Group Recently Had Training Session R/UJPTGH Raleigh's crack 465th Quartermaster Service Re ; serve Company is to be re-activat ed next month, the CAROLINIAN ; has been advised. While no definite date was given | for the re-call of the reserves into |the service, it is believed that Sep tember 1! is M-Day for the local i peace-time soldiers, j Headed by Captain Leonard j Jackson, the 465th recently corn ipleted an intensive 15-day training jat Fort Bragg, N. C. and will pos sibly return to that base when ful !ly activated. In the meantime, however, at I least two members of the 405th i have already gone back into ser vice. During the recent training per iod, the men ■were re-schooled on the most modern weapons and the must generally accepted modes of modern warfare. Their showing) at Bragg was considered “excellent”, Included among the members of the Reserve unit are: Pfe. Vuclt W Akins, Pfc Roger I Dixon, Pvt. McCoy Jones, Pvt. Lawrence Jefferson, Pfc. Thomas Chavis, Pfc. Melvin Birdsall Pfc. Norman Winston, pfc. James John json, M. Sgt. Ralph Campbell and M. Set. Albert Johnson Second J row kneeling, left to right are- Sr,t. William Scott, Pvt. Henry Chavis, Pfe Cidney Jones pvt, John Stan back Cpl. Vance Evans, Pfc. Evans, j Pfc. George Flags, Sgt. Willis Stew- j jart, Jr., Pvt. Wellington Smith, Sgt. J I Samuel Counts Pvt. Earl Lindsay, | Pfc. Genoa Fitts and Pfc. Richard j Hit'h. Also Sgt id Paul Miller Sgt.! i Janies O. Autry, Pvt. Henry Hud-j j gens, M. Sgt. Charles G. Irving,! ! 2nd LI; John IT. Long, Capt. Leonard !L. Jackson, 2nd Li. Bruce Fiem- ’ rning, M. Sgt. Andrew Parrish, Cpl j Charles Haywood and Cpl- Ridley j iMcClennan, i \y s T A T E J V. S. WAR TALK: Ambassa j dor Warren H. Austin, Cm ted i .States Security Council repre sentative, and l)r Ralph tiunche, lonnt'r Palestine mediator and top-ranking director of the Trus teeship Division of the UN, dis- | RALEIGH CASE REPORT DELAYED I * « n v f% «■ t* Lad, 5, Is Polio Victim - i . ! RALEIGH A five-year-old Ra leigh lad became the 29th reported case of infantile paralysis in the i Wake County area last week when ,|a delayed report on the true con dition of the tot was made public. 1 I Found to be suffering from the !dread disease as of August 5, was I!-- • St. Augustine *s, S/mu; I / List Oates i i AUTO MISHAPS : ! jGLAIM LIVES IN i TWO N. C. CITIES [ •fIADEIGH At Mast two worn- j • |mi in ,; their lives d#riui? the • • | week as, flit- result of traffic mis- j haps. | in Goldsboro Mrs. Z»*tta Maej 1 ! Wllli3, 83, tiled of head ami in juries following a Sunday after- : 1 I i non automobile arnashup in which • ; four other person h were injured, 'l'ite accident occurred between s Farktown mid the New Hope:; School when a car driven by Car- i ; zf*ll Ellis, 24, skidded. and over t !turned. j in Raleigh, Mrs Daisy Dalton • I Dark succniHlfetl MoruDv mori'ine t l (Continued on page », this section) i cuss the stalling antics of Deputy Soviet Foreign IH.inf4.er Jiieoh >!u!lk, chairman of the hudy The Security Council lias been Meeting at Lake Success t.j form ulate plans for hasty cessation of hostilities in Korea Paul Leslie Currie of 110 Carver Street here who was transferred from the local Saint Agnes Hos pital to the Greensboro ConvaU s-1 cent Hospital for treatment. * According to reports, the small, polio victim was taken to the St ; Agnes Hu.rdtal on August , c > The’ Raleigh Colleges To Taunt It Year; Men Si. Aug's Stallmen RAI.EIOH -■ Raleigh’s two Ne gro college: have listed opening •laics, with Shaw University snatching a three day advantage and opening on Sept 15 while St. Augurtlne r open:) lot tju currents year on the 19th. The announcement;. of opening date .-t and other considerations were made this week by college officials. ST. AUG'S 84TI1 YEAH The launching of the 1!)fu)-Gl school .season will mark St. Augus tine's ■'’-Hit year. Freshmen and new sludontE are scheduled to be gilt registration at the Protestant Erd-copal college on the tilth while returning students are sche duled to report on Thursday, Sep (Continued on page S, the -.i-ction) eon is iFPTFSHT l\Ll hb i Lll i: I LntjUl! mil L i | l.fuel l v. LMlnc In I Blast Against \!i j Intolerant Ads ; WINSTON - DU. EM North C 101 fu> • top , xecu£, : ve, Govern! | Ken: Scott, due. r;ack here thl week . ' ; a, ai>, ia.--.hed out at ti ;fo**««e.-» of mn.:•---.■£!* as a Jet-laced that *••* - tion can nev i rise to ill. inti uesfpn when I work- a. .tiir ‘ • ... r: pts t uidivj j dual- ' ; ; Further ‘■‘km: hi p .-. ',..,! fJ tun-'*, h lull'-, tr.i- Governd speak uig befo; > a typical Nor I Carolina in!-': i'.i.Ua! meeting vvil wHIH n»tei> 1 .id.-, t . nde an New- 1 tin* ether. deemed prj : judice whc’lier i? !a- racial rJ th; do.-;crlptiol A-- before tn 4h ; anr uai , : North C:. Sl.m. Fv..ivration I L;.til- • VI nui t. ! the 21 h- ■ mi iiw.-ei; :it the Zlnzel diM‘l bi"‘ei t: : t pl'C-jj dices v. mch ,1 the Us teat I ‘d’-et en r b , .I!,k T Grahal m the riel at l • .-aatoiiai pi m.ii '■ . c "ct riii Carolil tack 1 it tv. HitOla..;(i t HERE I The •' ..-vei-i !" i the (leieg&fl -.- hu id f.:tu spread il toU; edit precept that they shoul to., re. mi mu- (ad the "Atacj did >1 cut’:'- mtu tfii • ountrv of ills o\| accord Him v. inu- brouj him hern " 3 (Continued on jugr- h tins seottol exs- ioj.ee of tin- polio case Wake- \ W HOt Vv-pOl't ! however until August 11th. IS M. tlhiU THREE | Voting Cm rie is to- third po ; victim in Rah.-T.li proper repoiH ; cl,o';11 v the mouth of \ is.e,ust Dt 1 (Continued on p.t;;e «. this sectio {TWIN CITY FOLK STAKING PART IN BOSTON MEET . I WINST Oh sALEM - - Shrine - j Prince Hall Mason--. Daughters Isis and Order of Eastern Star in Ric.ton, Mtiks., where they ; celebrating the 175 year of Nej Fri'ema;onary in America the f slon lasts August 13 through is Among the Masons invading B j Lon Winston-Salem, is well rep S seated. Among Ua- official delegates j the Sethos Temple are: James ■Mitchell, Dr. W F, Meroncy, IH. T A lie. . and Mrs. T F. Po ; Mi- p :-v Junes. Others: who h; , (Continued on page 8, this secti